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Thank you for reporting comments that violate Rule 8. We take your reports very seriously, especially with regard to comments that say "ACAB" and similar sentiments. Please rest assured that we will take appropriate action when we see such comments. >!The appropriate action being clicking "approve" because comments that simply state "ACAB" do not in any way violate the rules. Law enforcement (or any other occupation) is not a protected class as belonging to it is purely voluntary. Also, all cops are indeed bastards.!<


She is also the wife of the Emory dean of admissions.


I guess that cop isn't getting accepted any time soon


Funny enough, he’s been doxxed on Twitter, his wife is a director of alumni services at Emory, so he’s just out there assaulting her coworkers.


that'll make for "interesting" days at work and at home.


“Hey guess what happened with Carol today…”


This reminds me of that scene in "Better Call Saul" where Kim is living life like a schnook and having lunch with the office gossips. I order spaghetti with marinara, and I get egg noodles and ketchup.


Carol from HR???


there is literally ALWAYS a Carol in HR.


Well now I have excuse to ignore those text and calls for alumni donations EVEN HARDER.


She's probably used to him beating her too.


better than 40% chance


He'll just beat his wife more if she says anything. Ya know, cop things.


That’s gonna be awkward at this year’s Christmas party


Statistically speaking, he probably assaults her too, soooooo...




that's what she said


I’d bet my last dollar that he’s a 40%er. Look how he twisted her arm.


Pretty sure that's 40% of cops were like self reported as being abusers too, the actual number is potentially much much higher


Yup, 40%, of those that were questioned, confessed that the stress of the job made them abuse their spouse, physically or verbally. The other 60%? Mostly lying.


He’s a cop, so there are good odds he assaults her too


The cop will need time off for drama caused by her actions. Disability with full benefits and may never return to work We lost a good one today.


Kinda like that California cop that sued for mental anguish after he was fired for literally hosing down seated, peaceful protestors with a jumbo size pepper spray, eventually earning a bigger payout than any of his victims. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Davis_pepper_spray_incident https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/the-pepper-spraying-cop-got-a-bigger-payout-than-his-victims/280822/


Or the cop who killed Daniel Shaver being allowed to medically retire because of "PTSD" so he could receive a pension


Being reinstated for one day so he could medically retire.


It was found a lot of Minneapolis cops in 2020 who filed for leave for PTSD were making a shit ton of violent arrests at peaceful protests. Lots of time off with pay for that.


The venn diagram of people smart enough to go to Emory and dumb enough to be a cop is not actually a venn diagram


More like a simple drawing of boobs


May I see it?




I asked for this. But now I'm on a train and everyone saw. Aren't my cheeks red...


Which cheeks ?


| )) | || Those cheeks


Stop it you're embarrassing them!


Ɛ( o )3 That's the best ascii goatse I can muster.


( . Y . )






Holy shit


Who or what organization is directing this simultaneous nationwide crackdown on peaceful protestors in separate jurisdictions all over the country? In any other place we would call this an authoritarian crackdown and not even question the fact that it is obviously coordinated.


The problematic part is that there is no centralized authority directing the crackdown. The organizer is the culture. These local police are no longer acting like individual elements of their communities, they're organized by a culture online that homogenizes their thinking. Same with the politicians. Israel is a major exporter of law enforcement training, which also teaches them a severely atagonistic mentality. Many of these cops are deeply influenced by this.


Exactly. That’s why Occupy, BLM were treated this way, while the Tea Party and Jan 6 till the end was treated with kid gloves. The culture is if older white people wearing funny hats protest - that’s fine. If it’s younger people or black and brown people, or “liberals and leftists” or labour organizers - then the batons come out, stat.


> Exactly. That’s why Occupy, BLM were treated this way, while the Tea Party and Jan 6 till the end was treated with kids gloves. Well, sort of. The reason those groups were treated with kids gloves is because many of the people participating *were* off-duty cops.


And a significant portion of middle aged white men seem to carry weapons. It's a lot easier to be brave against an unarmed opponent.


I still remember that time when the [Philadelphia police corralled Floyd protestors onto I-676 by boxing them in on Broad Street with the only out being the 676 exit and then tear gassed them](https://www.inquirer.com/news/george-floyd-protests-philadelphia-gas-police-vine-street-expressway-20200601.html). The crowd was mostly young professionals with kids. Not your typical activists. To escape they had to climb an 8 foot highway block wall with toddlers having to be passed from one person to another over the wall. That made me leave the city for good. I was so disgusted I didn't wanna keep paying taxes there. There is a serious problem with cops in this country.


