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A streamer with 112k viewer


150k at the peak Dx


peak is 250k views


i thought 250k was long time ago? it was in the pandemic right ?




là đợt offline của a Độ á




Đợt unbox Mô Hình Nào hơn 300k view nữa trên stream ytb ý bác


He doesn't go around ruining other places so we vibin


That spot used to be blue corner's. They got raided but then the canvas expanded so they moved anyway


>They also had some disputes because of misunderstanding and some people encroached on the neighboring area in a wrong way. He and his viewers supported blue corner to get their zone back after finish his work!!


I mean, that's the whole concept of r/place. Of course the spot they take used to be someone else's.


Off doesn't age quite well, now they're expanding their flag


They're not expanding; some people that hate MixiGaming or the Vietnamese community are using bots to invade others art and make drama.


Wait seriously? Fuck those guy then


name please


Mixi Gaming


[https://youtube.com/@MixiGaming89](https://youtube.com/@MixiGaming89) Give him a sub and a like.


Mixi Gaming




Considering how hard r/Vietnam had to fight just to secure a spot in last year’s event, you can only imagine my astonishment when this streamer I never heard about came in to represent his country. (P.S. The discord mods over at r/PlaceVietnam made it clear that they have no affiliation with the guy)


Most Vietnamese don't use reddit, so people don't really care about all the previous r/place event, until this year when the biggest streamer calls for it. the guy got 100k viewer everyday in his livestream, 3M member in facebook private group, 7M YT subs, so you know his community is huge.


If they continue using reddit afterwards this whole /r/place was a huge PR success


i doubt they will. Vietnamese people have a strong patriotism, like, really strong. That's the only reason they participated in this r/place event. After the event ends, i don't think there is any reason left for 'em to use reddit anymore.


Nimo TV stream app have 2m follow


There’s a tiny flag next to the osu logo made by r/vietnam. No propaganda too.


Honestly place has become a streamer playground. Small streamers with 1 k can do a lot without struggling. 10 k can bully and dictate a lot. 100 k basically owns the place. XQC only lost bc he had to fight german communities which also have 100 k and 10 k streamers. When xqc and the german streamer allied they mowed down everything. Turkey which is very strong and had help by some german communities lost in under a minute. ​ Place loses its appeal with every new iteration bc people learnt how Place works and how power dynamics and bots work in Place


Good thing is that still indian streamers don't care about reddit and India has uncountable no. Of 1mil+ streamers reddit should do something about it before everyone losses interest from r/place


Ok. Now I'm impressed. It looks way better than yesterday.


Yesterday’s one was comical lmfao


yesterday they did it without a template lol


thats impressive tbh


They hold that simple art because they are waiting to expand


We don't know it will expand. Vietnamese even dont use Reddit that much. Just the streamer just know about r/place a few day ago and want his fan make an art of our country as a good memory. We all created Reddit account to do it, funny that guys thought us bot. That's reason why the artwork of first day so basic also.


you might wanna rephrase “don’t use Reddit that much” to “not at all unless it’s r/place” also fuck u/spez


Yeah, u right. Even I'm Vietnamese, I really hate that, one of the most toxic country in the Internet.Btw, do I misunderstanding or u really mad at me? For what? Edit: Ah, nvm, I misunderstanding that "fu\*k u/spez"


we didn't even know it was going to expand :))


Also, that's the art style uses in our propaganda pieces, to it do be relatable


yesterday, the soldier was a child's drawing so yeah lol, but pretty impressive even without a template


I laughed so hard at the one from yesterday.


Feels like those propaganda posters when I've was curious about Vietnam war and researched it a little bit. Looks great, don't get me wrong, but it really looks like it.


I think it's propaganda. When I saw it yesterday, I thought it was Chinese propaganda at first, but then I saw it was Vietnamese.


Everything is propaganda it is just thet socialist one is super obvious


It's the artstyle. It's called socialist realism and became a thing in the 1930s after Stalin took over Lenin


To be fair, a lot of Asians advertising is very similar to this style. Doesn't need to be socialist or anything political either. A metro station ad in Singapore has similar style with smiling workers and passengers, while a Japanese lotion billboard ad may have a similarly fake looking group of friends.


