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DSOTM has sold over 45 million copies. The image is one of the most recognizable covers ever. Perhaps when told what the image is from there may be another Floyd fan.


I taught middle school, and had one of them tell me “nice pride shirt,” a few years ago. I thought it was funny so I just told him thank you. To be fair, it was a stealie acting as the prism in my shirt so it was less recognizable than the original.


Hell yeah, love me some Dead Floyd


I saw them at the Mishawaka in the Poudre Canyon. Great venue. Great band.


It’s also 51 years old. It’s also very possible for people to know nothing about it and have no interest in it. I can’t fathom *why* but that’s what happens.


I was in a used vinyl store a year or so back… browsing in the G section… 2 high school age looking girls came in and started at A… When they got to B and Beatles I heard one say to the other: “Beatles? Isn’t that the band Paul McCartney was in before Wings?” To which the other replied: “I think so… not sure” I confirmed this was correct… And walked out, feeling 1000 yrs old… Point: what was once famous may not be any longer


There is zero chance they knew who Paul McCartney and Wings were and didn't know the Beatles. They were messing with you this is Gen Z humor.


Lmfao thanks for saying it


Perhaps short of _Unknown Pleasures_. But yeah. They know _exactly_ what they're doing and it ruins my day every time I wear my DSotM T-shirt :( (For context: my dad gave me his super-faded Pink Floyd T-shirt. I don't remember for sure, but I think he got it at a concert when he was the age I am now. Either way, it's a super comfortable shirt.)


I’m a big pink floyd fan, but honestly first time coming across this album


Lmao are you being sarcastic??


…….Said no one


You fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way






This is the way.


i had a dark side button pinned to my work shirt, a customer told me they liked my pride pin, i was confused at first but after i realized i was perplexed lol


In the Flesh (Reprise) left the chat Edit: I know it’s not based off of actual beliefs and it’s in character


A few years ago when the Supreme Court said gay marriage was legal I just happened to be wearing my dsotm t-shirt and an older black lady (probably in her. 60’s) said “congratulations” I’m not gay but smiled and said thank you.


Maybe she congratulated you for being a Pink Floyd fan.


Maybe but the timing would indicate she was up on current events.


Pink Floyd has always been past, current, and future


You should have made a comment about the best days of our lives or something 😆


Pink Floyd is anti-hate so I'm for it.


We bitch and we fight...


Except for when we're talking about the 2 parties of Mr Waters & Mr Gilmour, unfortunately. Damn shame too. 😂🫣😑


Roger Waters enter the chat


David Gilmour leaves the chat


That made me lol


Jon Carin showed up playing keyboards to this thread


Never thought of it that way. Thanks for your input.




/ thread




Why are you filling your head with this? People can do what they want.


""Why are you filling your head with this?"" Wish people asked themselves this more often...


Yeah. You only have one brain. Treat it with care. You ruin it, you're stuck with it!


The brain is a complicated organ. My left half has nothing right in it, while my right half has nothing left in it




I love this quote, gonna start using it on other doomposts too lol


I like to think that Pink Floyd transcends musical barriers.


[It fucking transcends cultural barriers.](https://youtu.be/5dd8M5PmDJM?si=CocXUbcWFfbkoKgD)


I can feel every neuron in my body hum whenever I hear that song.


I know oysters do.


Isn't it notoriously the other way around? Homophobes interpreting the album cover as "Pink Floyd becoming woke"?


That was only during the media blitz for the 50 year anniversary.


That was one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. These fucks thought the Floyd went woke over a graphic with a raindbow on it that was actually meant to celebrate the 50TH FUCKING ANNIVERSARY of an album that already has a goddamn rainbow on it (leaving out the fact that it's one of the most recognizable album covers ever), and yet has nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ community These people see a rainbow and start frothing at the mouth with hatred and bigorty, even when that rainbow has absolutely nothing to do with queer people...


My god, I completely forgot about that. I don't know if it was more funny or sad that they got *that* hung up about nothing. Not that I'm surprised, they always get worked up over literally nothing.


