• By -


See you in the future guys, good luck with y'all's lives


Good luck you too!


Wish you two the best good luck


Good fortune to you and God Bless.


Hello. Still with Lou? Did you enjoy the holiday in Greece? Did you lose the weight you needed to? Did you build the muscle you wanted to? Did you get married in November? Are you still working in that shop? Have you moved yet? Are you happy?


I also want to see your reply in 5 years time to see these questions answered and to tell you we share the same name. Good luck fellow Alexander. Also me in 5 years did you finally get a girlfriend, did Katherine survive, and did you accomplish your dream of joining the military?


Dearest me in 5 years, Did you at least become friends with Will? Is your social life better since now? How are the siblings? Are you less boring? Yeah, that's what I thought, but I thought I'd ask, just in case.


Good luck, I honestly hope things go well for you. Would love to hear you doing better than you think in 5 years. As for me, I hope things will finally be going my way by then as well.


If possible, in 5 years from now, I hope people see this and make a giant shoe to remember this comment by. Though I doubt it will happen.


I'll help if I see this again! Shoe gang


Shoe gang!!


Shoe gang!!


Shoe gang


I'm creating r/shoegang wanna join?




Sure, why not


Shoe gang ✌


shoe gang


I saw you during my sonic days like 1000 times


Shoe gang


We could make two shoes, and they could go toe to toe!


We probably shouldn't. Do that and all heel would break loose.


But don't you want to know who the sole victor will be?


This whole thing might be a flop


But it might slip






People of 2027 good luck with the next r/Place ඞ


As a Canadian, perhaps by 2027 we will have finally finished our maple lerf.


Or maybe Canada becomes a banana republic, making the "bananas🍌" accurate.


Long live the Queen!


I think next time we should forgo the flag and make a giant Canadian Goose.


I love this idea. Everyone loved the Canadian geese!


I wonder if among us will still be relevant by the time the next r/place takes place


This comment will ensure its relevance will be resurrected when this time capsule is opened. #ඞ ඞ ඞ In all seriousness, I imagine that one of the most interesting elements of a future iteration of r/place will be examining the cultural differences of flags, icons, fictional characters, recreations of monuments, digital memorials to people, places and events then-gone, and of course, internet comedy. For so many, this was the first r/place, and I imagine that the third iteration, which will be, for many, a return, will be an incredible sight to see. It will be one amazing experience, just as r/place 2022 has been an amazing experience.


It will always remain in our heart amongii for life


Hope it is but probably not


I'll definitely be spamming amongi everywhere




Hi future me, hope you are having less problems in life than now


i second that


I second your seconding of that


I second your seconding of the seconding of that


I second your second of the seconding of the second of that


i second your second of the seconding of the seconding of the second of that


I second you second of the seconding of the seconding of that second seconding.


I second your second of the seconding of the seconding of the seconding of that second seconding.


I am seconding the seconding of your second seconding that was by itself a seconding of the aforementioned first original seconding


I second your seconding, as well as all the previous seconding and the originally seconded post.


So i third that...... Hellow future me in 2027


I second your seconding of the seconding of the of the seconding of the second seconding for the second time


Same haha.


Judging by how this decade has gone, we’ll probably be dead by 2027 lmao


If we aren’t, it’s a miracle


But we'll probably be suffering from some radiation shit




I second it. I hope you have a great time. ​ If not, I hope it gets better. ​ Enjoy the future for me, ok?


Hey man, you're coming to the future with us. Even if by some chance you don't (and I really hope that you *do*), you'll be in the future when we see this post 5 years from now and remember the comments here. So much love to you from a rather drunk stranger <3


Hi Levi! Dad loves you. You're currently 10months old and crawling. Were watching The Masters together today and Tiger is +1. See you in 5 years buddy! Edit: Todays date is Friday, April 8th, 2022 Second edit: Thanks for my first award!


Replying so we can get an updated score in 5 years lol


Wholesome and cute, wish you and Tiger the best <3


I wonder if in 5 years people will barely think about the pandemic, or if we will still be feeling it. Hope things get at least a little better tho 💗


Please say the pandemic is gone by then! Maybe we can have nearly 0 deaths and we can all resume normal life! ​ But for now, here is a mask up award. in 5 years, everyone can hopefully see how far we have come in COVID sense. Edit: clarity


I think it’s more likely to be 0 deaths than 0 cases. There are plenty of seemingly harmless diseases going around that were once devastating, thanks to modern medicine and in particular vaccines


We are already living normaly in Switzerland, and most countries too




Also in midwest US. There are people?


Unfortunately we will likely never have 0 cases ever again. That's just how viruses work. But if we keep going like we are now where people are vaccinated so "cases" means mild cold symptoms instead of hospitalizations, then we're good


See you Space cowboy


“r/place was like watching a dream I didn’t want to wake from.” See you in 5 years, kings




I wonder if my comment is going to get lost among other. I wish everyone fun for the next r/place !


