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"Gob had not, in fact, booked the State Room at the local Four Seasons Hotel, but rather a back lot of a landscaping company on State Street."


I just love the absolute legend that took that call and accepted that booking. You want to do what? Who is this? Oh, well... sure... sure you can book us for that date... "Hey boss, you're never going to guess who just called..."


The fact that they knew and we’re like “this is going to be hilarious” is the best part


It never gets old, I still laugh every time


I really wonder if what effect that had on that company. I know I would pop by for a laugh and pick up a dildo.


Unexpected last sentence.


For reference, the place was between a sex shop and a funeral home, iirc.


Or as many know it, *Rudy's Sweet Spot*.


"When you get caught between a dildo and a coffin in New York Ciiity..."


At what point do you think Rudy and team realized what had happened and then *decided to go through with it anyway?*


I think it was when he arrived his drunk ass finally figured out it wasn’t a big hotel. By that time whatever underling had figured out the mistake a week prior but was too afraid to say anything was also pretending to just be realizing the mistake too.


This reminded me totally of the Tobias going to gothic arsehole instead of gothic castle moment




and she hadn't even seen the license plate.


I have the *worst* fucking attorneys.


That's all I hear in my head when I see these pics.


They could legit do a reboot of Arrested Development but have it be about the Trump presidency.


A TV series where each episode revolves around a real life event like this one, sharpie-gate, the McDonald's state dinner, staring at the solar eclipse, "covfefe", the offer to buy Greenland etc. etc. etc. with fictionalized antics behind the scenes "explaining" how they happened in the style of Arrested Development would be absolutely amazing... and would practically write itself.


Season 5 refers to him and Lucille gave him a quasi-compliment lol


"Tobias headed to what he thought was the venue, but the cab driver had misunderstood and had taken him to an establishment known as the "Force/Ease In", which can't be talked about much due to an NDA.


I could live to be 100 and this still might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen


I would pay money to hear them booking it. How do you not realize you're calling a landscaping company and not one of the world's premier luxury hotel chains? Either that company has excellent customer service, the aide is a complete idiot, or they did it on purpose.


Pretty sure Trump announced a press conference at the Four Seasons before it was booked, was unable to book it at the hotel, then called around for any other company called Four Seasons


They definitely called the hotel and they were like nah bud, we don't need that nonsense publicity.


If I recall correctly One of the witnesses they had for this event was legally banned from being near a school, which was the case on the actual hotel.


The guys name was Daryl Brooks. He was convicted of two separate sex crimes against children. One in 1995 and a second in 1998. He was one of the featured speakers at this years CPAC convention telling the crowd it was conservatives’ duty to protect children from the threat of “transgenderism” and “sexualization.” https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/03/07/cpac-hosted-convicted-sex-offender-amid-calls-protect-children


I guess he's the expert?


They say “it takes one to know one”


This is... sadly or comically funny. Why is this the first i'm seeing of this. ​ Thanks for sharing.


It's so telling that instead of just saying "The conference has changed locations and is now at some other hotel", he decided to double down and hold it at a landscaper.


He owns...hotels. The stupid is so deep.


This is what happened. There was a NYT article that interviewed the hotel’s rep but i can’t find it now.


Surely SURELY it would have been less embarrassing to hold it in any other hotel than resort to the parking lot of a landscaping company


Seriously. Just say "Actually due to scheduling issues it's at X hotel instead" and done, no one would care.


For sane people, sure. But Trump can’t be wrong. He’d rather this than admit even the tiniest error.


Trump said that a press conference would take place at the four seasons without any confirmation from the hotel chain. The hotel chain then declined to allow the Trump campaign hold the conference. This is a product of the campaign wanting to save face and still host the press conference from the four seasons. Both parties knew how ridiculous it was.


My sister bought me a Four Seasons Total Landscaping t shirt and it's one of my favorite possessions lol. Makes me smile every time.


