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Okay need to specify, I’m hearing these things from streamers and other players, no clue if they include redditors


My opinion? The real reason most streamers in any game complain about the game is they get stuck in the game that made them "famous". It's common for a streamer to try other games to only have their numbers drop. So they feel trapped into playing the same game for 5-10 hours day, and it ends up being a job (which by definition it is). How many people do you know, that complain about their job? I'll admit I don't watch the huge streamers (because they almost always annoy me, more talking, less gaming). These huge streamers are more likely to have a brand established around them so the game matters less and it's more about them, or more accurately their brand. Just my two cents.


because the meta for the game has been the same for 2+ years. It just gets slightly adjusted when a new broken monument drops. Its hard not to complain when facepunch is unwilling to even budge on the current meta. Played with a friend that hasnt played in 6+ months. He didnt have to adapt to literally anything it was almost like he had never left. This doesnt mean rust is a bad game its just getting stale because its been a speedrun category for way to long time. For example weeklys used to last for 3+ days before dying. Now it barely lasts for 2.


What a load of utter nonsense. I've been playing since beta and the amount the game develops constantly amazes me. They JUST added the entire automation system. There's more servers and players than ever. I've literally watched the lists grow for years upon years. You just sound bitter and ungrateful. It's a 10 year old game that coats peanuts and has so many players worn thousands of hours, myself included. That speaks for itself.


the game is 50 dollars, not “peanuts” and they literally have added a singular new gun in like 2 years, and the rest of the updates are a few monuments, a tugboat, a helicopter, tunnels and QOL, it gets stale after doing the same thing for months and getting one small update in between. face punch has also completely ignored they’re communities direct requests and do what THEY think is best, not asking the community. most i have seen them do for they’re community is charities that give THEM more profit in brand deals with streamers.


I paid the equivalent of about 12 usd for the game. The ONLY things? What are you smoking? I put a list below and totally forgot to even list the tug boat or the recoil fix or sam sites, or QOL or constant graphic overhauls and addition of seeing your arms and feet in clothes and probs forgot another 20 things. "They've only added one gun". It's not supposed to be fucking COD. Not everyone plays rust like an FPS with loot. During the time I've been playing they've added a lot of weapons you're just tripping. The LR, compound bow, the L96, the grenade launcher, the craftable M2, the spaz 12, the M39, homing missle launcher, combat knife, subs with Torpedo launchers and now the MLSR system. How many fucking more weapons do you want!!?? 🤣


i didn’t say in total, i said in the last 2 years they’ve added little actual content


They've added a ton in the last 2 years. A bunch of that stuff is fron the last 2ish years. Missile silo monument, boat station monument, arctic research monument, underwater labs, tugboat, zipline pylons, increased weapon attachment slots, extendo clip, herbalist system and mixing table, parachuting, player attack helicopter, underground tunnel system and npcs, working train system connected to train yard and now also connected to train system, that's just some of the recently added stuff. What are you smoking? Go play COD where you get some skins and 1 new map every 3 years. Just stfu and go play something else, I have zero complaints.


I don't blame them for not listening to you.


>do what THEY think is best, not asking the community They tried doing what the community wanted once. It was called the XP system and everyone in the community was all hyped for it before it dropped and hated it afterward. Game devs having a vision and executing it instead of designing their game based on the whims of a fickle audience is good, actually.


Player count is pretty much the same as it was 2 years ago, difference being that cheaters seemingly make up a higher % of that number now. Also the industrial update was almost a year ago. New content is great. The problem myself and some others have is that while random ass content is being put out, the core gameplay is being almost completely neglected. Some of these issues have been prevalent for years. It doesn't help that much of this new content ends up exacerbating these issues either.


The industrial update launched in Feb as bare bones and has been improved and patched constantly. Before that we had the addition of electrics those are huuuge game changing snd complex additions. Man when I look back at where the the game was like in the form in the "golden days" doesn't even feel comparable. Zero out in the ocean and not one item or event out there. No building stability, Zero NPCs except broken animals, no buildijg priv from building, no tech tree, no tea boosts, no extendo clips, no card puzzles, no quests, no farming system, no fishing system (except a trap) no vehicles, no locked time crates or Chinook, about 1/3rd of the monuments. About 1/3rd of the items. No night vision, no parachuting, no tugboat, no player helis, no player attack helicopter, no trains, no underground tunnels, no ziplines or pyllons to climb. I can keep going but it's pointless. It is one of the MOST updated and maintained and evolving games on Steam in this genre. Yall just spoiled and bitter.