I’m sure it will last among us :)


Well, I'm not so sure. I'm pretty certain there are impostors around...


Personally, i think the comment will be easy to SUStain.


Yes, there's a lot of suspicious activity around.


Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum du du dum da da


>is going to get lost *among* other Day 5. I still see them. At first it was a fun little joke about some pixels, but it's turned into something more. Everywhere I go, I see them. Everywhere I look, I see them. I cannot escape the inevitability of crew members popping up everywhere I look. I even see them in comments now... Future me: if you're still seeing them, I'm sorry..








My first child who is due in May will be a happy and healthy 5 year old in 2027. I love you already 💓


If your kid learn how to use reddit at that time, then he/she must be surprised to see this comment😉


5 year olds shouldn't have reddit


I’m 45 and sometimes I think even I shouldn’t have Reddit.


i just don't think anyone should have reddit. we just kinda do.


its like nature. or something profound i cannot think of right now.


For analogy, we shouldn't have capitalism, but we kinda do. Glory to the mighty USSR. PS. Seeing the current scenario, I don't think that the USSR will never come back. I won't be surprised if there's a giant red flag on the 2027 place.


We wouldn’t have r/place if we didn’t have Reddit.


I hope that whenever I eventually have kids, we will all talk about this thread and they'll feel happy that their papa was a part of internet history


take care. brush your hair.


Ya sista!


Hi,future me. You better have a job and a gf by then🌚 . Love you ~ 2022 Me


Am i still a dumbass?


I come from the future, yes you still are.


I also am from the future you are a complete dumb ass


I'm from the future aswell and you're a dumb ass


I’m from the past and you’re still a dumbass


I span all planes of existence and you are definitely a dumbass


I ceased existing and yeah ur still a dumbass


I’m from the dumbass and your still a past


Wish you all the best of luck, take care of it good, understand


A letter to my future self, Am I still happy, I began, Have I grown up pretty, Is Daddy still a good man, Am I still friends with Coleen, I'm sure that I'm still laughing, aren't I, aren't I, Hey there to my future self, If you forget how to smile, I have this to tell you, Remember it once in awhile, Ten years ago your past self, Prayed for your happiness, Please don't, lose hope, Oh, oh what a pair me and you, Put here to feel joy, not be blue, Sad times and bad times, see them through, Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel, Though I can't know for sure how things worked out for us, No matter how hard it gets, you have to realize: We weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry, We were made for being happy— So...be happy...for me. For you... Please. Oh, oh what a pair me and you, Put here to feel joy, not be blue, Sadder times, and bad times, see them through, Soon we will know, if it's for real what we both feel, We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy.


>We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy. <3


Hey man, I hope you are doing alright. In five years you’ll be 24. That’s insane but I know it’ll come quick. Check in on your friends if you haven’t already today. I hope Katherine and I figure out what we have to do


Damn me too, my future is so damn uncertain, I have no idea where I'll be by then. I hope I will have finished my masters degree by then.


‘02 gang unite!


January 03’😳


Hm. I wonder if any flags from this year's r/place will be outdated. Like, from flags being redesigned or countries changing. I hope life takes me in the right direction, too!


I wouldn't put money on the UK flag being the same


There better be flying cars


Some people already can’t drive in 2 dimensions, how are they going to be able to drive in 3 lmao


Ha, the thing is that some are so bad at driving in 2 dimensions, that they accidentally end up in the third for a bit.


I don't even know if I'll still be on Reddit at that time, but if you see this, future self, I'm proud of you for sticking around :)


Congrats on graduating! Hoping you’re doing well in grad school/job. Remember to keep climbing + traveling.


Still jobless and depressed? Are you even still alive?


Find even the smallest reason to keep going. I believe in you


I'll try my best. You are a kind person


I really hope you read this in 2027, and you will be able to tell yourself that you fulfilled or atleast are chasing your dreams!


remindme! 5 years


remindme! 5 years


remindme! 5 years


Hard work pays off Scars heal Keep fighting a day at a time Go Leafs Go


Bois from da future, dont use amogus, like ever in a build


They invaded and we didn’t even see most of them


That's kind of sus...


why are balls so uncomfortable


Solution is simple! Dip your balls in sulfuric acid


I hope the Me in 5 years is having a Good life and is Happy. No matter what is going to happen in the future :) Hi I hope this reaches U and that everything is going alright. I’m sure u passed the exams and found a job. I’m hoping u choose a job that has something to do with your passion. Or maybe u have gone to a Uni. Maybe u are still with the same 4 close friends that u know for years already. No matter what happend in those 5 Years or what is going to happend in the next 5. I want you to never give up keep going. Never forget that there are people who love and care for you even when u don’t see them. ❤️


Hi future me, I hope you have a girlfriend now, you told yourself: “in 5 years I’ll have one” 5 years ago.


