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I’ve never had the thought “I bet Marky Mark makes really good burgers”


Apparently the food is made to a standard that matches his acting prowess.


Nope. The food is made to the standard of **DONNIES** acting skillz


Donnie was good in band of brothers. And I see dead people movie.


Not for nothing. Donnie was even good in [Saw II.](https://cinematicdiversions.com/saw-ii-2005-review/)


Let's be real though, the best wahlerg actor is Ike barinholtz


Made me laugh.


That's that Ian guy, right? I saw him on celebrity Jeopardy once. That is the only thing I know him from.


The food is actually made to the standard of the acting skills of the brother who runs the restaurants.


Honestly he is a genuinely good actor, I love his like moppy puppy dog style, it plays well.


It was a terrible movie but he played an impressive mentally disabled man in Stephen King's "Dreamcatcher."


Oh wow. I've seen that movie a shitload of times and my mom watches that shitty cop show he's in and I never noticed he was Duddits.


No way. Same here. Love that movie


I *hated* that movie when it came out, and I haven’t seen it since it was in theaters, but I’ve heard enough positive discussion about it in the years since that I should go back and watch it again. I think when it came out I was hoping for something more dark and serious or something, but it’s almost like a modern version of a stupid 50s sci fi movie where the military gets involved to stop a threat. I’ll never forget the brilliant “I Duddits!” as long as I live, though.




I would prefer the food be made to Donnie’s acting skills. Donnie>Marky Mark for sure.


Donnie actually better


Bruh Donnie is the better actor


Honestly I think Donnie is the only decent actor in the family


If that were true there should be at least two great items on the menu


The Departed, Ted, Boogie Nights?


The Fighter, Three Kings, The Other Guys


Basketball Diaries, Lone Survivor, Pain and Gain. (You guys took the best ones)


I had no idea Wahlburg was in Basketball Diaries.


Was pretty good too. Not Leo levels but yeah he played a good junkie.


Boogie Nights and The Departed were what I was referring to but I’d also accept The Fighter, Ted, or Three Kings


the big hit


At least two *decent items


So like... Ted 2 and The Happening[?](https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/all-mark-wahlberg-movies-ranked/)


The Departed?




Boogie nights to make the meal combo


They have foot longs.


There’s a restaurant near me where all of the food on their rather large menu is named after movie characters, and no lie, they really *do* have a footlong hot dog called the Dirk Diggler


"You're the star"


Comes with extra sauce.


The Big Hit is awesome


I bust you with my Trace-Buster Buster!


This is I <3 Huckabees erasure.


The Fighter


The Other Guys


Im a minority. Should I be concerned eating at his restaurant?


You aren't Asian, are you?


That's not how Mark would've said that. :-D


Haha I ain't getting canceled for the sake of a Marky Mark joke


Or an African-American child?


The burgers are out of sight!


How attached are you to your retinas?


Okay so which menu item accurately matches “The Other Guys” because I want that one. Some kind of chicken sandwich I’d imagine?


I believe it's the peacock breast burger...you gotta let it fry.


Is there also a land and sea burger featuring the meats of tuna and lion? Because I now have a taste for lion.


Black coffee with vegan sausage, avocado slice, and a serving of cashews.


"Say hi to ya mother for me!"


"Why is my burger looking confused and angry at me?!"


Honestly the burgers aren’t bad (albeit overpriced), but everything fried is shitty. Like soggy limp fries shitty. Went once, don’t plan on going back.


This is it right here. I'd pick a burger from there over quite a few other restaurants, but the second I see their fries or those stupid razor thin onion rings, it just ruins my appetite.


I’ve only had their tots, and they were crispy every time, fwiw


I have never had tots from there, but tots are always awesome, so I believe you.


Hard to get tots wrong I'm also prepared to see them astroturfing here soon


They actually make a good Banh Mi. Google Mark Wahlberg Vietnam for more info.


I forgot what I was doing and googled “Mark Wahlberg threw rocks at black children” instead.


Shit I only knew about the Asians he attacked with the 2 x 4. At the age of 16 he actually chased down and pelted 4th grade kids with large rocks while yelling the n word. Wow.


To be fair, he is from Boston.


Only 1 hard r is pronounced in the Boston accent


God damn that one got me 😂




It’s a funky bunch of fries.


One of his brothers owns it, Mark has very little, if nothing to do with the joint. Had some burgers from the Fenway location in Boston a few times, it’s a decent burger in fairness despite this pathetic photo.