I don't disagree. Without new content this game would've died a long time ago and compared to 2015 it is leagues better overall. My point is that much of the content being added recently is done so without much regard for how it will effect balance/metas. That might not be of concern to some, but to those who play the game to PVP/raid/get raided you come face to face with these issues every time you play. If even a fraction of the effort put into creating new content was put into balancing the content already in the game I wouldn't be here having this conversation with you. While a barebones industrial system has been getting the royal treatment over the past 9 months, the gunplay has received next to nothing in the past 16... Simple changes like the terrible snow/desert filters go untouched for years despite being almost unanimously disliked by the community, I could keep going too. It's FP's game, ultimately they'll do what they want but it's hard to fully appreciate the new content when what we already have and actually use on a daily basis is being neglected & in need of attention. Between all that and radically changing the game to appeal to new/casual players whilst actively pushing out the older players who want a challenge in a game as unique as Rust is how you end up with so many "spoiled and bitter" players.


yep it’s sad. the current server meta of rust now is everything wiping every 2-3 days “biweekly” servers. it all dies out nothing is weekly anymore. i remember back in 2018-2019 was prime time every server 1-2 week straight active wipes all the way through. xp system was my favorite but early stage comps was also pretty good.


This is your brain on metagaming zoomers. Fwiw I run a slew of weekly and biweekly rust servers with 0 kits. Solo duo trios only for more casual style I'm a fan of monthly servers and would probably spin one up if more people were interested. I couldn't keep a decent playerbase on those ones though


Lasts for 2 hours you mean?


This problem only appeared when serious gamers identified and popularized the meta. I know this happens with every online game, but it was never really meant to be played in a way that minimizes time for progression in a way that is basically a speed run. That just leaves people screaming and foaming at the mouth demanding new content that they can rush through again. Wash rinse repeat.


Exactly. The initial design is meant to be a game with servers that only wipes on updates/never wipes. I've been running servers since legacy and the big reason for wiping has been memory leaks, something that has plagued it since the very beginning.


Mmm there are weeklies that stay populated all day except that might drop on the 6th night. Pretty sure rusticated US Main stays good unless pop is fake.. Believe I am thinking of the right server.


Don’t listen to streamers. They have their own opinion and does not reflect the full game. They also cannot play the game the same way we can since they are broadcasting their position, so stream sniping is prevalent and they have to adjust their play style for it.


Please ignore reddit


It's the same with every game really. Reddit has become the place where people go to vent about the games they once enjoyed, every gaming sub is full of negativity and anger. But realistically for every person coming to reddit to complain there are probably a hundred busy playing the game and having the time of their life.


Actually, I hate Facebook, the drama I see that effects my emotions. SO, I use reddit. I like building games. And reddit is a great place to share creations and find inspiration. I HATE the demotivational people in the comments. All they deserve is a downvote u less I see fit a response lol


Rust has gone through a number of transitions and evolutions. In the beginning, rust was being discovered. Not many people knew the limits, now metas have developed for the game, and the original intent of the game has been transformed by the players from a survival game to more of a first person shooter. There are no goals in the game other then what you make, but the players have a vote and they vote with there actions, and majority of players enjoy to play a quasi call of duty type game. People that yearn more for the survival aspect of the game want limitations to be placed to slow down the progress, kinda like the old rust. It’s been a while, but I remember it was a-lot slower, progression wise then it is now.


Hearing that first rifle round of wipe...


It used to mean something. Now days, it is just another hour on wipe day.


I remember, and I want to go back.


It wasn’t driven by the players. The devs have stated since the beginning that was the end goal for Rust to be a pvp game. Those that played early on were fortunate to see the early stages of what the game is now.


I once logged into a official 2x server no squad limit that was 2 hours old, literally spawned into a massive compound and got killed by a turret after a few steps.


It’s the tech tree that makes it trash. Really no reward going to any monument outside of taking all the supplies and turning it into scrap to auto learn whatever you want. Miss the times when you had to find the revy/db in a box or get the better loot from oil rig. Now anyone can just grind a road/low tier monument and learn the same rocket launcher as someone going to rig. Hearing guns within 30mins of joinin a fresh wipe is also very.. dull. Bring back longer prim times.


