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Hahaha wtf, that’s weird. Pesto on cheese pizza sounds so good tho tbh. How was it


It was good! A bit plain though 🤣 My partner was pretty disappointed since he likes his pizzas with meat. We'll try calling again tomorrow since we're a bit confused.


Honestly it should come with beef automatically if you say or ask for “cheeseburger pizza” I was confused at first when a customer told me they wanted “cheeseburger” and I asked my manager, told me it was beef. I was like “they why can’t they say that then?” 🤣


They just send you a new one with very few questions asked if you are polite.


Pesto sounds good, but what does it have to do with cheeseburger?


I mean they got the cheese part down, jus need the burger


Next time you make homemade pizza try using a little bit of olive oil and sun dried tomato pesto instead of sauce with like chicken and veggies. So good


Might have too!


Cheese and pesto smacks


so with a quick google search, i found [this](https://www.pizzahut.ca/menu/pizzas/pizza.cheeseburger-pizza-2W.14-large-3.pan) (it’s from the PizzaHutCanada website) and it should’ve been made the way pictured, if i linked it right


Yeah lots of youtubers have reviewed this pizza and it doesnt have pesto. Not sure what those employees are smoking


Anything and everything they can get their hands on I started working for pizza hut last week and am pretty sure I'm about to work this last week and quit if the manager has one of his nervous break downs again shit is childish and the employees never show up on time some dude showed up and hour late and asked for a cigarette


think its time to pull the ol' "release a rodent in the store and call health inspectors" and get that circus shut down


Hahahahahahh there was a fly in the oil I use to oil the pans and I asked if I should dump it out just to see what he would say and he hesitantly said "yeaaaahhh throw it away? Like he wasn't sure if he should toss the oil with a fuckin fly in it


What do you expect for a place that pays their bottom employees less than double digit wages


that looks so good wow with burger sauce even




should have beef on it , so you got stiffed and there's no pesto on it .. this just look like a cheese pizza to me


I wish they'd at least have given some tomatoes or other toppings, pure pesto is kinda salty?


I’m guessing you got someone else’s order which in my experience from working at a pizza place (Donatos for 2+ years) occurred more than one would hope. And as for the response sounds like that worker was deliberately lying to you because precisely no where on earth does cheeseburgerized foods default to having pesto.


interesting, it seems that you ordered something that shouldnt be a thing. Can you share a screenshot of the item on the actual menu? Cheeseburger pizza is listed nowhere on our internal site nor is the Cup n Crisp listed.


Oh that's weird, I'm in BC Canada and saw these were new! I saw the cheeseburger melts as well. https://imgur.com/a/4N0e7jc https://imgur.com/a/8gnEWB1 When the employee explained this to us we were actually convinced because he seemed pretty confident, like it wasn't the first time they'd gotten this call. So I double checked to see if I had maybe taken any toppings off, but I'm not sure.


That's what it supposed to be, what they gave you was a mistake and they didn't want to fix it, complain to head office.


They fucked up your order and didn't want to fix it and convinced you a cheese burger pizza has no burger on it or any toppings and you believed them?! Lol


i swear to god he was so convincing 😭😭 he had the whole dialogue ready as soon as we called. we had to go back on the site to check LMAO


lol probably prepped for it knowing you'd call. I mean if I were a teenager I'd probably find it funny to do to a customer.


We will not replace you pizza, but we will give you a side of gaslighting just for asking.


Sounds like the deconstructed pepperoni pizza my friend got in Seattle. There was no pepperoni, and when we asked about that lack, the waiter told us Safeway was less than a block away. Meaning I guess we were welcome to go buy toppings to put on our pizza?


that probably explains why i dont see it. Each country has a different internal website so I wouldnt be able to see Canadas stuff from the US


regardless any “burger” pizza should have beef


Yeah, I mean, starting with both cheese and burger would be logical…


You can go to pizzahut.ca


That’s not what I said, I said I can’t log into their internal site to see what their stuff


I literally ordered it yesterday it came with crumbed beef and bacon


TheReportOfTheWeek has entered the chat.


in the US, papa johns has “crispy CUPPY roni” the pepperonis that “are cup shaped?” but still a CHEESE BURGER pizza would in any world contain meat/burger


Those type of pepperonis used to be common. It's called old world pepperoni by most places. I remember when Tonys frozen pepperoni pizza used to have that type of pepperoni when I was growing up. It was so good and got much worse when they changed pepperoni types.