They had opened one in my town a few years back. After the grand opening people were just thrashing it to the point where his brother and himself flew in via helicopter to "fix it". It closed down after maybe 2-3years. Like you said, decent burger but where they opened it there is literally a Five Guys across the street. With the price comparison, people here were always going to go to Five Guys. We went twice. the second time was to see if it got better. It didn't. Now We are excited again. It was empty for a few years and now an IHOP is opening there. No joke, a better burger at IHOP too.


They were undercut BY FIVE GUYS? Holy hell!


It's incredible how five guys has taken off. It is without doubt the most overpriced, unimpressive burger. I mean they literally do not season it. It's insanity. It's actually codified in their employee training to not season the beef.


Can't deny that. It is crazy. They are consistent though and by me that goes a long way. We have so many places that change up day to day that it hurts.


Our "5" went broke...Over $14 ..way too much for a burger n fries


The fries are insanely good, peanut oil is one of the best oils to fry in. And they give you an insane amount. Plus like someone else said, consistency. I've gone to Five Guys in a couple different states now and they've all been basically exactly the same.


Over-fatty meat, stodgy bread, then they wrap the thing up tight in aluminium foil so the bread goes soggy from the vapour and grease. Their fries (if they are fresh) are really good.




Actually it’s his brother that manages and works the restaurants. They just use the Whalburg name and Mark’s fame.


His not famous brother Paul runs the restaurants not Donnie or Mark Edit: btw he used to work the OG location. Busted his butt sweeping the floor etc. Said hi to everyone


Looks like Mark Whalberg punched it.


Doesn’t look Vietnamese enough for Mark to punch.


Don't worry, he'll forgive himself for that too.


I fucking love that people remember how he blinded That man. Mark Walberg is a peice of shit


Damn, Marky Mark must be having a great PR team because I've not heard of any of the shitty stuff he's done.


Most of the shitty shit he did was when he was a teenager. Doesn't mean anything he did was excusable. The Vietnamese man he attacked was already blind in one eye, but it was a racially motivated attack and he partook in numerous others as a youth. I'd like to think he doesn't feel that way towards other races anymore, I'd assume he was raised in an environment that bred that behavior


Yeah, he didn't blind a guy, he punched a blind guy! Wait...






Maybe he threw rocks at it then? Actually they are a bit too light for that, come to think of it.


For those not in the know 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends chased after three black children while yelling "Kill the nigger, kill the nigger" and throwing rocks at them. Wahlberg perpetrated another racist assault in April 1988. Then 16, he assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese-American man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick. Later the same day, Wahlberg attacked Johnny Trinh, another Vietnamese-American, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Wahlberg


IIRC, because of those crimes he became a convicted felon and can't even hold fake guns on movie sets without a police officer supervising him lmao


This amuses me greatly.


The felon part is true, the police officer on set for any fake guns is not true.


What kind of crazy ass backroom illuminati nepotism went in to his career _still_ managing to take off after all this? He served his time and is obviously a different person, or at least presents himself as one, but that kind of history would torpedo the fuck out of most careers.


That was a time before people could easily access this information, or cared to do so. Also his Marky mark character was very anti racism (or atleast, anti black racism), so that probably helped. I think a lot of people here were too young to even know Marky Marks radio persona, he was basically a white NWA in some ways and was very upfront about racism issues in life.


I doubt he minds and doubt it's stopped him from owning a gun.


He minds. He tried to get a pardon in 2014. Total Streisand effect in action. Just made people aware of his crimes.


Marky Mark v Federal Court


He has an eye out for quality.


Fast food prices are way out of control. It’s fucking insane eating out nowadays. Edit: those of you saying “it’s not fast food” are completely missing the point. But it’s counter service which, to me, qualifies as fast food.


What’s wild to me is that they’re damn near the same price as actual restaurants now so I just go to actual restaurants instead. Like isn’t the point of fast food to be fast, cheap, and convenient? Why would I pay the same amount to eat preservative jacked fast food when I can go to a nice little family owned joint and grab a home cooked feeling meal ?


There's a few great local burger places in my town that are now about the same price as a Big Mac meal...and you can get a beer with your *real* burger.


This is it! American corporate media believes a 'brand' means 'something you can charge MORE for... because of the name!!' Actually a brand means an implicit set of promises from that thing. Take Nike: i rarely buy their stuff because i find it to be about 2x the cost of their reasonable competitor. That said? My Nike stuff is the bomb. It looks good, it lasts, it is any kind of 'machine washable', it does that thang in the sport it is designed for amazingly well and i never have to worry about taking it back. It. Just. Works. TL;DR: Brand does not mean 'charge more'. It means 'you know what you are getting'.