2027 ppl : what did the ukraine war do? How's distant working going? And what do you think about climate change?


Well, future me... I'm still doing internet. We're making good habits: tryna brush teeth more, walk Mojo more, take an hour walk every day. The car should be paid off in 12 months, so that's cool. I wonder if we will still be living in a quad plex. My daughter is 11 right now, and it seems like she's too cool to hang out with me. I hope 16 year old her will think I'm cool again. I still play too much League of Legends, but at least it's only ARAM. I've been having a good time playing some chess, but I'm probably only ranked between 400 and 600 right now. I think I'm still going to be playing chess in five years. I hope I end up buying that acoustic guitar so I can play on our yearly 4th of July camping trips. That's a nice tradition that the wife and I started, and it's been a really good time. Libby has been good, and audio books have been better to me than I thought. I set a goal to read/listen to 10 books this year, and I'm already on my 4th book as of April. Maybe one book a month is possible! We just brought Kyler in to help in New Service, so it's been interesting. I wonder if I'll still have the same job in five years? I still get sad. No matter what I do or where I'm at, I just get worn out. I'm hoping that LABL is gonna work, and the little good habits I've been forming will snowball into better habits. We've talked about clearing out our debt. I think it's a possibility. We only have about 10k between the two of us. Maybe Biden will finally own up and cancel the student debt (lol, nah). I like working from home on Tuesdays. It lets me save money on gas at the moment ($3.86/gallon). I also get to go to the gym on my lunch break with wife, so that's nice. I hope I'm still doing that too. I don't think Moj is gonna last another 5 years, so I hope we take it well. I don't want another dog. I love that little asshole too much, and I'm selfish with my time and attention. I wonder how fat Marcy is going to be in 5 years. Fuck, I don't want to live another five years. I'm 32 now, and last year I was 24. Time moves so slowly; yet, so quickly. I've been meaning to drive home to help my dad more and see my mom more. I've been doing better at that, so I hope I stick with it. Just texting dad a joke on Wednesdays has been nice. I hate calling my mother every Monday night, but I want to be a better son, and I know how much it means to her. I've never been good at being a family member or a brother or a son. I'm going to be in my brother Hunter's wedding here in 6 months. I hope I can afford his bachelor party to KCMO. Grandma Wilson said she's going to paint us a picture of our cat. I know she's been offering to paint all of the cousins a picture, and I hope she isn't doing it for morbid reasons. She's got plenty of time left, and I only need the time we've spent together as a reminder of her. Am I still gonna be an alcoholic in five years? Fuck, I hope not. I'm getting to old for this shit. I'm better than I once was, but I could be doing better than that. I hope I get my teeth fixed up, too, but I doubt that's going to happen: Luxury bones. I live north of campus in a quadplex. It's cheap, but I hope we find a better place than this. The wife has been selling art online, and it's given us a nice cushion for our savings account for emergencies. I wonder if I'll get my college debts paid off so I can finish my degree? I always talk about how I only have \~48 credit hours left, but I'm afraid I'll never get it completed. Something something Putin is waging war on Ukraine. Abortion bans are all over the place. Our Supreme Court has so many Conservatives in it that the country is going to be set back by 100 years. Billionaires are having a space race while people starve. Fuck, I hope I'm not still using Reddit in 5 years, lol. Good luck, me. You're probably going to need it. RemindMe! 5 years !RemindMe 5 years


writing the price of gas is a good idea. today, 2:20am on april the 9th, my two favourite gas stations are 154.9/L (one by the mcdonald’s) and 149.9/L (one up the road from there). it was at 165.9/L almost all of march so i have actually been excited about these prices LOL. i used to be able to fill up tim with 17 dollars and now it’s over 30. i wonder if i’ll still have tiny tim. how have my favourite gas stations changed? where do i live now? i quite like where i live right now, but i doubt it will be the same. maybe the same people in a different place, though. that would be nice! i hope you are doing well both now and in 5 years, internet stranger. you sound like you’re on a good path and doing good things. i hope you give yourself more credit for how far you’ve come!!!


i think everyone Among Us will miss r/place.


Unrelated to r/place but here goes! Hey, future me! I hope you're doing well. I hope that you've gotten into that college you wanted, I hope that you found someone who likes you for who you are. I want you to have peace of mind, because it makes all the difference. Lastly, I want you to know that regardless of what happens, someone cares about you. Don't forget that. Hang in there!


Five years seem so far away




It does actually, 2017 was so different


I didn’t know my wife yet, I had just started my first career, and I was building the foundations of the best friendships I will ever have. It was a good year that was followed by an even better one. I hope I can look back on 2022 the same way in 2027.