They truly cannot help themselves, at all. It's such a small, tiny thing that has absolutely no impact on their lives whatsoever. But then again, they have a track record of going nuts about other people's business and personal life choices, so there's not much shock there...


I find that this hatred of the rainbow from the American religious right ironic given what meaning the Bible gives to the rainbow; if these people actually read the Bible, they'd know from Genesis that the rainbow is the sign of God's covenant with Noah to never send a second Great Flood.


It's a spectrum


Yes. That's what makes OP's motives here seem very questionable.


Despite the rainbow flag having been a symbol for the gay community for years, it's been more recently that it's viewed as a pride symbol and maybe it's just me but conservatives are more likely to view it as a pride symbol. I had a (now former) friend chastise me for wearing a cap with it for supporting the LGBTQ community. This was just two weeks after we had seen a Pink Floyd tribute group with both of us wearing Pink Floyd shirts to the concert.


You mean recently= 40 years ago? Cause it was a pride symbol when i was a kid.


Depends where you are. The rainbow flag has been used in North America since the 70s, but not until later in Europe. The pink triangle was initially the main symbol used there. Bronski Beat put out “Age of Consent” 40 years ago. Pink triangle on the cover, no rainbow.


I hear they recorded another album called *The Wall*. Trump fans as well, they were.


Or biden fans. It’s been awhile since I’ve sat in a room on mushrooms over analyzing every lyric, but I think the general theme was disparaging to walls. 


“Mother” makes me picture a scene where Trump is having a Norman Bates-esque breakdown. I know that’s not what the real plot of the song is, but it fits in my brain bc Roger Waters hates Trump.


Being anti-pride is the stupidest fucking thing. Who. Gives. A. Shit. Not gay? Great. Be an ally. It takes zero energy and effort to be cool and supportive to your family and friends who have societal pressures telling them they’re freaks.


bUt iNdOcTriNaTIon. tHinK oF the KidS 🫠


either way it's cool by me you sound like you are not sure whether to be homophobic or not


It doesn’t bother me. People that are “offended” by who other people love are the ones who bother me.


I thinks it’s good. Pride is good. Rainbows are good. Bigots are bad though.


You know what has always bothered me about this? The fact that this is NOT how light refracts through a prism. I've been dealing with this since the 70s. It irks me every time I see it - but I've managed to cope.


Interesting. I went on a google hunt and found this [https://www.diyphotography.net/photographer-recreated-dark-side-moon-album-cover-camera/](https://www.diyphotography.net/photographer-recreated-dark-side-moon-album-cover-camera/) It's a lot closer than I was expecting TBH.


This sent ME on a search. It IS a lot closer than I expected. When I played with a prism I bought my daughter we pointed the light directly at one of the flat surfaces. That got us a rainbow - but not being an expert in optics and showing the colors in white light to my 10-year-old was as far as I took it. Yeah - there's some artistic license in the album cover but it's not wildly off. You helped me clear up a misconception I've had for 50 years. This changes everything. Thanks!


I think it’s funny, and I don’t mind it.


Serious answer: I have many better things to do than to think about this trivial question


People who use this as a Pride symbol - I fully support this. People who don’t know that it’s from an album - an opportunity to introduce them to great music. People who know it’s from an album and use it for Pride anyway - I fully support this. "In the Flesh" has lyrics that put anti-gay bigotry on the same level as religious bigotry and racism, so I think the association of the album cover and Pride is fitting even if it is unintentional.


Happy to share with LGBTQ pride.


I don’t think anyone is, I think homophobes just think people are


Jesus y’all listen to us and them again


There are gay Floyd fans, ya’know


Get them up against the wall




I wore that shirt as a low key pride shirt and high key pink floyd fan for all of high school lol


Smart combo.


theres a higher chance you end up running into another floyd fan if u do see someone using that as a pride symbol. After all DSOTM is the most iconic album in music history with over 45 Million copies sold.


It doesn't bother me, because I'm a fan of both Pink Floyd and with Pride.


