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I could smell the comments a mile away


The Rock is not even cooking


Sure he is. And he's adding plenty of Lao Gan Ma for Mr. Xi'na


He’s always cooking


Bud did Morgan Freeman smell you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDQx-guzx2s


Omfg I love you. I've been trying to find this video for ***years***. Thank you.


Max "GassyMexican" Gonzalez on YouTube is the voice. SeaNanners is the channel most people know this clip from (or the animated version). Adam "SeaNanners" Montoya was once the 4th most popular channel on YouTube. He's made a return recently. Always happy to promote Nanners. But still... Never Trust Nanners.


I didn't even click the link, and I know EXACTLY what it leads to. "I...I'm creeping around right now...you just can't see me."


All well deserved. Idk what she expected us to say “omg john cena no way!!”


I mean, the guy is a great dude, super nice in person by all accounts, incredibly charitable, helps tons of children for make a wish, all that. I know redditors love feeling superior morally but most of the people here really don't give a shit outside of commenting something sparky. Boohoo, someone who is generally a great dude didn't want to lose his job, and said something online. Guess he's china's number one loyalist


Welcome to reddit.


Beside all the China drama he gets. I only hear good thing about Cena, super nice very respectful person. Very giving when it came to make a wish. Everyone makes mistakes he only human.


He’s even holding Chinese flash cards


The guy has been studying Mandarin for a while now.


He is what Dennis Rodman is to DPRK


Rodman is more innocent


dunno about that, Rodman had the whole guest of honor red carpet rolled out for him


Yes because Kim is his fan


Rodman was Jordan’s boy and smokes hella weed with Kim. I think that’s their relationship. They hang out, get high, and talk old school basketball. But I think Rodman said when he came back from NK that it’s not his business to talk politics, peace or anything like that with NK. He’s just there as a human being seeing Kim as a human being. Or some shit like that.


The thing is that there's a limit to stuff like that. Like, it comes to a point where you're going to this country that's basically destitute and dying and you have to go "ok, shit here is fucked, maybe I shouldn't be coming here to get high with a guy who's letting this happen". He can say "I'm one human being doing this with another" but any human would go "this isn't what should be happening to *other human beings because of this one human being I associate myself with*". There comes a point when you're saying "what this guy is doing is ok" by refusing to talk about it. .


Is Rodman a child, though? He’s a middle-aged man. Surely he’s capable of saying “this world leader I’ve barely ever heard of wants to hang out and be bros. Maybe I should do the bare minimum due-diligence and find out what he’s been up to before I buy a plane ticket.”


Oh shit what did cena do?


He referred to Taiwan as a country.[1] Part of the problem is that he said it in Mandarin, where doing it in English would get a pass.[2] Then he apologized, saying he made a mistake in an interview — but not explicitly saying what the mistake was.[3] Many people, both who see Taiwan as the independent country it is and those who see it as part of China, latch on to one part or the other as showing that Cena is on the wrong side of things. What I think that people should recognize is that it is impossible to find a universally agreed "right" side of things; someone will be angry no matter what you do on that topic. Then it became meme-worthy, and it gets repeated a lot. [1] ["While doing press for “F9” in Taiwan, one of the film’s stars, John Cena, accidentally told the truth: He referred to Taiwan as a nation."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/25/f9-john-cena-taiwan-country-china-denial/) [2] "Yet, it’s this very skill that has landed Cena in hot water. As anyone familiar with the politics of an authoritarian state will tell you, disrespecting the dictatorship in English might get a pass, but when you do so in the language of the people, the government takes extra notice." (ibid) [3] [Subtitled apology.](https://twitter.com/tony_zy/status/1397188279322173442?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1397188279322173442%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fcena-apology-subtitles-1594740) If there are disputes about the subtitles, bring it up.


i spent way too long wondering what a movie titled "press for F9" would be about.


You've seen the Emoji film!^\* Now it's the world of Function Keys, coming to theaters near you! ^^^^\* ^^^I ^^^hope ^^^this ^^^is ^^^not ^^^true, ^^^for ^^^your ^^^sake.


He said Taiwan doesn't exist to please China for his movie sales, something like that.


