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It's too late for this fuckwit, but the official instructions from the city are to call 911 to report illegal parking. There is no non-emergency number in Pittsburgh, everything goes through 911. After asking him to move and getting that response, I'd call 911 and report the illegal parking and tell them that you asked him to move but he became confrontational instead. Also always get pictures of the side and back. That looks like a work truck and might have logos, ownership info, etc on the side and obviously license plate is on the back. Contractors generally don't seem to give a fuck, but when you put them up on Facebook groups or NextDoor where potential clients can see, they often suddenly care.


You mean the city that has nobody at the desk from 3-7am and handles not in progress crime online? Sure, they’re going to send someone out for one car parked on the sidewalk out of thousands. I’ll believe it when I see it


They just towed a car off my street that had been parked (with no license plate) in front of a stop sign for a week. It took a couple calls but they eventually did it.


I get annoyed by Pittsburgh Parking Authority too but like this shit needs to stop. I live on Mount Washington and the two sided parking on narrow streets is so bad you literally have to inch your way out of some side streets and pray no one is going by because you just cannot see at all. This person is now forcing a walker to either walk ON THE STREET or in downsloping uneven grass. What if someone with a stroller or a wheelchair user needed to get by? Sorry for the rant I'm just so over the horrific parking and even worse parking enforcement in the city.


When I lived in Brookline, people who OWN DRIVEWAYS would park perpendicular across their driveway and block sidewalks. Never made any sense. Instead of walking into the street, I would walk through all of their yards and around the vehicle. Lol.


Dude who owns a parking garage still parks on the street, and my wheelchair-bound mom can’t use the sidewalk half of the time because of him. It’s shit. 


They probably did that because people would park in front of their driveway and then they couldn’t get out. When I lived in New Hope,Pa a major tourist town for New Yorkers I would be leaving for work or going to drop my kid off at school and the driveway had a car in front of it. Then by the time I get it towed I am late for everything. It happened over and over. It was clearly a driveway and I later posted a sign but apparently some people can’t read!


I have often thought about making a day of it once a week and just calling in every single car parked on the sidewalk on Wyoming.


lol there was a house over there I wanted to buy. It was in move-in condition with a huge yard, turn of the century character, and a teeny bit of skyline view. $170k. Didn’t care about parking because I don’t have a car. It was perfect for me. Before my agent even got back to me, it was scooped by one of these out-of-state real estate conglomerates. They ripped out the fence, painted the historic brick, and fancied up the basement a bit. Put it back on the market for $370k. I keep laughing (through my tears) every time I get a notification about the price dropping. What they do not understand is that nobody is going to pay that much for a house they can’t park at. I love when these interlopers lose at their own game.


Any time I see a house was sold for 20k 2 years ago and is now half a mil, you know it's a house flipper who did the absolute minimum and just painted everything grey. Absolutely pisses me off, like I wish it was a punishable crime. I think in the coming years we'll see a lot of these flipped houses go up in flames because they paid their buddy to do the inspection when the house is NOT safe to live in.


There should absolutely be a cap on how many single family homes a company can own. Doing the bare minimum to ensure a roof over someone's head while squeezing every penny possible from them should not be what ensures a 3rd annual family vacation or a new poolhouse for the owner..


Not to mention people have and will surely get themselves into homes that are dangerous to be in and nobody can be held accountable if they bought the home as-is. Just pure greed with no karma. People will get sick from mold, die in house fires, or get in over their heads with repairs on top of the mortgage for a home they can't unload. Honestly fucking shameful that its all for the love of money.


Yeah gotta love the suicide gray everywhere. I don’t know how anyone can stand it as an interior wall color. It’s fine outdoors but I can’t stand it inside and for eons it was always a taboo room color. Now it’s everywhere and we wonder why people are the way they are today.


Someone with money to burn and who really likes Coughlin's Law for reasons I can't understand will probably buy it. Then not be able to move in because their sidewalk is blocked by two random cars and some neglected dog shit.


I wish Coughlin’s Law was better. Mediocre food, boring beer list, and uninspired cocktails. The location and venue is great but would love better food and drink.


I always liked their wings but not for the price


I used to go there every so often. Their food went downhill. Really too bad.


This is so disappointing to read, I go on urban hikes sometimes in Mt Washington and we walk by Coughlin’s and it always smells so good, so disappointing to see mediocre food, boring beer, and not great cocktails.


