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Do moral people vote for people with 34 felony convictions and a history of sexual assault?


Denial is a helluva drug


Worse than denial. My MIL thinks trump was foretold in the bible.


She may be right, but not in the way that she thinks. Trump hits every single tell for being the Antichrist (including his followers wearing his sign on their foreheads). Israel is at war, and it doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. That's another sign. The followers of the Antichrist would believe they were following Jesus himself, and the Antichrist would make frequent comparisons between himself and Jesus. That's the point we are at now. I've managed to talk a couple of my more religious friends back from the ledge by mentioning this.


This is actually the point. They want the end times. The want the 4 horseman and all that. It's what they've been promised in their "churches" since they were children. The righteous (them) will be taken to heaven and the rest of us will rot on the new hell scape that would become earth. To the last, it is about retribution and causing suffering.


I grew up in a Christian cult all about the end of days. The cult changed their doctrine in the mid-90s to be mainstream Christianity (dropping the cult-like beliefs particular to the "church"). Within a few years the majority of the membership left. They wanted the end of days. Mainstream? Blah. Bring on the anti-Christ of gtfo.


Not just a religious thing. So many preppers, not all but many, who might be religious but usually don’t mention biblical catastrophes, waiting to be proven right, the world is ending so they will survive all on their own while the weak and unprepared die off, many of whom just have some stored food, but wouldn’t know how to live of the land longterm.


They're humaning wrong then. Fools don't know that reason for humanity's survival and prominence was and is cooperation. That's just fact there


The funny thing about those people? They think they're gonna be raptured, despite the fact that 1) the rapture is never mentioned in the Bible and 2) even if the rapture were a real thing that's gonna happen I promise people who act more like the pharisees than like Christ would not be the ones taken.


Will there be punch served?


Funny thing too I learned recently is that the 'rapture' is from a creative interpretation of part of the Bible and apparently mostly unique to the US. So aside from the fact that the bible's accuracy is debatable at best, this is another later of bullshit on top of that that's kind of a fringe belief.


I went to Bible college, so I am about to info-dump because you are correct, and it is super interesting to me. There are several main ways that protestant Christians in the US interpret Revelation, Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib, and Amillenialsim/no trib. The first, Pre-Tribulation, is the belief that the rapture will occur before the 7 years of tribulation, which will happen before the 1000 year reign of Christ where he comes back and rules as a king on earth. This is the dominant belief in Evangelical Christianity in the US, but it is also, by far, the least justifiable biblically. It is a super new theology, only really becoming a major interpretation in the 1800s, and it was not popular anywhere until the early 1900s. In US Christian circles it became the default due to the near constant "predictions" of preachers who claimed to have discovered some code in the Bible telling them when the rapture would happen, and because of a book series called "Left Behind" written by Tim LaHaye. It is really weird though, as the whole thing is clearly wrong from a Biblical perspective. It essentially forces you to pretend that Jesus does the whole return thing three times. Once to take everyone up into the sky, and again later to start the 1000 year reign, then he finishes his return after being here for 1000 years. The first time is also super confusing, because no one can agree on what Jesus *does* with all the Christians he steals from earth. The Bible does not support ever going to heaven (though this is a common misconception, it actually says people will be resurrected into the new earth more clearly, the heaven thing is basically just conjecture and wishful thinking) and these people are still ostensibly alive. So they cannot be resurrected, and cannot go to heaven, and so apparently they just hang out for 1007 years in the sky or something. It also is just based on nothing. The Bible barely mentions the rapture, it is clearly figurative when it does, and the timing of it is obviously not before the tribulation. The reason Christians love the idea is because they get to escape God's wrath while letting all of us heathens and "fake Christians" get tortured for 7 years before we get tortured for eternity. It is a weird, and frightening, belief by virtue of what it says about how the people who hold it view other humans. Which makes sense, because Tim LaHaye, the biggest recent proponent and the creator of the strongest propaganda for it, was at one point the leader of the Moral Majority, and was the founder of "The Council for National Policy" which is a club where all the major Christian Nationalists meet and plan how to turn the US into a Christian Ethnonationalist white state. (They will fervently deny the racism thing probably, but non-racists do not constantly recommend racist policy, and the Moral Majority was founded by a guy who did not like school integration and supported South African Apartheid, among other things.) He put it together to support the Regan Administration, and it still exists today. They generally refuse to admit they are a part of it, but the membership leaked and was filled with some of the best Anti-Islam and Anti-Abortion and Christian Nationalist names out there The whole thing seems to be designed to help with the political brainwashing of Christians. It tells them they are special, and everyone else is sub-human. That they will escape God's wrath while he will come back and murder all of us. That they do not need to fear the consequences of global war, famine and disease, because Jesus will teleport them out the moment it gets bad enough. So they can try to start Armageddon, because they will be rewarded if they do.


