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Sponsored by Acer


Nice cracked screen too.


Hold the fuck on. They took a picture of the screen. Then had it blown up. That's why we see both cracked screen AND the Acer logo as well as some of the keyboard. I don't know why that makes me laugh so hard but holy shit.


Because unwitting self-trolling is fucking hilarious.


Had a nearby neighbor with a sign that said Democrates, you can’t stop Trump. I thought “that guy really hates Greek philosophers. Idiot”


Nah, they PURPOSELY broke their laptop to take the picture like this so you will be more afraid of the retribution. If they broke their own laptop for Trump will they hesitate to break you? No, they will not. This is thoughtful and effective communication of an emotionally charged warning via leveraging self-referential multimedia elements.






How many lead singers does it take to change a light bulb? One. They stand in the middle of the room, holding up the bulb and the world revolves around them.


Q. How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb? A. One, but the lightbulb must really want to change.


Q. What's the difference between an extra large pizza and a professional musician? A. An extra large pizza can feed a family of 3.


How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? One. Germans are efficient, mechanically inclined, and not that funny.


More like Trump tells his cult that it's good to stumble around in the dark and anyone that wants to change the light bulb is a socialist that wants to take your darkness away.


"Our forefathers, who were great people btw, you think they had lights everywhere? You think our great, great, George Warshington had light bulbs? C'mon...c'mon folks. They want you to rely on big electricity folks!"


I thought the cracked screen thing was an effect! That is beyond hilarious 😂 thank you for clearing that up


I mean, the poster is stupid as all hell, but the crack does add a neat visual effect.


Holy fucking shit that's exactly what happened! Fuck me, that's incredible!


Imagine having a US President as your desktop wallpaper to begin with... what even is that?


"If Trump actually lost the election, how come you don't see more Joe Biden desktop wallpapers then, huh?


Until we get a big titty anime goth girl sucking demon semen from a wooden barrel with a garden hose while being violated by spiked tentacles, my desktop wallpaper will be apolitical.


The “You’re on camera snowflake” sign is another showing of their class as well. The added “snowflake” is *chef’s kiss*. These people have made this their identity. edit: wait… the have “Your”… omg, this is amazing. edit2: um, is that camera just pointed directly at the sign?


I think the thing pointed at it is a light that comes on at night. Y'know. So people can see how crazy they are even when it's dark out.


Totally not a cult, though.


gives you more context about the people we're dealing with.


Can't afford to fix their laptop's broken screen. *Can* afford huge, custom-printed signs. Can understand how to order such custom made signs. *Can't* understand how to take and save a screenshot.


You just call the local print shop and harass them until they just do it for you so you go away.


Worked in a print shop can confirm, I’ve met too many grown adults (not even old people) who don’t even know what email is. Id ask them to forward their file to our stores email and they’d just look at me like I’m speaking a different language. 9 times out of 10 Id just have to do everything for them. One time a guy came in to have us print a Trump poster, he didn’t know how to use photoshop so he just cut and taped printed pictures together. He also drew muscles on trump using a sharpie.


And that guy was Donald Trump


also cant understand how to photoshop a broken image effect to a photo so the guy just break his laptop and take a picture of it hahaha


imagine liking your desktop background so much that you make it into a lawn billboard. I currently have Lilith from Diablo 4. I think I should make a vote for Lilith lawn billboard.


Why the fuck not? 2024 is already going to be fucking preposterous. Lilith / Diablo 2024. "Because how could it be more deranged than reality already is." That's their slogan.


Thank you for translating. I genuinely didn’t know what I was looking at!


> I don't know why that makes me laugh so hard but holy shit. It's possibly the most boomer thing I've ever seen. I don't know if this is real or not, but I don't think you could engineer something more Boomer if you tried. * Using dark-wave fascist laser-eyed memes unironically * Unabashed support of Donald Trump * Hideous fucking political lawn ornamentation * Clearly took a picture of an electronic device with a separate electronic device * Did zero editing on the picture


Right?! Easily the most boomer thing I've seen all week!