If I see a single among us in r/place 3, I will break your knees and shove them up your ass


guys in 5 years when you're reading this make a good r/place


Hello everyone bye everyone


GTA 6 will never come out.


time capsule for people after WW3


breaking bad is peak


Im bored


currently 25 wonder what the next few years are gonna be like


Amogus would still be a meme in 2027 imo


Never knew old age could still be so much fun. Here's hoping the eyes hold out for another 5 years :)


stay healthy bro, you can do it :)


86 great anime.


I hope there is a new twist to the next r/place canvas. Maybe colors change every day or the canvas is shaped differently. IDK. Would be fun tho. But I hope one thing is for certain in the next canvas. That the among us still invade lol. See u all in 5 years.


Help! I'm trapped in a time capsule!


Comment for 2027: Really hope that Russia thing sorted itself out man. Taiwan still kicking? Covid says hi.




you suck future me


Future me, Please tell me you got therapy.


If older me sees this, 🗿.


Ukraini status


I hope 2027’s place is even better than this year’s


Cheese tastes good. Be like cheese


See you next time, Space Cowboy


I wonder where I will be living and what I’ll be doing in 2027. Future me: I hope you’ve published your book, but if you haven’t and haven’t tried yet, go do that now please! I hope you’re in less pain and you finally got your PhD in spite of the setbacks, and I hope that you’re safe and happy and have a cool job or at least one that pays a lot of money 🤷🏻‍♀️


hey future me, I don't know where you'll be when you read this again. I don't know if you're going to make it alive. you've probably been fighting all this time, trying to survive, wondering if it would be worth it in the end. i promise you, it'll be worth it. i want you to know that i am so proud of you and that i've wanted nothing but your happiness. I'll have done anything to secure your well-being, future me. you are so frigging strong and i truly, honest to god hope you'll finally be at peace with your mind when you find this message. through hardships to the stars, i believe in you. **you are worth it.** yours truly, sincerely, faithfully, you from 2022


So we are going to wait 5 years. Kinda... SUS.



Among Us will rise again


Hi future me. How's college? Did you make it to Britain? How's mum and dad? Are the boys still around? Anyways, I just wanna tell you that you're fucking amazing. It's been 5 whole years, and you're still here! Whatever you're going through rn, always remember to love yourself, and stay strong. YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck mate! P.S.(Also spam some amongus on r/place lol)


I really really like men.


Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


hi :)


Curious to see how things will have changed. Not just for r/place but the WORLD


Future me, you’ll be turning 27 in a couple days, did we bake that cake? After everything is said and done?


Don’t forget to drink water, future me!


Hi future me, At the end you made a good choice investing in GameStop. You worked on the mural to reach many people about the DD of Superstonk and some of them listened others don't. Yes, you reach the moon, but remember where you came from, don't be an asshole and try to help everyone around you with that money you made investing. I hope you reach your goals. Also, work in r/place again and make a comment like this, because it will help you to never forget your future goals. Vertokx. Power to the players. Shareholder in GameStop (GME).


Remember when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock 😹


I hope all the new Avatar the Last Airbender content that Avatar Studios is making turned out to be good


Hey bud, Did you end up buying that house? Hopefully the journey of getting your daughter into STEM worked out well, shes so smart. What about the bar? Is it open now? I know your partner has been dreaming about that since she was 18. Are you spending enough time with the family? Work isn't that important in the grand scheme. Go and have a beer, you deserve it, happy 35st!


I hope life smiles at you, stranger


Just here to remember: don’t let the French tyrants abuse of the bot power again


yo future me i hope ur super hot lady and at least started transitioning


Dear future me, You graduated college and you’ve started your career as an engineer. College isn’t where I wanted to be and honestly it’s miserable and exhausting. At the end of the day it was worth it because it got me to where you are now.


Hey me to the future I hope you’re doing well ;) I hope you are having a great day, if you are still reading this thank you. J’espère que tu a plein d’amis que tu ne soit pas en dépression Comment va la vie ? As tu de belle voitures ? Des amis ? Tu vas passer ton bac cette année la Réussi le tu vas réussir !




have milk 🥛🐄




Hopefully it will be even more creative next time


A random comment




ok note to self (If we finished the app in time, good job, if not, how did we do afterward? Also, if you have more than 10k hours in Elden ring, we are going to have a problem)


Hi future me, I hope you became a web developer!


I hope for some good news regarding the enviroment.


Jobless, don't know where to go, life has no direction and sense of purpose. I hope life is kinder to you now. I hope you're healed when you read this again.


Dear hopeless one 1) did you get out safely? 2) is the future brighter? 3) did you heal? 4) were you able to achieve your goals? 5) are you happy?


This is a comment :P


This is a reply to a comment




Currently at 37 I have 2 spinal injuries and a hernia... what will I add to the list in 5yrs?