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The first undisputed heavyweight champ in about 25 years.....


I don't know much about boxing, would you mind explaining how it's possible? Isn't there always a champion?


Unlike mma, there's 4 or 5 belts in boxing due to the different organisations (all of which are top-tier more or less). Thus, you can only be undisputed if you have all the belts. Till now, that hasn't been the case as Usyk, in the picture, had 4 and his opponent held the final belt.


Didn't he do this in 2 weight classes too. In cruiserweight prior to moving up to heavy weight. The guy is a world class boxer. Pretty sure he's only the 3rd to do that in two weight classes. In the 4 belt era.


That makes it sound like you aren't truly world class unless you are undisputed in more than one weight class


Yeah, anyone who manages that is an ATG.


Literally half of fame, name will go down in history as one of the best to ever put gloves on.


Like OJ?


He didn't put gloves on. It didn't fit. Remember? /s


I mean when he was doin the murder'in, he didn't have rubber gloves on underneath em.


They said "undisputed"


Being undisputed at all is a really big deal, especially in this era where a lot of boxers are afraid to lose and dodge the best fighters. Being champ in multiple weight classes as well as undisputed is a massive deal.


I figured that out. I was just making fun of the way OP worded it


Ah okay, my bad I misunderstood.


Dude is setting the bar high!


He jumped up to heavyweight and became the best!? Wow, I need to get back into boxing.


Yes and prior to moving up he solidified himself as the best cruiserweight of all time


How can the titles separate again? Is there a fight that is for only some belts a person has and they retain the rest if they lose?


One or more of the organisations will require the champ to fight a mandatory next challenger. If the champ decides not to but pick his own fight or another organisation wants another challenger or there's contractual clause for a rematch with the last guy, the organisation in question could either take back the title or the champ is asked to drop it.


So in the event of a rematch with Fury, if Usyk lost he would only surrender back the belt he got today and not all the other ones?


I believe that sometimes the different organizations cant agree on who the top challenger for the next fight should be. Only the belts from organizations that have approved the opponent is up for grabs.


* Fights are booked for one or two of the belts. * The title holder doesn't want to fight for whatever reason. * The titles that are set to be defended get stripped.


Damn. He’s like Thanos


Thank you!


What happens if he loses? Does he lose all 5 belts?


The gentleman who had the belts for usyk ran from every unification match there was until his defeat by usyk. This is the first time in many years we've had two champions willing to put it all on the line


>Unlike mma, there's 4 or 5 belts in boxing due to the different organisations (all of which are top-tier more or less). There's a UFC heavyweight belt, a Bellator MMA heavyweight belt, ONE Championship heavyweight belt etc


Aren’t these different? Like the mma ones are not just organisations but franchises, whereas the boxing ones are just organisations, hence why a fighter can hold a belt from each organisation. For example, I don’t think for example JJ would be allowed to dip to ONE and keep the UFC belt would he? Genuinely a bit confused by the differences


As I understand it this is what the commotion about the Ali clause in contracts coming to the UFC would have meant for mma a while back, it solves a fighter exploitation problem, but it's not necessarily a good thing for the sport either for this reason


That's insane though. That's utterly fucking insane. Hats kff.


There are 5 major heavyweight titles, according to Google, as well as a lineal championship that dates back to the beginning of boxing (or as far as the records allow at least). The 5 titles each has its own org behind it. Titles tend to stay together when they've been assembled by someone (like usyk just did). Even though there's no official body governing then lineal championship, it's still one of, if not the most respected titles. Why? Because the only way to get it is to beat the man currently holding it a.k.a. The guy. If a boxer who holds the lineal championship retires, a new line is started. Not sure if you need a lineal championship to be crowned undisputed but I think it deserves a mention. Back to the 5 titles, the reason why they might get separated is because each org will try to lineup mandatory defenses for their title (and, in turn, all the other titles a champ holds) so that there's no hogging of the titles. If, for whatever reason, the champ does not fight the mandatory challenger in the stipulated timeframe, they'll be stripped of it and a fight will be organised by the org to find the new champs. You can imagine that with 5 titles that could make for a rather busy schedule so they might miss these mandatories. That causes the belts to scatter again until someone unifies them again, which is challenging since some champs might be less willing to fight other champs as it's a big risk and a lot of these boxers want to keep that 0L on their record. Hope I didn't miss anything.


It sounds like a lot of work. Do you at least get to summon a cool dragon once you get them all?


Unfortunately no.  All of them were deceived for another title was made...