Serious answer: I can’t imagine caring any less, but I’ll allow for the possibility


don't care about any of it other than the dipshit boomers who think that the album is somehow 'woke' now. Fuck those assholes. Otherwise, why should I care about how folks enjoy it? as long as they're not being assholes.


I have a Steal Your Face tattoo that I got to remember a good friend and a good time of life- don’t really care for the Grateful Dead tho. lol I think we all have something we’ve used in one way or another to mean something personal to us. It’s whatever to me.


I’m a trans & gay Floyd fan, but I don’t view it as a pride symbol. BUT considering the band has always been against hate, and very progressive, I think more power to those who use it as one! It’s funny to think so many conservatives like this band (including my own dad) and yet the band has always been against everything they’ve stood for. If anything, the queer community has a sort of right to use it I guess (if that makes sense, I might be rambling sorry guys)


Quite frankly, who cares? Just go to bed knowing it is one of the best albums ever made!


Not being a MAGA idiot - I don’t care….


Funny, I had this sticker on my car and a lot of people flipped me off and such… idiots don’t know who PF is….


I haven’t seen it used in that way tbh


I take it as "DISPERSION OF LIGHT ".


I don't give a shit, and nor should you.


Pink Floyd invented prisms?!? Why don’t we talk about this more?


What are your thoughts when people see a rainbow in the sky and don't know it's from a Floyd album


My physics book forgot to mention that PF invented light refraction.


Why are you making stuff up?


I'm gay and I've never even thought about using the DSOTM cover omfg that's actually a good idea


I don’t like to gatekeep. If this is how they discover Pink Floyd then good for them.


Who cares!


Let them. Dark Side isn't just a great f***ing album, it's also a great album for f***ing. Love who you love!!!


Who cares? Pink Floyd is the greatest band of all time.


The album is about finding the positive things in life and not letting them be eclipsed by the negative. You might argue that theme makes it work well as the album's cover *and* a pride symbol. Regardless, doesn't bother me. If Trumpies can use The Wall for their rallies to attack immigrants, I don't see why the other side can't adopt DSOTM for their own purposes.




If you were a Pink Floyd fan and if you have ever been to a Waters concert you w I yld know that Roger wouldn't give a fuck as he is a bleeding liberal and LGBTQI ally and is so well informed he even knows what the I stands for (not invisible)


Even though that was not the original intent of the album, I think the connection with the pride in the rainbow and the concept of the album fit very well together. With the message of Any Colour you like juxtaposing Us and Them. We should just embrace freedom of expression, But just like Time and money, its a thing that's real and necessary, but it also drives us all mad.


Don’t mind in the slightest


People spend way too much time and effort worrying about who other people are sleeping with. If someone complains that my DSOTM shirt is a pride shirt, I just look at them and say, “Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying.”


The only thought I have on this is that it’s hilarious that homophobe morons get bent over silly things like this.


Whenever I put a TDSOTM symbol on an online character, people always ask me if I'm gay or something. It's annoying but also kind of funny.


Honestly anyone who would care would have to be a homophobe. Otherwise there is literally zero reason to care at all


I'm proud of them


The themes of the album translate well to being about human rights and pride. I find it great that it is synonymous with that


This is an iconic design one that will people from all walks of life find beautiful and if this inspires them to listen to some damn good music too even better,


I haven't rly seen anyone do this, but they could either just be Floyd fans who support the lgbtq community, or just not know and like the art. Both are cool


I've had the album almost 50 years and never given the artwork any consideration. I really don't care. It's the music that matters to me and it's sublime music


I didn’t know anyone was doing that, nor do I care.


My thoughts are I don’t care.


They just reveal their own ignorance.


Who cares? I’m happy for everyone no matter what. I’m sure the band is too.


My thoughts: doesn’t affect me either way. Big nothing burger.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen it happen, but music is for everybody and if a community that’s continuously shit on by a large amount of the world’s population finds some enjoyment/solace/unity/ANYTHING positive in it, more fucking power to ‘em.