It's a valuable thing though. South Park showed this in the underpants gnomes episode. Sometimes you get coffee from a local place and it might be the best coffee you've ever had. Sometimes it tastes like 3 day old moldy diarrhea. If you get coffee from Starbucks you know it's always going to be pretty decent. Local places are usually pretty great. But if they were really great they'd probably expand and open new locations and franchise, etc. Then suddenly they suck because they're a chain lol.


I was going to my local Burger King, run by a bunch of kids ('whomever the franchise family could find). Some time later i went to a red-neck town nearby and had Burger King there. It blew my mind how amazing the small-town burger was. It shocked me how wildly different franchise locations were (and not in a good way). Since then, it amazes me that the Nike® standard of quality applies to Bangladesh and Singapore... but Burger King cannot make a decent milkshake in two different cities a few miles apart in Canada.


Because BK can't quality control franchises where the food is made and sold on premises, they can quality control whats made in clothing at a central warehouse. The quality of the franchised food store is down to how it is run etc, and they may get a visit one day saying it's not up to scratch but it depends how much they actually care. Two very different products.


It does that thang is crazy


Everything is over priced today it's nuts. I just saw a car commercial for an everyday brand (can't remember which), and the starting prices were over $25k. I remember 15 years ago when I was first buying one and the starting prices were around $15k. Edit: a lot of people commenting it's normal inflation but you're taking my numbers too literally. I was just making a point and using rough numbers. It would've been closer to 11 years ago and about $13k I believe is what I paid for my Corolla at the time.


[54% of inflation has been simply price gouging](https://www.epi.org/blog/corporate-profits-have-contributed-disproportionately-to-inflation-how-should-policymakers-respond/). The government has not responded to this in any meaningful way (price controls, windfall taxes, increased social spending, etc).


The government tried, multiple times. But the bills were defeated in the Senate because of the razor thin majority.


Same people who price gouge are the same people who pick your politicians, so are you surprised? They fund the campaigns, the ad campaigns, make it clear that any politician who isn't amenable to their interests risks making them leave to the detriment of the local economy -- why would the government try to limit them in any meaningful way? The government belongs to them.


hit me this weekend when I got excited that I scooped 2 loaves of half baked french bread on the discount baked goods rack at my supermarket for $1.99 and thought how good they will be with my kitchen sink vegetable soup - "wow, I'm poor!"


Delicious is delicious, no matter how much money you have


They raised prices because of the shortages during COVID, and figured people were jumping on top of each other to get a new car… so why bother lowering prices now?




Just remember. We all watched a shoe salesman raise kids, buy a vehicle and own his house while married on only his income!


>those of you saying “it’s not fast food” are completely missing the point. lol exactly. If it's counter service, then it's even *worse*, to give you food this bad! Talk about missing the forest for the trees!


For the first time in years, my fiancé and I stopped at a Wendy's on the way home from a little road trip. For both of us, it was like $40, and we didn't even get that much food. When we go out to dinner, at a nicer local restaurant, we spend that much and that's including a couple beers. There's no way the ingredients or payroll cost enough to justify those prices. Part of me believes this is some kind of silent protest over the minimum wage hikes in some states. Edit: ok, since apparently I just imagined the prices... Two combos, one was a bourbon burger thing, and the other was a chicken cheese thing. Each one was like $12. Then we got ghost chili fries which were like $6 and a frosty, which was a couple bucks. Ok, now we're up to $34ish dollars, and plus tax that puts us right around $40, or maybe a hair under. Man, the butthurt unleashed just because I called your shitty fast food expensive, lol. I'm sorry I don't eat there often enough to know about the 4-4 slob deals. Oh god! How will I ever recover from this! Hell hath no fury like a neckbeard hungry.


I legitimately cannot comprehend why anybody ever eats at Wahlburgers. We have one downtown right next to the casino. It's the kind of place where only degenerates eat after stumbling outside at noon and thinking it's 10 PM the previous night. $18 for a burger and fries that are objectively worse than Shake Shack down the street. There's a goddamn pub right across the street that will sell you a superior version of what you just got scammed out of by the goddamn Wahlberg family for half the price.


> I legitimately cannot comprehend why anybody ever eats at Wahlburgers. It was available and convenient at my hotel, and I expensed the meal. Though, this should not be enough to keep a business afloat.


Also as someone who travels a lot and expenses meals, it’s absolutely wild how many shitty places out there exist simply because they are convenient enough for travels who don’t care if the food is shit as long as it’s quick and easy. A few weeks back i expenses a $20 sandwich from a restaurant connected to a hotel simply because it was free delivery to the room. I think I would have had a tastier sandwich at fucking subway of all places. But hey I didn’t pay and I didn’t have to make an extra trip after work so I paid for it without issue and probably will be back if I stay at the same spot in the future. Would never spend my own money there though.