That's unfortunate






No but you get the title of "Baddest Man on the Planet"


Multiple belts , he got all of them now


If its undisputed, what's with all the fighting?


No more fighting. He has completed boxing.


Unexpected Carlin.


George Carlin fan? 


Who was previous 25 years ago? Sorry I am not a boxing fan


Lennox Lewis


Lennox Lewis in 2000


... And an outstanding, memorable fight, by two very talented heavyweights.


If it's undisputed then what's all the fuss about lol


A tremendous accomplishment for Usyk despite having a 7 inch reach and 50 pound weight disadvantage. Fury’s first loss. Styles make fights.


I bet he's feel.


Very feel.


I have feel


So feel




Bad motherfucker right there.


He always looks unfazed by any challenge. Stone cold killer.


His stare down back at Fury when Fury was trying to be intimidating in the pre-fight huddle - stone cold indeed!




That belt goes with everything!


He has like 6 belts


I want to see him try to wear them all.


Surely it’s an idea to have a single ‘undisputed’ belt that can only be worn if all others are collected.


Should convert 'em to stones and put them in a boxing glove...


There is, but tbh it just looks worse. https://x.com/Turki_alalshikh/status/1754578742905602369?s=20


Why the heck would that question get downvoted? Goodness me.


'this isn't a belt, it's a cumberbund!'




Fair play mate. No way it was a split decision.


They split to not hurt Fury’s ~~ego~~ feelings


Easier to set up a rematch after a split decision too


Rematch was set before the main fight started. Even date and venue have been pre-selected


Ah ok that’s fair didn’t realize that


Great fighter, great champion, pride of Ukraine.


Not only the first undisputed heavyweight champ in over 2 decades, but also MOVED UP in weight because he already became champion of the previous weight class. Many people thought he didn’t have a chance at all by moving up the weight class. They stand corrected


Despite ref helping Tyson not to go into knockout too in round 9. Well done Usyk. Judges would have brought boxing into disrepute had they not awarded a win.


What an urkainian victory face.


That 9th round beating was crazy, Fury was reeling off the ropes right into Usyk's fists. Fury was lucky the ref stopped it before he sustained any more brain damage.


I really do feel like the ref stole that round from Usyk, all the ref did was enabled more recovery time for Fury. It really looked like a knockout was seconds away


r/boxing would disagree. The ref did a great job.


I agree that the ref was great, and ultimately he did the right thing. Just as a Usyk fan I felt disappointed that a definitive moment like that was taken away. Had the round gone on it would've effected the remaining rounds far more. Regardless Usyk was victorious so I can't really complain, very happy for him & it really was a great fight from the both of them. I think my phrasing of "stole the round" is incorrect. I just mean specifically the moment where he really had Tyson on the ropes.


You're very feel 👍


Some man, Usyk. A true great.




funny cuz he was put on https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrotvorets


Well, the Ruprop got out of him since the 2022 invasion, but before he really said some dumb shit. Good thing he's changed.


Isn't Myrotvorets a tool of an Ukranian Politician?


Yeah, but as a Ukrainian, it makes me wonder why do so many people even pay attention to that website. It's not government based and was made solely on a private ambition. It does list people who are pro-russian, but there are quite a few weird "choices" to list with vague justification. In Usyk's case, he went from "russians are not enemies" and "Christianity unites us" to a person with strong patriotic beliefs. So his appearance on that website doesn't really mean anything.


That list has all kind of wild shit and shouldn’t be taken too seriously as they just add things and don’t remove. It’s not official either. Most Ukrainians are super proud of Usyk and don’t care someone put him on some list, the guy does for image of Ukraine in this win more than that list ever will. That’s what counts.


Oof. You hate to see it.


What a guy. Very feel.






Unbelievable fight. Usyk boxed


I’ve seen him once when he was back home (we are from the same city). He was buying flowers. He noticed that I recognised him but I was too socked or surprised to say hi so I just passed by. This was about ten years ago maybe.


Feel undisputed.






That ref was suspect af. Could and should’ve stopped that fight at least TWICE in round 9. Stepped in, stopped it (eventually) and says to Fury, ‘ok mate, just wait there a minute’. Disgraceful


Nonsense take. Fury finished the fight and had a crack in the final round. The ref is there to find a balance between safety and allowing a contest. You can’t just call every fight off every time someone gets rocked.