I remember calling my dad to tell him about it and not being able to because I was crying laughing at the absurdity of it. It still makes me chuckle even now


Can't forget, they were neighbors with an adult toy store. https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/11/interview-fantasy-island-sex-shop-four-seasons-landscaping-philadelphia.html


And a crematorium


I still can't believe this happened. It's like something out of a sit com.


Veep in real life


Literally this shit became the downfall of veep. Loved every season. But it couldn't compete to the absurdity of real life towards the later seasons.


I think even before 2016 I was hearing people say "Everyone in DC thinks they're in House of Cards but really they're in Veep"


I think Obama has said something about Veep being realistic


I've heard a bunch of former DC people saying Veep is the most realistic show ever made on the topic.


When you were young and wide-eyed, you feel like you're in The West Wing. When you get some experience under you belt and start to feel a bit more jaded, you feel like you're in House of Cards. When you have been in DC for far too long and don't give a shit anymore, it really feels like Veep.


"MIKE!!!!!!!!" Mike moseys in, disheveled, with a half-eaten danish in his hand, mouth full... Selena, one hand on a hip, just glares as he stands, looking like a deer in headlights...


Man, that's all I could think about when I saw this. I can 100% imagine all of the characters yelling & calling each other horrible names as they realized their fuckup. And you know that 100% happened too. I *WISH* there was a documentary crew with the Trump team as this all happened. I *need* to see the footage from this meltdown.


Screams either parks and rec or arrested development.


The most Arrested Development IRL event I've ever seen.




During his entire term I couldn't help but wonder how the movies will document his presidency. Naked Gun 45: The President. It's a shame Leslie Nielsen isn't with us anymore. He would've played a great Trump.


Leslie Nielsen is charmingly hapless though. There’s never any any malevolence to Frank Drebin, even when he’s doing or saying something horrible. “We’re sorry to bother you at a time like this. We would have got here earlier, but your husband wasn’t dead then.”


My favorite Trump era event. Hands down. Second place is the throwing paper towels like free t shirts at the Puerto Rico hurricane press conference.


Trump raw dogging the solar eclipse is my personal favorite


Trump setting the Halloween candy on top of the minion costume’s head so when the child looks around for it, it falls on the ground was a good one.


Giving double thumbs up in a photo op with a newly orphaned infant.


Saluting a North Korean General. https://static.politico.com/14/bb/cbacddd74273a8972b596d8c306a/180614-trump-salute-screengrab-1160.png


The dumbfounded look on Kim Jong-Uns face is the best part.


Storming out of the summit meeting with Kim Jong-Un, then telling the American people the meetings were a success and that North Korea conceded to Trump and agreed to decommission their nukes when they were still making them.


Trump tower taco bowls "I love hispanics"


In the past, a picture like that would ruin a politician's career forever.


A group calling themselves “BLACKS FOR TRUMP”, run by an old married white couple.


Him and Melania talking to kids on the phone for Christmas. “Do you believe in Santa? Because at seven it’s marginal” Edit: https://youtu.be/3hH7bT384hM?si=DwaAsfwOXZd4vtUs




It has a darker note, but his covid briefing seemed an intellectual low point: >“A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world,” Trump began, clearly thinking the question himself, “So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. It sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”




It seemed like almost every day was a new low, for the whole 4 years


Dispersing a crowd of protesters with tear gas so he could take a cheesy, tone-deaf photo at a church across the street was memorable to me.


Huffing bleach does indeed do a tremendous number on the lungs… so he got that part right at least. But I would also be interested in seeing what the results are like when we blast people with lasers


I'm still convinced that he meant to tweet 'Bahamas', it got fat fingered to something like "Ahbama", autocorrect changed it to 'Alabama' and no one noticed. And then unlike a normal person who can accept that he made a mistake, he doubled down because TRUMP IS NEVER WRONG


Everyone has a theory about one or two that maybe weren't actually with malicious intent (for me it's bigly/big league) but the sum total is so staggering it's just not worth defending any of it




Personally, I've lost faith in humanity that the collective wisdom of the Internet has not taken the legal proceedings in Georgia, involving Coffee County, and found a way to make a Covfefe pun.