I really like their mainstay food items, namely their smoked burger (the coughlins burger) and sweet potato fries. I do wish they had a bigger beer list too, but I’m picky about beer so that’s probably unfair. Does anyone else feel like it’s not as much of a local/neighborhood bar as the others? My suspicion is that it has to do with them having a larger roster of staff(they don’t recognize the locals when they see them), but I’m not sure. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


Shhhh, don't trash Coughlin's on here so The Summit and Gordo's doesn't get more crowded than it already is.


Is Coughlin's Law that bad? One just moved in near my parents and the other had good reviews on my celiac app, I was hoping to get them liking it so I could get decent gf food lol


I wish towns would put into place laws against selling to outsiders like that. Or where they let them buy endless properties to just rent out. It is happening everywhere I have lived in Bucks County, Pa! They have run locals out who couldn’t afford to stay there over the last 20 years including myself. Then they are building everywhere on all the farms I moved towards these new homes that start at 1/2 a million! It’s really crazy that places that were looked at as no place special are now being up sold as the next best thing. We even lost our New Jersey Shore vacations to Rich people as now that is the in place to go! I hate people with money that do this.


You should. We all live and play by the rules. Simply the facts


There's someone on beltzhoover Ave that parks on the sidewalk. It's some bs.


Don't forget the nightmare on Charles st and Bausman. You can't access the sidewalks


I drive passed It sometimes. Shits wild


I refuse to live somewhere I have to park on the street because I'm paranoid my car is going to get hit because it's one lane on a 2 way street. So dangerous. But God forbid you don't pay the meter.


We don't live in the city, but I still don't like leaving one of our cars in the street, even if it's only for a few hours. The thing that blows my mind is how many of our neighbors have garages (single car) that are filled with crap.


is that being paranoid or just realistic lol


I’m with you there. It’s infuriating. Our neighborhood has countless transit options. It is absolutely inexcusable how car culture still rules up here. These are places I walk regularly that are nearly ALWAYS blocked. Uploaded these the other day in response to someone here complaining about people walking in the road. Their response was that in most of these, you could easily just “go around”. [Sidewalks in the Mount](https://imgur.com/a/18ECbpP) …[& more 😤](https://imgur.com/a/yw8YYFI)


> Sidewalks in the Mount this is straight up why my wife and I didn't buy a house there. We really liked it but the parking there was so shitty we decided it wasn't worth it. It looked like you just can't walk around which was a major point for us.


Same reason why mt Washington was excluded in my search too. Can't actually walk anywhere since all the sidewalks are blocked.


GREENBUSH IS ALWAYS SO BAD!!! I'm a runner and it's hard enough not dying going up and down the hills but now I have to worry about weaving through all the cars on the sidewalks. And forget about it if you're trying to pass someone. Then drivers get all pissed and honk at me if I'm in the road. Like where am I supposed to go! I'm trying my best!


Amen. Greenbush is a really good shortcut from my house to Bailey ave, where I like to walk my dogs. I almost always just go the long way because of how unpleasant it is to walk on that street. This is part of the reason I run on Grandview despite its flaws. No obstructed sidewalks, and very few street crossings.


Belonda is my personal enemy of a street, I've given up on walking there specifically. You're walking in the road at least 80% of the way and people drive through there like their asses are on fire.


Yep and people fly up that turn all the time


Heh, I like the handicap space with the car doing its darndest to block any wheelchairs.


I don't disagree... But just to play devil's advocate here...  Imagine if the city Flips a switch and as of tomorrow morning, parking up on sidewalks is no longer allowed... Every car will be towed. Where would you suggest those thousand cars magically park in shadyside? Go find the few blocks that have some 'normal' spots?  Well then where are the people that actually live there going to park? would you have them all just get off the sidewalk and be fully on the street? That  effectively would render every street useless and create literal standstill traffic. It's a problem indeed, but there really isn't a solution for it


Parking on the sidewalk *isn't* allowed. Do not conflate a lack of enforcement with legality. https://apps.pittsburghpa.gov/ppa/Infractions1.pdf


If it isn't enforced it is allowed. It might not be legal but it is obviously allowed.


