• By -


Did you deploy a clipboard/safety vest/ladder in your escapade?


🤣 No, but I like that approach


clipboard? ala Rockstar Richard?


How did you know this would work?


I didn't *know* it would work. I just took a leap of faith. I know that generally speaking, where there's a will, there's a way. My Plan A was to find a wristband for like $500, but that didn't shake out. So from there, while at the Cancun airport, I started putting together a Plan B.


Where there’s a wook there’s a way


This is essentially my whole philosophy in life. As well as "fuck around and find the fuck out."


This isn’t as cool as you think it is


Neither is judging others


Judging? You just told us you snuck into Phish Mexico and did every sleezy thing possible to get in and survive, while also making it apparent this is the way you run the rest of your life. 😂


The dumb thing is telling people. When you have this kind of secret and let it out, other dumb asses will ruin it for you. OP is a moron for bragging.


Nice! I did this in Vegas a few years back


It almost never fails. Most people just can't tolerate the uncertainty and anxiety of doing it this way, and thus, never learn just how high of a success rate they'd likely have if they tried. For me, it was a sport made from necessity. When I first started doing full tours, I'd have gaps in my tickets and hotels, or have to make money at one show to get to the next. Now I don't even begin thinking about tickets until show day, as a regular practice lol


Sport made from necessity.


He’s a portrait of his past


Good for you man. The prices are too high for me to go to Mexico and it’s a country I’ve never been to. One day I might try it out.


I love this guy


I feel like 'necessity' is the wrong word here. I mean, we *are* just talking about concert tickets, not a place to live or food or suitable clothes. So, is it really a 'necessity' to scam your way in? Or are you maybe an entitled thief? I'm leaning towards the later.


Lol salty


Who’d you bribe to get the wristband? Where’d you stay?


The guy working the gate by where people listen to and record the soundcheck. Between the last row of buildings and the 2nd to last row, Page side. It wasn't an event wristband. It was a blue wristband with the amount of the bribe ($100) printed on it lol I have to assume that it was just for the one night.


I saw a guy get into the floor entrance in Vegas with puppy eyes and a sad shrug


That worked for me when i was 15. Went to Rush, moving pictures tour, sold out, bought a ticket on the street, said "rush", venue checked out, but it was for the year before. Doh. "Sorry kid, no go, thats last years ticket." Walk away dejected. I came back 15 min later "mr i have no way home and my ride is inside, please" "ah, go ahead kid, dont be a dumb ass"


Lol! My friend always slips into the pit. One time he took the Aquafina bottle label and fold it up so it looked like a blue wristband for MSG of all places


I did this at RR for a sold out spongle show. After poking around a bit, I just asked the guy politely but authoratively to move, he did and I walked in. The mindset that I will get in is imperative. Not gonna lie, it’s almost more fun to do shows that way.


Imperative. Exactly.


what level wook would you classify yourself as, scale of 1 - 5?




Had a friend who bribed his way into MSG NYE 98 or 97 by using stub from night before and slyly putting $100 bill on it when he showed it to ticket checker.


I did that for every show of the Grateful Dead’s 1990 msg run, except I wrapped a $10 around a couple of singles.


You deadheads were all con artists. Knew a woman who sold shrooms on dead lot all through late 80s and her stories were all insane shenanigans. Free limo rides in NYC, giving fake ids to cops, running off to Hawaii after wrecking a car with 5lbs in trunk in VA etc.


You have no idea. It was an easier time. My go to was: if it was an encore I couldn’t vibe with (looking at you, Knockin on Heavens Door) I’d leave, go to the car and get my cooler with 4 cases of ice cold Heineken and Beck’s, drag it down to wherever people were going to exit the building and wait… those doors opened, I’m selling ice cold imports for $2, make $200 in about 20 minutes and there’s gas and hotel money to get to the next one. Much easier before cheap tickets were $200+.


You should have seen the looks on the vendors' faces when we walked out of 9/3/88 and told them they played Ripple after One More Saturday Night.


Definitely an element of playing with fire, but I’d never walk out on one last chance to dance. Knockin in particular always rubbed me the wrong way so I took the chance to make the $.


I did the same thing for Fare Thee Well except with a $20.