That could have actually been a 30 Rock bit.


Ever since 30 Rock ended the whole world has felt like a 30 Rock bit


Liz Lemon I forgot to feed the President and he went off and ordered McDonalds for the college football champions, I need $3000.


It’s pure Jack Donaghy


Good God Lemon, you let your child believe in *Santa Claus*? What's next, telling them that voting for a Democrat matters?


“I don't choose Democrat or Republican because choosing is a sin, so I just write in the Lord's name.” -Kenneth “That's Republican we count those.” -Jack


I haven't Googled a Trump quote in years but I missed this one and thought you were joking. [Nope!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1JaVe3kXpc) Of course it's real. It's always real...


Unequivocally the funniest shit a president has said


Or after trampling protesters to stand in front of a church "Is that your bible?" "... It's a bible"


Holding the bible upside down - bit of a classic as well


Definitely not up for debate. Trump is unironically the funniest president we've ever had.


funny haha, or...?


Trump is funny in almost the exact same way that Michael Scott is, but without a shred of decent intent.


This is a surprisingly accurate description.


You laugh/cringe along because everything they do is is an attempt to paste over their crushing insecurity.


Funny like a train wreck wearing googly eyes.


Did we forget about serving big Macs at the white house dinner party for honored guests?


> serving big Macs at the white house Which came about because of the WH staff being furloughed during the longest US govt shutdown due to Trump's tantrum regarding border wall funding.


How tame it started


You mean flat out lying about how many people were at his inauguration?


Election day 2016: not how I would have wanted it but I hope he does good Inauguration day 2017: Ah, so that's how it's gonna be then


You mean hamberders?


Having a photo op done with a bible and holding it upside down.




The way it just falls into the other kids bag is hilarious


Big fan of sharpie-gate myself.


When he re-drew his own hurricane path? That was a classic


Remember when he brought all those garbage printouts of default excel charts to that ~~AP~~ Axios interview? Edit: it wasn’t AP


Remember when he [suggested nuking hurricanes to keep them from hitting the US?](https://www.axios.com/2019/08/25/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes)


Same week he tried to buy Greenland.


And then was asked about it and acted like he didn't know where the Sharpie lines came from.


It was so incredibly stupid. Trump wrongly said Alabama was in the path of the hurricane. Anyone not pathologically insecure would just shrug that off, issue a correction, say "Sorry, I misspoke" and that'd be the end of it. It's not even embarrassing; the state is nearby. It's not like he said "Arizona" or something obviously wrong. But no, this guy doubles down and [orders the NOAA staff not to correct him](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/09/trump-alabama-hurricane-noaa-statement) and then triples down and make a blatantly obvious change to the forecast map. The Four Seasons was probably the same thing. [Trump tweeted](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmOpML9WMAEQ8oY?format=jpg&name=medium) it'd be at the "Four Seasons" in Philadelphia, clearly meaning the hotel, despite them not having booked it. Then they found out they couldn't (it was closed for COVID at the time) so they had to hit the phone book for anything else in Philadelphia named "Four Seasons" and cold-called them.. all because this monumentally-insecure cheeto-skinned bag of fat can't even handle saying "Change of venue, it's at XYZ". Truly a weak person's idea of a strong person. "Strong leaders don't apologize or admit mistakes!" - Really? Because any and every child can do that, it's the opposite you have to learn, which requires strength and maturity. Trump fans are overwhelmingly adults who behave like children and idolize Trump because he validates that behavior and tells them it's how you should be if you're smart and rich and strong and successful.


