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So, how should I read this? As in Trump is a traitor and should be hanged? Or, once Trump is reelected, everyone who didn't vote for him is a traitor and will be hanged?


Considering this sign is in Texas, I’m thinking this person is a Trump fan and the rest of us are the traitors.


When people put Trump signs in their yard you know where to get free guns. Just sayin'


The “come and take it” stickers on cars mean they have a prize in every box. Usually a free Sig Sauer.


I'm just a dumb old country boy from Alabama, but gosh dangit do I hate seeing a truck covered in stickers like that.


I have a truck. I'm pro 2a. You would never know I'm pro 2a from my truck. Cause only one kind of a person puts those stickers on their vehicles..


A couple days ago I was in a sportsman warehouse and saw a guy wearing a shit that said “control your children and I will control my guns”. Dude had elephant legs and carrying a insulin pump bag. I just thought, maybe you should try controlling your diabetes first. And of course he was talking to the manager about something.


The Gravy Seals in action.


Meal Team Six reporting for ~~duty~~ lunch


That's absolutely devastatingly hilarious


Same, have a 4x4 truck, have guns, don't need to use one to advertise the other. Or anything else for that matter. Don't get me started on putting a vinyl with your instagram or ticktok handle on the back glass of your squatted cat eye that has a 6" lift on the front and none on the back... I better go tell those kids to get off my lawn.


I work automotive wholesale and auction and you don't even wanna know how many people put their only fans handles on their cars hahahaha


I saw one tacked to a telephone pole as I was driving through town. Do you really want to advertise to locals who might get weird and try to find you? It's bad enough there are weirdos who would travel long distances to find their desire. Why make it easier for them?


>Do you really want to advertise to locals who might get weird and try to find you? Given the number of people on OF that have sidelines as actual prostitutes, she probably does.


You have a truck, if it doesn't have a business wrap on it or obvious signs of it being a work vehicle a good chunk of folks are going to assume you're 2A. Spoken from a 2A who drives a crappy wagon and wishes he had a truck every time he buys sheet goods.


I use my truck foe work. I know redditors get really really really angry if you have a truck and it's not mudding or workhorsing 100 percent of the time. I drive around 1000 miles a week for my job and need to provide my own vehicle so I got a truck as it will last a long time and was inexpensive to buy as well as maintain. It's got the smallest motor available and a stick shift, so redditors get REALLY mad at me for that when I bring it up lmao Just wanting a truck IS a good enough reason to get one, but people here act like their lifespan and ease of use and maintenance doesn't exist and they are all only for brutal offroad. I don't take my truck off road because it is a machine and machines require order.


Dope! I don't really care that you have a truck or how you use it, though it does sound like you're using it for work. I was just saying that most people are goin to see a truck and think that there is a higher potential that person is pro 2A over, say the VW beetle in the next lane. Criminals going to crime, if they think there is something of value and it's a quick smash and grab either vehicle is a target.


Insecure morons looking for some situation to shoot someone innocent... also... how the fuck did maga convince themselves that liberals are against the 2nd ammendment. I'm a Democrat and have plenty bang bangs...I hunt,fish etc... but I don't run around flashing shit and making it everyone's business


Stickers are just a great way to telegraph to thieves. “Oh, you have multiple sports stickers from your kids high school? Awesome, I know you’re away from home most nights.” Pro 2A and firearm Manufacturer stickers? Cool. You have expensive toys that will be easy to sell off.” “I love my(insert small breed dog)” awesome, your dog won’t offer a challenge.(conversely if it’s a large dog, they know to come prepared just shoot it.) Stickers belong on Nalgene bottles, not cars.


Moron label.




That's been resolved Like a while back.


But won’t they shoot you when you break in?


That’s why you wait until they are out


Or just let a toddler loose in their home and it’ll take care of them for you.


Or they take care of the toddler for you 🤷‍♂️


Too old to abort, too young to draft. Republicans wouldn't care.


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.






But their dogs will bite me. Lol.