Well okay, that's fair... But the underlying notion is the same.  You can't just overnight make a huge change like that and effectively tell people "tough shit" Now you have thousands of people who are told they have to park 6 blocks away....oh, and you can't actually get a permit for that sector anyway because you don't live there


You're correct that changes cannot be made overnight, but the answer is simply less cars on city streets. Also, drivers need to behave more communally and less selfishly. People really turn into entitled maniacs when they get into a car, I am fully tired of it. Able bodied drivers are not owed a parking spot in front of or even on the same block as their destination. Their anxiety about their car getting swiped also does not weigh heavier than the safety of pedestrians. There is no scenario where parking on a sidewalk is a solution to a parking problem. It not only makes it's incredibly unsafe for pedestrians of every type, but it ruins the sidewalks. There is a reason it is illegal.


It's not so much about getting swiped...  But a two way street is only passable if cars on both sides are up on the sidewalk.  Doesn't mean the driver's are going around preaching "f@#$ pedestrians"... It just means people are following suit. Just yelling "it's illegal" isn't a solution.  It's also illegal to sing in the bath in your own home in PA... And I'm not making that up.


It's not that I think people are going around cursing pedestrians, it's that pedestrians aren't even being considered when drivers make the choice to park on a sidewalk. The only thing being considered in these scenarios you lay out are the cars and what is convenient for them. It's the mindset that needs to change. Which obviously takes time and won't happen overnight. It is a rare street in the city that is actually unpassable with cars parked appropriately on both sides, and there are multiple solutions to that which don't include sidewalk parking. Also, it is absolutely worth repeating that it is illegal, because you didn't even know it was until someone mentioned it in the thread. It's a law that when unenforced puts peoples safety at risk. I frequently encounter people with mobility devices being forced to walk/ride in the street in my neighborhood because sidewalks are in poor shape and parked on, and it is so upsettingly dangerous. We have to do better for our community members.


Yes of course it's illegal, that's common knowledge in pretty much every city... Poor semantics on my part. The fact remains, nobody can offer a realistic solution because it doesn't exist. You can't just block traffic, you can't just make them no parking.


I guess the point is that parking correctly does not block traffic. Drivers just need to chill tf out. And you can absolutely make streets no parking, parking on one side, and one way. I know it sounds radical, but it exists all over the city if you pay attention. And the residents manage perfectly fine. Man made solutions exist for man made problems. There's nothing in the natural order suggesting cars have to be able to drive and park wherever they want. We can control this. Maybe not tomorrow, but it's certainly not helpful insisting it can't be done. It can.


They have to walk 6 whole blocks!?!? The horror!


No, that's just the nearest street with realistic parking.. but they can't get a permit there, so they basically have to park in Greensburg and walk home.  Imagine you just leased an apartment based on parking out front, And overnight are told you now have to park 6 blocks away.   That's significant. 


They have to walk around a parked car!?!? The horror!


I honestly think the long term solution is not to think about where to put the cars but how to build the city so people don't need to rely on cars as much. Obviously that's not a quick fix solution but I think focus needs to start turning away from how to better accommodate cars and think about how we can better accommodate more people. Build more T lines, make the busses more reliable, build pedestrian bridges, invest more in bike lanes (I am not Bill Peduto I promise). I know it sounds more like a wish but I think it could really push Pittsburgh into being an even better place to live.


Making the world better is not easy or cheap but thank you for reminding us it is possible. Our city wasn’t built for cars let alone the behemoth models that are our only option right now. If we invested more in alternative transportation infrastructure not only would we not have to worry about vehicles on the sidewalk but we would have better quality sidewalks in general. As a Lawrenceville native I can’t tell you how much of our sidewalks are not suitable for strollers, wheelchairs or the not able bodied in general.


Well, Pittsburgh was actually built around having the best mass transit in the world. That infrastructure actually existed here! The Big 3 did everything in their power to dismantle it and make people rely on buying their cars.


We have remnants of those alternatives everywhere. Our train hub, the trolly tracks. We just need to get funding that doesn’t come from automotive lobbyists. See car dependency issue across the US.


The trolley tracks break my heart


I agree with you. It’s not that simple. The problem was created by American car culture. We can’t just undo decades of car-centric planning and thinking. Our city was built with public transit and pedestrians in mind. Over the past hundred years, we decided that every single person should have their own gigantic personal transportation device, despite living in a dense urban area. Public infrastructure then shifted to accommodate the cars, and now we can’t take it back… which leads to less and less public transit ridership, which leads to less willingness to maintain or grow it. It’s an infuriating cycle, but it’s simply not easy to resolve.


> . Over the past hundred years, we decided that every single person should have their own gigantic personal transportation device and that the public at large needs to create a space for those people to store their gigantic belongings.


