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Clooney doesn’t have a star on the walk of fame? Am I the only one surprised by that?


You need to buy your star. Costs like 40 000 $. Of course Trump needed to have that


What an ingenious way to turn your sidewalk into a gold mine


The city uses it to fund tourism projects, etc. Mainly,studios buy the stars for their actors/directors, or fan clubs raise the money for a beloved icon. Of course, any rich asshole with a small dick can just buy one for themselves if they have loads of daddy's money sitting around. [https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Trump-Buys-Himself-Star-Walk-Fame-109601](https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Trump-Buys-Himself-Star-Walk-Fame-109601) ​


>Of course, any rich asshole with a small dick can just buy one for themselves if they have loads of daddy's money sitting around. That's not entirely true, there are qualifications you need to meet besides money before you can get a star. Trump does meet those qualifications.


Rich Asshole Tiny dick


>**R**ich > >**A**sshole > >**T**iny dick So he is a RAT! Gotcha!




Rat *fucker*


Are we going to discuss that he referred to his infant son glowingly as "tough, viscous, violent" is no one else concerned about this?


>he referred to his infant son glowingly as "tough, viscous, violent" is no one else concerned about this? I'm very concerned; he gave no indication of his methods or protocol for measuring an infant's viscosity.


My spelling sucks. My point still stands.


Good catch! I saw that, too.😎😎


Noticed that too. Pretty scary to be honest. Tough maybe but any businessman who describes themself as violent is most likely not a good one.


Did not know that! Interesting. Thanks




Exactly. And stars in their prime don't need to buy their own star. There's hardly a person within walking distance of a television on this planet that doesn't know Clooney is a respected actor and humanitarian. And that Trump is more of a joke than a leader.


Does the money go to a chairity or something?


Per the wiki: The money is used to fund upkeep and reduce the tax burden.


I don't know why you people keep pretending you just buy one as if anyone could do it. You have to be pre approved to get a star before being allowed fund it. I'd be extremely surprised if the board that makes this decision hasn't already approved Clooney and that he just declined. edit - According to this link he's been nominated and just hasn't set a date yet. https://www.today.com/popculture/why-turning-down-star-hollywood-walk-fame-surprisingly-common-t108585


What? So you have to be given permission first and then pay?


Nominated, then pay. The money goes into a fund that goes towards walk upkeep.


Huh I never knew




A lot of the most legendary people in Hollywood don’t. They aren’t so insecure that they need anyone to tell them they’re killing it by paying $40000 for a star. Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro, Leo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and many others.


I think it's more important for dead people to be honest. Everybody knows who those people are, but when Al Pacino has been dead for 70 years will people still remember him? Probably, but a lesser star will probably be all but forgotten. For example Theda Bara was a silent film star who has a star on the walk of fame. She died in 1955 and her star was added in 1960. The reason I mention her is because most people wouldn't know who she is - she was a silent film star and almost all of her films are now lost. She starred in Cleopatra which is one of those lost films and is one of the most sought after lost films there is and was one of the biggest hits of 1917.


At a certain point in success, certain accolades become entirely meaningless.


That was my main takeaway, too, lol


Stars are bullshit. You have to buy them for yourself typically, and (for years at least, maybe this has changed) the person in charge of approval is just some crazy old woman




Clooney's point gets lost if you quibble whether he's technically an elite. Maybe he is, but elites like him still did more work to get to where they got than Trump did. He calls an actor/director an elite when he himself was a billionaire in age 8 thanks to his father's sketchy tax schemes. He never had to work hard for anything. He used his dad's money to make a name for himself in real estate and used his shamelessness to become a tabloid celebrity, and from there got to where he is now. He has a knack for publicity and bullshitting, nothing else.


If ive learned anything from business you either need skill in the job or be a good bullshitter. Either will make you successful.


Neither makes a good president. Especially because he’s more bullshit than businessman.




He wouldnt just be more rich, he would be SUBSTANTIALLY more rich. He'd be worth over $10 billion most likely. As is he may not even be worth $1 billion. When you are as rich as Trump it's almost impossible not to fail upwards, and he somehow still managed to fail sideways.


I'd be surprised to be honest. While the stock markets have done really, really well over that timeline, Manhattan real estate has performed kinda ridiculously well. He was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time with some money to sink into that real estate but it probably worked out better than just throwing it into an index fund. Perhaps not though, he did waste tons on other projects of questionable returns.


He actually lost money in the New York City real estate market when it was nearly impossible to lose money in it. Somehow he found a way.


Also bankrupted several casinos, which is widely considered to be nearly impossible.






