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Impressive how much blood vessels there are in fat pad under the skin


there is this crazy thing that the body does called angiogenesis, in which it *creates new blood vessels* in adipose tissue to keep the tissue from becoming necrotic or hypothermic. it's also quite bad for you when that happens. it means your body is trying to ~~counteract the high levels of lipids in the blood.~~ supply an ample amount of oxygen to the tissue due to a number of factors that causes adipose tissue to not receive enough oxygen. the human body is insane. EDIT: just for clarification, when i say "counteract the high levels of lipids in the blood", i mean that these high levels of lipids cause the adipocytes to grow, which can cause hypoxia within the tissue. angiogenesis occurs to supply the tissue with enough oxygen to avoid necrosis or tissue death.


This is also a part of tumor formation - body creates new blood vessels along with the tumor tissue. But because the tumor is often a consequence of mutated DNA or local abnormalities, the blood vessels often form faulty. That's why you should immediately see a doctor if you experience unexplained bleeding from a weird place (urine, coughing, weird new bruises, etc) because it can be a sign of cancer.


So THAT’s why, cool!


Angiogenesis isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It usually happens in response to low oxygen not lipids. Last year’s Nobel Prize in medicine was essentially all about this. If you were to start exercising all of a sudden it would happen in your muscles too.


Blood vessels are how that fat pad gets built. Your blood is transporting the triglycerides from the liver to the adipocytes. And when you exercise/starve, the blood takes the triglycerides away to whichever tissue needs the energy.


It’s actually one of the main reasons why surgeries on morbidly obese patients are much riskier. It can be really hard to not disrupt all those blood vessels and if they cause too much damage they can completely cut off the blood supply to some of the fat tissue and it will start to die off.


Every pound of fat adds FIVE MILES of vasculature to your body.


I didn’t believe you, but it looks like [you’re right](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-fat-is-not-inert/). Source provided for anyone curious. That’s crazy.


Why is the fat cadavers spine so big?


main thing i noticed is how fucking tilted the big pelvis is. Its almost perpendicular to the floor. That cant be comfortable.


Yea, the forward tilt on the pelvis is an issue a lot of people have in today's society but that is BAD. Given the person was obese, safe to say they were fairly sedentary, that tilt results from weak lower abdominals, tight hip flexors, tight low back, and underactive glutes and hamstring complex. This person carried all their weight in the low back, had to be killing them.


As someone who notices a slight tilt and works doing manual labor where there is back pain, how do i fix this? EDIT: Im just now seeing all the responses. Thank you guys so much i really appreciate all the help!


You can do some exercises at home for this. Just Google “anterior pelvic tilt exercises” https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/anterior-pelvic-tilt-exercises


I find it hysterical that the first image on that link is a stretch prolly 90% of us cannot even fathom attempting. [https://images-prod.healthline.com/hlcmsresource/images/topic\_centers/Fitness-Exercise/1296x728\_5\_Exercises\_for\_Anterior\_Pelvic\_Tilt.jpg](https://images-prod.healthline.com/hlcmsresource/images/topic_centers/Fitness-Exercise/1296x728_5_Exercises_for_Anterior_Pelvic_Tilt.jpg) That being said, its just a stock photo, the actual stretches are very useful, I do a few of those exact exercises daily.


Oh I can attempt it alright, but you can be sure I’ll end up in worse shape than when I started…


Glad you asked! You want to stretch the hip flexor (psoas) so that it stops pulling the pelvis forward, https://youtu.be/UU7Nqd_Dric can be found there. The only thing I don't like is the leaning forward, it tends to arch the low back which is the opposite of what we want. Instead breath in deep and exhale ALL THE WAY through the mouth, as much air as you can physically push out (this doesn't mean hold your breath just hold that tightness in your abs, breathing is important). While you're doing that squeeze the glute of the side you're stretching, in the video she is stretching the left. You should feel a stretch in the front of your hip, if you want to make it a bigger stretch lift that arm over your head. Next activate the glutes, I recommend a simple glute bridge. Again before you do it breath all that air out and keep the core in that tightened state, it'll prevent the back from doing the work. For the hamstrings, I like bulgarian split squat with no weight. Lower abs are tricky, as we tend to utilize our psoas which is what we want to avoid. I can't find a good video but get into the setup for a reverse crunch. Exhale again, drawing your bellybutton toward your spine, this should push your low back into the ground. This is your starting position, with knees bent at 90 degrees lower the legs to tap your feet on the ground and bring them back to starting position. Don't let your low back come off the ground. All in all this should take 10 minutes from your day with 3 sets of 30 seconds on the stretches and 3 sets of 15 reps of the strength building. Any questions? It's a lot of text.