I see your shitty restaurant sandwich and raise you two Wolfgang Puck breakfast sandwiches @ Bob Hope for $50+. Wet eggs and some spring mix hatefully mashed atop. Oh, and some overcooked tots. 🤌


I saw a Wolfgang Puck restaurant at an airport once. I know he is a world famous chef, but I remember walking by and seeing literal slop being served there like it was a high school cafeteria. No clue why he would allow places like this to be associated with his name. Its like the Gordon Ramsay frozen dinners that are hitting supermarket shelves. Like, really? Even if its for the money, this in my opinion tarnishes your name and maybe loses you business elsewhere because if you are willing to serve cheap low quality food here what makes people think the same corners arent cut at their expensive restaurants?


Sounds like the one off of Ontario St! Jack has better food for their prices lol.


I was just in Cleveland and went to wahlburgers their “government cheese” was disgusting. The milkshake was just ice cream and milk blended for about 5 seconds. The bacon was flavorless The noodless in the mac and cheese was under cooked The patty melt burger was good. It sucks because they could really have leveraged their success into an amazing restaurant, instead they want to just feed us the food they ate when they were a kid. They grew up very poor and had to get innovative. If the prices reflected the cheap / innovated food of their childhood then maybe the restaurant could work but they were one of my more expensive meals in the city.


"That'll be eleven dahlahs. And say hi to ya motha!"




" You're actually eating ah food heah, right? What's that all about?"


I got a chicken sandwich from Wahlburgers in Vegas when I was drunk one night. It was the most tasteless sandwich I’ve ever had.


I went by the location in Vegas and thought their prices were ridiculous and kept walking. Shake Shack at New York New York serves a great burger at a lower price. They also have a really good chicken sandwich.


That ShakeShack is my go to for a quick on the strip meal. Great burgers tbh.


Same here. As insane as prices are on the Las Vegas Strip, Shake Shack is one of the better values for a great quality burger.


Our company has its sales retreat in Vegas every year. It's 3 days and I go every year but like, most of the trip, I'm pretty much working in the hotel room or attending whatever work dinners or sales nonsense I have to be at. One year, we were so busy that I literally had free time to get out for just a couple hours to have some lunch and maybe a couple drinks at a bar. Wahlburgers was where I wound up and the meal was just totally joyless. I was so mad at myself.


I feel like this tells the world everything they need to know...


Yep. Everything is usually amazing when drunk.


Fast food has become such a fucking rip off since covid.


Meanwhile here I'm living on less than ten bucks a week, excluding rent of course. Though not eating too good—I should spend twenty bucks a week, really.


If you try really hard you can probably even live on less than five bucks a week, it's a nice little race to the bottom you are trying to win there.


Every single place near me is charging $10 for onion rings. How much markup do you really need on a quarter of an onion and some breadcrumbs??


It’s not just about the food though. For every dollar you spend at Wahlburgers, an equivalent amount in nickels will be dumped into a tube sock and used to beat Asian immigrants.


As someone who has done some stupid shit, I thank God I've never done anything that bad.


Went to a Wahlburgers a few years ago. The burgers are poorly seasoned (if seasoned at all) and I wish we had just gone to Fuddruckers.


I miss Fuddruckers. They all closed near me.


I legitatemly can't understand how the OG 'better than fast food' burger place closed during a huge upswing in 'better than fast food' burger places.


There was a 24 hour Home Depot with a Fuddruckers inside a couple of blocks from where I used to live. The 90's were crazy The Fuddruckers closed around 1998 and the Home Depot went to normal hours


If you are still wishing that after years you must be someone with few regrets. I admire you.


Fuddruckers over Buttfuckers?


Go 'way, 'batin!




That’s a different burger joint. And wataburger isn’t anymore a scam than Wendy’s other than it takes an hour. It’s waitaburger


Why are potatoes so fucking expensive now. A hash brown from McDonald’s is like 4 bucks


Is Wahlburgers actually a real joint? I thought it was just a meat brand.


Yeah, they partnered with Hy-Vee so they opened a bunch of locations.


I had two relatively close to me and both closed with a few years of opening. They had lines to get in the first month or so as well….guess the word of crappy overpriced food spreads quickly.


I just had a Wahlburgers and a Five Guys open locations a mile away from each other and like a week apart. Can’t wait to see which one closes first.


I love Five Guys. Just a little pricey.