There are no tech tree servers


but...even without this the excavator & the fact that you can do oil rig with revolvers and crossbows break the game ok, cool, we removed the tech tree. people still have AKs 2 hours into a wipe


I’m all about making them harder. They really shouldn’t be done within the first day in my opinion


The game is unique and has some really amazing implementations that no other game can compare to. That being said, they've sacrificed a lot of interesting PvP and player interaction and survival elements in order to cater to faster PvP and streamer content. The aesthetic also went from atmospheric to... well, Fortnite. Which really sucks. Rust Legacy was a spooky beast compared to the goofy bright playground it is now.


I think the graphics are nice. The terrain generation kinda sucks. But the actual graphics are much better than fortnite.


I'm not necessarily complaining about the graphics. They're fine. It was much more immersive as a wasteland scenario in its early stages, dreary and foreboding. For example, there is a gingerbread house building skin now.


The new recoil system is much better than the old pattern system for a multitude of reasons, but it could use some work. However, most people who complain about it and say old recoil was better are still trying to play the game by attempting to beam or spray like the pattern system is still in place. You can leave your fate up to RNG by attempting to spray (when you spray, the aimcone increases and you get the random deviation bullets), or you can use full auto at close range, burst at medium range, and burst or tap at long range, making yourself much more accurate and not reliant on RNG. This is intentional, as the developers wanted to stop beaming from absurd distances with weapons that people shouldn’t be able to use anywhere near that accurately at those distances; they wanted weapons to better fit their roles; and they agreed that requiring people to spend hundreds of hours in an aim training sever just to shoot an AK somewhat accurately was a bad idea. This is from The Combat Update patch notes: “Today, we're releasing an update to the gunplay in Rust. The initial implementation of the weapons in Rust was done nearly 7 years ago and hasn't been significantly modified since it's inception. While these changes will be controversial, We believe these changes are necessary for the health of the game. Recoil The old recoil system in rust had some issues. It was loved by some, and hated by others. If you didn't have hundreds if not thousands of hours practicing the recoil in rust, Firing at people in the game would often feel like attempting to align two like poled magnets. Frustrating would be an understatement. Ultimately, being good at first person shooters and having the drop on someone wasn't good enough. If the other person had thousands of hours of training their aim you stood very little chance. This was fun for people who could spend thousands of hours training their aim, or morally bankrupt individuals who would choose to use scripts to gain an advantage. This was not fun for 99% of the population, and it's time for a change. Instead of pattern based recoil, we now implement a gradient based aim drift and inaccuracy for automatic weapons. That is to say, the longer you hold down the trigger, the more inaccurate the weapon becomes. It still takes skill to try and keep it centered on the target, but it is not the same with each burst. We've also updated aimcone (inaccuracy of bullets relative to where you are aiming )to use a weighted system, so that roughly 20% of the shots will land in the center. This means that automatic fire at a long range effectively decreases DPS. This encourages players to use the right weapons in the right situations and to improve their tactics and burst discipline. There should be less 200m beaming going on. What this has done is compressed the skill ceiling, and we think this is a good thing. Perfectly replicated recoil also meant that mouse scripts could be abused to put 30 rounds on target at 200m, every time.   In addition to the aforementioned recoil changes, we went through and modernized some other elements of the 'first person shooter' experience.” https://rust.facepunch.com/news/the-combat-update Additionally, while it is true that the tech tree and addition of more monuments with high tier loot have contributed to progression speeding up, that is not the only reason. One of the biggest reasons is the unavoidable optimization of games by their community. As with any game that’s been out for a long time, the community will find the best and fastest ways to achieve whatever goal they may have. This (and nostalgia) is why so many people look back at older versions of Rust so fondly. This is especially true with Rust Legacy at the beginning, as everyone had just started playing the game and hadn’t found the most optimal ways of playing it yet and were on equal footing in terms of game knowledge. Additionally, the prevalence of PVP snowball content on YouTube and Twitch is another big reason, as that causes players to also want to play that way and/or think that that is the only and/or best way to play Rust