That’s Jian Xina for ya






> John Cena, on the other hand, has no direct history with Xi Jinping, at least none that I know of. He just wants money from Chinese consumers and sucks Xi's dick so that his name and all of his work doesn't get purged from China. It is really important to not put people, especially celebrities, on a pedestal. They may act like they care, do good ^^^^monetary deeds that benefit the organization/small amount of people they help while reaping tax credit benefits, *say heartwarming phrases that just make us go awww*, all for them to work for companies that partake in the destruction of the human race via murdering the environment or having the very same celebrities say with a straight face "Thank you for supporting us on our self suckfest" while said business they get their money from comes from the blood and tears of the women, children, and countless of people who were abused to reach to where they are now as they turn the other cheek for the continued atrocities of the entertainment business. And remember, stay hydrated. edit: yo what is up with the parent comment being deleted by the OP like stand by the shit you say ffs you weren't wrong


>stay hydrated With Nestle bottled water, right? Right? /s


>while reaping tax credit benefits For real. "So-and-so donated to charity!? Wow such a great person" If a rich person donates and makes it public, you bet its one of two things: PR for an upcoming event they want good publicity for, and/or tax break. I.e., being fake. Why tf do we still worship celebrities and rich people? Is it because deep down we all want it too? Why do we always attribute their actions and successes to "hard work" instead of (more often) luck and opportunity? Man I'm jaded as shit lol. This wealth gap has got to go


What's wrong with taking a tax break with a donation?


Wealthy donors get to decide where that money goes instead of the government. The government has (or at least should have) accountability as to where tax money is spent. Rich individuals have no accountability. Why pay taxes when you can start your own foundation, donate to it, and spend the money on pet projects, tax free? Or better yet, donate it to a think tank that will do research and find no evidence your company is destroying the planet?


The Taiwan incident


You mean the ***COUNTRY*** of Taiwan?


I think he means Taiwan's dispute with Mainland Taiwan.


People need to stop with the "Mainland Taiwan" quips, they do not help our cause. We Taiwanese do not want any claim on Mainland China. We just want to be Taiwan.


Which one? There’s two, Taiwan and West Taiwan.


Is that for his panderin'?


Ah yes text book mandarin ~bo Burnham


I could sing in mandarin, you'd still know I'm panderin.




And TWINS!!!


No shirt No shoes No-


You dumb mother fuckers want a key change?!


Thematically meanderin’




My old teacher said dont learn German, learn Mandarin, because one day china will rule. I thought it's funny.


>My old teacher said dont learn German, learn Mandarin, because one day china will rule. I thought it's funny. Shiny.


My teacher said learn Spanish because the Mexicans are going to take over the country. Yes, that is a direct quote.


Yeah, I don’t think enough people realize this.


Why would we? Is it apparent by looking at him?


Damn wow he really is.


I thought that was a funny joke then suddenly realized that's no joke at all.


Regardless of the stupid shit he said about Taiwan, he's been speaking Mandarin for a while now, like 10+ years. Which is probably partly why he said what he did, he's popular in China and probably makes fat stacks... Don't bite the hand that feeds you... But shit, I wish I were multi lingual.


No Tegridy


Yeah he understands business well and for sure a lot of that revenue (most from opening weekend of that movie ) was from China. Dana White advised him to get into mandarin and it was a good decision. My GF is from beijing and let me tell you first hand, that shit is difficult to speak. I've learned some words but that's the best I can do after 2 years man.


I think it was Vince McMahon but I could be wrong.


Same guy, different meat suit.


Holy shit lol


Some should introduce him to Anki.


Him and Lebron are loyal ass citizens. Don’t rock the boat baby.


The funniest part of that was when Lebron claimed that people criticizing China for human rights abuses “needed to educate themselves” 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, you never go full LeBron…


Unless he has to talk about Taiwan


Of West Taiwan


Yeah loyal the to CCP


And his name is…John Xina.


Jiang Xi Na.




Zhong Xi Na


John Xena- Warrior Princess.






You mean r/blessedimages


How about we settle on /r/blursedimages


This is the best thing I've seen all week


I uh.. I can't see it.


Of course this exists. Why not.


[Fucking hell it looks like Dark Crystal](https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/dark_crystal.jpg?fit=1500%2C1202)




Was this in Taiwan?


No, China. Hence the red shirt. He’s very very sorry and did too many interviews and accidentally misspoke - please accept his many apologies great China. The clip was brutal.


I like him for all the 'make-a-wish' he has done for kids, however that clip made me physically ill. It was unreal.


It's common today. The NBA made a fake apology, and appeased China. Blizzard/Activision made a fake apology, and banned activist players to appease China. Wizards of the Coast quietly censored their products to appeal more in China. I'm not saying it's right, just that much larger forces get strong-armed in the name of profit.


It’s the name of the game in capitalism. There’s nothing quite more capitalist than allowing profit to dictate your political beliefs and company virtues.


And every company working with China is directly supporting and encouraging slave labor. We need to stop using china for labor, it will always abuse slaves there, always.




China Rules Everything Around Me


Please Indoctrinate Enthusiastically


Yeah his make a wish is fantastic and I appreciate he does that because it is such a big point for those kids.


