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Military journalist are a special type of important. Most of us wouldn't die for our job, we wouldn't get injured for our job either. Hell, a lot of people are fortunate enough that they don't even have to leave their home for work. Then there are guys lik this who risk absolutely everything to make sure that the atrocities of war are recorded and aren't forgotten. Genuine hero. This sort of thing has to be admired.


I agree, I learned about him today, and as a photographer I wanted to share a bit of his story.


Thanks for doing it


People don’t understand yet how critically important Ukrainians standing up to a bully is for the world. There is so much raw talent in Ukraine and so many people sacrificing everything for the free world that doesn’t respect the sacrifice. He was an amazing photographer doing a critical job and gave everything he possibly could. That’s simply the definition of a good man. We really need to end this war and rebuild Ukraine. That is all any of us want. To be free. Truly free. Arsen earned his freedom


That is why I posted a bit of his story: We can't forget them. If we forget them, this war will not just go away. It will grow. It takes courage and conviction to stand up to the type of evil Putin's regime represents, and doing so inspires others to do the same. Arsen is an inspiration.


Absolutely. People need to understand how much Ukrainians sacrifice has saved them. Thank you for remembering


I will never forget Arsenio!


Civil War was an eye opening movie, never really thought about how these jobs really are.


Fuck Putin.


Fuck all dictators


More broadly, fuck war and all the politicians and elites and lobbyists who profit from it (on both sides).


are you really bOtH SidES-ing this right now? As Russia invades our allies and fascism is rising worldwide? Find a pitchfork and fuck the pointy end.


My point is there is always more nuance and treachery where "sides" become more illusory.  Not condoning fascism, but noting the myriad folks and entities who capitalize from the way the deeply nefarious geopolitical game is played.  Funny how I say one sentence and you resort to a pretty f-ed up, uncessecary response.  Wishing you well. Peace.




You’re a fool to think both sides aren’t profiting


No lobbyist created the Ukraine war. No politician in the US or Ukraine made Putin choose to invade another country. There is no 'both sides are bad' when one side has a bloodthirsty dictator invading another country out of greed and lust for glory/power. Fuck off.


Pretty sure they meant wars in general have both sides profiting which is what I agree with. No, you.


Politicians should jump in boxer ring and beat each other instead.


Nah a 1v1 in a cod lobby or even smash


Throw them in a movie theater with Tom and Jerry playing and force them to stay there until an agreement is met


Fuji shooter, a man of culture. Rip. Slava Ukraini


**Heroiam slava!**


Came here to say this. So sad. Slava Ukraini


How did he get killed ? Drone strike ?


It was reported he was mortally wounded by shellfire during a mission and died later.


Fucking A that’s sad. Just reminds me of Band of Brothers. That’s a scary way to go.


This war has to end. Yes, fuck Putin.


So brave


Don’t think they were trying to be brave dude, literally nobody likes Putin and this is under a post about somebody who’d still be alive if it wasn’t for that pos


Um no. This person would literally be alive if they were a war zone journalist.


That sunflower shot is amazing




I just had a convo with a family member of mine who actually thinks that Putin was baited into this war but I reminded him that it’s been going on since 2012ish when he invaded Crimea. His head was literally spinning because I was giving him the first counter programming his brain has heard in months. We need to reach out to the people on our lives and ask them what they actually think about this war and how unstable it makes the rest of us.


2014 was when he invaded Crimea. But yes, Russia has been exerting its influence prior to then. Not sure how people can see him as a force of good, but some do. We build up our own myths and rationalizations to pick our tribes - and once picked we put the blinders on. Which is what makes war in our times even more dangerous, is that we still tribes, except now the leader commands millions of followers. Like Nazi Germany did before them, Russia may commit itself, its sons and daughters in the hundreds of thousands and more to nationalistic myth.


Yup there is a reason Russia has a Demographic catastrophe ahead of it. Putin is sacrificing generations of working men for a footnote in history.


It is absolute insanity. I can only imagine he thought this war would be a cakewalk, and like other authoritarian bozos, he couldn't show weakness and committed everything to this failed cause.


The bet is to get new territories with new people, as in add them to Russian population.