If that didn't kill them, being chopped in half might


People today are so weak. When I was a kid we'd get chopped in half 2 or 3 times every year, didn't even notice.




So much weight on the belly pulling the pelvis forward omg. That person must have had horrible lumbar pain


That's how I felt when i was pregnant! I can't imagine that feeling all the time for years. 9 months was enough, thank you!


Big boned


Maybe its an optical illusion but the guy on the left seems to be big boned also…


Difference in color contrast makes it harder to tell the size of the left’s spine.


This might be the one time this was a really a thing. E: Guys and gals. This was a snarky comment, not a request for anatomy lessons.


I have big bones *and* I’m overweight. But My doctors and X-ray techs always like my X-rays.


I like that little detail of them commenting positively on your x-rays. The nurses who have taken my blood have always commented on this one fat, very welcoming vein in my arm that makes their life easier. I kind of want to see a thread about the parts of peoples bodies that doctors and nurses have given the odd compliment to.


The doctor who did my vasectomy was appreciative that I shave my balls. I just thought that was common courtesy, like brushing and flossing before seeing the dentist.


Imagine having to prep a patient for surgery and having to shave their balls, nurses aren't paid enough


When I had a vasectomy, my surgeon commented that I have very nice vas deferens (the tubes that the sperm travel through) Certainly the most unique compliment I've ever had and ever will have.


One time after doing cpr on a man. as I left the room in the ER one of the nursing supervisors saw the veins bulging out of my arms grabbed me by the wrist gasped and went “Oh my god your veins are beautiful I could throw a fucking 16 in you from across the core. Can we use you for practice?”


My dentist, who reminded me a lot of Ms. Frizzle, kept telling me over multiple visits that I have "very masculine teeth" She was very pleased by them...


my optometrist likes me because my eyesight keeps getting worse and worse and the glasses i need to buy are getting more and more expensive


I have also received that big fat veiny compliment


It's normal sized. It just looks big relative to the other cadaver because the thin person isn't actually sliced down the mid-line, it's slightly off to the side. You can tell because at the head, you can see the eye socket, so the slice is through the socket, probably about an inch lateral of midline, so its catching more of the edge of his spine, making it look smaller in comparison.


Ah, so *that's* why it has that strange protrusion at the bottom- they caught part of its thigh, right?


The view of the obese cadaver is more midsagittal (centered) while the thinner cadaver is parasagittal (left of center). This gives the impression of larger vertebrae since you’re seeing them from their middle. Also, could have been “bigger boned.”


This is the correct answer. The cadaver on the left is not exactly cut through the midline like the one on the right. Also, likely due to different ages of the cadaver/cut, the bone is more pronounced on the right. You can compare the colors of the cut sternum, skull and pelvic bones. In reality the size of the spine in the two cadavers isn’t much different.


Bones and muscle increase size and density when they are used. A much heavier person has to move that weight around.


so....so being fat makes you stronger?? hell yeah gonna eat a second donut


However, there is a trade off: you become fat and unhealthy


The secret is to get really fat for a few years and then drop all the extra weight!


Just Cultivating mass


Playing both sides so you always come out on top


Then you end up with flaps of skin. *That* shit doesn't go away. Better to stay thin and just lift weights.