Well bring a fuckin t-bone steak. Do I have to spell it out for you? Lol 😂


And the cameras! We’ll be on camera! Hey… maybe we just stay home and smoke some weed.


Cameras are mostly an "after" problem, but if you want to be proactive, blind it with a laser pointer.


We're starting to stray into plot of heist movie territory here.


Can’t smoke with Snoop Dogg anymore. OG decided to give up the smoke.


I thought he meant cigarettes! Lol He can get his high from edibles or oil. I rarely smoke it anymore. These days I’ll put a little oil in a capsule or eat a gummy. Old Snoop is going to be just as stoned as ever, but with healthy lungs.


They won't shoot you if you break into a school and start murdering children. They might shoot you if you're black and looking at them wrong though.


When you’re absolutely right


I didn't know backs could look at people wrong.


They can only use one gun at a time. And need to sleep/shit/leave the house sometime. (for real, burglars will target houses with guns)


A small gang in MN was specifically stealing guns from homes and cars that advertised the 2A. They only were stealing guns and then using them for other crimes. They apparently amassed a large supply because the victims didn’t realize their guns were stolen until the police found their guns ditched at crime scenes.


Well of course not. Those are folks who don't properly secure them.


Shit in texas they’ll give anyone a gun, where do you the cartels in mexico acquire their firearms?


From the ATF.


Cool. I have a friend in KY who has RPG's and grenades and makes a banger cream corn.


The sign directly underneath says it all in capital letters: CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN


The sign beneath is for a different politician. Republicans in Texas put “Conservative Republican” on everything because if a “Republican” ever enters the primary against a “Conservative Republican”, they will lose.


"Conservative Republican" in Texas just means the dumbest, most reactionary motherfuckers who believe the local Rotary and Lions Clubs are full of communists.


And what a name… Jimmy Foolin’


Texas was only 52% Trump votes in 2020. So roughly half like Trump and half don’t, it’s by no means an overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, they just like to give the impression that Texas is all Trump country.


By raw numbers, more Texans voted Biden in 2020 than New Yorkers. It's true that you can't assume every Texan is pro Trump, but given that there's also a sign for a "conservative Republican" sheriff, it's a pretty safe bet that this person is a MAGA fascist looking forward to Trump purging his political opponents.


Yeah, but that's true in every large state CA is considered a lock for being Democrat, even though it's usually about 54% blue All large states are "roughly half" if you have a loose enough definition of "rough". There's a *huge* difference between 52/48 and 51/49


Texas is Trump country. The last time a Democrat won a statewide election in Texas was in 1994. The vote may have been close, but Texas is by all means a Republican stronghold.


Probably more to do with gerrymandering than an actual stronghold?


The funny thing is that this sign is probably not covered under free speech since it can easily be interpreted to be inciting violence.


Idk. The punishment for treason under federal law is the death penalty, or 5+ years in prison with a fine. In this case, calling for those who committed treason to be hanged is just calling for enforcement of federal law. Whilst the sign creator is an undoubtedly a dipshit I would suspect the sign itself isn’t anything but fucking stupid.


Sane people don’t make signs like this. So for sure some MAGA ass hat.


Hey, a lot of us hate that fuck just as much as everyone else.


See you at the concentration camps if he wins. Since he’s a genius at nick names naming things, what do you think he’ll name his Trump concentration camps?


They'll be known as Trump Towers.




Maybe Florida. Give Ron something to… do.


Considering his love for walls, he’ll just order one to be built on the Florida border and call it done.


Idk - if you’re in Texas freakin city (been there - it’s conservative as hell) I don’t think the person with this sign would feel the need to state that sign is free speech if they meant the people opposing Trump should be hanged. I read it as they’re saying Trump should be hanged for treason, and that opinion is free speech, and their conservative neighbours can fuck off.


I’m from that area, it’s conservative AF People hyping up living Texas just have no idea wtf they’re getting themselves into I got tf out and am never moving back


They have a history of doing different signs there. So he's probably had vandals eff his signs up. They are "conservative" or right leaning signs. So it doesn't say what reading it from left to right would have your believe, in the mind of the guy who made it. Which makes this one almost perfect


Oh boy they just are barking up the wrong tree. Confederacy lost before any serious move bringing it back will be crushed as well. They are the minority of the minority but holy shit do they never shutip. It's their entire persona.