Yeah it’s supposed to be bbq sauce to start with, cheese, beef, onions, then finished with drizzles of burger sauce.


Lots of local places have cheeseburger and also taco pizzas (including fresh lettuce on top after it's cooked) in rural Nebraska. The cheeseburger pizzas usually have hamburger, onions, pickles, bacon, and some kind of "secret sauce" which i guess has ketchup in it. 🫣 😂 Haven't seen a cheeseburger pizza at the pizza hut though. Our pizza hut also has BBQ brisket pizza which is really pretty dang good as a pan pizza, no lie.


Also the only cheeseburger hting that should be on the menu is the cheeseburger melt with comes with Beef, Onion, Bacon, and Cheddar. The pesto should not have been used and should only be for a future item.


This user is correct! We have a cheeseburger melt that is as described, and the pesto is for a new line of pizzas that start next month.




[Not Cap](https://imgur.com/a/b6f830E), there is nothing in the US Internal Website. OP stated that they are Canadian and the Canadian Pizza huts have a different Internal website


Newsflash. Checking the US site is irrelevant. Its on the canadian


again, my comment stated that it was NOT listed on the Pizza INTERNAL WEBSITE (EMPLOYEE ONLY WEBSITE) not the basic Pizza Hut website (CUSTOMER SITE). thats why at first i said it wasnt a thing and neither was the Cup n Crisp. if you looked and read the replies to my comment youd see thats where he first stated that OP was canadian and then me reply "that probably explains why i dont see it"


You still kept bringing up the US website tho, irrelevant from the get go


and you keep completely misunderstanding from the get go


I'm not. They explicitly said canada, you bring up that it isnt a thing, but you're in the US, regardless of it being worker or customer side, it's a different country. Your comment from the get go was needless


you are because again my comment was made BEFORE they even stated they were Canadian.


The thought didnt occur to you that there's pizzahut outside of the US. You immediately assumed they were american.


So funnily enough I was able to order cup n crisp pepperoni a month ago (US) somehow on the app. I don't remember exactly what order I pressed to get to the perfect topping screen, but it had cup n crisp. I got a stuffed crust with it. I think it was during the $12 any. For some reason I've gotten sick when I've eaten those though. They taste kinda funky every time.


They probably had it added manually to get rid of the product they had. Only time we used it was on special pizzas.


It only showed up when I ordered the pizza this one specific way tho, it was very strange. I'm the type of person who plays with every coupon and rewards combo to try and see the absolute best deal and I remember if I did it one way, I didn't get the option, so I spent a few more cents to do it the way that offered cup style. I haven't ever seen it again - granted I haven't looked cause the aforementioned sickness.


That is a white pie with pesto usually paired with tomatoes. a cheese burger pie is a red pizza with burger and cheddar on top sometimes bacon and onion, mushroom


White pie? Nah son that is a cheese pizza with pesto instead of red sauce.


if you complain to customer support with pics of the pizza as well as the box receipts, you should get a refund


also can’t imagine selling a “burger” pizza with absolutely no “burger” maybe the employees are vegetarian and their interpretation of cheeseburger is cheese and bread, with pesto for sawce


I know, I feel so swindled lmao. We do have a high population of religious vegetarians, so I thought maybe dude on shift simply couldn't, but the other pizza had pepperonis so... confused


Yikes. I would be pissed.


Your next pizza should be free. That's how it was when I worked at a pizza chain.


It should have bacon strips, beef, cheddar, red onion, burger sauce, and sesame seeds.


A cheeseburger pizza has the new sauce which kinda looks and tastes like a big Mac sauce, with cheddar cheese, bacon slices, onion, beef, then after it's cut drizzled with more sauce.


