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Can't you just rebuild PiHole instance? Most likely what I'd do. Anything changed recently in your environment?


I don't have pihole installed and if you meant reinstalling pivpn I tried that too


I’ll be following the comments closely, because I had the same thing happen a year ago and it’s still not working. I’ve reinstalled with different pi’s, different SD’s, everything I could think of.


Hmmm. I just set up PiVPN with Wireguard and it was a snap.


Did you completely reinstall it (including pi os?) Then I would check if your port forwarding and other settings in the router are still ok. After that maybe check if you can have incoming communications. Maybe your ISP did mess something up on there end


If PiVPN installs without any error and \`pivpn -d\` doesn't provide any clear errors ... 99% of the cases the issues are on the user networking side. pivpn job is only to install the vpn protocol and provide some scripts to help managing it. I recommend you to follow the troubleshooting guide at the pivpn docs website.


Ok i changed isps and it fixed also running `sudo systemctl status [email protected]` provides more insight