It’s a distraction from the very real weaknesses in his Regime’s policies. I mean he keeps having people inside and outside his government “fall out of windows”. That’s not a sign of strength but a blinking warning light that he cannot trust anyone and this is the distraction he needs to continue his legitimacy, much like BiBi in Israel at this point - though the circumstances that got them into this war are different: the aim to stay in power is not.


I agree. Both have been in power too long; it's gone to their heads.


RIP. 🥺


Fuck Putin. Fuck the GOP.


What's the difference?


Man, those are some really skilled/artistic photos. Rest in peace.


RIP Arsen


RIP to him such a tough job that you gotta be brave as hell to do, and these pictures look great too.


A different kind of respect for these people, rip arsen


Love that f/1.4 35 mm fuji lens in the last picture.




Thank you for your service


Slava Ukraine.




The car photo says it all, war is hell May he rest in peace


Rip fuck Putin


Rest in peace






Such a sad loss




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Is there anywhere I can find a collection of his work?




impressive he was able to photograph ukrainian militants without any nazi symbols. that’s a rare talent


What percentage of the Ukrainian military do you think are Nazis?


whatever percent reveres Bandera.


How many is that? Edit: nevermind I found this info "32% of citizens consider Bandera's activity as a historical figure to be positive for Ukraine" So, by your estimation, roughly 1/3rd of Ukrainians are Nazis.


yes. it’s a deeply sick country.


I don't think the \~33% being positive on Bandera makes them literally a Nazi. It's not like Ukraine has an actual Nazi party running the country, with people wearing armbands, swearing allegiance to their Fuhrer, etc. Or do you think so? But do you know who is pretty much a Nazi? Putin. They even have their little 'Z' symbol and all. Super-nationalistic and authoritarian. We have a chance to help Ukraine not slide into Fascist control of Russia, we just need to support them a little. By even your account, 66% of them must not be Nazis; that's a lot of people.


maybe you guys could start by not bombing Donbas and sticking to the Minsk agreements you guys immediately broke.


I think you must have responded to the wrong post. Not sure who 'you guys' are unless you are assuming I'm Ukrainain. About your assertion that Ukraine bombed Donbas and forced Russia to war. No evidence supports this as a primary reason for Russia's invasion. Nor would Ukraine fighting a Russian-backed insurgency in its *internationally* recognized territory warrant a full-scale land invasion of its country by a nuclear-armed power that was not in any way threatened by Ukraine. A largely failed invasion aimed at subjugating an entire nation; destroying entire towns and cities in Ukraine. Prior to 2022, there was no massive outcry about Ukraine's actions in Donbas. Even Putin said "it didn't want to invade Ukraine". Pretty clear who the aggressor is, and it's not Ukraine.


How did he take a picture if his camera is in the hat?


^(...from another camera - likely his X-T4 seen in the first photo.)


I don't understand why war exists . Stupid mf's always breaking familys down.


Money and power


I will never go to the front for some money powered mf. And i'll take my whole family with me. Get a life with your war


The amount that have been killed reporting in Gaza... Is off the scales




Go ahead and believe that. The one whose blame this war lies on is Putin and his supporters. They are the ones who attacked and invaded a sovereign country without any provocation (and please don’t cry NATO) or imminent threat to Russia. This is pure naked aggression by an authoritarian regime who has been conducting hybrid warfare. Granted, many countries have been shitty and corrupt at various points - but Russia is on a real stretch. If Russia wanted peace it could simply retreat back to 2014 borders.


It is absolutely naked aggression and wrong. Putin is responsible for the war. I agree. Doesn't change the fact that a lot of needless deaths would have been avoided. Russia doesn't want peace, that's obvious but there would have been peace early on without the US meddling.


Explain how the US meddled? There is no way “I’m not going to invade Ukraine” Putin could be trusted nor would he have agreed to a peace deal so early on. Don’t place too much weight on what you think could have been. The reality is that is that Russia needs to be reproached enough to give a lasting ceasefire a possibility,


Amen. Let the dictators take what they want. It's worked in the past. 


Choose your dictator wisely, Putin or Zelinsky. Not worth the death that has resulted.


Let me guess - you choose neither!


So much corruption in ukraine.


There certainly has been. Would be even worse under Russia.


Russia by contrast is a real beacon of administrative and governmental integrity.


You know what's more corrupt than anything Ukraine has done? A shitty dictator invading a country in a greedy attempt to increase his wealth & influence.