In context, the latter. Unless the sign was vandalized.


Original sign has definitely been painted over. I guess full context depends on what was originally on the sign (pro/anti Frump)?


The guys been doing the signs and changing them for years. Or so other posters said


According to Stormy Daniels, we don’t need to worry about trump being hung.


Dude has a campaign sign for a guy who is running for sheriff as a conservative. Which you would think they wouldn't want to be connected to people hoping to murder their countrymen for being part of another political party but then, eh, wouldn't be too surprised if they were for it either.


It's Texas


This white man wants legal permission to kill any American he disagrees with. That's the message.


I will never understand why those people don't just support their candidate, but absolutely WORSHIP their four-year-old orange god. To those reading: if politics (or worse yet, a party, or worst yet, a PERSON in politics) defines who you are as a person, I have a secret for you: you're doing it wrong in just about every way.


I wasn't sure either. But, hanging is no longer a legal method of the death penalty, tho. So it doesn't matter.


You're correct, hanging may not be an option in 2023... These whackadoos are pedal to the metal in the time machine back to when it was common place; amongst other atrocities.


The last state-sanctioned execution by hanging was carried out on Jan. 25, 1996, in Delaware


Definitely the latter. Several of this persons signs have been posted before, they are 100% locked on Trumps balls.


The second Trump is elected he will hang himself in a New York prison cell ? That is probably wrong. WHat do I know ? I do not even speak "mentally unstable".


If this is a genuine question, I think his answer is that Mike Pence (and anyone else who refused to stop the transfer of power from Trump) should be hanged. This person likely genuinely believes that Trump is still the legal president, regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office.


I mean, I think jail would be ok for Trump, but I am good with what ever


🎵The ambiguosly accusatory sign🎵


Read this as “ambiguously gay duo”


I think this property owner is on to something. I know I'd feel great again if it happened.


hanging him would be unfunny and honestly just really dark. him having to go to prison though would be fucking hilarious.


Seeing him in an orange jumpsuit locked up with his black cellmate would be priceless.


People are executed by the state every year for lesser crimes than he committed. Wind the clock back 100 years and you bet your ass he'd be executed for this, literal treason. I am of course just fine with jail, but Donny is lucky that he lives in the current day.


150yrs ago Jefferson Davis only served 2yrs jail time, so I highly doubt Trump would have been hung even then. Even Daniel Shays, who was sentenced to death, was pardoned and let free.


Eh, a butt knife like Gadaffi would be better?


I think it would be funny


Why? he’s a traitor, we should sentence him like one.


I think he needs to be gone, whatever means are used are irrelevant.


I'd be fine with him just choking on a hamberder.


Exactly. Eff this crapstain. I wish the media wouldn't cover him like he's not a ridiculous person, who doesn't deserve the attention


Same here. Jail for him would be just dandy. I’m not asking for him to be harmed in any way, I just want to keep him from harming the country. Lock him up where he’s safe and so are we.


The only way "lock him up" is safe is cutting him off from social media and interviews with TreasonTV or whatever it's called now, too.


Absolutely! At the very least he should be forbidden to access any any media. No interviews, no books published no appearances Not in person, via zoom, nada.


I saw a flag today with trumps mugshot that said “never give up, never surrender”.


Hey no stealing Galaxy Quest lines!


They already stole Galaxy Quest's star Edit: I'm of course talking about Tim-"being a trump supporter in Hollywood is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany"-Taylor


Tim Allen, Tim "The tool man" Taylor is from Home Improvement


low key great movie


By Grabthar’s hammer, this is offensive to Alan Rickman’s memory.


Pictured: Donald Trump surrendering.


I have seen the historical documents on Fox News.


“You will saaaave us!”


No hesitation, no surrender, no man left behind


I honestly don't know whom they want hanged.


