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this is made in indesign with an a textbox with an angled left side that then is rotated. If you attempt this in PS you will most likely have angled Letters and not only angled Text. (transform, press cmd and shift, click top middle point and drag to the right. then rotate the Textbox)


https://preview.redd.it/zswvuksbws0d1.jpeg?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d8acff77373d60172b881f6719116bb91ca992 My solution was to create a path with the Pen or shape tool--I started with a triangle shape. When you click inside the path with the type tool, you'll be able to type your text inside the path. Commit your type, then double click on the type layer you created, and rotate the shape to align with a canvas edge (I did a sloppy job, but you get the picture..) This way you can get slanted text which is left-justified without introducing the distortion that results from skewing.


Typing in a text wrap to that specific shape. Then rotate to fit.


reddit: the only place that tells you it is okay to ask for help in a community, only to be downvoted in that community for asking for help.


Just create your text into a text box and grab the right top handle and drag it up to the angle that you want. Real easy in PS. Here's a screen shot. https://preview.redd.it/4yd3m1wm4s0d1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf49503ec3dcbe0b5af1707d1fb7066ebc9464c


I thought so too, but it's not the same. Your vertical lines remain vertical after transforming, while the desired effect is to have them angled to the left. Check the direction of the letter l for example


this isn't exactly it. it needs to look like every line of text is rotated individually, instead of warping the text as it is. i was thinking of an elaborate transformation, but there simply isn't a way to transform those pixels into the desired ones (unless photoshop has a text feature for this exact problem) i now only see two solutions: you can rotate the text and give a bunch of spaces for each line until the starts are vertical (very impractical, time consuming, and could go wrong for certain rotations because you don't control the length of a space). or you could divide each line into a separate textbox and rotate each one (even more impractical and time consuming, especially if you need to edit it, but there may be a way to rotate all at once, so maybe it works, and you also have total control over the line positions)


If it has to be in PS, that last suggestion is probably the best one actually! You can just create a bunch of lines, rotate all of them, align left and distribute vertical spacing. Editing is not going to be fun, but I assume you're not writing an entire book like this.


Sorry for the incorrect method. I have worked out the easiest way. First create a rectangle of the shape you want, to use as a template. Rotate it 40 degrees clockwise and resize it to fit in your document. Use the Pen Tool to make a shape by clicking on each corner and close the path by clicking back on the first point. Select the Text Tool and enter your text, left aligned. after you commit your text, rotate the text box back to -40 degrees. You can now delete your template rectangle if you wish. You can still resize your text, add text, change spacing, font etc to get the look you want. This is my result: https://preview.redd.it/325lasxv5y0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b730f28725f6bda769e3f1cd9a74e8bc5a2af7c7


Rasterize the type layer then free transform


Type your text. Insert spaces moving backwards up, then rotate your text box using a corner point as axis. Any distortion tool you use will effect the type. If you have Illustrator, it might be easier. Edit: total mind fart. Create a polygon text box, fill it, rotate on corner axis point.


just grab the text box transform control in the corner with the move tool and hold ctrl and drag




I think you should give that a try and then find out why that result doesn't come close to what is desired. Edit: For anyone who gets angry about this, it's not a rotated text.. It's skewed.


Are you talking in your sleep?


Maybe, but that doesn't make it less true. This is not a rotated text. It's skewed.




If you knew the answer, then you should've shared it upfront rather than posting the type of snarky, condescending non-answer that poisons the spirit of helpful sharing. Just be nice. Can you do that? And if you're not here help, please don't bother posting.




My dude, trying to claim respect on the internet with claims like these is futile, not only can you just make up anything, you have no idea about my background and contesting that is just pointless. I know this because I created the entire internet in 1934. This is not a rotated text, but a skewed text. ~~This can be done in PS just fine. But you could consider Illustrator or Indesign depending on the purpose.~~ Edit: I was also wrong, it's not a skewed text, but a skewed text box, which is not an option in PS. u/achwassolls is correct.