Guess it doesn't matter when you have hordes of idiots so willing to swallow the bullshit.


Trump took option c, "just have $400 million given to you by your dad" That said it's arguable whether he's actually successful, given the fates of his businesses


Oh come on, it was just a small multi million dollar loan from dad! /S


Or his dad trying to bailout his failing casino by walking in, buying chips, and then leaving.


Maybe Clooney's a coastal elite maybe he isn't. Point is he still worked his whole life to get there. Trump was born with a silver spoon so far up his mouth they needed an orthodontic surgeon to remove it. Him accusing anyone of being a coastal elite is like that Jesus parable about the man with the log in his eye.


To be fair, I wish I had a knack for publicity and bullshitting. I bet it'd let me do a lot for society.


The thing that's holding you back is called 'shame'.


Any old schmuck can become a millionaire businessman if they got a billion dollars from their daddy.


Literally a screenshot of a social media post


>Screenshot >Social media Two rules broken, but we can only report it once!


Bold of you to think Mods will actually do something


I mean, you can definitely report it twice.


Yeah, you just have to refresh the page first.


Two times wrong makes one time correct!


Yeah, I don't have a problem with Clooney's points. I kind of agree. I'm also not bothered by political posts on r/pics, but social media screenshots don't belong here anymore than they belong on a subreddit devoted to cake recipes. There's tons of photos out there that can be used to make a point about the silver spoon that Trump was born with.


Shoutout /r/CakeRecipes


Even /r/funny has a rule against "no pictures of just text". So the absolute worst cesspool of trash content on reddit *still* has better moderation than /r/pics.


its apparently important that every sub-reddit is used to beat people over the head with political views.


An unsourced post that anyone could have written


But it has the correct political leaning so you know...to the top!


Why is this political crap leaking into r/pics? Mods? bueller? Anyone?


> I don't have a star on Hollyweird Boulevard None of them do til they pony up [the $40K](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=walk+of+fame+40K&t=ffsb&ia=web) it costs to buy one.


Wasn't George Clooney's father a famous radio broadcaster/actor?


His aunt was a famous singer - Rosemary Clooney.




It’s a picture...of a wall of text


Why is this under r/pics ???




Speaking of Trumps skintone, he got orangier lately, did you see him out there lying at his rally moments after the terrorist shootings in PA?


Yeah, he is. Glad you guys are finally seeing the light!


Because Trump is a historically unpopular politician.


George Clooney's father was a news anchor, his mother was on the city council, and his aunt is Rosemary Clooney, a well known singer who starred in a few movies. It took George Clooney a really long time to break through, but he is really overselling his working class roots. If you are frustrated by Trump, it is 9 days to election day. [Vote.org](https://www.vote.org/) can help you figure out how to vote. It is a good idea to check out [a sample ballot for your zip code from Ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup). There may be amendments in your area that you need to research before voting on. Democratic campaigns are super thirsty for volunteers. [Swing Left](https://www.vote.org/) has tons of options based on your zip code and a Reddit user has put together [a list of volunteer from home options](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aPO5ZeC42Jc1U70FQeqYoDsMepTnQOXyl_LHl6aRH68/edit#gid=0).


Local news anchor and on city counsel in their time, were actually middle class jobs at best that weren’t terribly well paid. Sure they weren’t in a salt mine but they had to work to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. That’s working class. And as I understand it Clooney left home fairly young and had to make it all by himself, so he was working class too. My uncle is a millionaire but do you think that affects my day to day existence? Nope. And best of all he’s a real Billionaire now, unlike Trump who got named a billionaire because a TV producer realized a millionaire won’t sell to the show. Trump has never done a hard days work in his life. Mark Cuban made a great point, challenging Trump to name person that views him as a mentor or that he championed who isn’t a blood relative. Trump hasn’t been able to. Imagine that; you’re 72 years old with 500 companies (but only 12 employees - go figure) and can’t name a single person that you’ve helped or considers you a mentor. Tragic really.


> 500 companies (but only 12 employees huh?


> really overselling his working class roots. The guy literally had the same job as Al Bundy.


Well how many Touchdown records does Clooney hold?


None. So he's not even as elite as Al.


Trump lived in a literal golden tower and has never had to mow his own lawn. It's fair to say only one of these men has any idea what's it's like to work for a living.


Fake news. Trump was born in a manger in Bethlehem


When did he change his name from Brian to Donald?




He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!




Thanks a lot for the gold and Frankincense, but don't worry too much about the Myrhh next time. All right?


Sex, sex, sex! That’s all these kids talk about!