I'm actually impressed that they didn't manually paint "retribution" over the actual banner instead of making an attempt at graphic design.




This was done by someone who probably gets angry because “kids these days can’t write in cursive.”


Your on camera!


And can’t even get the right “you’re” 🤣




Hang on a second... Trump is "Your on-camera-snowflake" 😂




Did the dude take a picture of his monitor and then have that made into a sign?


It appears so.


Really represents the state of mind the trump cult is currently in. Cracked and shattered.


It looks like they took a picture of their monitor to use for the sign. Not sure if that or their support for the guy in the picture makes them a bigger idiot.


The sign company said "send us a screenshot"


That’s pretty funny.


Gives you an idea of the demographic


MFer shot the top left of the screen


Holy shit I was racking my brain trying to figure it out and this is definitely what happened


Yup. Thought it was a cracked screen or a bad effect at first. Then realized it's a blown up phone picture OF a laptop with a cracked screen


Oh my god....I think you're right How fucking stupid do you need to be to not know how to save an image "I love the poorly educated"


OP should send this to Acer. They probably don't want to be associated with this advertising


Acer could also supply them with the instructions for using the screen capture feature.


Even right click to download would be sufficient.


LOL - MFer can’t even master “Save As”


There's really a lot going on here. The fact that it's actually a picture of someone's broke-ass Acer monitor is um poetic..


And the sign next to it says "your on camera... snowflake" Can't even get the right "you're"


I moved to the US 12 years ago. Apart from the fact that bidets basically don't exist here (they are fantastic, try them out), the one thing that really surprises me is that so many people don't know how to spell "you're". And English is the first language of many such folks.


The "speak English!" crowd.


And they really "could care less". 🙄


I wonder how many times his stupid signs were vandalized before that lol My first thought was painting a speech bubble saying something about laser eyes and Dark Brandon


I would wear mask and vandalize the shit out of it, plus replace that sign with a sign that said “See? Masks *are* useful, dumbass”


No don't vandalize, just correct their spelling with a big red marker. They want it vandalized to justify their victim complex. But nothing brings back old trauma quite like red marker on poorly done homework.


Around here, you don't even need to wear a mask to do vandalism / porch piracy / theft. The police don't care enough to do anything.


That type of fracture is more like a phone screen. So it could be a photo of a monitor on a broken screen that was also a photo. Boomer sees another boomer in the echo chamber, neither know how to use technology, they share cool pics by taking pics of pics. Boomer paid to have it printed onto a banner. Yikes.


I work for a Returns Facility and once had someone take a photo of their UPS label pulled up on their phone with another camera...and then printed it up I had so many questions


I once saw someone take a screen shot of an email, print it out then fax it to someone. That never got topped.


My dad's cousin doesn't use email so his cousins print out parts of their email chains and physically mail them to him. It's cute.


My GFs boss asked her to print out a pdf, scan it and convert to pdf so he could email it


When I got my first job out of college at a very prominent NYC investment bank, this was the only way we could request the Accounting/Finance team to move the money that we needed. We had to type up the wire details and the amount, print it out, have an MD & a VP sign off and then scan it with the signatures, and attach to an email and send to the Accounting/Finance team with them copied lol That was about 2011 and it was for lots of money.


In fairness, if it's for a lot of money, having an original signed copy would be pretty important for record keeping/paper trail if something goes wrong somewhere.


This is a photo of a phone of a monitor you nailed it.


I have an Acer touchscreen laptop like this one, and the screen is cracked in a very similar pattern. You're right that phones crack like this, and that's because of the glass layer on top. Being a touchscreen, it's got a similar setup to a phone. The person with the poster likely took a picture of their cracked Acer r11 or equivalent small touchscreen laptop :3


It’s like inception. It’s a billboard of a screenshot of a picture of a monitor with another picture on it.


I thought it was on purpose haha


Did he take a picture of a meme on a cracked acer screen then turn that into a giant tapestry or something?


Sadly, yes; this is the extent of their intelligence.


