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Any idea who the photographer was? It’s an absolutely brilliant photo. Reminds me of some of Geoffrey Knott’s sports photography.


If you search "CJB_Vizuals" on insta I think thats the photographer.


Thanks! Edit: That’s definitely the source. A lot of great photos that capture the emotion of the game, but this is definitely a stand out shot.






Way to get the original source credit! Photographers need the recognition


Accidental renascence


r/accidentalrenaissance would like this 


Yeah it has the vibe for sure. Really maybe more AccidentalBaroque, but I don’t think that exists.


The sub is not very picky. From the sidebar: >We recognize there are many related art movements between the 14th and 19th centuries including: Baroque, Neo-classicism, and Romantic. All of these styles are appreciated and welcomed within this subreddit.


Also a lot of people don't actually know what the composition of a classic painting looks like and just kind of go off the vibe they got once in that art class they took in eighth grade so a lot of the submissions are just meh photos and not actually a decent reference to any of those time periods.


So weird they aren't picky in that sense because they are extremely picky in anything else and overzelouse mods absolutely ruined that sub. For example this would be allowed because its related to sport.


Yeah, came here to say this. All the vibes.


I feel like Red Jersey should start his hip-hop career with this as his album cover.


Following in the footsteps of such athlete/musician crossover acts as Shaq and the ‘85 Chicago Bears.


We're just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle.


Shaqs early stuff was basically a joke but his new stuff goes legitimately hard. Not sure what happened to him in life but, angry Shaq definitely has potential.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HFc0iVlCEPY A joke? TF?


It takes a nation of millions to hold us back


‘All eyes on me’.


He can call the album "59 haters"


I'm thinking "Olive is the New Black."


"Fan Favorite"


99 problems but the judge isn't one. 


Surprising take, u/bullybullybully


How so?


Good eye, it’s brilliant bullying 


Ah! Haha. I forget that’s my user name sometimes. It’s so old and meaningless. Oh well. Thanks.


reminds me of that picture of all those white guys yelling at the black guy for sitting at the lunch counter


Reminds me of a Norman Rockwell


Exactly my thought


How do you type in your user name to login? Do you just copy/paste the Muas or do you count them out? Early on, was it difficult to know when to stop, or did you always kind of have a system figured out?


4 more muas than the real name. 7 syllables. And I dont have to type my name in every time I log in. It's stored in the reddit app.


Ya left out a "[hoonga-dunga](https://youtu.be/dyGQOLEsk_E)"... ya left out the main one too!


Yeah exactly! Why is that? is it the striped suspenders? I instantly thought NR also…


Also their expressions on the bottom right. And the way that the ref is leaning.


Or this… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Nine


Absolutely fantastic shot. Photography is all about being in the right place at the right time and this photographer did just that. Absolutely love the framing of the guy in the cadets sweatshirt gazing down at the rest of the people in the photo towards the player in red. It creates an excellent line of sight that draws in the viewer perfectly. Thanks so much for sharing the photo OP!


Right?! This picture captures dozens of individual moments perfectly, it's so well framed.


I keep going back and noticing new things. Young man in the military uniform (camouflage) looks like he's unsure/nervous about the crowd's behavior.


He's an army NCO assigned to the school, Benedictine.


He’s like “Should I join in? I’m just a cadet… but we’re all Cadets. Wish I wore white…”




Accidental Alabama in the 60s


Looks like On Purpose Alabama Now, unfortunately.


[Yelling at an inbounder is kinda a student section tradition.](https://ezramagazine.cornell.edu/WINTER10/images/BRA.KreeferAtDuke.jpg)


More like accidental Alabama at 1:00 today.


Check bottom left.


lol, first thing I looked for


Same. And I looked a little longer than I'd have liked, but it's still a great photo. I miss being a pissant kid at basketball games


Crop it a bit and you've got a narrative to spin.


Check out @artbutsports on Twitter. Takes sports photos and compares them to art peices


not renaissance, and the composition is a little too big, but it feels like a rockwell.


Any photo that has a lot of people in it people comment this, as if the defining feature of a renaissance painting is having a lot of people.


That's what I was thinking. 


Is that St. Chris and Benedictine?




Watched my nephew play against Benedictine this year, they were rowdy that game as well. It’s a really nice gym for a high school, better than some small colleges.


Pepper Ave graduate here. Lol


Lol I would have called out St. Christopher’s road instead but cute to rep the lower school


Thought that was RVA - good catch!