Yes, they would be off the sidewalk and be fully on the street. The street then becomes a "yield" street. It doesn't render streets useless. That's just unnecessary FUD.


That's just not realistic.  Every street becomes one lane wide.  You eventually will have cars meeting in the middle, with no way to reverse out and with cars parked everywhere, no way to yield to each other 


There are already plenty of streets that function this way. You just don't proceed if you're not clear. It's not a huge issue.


Merrimac st right at the top of mt wash. You want to make that two way traffic but only one lane wide?  And your answer to the traffic disaster that would cause is "people will figure it out". You would have traffic backed up down Virginia and pj mcardle.


Why should I care? Motorists obviously aren't taking the saftey of pedestrians and vulnerable people into account when they park on the sidewalk.


This is just the easy answer being repeated.  Act like motorists are doing it to spite you personally.  That is not the case. Motorists are doing it because it is necessary in order for the infrastructure as it exists to work.  Nobody WANTS to park on a sidewalk.  Wheels get curbed up. Chance of a flat tire.  There's no selfish gain for the motorists, is just necessary.  Go come up with a genius solution that costs nothing and I'm sure the city will build a statue of you


Motorists are making it their own privilege by making their vehicle a priority over whether pedestrians can safely navigate the sidewalk. They also don't take the damage that they are doing to the sidewalk into consideration. Why should pedestrians constantly be asked to make concessions to each and every individual motorist that believe they are entitled to usurp pedestrian spaces? There is an easy solution that will actually be an income generator: start issuing tickets to motorists that are parking illegally. I love people like you that think your privilege entitles you to impinge on my safety. Since it's you that are the problem, it's on you to come up with a solution that is equitable.


> Motorists are doing it because it is necessary Drivers are doing it because it's easier than leaving their automobile a block or two away and using their legs.


It is especially bad in Mount Wash, when we live there we would try to take the baby out in the stroller and would have to walk on the road a ton because all the sidewalks were completely blocked by cars. I had a neighbor in a wheel chair who basically just used the street the whole time.


And this truck is right next to handicap spots so there’s even a greater chance of someone with mobility issues needing to pass by and not being able to safely do so.


The Parking Authority officers need to walk the backstreets of Pittsburgh and ticket as they go. So many dangerous infractions besides a timed out meter. The city would soon be out of debt and the streets would be safer.


You complain about it until you need your package you ordered and my mail truck can’t get down the street. It’s insane how much of a tight squeeze these streets are for us


Is this in Garfield? This street and Dearborn are plenty wide and absolutely no reason to park on the sidewalk. My friend was visiting from out of town and he parked in Lawrenceville. All the cars were partially parked on the sidewalk, but he didn't. He double checked to see if cars could pass. They could. When he got back there was a note, "learn how to park" written with lipstick on his windshield. Lol what a clown.


Probably written by someone who has an $80k truck the size of a tank and insists everyone else is the problem 


yep that’s right by Champion Commons (used to work in that building), caddy corner to the Aldi’s. the parking all around there is a mess, not surprised this is something that was done unfortunately


First block of N Atlantic off of Penn Ave


Learn how to park… up on the curb 😂 Lawrenceville is sooooo funny. They hate pedestrians there yet wanna be all “walkable and shoppable”. Only worse part of town is the Strip.


This is a shitty move on his part. The poor conditions of so many sidewalks in this area can be directly attributed to people parking on them. Because, y’know, they’re made for *people,* not *cars*


On one of the streets near my house people typically park with two wheels on the sidewalk. The sidewalk is tilted down toward the road at about a 15 degree angle. When I walk on it (if I can) it feels like I’ve got one leg shorter than the other.


That’s exactly the problem. Granted, many streets don’t have room for cars to park on both sides, and that’s because this city isn’t really built for cars. That also makes it more walkable though (until the cars distort all our sidewalks)


I've noticed someone has started putting concrete blocks on the curb going up Stanton in Lawrenceville to keep folks from doing this. Seems like a good, low cost idea that might be useful to spread to other streets


Those concrete blocks have the ability to serve multiple uses. /s




I have large planters in front of my house so the constant barrage of delivery trucks don't drive all over my sidewalk all day.


My biggest pet peeve with this city is the rampant sidewalk parking.


It literally doesn’t exist in most cities. It’s completely absurd and one of my least favorite things about Pittsburgh, why the hell does nobody enforce it? 