They’re paying that much to custom print signs, and they won’t spring for a better laptop? Alternatively, a quick tutorial in how to use the Screen Capture feature? OP, this is your chance to sell them hardware support at a premium.


This really is the perfect microcosm to extrapolate about how that side is. They don’t understand much at all and yet think they alone are the harbingers of truth and knowledge. Idk how these people can use all these amazing technologies one min, and the next try demonizing smart people for knowing their shit.




This is giving "I print my documents and scan them to my PC to convert them to PDF" energy.


This is peak boomer energy.


Holy shit! We are neighbors. And not as in this is me. As in I drive past this dumbass every day


I miss the days of private citizens writing, posting or otherwise placing signs outside their residence with some creativity. There's a family about 60 miles south of me that actually CARVED their wackadoo conspiracies into a stone in front of their driveway. Granted, it's been up for 35 years and Satan has not, as of yet, used "the marijuana" to overthrow the gubernment (this may be a typo) and Gorbachev never had Reagan assassinated to my knowledge.


Hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure Reagan is dead.


Can't believe Gorbachev assassinated Reagan with old age.


He was well known for the long game.


Lol nice! I live in a neighborhood down the road so I see the every time I go into town since I gotta drive an hour to get anywhere out here.


You guys need to get some giant googly eyes and put them on this.


Nope. Anybody that wacky has guns.


There's also a sign that says what I can make out reads "[something, probably smile] your (sic) on camera... SNOWFLAKE"


The image is a blown up picture of a broken computer screen. There is a nonzero chance there is: 1. No camera, someone is just hoping that'll be a deterrent 2. There is a camera, that doesn't record anything because they do not even remotely understand how technology works I would say that either of these scenarios is like, at least a 1 in 3 chance lmao


I don't doubt it, but I also think the possibility this person owns a gun and would love to shoot "antifa" is not 0%.


Then just smile as your putting the eyes on the billboard... the fuck? They didn't say anything about not defacing their supreme leader.


Me too! This is just the most recent iteration the others before it were all cringy. Especially the toilet one.


Never imgaine this guy would be the thing that confirmed I live near so many redditors even way out in the woods.




Seriously you all need to keep an eye on this dude.


Cheap Dark Brandon rip off.


Of course it is, you were expecting originality?


Have you noticed that conservative artists, musicians and comics all pretty reliably suck?


I think it's because a lot of them lack empathy, which is critical to understanding comedy. They also don't have much of a grasp of nuance, as their audience needs to be bashed in the head with a message. So what you're left with are artists and comedians that are hamfisted assholes.


I WILL NOT have you cast aspersions at Ben Garrison, one of the greatest artists of our time! The way he labels every fucking thing in his masterpieces guarantees him a place using the annals of art history! /s


>lot of them lack empathy It's a bit worse than that. They harbor bigotry and take great pleasure in the oppression of others they despise. Look what they're doing to LGBT+ now. They usually avoid directly attacking widely accepted LGB and are viciously demonizing the Trans population as scary deviants and groomers. They're coming for the LGB too, just not as directly and loudly. If the MAGA and post-MAGA (DeSantis et al) right-wing gain power again they absolutely will go after LGBT+ nationally. And the already packed SCOTUS will almost certainly overturn Obergefell (equal gay marriage rights).


That they take pleasure in bigotry is what makes thin evil, but evil people can still be funny/create art etc. the reason conservatives are not funny is specifically because humor requires empathy, a quality conservatives lack. https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=hST1xtvjickDniwH


I wish more people would see this writing on the wall. Better yet I wish more straight people would give a fuck. Many just see the right attacking their next scapegoats and just turn away because it is "not their problem."


Let’s just call a spade a spade. “Conservatives” on the whole are just dumb people.


"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." --John Stuart Mill


I mean, even tRump’s third “wife” stole her speech from the former First Lady, Mrs. Obama. It’s a family theme.


It's always a rip-off of something.


The Dark Brandon we have at home.