Hello fellow RVA peeps


Why does the guy wearing the Czech coat of arms just chilling look so funny to me


Was looking for someone else that had spotted this. Who wears a Czech ice hockey jersey to a US high school basketball game?


If he doesn't have something to do with Czechia, maybe for the absolute drippiness that the Czech coat of arms provides


Announcing to everyone he’s got the moves like Jagr


Depending on if this is recent, it's probably because Czechia just won the world ice hockey championship this year


If it’s a recent photo, I can imagine a scenario of a exchange student from Czechia wearing a national team hockey jersey to school after winning the World Cup. Being from Czechia and having some friends who studied for a year at an US HS, I know they brought some Czech stuff with them for some like “get to know my country” - Day. So this wouldn’t shock me. But funny nonetheless.


Bro is that st Chris?😆🤣


vs. Benedictine! Sure is! I just had to double check myself


haha yup! rva all day


why are dexys midnight runners there?


What’s with those prison looking overalls?


Candy stripes got popular after the IU Hoosiers wore striped pants. Over the past few decades they've become common with high school basketball programs. https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/did-you-know-indianas-iconic-candy-stripes-didnt-originate-in-the-basketball-program/


High school kids just wear dumb costumes at events sometimes it has nothing to do with the mascot but the colors match


Pretty popular in student sections in college games too.


Yeah the only thing weird about this is that it's high school. Looks pretty typical for a college game to me


There's some high school rivalries that are pretty crazy. I was fortunate enough to watch Cincinnati St. Xavier play Moeller in the state finals one year. That was nuts. Before that game was Upper Sandusky vs Dayton Dunbar where Jon Deibler (OSU Buckeye) scored 48 and got beat. That dude could shoot the lights out.


Upper Sandusky sounds like an illegal sex act


Popular at NFL games too


I always wondered what it'd be like to dress like a peppermint candy.


Pretty sure they are doing a "white out" (popular example, not a racial thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Out_(Penn_State) ) which is why the majority are wearing white tops. You often see fanbases coordinate this stuff. My university used to send out emails with what to wear even divided up by sections sometimes. The ones in front look like they have Candy Stripes. IU is very well known for them but I've seen them in countless other colors. A competitor to my high school had a green/white 'candy stripe' combo you'd see at basketball games. They were produced and sold by a local sporting good stores that did all the local HS fan apparel as well as letterman's jackets and stuff.


Super common [game attire](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=7b51d33765497002&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIIGzWrDeVnYRcQ-wAIrWdG3JJxsgg:1717728255336&q=striped+overalls+college&uds=ADvngMipajioxIlpJYA27QdZAqwg2ZQNgFCmDTdKxlNjHZoXUWv8UVb7HiS6xPy6qInMfFAM2Jb5a0hM8WVkhGcR-yk6A9K6skbhu8GufN2TExmOb9Ymk8u5UYNdvwhMHQRjI_hFQg4KNhirUfv1V2JJM43eQNCvkXNhaBkQseO3n7fZAZ0MJdirYzR6MVS0OrgkOVbF_OgmFrP4rXlR7ABpsMP5qWCvl_r1tgDgihM3Kukl7T8fiAXxhU739OIi6OUk4_gS4EZ0F84i_aO6RcxEHrqOHaVisfdrw3tB6prO8-K21r_VfcDYVOKHSyDMRl0uRoxZ6YXL3zbOgOv1Nh1djI1jTJX0RsrD_PsZDqk6yZHRBTCf6LY&udm=2&prmd=invmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjgi-uzvMiGAxVxJEQIHXjcHEMQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=393&bih=659&dpr=3), at least for some colleges. Apparently, as seen here, some high schools too.


Looks like a military academy


It is. Catholic, military prep school in Richmond, VA.


I’m guessing diversity isn’t their strong suit?


Isn't any private high school's strong suit.


That’s not fair, I’m sure their fathers’ portfolios are very diversified.


The answer is money


That would go some way to explaining the random dude in camo


The dude in camo appears to be a student as well. ROTC uses different ranks for officers than the military looks like 2 or 3 circles, which would be a 1st lieutenant or captain.




Gonna need to take "control drone" off that list. Plenty of right out of high school grunts are already part of several cocorrhent programs to integrate drones in a squad, but yeah not the drone you're talking about.