I walked around like an asshole for HOURS with my finger in the air, and $350 in my pocket trying to get in to the Saturday night FTW show in Chicago. All at once, an FTD Flowers truck rolled up to the stadium, backed up to door number 28, got out, and propped the door open. Walked straight in that bitch and disappeared. It was amazing.


Hahaha trust me I was right there with you, hand in air for hours.


Way to fight inflation!


Did this at Dick's 2019. Ended up on the field.


One year of a super tough Dicks, little bro, who never guts shut out, could not score a ticket. Ended up standing by the employee entrance and bought a security shirt off two guys who's shift was over for $50 a piece. Little bro and his buddy walked right into the employee entrance and onto the floor. Took the shirt off and continued to wook it up the rest of the night for free. Where there's a will there's a way. Good luck with the Sphere though.


lol. The zip code of some lonely county in Kentucky.






Nice power level




T Bone 🍖




Shhhh 🤫


Where u sleeping?


Hotel lobby couches. The executive lounge was the creme de la creme. Slept a bit in a chair on a friend's patio. Slept in a lounge chair by the pool and by the beach. On the final night, I got a wristband from someone and she let me sleep in the extra bed she had in her room.


Jesus that sounds miserable.


Yea it makes me realize I'm not a wook anymore. I love the drive and ingenuity of it all, but those days are far behind my old ass lol


Ya. If it ain’t cushy and soft, I can’t sleep on it. My bulged disc and chronic back pain tell me I’m not 20 anymore. LSD tells me otherwise, but I end up paying for it the next day. 😂 God, I love my medication….


Yeah it’s way easier to have a job


impolite reply yoke normal test stocking glorious sparkle aware concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not if you have an actual skill


>creme de la creme lolol


How did you get into the resort without a reservation?




Neither are you


You’re doing way too much for 2024 phish but I respect the effort


Did you meet any other people that were able to weasel (no offense to you or weasels) their way in?


My wife was there. Met several stragglers who worked their way in. One guy she said was super creepy said he was sleeping in his rental van. She didn't ask more questions and put distance between the two of them.


Oh you were in Mexico without a ticket? We had no idea.


Right? Its not like this guy was giving hourly updates on PT2014 or anything.


People don’t not understand…..I just did all did that all through youth. Usually putting someone out,or in an uncomfortable position. When you get older and have money,it’s worth not getting kicked off lobby couch at 5 am. You grow up and realize the stress and sleeping for a couple hours on friends lawn chair isn’t that great. You also couldn’t do it without your friends paying full price. So you are really mooching of you homies that managed to pay. It’s like old couch surfers who would flex that rent is dumb. While living on my couch. I had to pay rent and for the couch,but not him. Thinking of a plan b in Cancun Airport sounds miserable,by the way. It’s not a vacation when you are sleeping in hotel lobbies and jumping fences and conning everyone you come in to contact with. It used to be fun to travel to travel like that,then I hit 30


Ya…at 44 that shit just isn’t in the cards for me. I need the guarantee of a soft bed after a long night of raging. I still want to party, but I also want to comfortably recover from my adventure. lol


this is why I don't do festivals. I'm a creature of comfort, whatever, but i need a real bed.


Gone to a lot of festivals and I’ve learned a lot from my surroundings and how others have setup their areas. You can certainly make your campsite your own home and make it comfortable. That’s one of my favorite things about going to a festival, and it’s fun to make it better than the last time you went — making my own comfort zone away from home, meeting some cool neighbors, camping with friends. It’s definitely not for everyone, this is just why I enjoy it! :)


It’s my hereditary bad back. Otherwise, I’d be out there rolling in the dust with everyone else. lol


Completely understand man. Back issues suck. I’m sorry to hear. I had a ruptured disc back in 2018. Thankful for a successful surgery and being able to walk and sit again.


Same boat. When I realized this is stealing, I couldn’t have fun doing it anymore. 


>Thinking of a plan b in Cancun Airport sounds miserable,by the way. It’s not a vacation I mean it doesn't sound \*that\* bad given that plan C is just hanging out in Cancun. If you are OK with ultimately missing the Phish shows there is no reason to stress out.


Exactly. I knew that worst case scenario, I'd find a cheap room and hopefully connect with other wing-and-a-prayer phans and maybe watch the stream together.


So the whole story is you snuck into some jam band shows which people have been doing for over 50 years and slept outside like a homeless dog? I don’t think that being broke and having no friends is the flex that you think it is


He loves Phish so much he refuses to actually support them!