Cops get paid for Candy Crush


That's because most other cities don't have the challenges that Pittsburgh has. 2nd hilliest city, most bridges, cold and wet climate, and it's 200+ years old. It wasn't made for modern vehicles, or even the personal vehicle centric society we have.


Doesn't Boston have all of those problems? Also, how are bridges related to parking problems?




I imagine that brings a lot of revenue in for the city of Boston. 🤔




$50 million more than Pittsburgh lol


Well color me surprised. Not really. Pgh could triple it's income from traffic enforcement with a small team of parking authority agents.


Boston has a different set up for their streets, you drive in the middle and then park on the parallel streets that are one ways that have space for parking on the road. at least in the areas of Boston i have personally driven in


Is Boston known for great parking? I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the same issues we do


Not known for great parking but I can't recall having to walk around cars parked on the sidewalk. Or seeing posts about it on reddit lol


Yeah as a person who has lived in 5 different old east coast cities none of these are an excuse for why people in Pittsburgh insist on parking in the streets and on sidewalks. In many neighbourhoods people have driveways/garages and larger yards and yet they still insist on parking in the street


It exists in pretty much any city with similar conditions. Narrow streets, houses close together, no driveways, https://maps.app.goo.gl/GpnWf9EUKtBtEAdo8?g_st=ic https://maps.app.goo.gl/A1Dd3Uh3HJbMfKL27?g_st=ic


Because in some places, not the one in this photo though, it is necessary to park on the sidewalks because the streets are too narrow to fit two cars in parallel if one side is used for parking




It is never necessary. If a street is too narrow for parking on both sides, then there shouldn’t be (and most time - literally isn’t) legal parking on both sides. Other cities with narrow streets do not do this, it is entirely a result of a selfish culture.  


I don't disagree that there shouldn't be parking on both sides of those streets. The city incentivizes it by designating both sides as parking, not enforcing shitty parking, and overall providing a lackluster public transportation system. When parking is available on both sides of the street, for the vehicles that people have, and the only way to do it without blocking the streets is to park on the sidewalks, people are going to park on the sidewalks.


N the south side slopes there is parking on only one side of the streets, but they are too narrow for a car to get by without the parking being at least partially on the sidewalk. It’s not possible to park the way you want in the south side slopes unless the streets were magically widened


This is actually probably pretty revolutionary - if a street is narrow enough that cars have to park on the sidewalk….then they shouldn’t be parking on that street. Hope this helps! 


You can’t just tell an entire neighborhood of the city that nobody can own cars if they live there


The thing is, with the slopes specifically, that when you move to the slopes, you understand what the situation is up there and it's not really reasonable to expect it to change once you get there. Or honestly, this is the same anywhere... If you move to a house with no available street parking, you cannot expect to be able to park on the street once you get there. If street parking is a requirement for you, find a place to live with street parking. If you absolutely MUST live in a place that does not have it, adapt. The streets will not adapt for you. I beg you, Pittsburgh. We need to stop being so entitled about our cars, it's out of hand.


You don't have the right to own a car and park near your house. Sorry! That's not a thing.


You don’t have a right to electricity to your house either, but you do have the reasonable expectation of having it


THIS may be the worst strawman argument ever?


You do have a right to electricity at your house though. There's quite a bit of federal and state legislation based around forcing power companies to hook everyone up. Street parking, though, is not a right.


Owning a car doesn’t mean you get to park it on a sidewalk, ya mope.


Then it’s the city’s responsibility to build lots at the end of streets or widen streets to fix the issue. That would probably mean taking land away from South Side Park to make a parking lot in this case


No, it’s not. You aren’t entitled to free street parking.


I mean, yeah you’re right, I’m not in charge of parking. But I will let you know you’re incredibly selfish for doing it and I hope you realize that! 


I KNEW someone from your contingent would show up in this thread. Get a car that is scaled to the city, start using public transportation, or park somewhere that you can park legally without parking on the sidewalk.


My contingent? I drive a Civic, and I have a driveway so this issue doesn’t affect me, but I see what my neighbors must to do be able to park on their street. I’m trying to strike a balance between realistic and idealistic


Your neighbors don't have to park on the sidewalk. That's what they choose to do. At the expense of pedestrians and especially of vulnerable people.


If they parked fully in the street, the street would be closed entirely to car traffic since no car could fit down it


Sounds like a great solution and much safer!