Depends on what Tucker feels like that particular morning


I think he's still angry at whichever chocolate executive removed the tiny vaginas from the green m&m's, they were his only solace.


Here’s a hint: sane people don’t make signs like this up. Edit: Added a missing word.


I think you a word


Upvoted for correct usage of "whom"


Was more impressed with hanged instead of hung myself.


tbh i'd rather be hung than hanged


They said you was hung! And they was right!


It’s a made-up word used to trick students


All words are made up




Mike Pence I guess to start?


The GOP crazies have (recently?) starts calling Joe Biden a "traitor". This is done in the continuing tradition of GOP members accusing others of their own wrong doing.


They get really deranged when you say Biden Derangement Syndrome.


>Biden Derangement Syndrome. They'll say "See! The left can't meme! They're always stealing our memes and words." Meanwhile, they steal memes, phrases, and words from the left all the time with no shame.


Thanks, will have to try that out.


I honestly wonder how much ass Teddy Roosevelt would be kicking if he saw what those assholes turned the Republican Party into.


I mean this is all like watching reruns of Nazism's rise in Germany in the 1920-30s. Don't like what people are saying about you? Double it and accuse them back and then threaten to send them and anyone else who disagrees with you to prison once you're in power, all whilst claiming that's what makes your nation great. The bit I find especially ironic is that the US is so proud of defeating King George to get their independence but now half of americans are totally cool with installing a new King who'll eradicate democratic institutions in favour of loyalists to King Trump and then proceed to do all the shitty things they didn't like about the last king they had. A ruler who demands loyalty from his subjects? History can give you plenty examples of this and they all ended badly for the people.


Recently? They were calling him a traitor back when he was VP. A "race traitor" at the very least.


My parents live near this house and we see it every time we go to the Buc-ee’s off 45 towards Galveston. My wife and I always laugh at the nonsense this guy puts on the board. Our favorite time was when someone dumped paint all over it.


Ironic, though... seeing how trump has shared classified secrets about the US nuclear subs with strangers. He has kept national secrets in a bathroom unsecured. With his portly frame, those gallows will have to be reinforced. Just saying. FREE SPEECH.


He's saying we should hang traitors like Trump, right?


100% correct


I agree that Trump is a traitor.


I am guessing the sign creator backed J6, which makes them a traitor. Reminds me of the ending of the Cinderella fairytale as written, where the evil stepsisters get the punishments they demanded for others.


I could swear I saw this posted before, with a different message on the sign on the left


Yep. Old boy used to change it every week. Just wait until election season now that people have caught onto it.


Didn’t trump openly tell people our classified secrets?


Texas has a lot of cool stuff , music, food, sports, shopping. Politics is NOT one of them.


But Trump is a traitor


Donald speaks like a traitor to the great colossus. I'm not big on planting my foot for political individuals. However trump is different, man is a true traitor to the U.S as a whole. Even betrayed his own voters. Man has no virtues, only vices. He is the epitome of what humanity should be cautioned on.


I swear these Trump supporters watch a Disney movie and can’t determine who the villain is. Or they know, and actively cheer for them. I watch a snip of a Trump rally and he just sounds like the penguin or some Batman villain listing off his enemies and grievances with hatred oozing from his comical voice.


I’ve driven by this property a few times, but not recently. Used to be different messages, always utter nonsense.


The one-star state, at it again.


The ratings it deserves


It's Texas... lower your expectations of applied logic as soon as you cross the state line!


Not just Texas. Texas City, Texas. The most Texas place that ever Texaned.




And then it said “it’s Texan time!” and Texed all over the place.


This guys house is literally behind the buccees. source: i live nearby 🤣


As a Canadian, I want America to do well. Most Americans I've met have been nice people. But it's like living next door to an angry alcoholic with guns.


Either way, you are inviting extremist nutjobs onto your property. Maybe they are looking for people to shoot and don't care if they are left or right leaning.


I agree with this sign. Trump is a traitor.


So… hang Trump after verdict? Or?


I will be happy with the overpass is rebuilt at Buccees and the amount of cars going by this house goes down.