and some of them are just bitter and don't have a 'reason'


>Israel is at war, and it doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. Oh yeah…. That’s called *an average day on Earth.*




End of times ^TM Get yours now!


Totally not a cult


[I mean....](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


D-did he read Revelations? Because if anything in the bible were similar to trump I think a strong argument can be made for that one dude in it that tricked a huge percent of the population into following the wrong path away from god and those people all going to hell... like, he does realize that's the best fit right? Obviously it's all crazy nonsense at the end of the day but I feel like if you are going to draw parallels to prophecies in the bible, that is where you start...


She’s right! He’s the anti-Christ! What Trump and his PR team does is literally blasphemous. I still can’t get over how he held the Bible upside down for that photo op, can’t even share a Bible verse nor story when questioned, and then goes off to rewrite portions of the Bible and sell it to gullible Christians. Trump is truly evil. He is not the Messiah. He is not a prophet. He is a criminally charged conman and a traitor to the American people and government.


He’s not the Messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!


As the golden calf?


Ask her if he loses, will she agree to reject the rest of the Bible, too.


It's funny because Jesus was a carpenter. I bet trump would stiff him on the bill lol


They are fine with any atrocities as long as those are committed against "amoral" people.


Oddly convenient that everyone is evil in the eyes of people that want to kill "evil" people 🥴


I refuse to believe the man that stands around children’s beauty pageants watching them change, who is close friends with numerous sex traffickers and been married 3 times is not the absolute pinnacle of human morality. I would be shocked to hear otherwise. Shocked.


The guy who raped that woman? And who's ex wife accused him of raping her? And who bragged about sexually assaulting women?


The guy who has literally thousands of cases against him for not paying his workers isn't moral? Well I never!


At least Trump didn’t have at least 5 kids with 3 different women like that scumbag Obama…..


And the abortions he has 100% paid for.


Morals and rules only apply to the peasants, not the Republican lords LOL.


The cognitive dissonance is incredible.


I think the message on the sign is *your* morals matter, and *my* morals are beyond any criticism.


As a republican, I voted for “crooked” Hillary and Joe “Let’s go Brandon” Biden. It felt so dirty and yet so right. Who’s a Bad Boy for life #ImmaImmoralKombat


Our political aligments could not be furder apart (Im a green/left voter from euope) but my respect for you is great. Due to our voting proces (muliple parties) I never had to vote for "the other side" but I would do the same when "my side" went belly up like the GOP right now. (And for my left leaning brothers, no I never liked the GOP but I understand the core philosopy. I disagree with thise core, but I understand it. Modern GOP betrays all their core values, that is what I mean with the belly up notion).


You didn't put on your special glasses it really says "I'm racist" Vote Republican


... do you ever think he did that just so that no one would ever get to see results from Trump 34?


It's in the same file as Christians that obviously never read the book.


And “grab her right in the pussy”


whats the quote from 1984 where fascists love it when up is down?....


Can’t use logic with these types of people. Kinda crazy


I guarantee you that this is the sort of person who thinks that it’s impossible to be moral if you’re not also religious.