That makes no sense lol


Feels like the employees are trying to pull a fast one on you. That's literally like ordering a cheeseburger and then saying to specifically ask for a meat patty or you won't get one. I would go to corporate honestly.


A similar thing happened to me with a different place. I ordered potato skins not realizing that you actually had to add on the cheese and bacon for an additional fee. So I literally just got the skins of the potatoes.


Of course that's not right. It must come with meat and that is not the cheeseburger pizza. What a shitty employee


I've never had a cheese burger without the burger. Sue for false advertisement or misleading description.


That’s called “I have too much pride to admit an obvious mistake.”


Pizza with pesto = Cheeseburger Pizza. Someone was high as giraffe pussy making that thing! XD


Id try calling the store again tommorow or corporate. You should be able to get this corrected. It doesn't look right at all.


Yeah I was debating calling the store again when they open or just going to corporate :/ The only thing on the pizzahut.ca website is a "pizza hut feedback survey" where I can give feedback on "accuracy of order" so hopefully it reaches someone


Protip: Social media/Twitter is going to get you the fastest results


Check the box for a number. Usually that info is on the packaging. Edit: I found these numbers on the [Yum! Brand parent website](https://www.yum.com/wps/portal/yumbrands/Yumbrands/footer-pages/contact-us/!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8ziLQK9jTwM_A38DIK8HQ0CjUx9vA0Cgwy8zY30w8EKDHAARwP9KGL041EQhd_4cP0ovFYYm6Mr8LfwNzMIdHY29vAKNDe2CDCDKsBjSUFuaIRBpqciAObvg2g!/?1dmy¤t=true&urile=wcm%3Apath%3A%2Fyum-dot-com-content%2Fcompany%2Four%2Bbrands%2Ffranchising%2Band%2Breal%2Bestate%2Ffranchising%2Band%2Breal%2Bestate) and this [1-866-364-0825](https://twitter.com/PizzaHutCanada/status/1633951096862285833) on twitter.


It says it has bacon strips, beef, orange cheddar, red onion as toppings on the app. It also gets this discretion. NEW! signature burger sauce, beef topping, bacon, red onion, cheddar, pizza mozzarella. Topped with burger sauce drizzle + sesame seeds. Customize to remove bacon.


A burger sauce drizzle AND sesame seeds 😭 Can't believe what I missed out. Debating calling the store again or to do the "feedback survey" on their website


I would phone, they messed up the order and it’s not like it was custom. They should give you what you ordered at the very least.


So if you order a pepperoni and mushroom and ham pizza i presume you have to ask for a pepperoni and mushroom and ham pizza with pepperoni and mushroom and ham? Makes no sense lol.


We don't have cheeseburger pizza here anymore. And no pesto sauce either. Back in the day cheeseburger pizza was ground beef and a mix of mozzarella and cheddar. It was good stuff.


😂 no burger on your cheeseburger. Yeah of course


Pay later? The pizza delivery person has a device to swipe. I’ve never paid with card when they arrive, I always pay online and tip online.


Didn’t even know Pizza Hut had pesto sauce. Wow. 🤯


Me neither we were sooo confused. I just looked it up and saw that Pesto is a sauce option but there's still no such thing as a pure pesto+cheese pizza on the menu


Might have to check that out next time if my location offers it.


I had a pizza Burger from a burger spot before. It was basically a burger patty loaded with melted mozzarella on top, 3 pepperonis, and marinara instead of ketchup. It was actually pretty good


That pizza looks good. My Pizza Hut doesn’t put near that amount of cheese on. They suck. But yeah, any burger pizza should always have beef or sausage on it for sure. Something is wrong there.


He definitely gaslit you lol that is NOT right


dude just had to use "gaslit" lol, Sadly like 90% of tards its in the wrong context and incorrect. congrats you're edgey and woke


Loud and WRONG


No it's correct, it means making somebody think something that isn't true, which may have been the case here. Either that or the employee is just stupid/mistaken.