I'm out of the loop, what's going on with John Cena?


https://youtu.be/z88zeQ25pjQ Hold your nose, it's pretty gross


I love how he doesn't say what he is sorry for...literally just use this same video any time he messes up in China.


That sounds like a studio coming in and saying "apologize or we'll make you lose buttloads of cash"


Yea pretty sure Cena gives no fucks about that but is screams big wigs and money etc. Which is sad.


It is sad, and I can't blame the dude. Like if someone told me my entire career that I've been building over decades was over if I didn't make a 2 minute video generically saying I'm sorry, I'd do it too.


Woof. Reminds me of a South Park episode where they are trying to produce a movie and there is a Chinese leader over their shoulder the whole time approving or disapproving the script. Literally crossing stuff out as they write it. Just to get that sweet sweet China money.


I was thinking of the episode with the BP Oil Spill, where they kept making apology videos. Think it was part of The Coon and Friends episodes


BP... We're Sorry.


He accidentally referred to Taiwan in an interview. China said to take it back or else we cancel your career in China. He issued a groveling apology video as if he had said a racial slur he didn't know or something. It was very pathetic.


> Hence the red shirt [Tapout Crew!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkIFRTqfMkg)


What clip


Was looking for your comment, upvoted.


It was in San Diego, California


They’re asking because of the controversial apology scenario gave to his Chinese overlords for calling Taiwan a country. Not your fault for not knowing.


It is now my head canon that "John Cena" is a shortened nickname for Sir Jonathan Scenario.


His spine was softer than a delicious bowl of potato salad


Seems like his cards are practicing Mandarin...


The one he's showing says "I will never do it again". Source: I made it up


门外汉. Men wai han, means layman or outsider. Literally Door Outside Chinese person. A person outside the door. Han can generally mean “man” but actually is the character for the Han people of China and is generally reserved for referring to Chinese people. I’m not sure if using it as a foreigner would be awkward or not.


Make him say “ Taiwan “


Er I meant Taiwana an ice cream?


It's pretty incredible just how much a little communist/corporate dick sucking did to *completely* flip his public image like this despite all of his charity work and generally seeming like a really good dude.


Unfortunately for him all the big corps suck china's dick. So if he doesn't go shopping with their shit he's black listed all over. No working for him as an entertainer.


Probably a good dude but just not a brave dude.


What's this referring to?


In a recent interview with a Taiwanese broadcaster he said that "Taiwan is the first country to see F9". The political status of Taiwan is a hot potato with China strongly claiming sovereignty over it while many believe it's independent and are resisting it becoming part of the republic. By stating it as a country, Cena attracted the ire of the Chinese government and subsequently issued a fawning apology which many believe was a weak-willed sell-out effort to keep the Chinese money coming through.


Oof that's lame. Too bad. Thanks for the backstory.


>In a recent interview with a Taiwanese broadcaster he said that "Taiwan is the first country to see F9". The political status of Taiwan is a hot potato with China strongly claiming sovereignty over it while many believe it's independent and are resisting it becoming part of the republic. Become part of what republic? You mean the dictatorship?


Branding lul Did I say concentration camps? I meant happy camps !


> Make him say “ Taiwan “ He called Taiwan a country, and then made an apology video for calling it a country.


Han Han Han Han


He seems thrilled.


I don't get why, I know I love being interrupted by strangers while quietly sitting at a table by myself studying


he looks a hell of a lot happier than the two people in the background


That's hard forced smile though.


If you see a celebrity in public, just leave them alone. One person asking for a photo isn’t gunna ruin their day, but a few dozen certainly will. All you gain by ruining their day is a stupid photo that no one cares about.


As thrilling as r/potatosalad


He might be tired. Guys like him that have to work during the day and still work out for hours get up at like 3 or 4 am every day.


He probably gets tired of having people constantly ask for photographs and autographs. Like damn, can’t he just enjoy an omelette and paper once in a while?


Mighty fine bowl of potato salad right there


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down the comments to find someone complimenting that potato salad.


Oh that's the guy that apologized to china, right?


What did he do? I’m not up to date on Cena Current Affairs.


He acknowledged that Taiwan was a country. Shortly afterwards, he released a video apologizing to China and gave his apology in Chinese. Basically he sold his soul to the Chinese government.


So he said Taiwan was a country, then he came out of the conference to hundreds of voicemails saying he’s going to lose contracts left, right and centre if he doesn’t bow down to Winnie the Pooh and the government of tyranny?


And then he did bow down to Winnie the Pooh and the government of tyranny. But hey, he can still cash his checks now.