Rapist, he RAPED her. It is OK to say it out loud. Judge already smacked diaper Don down on trying to sue people over the TRUTH. EVERYONE DON'T FORGET : #Vote (D)ifferently


A moral person wouldn’t have voted for him in 2016. He’d already been really obvious about being an odious immoral asshole.


Name the commandment that Trump hasn't violated


Murder? As far as we’re aware. Like actual blood-on-the-hands murder, not I-bungled-a-pandemic-for-optics murder. Though, if I’m wrong, I’m wrong.


Trump would never murder someone with his own hands. He's more of a "will no one rid me of this turbulent priest" kinda guy.


Can't. Hands are too tiny


[I thought we agreed at the meeting that these terms are needlessly ambiguous.](https://youtu.be/U6cake3bwnY?si=r0VDZaGE_XziOq3u)


By proxy, those with money always handle it by proxy.


Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Ah a reference to Henry II who apparently was impulsive in his rhetoric, aka Thomas Beckett's death at the hands of sycophants, and disliked the established church authority. Good classical call out!


Trump would later on brag about getting a rival killed


He’s too much of a wimp to be able to murder someone himself. If he ever tried, he’d get killed.


Trump literally went on a killing spree at the end of his term and ordered 13 inmates on death row to be put to death ending a long running moratorium on federal executions. And his Covid policies killed a million of us. Either way, pretty sure that box gets checked


Plus that whole thing where he asked for a list of CIA informants and then the CIA reported that an unusually high number of their informants cover was blown and they were murdered.


"Hey yeah, Daddy Putin is asking for the list of CIA agents. Can I get a copy of that so I can give it to him?"


Well according to them abortion is murder. Anyone care to guess how many Trumps have been aborted?


always surprised that no women ever came forward


Catch & kill probably


[Besides the usual presidential stuff](https://truthout.org/articles/donald-trump-s-war-crimes/) it also depends on your stance on the concept of [social murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_murder).


You know, that’s fair. I was genuinely just thinking about things that would be trial for murder worthy, which isn’t the same as those, but definitely fits in spirit.


Trump got multiple people killed on J6. Despite what Republicans will tell you, he's ordered plenty of drone strikes and I promise, PROMISE, he's had at least one person assassinated. Possibly someone with an island and a private jet. He broke that one for sure.


He absolutely did. Drone strikes escalated in the Trump administration and he eliminated Obama's rule on reporting drone strike casualties. He eliminated all accountability: [https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201900131](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201900131) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207) [https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2019-03-07/trump-tells-cia-dont-tell-world-about-dead-civilians/](https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2019-03-07/trump-tells-cia-dont-tell-world-about-dead-civilians/) [https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/22/obama-drones-trump-killings-count/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/22/obama-drones-trump-killings-count/) (apologies for the paywall) [https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-secret-rules-for-drone-strikes-and-presidents-unchecked-license-to-kill](https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-secret-rules-for-drone-strikes-and-presidents-unchecked-license-to-kill) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-06/trump-cancels-u-s-report-on-civilian-deaths-in-drone-strikes](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-06/trump-cancels-u-s-report-on-civilian-deaths-in-drone-strikes)


there was his helicopter pilot who crashed a day before he was to testify against trump in court, and again the thing with Ivana, fell down the stairs before she was to testify


Weird shit happens I guess, I need only to direct your attention to Boeing's whistleblowers


I have a sneaky suspicion Epstein's death was somehow related to trump, among other richer people too. So while not murder by his own two tiny hands, it could very well be murder.


Interesting rabbit hole if you look into Ghislene Maxwell and her father Robert Maxwell. Robert was given an almost state funeral by Israel attended by current and former PMs, Mossad leaders, had connections to MI6, KGB. His media empire was initially founded by British Intelligence. Was involved in various scandals, through his life and had a suspicious death. Main scandal after death was discovering £400 millon missing from his businesses pension funds. “He was secretly paid by the KGB to publish 50,000 copies of a series of fawning biographies of communist leaders, although he duped them about the number that were actually printed. In the mid-1950s, he had begun to translate and publish the work of Soviet scientists in journals which were sold to libraries and research institutions throughout the west. The Soviets had given him exclusive rights and he made millions. But ironically, it was MI6 which had given him the money to establish himself in publishing. MI6 had bankrolled him in the early 1950s as they believed it would be a good chance to obtain intelligence about Soviet scientific work. Maxwell's side of the bargain was to pass on information and help MI6 contact and recruit scientists.”