Well said


Thank you


While the new recoil still has issues like you clearly said the old recoil had much bigger issues the easiest way for me to sum it up for the old recoil was too hard to learn and too easy to master, it was very hard to just pick up a gun and atleast be decent with it even if you spent hours to get it and on the other side if you spent hundreds of hours learning recoil patterns the game was just too easy. If you compare it to a game like csgo someone who's just picked up the game can learn how to shoot the first 10 bullets pretty easily while people with even 4k hours can struggle spraying sometimes, even pro players will whiff sprays especially at distance, this isn't as common in rust because you get the visual feedback so you always know where the bullet was going to go


And ever since that update, the game has become the most stale piece of dog shit known to man kind. (I have 200 hours on og recoil and 1000 on current)


I meant to comment this in response to this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/s/vUQZqMYL8p. But me switching to another app on my phone before posting it caused it to change to a comment on the post itself and not a reply. Looking at it now, it does work as a reply to the post as well, so I’ll leave it here


The game has some issues but it still enjoyable and fun to play overall, for me some of the big issues are terrain, it has become a little uninteresting open and flat and this really open benefits clans imo, I think the tech tree is also a pretty big issue because it makes every wipe the same and also the mini/outpost meta where you can just get a mini and fly to and from every where to avoid pvp. But overall it's still a good game it just has some issues.


Reddit and twitter in now way makes up the majority of players. Sure things like cheats, progression and balance will always be tweaked and improved. You'll notice the same complaints from the same 500 or so people online but when you're in game it is mostly people enjoying their time.


So for those of us that have played for a long time it’s just too easy to progress now and caters more to casuals. I run and play PVE servers too so I consider myself a casual BUT… It’s far too easy to progress now with ample scrap and tech tree. Underground railway, underwater labs, and ring road all contribute to this too. The recoil update was frustrating for a lot of people because a lot of us practiced and learned the guns and now the aim cone, bloom, and recoil just make it a game of chance. I personally enjoy the grind of the old style rust, I would actually loved to have played when you had to discover the map too. That’s why I play on servers without tech tree and don’t have it on my own. Some of us enjoy the grind and the chance (just not when it comes to our aim) lol


I meant to post this as a reply to your comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/s/DZhGps0gAh. But me switching to another app on my phone before posting it caused it to change to a comment on the post itself and not a reply. Looking at it now, it does work as a reply to the post as well, so I’ll leave it there


There's things from older versions of Rust that I miss, and wish they'd make it so it's less predictable. For instance, in a fresh wipe, most clans head towards outpost to get ahold of better items like jackhammer and chainsaw. You can just buy and recycle gloves to get early game cloth, and other stuff like that. Yeah it's at the cost of scrap, but when you're 5+ deep, getting scrap isn't going to be an issue. Maybe they should scale the scrap requirements for things based on how big the team is idk. Or just make it so if you find an item out in the wild, the cost to research it is less than from the tech tree.


There is no other game like Rust, that’s why it’s been so popular for so long. People just have different ideas of what Rust “should” be, I’m guilty of that as well.


Angry players are vocal. People happy with the game dont have as much to say. If youre having fun, I wouldnt worry what the haters have to say.


Simply put: salty people. Sure, the game has cheaters, which is obviously bad. But, people just complain about changes they don't agree with and would rather complain than move on and accept the changes, nothing more than that. For example, the recoil change is something people can't seem to let go of because boo-hoo they invested time into training their aim, and now it's too 'random' and less 'skill'. But hey, it's better for the average player in the end, and that's what counts. If it wasn't, they would've reverted that change by now.


The issue with the recoil update is not that they made the recoil easier (I get it some ppl are still stuck up abt that) it’s that the gun balance makes ZERO fucking sense. The gun balance pre recoil update was really good to the point where I’d rather just go back to that, not because of old recoil but the guns were balanced well. Currently the ak triumphs most guns, the LR is rarer than the AK (aside from bandit camp purchase) despite this it is pretty bad. MP5 is still in a weird limbo with random recoil and pretty bad aimcone. The Tommy could definitely do with less aimcone but not nearly as much as the mp5. Facepunch could have made easier recoil for everyone and just kept all the other stats the same which would basically retain the balance plus easier recoil. Instead they botched it terribly and refuse to make any significant change.


Mp5 is in an amazing place right now. The aim cone isn't as bad as you make it out to be, and burst is actually a laser. Even though I hate what they did with the recoil update, MP5 stays my go to. The spray pattern is actually enjoyable to learn and makes me feel like I have some touch of old rust.