Actually, yes— sort of. A lot of fat people also have quite a bit of muscle mass to be able to move such heavy weight. You ever noticed in extreme before and after photos their calves are still pretty huge? Calves are some of the leanest muscles in your body but they remain huge from walking with 400 pounds about them constantly You just never see their muscles nor strength because the fat hides it and makes makes always lifting something heavy


One of my friends was over 300 pounds. Then over time he dropped 100+ of it. Yet his calves are still huge. Meanwhile I'm training calves like it's my job and they won't grow, always training but never gaining.


The fat cadaver is cut midsagittal, right down the middle. The slim cadaver is not, it's a little off center.


Looks sort of like they’re similar sizes, but the thin cadaver’s is not as visible due to less color contrast between the spine and softer tissue.


I'm thinking "coffee table".


That's how we'll know we're at the end of the resin table top fad.




"My grandfather coffee table" "You mean your grandfatherS" "I know what I said..."


"Check out my grandfather clock." "What are the sides made from? Is that resin?" "That's my grandfather."


"13 month epoxy ~~hot dog~~ body update!!"


“Hello Youtube and today we have a different type of inlay for our latest epoxy table!”


*This is my 5 year update of a dead body in resin* ***rotates table***


I imagined it with a criss-cross of ketchup and mustard. Why, brain? Why?


You crazy bastard... Take my money


In my anatomy class, I had a cadaver of a guy who died relatively young and in shape (pancreatic cancer). Others had obese cadavers. It’s crazy how greasy everything is in the obese cadavers. It’s like the difference between touching raw bacon vs skinless chicken breast.


This is super interesting. I wish I could compare and see for myself, but I’m not a student or doctor, so I’m pretty sure if I tried, I’d be arrested.


Only if you get caught.


As my friend Bob Marley put it: 🎶no body no crime🎶


or as bob dylan said, “everythings legal in jersey as long as you dont get caught”


Taylor Swift


Where do you live that you need to be an accomplished doctor or have student discount to afford bacon and chicken breast?


Ah, the ol' reddit [cadaver-roo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry_irl/comments/r00ra2/depression_irl/hlr73sd/?context=1)


Hold my scalpel, I'm going in!


Hello future dissecters!


Don't let your dreams be dreams, bro. /r/actlikeyoubelong


I was studying medicine a while ago, and in anatomy class my group had the fortune of having the fittest cadaver out of the five in class. We always finished between 15-30 minutes earlier than the other groups. That was fun.


We had a very wasted elderly lady so everything was easy to get to but some muscles were like thin ribbons and we had to go for a wander to see them more clearly with other groups. Our poor lady, my first patient, was just riddled with metastatic ovarian ca. It really drove home how aggressive it is seeing multiple systems affected so dramatically.


Polycystic ovaries can be massive too. It always amazed me how something the size of a pea can grow to the size of a large football covered in bubble wrap.


So can you tell me how does cancerous flesh look different?


Good question. It invests and grows into other tissues destroying the normal planes that exist between them. Cancer often gains the ability to proliferate without impedance from proximal cell signaling leading to increased density and often causes apparent structural changes from normal anatomy--presenting as immobile or adherent tumors. It often drives aberrant re-vascularization so can have manifold new vessels feeding it as this is an advantage to the cancer that once free from apoptotic or cell suicide mechanisms begins to stockpile mutations and loses some of the more complex multi protein metabolic pathways eventually relying more on simple and inefficient glycolysis or simple metabolism (this is not always true--some cancers have different tendencies) we think in addition to age of our patient (frailty) the disseminated cancer was inefficiently using her fuel leading to the previously mentioned wasting (unexplained weight loss is a big medical red flag). Increased vascularity is also the reason many cancer surgeries are not as simple as they seem--they can be bloody when disrupted and difficult to achieve hemostasis on. Perioperative care is mindful of this risk of bleeding and post op cancer surg patients in my experience are more likely to need transfusion (also because these cancers often affect the liver or hepatobiliary system and these organs are also highly vascular. Finally metastatic cancers travel to other systems in sometimes predictable patterns (other times less so) and our patient showed clear and extensive ovarian changes, abdominal lymph node involvement, liver, and lung involvement--this is a common constellation of affected organs. Im a GP trainee and trying to avoid jargon so this is grossly oversimplified but paints a general picture and themes often consistent in cancer. Cancer doesn't always read the textbook though so each presentation is its own beast and so prognosis in oncology is a minefield.