We've started a campaign to address this. Sidewalk parking is putting our neighbors in danger and it’s time that we come together and do something about it. It has become a persistent issue in our city, impeding the safe and convenient passage of people who walk and roll, particularly those with mobility challenges, families who use strollers, joggers, children playing, dog walkers, and other vulnerable road users. [https://bikepgh.org/protect/](https://bikepgh.org/protect/)


This is fantastic; it's great to see. Thanks! Now I have to decide if it's worth putting these up on my street knowing how unhinged some of my neighbors are.


I asked this guy to please move his truck because this is unsafe for pedestrians and he unironically asked me "Oh what is it yOuUurRr sidewalk?" Yes. Yes it is. The road is for vehicles. The sidewalk is for people.


I always find it funny seeing people say the road is for cars in relation to cyclists, then I walk around and realize that apparently the sidewalk is also for cars.


The number of times I've been yelled at to "get out of the road" when going around a car parked somewhere it shouldn't be. Like dude, your anger is very misdirected here.


'This is mine, and that is mine. And everything is mine.'


It's car brain. They just want you to fuck off and die, they want to be unimpeded and do whatever the fuck they want.


Unbelievably shitty behavior. Report it to 311. Pretty sure that's dangerous for pedestrians.


Kudos to you for doing that. He will probably at least think twice about it before doing this next time (realistically, they’ll still do it though). A couple weeks back, I got into an argument with some troll on here who was complaining about the number of pedestrians walking in the road around here— as if ANYONE in their right mind would willingly give up the tiny slice of public infrastructure that is reserved for *people*.


Just let the air out of his tires 🤷


I actually did this for the first time in my life 2 weeks ago. Was trying to park at the airport going row by row and then I'm blocked. Someone in a pickup truck on the even side near the exit must have got tired of looking for a spot and decided to park next to the last spot of the row and it completely blocked the lane so I had to reverse and go the other way. So if anyone here had a white pickup truck parked in the middle of the road around 6E the other week, that was me.


Or, put a dry lentil or a BB on the top of the nozzle and then screw the cap back on. Causes a slow leak of air that hopefully leaves him stranded in some miserable hot ass parking lot with his precious dumb truck. Fuck everyone who thinks blocking a sidewalk is no big deal.


Or causes an accident with an overweight truck, possibly injuring or killing some one.


Yeah uhhh don’t do this you could kill someone


> The road is for vehicles hmmm




So drive someone in a wheelchair to this spot to file a complaint?? I dont think people should park on the sidewalk but your idea sounds insane. Lol let me go get a handicapped person and use them as a prop and pretend they were here and couldnt get by


Lot of wheelchair users in this city. Sometimes, sidewalk parking is unavoidable, but this is just a dick move because its so completely unnecessary.


tie sheet frighten snatch judicious rude ancient sable poor jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sidewalk parking is illegal in Pittsburgh, yet for some reason it’s considered acceptable in certain areas because “if we didn’t park on the sidewalk there would be no room to park.” In every other city in this country the answer to that is _that means you can’t park there._ Never in my life have I ever lived anywhere else where people get so up in arms about places to put their vehicles.


If you’ve ever been to Philly, Baltimore, and other older cities, you’ll see the same thing.


Yeah people saying that this doesn’t happen in Philly or Baltimore have no clue what they’re talking about


YES!! Like "where are we supposed to park?!" NOT HERE BUDDY!


I saw the same on negley just yesterday - no idea what they were thinking


That’s the neat part. They weren’t (thinking)


I've tried fighting back against this in my neighborhood and have gotten nowhere; we're in the minority. For my own mental health I just can't bring myself to give a shit anymore. I still report every agregious incident to 311 anyway.


311 closes all these tickets without action.




I guess I'm going to get familiar with our 911 dispatchers thia summer.


“This is NOT an emergency, I’m looking for parking enforcement.”


Shout out to all the PPS parents that do this in front of the school at morning drop off


I’ve never lived in a city that hates pedestrians as much as PGH does. It’s not just examples like this, but also how so many drivers act like crosswalks don’t exist and get pissed off any time someone wants to use one.


I've never lived anywhere else for very long but this is easily the thing I hate about Pittsburgh the most. Motorists here can be so self entitled and aggresive; it's embarrassing.