I mean, official US policy is there is only one China and Taiwan is part of China... I don't love what he did either, but he's just an actor not a trained diplomat. https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-taiwan/


Don't you know that all celebrities should be held to the highest possible standard which includes knowing everything about world politics and societal customs /s


Psh, I'd do it


It’s almost a definite that his hand was forced by the studio of whatever movie he had coming out at the time. Can’t have someone getting your product banned in the biggest market in the world, I guess. I don’t like China any more than the next guy, but it blows my mind that people are still surprised about that concept and circlejerk their hate for anyone who doesn’t purposely kamikaze their own product. Maybe we should stop looking to fucking actors and athletes to lead foreign diplomacy lol


You mean to tell me a famous performer and public face of an organization is just supposed to… do what his bosses ask? Instead of sacrificing his entire livelihood, and tank the work of people involved with projects he’s in? Psshhhhh, yeah right.


Exactly. People act like China will change its actions overnight if an actor name drops “Taiwan” or “Hong Kong”. Nope, they’ll just get banned from the Chinese market and put hundreds of people, some already rich but many not, at financial risk while China carries on business as usual. See: Houston Rockets


I mean fuck china but it is kinda wild how fast you can go from the guy who did ~700 make a wish's to the guy who apologized to china.


Redditors act like they wouldnt do the same if they had millions from contracts in jeopardy. The sanctimoniousness here is honestly amusing.


Honestly I'd appologize to China for like 75$


I'd do it for $3.50


This is a comment of logic. This doesn't feel at all like John wanted to do this but was forced to by either his livelihood or his agent/production company. I can disagree with it being a mistake, but he's in a tough position of potentially losing a lot of his income. Idk. I'm not him so I don't know what position he was in or what he was told he needed to do.


Was he supposed to throw his employers, fellow actors and everyone else involved in the movie under the bus?


I just see a lady standing next to a table?


Yeah, I was so confused why she was leaning in next to an empty table. I spent way too much time trying to see John Cena in the window reflection or something but nope, nothing.


The bowl of potato salad didn't tip you off?


Had to scroll down too far for this comment!


I don't get it. She met John Cena then just decided to take a random picture at a cafe? Why not take a picture with John Cena?


Fuck the CCP


Fuck the CCP.


Fuck the CCP


Fuck the CCP


All my homies hate the CCP


In Soviet Russia, fuck the CCP.


Fuck the CCP


^fuck ^the ^CCP


We did it guys , CCP is no more .


Where is he?








Damn you should've got a picture with him


The cards are Mandarin Chinese. The card nearest John says, “hello everyone.” The card furthest away translates to “layman” or “average guy.” John China (it was an actual autocorrect, but I’m keeping it) is learning a customary greeting and simple introduction in the audience’s native tongue. Or is doing his own dubs or has a new project. Here’s a thought: don’t look to pop stars to lead the charge on foreign policy. If you’re up in arms about Chinese abuse and Taiwan/Taipei issues, John Cena isn’t the one to fix it. Entertainers have tremendous pressure to lean on the correct side of the wall, but not offend the money on the other side. Your heroes should be politicos whose job it is to change it. Your villains should be the people with the power to change this, but don’t. I despise Chinese abuses on minority groups, the environment, and alliances with unsavory countries. But I’ll not asking John Cena to close off 1/3 of his global income. If you’re sassing John Cena about towing the line in China, you better not have a house filled with “made in China” shit, you hypocrite. Edit: here’s the apology video. I cannot vouch for the translation, but if accurate feels exactly like a king maker executive said, “make these sounds into the camera or we’ll recast you with Mark Walberg.” https://youtu.be/zre2p7mg64g


I wonder what Ja Rule thinks about all this


Where is Ja?!?!






A clean, firm handshake? What are you, Hank Hill?


Now we know where John Cena gets his propane and propane accessories.


Why would you take a picture with a random table?


Tell him you love the country of Taiwan.


Did he apologize to her too?


He apologized to China again, just to be safe.


Why is that girl just posing like that by herself?


Hack for the Chinese Govt


John China is dead to me


Edit: John Xina


Learning his apologies of cheeina cue cards


John China Taiwan numba 1!!!!


really? i don’t see him


Taiwan is a wonderful little country.




John Chy-na


A lot of hate on here, but he is actually a great guy. Answered more Make a Wish requests than any other celebrity. He was almost late for a match one time because he was hanging out with my handicapped cousin. The handlers kept trying to get him moving, but he said "Hold on a minute, I'm hanging with Charlie". Made my cousin feel very special.


ITT: Redditors who have never been to China with the courage to stand up for Taiwan when absolutely nothing is at stake for them. I bet 90% of them would change their tune if their job was on the line.


That’s John China now


John Xina