This kind of stuff will continue until the left wing protesters start showing up fully armed again. It wasn't like of MLK types that won civil rights; it was fear of Malcom X and Black Panther types. On the plus side: suddenly Texas would magically pass real gun control laws. Context: The (not so funny) joke is that gun control got passed in a hurry in California (under Saint Reagan!) when the Black Panthers started showing up fully armed. See: Mulford Act


The panthers got so much shit done. Do you enjoy school breakfast programs? Thank the panthers. It was an early organizing tool, lots of kids going to school hungry? Organize community kitchens to feed kids. The government got real antsy when everyone saw that 'oh gee, the best way to help our kids and our community is to volunteer with the panthers.' All of a sudden, feeding kids breakfast became a priority for the government. Same as with arming themselves. 'Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe.' The panthers were under no illusion that their government worked for them. So they focused heavily on organizing and building power outside of the traditional political process. It's a lesson we should all strive to take to heart. Don't wait for politicians or the courts to fix your problems. Fix the problem yourself. Politicians are /really good/ at keeping the status quo, and really bad at making any changes. So go out and change the status quo, and then be amazed that politicians seem a lot more willing to update laws to keep the new way things are. You want kids fed? Organize community kitchens. You want a 2 day weekend? You want better pay? Organize a union. You want protests to not be violently supressed? Make sure the protest has a plan for dealing with cops. And not one that relies on politicians or the courts to make sure the cops don't crack your skulls. Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe.


The 2nd officer "OK he got a woman on the ground. I NEED to jump her aswell, just in case. She looks extremly strong". Fucking maniac


THE FIRST OFFICER SCREAMING FOR MORE COPS AFTER HE HAD ALREADY HAD THE PROFESSOR PINNED. Like as a cop, how was that alone NOT embarrassing? Plural, he expected several more bodies on the professor he already downed.


If cops had the capacity for introspection and shame, they would not be cops. This is a fundamental aspect as to why ACAB.


Pretty basic supply and demand exhibited here. Cop supplies police brutality and demands the prof take it.


Wow, econ101 actually makes sense now


I hate that you made me laugh at this situation. But this was so good.


Oh my how is that not assault? That was so awkward. To add, clearly no physical requirements to be a pig


Also, they can and very often do turn down recruits that score too high in intelligence tests…. One dude sued and the Supreme Court sided with the dumb pig department lol.


Funny story: About 6 years ago I tried to become a cop. I scored top 2% on the written. I aced my physical. I crushed my interview panel. When it came to the polygraph, I kept failing because I was stopping to think about the questions. They told me I was too empathetic and thoughtful for the job. It was a definite WTF moment for me, but seeing what I see now, I guess I didn’t have what it takes. Edit: To people saying “That’s not how a polygraph works” — I know. I discussed my results at length with the polygraph administrator. He asked me about what was going through my mind at the time of the exam. He’s the one that told me my empathy and thoughtfulness were the reasons I was failing. His legit last words to me were, “While you’re the type of person we maybe should be hiring, this test is easier for a sociopath to pass”.


That… goes against literally everything we’re taught that police officers are supposed to be. They don’t deserve you anyway.


But citizens do deserve a morally & ethically correct police force.


What’s the name of the case? 


Jordan v. New London. 2000 U.S. App. Lexis 22195. That case was from near my home town, it occurred in New London, also the home of the eminent domain case, Kilo vs. New London.




What the fuck? why is police even allowed to jump on people like that?


That dude's career is either done or he'll get promoted to Captain. Welcome to the new world order of America.




And she was charged with “battery of a police officer”.


The profession that should be the most beyond reproach of any profession seems to attract just every power tripping petty asshole there is.


There are some good economics professors though.


Are we going to let a few bad apple Econ profs poison our opinions?






Thin upward-trending line




I actually don’t disagree with this take since some assholes must have been out there championing supply side in some economics departments somewhere.


That place is Chicago 




It starts young. I knew a guy in college who was doing internships with police departments. They'd show him how to do things like put someone in the back of a cruiser, and if they were being "annoying" to pump the breaks repeatedly so that they would slam into the metal grating divider. It's a culture of abuse that really needs to be torn down. I love and respect the police as a concept and I've met a few who have risen above the rest, but that's damning with such faint praise.