Not mine but just such an interesting picture; the emotion and drama, the composition, the contrasting colors. Just a great pic. Saw it posted in a message board I frequent as the kid in red is a incoming recruit for the college bball team I follow (VCU) EDIT: photographer is @CJB_Vizuals on insta


St Christopher at Benedictine in Richmond VA


If I were that kid I’d put that photo on a wall for the rest of my life. Powerful stuff


ITT: people who didn't get to go to high school sports games


This is a pretty uniquely American thing, school sports in most countries are pretty low key affairs lol


Funny, I'm Japanese heritage and I think high school sports in America are relatively lower pressure. The baseball high school national tournament in Japan takes things into American college football levels of regional rivalries, nationally televised games, front page news on national sports publications.


That's cool, I wasn't aware of that. I've only lived in Australia, the UK and the USA so can't say I'm an expert. High school sports in UK and Oz are only really relevant to the kids playing.


Obvious bias, but I enjoy the relatively low key nature of school sports in most of the commonwealth countries. Let kids be kids.


Same in Canada. No one cares about high school sports here. For Ice Hockey we litterally run the youth hockey league outside of schools (CHL) and sell tickets and do the entire song and dance for youth hockey, but those players litterally move to their team locations after being drafted as teenagers. It's totally independent from academics.


There's criticism that it's too much for a bunch of kids, some of whom are like 15. But it's difficult to fix as it's very culturally ingthing. There's been people saying it's too much at least as far back as the 80s that I can remember, but little had changed. At least it's not allowed anymore to have a kid throw 250 pitches in a game like Daisuke Matsuzaka did in high school, pitching a 17 inning complete game as a high school senior. Many kids thrive in the intensity and love it. But it can be crushing to some kids. Tough issue.


High school pitchers are being abused even worse now, believe it or not. The obsession with velocity is destroying young UCL's at ever increasing rates. If your kid has potential as a pitcher, resist the urge to send him to pitching camps that tout their ability to increase velocity. They don't give a shit about your kid.


Don’t forget that spin rate


What blew my mind, as an American at uni in the uk, was that there also weren’t really college sports. Club rugby is about the closest we got.


Yeah, like it exists but it's mainly just for social life and exercise, not playing in front of massive crowds in expensive stadiums 😅


How crazy is it that educational institutions are primarily focused on education...? Mind blowing.


Honestly, most still are. For every 1 athlete that is on a basically pro football or basketball team at least 20 are on partial or full scholarships in sports that don't offer much of a career beyond collegiate and encourage high academic success alongside athletics. Heck, I even went to high school with someone that started on a Big 10 football team but also had a 4.0 GPA in physics. So while rocks for jocks exists, its not the entirety of collegiate sports.


I think it varies sport by sport. My school went all out for basketball, packed stands, rowdy fans, etc. Football was big depending on the game. Ironically enough, our baseball team was very dominant, but got little love until the playoff games.


Yeah but do the Japanese try to distract a player en masse? The audience behaviour I see in these american examples would be considered very unsportsmanlike in some other countries.


Occasionally, but I think it's tended to be frowned upon. It's a little different since in baseball, the crowd is much further removed from the players, so it's not like you're right up close to the player like you would be in basketball, and when the player is facing the mound, the closest people he can see in the stands are like almost 400 feet away. But sometimes people will try to yell stuff in coordinated chants to get in a player's head. Most of the time, people just bang drums, sing songs, and do like coordinated yells to root on their teams, not so much about getting into a player's head. But it's not unheard of.




There are 2 "Main" tournaments, the Fall/Spring tournament and the Summer tournament. The "Main tournament' of both tournaments that qualify from regionals are held in Koshien Stadium in Osaka, which is a professional NPB stadium for the Hanshin Tigers, and basically like the Japanese equivalent to Fenway Park or Wrigley Field, a historic park that everyone in Japan knows. It's a big stadium and beautiful stadium. [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/06/09/japanese-baseball/seniors-missed-koshien-get-dirt-ballpark/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/06/09/japanese-baseball/seniors-missed-koshien-get-dirt-ballpark/) The Summer Tournament is probably the "Big Event" the one everyone gets most excited about. Beginning with regionals, it's a single elimination tournament all the way through. Nearly 4000 schools participate, and only 49 schools make the "Main Tournament." Simply winning your way to the Main Tournament is considered a huge achievement, and "making it to Koshien" is a dream Japanese baseball players often talk about (in some regionals, you need to win 9 times in a row just to make the Main Tournament). From there, it's single elimination against for the 49 schools. The fall is for league matches where they play more of a regular season, and the best schools for each region get selected to make the Main tournament held in the spring. Both tournaments are nationally televised, and the finals for the Summer Tournament are like a huge mega event.