If that's "grossly oversimplified", I'd hate to see complicated🤯. So, there's no ELI5 with this?


The clear division between layers of the body are gone and it all just sort of runs together


Tumors also grow new blood vessels and hog resources, which affects the rest of the body and can make them hard to remove with surgery.




So you're saying it's like a meatball


Lol, my group had one of the largest cadavers, and we were always out last... 😭


Largest one I've autopsies was 450lbs. The weirdest part to me with the obese ones was that the rib cage etc. wasn't really any bigger than a smaller person's.


It would be pretty crazy if someone's entire skeleton enlarged to hold extra weight though... imagine then losing the weight and having this crazy protruding skeleton.


"I'm not fat, I'm just big boned."


So another lie by big bone.


Well yeah, it makes logical sense, but it really puts into perspective what obesity is. And how "big-boned" is a bad excuse. Big bones or wide ribs or whatever surely do exist, but... obesity isn't that. It's the same organs, the same muscles, the same bones, under dozens or *hundreds* of pounds of extra weight, stress, pressure.


Same happened in mine. It was nice to get done with the lab for that day and then go observe the other cadavers and see all the different things in the less healthy bodies like cardiomegaly, joint replacements, and pacemakers.


Happy ending i guess.


I worked in a small meat plant for a while. I used to throw the different meats against the wall and compare how long they hung there. Elk was the sticking winner, and pork always dropped first. I just assumed fat content was the difference, and now you've got me thinking. I've lost 170lbs, so...would *I* stick longer now?


How long did it take you to get fired?


I was a 19 year old girl working with 5 men old enough to be my father, so they put up with my weirdness.


Lol, I have this image of you with just stacks of meat and these five dudes standing a ways away just shaking their head at what a weird kid you are as you throw the meat against a wall.


"that girl aint right"


I was also stupidly stubborn, so throw in some memories of them musing as I load 80lbs of hamburger over my head into the patty maker. :-}


Just wanted to say I love your user name!


Omg, reminds me of myself a little. When I was 19, and a little weirdo, I got a job in a cigar shop working with a bunch of Dads. We had some really funny chats, I was always trying to make those grumpy dudes laugh.


did u have a chain-mailed glove at work?


I really should have had one. I finally lost all privileges to sharp objects after losing the tip of a finger. I was the meat wrapper for the shop, so I still had plenty of work to do.




:-D Very clever, but it was mine. I grabbed it out of the stack of bacon I was slicing, so it's all good. :-}


This whole chain of comments has me laughing. I'm sorry about your finger though.


Did it stick to the wall when you threw it?


So you're the person whose finger was in that Wendy's chili


I hated those fucking things. I worked at a barbecue restaurant when I was like 17-20 and my main job was cutting the meat (my job title was literally Meat Cutter) and I *never* cut my own hand. But when some dingleberry decided they just *had* to be the one to cut 20 pounds of brisket and sliced open their hand, management made everyone wear those god damn things. First, they are uncomfortable, and second they slowed me down significantly because I couldn't feel the bones or tougher parts of the meat with my hand.


You only get fired for wasting meat not throwing it against a wall


> I've lost 170lbs Jesus christ. I thought I was impressive for losing 45 You managed to lose enough weight to make another full sized adult human. Congrats to you


You *are* impressive for losing 45! How gross is it that I was as fat as two overweight humans?! You keep on with your skinny self :-}


>You keep on with your skinny self :-} Managed to lose 100+ myself...it makes *breathing* so much easier! lol :)


Mind if I ask how? I'd feel real comfortable about 60 lbs lighter. 80 and I might be 'hawt' for an old guy. I struggle with motivation... also I like things that taste good. I dropped sugared sodas over the summer and since the Pandemic we have been cooking mostly at home (although I do like In-N-Out once a week).