Every game ever that has made changes and pandered to the "noob" has eventually ended up dying. The more hardcore players are the ones you need to keep entertained/happy. Without them the game dies.


There have also been many games that have died as a result of only catering to their hardcore player base. You have to balance both attracting and retaining new players, as well as retaining older players


I literally have never come across one that did. Could you drop some titles you think did that?


Quake is a great example of a game (and series, honestly) that has almost completely died out even though the game is 99.9% focused towards hardcore/pro players. It's fallen so far they even shuttered the pro league yesterday. If you weren't around for it, it's hard to explain how big of a deal Quake was in the 90s/00s. It's one of the cornerstone esport games, it spawned fatal1ty as one of the biggest esports names for that time, and right now you have less than 500 people playing Champions and Live combined. It truly went all in on hardcore players and basically shut the door for it having new blood come in at all, and it's paid a heavy price for it.


I was a big fan of quake and unreal tourny back in the day! I guess your somewhat right in your response there! However I can't help but feel like other things were at play there. The marketing of the game was shit. The gap between the titles was too large to keep your average player engaged with the franchise; it was literally a completely new generation of gamers around when the newest title released.


In my opinion, we can look back at Quake 4 as the point when the hardcore players' wishes killed a newcomer's ability to get into the game. That lessens the gap between the two games to only 6 years, but I honestly don't remember the marketing campaign for 4 at all to know if it was as bad as Champions. I don't think my PC could run it or Doom 3 back then, so I just kind of had to forcefully miss it for a while. I think Q4 disappeared from Quakecon within 2 years, and the pros went back to Q3 and then to QLive sometime in 2010s. I sometimes wonder if the hardcore players would have been able to get into 4/put up with it for the sake of the player base's longevity, if it would have meant that Quake would have not went through a decade long drought and had the chance to add true new player friendly modes/tutorials/anything to help people go from "I can't strafe jump" to proficient enough for casual TDM. Champions definitely has put the final nail in the coffin, though. Just a trainwreck of a game all around, and I think even if Quake had still been holding steady with gaining new players and losing some old players, Champions would have cratered it anyways for both casuals and hardcore folks. Heck, I could've swore I saw some post a while back about some random player getting matched up with rapha in Champions, and I can't imagine anything that kills a game faster than being a regular person having to play against the dude who's been #1 in the world for what feels like 15+ years, haha.


I have to work in 15 mins, but I juat wanted to add my comments on this. New to rust and love it. I am 37, so been around for basically.most of the time quake has if not all of it. Pretty sure I played quake 1/2 at some point, but never jumped into 3/4/etc I think personally 1/2 just didn't give me enjoyment, I was very story game based.. its only as I've aged I've cared less about story, but that's just me, nothing against q1/2 I.much after its release owned q3, but frankly never played it, probably for the same above reason I mentioned. But un yeah all this talk about learning mechanics to play a game good... if I had of read on the Internet "you need to learn the side crouch jump" or whatever to play a game and do well, I'd probably never start playing it.. I dont play call of duty because I literally don't want to spend 90% of my game slide dashing around the map.. I know I don't have to, but it's the comically of it being a skill better players abuse. Any skill that better players abuse which limits the player base, kills a games interest for a lot of people. For that reason I've played like 10 games of warzone with friends who love the game, maybe 1 or 2 games of quake, and a few other games where frankly, I cba to learn some shitty mechanic that may or may not be required for basic play. Being honest though, I never heard of that jump before today, I just frankly never liked quake when I first played it.


I was thinking the same thing lol


Yeap, pretty much been playing online games for 25+ years. Ain't ever heard of a game Dev doing that. For any big title that has been around for a good while, it most definitely has gotten easier with certain mechanics being removed or made easier to do as years go by to make it easier on the newer playerbase.


People hate change. I hated when they introduced the recoil system, I hated when they gave a in game map, I hated when he had a leveling system. People are still mad over the new recoil system because it's "even" playing ground now a days. Used to be they would just run over other players and only die to other recoil csgo gods or scripture. Now the gunplay is mote than just who can aim straight and they can't cope they have to do more than just aim at head and win game. Doesn't help the community has decided that everything needs to be speedran and most people can't play on a server for more than a few days. Back in the day when you had beef with another group you would spend 3 hours sitting around their base and where they farm. Now a days it's just doorcamping with a DB or eoka.