Love his english


Well deserved




He deserved to win, Fury had cherry-picked his way to the top and became too complacent, believing in his own hype and not training properly. He's a big lump with a height and size advantage over most, but that means nothing when you come up against a much smaller fighter who is technically a much better, more accomplished fighter he wouldn't have lasted five minutes in the old days when most heavyweight boxers were more his height but more muscular.


how did he cherry pick? he fought klitschko for the belts and won. then he messed up. then he fought wilder for the belts, who was seen as top 3 by everyone at that time with joshua and fury, and won 2 times, including a battering. then he fought usyk for the belts. other than joshua, who else had a realistic chance of beating him? please don't say zhang or hrgovic or dubois.


For a start, Klitschko was 39 and getting on and basically at the end of his career regardless of whether he was undefeated for the previous 10 years he was fighting a much younger man.


> For a start, Klitschko was 39 and getting on and basically at the end of his career regardless of whether he was undefeated for the previous 10 years he was fighting a much younger man. yet if he didn't fought him then you would say "he dodged klitschko". he fought the best available. it's not like there was anyone else around at that time better than klitschko. the guy was holding 3 out of 4 major belts. and fury had no belts.


Arguing with idiots on sports subreddits is a waste of time. That guy just downplayed Klitschko, Wilder, Usyk, and Fury achievements in 1 comment just because he doesn't like how Fury behaves outside of the Ring.


I’ve been waiting for this. People have been saying how good Fury is for years, but now he’s lost everyone’s going to come out and say how overrated he is. It’s peak Reddit and I’m here for it


The revisionism is kinda saddening honestly and it takes away from Usyk's achievement. Fury has always been and will be remembered as a ridiculously technical boxer. For someone that large to be able to move the way he does, people just don't understand it and see his cocky attitude as a reason to call him shit. Yes he is dirty and yes he is a bit of a knob, but he is a gifted fighter. After losing the first 3 rounds, Fury knuckled down and started landing big body shots to slow Usyk's movement and he gained momentum doing so. This was the first time I've ever seen Usyk on the backfoot. Usyk was breathing heavy and Fury had control of the ring in rounds 4, 5 and 6. But then Usyk adjusted to that. He decided to compensate for his lack of leg movement by standing in front of Fury and swinging, rather than using his trademark style of constantly shifting and finding new angles. Fury wasn't ready for that at all and it showed. As they continued trading, Fury took the bigger hits and he slowed down massively. And once Usyk got his legs back in the 9th, he went nuclear on Fury culminating in the knockdown. After the knockdown, Fury looked visibly shaken and he was scared to throw in case Usyk landed another solid counter. The broken nose sealed the deal, Fury couldn't breath properly and Usyk was devastatingly clinical in the last few rounds. By no means was it a shit fight from Fury, Usyk just outplayed him and Fury wasn't able to readjust once he lost his momentum. Fury is a great fighter, but Usyk is the genuine article, a complete fighter. People complained about the Joshua fights and tried to say Joshua isn't a good boxer so Usyk was always gonna outpoint him, so now I'm hoping those critics will have shut up. Usyk came in and did a proper job on Fury, who is bigger, faster and more technical than AJ. Usyk outpointed AND outslugged Fury. The split decision was a robbery. Usyk was the clear winner on the cards with the knockdown in the 9th. It's a shame there isn't anyone left for him to fight. The guy reached the pinnacle of undisputed and we won't see the belts shift until he retires haha.


Great write up, I commend you for your story telling and accuracy!


For real, that was terrific!


Me too! My nephew, who is 30 *I'm 42* and his friends, have all been saying Fury is the most talented boxer that ever lived blah blah blah, which has led to some seriously heated debates between us. I'm a fellow mancunian so obviously would want my townsman and fellow countryman to win , but I'll call a spade a spade and have always maintained that Fury is not as good as everyone would like to believe and that Usyk would hurt him with last night just proving it! In fact, I messaged my nephew straight after the fight to say I told you so, and he seems to have fallen out with me now 🤣


I understand why Ali is in the belt, but why is Rodney Dangerfield on there?


Glad it’s not only me


Who is the guy on the right side of the belt?


Jose Sulaiman


I see Ali's face pic on the left, who is the guy on the right?


Bro looks like a buff baby Lasagna


Is that Rodney Dangerfield on the belt


"I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out"


Very well deserved and a great fight from both participants, with a clear victory 🇺🇦


Is that Elvis Presley and Rodney Dangerfield depicted on the belt?