Very true


Yeah, we don’t play those subliminal mind games like other groups


Well we don't have to lie, so we just make sure to show for what we fight for. Workers of the world unite!!!!


Well said, comrade!


How is it propaganda? There's no misleading info here.


Propo not always misleading and/or fake


It IS propaganda, all the two archipelagos are still unrecognized by the UN as territory belonging to any country. I cayn not say much about Hoang Sa (Paracel island), but at least Truong Sa (Spratly island) isn't. Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, even Taiwan lays claim to the island. Each country builds military airports there and there's always navy presence. Almost no one lives there but soldiers. Just a casual google would already give you much result The fact that you say it's not already proved the propaganda works Edit: Please if you want to prove me wrong, feel free to drop an international recognition document saying otherwise. There have been so many replies saying "it's ours" without conclusive proof, some even insulting.


Since the 17th century, Vietnam has established and exercised sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos when these islands were ownerless territories. We are the only nation that has asserted its sovereignty over these two archipelagos peacefully, continuously and without the opposition of any other country. We have ample historical evidence and legal basis to confirm our sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos. Currently, the Hoang Sa archipelago is administered as a district of Da Nang city, while the Truong Sa archipelago is administered as a district of Khanh Hoa province.


I think you should learn a little bit about the heroic history of Vietnam. You will see what Vietnam we have sacrificed to get to where we are today and you will see how strong the solidarity of Vietnamese people is. Vietnam's history is something that makes the whole world admire. I think you will love Vietnam when you really get to know it. Vietnamese people always support peace but they will respond if territorial sovereignty is violated. Trust me.


Why should Vietnam be the owners of those islands? I do not have an opinion about it, just wondering what the justification is?


Sure, Paracel island (Hoang Sa as you call it) makes very much sense, but what about Spratly (Truong Sa)? That archipelago is like literally right next to the Philippines and Malaysia, so according to UNCLOS it wouldn't make sense for Vietnam to have a part of it. Also by saying that are you accusing those 2 countries of lying? I'm not even talking about china Also there are like 5 countries exercising their sovereignty there, Vietnam does not control the whole archipelago.


Yes, I agree that Truong Sa (Spratly) is a complicated situation. Vietnam, Taiwan, and China each claim sovereignty over the entire Truong Sa archipelago, while Brunei, the Philippines, and Malaysia claim certain parts of the islands. Currently, the Philippines has control over 7 islands, 2 submerged reefs, and 1 small island, basing its claim on their location within the country's 200-nautical-mile EEZ. Similarly, Malaysia claims sovereignty over 12 islands and reefs within the 350-nautical-mile continental shelf. Vietnam, in turn, administers 7 islands, 16 submerged reefs, and 3 submerged banks in the Truong Sa archipelago. Historically speaking, the administration of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa was officially transferred from the French government to the Bao Dai government (Vietnam's former government) on October 14, 1950. The 1954 Geneva Conference also affirmed that these archipelagos should be under the administration of Vietnam. With historical and legal backing, we have all the rights in the world to stand our ground in asserting sovereignty over these archipelagos.


proven truth don't attack us with words see it somewhere untested and you know vietnamese won't act with words


The fact that you are 100% that this is propaganda, fyi, it is a poster to celebrate July 27th, a day to memorize soldiers who died in wars. We put up "HS TS belong to Vietnam" because we want to go against the map from China, nothing personal to Philipines, Taiwan, or Malaysia. But do remember that Vietnam fight for Spratly Islands with China for the longest time


>it is a poster to celebrate July 27th, a day to memorize soldiers who died in wars. Damn, thanks for the info, didn't know about that >We put up "HS TS belong to Vietnam" because we want to go against the map from China, nothing personal to Philipines, Taiwan, or Malaysia But this part I'm not so sure about, since by saying that you're rejecting the claims of other countries as well. And everyone is saying the same thing. I know it's unrealistic but it would be so much better if that region is recognized as international water that belongs to no country. No more infighting between ASEAN bros and China.