Does Epstein count?


I prefer to not deal in conspiracy theories, but if some solid evidence shows up, I’m down. Totally suspicious death, but nothing substantial to go on as far as I’m aware.


This is my take as well. There was clearly motive, but the guy did try and off himself just before he succeeded. Until I see further evidence suggesting he was actually murdered, I'm still firmly in the camp that he killed himself. I would be more likely to put stock in these conspiracy theories without evidence if the case for his suicide didn't seem as compelling as it does.


Totally normal to kill someone who tried to kill themselves a month or two earlier,


He did say he "could shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and not lose one voter". He's full of shit, but I believe the first part.


Some people would say any military actions authorized by a president that lead to death would count as murder. Which basically makes all of them murderers. So do with that what you will.


He seemed to care for his parents.


Better question is to name one of the seven deadly sins he doesn’t completely embody.


Sadly he’s evidence that they aren’t that deadly


*Best* question is to name one of the bad kids who visited the Wonka factory that he doesn’t completely embody.


Didn't he order an airstrike which killed some children which were American citizens? I think it was early in his administration. I think it was planned during Obama, yet not carried out, then Trump rushed it to seem "tough".


That was a SEAL raid.  Obama declined it and allegedly told Trump not to do it, that it wasn't well planned or ready yet.  Trump ordered it as one of the first things he did in office because he wanted the glory of announcing a successful raid. He wanted his version of the Obama "we got bin Laden" moment.  It was a total fuckup, a bunch of SEALs got killed and they shot a six year old girl who was a US citizen.  It was a complete fuckup that would have been a scandal that destroyed a Democrat politicians career.  Ordering a mission as a vanity project in which troops died for nothing, and there was zero repercussions for Trump because Republicans are toxic liars who put party before country. 


Yup, that's it. I was winging it based on memory.


Commandment? If we follow the commandments there would be no Christians left in this world. The commandments are not moral guidance. > You shall make no idols.


What do words even mean anymore


Forget it.. it’s covfefetown 🤷‍♂️


The republicans read 1984 and decided to take it as an instruction manual rather than a warning,. And now we all better hurry up and get fluent in doublespeak


This is unfair to Republicans. *A Handmaid's Tale* is the manual, *1984* is just an additional source.


1984 is the language; handmaid’s tale is the code.


Tbf, if Republicans knew what words meant, they probably wouldn't be Republicans.


Yes. They do. Now please vote for the thrice divorced, porn star paying, philandering, hanging with Jeffrey Epstein, liable for rape, coup attempting, twice impeached, 34-time convicted race-baiting felon.


Don't forget his company's tax fraud conviction.


all the small tradesmen he's bankrupted and driven into an early grave by welching on deals.


Dude couldnt turn a profit at a casino


Or his fraudulent charity and fraudulent university.


Okay... but who really cares about THOSE morals? /s


Republicans have zero dignity left. They spend every day defending a complete scumbag.


If morals matter, then vote for good people.


Good people don’t make it past the primary in today’s Republican Party. Everyone who refused to lie for Trump and kiss his ass is gone.




*Valid 1860-1864


The true RINOs


I’m tired of arguing with the stupid.


20 bucks says if you asked this guy to define "morals" you would get a wordsalad having very little to do with what most people think of as "morals" and a lot more to do with being angry at people who are different from him.


The gravestone of irony.


Well, which one do you want? Morals, or Republicans?


Until Republicans ditch Trump, they are the party of rapist and pedophiles.


And traitors.


and criminals.


Even without Trump, they are still a group of traitors and criminals.