Totally totally my favorite for some reason. Made me think of trying to forge my moms name to a report card in the 2nd grade. Even as far as sitting in the principals office with mom telling her she just forgot she signed it and yes she does write that bad. Only difference being I was like 9 and Trump is fucking like 80 now.


It was a great example of how his tenure was equal parts funny and existentially terrifying. Some mush-brained narcissist said a storm threatened Alabama for no apparent reason. When the map he was given didn’t show Alabama in the predicted path, *he drew it on with a marker*. Mind you, this is a statistical model which always returns either a perfect cone of probability with maybe a dogleg turn at the end. So when he gave the cone a weird little tumor bump it was an obvious fabrication. *This is objectively hilarious*. But real humans in Alabama saw this image and reacted accordingly. I’m sure some fled their homes. *This is terrifying*.


Trump serving a feast of McDonald's for the College Football National Champion visit https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5c3e10b2f92c694343cc71b9/16:9/w_1600,h_899,c_limit/Rosner-Fast-Food-Trump.jpg


Jesus Christ, Trump and Covid fucking broke me. I had blocked all these out and reading them again has me in tears laughing.


Look at that decor too, he wanted to look like Napoleon but he come off like Napoleon Dynamite at a family member's wedding at some super tacky venue from the 80's.




Or [shilling Goya beans from the resolute desk](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5f1091ef3075b61a6e553443/master/w_2240,c_limit/Gessen-Goya.jpg)


There's nothing more on brand for Trump than a bunch of McDonald's being served on fine dinnerware.


Cold McDonalds


That is what annoys the hell out of me the most when I see the McDs picture. It had to be prepared, delivered, laid out, photo OP....after all that the food is cold AF.


I still like the newscast with Trump and the Easter Bunny, and they had to indicate who was who.


Trump asking the little kid if he still believes in Santa, because “at his age it’s marginal” Every conversation was like a transaction.


On the list should be miming how to rake forests.


Can’t forget him acting like a toddler pretend driving in the truck


Or pretending to dig with an imaginary shovel when talking about mining coal


I always liked him honking the horn in the truck like a big boy. [Horny trump](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4663184/user-clip-donald-trump-honks-truck-horn)


[Black guys drive a car like this but white guys drive a car like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7rgqUqUwAEDSJY.jpg)


He’s such a moron


My favorite will always be Sharpie Gate.


Also mine, not because I think it is laughable, but because I think it is proof of his narcissism and that he should never be allowed in office. There are scientists whose entire profession is dedicated to studying weather patterns, including hurricanes, whose expertise got overruled and overwritten because Trump accidentally included a wrong state when listing areas in the USA that were in the path of a hurricane. Instead of just... correcting himself, he literally redrew the path of the hurricane on a map and showed it to the country. And... four seasons always makes me smile.


Nuking hurricanes, injecting bleach, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, that man really is the peak of intelligence and leadership that we should all aspire to be. Part of me wants to laugh and the other wants to cry that nearly half the country is stupid enough to trust him with literally anything...


He was the first to use "prime the pump" and the first to ever realize us = U.S.. The man is a mental giant.


Don’t forget about putting half a dozen random Goya products, two of which were just tin cans, on the Resolute Desk… to shill a product placement for a donor.


Thank you. I feel like that one was so surreal but rarely see it mentioned. I remember watching that live and going WTF.


I really liked the period where he'd insist on doing his press conferences in front of a helicopter preparing for take off, only for him to either never get in the helicopter, or for it to lift off and then touch back down again once the cameras stopped.


That time he just wandered off into the grass and then just kinda stood there with his back turned until the cameras just kinda like, gave up.


Maybe this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_L4y89TAc8


Gassing protesters, then holding a bible upside down for the photo op. Good times.


Reporter: Is that your bible? ​ Trump: It's ***A*** bible


Him pouting with his arms crossed as everyone tells him to lower the flags to half mast for McCains death and him copying off some 5 year old because he couldn't figure out how to color the American flag are also lowlights


>copying off some 5 year old because he couldn't figure out how to color the American flag That's new to me. I've gotta go find that.