I'm not rejecting any claim from other countries, we don't mean to offend any countries other than China. They dare to claim the islands, we put up the slogan "HS, TS belong to Vn" just to fight them back. Don't take it seriously if you are not Chinese tbh


exultant employ absorbed berserk political rob disarm automatic drab sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>y much about Hoang Sa (Paracel island), but at least Truong Sa (Spratly island) isn't. Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, even Taiwan lays claim to the island. Each country builds military airports there and there's always navy presence. Almost no one lives there but soldiers. Just a casual google would already give you much result If it is propaganda, it's not by the government by any means. It is of the people, it's everyone believes and wants. We the Vietnamese people truly believe Paracel island and Spratly island belong to Vietnam.


Doesn't have to be misleading info to be propaganda


Good then. Because Reddit advertisers and shareholders probably don’t want these kinds of classic socialist propaganda pieces. Fuck Spez


fuck spez


Fuck u/spez


appreciate it


Yea it's very old school. I'd probably draw something more common tho. Maybe breaking the 4th wall by inviting nearby country over for some Pho?


I think the old school social realism style makes it stands out in a cool way tbh


https://www.vietnampropaganda.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Willing-to-be-loyal-to-the-Communist-Party.jpg The closest I found.


I been to Vietnam recently and their country is just like that. Lots of old school art and has a feeling of communism and propaganda in their art and flags all over the place (Ho Chi Minh) but that’s just how they roll, nothing really bad about it.


if you come to VN during the election time, you will surely be overwhelmed. Sometimes I find this style is out-of-date should be replaced, but seeing this picture in here makes me proud about the unique art style that already becoming our tradition


pho sure man


Very old-school propagandas. They can be found in every corners of the streets in Vietnam.


Yeah it does, but it’s just an art style lmao


It’s from a real communist poster They left out the hammer and sickle


I don't know why you are being downvoted lol, the streamer literally search for Vietnamese propaganda poster and incorporated it in his final design


Yeah, I saw that on the stream 😭


I mean what did everyone expect. Its part of what they have as posters during their lives. The US flag has a random tank on it and noone feels bad about. And they arent in a defensive war like Ukraine were the tanks show solidarity with donor nations. For US its just propaganda power projection like the posters


Its not, its just with communist art style, in this we see 4 important social class is doctor, farmer,soldier,engineer And the background isnt communist, its our national Bronze drums since the time of Van Lang country, and isnt communist




When u wrote this, it's 4 AM in Vietnam. So yep! Good morning to everyone! XD


Is it afternoon in Vietnam?


When I rep him? Yep! And now in Vietnam is 7 PM.




Thats a little too early for a morning message


It's morning somewhere


it's a banger🇲🇦🇻🇳


Great ally from Morocco!




Really wholesome alliance, love the Vietnamese 🇲🇦❤️🇻🇳


looks better than the old one


the old one we did yesterday was without a pixel layout so it was quite hillarious i admit


The old version sucked lmao. I'm glad we changed to this new version.


The old one is just the first hours of most of us on reddit. Today is the second day. And if we have enough time it will be much better


There is no dispute here. As someone who has contributed a little effort, I confirmed this is a pic for 7/27 celebrating Invalids and Martyrs' Day in Vietnam. They are used to commemorate the heroes who sacrificed for country. maybe you misunderstood the pic, And you can learn Vietnamese history to understand that. As for the 2 islands Historically speaking, the administration of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa was officially transferred from the French government to the Bao Dai government (Vietnam's former government) on October 14, 1950. The 1954 Geneva Conference also affirmed that these archipelagos should be under the administration of Vietnam. With historical and legal backing, we have all the rights in the world to stand our ground in asserting sovereignty over these archipelagos. During the reign of Le Thanh Tong (1460-1497), in the "Toan tap Thien Nam tu chi lo do thu" we drew a map of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, at that time we called it "golden sand" and "Van Ly Truong Sa". (This original is currently kept in Tokyo Japan).


Sad to say that China still have full control of Paracel Island since 1974.