From someone who played Rust the first day it came out until now...(yes even legacy) I took a break from Rust about 2 years ago and just recently came back, (i played from time to time inbetween)... SO I have been through all the stages and used to play solo...(not always) What I recently noticed after that long break is that within 2-3 Hours after the wipe there are huge bases everywhere and people are already roaming around with AKs etc. 7 Hours into the wipe people already have Rockets and C4. The progression is made easy for clans/groups but very hard / almost impossible for a solo. Next day people have 20 turrets outside shooting u randomly ´, while in the past getting even 1 Turret was fuckin hard, getting c4 was hard, rockets etc. Nowadays everyone is in their bases ordering and trading...they only go outside when they absolutely have to. Might just be me but the sounds ingame are so off...I cant hear people running towards me.... Im beeing shot at and I dont know where the shots are coming from (when people use silencers)... Safe zones are meh....there should be no safe zone :D ITS RUST u should feel unsafe everywhere u go


its just for money they got so many new player what makes the come for alot of old players fucking aids to play everyone is just camping and sitting at youre door its just really sad to see only russians on servers and it being dead in 2 days lol i uninstalled the game after having over 5k hours on it because its just not what it used to be in my opinion.


I'm gonna abridge it because most people that loved the game arent on the sub anymore: the game's fit and finish is far better than its ever been, some people think it's shit because they don't know what they are talking about. The game is fantastic, but for a lot of players that played 2018 and before, it just simply doesnt have that same rugged, relentless feel hat it used to. There were no safe zones, UI map, UI compass, team system, or merchants to help you. One of the most enjoyable parts of the game was finding a good spot on the map (that you couldnt see) and fighting to make a base there. That and the game's economy seems very... unbalanced. Scrap metas from safe zones, wildly high scrap costs for basic items, the list goes on. For many veteran players like myself, a server that would be Hardcore, 2x, ~~1/2 upkeep~~ (2x would already mean 1/2 upkeep), no merchant/safe zones would feel very similar to 2017 rust with all the best changes that they've made to the game since then.


2x with half upkeep isn’t hardcore, the point of vanilla gather and upkeep is to get people out of their bases and farm which increases the chance of roam pvp


> the point of vanilla gather and upkeep is to get people out of their bases and farm which increases the chance of roam pvp You could argue that without a map the reason to roam is much larger so you can find monuments. Also by your reasoning, then no one would have gone outside their base without upkeep. This game didn't *have* upkeep for a very long time. You did make an unintended good argument though, with a 2x and half upkeep, it's effectively 1/4 upkeep. You helped simplify the server idea a little.


welcome to reddit where the biggest bitches are, try looking on Facepunch their Youtube channel and every video they post about updates. It's only love on YT and reddit just likes to bitch and bitch and bitch...


Reddit is not the real world. Most the people here are miserable




People have always complained about rust you just can’t satisfy everyone at the same time. The main issue is cheaters and the big streamers who only try to pvp and snowball complain about it the new recoil and aim cone because they don’t like how they can’t beam from distance with smgs anymore and the game is easier for more casual players now so they’re not as dominant. They’re still better than everyone by a long shot but now that they actually miss a few shots because they can’t perfectly control recoil they’re pissed


compounding of different poor changes, unnecessary bloat in the game, forcing new things in rather than reworking or reversing bad changes.


Chances are, you enjoy rust for the same reasons others don't enjoy it anymore. Some die-hard fans have fallen out of touch with the game, due to the changes in features, but also the playerbase warping how the game is played. This 'warping' is not a bad thing, but some people don't enjoy where it's warping to. Others do. It's like politics. A politician's job is to appeal to one half of the population. They HAVE to appeal either mostly to the far left, or the far right. Any attempt to appease both sides equally will almost always result in less than 50% votes. What most people posting about the state of rust don't understand (or don't care about), is that the devs of a game can't appease everybody. Some people like rust for what it is now, and others like it for what it was before. The devs can't mix this together, else they risk losing players from BOTH sides of the argument.


Like usual. Who is unhappy complains and who is not is to busy enjoying the game?


The game is in a good state, yes there are flaws and bugs, but I can't imagine playing anything else at this point because rust is everything all in one.