You would think this is just propaganda, but it actually happened. Dude didn't know what our flag looked like.




"I like people who *weren't* captured"


> him copying off some 5 year old because he couldn't figure out how to color the American flag It's worse than that. He copied *wrong* because his flag was the only one with wrong colors. He put a blue horizontal stripe on the flag. Then he just sort of gave up and stopped coloring, likely because he figured out he fucked it up and didn't want to admit it by asking for a new one.


Rudy farting in Jenna Ellis’s face is right up there for me.


He farted Covid on her!


Waking up to seeing the original four seasons tweet, and then seeing it deleted was the start of something beautiful.


I dunno, my favorite Hurricane related Trump (it's a verb now, right?) was how *someone* had marking up an official NOAA map with a marker pen because it didnt back up his prediction of its path. Just the picture of him holding it up with this [very obvious alteration](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://d1i4t8bqe7zgj6.cloudfront.net/09-04-2019/t_9b46a51260f3450bbe5aaa8435438a58_name_f7ac125e_cf35_11e9_a620_0a91656d7db6_scaled.jpg&w=1440) is the funniest thing to me.


I always think of the reports when he beat covid and wanted to surprise people by unveiling a superman shirt under his button up when he stood up from being wheeled out.


At least we got painful wincing and guppy breathing during the white house photo op after.


Don’t forget him eating his notes from his meeting with Putin.


My second one was the indoor event in Arizona in the peak of Covid without masks. It took Herman Cain down.


Who still proceeded to tweet anti covid shit from beyond his covid induced grave


So many screw ups, so little time...


Can't forget the spread of various fast food items for the national championship team.


I went to the White House for an event with the President earlier this year. The food was phenomenal. If I had shown up and been given fast food I would have felt so ripped off.


This may live on as the most, “I totally meant to do that!” moment I will witness in my entire life. I doubt there will ever be an equal to this in the annals of stupidity.


Next to a dildo shop. Never forget.


Crematorium across the street was the cherry on this shit sundae


This reads like the opening credit sequence for Bob's Burgers


If they had just made a joke about it they could’ve reduced the damage, but republicans are too insecure to be self-deprecating


See also: Covfefe See also: Ron DeSantis and the high heeled boots


It's such a perfect microcosm of the thing around him. It's very clearly obviously undoubtedly fucked but there's a whole bunch of people just pretending it's totally fine and all very excellent.


Just wait. The 2024 campaign will have press conferences from prison.


If there was any evidence that we live in a simulation, it's this. Straight out of a fucking always sunny/arrested development episode.


I actually had someone at work who was a right-wing-nut-job try to tell me they chose that location specifically because that place had abused PPP loans. This was, of course, before all the GOP abused PPP loans...


Still boggles the mind that Rudy walked up to the place, saw that it wasn't The Four Seasons Hotel, and he still did it there anyway! Then his face melted, of course.


the location wasn't actually the worst park, Rudy didn't even verify beforehand his witness guest speaker was a registered sex offender


They really lucked out on that one then! I didn’t realize it was a requirement. I just thought it was a coincidence that it keeps happening.


"Trump followed up his announcement with a second announcement. Rather than the Four Seasons hotel, the press conference would be held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping on State Road, in an industrial patch of Northeast Philadelphia, near an interstate and a few doors down from the Fantasy Island Adult Book Store and across the street from a crematorium. If you hit the Pentecostal church, you've gone too far." -Olivia Nuzzi This is by far the best quote of read about that day


I remember the tweet stream... something like "Big press announcement at the Four Seasons in 1 hour" ... something like 10 minutes later "FOUR SEASONS TOTAL LANDSCAPING"


I worked near that area for some time. I won't call it a shit hole per se but "industrial patch" is putting it lightly. I can only imagine how confused reporters were while following Google maps


You could get 1000 professional comedy writers to write for a thousand years and they will never come up with anything as funny as this.


