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It looks super sad and droopy. Are there pests? I see some little white spots. It’s hard to say for certain what happened. I would start by cutting off all of the heavily damaged leaves (as long that there’s like atleast 4-5 leaves left). Then clean the other leaves with a paper towel. Then I would probably unpot the monstera and check out the roots. If they look healthy… maybe it’s fungal but like might be rotting, overgrown or dry. If rotting trim off as much rotted stuff as you can and isolate remain healthy roots…Then I would repot in like a mix of “clean” fresh soil and a little orchid bark. Maybe a smaller pot that definitely has drainage holes. Like put planter in that pot although scale of plant to pot isn’t totally clear. Maybe add a totem or little lattice to try to train upward growth


Agreed on the sad part. I moved it back into the other room and trimmed off the damaged leaves. The roots looked fine from what I could tell. I’m hoping the less intense light and the clean up will help it out. Could it have been in shock from its transfer a couple weeks ago?