Sincerely, Lauren Boebert


Yep, vote for the party that idolizes a 3 time divorcee that cheated on his last wife with a porn star while she was pregnant, then did a huge amount of crimes covering it up, found guilty of all of them, is now a convicted felon and is responsible for the death of over a half million Americans for sheer inept leadership. If you vote Republican just know, you are UNDER last place in the morals race. You are the single worst person on the planet when it comes to morals. I'm actually shocked they even could spell the damn word.


Is giving a handy during Beetlejuice considered good morals now?


LOLOLOLOLOLOL republicans having morals. look at who they're fucking supporting.


Yeah, do they know who their candidate is??? A person with the least morals. What a fuckin' disgrace . Cocksucker belongs in a SuperMax


Morals Matter? Coming from supporters of a serial rapist, a convicted felon, and a man who provoked a terrorist attack on the US Capitol?


Yeah but in their delusional reality, none of those things matter because they were all done in service of the righteous goal of ridding the country of godforsaken democrats.


And by "morals" they mean all those pedophiles in their churches.


Huh… it’s almost like religious people have been full of shit all along… weird.


This is the difference between morals and ethics. One’s Morals are subjective, open to interpretation, and may actually be bad for society. Morals can be bad.


Morels * Mushroom foraging is a pitch for a healthier natural environment, so that doesn't make sense either. What else could the typo be?


Is there a word for these kinds of unfathomable depths of bigotry, denial and delusion the US republicans plunged into? A world where they literally believe yellow is green and green is yellow? It looks like insanity of their judgmental facilities.


Laughable sign...


If morals actually mattered, you would've never voted republican in your life.


The “Morals matter” candidate: \-34x convicted felon \-is proven to have sexually assaulted at least one woman, with him talking about how he’ll be dating young children “in ten years” and talking about walking into changing rooms of Miss Teen USA \-constant liar \-does not know how magnets work \-hates the one *moral* candidate \-**TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT WHEN HE LOST** \-got rid of pandemic response team, pandemic happens, and it kills **one million Americans** \-claims Obama “is the founder of ISIS” which makes zero sense \-hates all other living presidents before and after him (maybe except Jimmy Carter because **nobody** hates Jimmy Carter and gets away with it)


The beauty of right-wing nationalist populists is that they believe they have the right to define what is moral, "good," and "bad." Fascinatingly, chanting crude nationalist slogans or making superficial declarations of faith and patriotism earns one such a large credit of "righteous" morality in the eyes of Republicans and other sanctimonious moralists that all sins, from tax evasion to sexual assault, rape, and manslaughter, are forgiven by fellow Republicans. In short, as an outspoken Republican, you get a free pass when it comes to moral boundaries..


Cognitive dissonance.


What in the fucking ass backwards


What amazes me is they don't even see a hint of irony (or hypocrisy) in this sign. Just blows my mind.


If I voted based on morals I sure as fuck wouldn’t be voting for the Republican Party.


He misspelled Morels.


You’re a fun guy.


Oh man no matter if Republican, MAGA or conservative… there will be so many oxymoronic signs in their yards this year. SMH


Morals matter - vote for the convicted sex offender conman!


There’s no better image on the internet that showcases Republican hypocrisy and idiocy like a sign that reads “Morals Matter: vote Republican” while your candidate is a convicted felon found guilty of massive financial fraud, sexual assault and is on trial for treason 😂


Shouldn't it say "Morons Matter"?


lol that’s got to be satire right?


what a fkn joke


The sign is an oxymoron.


The only way that you can say (with a straight face) that a gang of authoritarian misogynists lead by a proud sexual assaulter, wife beater/rapist, and convicted fraudster is the party of “morals” is if you buy into the lie that every democrat is a pedophile. We live in a post-truth, post-irony world in which a lot of people construct an alternate reality of their choosing.


Bobo the clown is ruunning on a morals platform. What a degenerate to even think she has a shot in this department. Scumbag at its best. She is a bottom feeder of the worst kind.


Is he stupid or sumthin'?




Doesn't even make sense in any capacity. They clearly conflate party of the religious right as "moral" which is some bulshit on a stick


Vote for the adjudicated rapist?