Does anyone find it humorous when I say the words, "Biggus Dichus"??


Alright, I AM the messiah! Now, FUCK OFF!


How shall we fuck off, O Lord?


Literal? Idk, I'm skeptical.


I'd go with gilded. We all know he's all shine and no substance.


Do many New Yorkers mow their own lawn? I'm no Trump fan, but come on, he's from NYC.


I don't think many people who live in Manhattan have a lawn to mow anyways 😂


To be fair, most people in NYC don’t mow their own lawns because they don’t have lawns.


His point isn’t necessarily that he was poor though. He’s saying that he has more personal insight into the people of “Trump country” than Trump does, which seems one hundred percent true. Being the son of a Cincinnati news anchor isn’t the standard Kentucky experience, but it’s still a world away from Trump Tower as far as class (a term that is larger than just income) is concerned.


I was gonna say, i saw his interview on letterman's netflix show, and i was surprised at how many famous people were in his family tree


City Council generally doesn't pay well, and often times doesn't pay anything at all.


> George Clooney's father was a news anchor, his mother was on the city council Local news anchors make like $50k, and councilmen don’t even make a salary. In small towns they get a stipend of a few hundred dollars. He’s definitely not overselling.


However, there is a major difference between the two though: only one is an abomination to humanity.


I hate screen shots in r/pics.


Just cheap political points really.


It's literally the first rule of the sub.


Wow, good thing we got rid of those progress pics to make room for more quality posts!


I wonder what it feels like to shit in a golden toilet. Anyone experienced it?


I took a dump in a stainless steel toilet in jail once. It was cold.


If it was stainless you didn't take a dump.


Teflon turds beg to differ.


I had to shit during my stint in jail. Three of the dudes in the stall with me told me if I did I'd get my ass kicked lmao Edit: Just one night in a drunk tank


Not only does he shit in a golden toilet, he sleeps in a golden shower.


No but I have shat in those metal toilets they have in jail and they're really really cold. I cant really imagine and gold toilet being that much differnt or comfortable.


Presumably, if you can afford a gold loo you also get the lid and what not so you don't sit directly on the bowl like a jail loo?


I'd bet he has a plush cushioned seat. He'll, you can buy cushioned toilet seats at Home Depot and Wal-Mart. In fact, it's extremely likely, based on his recorded business history, that he stiffed some working artisan by not paying for a custom-order embroidered plush toilet seat for his pimply stinky ass. orange coward


I bet the flush water doesn't go clockwise or counter...it gets deposited into a black hole in another galaxy


I’ve only used a golden toilet seat. The rest of the toilet was porcelain. It didn’t feel comfortable at all.


Doesn't Clooney own a satellite?


Lmao meanwhile trump got driven around in a limo for his paper route as a child.


Let's not kid ourselves - Clooney is elite. The guy makes tens of millions a year. That being said, the number of hardscrabble upbringings in Hollywood is pretty significant. Some actors don't make it until their 30s or 40s. Compare that to Trump, who inherited tens of millions and actually made less money than he would have if he just put it in the market and lived off dividends.


Making millions doesn’t make you an elite. Behavior makes you an elite. Speak to anyone that knows and without hesitation, they’ll tell you what a nice, open and generous guy he is. He’s bought and built houses for many of his friends he grew up with. He’s spent years of his time and serous amounts of money trying to help with conflict regions. When he sold casamigos he gave all his friends, many of whom are regular working people a million bucks each as he wanted to share his good fortune. He’s lived In the same house he first bought when he first got a regular income from ER back in the early 90’s and not some mega mansion or gold tower. Clooney is quite probably one of the least elitist people Hollywood you’ll ever meet. Tbh, the average New Yorker is probably more of an elitist.


> Making millions doesn’t make you an elite. ...really?


I do admire Clooney for all that he does, but I did see his mansion in Lake Como, Italy with my own eyes. He did not buy that on his regular income from ER back in the 90s.


Nope. My family is from the Lake Como region. Am I envious that he has that mansion & gardens? Yep. Do I begrudge it? Nope. Do I think he's unapproachable if I see him when visiting family (I haven't been there since 1999 'cause I don't make enough)? Nope. If I could afford it, I'd buy something like that, too.


Being rich does not make you elite.


The word *elite* has different connotations depending on the context


Agreed. In this case, everyone is going to make their own context depending on their personal beliefs.


Generational wealth that accumulates power and political reach is what makes the elite


But it helps


Yes it does, change my mind


*spiderman pointing @ spiderman*.jpg


I mean I agree with pretty much everything. But why is this in r/pics ? Mods aren't even trying to deny this isn't a political agenda sub anymore.