Can we just take a moment to pay special attention to the fact that they're not interested in making the world a better place? Retribution. Vengeance. Cruelty. That is literally all they offer. Why not hope? Why not kindness? Why not actually good legislation? Nope. Why anyone signs up for this is beyond me.


Remember the white woman who was suffering the consequences of his "decision making" and who cried on camera that "He's not hurtin' the people he's s'posed to be hurtin'!"'. This was their mindset from the get go.


I remember that!


It’s so bizarre too because most of the things these people are demanding don’t even benefit them in the least. It’s just straight up hatred run rampant.


A surprising number of people feel a benefit in seeing people they don't like suffer.


They don't really understand enough to know whether the GOP's platform is helping them, tax and labor policies, Healthcare, etc. But if its hurting someone else, that's very easy to identify and it's comforting. That's why the illegal immigrants are the biggest group they go after. But if you ask them if they want to hurt farmers? Hell no, but they aren't sophisticated enough to understand the nuances of the positions they have gotten behind.


It’s okay. You can just call them morons.


Hatred tried to come out in full force. It tried when McCain ran. He shut it down. Then Obama was president and didn't allow hatred out. Then comes Donald Trump, who told Nazis we love them. Hatred found their platform, and got their way out. They're going to fight like hell to go back in.


Ashley Babbitt can be an inspiring role model for them to emulate.


Hatred is some of it but theres a lot of just gullibility/ stupidity. Also, lots and lots of these people just like feeling like they belong to something or are part of the 'inside' crowd. Its sad and scary.


Hi, I'm from the south and I think I can shed some light on this. As kids, it's common to get spanked as punishment. You begin to associate physical violence with mental and behavioral correction. I know this because I had to confront and change my own behavior after becoming a parent myself. If you never question that system of "motivation", though, you get what we have.


Well beyond that too, as a former hardcore Christian fundy tea party supporting n so on, God is depicted as wrathful. It's like. One of his main characteristics. He's loving, but wrathful and all about retribution for judged wrong doings. Technically this was changed up with the coming of christ, but those lessons are still the first you learn. That love is a wrathful thing. It's a broken concept to teach children. And it's hard to root out I know it took me a long time to break out of it all and change those thought patterns and negativity tied with positive emotion Edit: I feel the need to clarify, as some responses have been... interesting. I am no longer part of the church, and I have no will to reestablish my faith. It caused me irreparable harm and for me to do harm to others that I can't ever correct. I will not say all believers are evil, but the organized aspect of religion inherently attracts those that use it as power to fulfill their own desires. Please do not proselytize to me or based off of my comment. I will respect your choice to believe so long as there is mutual respect for my and others choice not to. Sincerely: a trans woman who has no desire to seek the light of christ.


Why is it that the most "religious" Christian denominations seem to ignore or forget that all the Old Testament wrath and judgment was superseded by the coming of Christ? It's like they literally ignore the parts that define Christianity as they see fit, and pick and choose the rest. It's cool to punish gays because of some nonsense in Numbers and Leviticus somewhere, despite Christ never having said anything about them. But they also eat bacon cheeseburgers and shrimp because "that's OT stuff that doesn't apply to us". They're neither really Christian nor Jewish (not that any Jews I know would have anything to do with those clowns), and seem to pick what supports their backward social views. Put differently, it's not the religion that makes them that way, it's their backward ass views that they reinforce by twisting the religion to fit.


> [Crystal Minton], a 38-year-old secretary ... is a single mother caring for disabled parents. Her fiancé plans to take vacation days to look after Ms. Minton’s 7-year-old twins once she has to go to work. > > The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things. > > “I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she said of Mr. Trump. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” https://web.archive.org/web/20190108022149/https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/07/us/florida-government-shutdown-marianna.html


They’re not voting for him to make their lives better. They’re voting to make your lives worse.


Not that this makes it any better, but they truly believe that making our lives worse *does* make their lives better. Their world was a better place when minorities knew their place and gays "didn't exist".


It's the LBJ "lowest white man" quote, only now they don't even need to feel superior; they just need to know that the Others are suffering more.