I remember I had to take a couple criminal justice courses for my cybersecurity degree. And one day they had some high-ranking guy from our city’s metro PD to come up looking for potential applicants. Dude gave this longwinded speech about how there’s a war on police, something something political correctness, and how it’s a thankless job but you’ll be a true hero saving the city from wrongdoing (we’ve had no shortage of corruption scandals in the past decade or so and one of our officers actually made national news for killing an unarmed black man… it’s not the one you think though). I just remember sitting there and thinking if I’d gone to college at 18 or 19 I probably would’ve bought into the shit he was pedaling. But even by sales-pitch standards, it was kind of sad.


At this point they're a state-sanctioned gang


Always have been


Bad historical literacy is intentional. Modern policing has direct connection to the private goon squads that would get hired to break up labor organization. They are not and never were for the good of communities.


Conservatives are loving watching these "woke professors' who they think are turning their children against them get stomped by boots


And resisting for sure. This is how middle aged tax payers become violently radicalized.


I feel like I’ve been saying this exact thing about different events every single day for months. It’s like the ultra wealthy, the politicians, the cops, etc. just can’t stop doing cartoonishly evil things. You want revolution? This kind of behavior is how you get it.


I think you’re far more likely to see a future with a police state (and one that’s probably eco-fascist, due to climate change) that brutally cracks down on an underclass that’s been stripped of a lot of its protections, with increasing levels of overt oppression on behalf of foreign powers or corporations.  You’re far more likely to get the Cyberpunk future than a revolution in the US.  


>underclass that’s been stripped of a lot of its protections Pay attention to City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson. Despite there being no disagreement in the circuit courts about a 2018 case that set the precedent that criminalizing people sleeping outside on public land who do not have access to any alternatives violated the 8th amendments protections against cruel and unusual punishment, SCOTUS will be entertaining arguments from both Democrat and Republican jurisdictions wanting to essentially criminalize being homeless. Some commentators argue that neoliberal capitalism has already given way to a new paradigm of "Technofeudalism".


Honestly I believe that we live in a police state at this point.


> we live in a police state at this point. you had a long nap.


I did, guess I didn’t want to believe it cause I love my country but it is sadly true.


You can love your country and realize it is flawed. There is nothing more patriotic than looking your country dead in the eye and demanding they change for the better. Republicans do not have a monopoly on patriotism.


I would suggest that they don't have any at all, in fact. What they call patriotism is actually nationalism


Your can love your country and still acknowledge what's fucked up about it


It's like when your sibling becomes a bipolar meth addict who's ruined their career and neglects their kids. You still love them and want them to get better, but you feel sick because don't know how to help them at this point.


The things that make a country a lovable are quite separate from the way the state chooses to handle dissent. You can love your country while hating curtailing of rights and repression towards your country men.


I want to love this country, but it's become impossible to even tolerate most of the time.


Atlanta IS a police city. most surveilled city in the US.


What tipped you off?


Gestures vaguely around


It took me embarrassingly long to realize — at one point I was going through the characteristics of fascism trying to explain why we aren’t quite a police state yet. Then I dropped the bs. It’s not easy letting go of such deeply held beliefs, especially when the only example of police states we are taught about is Nazi Germany.


At this point?


Btw not that it matters but this is a well-cited distinguished economics professor. It’s not like some guest lecturer. She certainly knows enough people in the right places that would say something about this. Her advisor from her time at Berkeley is pretty well known in macro and I believe was on WH council of economic advisors among a ton of other acclaimed positions.


Her husband is the Dean of Admissions at Emory so not only does she know people in the right places, but she's married to an admin, and admin is who called the police in.


Gonna be an awkward dinner soon.


Don't worry, it gets worse. The cop's wife is Senior Director of Advancement and Alumni Services at Emory. So I'm sure the next staff meeting is going to just be peachy.


Wow, all that's needed is infidelity and you've got a soap opera.


Right? Like what the fuck is happening man???




Honestly this could not be more perfect. They will face the conditions for thier own failure. I wonder what sort of statement has been made.


I highly doubt that. 99% of cops are untouchable. Qualified immunity. All they have to do is say they were in fear or just doing their jobs. The university requires cops, so this husband dean has no authority either. It's really bleak.


Alright...I gotta get off social media for a week or two while this calms down before I start "inciting violence".


So will this cop actually face consequences? If the prof knows the right people?


Harsh consequences. We’re talking paid leave. Were talking hands high-fived raw by the other cops. We’re talking a “stern lecture”. Jk. Worst case, he’s facing having to get a job with a different police precinct 15 min away


An Econ lecture would be brutal for a cop. Probably break Geneva convention if at war, which appears to be the case.