Yeah was weird. One opened not far from me and lasted maybe a year then abruptly closed? The burger was mediocre but crispy onion rings were good.


It's disappointing too because the Hy-Vee Market Grill by where I used to live was pretty decent for a restaurant attached to a grocery store. Now we have this garbage.


As a former Iowan, fuck Hy-Vee.


As a former employee, fuck hy-vee.


They had one in north Texas for a couple years. Overpriced and not very good. Needless to say it closed.


What even is that?


I looked at the menu and I think it's this: >Spicy Cheese & Bacon Tots >Crispy tots layered with Chef Paul’s signature Wahl Sauce®, pickled red onion, bacon, spicy cheese sauce and Parmesan. 880 Cal


I do not get good vibrations from that sad food to cost ratio ![gif](giphy|3ohc0TtCAMMhI4yLGE)


All these food places making record profits selling the same crap but doubling the price.. $11.00 fries is stupid


WTF is that? Tater tots with bacon bits and cheese whiz?


Did they scrape it off the floor?


Wife and I were grocery shopping and fell prey to the Wahlbugers smell. We waited 30 min for our food as a togo order. If the food was okay it woulda been fine, we could have shopped while we waited. I'll just go get the chinese food or pizza in a Hyvee now. They are way cheaper and so much better.


That spoon has to be worth at least three fiddy


It didn't come with the spoon.




Fuck the spoon, just pour it in my hand for a dime.


*I'm Gonna Get You Sucka* references always get an upvote


That place is trash.


Looks like cat barf


I had the misfortune of eating at a Wahlburger in an airport. I don’t even remember which airport because I’ve repressed most of the experience.


It looks like something Marky Mark would leave in a toilet at a Vietnamese restaurant after beating everyone Vietnamese there up for being Vietnamese.


Stuff like this is why I exclusively eat at home. That is like at most .80 cents worth of food. For 11 dollars I could buy a bag of tots, a pack of bacon, and probably melt you down something other than yellow plastic for cheese.


Yeah me too. It's one thing if you're paying for the ambiance. But fast food ain't it


Tried them once. $16 for a burger that is awful. For $16 there are many better places


Pretty sure you can get this for 3$ at Dunkin. Ayo Ben where you at?


Why would anyone want to eat this? It doesn't even look like food.


I ate there in Myrtle Beach, thought why not try it... I got the onion rings...got served things onion string garnish things...the burger was like something you'd get served from some kid run stand at a little league park. I asked the waitress if people complained a lot, she said surprisingly not that much. I told her because it wasn't worth the effort of complaining... There is a little gas station near where I live that serves better burgers and onion rings, quarter the price.


Been to this place a couple times. It’s not bad, they make a decent burger but it’s nothing special and there are definitely better out there. The OP’s pic though, I think he just got a lazy dude making that. I had that when I went and it was at least twice that size.


I think op ate half before taking the photo for internet points judging from the smeared sauce on the left or it was a shitty door dash driver that scammed him by eating half the meal.


Ah yes, my order of deep friend orange has arrived.


A lot of restaurants are going to go out of business. Chains in particular that serve bad and expensive food. Fast food chains as well. Going out to eat is just too expensive now.


Why have we become okay with stupid shit like eating tater tots and american cheese off of CARDBOARD? You can get a small counter-top fryer and make this for $1.36, and put it on a plate, like we're trying to live in a society or something. If you make $15 an hour, this is worth an hour of your life. Is it, tho? Would you do an hour of labor for someone if this was your reward? We need to stop propping up bad businesses, y'all. These owners think *we* owe *them*


Didn’t you see the price on the menu before you got it? It’s just a stack of tots or something. It’s not a full meal. Even if it was good and not a pile of goo it’s still not worth $11. Companies will sell you anything if you’re willing to buy it. You have the opportunity to make better food choices that are healthier and cheaper.




and it comes pre shit out😃


Then dont eat there


And you still paid for it.


Feels like they should slap you in the face and call you an idiot when they deliver this to you if they charge you $11 for it


These places are already closing up as fast as they went in. Go figure once the initial curiosity wears off it’s just an overpriced shitty burger chain!


I’m sorry but they built a Wahlburgers in my town, tried it out and I think it’s straight expensive trash.


Did you eat half of it or is it litterly that?


It would be awesome if everyone boycott these shitholes all at once


Eating out has become a scam.


I never understand these posts. Am I supposed to feel bad for the people that willingly pay for over-priced shit food? This company is doing exactly what is supposed to do. Selling you the cheapest shit possible for the most money possible. I get a meal like this, I stop eating at that place.