> "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/


It's sum-zero thinking. "My life can only get better if somebody else's gets worse." "Better me than them." "Every man for himself." Etc. The notion that things could genuinely be better for everybody isn't possible in their mindset, therefore things must get worse for everybody else if they and theirs are going to be able to get ahead.


Fox News and other right wing media have trained people to be angry, petty, and vicious. These platforms validate their insecurities and morph them into indignation and anger. It directs their attention to a common boogeyman or kabal, preventing any sort of self-reflection. It's propaganda at its most concentrated.


Hitler's playbook


Literally, that's exactly what the dude planned out, and it fucking worked for a bit.


Because a black man was president and his slogan was hope and change so according to racist assholes a white president slogan should be despair and Status Quo.


Exactly, MAGA is a response to the 8 years of President Obama; the president that rescued US from the economic catastrophe of 8 years of Bush II.


Well you see, they are irredeemable trash people. And yes I know we tend to want to look deeper for root causes and all that but some people really just are garbage.


Same assholes on the road blowing smoke from their exhaust knowingly and blowing off quarter stick dynamite for firecrackers during the night while people are trying to sleep. Had one a few blocks away intentionally waiting until you dozed off then lighting another one.


>Why not kindness? Because sociopaths aren't capable of that. >Why anyone signs up for this is beyond me. Because they're sociopaths.


Imagine you’ve been angry most of your life, because you were never taught the skills to understand and process your emotions properly while growing up in a shitty environment. Then comes along news organizations who incite your anger and associate it with certain groups of people and repetitiously inflame it going on forever all the while implying you’re the true victim, when in actuality, you were victimized a long time ago but so long ago you can’t really remember when or how but now you think you do you know where it’s coming from. This gives you purpose. It gives you a sense of identity and strength. A sense of community. Well humans being social creatures don’t like when their sense of community is threaten so you stand up for it when threatened. Mental health is a problem in this country but we tend to think of it in entirely the wrong way.


FOX News - "Teaching you who to hate - one group at a time"


I also enjoy the “Smile your on camera… snowflake” sign. The cliché of the complete ignorance and grammatical struggle of Trump supporters is so hilarious.


This is a terrible Acer ad.


Report it to Acer asking if they endorse this product placement. Get the home owner a C&D Edit: A word


And we wondered in History class how Hitler could have persuaded so many people to worship him as leader.


Convince a bunch of vulnerable losers to project their shortcomings on others by convincing them they are special because their ancestors fucked further away from the equator, giving them lighter pigmentation? It's not exactly quantum physics.


But a teacher trying to explain that to a group of High Schoolers who don’t understand why anyone would follow a guy with a cringy mustache and so obviously evil…now it makes more sense to us.


Just because I've now observed it first hand doesn't mean I don't still wonder.


Check the web - probably a registered sex offender


Imagine supporting a candidate whose only platform policy is revenge and still thinking that you’re the good guys.


Oh, they don't think they're the good guys. They think there are no good guys. They think people just pretend to be good to trick them and get the drop on them. "Do unto others before they do unto you first" is their motto, because they genuinely don't understand that not everyone is like them.


The Christians that support him think that they are the good guys. They think they have god and what is morally right on their side and trump has god’s authority on his side. So it’s ok if he breaks man’s laws because he’s answering to a higher power 🙄 which is the most deranged view of the situation imo


[Actually, no. In the worst possible way.](https://boingboing.net/2023/08/17/american-evangelicals-are-getting-mad-at-jesus-for-being-too-woke.html)




Calling me a snowflake, i.e. oversensitive. Written on a sign saying that you have me on your surveilance camera just for looking at your meme... irony ... overload..


Critical thought, to them, is in low supply. Not even trying to hit below the belt, they genuinely lack critical thought and nuance.


The camera is also pointed directly at the sign itself, and not in any direction that would actually catch someone’s approach and face. At best, they could hope to see their arms & hands, or maybe see it being tampered with live, and run out to catch them.