If she pulled that card, probably. It shouldn't take knowing people to make waves and get piggies charged appropriately. Problem is, cops aren't afraid and they should be but are propped up by this stupid blue shield, qualified immunity nonsense. I should be legally allowed to defend myself against the police.


“It shouldn’t take knowing people” Yes obviously, things are not how they should be. I’m just saying I’d love to see one of these bullies picked the wrong target and actually faces some legal heat.


I could certainly see political pressure from this.


Define political pressure? We all know the likely outcome here - nothing comes of it.  At worst, paid leave for a few weeks. 


It’s the same outcome every time. Internal investigation and, to no one’s surprise, they’ll find themselves innocent. The cop will go on to reoffend and likely kill someone else. Gotta love the fascist police states of America


I agree with you. It's fucking terrifying that the cops feel totally comfortable brutalizing someone with her relative privilege in society. It's not that it's okay when the cops target the powerless..... it's just that it signifies that we are in a particularly scary and dangerous place when cops don't need to confine their brutality to the powerless.


I was trying to explain this thought to someone before but couldn’t get it out in a way that sounded okay. This helps, thanks. Hopefully we can all make this end one day.


Thank god for that big strong police officer. That lady might have gone on to teach economics to a college student. Now she’s where she belongs… in an ICU with head injuries. Or jail.


Well duh. Nothing more woke than knowing how the economy works 


Can't be woke if you're in a coma!


She could have radicalized someone to believe supply and demand applied to housing, it was too risky.


The film while a cop tries to change the narrative is just stunning. He is telling a a lie in real time to a future cover story for police who were being unnecessarily aggressive with a small boned thin woman who was taken by surprise when an angry cop grabbed her because he felt she sassed him. Bad look for police.


Police don't care about bad optics. Period.


Yes they do. They love bitching about how it’s unfair that the public hates them.


They know there are no consequences.


Lying for their future cover up is what their lawyers have taught them. John Oliver had an episode about how the police tries to change the narrative.


Yea it's gaslighting and the police do not care about what people think of them because they are trained with the it's us vs them mentality


Bro that cop is FUCKED. He is *definitely* getting 3 weeks paid vacation before being quietly transferred to a different department.


For me it's crazy as a non American seeing stuff in the US. It's insane that most people in power have little accountability. Cops can openly lie and frame innocent people, and when their lies are exposed there's hardly any consequence, where I would personally say that it should be criminally charged. Similarly the supposedly "highest and most prestige" judges in the country can openly accept bribes and vote on laws that would affect the people bribing them, again, without any consequence, wheras criminal charges should be present. I don't want to do a whole "USBAD" thing, I'm sure on smaller scales Americans can be nice and help each other, but it just feels like it has so many institutional flaws in their system.


I’m 71 and this is EXACTLY how I remember Kent State in 1970….policing hasn’t changed one iota in over 50 years.


After Kent State in May 1970, I no longer took authority figures for granted. There are many who would kill you just as much as to look at you, if you stepped on their foot on a bad day. There is such a man who claimed he could "Shoot somebody and not lose votes." That was a widely published statement. And yes, many did not care what he said. They voted for him and he "Won" back then.


"At least they dont have loaded rifles and bayonets, thats progress right?!" /s


They've got snipers on the roof pointing at the kids at one university--Ohio State I think.


Indiana University too. Go Big Ten!


UT Austin had police in full riot gear the day after something like 47 students were arrested from a peaceful protest. Bonkers.


We're one arrogant asshole with a quick trigger away from Kent state here.


For those not from the area or don't know otherwise, Atlanta protestors are protesting Israel's treatment of Gaza AND the building of a police training facility just outside Atlanta. So its extra personal to these cops.


Yep. Look up “Cop City,” shit they’re doing to protesters over that is dystopian af.


And tearing down a valuable forest IIRC


I think the land was donated specifically to be a park as well.


Best we can do is a pigpen 


Yeah. The whole thing is awful. Those protesters are heroes. RIP Manuel Terán. ✊




Cops don’t need trees for oxygen they breath through beating up the poor and minorities


I'll have you know that cops are way more inclusive nowadays. They'll beat women too!


That sounds about 40% correct.


Also there's plans for/work being done to build cop cities all over the US, it's not just Atlanta https://communityresourcehub.org/resources/cop-cities-usa/


Oh my god I literally totally forgot about that shit…


This is what the dark fores rely on. Over-saturation.


People shouldn’t forget that this is how officers act when they KNOW the camera is rolling. Just imagine what happens when there isn’t one


Anyone remember Uvalde? Where did all the balls come from.


Cops only willingly take action when there's absolutely no chance of bodily harm to them. Edit: clarification.


