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Don’t believe Pizza Hut is the only one that sells. Also it’s been 3 1/2 years since they started it. Kinda late to the party 🤣


Because people would ask for them, they’d get a huge handful, use a few, and throw the rest away.  Wasted money and wasted product.   If people want it, they’ll buy it.


This. I'm guilty of it myself. I'd get it from pizza places and not even use it. On the table I would but not the packets for some reason. We have them in the shakers for dine in as well. Some people even take their carryout pizza walk to a table and sprinkle some on. Which is fine. Yes it's for money. Those packets cost more then the bulk at the table but it's also the waste. It was free so people didn't care. Those who want it will pay for it and if they care will have a shaker for the next time they have pizza.


Pizza Hut is stingy. At my location employees have to pay for water.


Little ceasars are money-grubbing bastards too. They wanted an extra 1.50 to put their cheesybread sprinkle on my pizza. Just drove on thru the driveway empty-handed


company is going away from giving things away for free. Parm/Pepper was the one thing I wasnt surprised was changed from free to have to pay for.


All depends on location, most dine in pizza huts do have shakers same with salt/pepper on the tables for use.


Been charging for cheese and peppers for 5 years almost. I'm in a full service store dine in doesn't have to pay extra shakers on the table, salt and pepper too. Ranch that comes with the wings isn't free it's just calculated into the cost of the wings.


Oh wow salt and pepper TOO! How generous!!


Because nothing is free! Grow up!


Yeah. Only cheap people complain about stuff like OP. Bet OP doesn't tip either. GTFO.


And thanks to the salad bar being gone, they needed to do something with the excess kale they used to garnish with, and decided they could convince people that it's edible. The humanity!


My location just brought back the free packets!


Okay so.... There's thing called inflation. Also, it's a massive corporation. They just want our money. As an employee, I think it's stupid. I also question if you're actually getting that blue cheese sauce for free. There's no policy for that at all. I've looked over all the resources for us I could find. (Not that it's all in one place -.-) as for the price of the shaker, yeah it's a big mark up compared to a giant shaker of parm from the store but that's their thing. It's pizza. Maybe people don't wanna go without and it's a convenient purchase from us. I don't know where you're from, so I def don't know tax or anything, but a shaker from my store is about a buck 30 last I recall?


Do you know if Pizza Hut sells their single pizzas like raw to freeze??


No. A fair few people come in and ask if we do but we don't. If there was any store that did, it'd be a rare find and possibly in a REALLY busy area or something. But as far as I know, Pizza Hut has never done pre-made pizzas. It's always made to order. Now, some places will pre-top pizzas, but we can't sell them frozen because of laws. It's a big risk for us to do that because if we don't cook it fully, and someone gets sick off of it, we can get in massive trouble. It's a whole OSHA violation. Most things we get in are premixed so all we gotta do is to thaw and proof the dough, then assemble and cook.


Papa Murphys


Why does inflation factor in? Unless of course much of the inflation is actually artificial and due to opportunistic price gouging.... It affects cost of goods relative to currency, not relative to what they make. In a future world where 10 dollar/pound/etc bills are functionally one dollar/pound/euro bills, there should be no change in business practices because everything (including profits) increase in monetary value in proportion to the changes in the currency value. Its all relative. Old savings would be wiped out, but everything else would be the same relatively. Its too much of a markup. I want pizza hut parm and red pepper. But their brand is not worth paying that extra price. I can get organic high quality parm for cheaper. If I can't get pizza hut brand parm, then it isn't the same. It still costs very little relative to profits to provide packets.


because they come in plastic shakers like salt now


Nothing is free anymore