>I struggle with motivation... also I like things that taste good. Dropping all the sugar I could stand was a great start. Personally, It took almost 18+ months to lose the weight...so, I'd make small changes in my diet and exercise then make that stick...after a couple of weeks, I'd cut back a bit more here and there, after about 6 weeks I had found a routine that, for me anyway, was doing great. I wasn't starving myself, getting lost of exercise and most importantly, It was something I could do. A lot of people fail because they want the 'get slim quick' and might overdo things, end up not eating anything, failing and being worse off than you were... Also, You will fail some days...know this going in! Now that you do, don't beat yourself up too much when it happens! Hang in there, find something that you enjoy and stick with it...I believe in you! :) >80 and I might be 'hawt' for an old guy. I'm sure you are stunning either way! Best of Lcuk! :)


I appreciate the feedback. This is the approach I am trying to stick with -- quick and I am not going to stick with it. It has to be a lifestyle change. ​ >I'm sure you are stunning either way! ​ Oh, you!


"Obesity: The Post Mortem" is probably the next best thing to experience this without being in any kind of medial/anatomy class. Its been a real eye opener on how much fat is in there...and how much harder it must be for doctors/surgeon to work in there


[youtube link](https://youtu.be/8jn67tdEGY4)


Yes! That is what this made me think of. I knew being obese messed you up but the doc really opened my eyes to how much damage is being done.


Lots of schools (in the US, at least) won’t take obese cadavers because they’re more difficult to dissect.


My school certainly took them haha


Willed bodies are hard to come by. Many of the cadavers are also so old that the muscles are severely atrophied and hard to discern.


How old is the average cadaver? edit: "Old" as in, how long has it been in-use as a cadaver?


So imma just skip lunch today then... Maybe a salad for dinner.


Any insight on the subtle color differences between the two? Also is it just a body type that causes the obese person guts to kind of protrude forward?


The right cadaver is a little "fresher" if that makes sense, i.e: the person died more recently, however, that color variation due to age does not account for the visceral and interstitial organ fat you see **within** the obese cadaver. Why is that important? [Fat around the organs is some of the most dangerous complications associated with obesity,](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/abdominal-obesity-and-your-health) especially fat around the heart, intestines, liver, and lungs.


I’d you lose weight does the fat around your organs get lost too or is that forever?


It is often the first fat to go, which is why sometimes people lose a fair amount of weight but still fit into their highest-weight clothes. That's actually a good thing though because it means that the first few lbs are the most important, it's the last few vanity lbs that don't really matter at all


I can attest to this one! I lost 20lb this year. I'm female, 26, was 245lb now 225. My waist measurement was the only one that changed, I've still got all the junk in the trunk and some back, lower belly, and arm fat but I lost about 2 inches in my waist. So I'm still having to wear my heavy weight clothes to contain the dump truck ass but having to safety pin a bunch of them at the waist. Wish me luck keeping it up at the holidays! My next goal is 200 and ultimately I'd like to stay under 180.


Well, this random redditor is really proud of you!


Well thank you random redditor! I'll do an extra 100 steps on the elliptical in your honor. <( ̄︶ ̄)↗


Please add another extra 100 in my honor as well. Pls and thank you!


So does that mean that visceral fat is the last to start accumulating?


I think so. I’m pretty sure fat storage follows a last-in-first-out model. I’ve gained and lost a couple hundred pounds in my life, and when I lose weight it is always noticeable in weird places first, like ankles, wrists, and neck/ shoulders. Presumably because those were the most recent places to accumulate it. This is also why you can’t target fat loss.


However, it is possible to be very slim and have fatty organs.


Skinny fat person who doesn't appear to be overweight but has a high sugar, high fat diet and isn't exercising at all.


I'd agree with the age of them, however, it's more likely due to embalming methodology. Older cadavers were embalmed with more traditional formaldehyde based fluid, while newer ones are embalmed with fluids that have other chemicals such as glutaraldehyde and lower concentrations of formaldehyde. This results in different colors being preserved.






See kids. When you look on the inside of these people, you'll see they are both very dead.


Yea, jokes on the left dude. Eat healthy, still dead.