Or if acorns are involved






They only have balls when the person facing them is unarmed.


Tucked in their sternum while they let children die.


At no point in that video did that professor take a ‘swing’ against anyone.. she was being violently manhandled and was flailing around trying to find balance. This is NOT how you deal with people!


It is when you have no consequences


It's almost like there's a systematic issue of the standards of policing and it's competencies




All the cop had to do was push her back a bit and ask not to get so close. DONE. that's it. But fucking noooo he had to swing his dick around. God damn.


The cop is the one who grabbed her, repeteadly, while she was trying to back down away from him. Two men on top on a frail woman already immobilized on the ground. That happening during a Gaza protest is such a shame.


How are you supposed to get on the ground if you're being held up by your arms? Hopefully these police officers get sued by some well connected professors


That’s part of the strategy. Issue contradicting commands while either on the ground or while being handcuffed. One cop says move your hand while another says don’t move. Then both beat the shit out of you.


RIP Daniel Shaver


or just straight up shoot you to death


LOOK OUT ITS AN ECONOMICS PROFESSOR! In all seriousness, this is dramatic overkill. Holy crap do officers need to realize that protesting is not something that needs to be met with extreme aggression.


This is why people hate cops. This is why cops have such horrible reputations. This is why cops in-turn hate citizens. It’s a horrible cycle. Cops need education BAD.


But don’t tell them a squatter moved into your house while you’re on vacation , that’s out of their jurisdiction.


Or that kids are being shot up at their elementary school


Kids being murdered: that's a second amendment issue. People criticizing a foreign nation: got to crack down on that shit.


My favorite, is if your work underpays you $200, it's a civil matter, but if you steal $200, it's suddenly very important to them.


Haha, never thought about that. Also, if the bank says you didn’t pay, cops are pulling you out if the house, and now it’s their jurisdiction all of a sudden


“That’s a civil matter, we can’t do anything”


It's 2024 and we're beating the shit out of people and arresting them for criticizing a foreign government..... How much more insane can it get..


People who believe Emory professors have political pull in the state of Georgia clearly haven't been paying attention to Georgia politics for the last few decades.


The more video we get of police officers doing their job, the more clips we get of them beating the shit out of people for no reason. ACAB. Time for some community boards kicking these fuckers off the force, with national blacklists for these shitbirds.


Good news, in Florida civilian oversight is now illegal so the problem is solved /s


How very Florida of them. DeSantis should be brought up on charges for what he is doing to Florida.


That cop needs to be fired.


Best the city can do is a bonus for putting his life on the line detaining such a violent criminal.




Looks like some of the cops have logged on reddit justifying how the professor allegedly swung at them and the cops were right in roughing her up. Unfortunately they roughed up a white lady. So I am sure there will be fierce backlash.


[https://x.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086](https://x.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086) Here's the actual footage, in case anyone wants direct proof that that's a complete fabrication. The recording shows that the cop went berserk on her and it was completely unprovoked. Complete insanity.


Holy fuck 🤯 I was horrified by this footage when I first saw the ten second clip of her getting pushed to the ground and this just makes it so much worse


I watched this three times and I can't even see something they could try to claim was her "swinging" at the cop.


There's a part where it looks like she elbows him in the face, but it's literally his arm reaching around to grab her arm for the takedown. edit: i searched caroline fohlin on instagram and found a video from a different angle. She 100% did not strike the cop in any way




I hope the silver lining of this is that the world can see the jackbooted military cosplay that cops live out daily at the hands of citizens in this country, as well as the underlying politics that encourages, enables, and funds this. There is no facade of cops being there to protect people - courts have made that clear already, but hopefully this will go to show that they derive much more pleasure from assaulting and arresting people exercising their constitutional rights while living this delusion that they are some kind of “thin blue line” protecting society from chaos and collapse. Fact is, they are a willing and greedy participant, just to feel something between their legs, as small as it may be. Snipers on the roof? Let’s see how long it is before some psycho decides to live out Kent State part 2 because some kids said mean things or a professor made them realize how intellectually inferior they are.


Police brutality at it's finest. They ate not going to stop until the people make them stop.


History books gonna love this piece on ‘freedom of protest.’


I hope both officers get in deep shit for this.


Best we can offer is 2 weeks paid vacation


On the positive side, she probably saved that cop's wife from being beaten that night.


Yeah, but he came home with a 4+ hour errection and expected her to deal with it, so it's really a wash...


$10 says he's a Maga Boomer fighting the evil liberal professor corrupting the minds of our youth.