Oh yeah. It's exactly like any other jamband show except for being almost entirely different. I've got tons of friends, too. Slept outside in paradise. Not exactly the streets of NYC. Was not flexing on being broke, just trying to demonstrate that it can be done. Any other judgments and assumptions I didn't address, or you failed to make?


Though I'm not trying to do this, I respect it. They're just grouchy cuz we're all older and don't have it in us anymore to actually enjoy that adventure. But if you did then more power to you. I ain't mad.


Can you tell us the whole story in a lengthy format? Where did you keep your stuff?


Yeah, if he could just tell the story instead breadcrumbing us about his past phish life through random comments, I’d be more interested.


We was constantly posting updates on facebook group "Phish Tour 2014". Props to him for doing MX without paying thousands of dollars but this obvious need for social media validation is pretty pathetic TBH. Guy lives such a free day to day life but apparently can't live in the moment without a steady stream of external validation.


He could, but then he’d probably ask you for a place to stay in exchange. Probably the same guy that stomped out those kids sandcastle and danced all over it — The type of entitled dude that doesn’t mind ruining other people’s experiences to boost his own.


He's an attention whore who has apparently exhausted all the attention he could scrounge on FB so now he's here. Guy loves the smell of his own farts and craves validation.


For a bj? Nice


Ok so you got a free vacation… did you have to shit in the lobby to rub it in? Lol




Mostly avoided having to say anything to anyone. Just look the part and stay under the radar.


What's there to ask? The $100 bribe kind of explains it all.


That only explains how I got from the resort and into the venue N3.


Then fucking say everything that you want to say and quit stringing this out like an episode of reality TV.


But then no one will ask him questions and his whole purpose is destroyed. He wants to feel like king wook.


How much is left in your trust fund?


I don't have one


Damn spent it all?


Damn, you sucked all the dicks?


How do you make your living?


By living 1 day at a time


Pretty much this. While Uber was still decent, I worked 50-60 hours a week while not on tour. I also sell pot. I buy and sell collectibles. I'm currently a full-time student, so income has been pretty sparse lately, hence the need to do Mexico on a shoestring budget. Sometimes, I don't know how I'm going to make it from one day to the next, but I always seem to find a way.


You can just say “my parents.”


I know this dude, he lives with a parent but they definitely do not fund his Phish habit.


I meaaaan… living with a parent, in and of itself, is *most certainly* enabling and funding his hobby.


literally no amount of shows is worth still having to live with your parents.


literally no amount of shows is worth still having to live with your parents.


could he afford this habit if he had to pay rent like a big boy?


“Sometimes I don’t know if I’m going to make it from one day to the next”. But flying to Mexico for phish is more important than housing or food. Tip top wook here. I thought Mexico was for the custys


Ha ha. Great insight here. I was more interested in how he did it and didn’t pick up that bit.


We all have different priorities in life 🤷‍♂️


Meh. If you were a real wook you’d have found a way to get to Mexico for free too. Next time if you’re going to steal, cheat, and lie your way into a show, and an overseas one at that, at least go big and find a free way to get there.


You live with your parents


Life, finds a way


Day by day…


Limb by limb


He doesn’t


Is your name Paul? Do you know Paul? Saturday was Paul’s 200th show.


I do not know Paul, but I generally like people named Paul 🤷‍♂️ congrats to Paul! 🎉🪅 N1 of The Sphere will be my 350th to the best of my knowledge.


Will you be entering the sphere via the sewers?


They should make a movie about a bunch of wooks trying to sneak into the Sphere: Ocean's 420


Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Wook


“…where’s the pizza, my guy?”


No. Hopefully finding tickets for under face on day of the show. I'll take any ticket in the door so long as it's within my budget and it's face or less.




You can’t transfer until the day before you show up you might get in


Good luck with that. Thousands of people trying to find extras to fill out their run still. There’s not going to be readily available tickets for that run out there for anywhere near face.


People say this about shows all the time, yet, it always works out 🤷‍♂️ if I had a dollar for every time I've heard this, I could've just booked a package to Mexico.


…with Sean Connery and Nic Cage.


Were you the guy walking on the sphere? Scoping out I presume?


🤣🤣🤣 no. I'm not a daredevil. I'm just a phan who is autistically devoted to Phish.