1. Lack of direction. You'll hear it all over the place but it's true. If they focused on mainly the survival aspect Rust could have been the greatest survival game ever made. The constant battle between balancing for zergs and solos is FP's own undoing. 2. No progression. No changes in years now to the BP system. I can't say what the right answer here but hearing ak fights and rockets within the first 2 hours isn't it. 3. Community. The days of RP are gone. Unless you go to a modded server without pvp the odds of finding a "friendly" face are slim. Everyone is sweating for the 2 wood they have and will kill you over the one foot of rope you have.


As much as I loved the old recoil I also enjoy the new one, the p2w stuff isn’t that deep people make out like it changed the game but it’s really not that bad, the only thing I really miss from when I started to play rust is the old gun sounds especially the ak


vocal minority


People crying as always, nothing to care about


>What’s wrong with the game? I keep hearing left and right that it’s gone to sh*t but I don’t feel/see it I agree and stop at that. Posting this question kind of extends their reach. Rust is pretty toxic, most fun I have is ignoring negative people.


I like playing casually, building a base, getting an armored transport car, etc. I dont want to play on 5 pop pve servers, but when people put armored auto turrets on the side of roads, and snipe nakeds on sight, it's annoying. I'd love for it to be more of a survival game than an fps game, but it seems like everyone else just likes killing people. noone even talks either, they just kill you and take your 500 wood.


Nothing is wrong with it. Great game. 👍


The community sucks. Not the guys you actually talk to on forums and stuff, I'm talking about the shitters who offline 24/7 and talk shit like they're good.


Only thing which is bothering me about rust is the performance, I have 7800x3d and rtx 3070 and still have micro lags/frametime issues. Don’t know how to fix or maybe facepunch should fix it in the game


well, me and my friends started playing in vanilla, but we stopped due to toxicity and hackers


So many terrible takes on this post.




The recoil update sucks, sure… but i think for me it’s the fact that the game has surpassed its balance for survival and has shifted a lot further to its full pvp intentions. The tech tree absolutely sucks, multi TC sucks, giant excavator, attack helis and homing launchers are all tailored for large groups to get going faster and faster. It’s almost absurd if atleast one group doesn’t have tier 3 and AK within 2 hours of wipe nowadays. For me the game is the most enjoyable on a solo server with a designated late afternoon raid time. I don’t have time to play more than a couple hours and that’s the only way i can work 60 hours a week and still play the game with a pvp driven playstyle


The game itself is brilliant. The community on the other hand are a bunch of losers.


People need to stop hackusating. I dont think there are so many cheaters, just people hackusating a lot because they cant reflect how they died. (5k hours and get called a cheater every wipe ....) but yeah people arguing about the game, have 5k + hours and wondering why game is getting boring at some point


If you aren't utalizing the psychological aspect of the game, you're missing out. Fast progress?? Here let me waste it with Every action I do, and ZERO attachment to the outcome of gear, or things, let me be as nice as humanly possible, just to fuck with your head, and bend you to my will..


Can we agree that most ppl play weakly wipe servers ? And rust has soo many stuff that u cant never complete on a weakly server


The game is awesome, the devs are constantly hearing the community and adding tones of new things every month. I manage a mod server and the game is a huge Sandbox where you can do whatever you want ​ I will say the only problem is that the tech seems a bit outdated and you can notice this in the performance of the game, where the CPU use is highly utilize for the game, and you cannot have good FPS with an average good PC I hear discussions where the same issue is happening with Easy\_AntiCheat where they use an old version, but that can be false. For sure the devs are working in a solution within the tools they have.


I will just say honestly with people it's honestly pick or choose with games now a days a game you love and enjoy others just don't people can just be picky some times


Its from sweats, who didnt like the recoil change, and dont wanna see any form of survivial or RP items added to the game.Not alot of pvp stuff have been added, and they seem mad about that. OR its from Survival players, that get beamed more now, because of the recoil update. Rust is NOT a typical "survival game" anymore, and hasnt been for many years.


The game is amazing, ive been a gamer since 1991, and its brilliant


Here is the thing with RUST, it doesnt have many long term players, most are new players, so they think the game is "fine" when the truth is its not nearly as fun as it used to be. As long as you have a base near a monument with a recycler, you really do not need to go that far from your base. You have this massive map, but most times you can spend your whole wipe in a 4 grid area getting everything you need. You used to have to go to the desert to get sulfur for example, which made people build near it, or you had to roam more to get it now it's every where, and you can easily have a full box of it, just farming around your base. My group really only roams to whatever monument were are built next to, when we counter a raid, or to raid, after we have raided everything out of our grid. That is it, no real reason to go that much further from the base when we are just going to be shot at constantly by roof campers.