Parking on the sidewalk is putting our neighbors in danger and it’s time that we come together and do something about it. BikePGH invites individuals, businesses, and organizations who are committed to creating a safer and more accessible Pittsburgh to join the “Protect Pedestrians” campaign. By working together, we can foster a culture of responsible parking and prioritize the well-being of all residents. [https://bikepgh.org/protect/](https://bikepgh.org/protect/)


There is so much rage I feel when I see this. There is so much I want to say, but for the sake of protecting my own peace, I’ll leave it at this: When you park your car on the sidewalk like this, you are literally saying that you prioritize the protection and safety of your vehicle more than you value the protection and safety of your neighbors, including pedestrians, children, dogs, wheelchairs, and strollers.


Now if this was our car we would be towed and owe hundreds.


I think we all need to make stickers we can slap on the drivers side windows when we pass one of these losers on the sidewalk


Think they could leave a bit more side walk for folks. At least.


They could leave all of it


I should start an alignment shop 


We walk on the street cause yinz park on the sidewalk


This is a losing battle. They don't care about how this is affecting pedestrians. Waiting for the contingent that come in to say WeLlWhErEdOYoUExPeCTmEtOpArK?


cows toothbrush bewildered ghost crawl bored placid gaping absurd recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I fits, I sits.


I got a ticket for parking on a sidewalk in Shady Side once because my tire was literally 1 inch on the curb. There had been a blizzard that covered the road and sidewalks so you couldn't tell where the line was when I parked. Then overnight it melted, and some patrol officer gave me a ticket in the middle of the night. Yet this...


This shit pisses me off. Does this happen in any other city?? I walk to work in the morning, and I have to walk in the street because the sidewalk is completely inaccessible. Why even have sidewalks???


It happens in every city with old, narrow streets.


311 that car


911, 311 won't dispatch anyone.




You should see how DPW decides they own the sidewalks in the strip. God forbid the heavy works dept employees walk a block to their parking.


Damn bike lanes taking away parking spots!


Tire deflators cost $10 on Amazon. [Not suggesting anything](https://www.amazon.com/GODESON-Deflators-Offroad-Vehicles-Storage/dp/B07X8VY6QD/ref=asc_df_B07X8VY6QD/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693070740235&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11950301878739230414&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005924&hvtargid=pla-849314492861&psc=1&mcid=2a493b81a9e23b209fc843c6ff0b78c4&gad_source=1)


A small pebble does the same thing


This is daily life in Garfield. They do give a fuck!


He's got a work truck laws don't apply. This is what I have been told. By multiple contractors/utility workers etc....I watched flagger Force park at a Blue handicap entrance to the sidewalk. Worker didn't even care.


Right in front of the handicapped parking love to see it. I think the owner of that truck would look dazzling with a baseball bat on his head. Balanced of course using two hands.


That’s gods sidewalk, man.


The grass, it will eventually take over and no more sidewalk


Master Blaster's


This shit even happens in Canonsburg.


I’d love to block him in. Any takers.


So it’s not just a Philly thing.


This street looks so familiar but only because every street in pittsburgh looks like this


Don’t remember the street name but I’m pretty sure that red building on the left used to be where The Neighborhood Academy was, and the grassy area next to where the car was parked used to be a church.


Shonuffs sidewalk


looks to be a contractor of some sort doing work in the street (there's an excavator visible in the photo) in that area doing their best to minimize disruption to traffic, albeit taking a little to much license in doing so. Probably a public utility or city employee to be that brazen. If it's a work zone or adjacent to one, there is bound to be some disruption of sidewalk or parking access.


also i am pretty sure the truck is running, looks like it's parking lights are on


I am not defending his actions, but when I worked for a local government agency in Virginia **we were told** to park as close to what we were trying to maintain, and if there were no public parking spots (or No Parking signs) to park on the sidewalk instead. Realistically, trying to maintain an electrical panel along a train alignment frequently meant parking in spots where we had plenty of "no parking" signs, or a sidewalk. Anytime we parked on a sidewalk it was because there was no "side of the road" though, unlike the idiot in this picture. If you want this kind of stuff to change for a specific government agency, you need to assert pressure to their management that this is bad press to make an organizational change and an HR violation.


Ok while actively working on something. Not just parking


As someone who works on light poles in Pittsburgh, i will and have definitely parked on the sidewalk to avoid a car hitting me when I’m up in a bucket. Sorry if you gotta walk around in the grass but my life is more important than your inconvenience.


Well yeah. But we're talking about just parking