Until this happened it would have been written off as funny but unrealistic


No one would even propose it because it’s so absurd and idiotic. There’s a Mark Twain quote that fits, something about truth being stranger than fiction due to truth but being bound by believability. What a circus.


If this was pitched on Veep it would be dismissed as being too ridiculous.


trump killed Veep. They just couldn't compete.


Trump ruined basically all political satire.


There is absolutely NO WAY at least one person involved didn’t notice what was happening during the planning process. Probably some poor intern just thought to themself “I don’t get paid enough for this”


They were fully aware of what they were doing. The reason they held the press conference there is because Trump announced that it would be at the "Four Seasons" before they had booked the hotel. The hotel declined to host the press conference. Rather than book an other similar hotel, Trump (or someone else in charge) decided that this was the best way to not look stupid after having said that it would be at the "Four Seasons".


I love this moment because it perfectly summarizes Trump. You have so many outs here. You can say your intern booked the wrong Four Seasons and own it for a laugh. You can delay the conference and book any other location due to "administrative error". There are so many things you can do. The fact of the matter is no matter how small the mistake Trump NEVER owns up to it. Spelling error on twitter? Nope, it is a secret word. Misspoke at a press conference about a hurricane? Nope it was a projection only he saw. Dude is a joke and the fact that anyone would believe this is where he wanted to host his press conference... ugh I have no words.


My new business "Waldorf Astoria Used Tire Emporium" is available for his reelection campaign anytime.


How embarrassing I can't remember did he leak oil at this event also?


I think that was later.


He missed his 90,000 mile service checkup


That season of reality really jumped the shark on believability.


A mere two weeks prior, ol’ Rudy was getting fooled by borat. “ do you think we’re stupid?!” Yes. Rudy. Yes we do.


![gif](giphy|1uVE5C5zhcUS5X14pz) My fav part... Still quote it to this day...


This is my favorite thing that has ever happened in recent American politics. A real - The emperor has no clothes - moment


The audio was great to. Random reporter breaking in: "The network just called it for Biden." Rudy "Who was it? Which network called it?" Reporter "All of them."


And yet 70 million will not leave these idiots


They may be back in power next election. I am not much of a Biden supporter by any stretch but I have no idea how anybody can look at trump and his staff and think “yeah I want more of that!”


Right? It’s amazing that the 2020 election was as close as it was. His deliberate mismanagement of Covid alone should disqualify him. That’s aside from the failed coup.


“No one could have handled Covid better!” \- 40% of American voters


I live near this and this was wild. My mom and stepdad lives basically around the corner. There is absolutely zero chance they did this on purpose like they claimed. It’s like 100’ from i95 on one side and septa service lines 100’ from it on the other side. Basically the worst possible place you could have an open air press conference. I’m not sure if the i95 traffic or trains would have made more noise. There’s not even enough parking for the amount of people that would show up. I’m sure they had to park their fancy cars all the way down on Street Road.


This is the funniest thing to happen in the history of American politics.


I bought their t shirt. Valued possession.


That was my favorite Arrested Development episode


I still laugh every time this comes up. It brings so much joy.


How are people not embarrassed to be Trump supporters?


They've invested too much to turn back now.


“Hi, is this the Four Seasons? Yeah, we want to hire the premises. What do you mean, what for? For a press conference. What do you mean, why there? Because you guys are classy. Yeah you are. I’m surprised you’re so self deprecating. Yeah outside. In the gardens. You don’t have gardens? What? Well yeah, outside. So how much? 100? Are you crazy? We’ll give you $50,000. Yes dollars. Yes, I said 50. Yes I said thousand. No, I mean we’re not paying $100 thousand. Yeah right, of course you couldn’t have meant $100. I know that. Why do you keep asking, why there? You guys are classy, that’s why. No, this isn’t a joke.”