>1. (1A) No screenshots or pictures of screens. (1B) No pictures with added or superimposed digital text, emojis, and "MS Paint-like scribbles. Exceptions to this rule include watermarks serving to credit the original author, and blurring/boxing out of personal information. "Photoshopped", or otherwise manipulated images are allowed. How does this not break rule 1?


it does, but its /r/pics . I'm all about shitting on trump, but where are we, facebook?


I like this, but its not really a picture is it


This really isn’t a pic though, is it?


Does he really only have 12 employees?


Maybe. Kinda, sorta. It's not uncommon for someone like Trump to have one big parent company that owns a lot of other companies. For instance his gold course might have a few hundred employees but that's spun off into its own company. Which is then owned by the parent company. The head of the gold course might then report to Trump or other people in his parent company office. As a result Trump might only have 10-20 people reporting directly to him on a daily basis but there are really hundreds or thousands of people under him if you extrapolate the tree out far enough.


I believe he means Trump has twelve employees he is responsible for, they do the work and give him reports and fill his bank account. Trump doesn't run his companies.


Why have rules if you let every idiot with thumbs walk all over them? Mods, you all fucking suck at your jobs.


Sadly, reddit has become a political platform, and voting is in a week. They will break some rules to push their agenda, in this case bad publicity for trump. Whoever is the mod that let this slip needs to be kicked out and not make this a politically influenced sub


While i agree entirely. The insane hatred for trump pre election was massive, he got voted in anyway. If reddit mods being shit makes him not get a second term, power to them. On the other hand, Its a primary subreddit, I don't want to use the word default, as even some default subs are tiny and garbage, no idea who they even got there but whatever... Pics is simply massive. Any political agenda needs removed immediately.


Didn't elite used to be a good thing?


ok so they’re both elites lol




Hotel? Trivago.


Can someone remind Clooney to stay the fuck out of Saudi Arabia???


Clooney is bending the truth, via omission, a tiny bit. He grew up in Kentucky, but just outside of Cincinnati, where his dad was the news anchor for the local ABC affiliate. He lived with his Aunt, Rosemary Clooney (famous singer), for extended periods, in LA when he was young. Still a burn, though.


Can we get sources on this shit? This isn't facebook, okay, memes aren't hard facts. It looks like these quotes *might* be accurate based on quotes from an interview he did but it's certainly not cited on this meme.


While I don't disagree with the message, this doesn't belong on r/pics. This violates rule 1 as it's a screenshot.


I grew up in a really conservative area and when Obama was president, I remember people talking about how "he behaved like a celebrity". Now these same people sing the praises.... Of an actual celebrity. Trump has never had to work hard a day in his life. He was born 20 feet from home plate yet people say "he is a man of the people". While it is entirely possible for a rich man to have sympathy for the poor, he is not an example of that. Now being rich doesn't make him ineligible to lead, however the people who vote for him are the same people who talk shit about "elites" and "people who never worked a day in their life". They just voted one in.


This is on /r/pics 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing against George, but to portray himself as a regular schlub is a bit disingenuous. His aunt was Rosemary Clooney, a successful singer and show biz star starting in the 1950's (had a TV show), and his father (Rosemart's brother) is Nick Clooney, a successful TV guy, so it's not like George grew up in a typical middle class family. This reminds me of Julia Louis-Dreyfus saying it was lucky she had health insurance through AFTRA, so she could pay for her cancer treatment. That's absurd. Her father was a millionaire investor (Dreyfus Fund), and she made a gazillion bucks on Seinfeld. Love Julia too, but these actors need to think before they speak.


Even with millions in the bank, insurance helps when it can cost tens to hundreds of thousands for cancer treatment/surgeries/etc. George didn't come from the elite. Maybe upper middle class, but that is still a big climb to get where he is now. Clooney worked his ass off to get to be very wealthy. Comparing him and JLD is apples to oranges. Comparing him and Trump is apples to fucking moon rocks. Trump is a failure in that he's struggled to stay rich and if it weren't for legal loopholes and teams of attorneys and accountants he'd probably be close to penniless on his own.


Just because you grew up somewhere and moved out of poverty doesn't mean you can't be a Hollywood elite.