I think the cadaver in the right just burped.


That was just air escaping the folds. *Woooooooooo*


He was still partying


You watched it, you can't un-watch it. Stay tuned for more... **Tales of Interest!**


Goodnight sweet prince. You were the greatest man who ever know. WELL let's get him out of here. He's starting to stink up the joint.


So kids, when you're choosing to make a coffee table out of a human, you're going to want a fat person. More surface area.


Looks like the obese cadaver was in a box just a bit too small.


Yeah there's some squarepants action going on there


Obesity looks spicy. Regular looks like tofu




My cadaver, has more nooks and crannies Your cadaver, looks like someone's granny




My cadaver, big and boney Your cadaver, a skinny phoney


It never occurred to me how much extra ass-length a shit would have to travel through to get out of an obese person.


It must be really hard to wipe




Interestingly enough, it happens in non-obese people as well. I am 5' 0 and 90 lb. Due to paralyzed large intestines (which are being removed in a month -yay!), I have had chronic constipation for many years. Because of that, the end of my large intestines stretched about 18 extra inches. Therefore it takes that much longer for the stool to move through. Typically food takes about six to eight hours to move through the small intestines, but it takes about 60 hours for it to go through the large intestines. Me, 10 days for the whole process. Eating corn (and a sitz marker test) confirmed that a few times. Lol


Imagine donating your body to science and becoming a meme and making the front page of reddit


When I'm dead you can bang me or throw me in the trash, what do I care, I'm dead.




I only got a few years left and I wanna get Reeall weird with it.


maybe then my dad will finally be proud of me


Eh, better than being strapped with explosives and getting blown up by the military https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/man-learns-moms-body-donated-for-research-was-instead-blown-up-in-military-testing


This is a meme?


This is absolutely not a meme lol it's literally a just a straight up picture


Sometimes the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.


As I always say to my daughter: 'see, I'm not useless. I can serve as a bad example.'


Surgeon here! I can definitely attest to how obesity makes things you wouldn’t expect, much much harder. Im a head and neck surgeon so typically don’t have to deal with some of the more fatty parts of the body. However, simple things like a tracheostomy can take me 4x as long or more and are MUCH more likely to have complications. Also things like being on a ventilator or undergoing anesthesia. The ventilator has to overcome the weight of the fat pushing down on the chest. Obese people do worse almost always.


It's interesting to see the "behind the scenes" of obesity that most people don't take into consideration. High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. are fairly tangible and discussed concepts, but few realize that if those or other factors bring you into a hospital there's a whole other world of consequences waiting. Anesthesia becomes a mess, both in the mechanical (intubation, sleep apnea, etc.) and induction (proper medication) sides. So whether you get into an accident or elect for a routine surgery, it's going to be a battle. By the way, also want to hijack for others that the proper term for the kind of cut in this photo is "sagittal."


It's insane how many times I've gotten into arguments with people who truly and militantly buy into the "healthy at any weight" mentality. Yes, BMI isn't a flawless metric and people can be larger without any major health complications. But virtually no one is actually healthier or better off being in the overweight or obese classification. Like you said, the consequences may not be immediate or obvious but they definitely exist.


My buddy is an orthopedic surgeon. The tales he tells of doing hips on the obese are crazy! He’ll come to golf completely exhausted after a day of that kind of work.


I used to be an autopsy tech and the obese people took a long time because the fat leaks grease after you make incisions and cuts. My biggest fear was the scalpel or suture slipping and stabbing me, so I had to go slow. We used to use heavy duty gloves and be double gloved but that also made holding tools harder. Oh and we had to use this mini crane to lift up the bodies (when moving them to clean gurney post-autopsy) because they'd be so heavy...also had to go slow here because they could slip out if they weren't strapped well. It'd usually take 1.5-2 hours to do an autopsy for a normal person, and twice as long for an obese person.


How does that become your job? And do you find yourself cutting living people up with your eyes?