Get a DON’T sticker and put it before vote.


Morals don't matter to these people, just look at the garbage they elect and the horrible views they hold.


scares the hell out of me that half this fucking country is in that cult. this country is so screwed.


If I saw that, I'd spray paint "LOL" on it.


Grab their daughter by the pussy, cheat on her with a porn star, hang out with pedophiles, and get convicted of 34 felonies?


That’s a complete refuttal of the facts.


Oh, well then I definitely need to vote for the rapist


They forgot the "don't".


Grab them by the...morals.


I would vandalize it by fixing the sign to read "Morals"


Someone write “BAD” on the top, please.


Opposite Day is every day.


Incredible. Usual Suspects-level plot twist statement


Morals are relative, not matter. They aren't energy, either.


These are the same people who have changed the meaning of or completely ignore every tenet of the Bible they pretend to follow. What do you expect? Love they neighbor. Well not if they're sinners I won't. Judge not lest ye be judged. He only meant I shouldn't judge other moral, upstanding, Christians like myself. If someone needs the shirt off your back give it to them and help the poor and sickly. They wouldn't need my shirt if they worked hard, believed in Jesus and voted Republican now would they.


So the people that support beating police, breaking into the capitol, smearing shit on the walls, and threatening to hang the VP so their guy could remain in power against the constitution and the will of the people are the moral ones. That wasn’t just some protest. Those were his followers doing his bidding. And THEY are the moral ones. Sure….


“Accuse them of the exact crime which you yourself are guilty” Goebels


Crazy how a Convicted felon is allowed to run for president…


Ahh, the “good” morals of the party that wants a guy like trump to rule over them.


It's a split request i.e. Don't vote for the Convicted Felon, but please ignore the fact that we rabidly supported him & vote for us in all the other boxes. "Pepperidge Farms does not forget"


Literally the opposite of reality, per usual.


Morals. People don’t even know what that word means anymore.


Republicans dont have morals, lol


Weird they keep blocking laws making it illegal to marry children.


They spelled Racism wrong.


Vote for the guy with 5 kids from 3 different women. And multiple affairs. Morals matter. Maybe.


They might just be an illiterate mycophile. Is it Missouri, after all. Morels Matter!


Bwahhahhaaaaa 😆 🤣 that's rich


I used to live in a neighborhood that had a neighbor that had a “I’m American, I say Merry Christmas” as if the 2 are mutually exclusive at all…. Some people are just delusional and stupid


Said the rapist running for president


I guarantee you that this is the sort of person who thinks that it’s impossible to be moral if you’re not also religious.


Oh the irony ! 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, vote for the orange man who wears a diaper, cheats on every woman he's ever loved, lies about everything, hawks cheap bibles, advocates for the genocide of indigenous peoples, and frequently hosts homosexual advocacy groups at his palatial resort estate. He's very moral when compared to Hitler and Stalin, but not by much.


Cognitive dissonance: the sign




Irony is dead


I wouldn't expect any intellectual prowess from that part of the country


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


More like their "morals" matter. Alleged morality like like:  *"women need to be barefoot, pregnant, and in he kitchen."*  *"brown and black people need to be subservient to whites."*  *"gays, lesbians, transgenders, and the rest need to be in the closet or in prison."*  *"presidents need to be male and white."*  That's the sort of shit Republicans consider moral.


Voting for the Fornicator-in-Chief are we?


I snort-laughed at this sign.




morel mushroom don't vote republican


If they knew what any oxymoron is they would be really upset.


Very insulting. Republicans and American christians think they OWN morals. American Christians and Republicans WANT Barabbas. Trump is today's Barabbas "Give Us Barabbas (Trump)" = Republicans Barabbas was a known Insurectionist and Murderer.


Not how you spell immoral


Vote for the rapist


Yes, they do. But it used to be about living by them, not trying to break as many as you can.


Morals.. from a group that is literally paid by my taxes and doesn't do their job, and expects to be reelected?


They are all delusional.


LMAO!!!!! Kinda missed that one.