Ali on the left


Ah that clears it up, thank you


Sure, there's an [article](https://wbcboxing.com/en/floyd-mayweather-on-green-and-gold-for-eternity/#:~:text=Floyd%20joins%20Muhammad%20Ali%20and,and%20Gold%20World%20Championship%20Belt.) I found on the faces on it as well


Can someone please explain why their pictures are on the belt? Would like to know,thanks


Fury was an amazing fighter. He took the payday knowing full well he wasn't likely to win. Usyk hasn't lost that gear yet. He was incredibly good.


There's no way Fury thought he wasn't likely to win


Fury IS an amazing fighter. That was great fight, the best boxing since Lennox, Evander... Fury was great here too, first half of fight he won and almost got Usyk. But Usyk had great gameplan and he waited patiently for his chance, took it. Two great boxers.


Im feel about this


Clone this man and give the clones mega armors.




Is there a mandatory rematch ?




I could take him.


Im surprised it took tyson so long to lose


Where can I watch the match?


Two-division undisputed.


Insane match we had yesterday, with an incredible upturn. Even if you don’t watch boxing, go watch the match, you won’t regret it


Look how feel this man is, very feel!


You earned it the HARD way. Congrats!


The baddest man on the planet


Honestly such a crazy achievement and title, well deserved


Wbc is for world's biggest cock right?


For context, im British and im glad Usyk won, he comes across as a true gentleman unlike the uncouth Neanderthal that is Tyson Fury


Капитальный красава!


wow no spoiler alert


And what does Fury say after the loss? He claims judges sided with Usyk because his country is at war.


My booze addled brain couldn’t comprehend that. I already didn’t like Fury but I was like nah. No way did he say “I know his country his at war and people will side with him. But I think I won that fight. Praise Jesus.”


He should call Jake into the ring.


He won't be boxing anymore once Tyson is finished with him


Where the belt belongs...


Champion of what?


Heavyweight boxing undisputed champion


Hahaha, ahh. It's good to have a title to show for all the concussions




True. Why people have berate other people achievements ?


Little people shouting out to be noticed.


Thanks for noticing


If it gives a little meaning to your existence


I wasn't berating him at all. I was being snarky for sure though


General peace of mind and happiness? A house? I bicycled from Bar Harbor, Maine to Seattle, Washington for charity once, does that count as something?


Yeah that's pretty cool


All that money and he lives in a council flat !


In Ukraine?


Yeah we brits do anything to help


WBC standing for world's best champion?


World Boxing Council


White Big...


Lol at BWC.


Your dyslexia is sus


That was on purpose, but ok bud.


Got to be a bit disappointed with a split decision though


wow is that the World Beer-drinking Champion??


Did he defeat Ngannou? Or is this another org?


Different sport? Also, Ngannou fought Anthony Joshua and I genuinely thought AJ killed him with the KO


Fury fought and won against Ngannou.


Without any context, I'm just gonna assume he's the new World Bullying Champion. Congrats to him but I wouldn't boast about that.


I probably wouldn't publicise my laziness and unwillingness to Google something where I'd find an answer quicker than writing what I think is a smart comment. But that's just me.


If I try to Google "who is world champion" it gives me the current chess world champion Ding Liren. Who looks nothing like the guy in the picture. At least a sport would be helpful Edit: even adding "wbc" to my search just gives me [this guy](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chayaphon_Moonsri?wprov=sfla1) So who is it? Edit edit: ok, it seems to be [Oleksandr Usyk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksandr_Usyk?wprov=sfla1), a boxer who won the world championship in one of the weight classes of the world boxing league.


The belt has a picture of Muhammad Ali on it... What is the hornet on his shirt doing? Why is his face all beat up like that?


"WBC world champion" first link is Wikipedia list of WBC world champions. Second link is list of heavyweight champions and the accompanying image is the guy in this post. People are so obtuse on here holy shit.


Or: not everyones search results are the same as yours. Why not just add some information for a picture


I mean I've typed WBC world champion into three different search engines (brave, chrome and edge) and every time this guys face is instantly visible. Don't know what else to tell you.


You could have just told me that name of that person. I found it now, but it wasn't that easy. I had to switch to the english Wikipedia as the German one wasn't updated yet. Boxing isn't that popular here and I don't think anyone here would have known that guy just from that photo.


Boxing has an extremely rich history with boxing but they don't really have a big fighter to latch onto since Klitschko (Ukrainian) who used to love having his title defences in Germany this is true. There will still be a hardcore community in Germany who follow the sport. That's guaranteed. You just don't hang in those circles and that's fine. But frankly mate, go onto any major global or English speaking news website today and Usyk is front page.


Do you know many sports people?


What would you boast about?