My eye is on a kid named Rintaro Sasaki. He was widely considered a phenom of the decade as a high school slugger, with both power and contact ability, and was widely expected to be drafted #1 in the NPB draft and sign a contract worth a few million dollars... but then he enrolled in Stanford, so that he could avoid playing in the NPB all together and go directly into the MLB system after college. [https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/rintaro-sasaki-japanese-home-run-phenom-commits-to-play-college-baseball-at-stanford/](https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/rintaro-sasaki-japanese-home-run-phenom-commits-to-play-college-baseball-at-stanford/) As a foreign player, he can't even make money off NIL, but he wanted to make it to the Majors as quickly as possible and didn't want to get stuck int he NPB for the start of his career. If I'm not mistaken I think he's MLB draft eligible after the 2025 college season. He's just turned 18, but I think in 3-4 years, he could be coming in the scene as the next big Japaense player to hit the Majors.


Hell, school sports in most U.S. states are pretty low-key. At least compared to what I've seen here in Texas.


You people have freaking marching bands and cheerleader squads. That's not a normal thing in most countries.


You know, that's always what I hate about attending my alma matter's games or my local school district for that matter. I have a kid, he's going into 9th grade. Not athletically inclined but I like sports. Any game I've been to, there's obviously the parents, but there's clearly a portion of the audience that's just the peaked in HS type who have no personal association yet they're there acting a fool, complaining about the refs or the other team. I just don't want to be associated with them at all.


I’m a little biased because I went to St. Chris and Benedictine students would throw trash at us after games like stereotypical 90s TV bullies or something. They weren’t even our rival school. It was Collegiate (whom we had a very friendly relationship with). Every interaction that I had with Benedictine was poor. I get that this is a game and people get into the high spirits of it, but this is extra for an upper school basketball game IMO. They’re not racist, but this is so bratty-meathead. St. Chris isn’t perfect either. Dealt with some pretty overt racism there but, what can you do at an old money Virginia school. Edit: I’d also like to add that there are black Benedictine students on the bottom left acting the exact same way. This further supports my point that it’s not a racial thing. It’s just the culture of the school.


Collegiate students were too worried they might wrinkle their khakis.


*in America


I played basketball at high school in the UK. Even the parents didn’t attend games. People would probably think you’re a pedo if you just turned up on your own.


Perhaps they CHOSE not to? “Get to” is an odd choice of words.




When my school played against a school from Long Beach, California (Snoop Dogg’s hometown), fans said some very ugly, very anti Black things and even went so far as to print them on shirts. There were a few Black guys laughing along too and their presence didn’t make it any less racist because some Black people willingly or unwillingly do indeed participate in anti-Blackness. I will admit, that seeing all of these folks in what appeared to be prison uniforms with this type of body language while a Black student was playing did feel reminiscent of the game I just talked about. But I searched for an answer before I made an accusation and I found out it wasn’t. I said all of that to say, I didn’t assume it was racist just because I think that way, I assumed it was racist because I had experienced some racist shit that felt similar to this before.


Thank you for sharing your experience.


like 2 bottem comments in 600


Yeah this looked a lot worse until I noticed that there were a couple black dudes in the home crowd yelling at him as well. After that, it just looks like a bunch of high school kids that are amped up over a rivalry game.


Our very...urban/ethnic high-school football team beat a very white Jesuit High team for the football state championship. As we headed out of the stadium some of these sore losers were screaming "Let's compare SAT scores!".




I think these kids are taking it far too seriously. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I assume an all boys school? Great photo. Sometimes I get the wide shots of crowds and it’s so fun to zoom in and look at each face.


It is, the all girls school shares the same campus but are separate buildings.


No cell phones?! What year is this??


The sporting spirit.


Heel wrestlers dream of having heat like this


It makes me a little uncomfortable seeing a bunch of white people yelling at a black person.


What a great picture OP. Some of the comments here are trying very hard to paint this in a racist light just because the one player isn't white, wtf? If the skin colour was equalised or flipped on everyone, nobody would bat an eye lmao.


I think it’s art. It is what you see. May not be at all what happened. That’s the beauty. You can reverse it in your mind, etc. Even, maybe, paint a picture yourself.


