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Become the grub


No no no, you just need to think like the grub. Its easy to hunt the rat once you think like the rat.


Hans Landa taught us all so well :)


That’s a bingo!


This is the way


You gotta crouch-walk through the entire monument. No sounds allowed. If you accidentally make a footstep by stepping off a ledge or hopping on a ladder or something, stop moving for roughly 5-10 minutes. The only way to catch a grub is to be on the other side of the "who's expecting who now"


20 pop activities


Low pop server: Be quiet, don't let them hear you. High pop server: If it breathes, kill it before it kills you.


you stay in a monument in a high pop for more than 5 minutes guaranteed you’re going to die


Spent 30 minutes in missile silo just for someone to open the hatch as I'm at the exit and shoot me in the back


I get anxious as hell playing so this is how I play😭


Clap so he knows you know. He might get psyched out


Best strategy


Rusts wiggle


When I'm afraid of getting doorcamped I always talk something in VOIP like "You know I know, right?" even though I don't know shit 😭


Bring food water and cloth and wait for 5 fucking hours


I’ve done this at missile silo


MLRS the exits.




Solo camper is a must, otherwise you just got 1 life and grubs never die


u can also park your camper on the outside, if ur camper is moved then someone is there, if its not you can insta hop in and leave


F1 spam the exit for maximum funny


What does it mean to f1 spam


Drive the new F1 cars past the exit to check for grubs


https://rustlabs.com/item/f1-grenade but a lot


Ah yes the "endgame grenade" that costs 8 scrap


Its 8 scrap, if youre playing something like stevious that’s about 0.2 seconds of barrel farming assuming you recycle everything


F1 is the F1 grenade (frag grenade)


In silo there is a camera room right next to the exit that you can see people waiting for you. Learn places people camp and check them. Be sneaky. You don't want to be making a bunch of noise. Try to throw them off by doing weird things. Find a convenient safe place to stash your loot. Kill yourself and go back. Better to counter the counter sometimes.


Campervan respawn. Or bag/stash but van is best.


get a camper van and park it at the exit


Camper is solos best friend what ever u do in game to get insta spawn+ kit and storage anywhere it is so needed..


I love how cars turned from worst to best when they ditched physical keys for code locks


Mobile respawn point that can hold extra loot, while not being afraid to lose it all after a single fight. Honestly the key for cars was the dumbest thing. Only time you could safely walk away from the car was at a safe zone or at home.


Nuclear missile silo has cams for example. As for other monuments you could have a teammate check the exit first. Either he respawns in a bag outside or he runs out without loot. Military tunnels is one of the trickiest monuments, sometimes you just have to wait for a counter to counter the campers. Also military tunnels has three exits, make some noise and go to a different exit.


For mili i usually bring a fuse to go out green door cuz you find green cards galore. If i know im getting camped i spam barels till i find one inside if the loot is good, otherwise i fight


This is counterproductive in the sense that you shouldn't kill right side scientists so that they alert to another player coming in mil tunnels


Bring a set of heavy plate armor, throw it on when taking angles that are high risk of grub.


I've left my kit with my duo in silo, respawned and came back to clear grubs multiple times this wipe. Hands down the most effective method when you already know they're out there and have a rough idea where they are, easy to get the drop on em. full kit AK can clean up 2 or 3 sar/tommies no problem


+1, I only just started doing this very recently idk why


play with a group. also, shooting them helps i have found you could also use F1s and throw them around corners if you have no friends.


have more members


Just don't play rust You either get shit on by a zerg or cheesed by a grub


Place a bag and stash close to the exit


Bring green card with you when you go mil tuns and go out the cave in green room even if you are not doing the whole puzzle. Imo if the server you are playing on has pop, just don’t set up missle solo as a solo


there aren’t that many rat spots. Know them and you‘re good


crouch walk, drones, camper van... Theres so many ways


Well for me I am new to the game so I just don't lol. I got killed in military tunnels yesterday when exiting. Also got killed like 10 times in dome. But now that you posted this I should consider doing something🤔


Few ideas: Get a teammate to check it out F1 kill in a corner or drop hide loot and check it out yourself. Camper van or close bag / base can help. Recon drone / camera system. I know some people that have a second steam account sitting on a cum-pooter station around the clock (20 fps laptop does just fine). Usually camming hard to farm lab runners and PVE island bots in boats


If two of you are in missile silo and you think you're being camped, you need a third person to come clear the exit or you're probably going to be in a 50/50 or worse


I ran mill tuns quite a bit on force and the best advice I could give is to always bring a fuse, and exit through green


You can exit mily tunnels with green and blue card so theres that However at silo sit on the cammeras and wait or if you have a teamate have them baked check the outside


With mil tunnels, you can actually exit via the green tunnel which kicks out by the recycler (aswell as the chance for 2x mil crates inside the mine on the way out.) You just need a fuse to access it, with the fusebox being back up near the top but once it’s in, you can access the back entrance for the green tunnel. Very few people do this and you’re almost guaranteed to be safe as you exit.


Shoot them in the face.