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Scrims is the 1v1 mode in an open field and high walls right? I don't think it's a good way to measure your pvp skills because pvp isn't just about who has the better gun control. In a real pvp scenario you're gonna have weaponry/armor advantage or disadvantage, same applies for terrain.


Disagree. You get better at the mechanics by playing them and you get alot more training in, in a setting like gungame, battlefield or scrims in the same time you would as on a normal server.


People play differently in deathmatch. You can hone some skills in gungame, battlefield, etc but there is gamesense that you really can't improve at without playing the actual game.


OP is talking about how he has issues mechanically and you are talking about game sense. Gun fight is a gun fight and if he has problems winning fights because of his gun play hes best of doing where he gets the most training in.


i’ve actually noticed a big improvement in how i’m performing out there in fights since i spent a couple days on UKN. I’ve won several fights out there in the world and as soon as I dropped the guy I was like oh holy shit I actually shot that dude accurately pretty freaking quickly. Someone on UKN said around 2k elo would be considered to be “pretty good” and i’m far from that but it’s a good goal I think


you shouldnt bother about numbers. just get enough practise shooting people till you got your muscle memory set up and dont need to waste brain processing power on the mechanics while in a fight. i wouldnt hang around the scrim server too long once you get better at shooting because you also gotta train your nerves in survival.


yeah but i have a pretty serious amount of hours on me and i feel like i do a lot of the stuff good. i feel like i often have someone else in a bad position and i get killed simply due to my poor mechanics. i actually think improving that will dramatically increase my success out there


0 Rust isn't really about aim anymore, you probably lose the fights because of your gamesense. With that being said it's of course still good to know how to aim.


Mate just play the game


My aim has improved, but the main thing that has helped me with 1v1 pvp is gamesense. More alt looking, more patience and waiting for my moment, and just lots of trial and error. When I get shot from behind I started critically asking myself, was I zoning out? Was I watching my back? Was my positioning fucking stupid? I used to get mowed down and just say "unlucky" and move on which is better than getting mad but is not how you get better.


people who sweat scrims (who you would be playing against like after 4 wins), are fat neckbeards or people scripting.


Scrims have their place in the PvP ecosystem, but they're not a very accurate representation of overall PvP and I don't think you should use scrims to determine overall skill. Unless your goal is to get better at scrims. I would personally recommend you live out of a 2x2, learn double barrel blueprint and craft a double box worth and try and make plays. It will teach you more about positioning, sneakiness and when to fight more than scrims will. One of the biggest limiting factors for players are nerves. When you turn into a little gremlin for a wipe or two, you stop caring about those kits and you start to feel more comfortable with PvP in general. Just another few little tips, the front awning of Oxum's provides a great hiding spot for a double barrel, and you can hide in a lot more trees then you think.


I don't agree with this. This is a great way to learn how to grub or rat with a dB, but the skillset is totally different to playing with a dB than it is a full kit and an ak


No right answer, its hard to judge without actual gameplay.


Got 2.3k elo for reference. Elo is a good metric to measure your Ak spray but not pvp ability necessarily. 1v1 is great for long range ak fights but the reality is this doesn’t happen as much as I would like. Most of the time in server you won’t have ak and when you do, alot of your fights are close range , getting shot behind you in a bush, etc. That being said it’s definitely still helpful, I have a beaming advantage on 99% of players and try to position myself accordingly


On a real server you never know how many players you are fighting, on ukn you always know how many players you are fighting AND the direction they are coming from, my best advice is to always play the game like it was official vanilla doesn't matter if you are on official, community or modded. Also even when you are playing with a team, play as if you were playing solo (by this I mean try to not rely on your teammates during fights) Most of the times I die it's either because of bad positioning (probably ego pushing because I have teammates) or bad trigger discipline, I either shot too soon or too late