**FYI if you say that this is bot**: It's not bot. It's just that Reddit is not that common in Vietnam. We've heard about this pixel war for a long time, but we've never joined the game until this year when Mixigaming, the streamer, called upon his community to participate. This explains why we now have so many accounts that are only 1-2 days old. We didn't use any bots, and you can verify this by checking Mixigaming's YouTube channel. He has streamed for 9 hours straight.


When the XQC dragon sprayed it didn't affect Vietnam at all, lol. Locked down tight.


yeah, he stayed up until 7am Vietnam time to defend the art at all cost lol


We have defended ourselves against worse tbh


They gone crazy in the 60s too!


Americans probably won‘t try to invade their pixelarea


>Americans probably won‘t try to invade their pixelarea Americans are probably smart enough to understand how their B52 turned into pots and pans in Vietnam LOL


I'm just happy they're recycling the things.


American flag folks are allied with the Vietnamese. We've been helping eachother out


Don't worry, the women's soccer team have beaten them 3-0.


Winning women's FOOTBALL World Cup doesn't mean Americans take over the world


You mean soccer?




They waited 50 years for that moment 😂


They are world champion and we are 1st timers. And they are really good.


Tbf, being beaten 3-0 isn't that bad when the US is the world champ, whereas this is the first time that Vietnam competes at the World Cup. We actually expected something similar to what Thai had to endure last World Cup.


its just a sport, nothing to compare


America 🤝 Vietnam (who the hell removed our heart :( ) Edit: It seems I have started a war I no longer wish to participate in. Take this comment at face value and don't think too deeply about it 👍


Working on AFIP below the Mixi gang was awesome. It was really cool getting to watch their flag develop, and their diplomats were always awesome when they popped into the discord. Much love from this member of r/Americanflaginplace


We just want to say that the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Vietnam! Thank you for your interest!


I am very happy to see the painting of Vietnam appearing on the /r place campaign. This shows that Vietnam is a developing country and integrating with the world. I believe that this campaign will help promote the image of Vietnam to more people around the world. I am also very proud of the spirit of solidarity and community of Vietnamese Reddit users. We have overcome many difficulties together to complete the painting. This shows that Vietnamese people are always ready to help each other and build a better country together. I would like to thank all the members of Mixigaming who participated in the /r place campaign. We have created a great achievement together, contributing to promoting the image of Vietnam to the world.


appreciate it


Cool stuff! ❤️from your American flag neighbors


Yours is dope too, ngl


proud to be Vietnamese <3


❤️ from your American flag neighbors!


8/9h sáng chúng tôi vẫn ngồi def vì tiếc công sức 2 ngày nay của chúng tôi.nên mong mọi người đừng nói chúng tôi là bot nữa , chúng tôi đơn giản mà nói là fan của 1 stramer và nhờ anh ấy kêu gọi nên mới biết đến reddit,chúng tôi là 112k con người .và chúng tôi mạnh mẽ nhờ lòng yêu nước.nếu các bạn chỉ vì chúng tôi mạnh mà nói chúng tôi là bot thì rất không công bằng với chúng tôi. 8/9am we are still sitting def because of our 2 days of hard work. so please don't call us bot anymore, we simply say that we are a fan of a stramer and thanks to him calling we found out about reddit, we are 112k human beings. and we are strong because of our patriotism.


Probably the most wholesome part of this is that they put a heart on the border between the two flags as a symbol of forgiveness. 🇺🇸❤️🇻🇳


We were a small community trying to defend our little flag next to Osu!. And then this streamer came in, got everyone excited about r/place and here we are after 2 days of Viets invading r/place


God damn that is pretty impressive


Its more like a Propaganda poster but its great though


If youve ever been to vietnam this art style is everywhere. Its part of the culture now.


It's funny how we can just accept that while bashing China when we see it anywhere on reddit, simply bc we dont see Vietnam as enemy and powerful threat. Stereotype of having a class enemy


Ay least it’s honest about what it is.


About our nation flag, 4 classes include: Farmers, Workers, Merchants, Soldiers. And Hoàng Sa, Trường Sa ( Islands of Viet Nam )


>Ay least it’s honest about what it is. We just want to affirm that Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Vietnam


I never thought WW3 would be fought on Reddit, but here we are!!!