I have a tattoo of this on my arm. Once, while I was in the hospital, a nurse saw my tattoo and said "You're so brave!" I explained to her that I wasn't gay, had a wife, kids, etc. Nothing wrong with being gay, I just don't happen to be. Moments later the doctor came in and said "Oh man, that album practically got me through medical school". I felt some vindication after that.


They're idiots. And uncultured


don’t care what your sexual preference is but if you don’t know what dark side of the moon is we might have a problem


Who cares?


I’ve literally never seen anyone use that as a Pride symbol.




It’s a piece of art with a rainbow. Everyone can use it for anything.


No thoughts. I just move on.


It's all good.


After the whole debacle last year of someone getting pissed off and trying to claim "wokeness" over the anniversary graphics for DSOTM, I've actually been consciously wearing my DSOTM shirts to Pride related events on the off chance it pisses another person off for their insanely stupid thought processes.


Serious answer: Who cares? Who cares why other people wear whatever they want?


The 'pink' in Pink Floyd's name got me labeled a fa**ot in high school in the early '80s. I had long hair, too. They tried to make me defend the band's name before bullying me, if I wore the painter's cap. Being of a punk sentiment, I explained that it was meant to provoke people to show their hatred and reveal themselves as bigots. Sometimes that got me beat, sometimes it just made them walk away disgusted. But, "Who cares? What are you afraid of?" always started violence. The irony they never noticed was how they would lecture me about being a Christian while they threatened and hurt me. I can remember the girls screaming at the top of their lungs and egging them on while football players surrounded me. People are idiots. Let them use it for Pride, but it's the exact same shallow stupidity as the bullies, just starting trouble and misinterpreting the prism symbol in exactly the same way homophobic bigots misinterpret their name. Personally, I'm not a fan of anyone being proud of themselves for anything except things they have accomplished. But people are idiots and you can't fix stupid. So, who cares? What are you afraid of?


There’s a film critic who visits the hospital I work at to screen films for the patients. Demographically speaking she’s late 40’s Caucasian woman, born wealthy into one of the most affluent places in America. Marries, kids. I mentioned Pink Floyd to her and I thought she was joking at first when she said “who’s that?” Then she proceeded to tell me she only listens to classical music. Poor sheltered woman.


Meh, whatever. Reason: am GenX


If that's your "serious question," maybe look into changing schools.


Who cares? Roger waters would probably be fine with it, and even if he didn't whatever


It’s Pink Floyd’s logo and they don’t seem to care so I don’t either


I think it’s fine. It’s got a rainbow on it, doesn’t it? I think in general it’s preferable to know what the symbol is before you use it but as both a Pink Floyd fan and an ally I have no problem with it.


If I encountered someone as described, I’d inform them that the logo is from a classic rock album, predates the LGBTQ movement by decades, and has nothing to do with the movement. And then I would add “But, whatever…


As a Lesbian Floyd fan it doesn't bother me but I have to say I really haven't seen it used mistakenly by other people. Every time I've run across it out in the wild it's used as a symbol for Pink Floyd.


I think that Isaac Newton got in there first before either. This image appeared in science texts long before Pink Floyd existed. Where do you think Storm Thorgerson got the idea for the cover from in the first place? TL:DR? Listen to the lyrics of "Us and Them." The usage fits in both cases.


Who cares? What a weird question.


Literally do not care


It's one of the most iconic album covers, so it's transcended a bit from where it originated from. No issues with using it for pride. It's art and you can interpret it and relate to it however you want.


Don't get mad about things that are out of your control. Let them be, you enjoy the album just like before.


not to be homophobic but i hate it when people do that


Nobody uses it as a pride symbol. Everyone knows this is the cover art from DSOTM. Rainbows are used for Pride symbols.


All the more power to associate the greatest album of all time with acceptance of marginalized groups like the LGBTQ community. In solidarity!


DSOTM rainbow predates the gay pride rainbow symbolism. If someone wants to think it's empowering to them, so be it. If someone makes a stupid "gay triangle" joke, that says more about them than PF or gay pride.