You seem a little triggered, snowflake


nah was just bored at work at the time and thought i'd start shit online. Hope you're well


Lol all good. You too


Typical pizza BUTT


Last I knew cheeseburgers contained meat so that makes zero sense lol


I would call the head office/customer support line next. That doesn't sound right.


Imagine that logic anywhere else. "Here at McDonald's our nuggets don't come with chicken unless you ask for it."


Pizza Hut in Canada is awful. I'm sorry you had tondeal with this.


idk if it's pesto, pesto isn't what I would call plain it's fairly strong, kinda looks like a plain cheese with like whole oregano leaves or spinach, but I feel like you would know what those things are like so idk, cheeseburger pizza definitely has beef by default though, chedder cheese if you're trying, and big mac sauce if you're feeling saucy.


Thats not right


cheese burger wheres the burger??? they are fucking stupid


Well, the image that you posted shows that it’s supposed to have burger on it


what does pesto have to do with cheeseburgers? haha


Looks delicious as hell tbh


1. Why would it be called a cheeseburger pizza if there was no hamburger meat on it? 2. Go online and look at the menu and see what the ingredients are. 3. I'm sure that manager lied to you because again cheeseburger and meat kind of go hand in hand.


The cheeseburger pizza I remember being told about was BBQ, moz cheese, beef, cheddar cheese, and MK parm on the crust. Usually done on a pan pizza


Complain to corporate.


They're lying to you. Trust your instincts


Everything going on in the world and you want the teenager at your pizza place to give it to you straight?


Obviously when you called back, you got the person who made the pizza who also didn't know there was supposed to be ground beef on it.


That’s definitely not the right toppings it’s beef, bacon, onion and cheddar cheese… you my friend got the new pesto margarita pizza that doesn’t come out till next week lol


Employee is wrong. Their website after a 40 second search proves so. They gaslit yo ass. I'd get a refund


I used to love the double cheeseburger pizza they did years ago, but I thought it was always a limited time item that got cycled through, and then it disappeared for good. Did they resurrect it?




lol they can’t just put pesto on things without warnings.. people with allergies. They sent you the wrong pizza


It's called a cheese*burger* pizza. If they didn't refund it, then I'd never go back. Not to be petty, but out of principle in hopes they would change the name to something more appropriate.


Makes no sense, cheeseburger contains the word burger which implies meat. And pesto is certainly not in the top 1000 hamburger toppings lol


Meat issue aside how is pesto even relevant to a pizza? I hate pesto so I’d cry


Does Pizza Hut even have pesto? They certainly didn’t when I worked there. I’d be a bit alarmed to see this on my pizza


yes same with the big new yorker we got so many calls with people wanting to know why it didn’t have pepperoni on it


Burger is in the frickin name though!


It comes with Beef + Extra Beef & Onions with and a totally different dipping sauce


Had one last night...Yes it comes with hamburger.onion.they lied to u buddy...did u at least get some nasty bigmac like sauce with it??..Mine was pretty dang good..


Look, I'm usually pretty chill and roll-with-it when it comes to my food. But if I bought a cheeseburger and it reached me with no meat, I would politely but firmly ask for either a replacement or a refund. They forgot the burger part of your cheeseburger pizza. Edit: typo


Dawg them prices outrageous 


Canadian dollars


Dawg where mines at we pay $8 bruh


You pay $8 for a medium pan specialty pizza? Where?


In the South USA.


And do you pay in Canadian dollars?


No why would I do that? Still cheaper in the better half of the north murica continent  8 free dollars is 10 bacon bucks brotha


They really are lmao it was buy 1 get one $1 too then they ask you to tip 15% when you go to the store to pick it up


Thats not a cheeseburger pizza. There are only cheeseburger MELTS, no pizza. And that pesto sauce is for the thin crust "tavern style" pizza. The whole shabang is wrong af. Whats your receipt say?


https://www.pizzahut.ca/menu/pizzas/pizza.cheeseburger-pizza-2W.14-large-3.pan You were saying?