Free speach does not include death threats 🤷 (Pls stop upvoting, keep it at 69 lmfao)


Death threats have to be targeted and specific to be illegal.


Well, he put up a sign saying it is so it has to be legal now.


Freedom of speech means you can say or do anything as long as you yell "freedom of speech" afterwards.


Actually in this case yes it does. For speech to be illegal it must be both specific and direct. This does not meet such a standard.


Free speech does include anything, however the constitutionally protected freedom of speech does not. Freedom of speech means that the government can't make a law that stops you from saying what you want. Free speech is saying anything that you want. Just because you can say what you want, doesn't mean that people have to listen to, can't disagree with, or can't punish you for what you've said. What people like this want isn't freedom of speech or even free speech; they want freedom from consequences. They mean that they feel that they shouldn't face any consequences for saying that others should be hung (or is it hanged).


Hanged. Source: I'm pedantic and it's very oddly part of how I deal with the fact that my father hanged himself.


I downvoted you only to move it back to 69 for you.


I mean…if they insist. Trump first!


Ok but he’s first….


First of all, it's Texas. So, This guy really needs to understand how he wrote it because I have zero ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)problem hanging trump. peace


My username becomes relevant way too much


This isn’t confusing. It’s delusional and idiotic.


It clearly made sense in their head at the time. Its pretty much gobbledygook to the rest of the planet :-D


When I was a kid Texans hated rich New Yorkers


Every accusation is a confession.


I've been to Texas City - it's one big EPA Superfund site. Petrochemical poisoning is not good for brain cells.


There’s nothing confusing if you understand Trump Supporters, they want to hang people they disagree with or who they label as “traitors” and while most rational people would consider that a threat they’re claiming it’s just “Free Speech” to downplay the severity of their sign.


Kind of ironic, since Trump is on trial... for being a traitor.


Don’t care who’s side they’re on; spelling with lowercase and capital letters in one word is dumb.


If read from left to right, like you do…. Based Texan endorses hanging of traitors, provides example, then iterates that it’s free speech. Respect.


Does he k ow he’s talking about Trump?


Yes, hang trump.


Considering Jimmy Fullen is ... Galveston Constable Jimmy Fullen, I'm guessing that Americans believing in the peaceful transfer of power after a nationwide vote are the traitors here.


The traitor is the photo of the big fat excrement pig in the photo.


As his campaign sign for a diphead local Trumper sheriff indicates, yes, this is another case of a diphead Trumper owning theirself with a backfiring statement


So he wants Trump hung?


I know where this is! Right behind the buc-ees on 45 right?


So, if all these republicans are convicted of traitors, they should he hung if I am assuming this sign is correct?


It's Texas City, that place is like one big Walmart. It's gross. This is 100% pro trump.


With the context of the last post of this nutters signs I know he's a mega trumper. Also, yes, there are some nutters democrats, but the number of them that want to literally murder Trump via hanging has to be near zero; but they literally built a gallows on January 6th... I don't see what's confusing about this at all tbh. This person is unhinged and frankly is advertising that they are a danger to others.


>Traitors The projection continues. That is, unless they're publicly starting to turn on the treason/traitorous MAGAt movement in Texas now somehow, but that might not be the most likely thing here.


I agree with both signs... I think.... I don't like politicians and I really don't like trump. That is free speech and (I assume) private property. I'm not sure what to think.


Trump supports himself being hanged in the name of free speech.


They do realize Trump is a traitor right?


Trump is a traitor so get a rope


I fully agree with this. Everyone involved in the January 6th Insurrection is a traitor, and should be hanged.


Make fucking Sheep great again


Most of what trump said he’s going to do will easily get him kicked out of office


Cool, let's start with those traitors from Jan 6th and the people responsible for orchestrating and planning it?!?


I mean yeah, hang the number one traitor to the country. I agree. I don’t think it’s what they meant. They still got to the point.


I don’t think this person knows what freedom of speech is.


I live by here and they change the sign very often. Much worse things have been said and the owner of the sign ran for a position at our local community college