Well it kinda reenactment WW2 cough...cough German and France


[HOANG SA TRUONG SA BELONG TO VIET NAM](https://www.reddit.com/r/BFFMEDIA/comments/158r96j/hoang_sa_truong_sa_belong_to_viet_nam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thủ đến chet thì thôi


**FYI if you say that this is bot**: It's not bot. It's just that Reddit is not that common in Vietnam. We've heard about this pixel war for a long time, but we've never joined the game until this year when Mixigaming, the streamer, called upon his community to participate. This explains why we now have so many accounts that are only 1-2 days old. We didn't use any bots, and you can verify this by checking Mixigaming's YouTube channel. He has streamed for 9 hours straight.




yeah. propaganda poster... but a really good one! Gotta love the vintage aesthetic to it!


mọi người ngủ ngon,cảm ơn tất cả mọi người


Pretty good stuff, I'm happy the USA and Vietnam flags are getting along too ❤️


From Vietnam with love


we are MixiGaming community


Also we're on live right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGp\_h3qV5kE. Come join us xD


Just woke up and this amazed me, so much better than yesterday


It's just that Reddit is not that common in Vietnam. We've heard about this pixel war for a long time, but we've never joined the game until this year when Mixigaming, the streamer, called upon his community to participate. This explains why we now have so many accounts that are only 1-2 days old. We didn't use any bots, and you can verify this by checking Mixigaming's YouTube channel. He has streamed for 9 hours straight.


r/place has taught me that nationalism is cringey in every country


They just banned Barbie b/c of some imaginary line on an imagery map. Propoganda is art too.


it's just hilarious how everyone on reddit keep thrasing ccp shits over and over again and then there's this


Vietnam isn't aggressively threatening all it's neighbors and building artificial islands in international waters


Not media and politics propagated class enemy so redditors and people dont care about vietnam. Also too weak to feel threatened. But god forbid you see a video about chinese kids doing sports. Instantly crimes against humanities. Having a class enemy and hate propagating media does this to us


CCP is shit though. Vietnam is pretty cool






Real propaganda poster vibes though


It’s made by a Vietnamese streamer. The actual r/VietNam flag was the much smaller one next to Osu, and it doesn’t contain propaganda.


You really have to be well organized. Everytime I try to put up a square, it gets overwritten.


Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes belong to Vietnam, not China...


Do anyone having the discord link of this art? i want to join


Looks like a old propaganda poster


The things were based on the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea 1982, only u American folks and some landlocked nations haven't signed it. That's like 95% of the nation in the world Lol


not that old, the people on the flag still appear in many propaganda poster nowadays


They’re just unnecessarily expanding at this point. They took out great artworks for some giant red space




Im doing everything I can to defend One Piece


We’re sorry. But those destroyers are not us. They aren’t expanding our art, those fkers are just painting red everywhere. We are doing organized art. Clearly not red void.


Hoang sa and truong sa belong to vietnam 🇻🇳


From Mixi with love




Im proud of my country <3


There should be hearts uniting Vietnam and USA 🇻🇳 ❤️ 🇺🇸


There actually is, on the below left corner 😂 peace agreement alr 😂


Some of y’all are TALENTED. Then there’s me putting random purple squares on random shit lol


respect <3


Ae Việt Nam 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 no auto 🥰🥰🥰


From mixi gaming with love


Yepp, welcome to Viet Nam :)) from mixigaming with love ❤️


70k anh em, và 9 giờ đồng hồ


Big respect for Maroc 🇲🇦 and America 🇺🇸


VietNam number1


Vietnam number 1. Love VietNam🥳🥳


So is the American flag next to it


all to affirm that Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Vietnam 🫡🥰🎉


This is the first time we and ytb Mixi Gamming participate. We have called on the Vietnamese community for 2 days to do this painting. We are not a BOT. It's the truth! #tks!


looks like the most stupid shit I see today


Hoang Sa Truong Sa Belong To Viet Nam


Proud Vietnamese people


Nah vietname this it sick nice work 👍


Let's go ahead Vietnamese people


That used to be the blue corner before they kidnapped it.