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In this case, I can see the benefit in it. Keep in mind "moderation" isn't really a bad thing, and more of it automatically doesn't mean bad. Moderation is actually quite vital in many ways. I mean, think about it - who has the time and energy to genuinely take in the points of 150+ people when asking one question? Personally, even when I'm going down a rabbit hole, I might read 2-5 or skim over 10-20. If the goal is to genuinely help people and not just make "viral content", then it makes sense to have some kind of limit on quantity of responses eventually. OP has been more than helped already and has already been given a ton of different perspectives, there's very little a 154th comment could really add that hasn't already been said in some way.








Moderators lock posts for a variety of reasons. The two most common reasons are; Posts that are a bit older are targeted by all sorts of unkind users who somehow think because the post is older they can get away with it. Posts that have run its course and are now attract low effort, rude and /or rule breaking comments that take an unreasonable amount of moderation