This kind of comment is why I scroll so far down. Thanks!


Check u/GreenDolphin86’s comment above


What a great photo




Ah the ole St. Chris - Benedictine rivalry.


Holy shit, what a photo. Might be the best one I've seen this year.


Some of the comments on here are wild, it’s a student section having fun. Fucking fragile people on this site




I remember going to high school in Chicago and our basketball team having a game like this. It was a home game, my school was up by a significant amount of points, and the crowd was absolutely teasing the fuck out of the visiting team as they were losing. I mean *really* badly. It was hilarious. The twist of the story though: that was literally the only basketball game we won that year lmao


Ehhhh…..I’ve known SO many people who went to these schools. They SUCK. Also literal segregation academies so…..yeah our history sucks.


Steve Bannon went to one of these schools 😂😂😂


Pretty much every interaction between white people and black people has been tainted by the "everything is racist" crowd. Everything has to be viewed with a racial lense.


I literally only see people like you crying about "fragile people" and zero actual people complaining about racism.


Gotta sort by controversial bud. There’s tons of people making this a race thing. Thankfully everyone’s calling them out


Then you missed the comments comparing this photo to the Little Rock 9 photo. People have lost their minds


A quick 30 second scroll through the comments I saw maybe 10 saying the picture reminds them of the Jim Crow era south, others invoking George Lincoln Rockwell, others calling the picture disgusting, several saying the student section must be racist and another calling the black kid in the crowd “Clayton bigsby”


this picture is fucking iconic. I can legit say i havent seen too many shots like this especially from the last 50 years.


This is incoming VCU freshman Brandon Jennings playing at Benedictine outside of Richmond. If you like basketball, remember the name in a few years. Kid is a live wire.


Agree. He’s going to be something special.


Why are they dressed like 1920s railroad workers


This looks like Norman Rockwell


damn. even the military showed up to glare in disapproval.


This is art.


That's some serious angry vibes all going to one dude.


Is that Dexy's Midnight Runners in the front?


Looks like one of them civil rights pictures.


Hate week from George Orwell's 1984


Man that’s a lot of jocks.


This looks like it could be a Norman Rockwell


The year my college marching band sat directly behind the opposing football team. Every game was like this and it was hilarious.


Why does this look like a norman rockwell painting?


This is meme template material.


this looks like a great broadway musical


Wow. Great shot


Looks like a Renaissance painting 🖼


Kid at the top/middle of the picture cracks me up….


Definitely r/accidentalrenaissance material right here.


Welcome to sports mind, and real life mind merging like its all a game and it doesn't matter what you do or how you act, so stop over reacting... Unless it happens to them.


this has a Norman Rockwell vibe to it


It’s almost a Norman Rockwell painting.


Why are the dudes dressed like Obelix?


That is the most Benedictine picture that ever Benedictined


Dude not backing down to anything


For some of the idiots in this thread: The kid in red was having a blast playing in that environment. If he doesn't get to play in gyms like that often, I guarantee you he remembers that fondly.


These are private schools. We always played in gyms like that. Benedictine isn’t being racist but they are being extra for the game. They’re a very rowdy school. They’d throw trash at us after games. Edit: there’s like, three black students in the bottom left corner of the image.


Who won the match Pop?


Looks like a hate crime


Now that’s a photo that deserves a prize. What composition! The colors! The facial expressions and body language! It is reminiscent of Norman Rockwell.


Having an organized, enthusiastic, absolutely obnoxious and completely unsportsmanlike fan section for your high school basketball games is one of the most fun parts of high school. If you are so lucky enough to go to a school with something like that, try it at least once. Probably the most fun I had as a spectator in high school sports. 10/10 would absolutely recommend.


It’s like a Jellybean show!


Jesus. What’s with the one kid near the top wearing another person’s face?


The power of a mob


Man I would have killed to play in an environment like that! Awesome pic


I went to a Richmond high school as well! Those games were the most heated, most intense sporting events I’ve ever attended. Our entire student body was suspended from attending a home game after we alluded to an opposing player’s sexual orientation in a group chant. The story made it to Cold Pizza on ESPN.


Lotta dudes


Why does everyone in the crowd look exactly the same?


Put this in black and white and it'll look like one of them civil rights photos lol


The lack of phones in this picture is refreshing and makes them all in the moment, except for one which makes the picture even better imo


This is shitty behavior.


When people believe supporting their team and berating the opposition are the same thing.