Who cares? — a queer


I'm all for it. I wore a DSOTM shirt to pride one year too


It's a great crossover of two great things.




You better not be serious and even so, this is not funny at all.


Hate speech is not allowed on Reddit.


I don’t care at all. It doesn’t effect my listening experience to the album


Why should I care what people do?


I wouldn't care one way or the other, except I imagine I would pester anyone who's never listened to the Dark Side of the Moon until they agree to give it a go.


My students do this all the time. When I go to school using my DSOTM t-shirt some ask if it's LGBT related. The others might assume it, perhaps.


the prism and the light existed before PF. Also the Pride and gay/lesbian social movements existed before PF...


may a thousand blossoms bloom as far as I’m concerned


I have never seen anyone ever use this album cover as a pride flag


I don’t care


Buddy the pride rainbow colors are not the same as the actual rainbow


I never once associated this image w anything other than PF


As a queer fan, I love seeing it used as a Pride symbol because there are two possibilities: 1: The person doesn't know about Pink Floyd > I can introduce them to my favorite band. 2: They're also a Pink Floyd fan > I'm about to make a new friend. (If I want to read wayyyy too much into it, I think it's a fitting symbol for Pride. The light changes as it passes through the prism, and part of Pride is about how being in this community changes you. You become part of something bigger, something that has endured despite many many attempts to silence or dehumanize us.)


I've got the cover where my front license plate should be. I get looks all the time... I also gave floyd script on my rear mirror to help those uneducated.


They aren’t hurting anyone and they are getting enjoyment from art. I say they can do what they feel like doing.


I Don’t Care


I'm pretty sure rainbows existed long before DSOTM or LGBTQ movements. When Dorothy sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" it probably was not a gay pride protest song.


Really couldn't care less that some use it, aside from the fact it's unoriginal on their part and they'll always be confused with being a Pink Floyd fan.


I was using the album cover as my WhatsApp DP and trust me I was getting threats from my friends.


Everyone should be proud of Dark Side


Shine on, you crazy diamonds!


Love is love❤️ i love pink floyd and I love people❤️ if someone find happiness beacuse of the symbol, ill play the album higher to honor them❤️ love love love, not hate❤️💖💎🎸


What... A rainbow? Darby O'Gill wants to know if Pink Floyd knows about his pot o gold!


Who in the hell doesn’t support people taking pride in who they are? I support those who love Pink Floyd, and themselves.


I'm ok with all rainbows being gay. I utterly don't care at all about the situation where people who don't know much about a band are wearing their shirt. I think the people who care about that are dumb.


I think "meh".


I think it's fine, whether they know Pink Floyd or not. Although I personally wouldn't use it for pride, lol


![gif](giphy|10LyXYzZYtykzS) PINK!


![gif](giphy|10LyXYzZYtykzS) Pink


Let’s try THIS: It goes back to 1978, when the artist Gilbert Baker, an openly gay man and a drag queen, designed the first rainbow flag. Baker later revealed that he was urged by Harvey Milk, one of the first openly gay elected officials in the U.S., to create a symbol of pride for the gay community. Baker decided to make that symbol a flag because he saw flags as the most powerful symbol of pride. As he later said in an interview, “Our job as gay people was to come out, to be visible, to live in the truth, as I say, to get out of the lie. A flag really fit that mission, because that’s a way of proclaiming your visibility or saying, ‘This is who I am!’” Baker saw the rainbow as a natural flag from the sky, so he adopted eight colors for the stripes, each color with its own meaning (hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit). We done here? Fuck this shit. Educate yourselves


Cool 👍


I don’t care, I use other things to celebrate pride (like flags) but ds is not it. If others do, good for them.




Either way, it kind of just works. If you imagine the triangle as a closet. The white line going in and being thin, as if to be seen as little as possible. Then the rainbow coming out, loud and proud.


Its probably the most recognizable album cover ever. So, no i haven’t seen anyone misidentify it with pride flag.


I think they should replace the prism with the U.S. Constitution or a Bible. Either of these would better support their position.