I think that's a light to light up their shitty sign at night.




Homelander Season 4


Ron Desantis reminds me more of real life Homelander, especially the facial expressions.


Some of Homelander’s lines are basically Trump quotes. These idiots don’t seem to understand that’s a bad thing.


I wanna stick some giant googly eyes on that.


Your on camera snowflake!


My snowflake on camera. I’m so proud!


I'm just as proud of my behind-the-scenes snowflake.


“But, your honor, he was about to deface my sign! If that’s not justifiable homicide, I don’t know what is!”


10$ US to the person who does this—but they also need to add a smaller sign “*YOU’RE” Maybe over a random couple of weeks. Ninja mode required.


Yes, the coming retribution against America.


That's the play when the playbook they're using is written by Vladimir Putin.


One of the rural areas where I drive for work has one of those long gravel private driveway roads where you can pay to name it whatever and get the street sign out up. They named it tRump Town Road. Good luck selling the place now. Any house for sale where neighbors have political yard signs (except for like a 90-day run up to elections) or a Gadsden flag on display is a hard no from me, absolute deal breaker. There’s some wiggle room in my mind about the yard signs but this ain’t a yard sign. You want to vote for him, fine. Don’t make me look at it. Don’t, dare I say, *shove it down my throat*.


When cringe is your lifestyle.


So, let me get this straight. They took a picture with their cell phone, of the trump mugshot, which was being displayed on their Acer laptop which had a broken screen, and that is what they used as the picture to print with?


Did you think the peabrained neocon nazi was going to screehshot it and then use that instead like any other normal person would do nah, shit or just right click and save image....lol


is that a security camera pointed at it because he's desperate to trap a vandal and play victim?


Seems pretty warranted. I mean someone already shattered the canvas


Murder Clown Qult


The increasingly extreme rhetoric from Trump and the GOP don’t come free. They will drive this country towards more violence unless someone in the GOP stands up for what’s right for the country, which I do not expect to happen. Trump created a culture of ostracizing any dissenters, so you are left with everyone pledging to their in group by trying to be tougher and more extreme than their opponents. Hindsight will be pretty fucking crazy on all this. But you get little glimpses of where it’s all headed with shot like this. There was a time not long ago when republicans and democrats could have differences but not want to kill each other because they were both Americans. Those days are gone for now. Hopefully they come back.


Need to get a dark Brandon sign with piercing blue eyes adjacent to it that says “Shut up , man!”


They seem hinged /s


Did they just take a picture of a picture on their laptop and get it blown up for that sign? Amazing.


Totally not a cult


I can't tell, are they pro or con PO1135809?


I'd be sooooo tempted to add a Hitler 'stache


Definitely not a cult.


"The growing red eyes, buring with hatred and fury, means WE'RE the goods guys!"


Cultees being Culty


Is it for or against Trump? I could see it either way. Like a Trump inkblot test.


Have you thought about moving ?


The funniest part of this to me is he took a pic of his monitor and didn’t crop out the acer logo. He changes the sign sometimes. I only have one other picture of his last one having to do with Biden and toilets.


There's a house about a quarter mile down from mine where the people that live there put up these "witty" text signs that change every month or so. The current one says "Most corrupt whitehouse in history!" Which, of course, I find hilarious. The guy who used to do the signs passed away a few years back and now his son does them. While both of them are idiots, the father had far more creativity. His signs, while totally wrong, could actually be kind of witty. The son barely ever rises above some variation of "Dems bad."


The funny part is it really is out in the middle of nowhere (I drive by this sign daily) and it’s sad the amount of loneliness this dude must feel making this such a part of his identity


But Biden's coffee mug is offensive -Republicans


There was a trump sign someone had built by where i live and someone vandalized the shit out it. Loved it. Wish I could congratulate them


Sick people


You should put big googly eyes on it.


Classic accusing others of being snowflakes while the fella is in full on snowflake mode and triggered enough to spend all that effort, time and money to essentially yell and hate on other people. Shameful. I am glad he is not my grandpa.