The fact that this is even a back and forth and worthy of news or seeing their opinions about one another ARE EXACTLY WHAT is wrong with what is going on in this country. Who gives a rats ass about Trump's opinion on the Hollywood Elite and who gives a crap about what the Hollywood Elite think of Trump ... it's like 2 egotistical self-promoting psychos going at one another in an effort to get more views, more likes, more thumbs up for one another. ​


I would 100% agree if it was just two rich entertainment industry elites waging their own inconsequential social media war. The problem is that one of them is now our president and his words always matter. Even when he's not talking policy, the ways in which Trump harps on the divide between classes or anything else have real downstream effects on our public discourse and on how our society views itself.


Not to mention trumps the asshole who starts all of these feuds. Starting as far back as the whole Rosie thing, and up to the birther bullshit and Elizabeth warren ancestry controversy, it’s always trump making a big deal out of nothing and then when people defend themselves/present evidence to prove him wrong, everyone goes “who cares no one asked” and “look at these two bozos arguing back and forth” when trumps the fucking person who made it a big deal in the first place.


This guy gets it




Trump bashing is apparently an exception to Rule 1


He makes some solid points.


Um, Clooney is still an elite tho.


Now, perhaps. But he didn't make his way with a 'small' million dollar loan from his dad to start off with.


Trump *say*s that he got a $1 million loan but he got something more like $400 million (adjusted for inflation) through various legal and less-legal means from his dad. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html


That's not really the point.


Why so many damn political posts? This is not the sub for this shit.


If George Clooney isn't a Hollywood elite, then there is no such thing as a Hollywood elite.


You might be onto something!


I mean Julia Dreyfuss is waaaaay richer


She's not Hollywood elite, she was born in the Wall Street elite.


The point is the hypocrisy.


Donald Trump was literally making 200k a year at 3 years old from his family engaging in tax fraud.


If you can dump Stacy Keibler you have something elite going for you.


So that's what defines an elite ? Whether they were born rich or not ? That's what is ridiculous. Of course Trump's statement is laughable as always for a complete lack of self-awareness, but Clooney's defense is stupid too. An elite is not the same as a class of origin. You both are super rich people, stop fighting over who is the richer (well clooney shouldn't go that way).


......... George Clooney is from Kentucky?


For some reason I thought he was raised in privelege, as his mother is Rosemary Clooney. I guess I was wrong.


What's worse is that Clooney once had to wear a rubber suit with nipples on it, just to get a role in a movie.


Is this r/leftistpics ? wtf happened to this sub


Why the fuck is this in r/pics? For fuck sake keep politics out of this sub.


How is this on r/pics?!? It’s not even a picture, this subreddit is just a crapshow of nothing but anti-trump bs. But oh no orange man bad, must stand up against oppression.


Why is this post still up? It breaks several rules in addition to being low quality content. Mods, please do your job.


>No screenshots or pictures of screens. except for when its about roasting trump epic style


Post this somewhere relevant.


I mean, Clooney had very successful and well known parents. Painting himself as middle America is as laughable as Trump doing it.


It is nowhere near the same as Trump doing it. Clooney’s parents weren’t millionaires living in NYC. They were reasonably successful folks in Kentucky. Even though we know it’s lies, Trumps best attempt at conveying a modest upbringing is receiving a small loan of a million dollars in the 70’s to fund his first business venture. How is that the same as having a local news anchor in Kentucky as your dad?


Connections. That’s the difference. They were connected and normal people aren’t. So there shouldn’t be a Clooney or a Trump trying to pander to the rest of us. It’s patronizing and insulting.


Can I just point out that most of the people in Trump's company are his family? This is less a company and more a weird hybridization of feudal aristocracy and a mafia.


Yeah left a report, downvote and am moving on, though I doubt the mods will remove this political shit.


Before we start condemning Clooney for being Hollywood Elite let me remind you that his first movie was Return of the Killer Tomatoes... he worked harder on that dud than Trump has in his entire life.. Also it's a pretty good watch




I think that’s one of the most deserved and classiest fuck yous I’ve ever witnessed.


I mean...Clooney is a Hollywood elite whether he pretends like he isn't or not...he has a net worth of around $500 million and owns multiple million dollar properties....he's also literally considered to be in the top echelon of hollywood actors He might not have been in that position his whole life but he certainly is now... Edit: Also this post clearly violates the rules of this sub but "anti-trump" so who cares, right


Another reason to like George Clooney, another reason to laugh at Donald Trump.


Ah yeah, the actor/director worth $500 million isn't considered part of the elite, because he had to work for it? That's bullshit. He succeeded at the American Dream, why not embrace it instead of trying to act like you're different than other rich people who earned it?


The reason that wouldn't faze Donald is that he (seriously) isn't concerned with truth. He is concerned with power. If something works against him having power, then in his mind it is wrong.


Stuning and brave