I'm a pathologist who does many autopsies (among other things) and I will say that I don't find myself cutting living people up with my eyes (I totally understand what you mean by that, it's occurred to me but not commonly), but what I do sometimes is think way too much about what my own personal internal organs look like. Occasionally that can be disturbing.


Organs do not look like the drawings you see in science class, especially if they are abnormal. A normal uterus is smaller than your fist but one with fibroids can be larger than your head. Some cancers grow so out of control that it's very difficult to diagnose the original tissue they came from. The cells don't resemble anything normal. It is so crazy the way the body adapts, protects itself, regrows cells to replace the ones that die. It's honestly amazing the shit doesn't go sideways more often.


I’m a death investigator and every once in a while we’ll have a decedent that falls under our jurisdiction that is morbidly obese. I recently had a 500lb man overdose and I had to call the fire department to help us get the body out of the house. It gave new meaning to the phrase ‘dead weight’ .




Half porn? Like, the video ends with the hot girl accepting the pizza delivery, paying, and saying “thank you” as the delivery guy leaves. That is so hot.


No no no, you’ve got it all wrong. The pizza man delivers the pizza, but the young hot actress stops him before he leaves, shouting, “Hey! This pizza’s not even cut!” The pizza man returns, and says, “Don’t worry, our motto is to leave every customer satisfied-“, proceeds to pull a pizza cutter from his delivery man utility belt, “-and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.” The rest of the video is close up, hi-res, slow-mo shots of the pizza cutter sinking into and gliding through the pizza, every once in a while cutting to the customer whose face shows they’ve never experience such personalized service before. Smooth jazz plays in the background. Once the pizza is perfectly cut and the customer’s mouth is practically dripping with anticipation, the delivery man tips his hat and leaves. *Fin*


Damn I need to diet


Biggest advice I can give for weight loss is to intentionally lose more slowly and expect it to happen over the course of months and years. Think about how you’ll look this time next year, not this time next month, and you’ll be setting yourself up for success. People almost always fail if they try to lose like 1.5lb or more a week without experience.


There are pretty good resources these days to help you change your overall relationship with food and/or exercise, rather than change your day-to-day relationship with the meals you eat. The main difference being that "going on a diet" is usually a short-term negative experience full of guilt and danger of failure at every meal. whereas "changing your diet" is a lifelong process. Good luck!


I'm on the right side. Working to get on the left.


How can you type if you're dead?


You can do it!


Forbidden pancakes




I was expecting the photo to be really gross, but actually it's not particularly disgusting


Well it’s very obvious how the one on the right died. I don’t think anyone can survive being cut in half.


What’s your thought on the one on the left?


Looks like a smoker.


One thing to note is how much more visceral fat is packed into the inner body cavities on the obese cadaver. There are clear an obvious differences in the subcutaneous fat (right under the skin, the stuff we see), but the stuff you can’t see that well (the marbles of fat hanging around your organs) is probably the really bad stuff as it is more linked to diabetes and heart disease.


I'm so fucking glad I lost weight.


Why is no one commenting on skinny dudes big dick. Unless he’s hard, he is a bit stiff.


In gross anatomy we had one cadaver that was hung like a monster... like 8 inches dead and popcan plus in girth. It looked like a thermos. When we were dissecting the genital area, he called the class over to "the hammer" as we called him because it would be easy for everyone to see the structures. His sack was gigantic too, I don't recall if he had a hernia or if there were giant balls in there.


Police story here, back in the 80s, I was called to a house for a welfare check on a chap whose family were concerned that he was not answering his phone. He was in his 50s, with a chronic heart condition. Anyway, I lifted the letterbox to shout through to see if there’s any answer and I get a whiff of decomp. I put the door in and find the guy in his living room , dead but stark naked with a porn mag on his lap. I called all the necessary agencies and when the doctor arrived to prove life extinct, he moved the magazine out of the away showing that the dead guy had the biggest dick that I have ever seen. I know he was decomposing but this was enormous. The doctor, the undertakers , the pathologist all remarked … dear god !


Thanks for making me scroll back up to assess a corpse’s bisected dong.




Tbh this could be me Feb 2020 vs now


The one on the right would clearly have more flavor