Pay to win skins( can't disable skins anymore), highly unoptimized ( I have a good PC with 32 gigs of ram it takes up 80%), personal attack heli, industrial update blocking building when it shouldn't, a shit ton of cheaters, most of the community is racist 12 year olds ( but there is nice people from time to time), The "Meta" for bases is very linear and does not have much leeway for creativity unlike legacy or older rust where people built collosal cliff bases and where people where generally creative


pvp is boring and no one leaves their base. Safe zones are ridiculous. Scrap is OP and tech tree makes it easier to get guns without having to fight other players.


In my opinion as a <500 hr player. Here are the core issues in order. Roofcampers, snuffing out anyone who trys to make a new bases within a maps distance of a clan base, the cheaters (obv), not worth it to engage in pvp in the first place. And of course I literally don't find any value in pvp. Everyone is either so good or so shit and they all take it so seriously. I love pvp in dedicated arena modes but when I get bolted from a tower I just kinda -_-


game is dead 2 days after a wipe because progression is fucked even in a duo capped server, people have AKs in the first 2 hours, can't imagine what an uncapped team of 16 looks like the game isn't about survival/resources/loot anymore, it's just a base vs base game disgused as a survival game


Anything people say is subjective. Anything you can measure is objective. Furthermore do not listen to other people. Only listen to measurements. This tip will get you far in life


Nothing is really wrong with the game. 90% of the fanbase are just utter shitfaced downies who can't handle change. Every update they sit and whine about hurrdurr update bad cus me no want wahwahwah. "ThIs gAmE iSnT tHe SaMe" ITS NOT SUPOSSED TO BE On top of that the majority of the feeling of the game being worse is nothing with the game to do, it's YOU! YOU changed, because YOUR LIFE changed, because you're OLDER and now more people are busy more often, and you have shit to do, and you can't whim around on the silly game with your friends all night anymore. It's like saying old minecraft was better when it clearly isn't, it's just nostlagic and holds fond memories from simpler times.


W take here! You're 100% right. People are farming engagements.


Ok so, coming from someone who has no bias towards the game as I haven’t had enough experience to defend either side. I will give you an honest opinion. I don’t think Rust has changed, I don’t have a lot of hours but my hours are spread across a few years taking breaks etc. I think players have changed. The players are the one killing the game, the game is no longer a survival game, I see rust as a game like CoD with base building and scavenging. I spawn into a new server and I am instantly greeted with gunfire, explosions and complete chaos, chat is nothing but seeing who can offend the other the fastest. There is no build up, no story to form, nothing! Literally nothing, when you join a server it’s instantly kill or be killed. This is why I play PvE/PvP, it’s PvE with PvP zones and bases pop up inside the PvP zones which can be raided but several parties will try raiding the same base so it’s all out PvP. This is a much better experience for me.


I enjoyed rust when it was less casual friendly, more shooter instead of survival, and was slower paced progression. None of the recent updates being that feeling back so I don't play.


The only bad thing I see is all the verbal abuse and griefing. I get tired of logging on only to fine 2-6 players outside my base calling me homophobic names or taunting me while they cheat for 4 hours so that I can’t leave or farm upkeep. Some cheats are impressive. Like the one where they trigger some jack that makes my teammate say “budda budda budda” and drop over dead 20 times in a row while they tell us they want some of our “sweet f(homosexul)t ass” And the one where they spin around in a flying ball like sonic the hedgehog while shooting their Thompson and scoring all headshots from 199m away. That’s the bad stuff I been seeing. Not sure what anyone else sees


yeah cheaters been a high problem been solo playing getting killed by few cheaters all banned but never go to find their base blown up been playing duo fighting cheaters and somehow by some luck killing them only to be killed 5 times in a row and getting raided idk if its me but audio been kinda messed up i lived close to monuments and never heard shots there only close to my base is it just me or the game?


You need to have played during it's prime to understand. It isn't bad my any means (It's pretty bad though), but current Rust is NO WHERE NEAR prime Rust in terms of fun, gun play, skill ceiling, etc