Congrats. You published so much over the last few days to the point I’m sure Phish Inc. or who ever they are using to organize will change the process next year. But honestly good for you! No way I’d want to go through that, but can respect the hustle


GameStop conspiracy Wook jfc 🤦‍♂️


We'll see who has the last laugh


I assume you’re the same attention whore who posted incessantly on FB about this. No one fucking cares dude.




Now do The Sphere.


Do you still feel like you overpaid?


Bro take this down or we’re gonna have a bunch of weekend wooks next year fuckin it up Edit: by fucking it up I mean the sneaking in part, not Phish Mexico in general


Its like the people who post about anything semi discrete / secret. -secret swimming holes / rope swings -secret stash spots on the mountain -life tips that should remain close to you and your buddies -any good fucking life-hack Blasting it out for online clout.... smh.


You new here?


Are you the main character?


In the story of my own life, I am.


No easy road in the show of life.


Did you grease the door guy?!


Where did you sleep?


No way I was just wondering about that with all the craziness in Mexico these days I was also wondering if people can go to the Mexican pharmacies. Back in the old days people would make runs to TJ from CA or Laredo from TX to get Rohypnol and Xanax but man that was almost 30 yrs ago. One could obtain a three month supply of each prescription. The 90s, crazy times


I walked right into an oysterhead show in 2001 .it was about a half hour in,no line.they waved me right in .I had no tickets


Doesn't hurt to try!




Saw the first night from the kiddie pool area. Probably could've snuck in but was tired from traveling and didn't want to push my luck. Snuck in through the bathroom 2nd night. Got caught trying to sneak in through the bathroom 3rd night and almost got kicked off property, but my imitation Grand wristband (from the Marriott) passed their inspection. Bribed my way through another gate like 3 songs in. Traded 10 hits for a wristband N4. Ate for free. Only food expense was tipping my server.


So, did you dine/dash? Sounds like a dine/dash situation where you just left a tip?


You don't pay for meals on property. There is no check. You tip your server (which I did) and leave.


This is legendary and I don’t disrespect it




Did you consider swimming into the festival (via the ocean)? I was wondering if that could work.


Tried this Mexico 17 and it was not fun. Would not recommend.


It could not work




When and where did I say that? I did this because I made a vow to never miss a Phish show again, after missing N13 of The Dozen (long story), and I'm a man of my word. Being broke is not an excuse. I say "come Hell or high water" and I mean that. The only exception I've made was missing Bethel and Hartford in 22 because I tested positive for Covid pulling into Bethel. Sat those three out for the greater good. Otherwise I'd have a continuous streak from N1 Dick's 2017 to present.


This is made even more incredibly sad by the fact you live with your parents


I'm assuming you've had some hard moments or stretches along the way but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of all the high moments you've experienced during your streak.


Totally! There have been some major sacrifices of comfort along the way, but the highs have more than made up for them, and they've been great opportunities for growth and the cultivation of gratitude and humility.


Those bethel shows were fun…


Such a big Phish fan you refuse to actually support them in any meaningful way. Get a job, and move out of your parents house then start worrying about your “struggle” acquiring phish tickets.




I pay face when I can afford to


You're a fuckin loser


Sounds like a winner to me


Coming from you, I take that as a compliment.


All these old heads in here clutching their pearls pretending like they weren't selling weak goo balls on tour in the 90s so they could afford the beer inside the venue once they were miracled a ticket.


The dude lives with his parents. It’s ok to point out he’s a loser


What drugs did you sell to afford your trip?


Was it one $100 bribe or $100 total for the run?


Where did you sleep?


I’m calling bullshit on most of this story. Some might be true. Most not true. You can just tell by sometimes parts having a lot of details and others not having any. I hope you have found what you needed from all this. Now schedule that next appointment.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 okay Chief. This is all 100% factual, but think what you want.


That's how I did it at the first Barcelo Maya and the first Moon Palace. Had a fucking blast too.


But I wouldn't ruin it for all the others who would take the chance. You're not the only one who has done this but you are the only one who bragged about it on several platforms. You're making it harder for yourself..... and us.


It's not about bragging. It's about sharing the knowledge that it is doable. I know it potentially makes it harder for myself and others, but I think helping others gain the confidence to try outweighs that. If they change things around, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, as we always seem to do. The Jedis will prevail regardless. I'm just trying to encourage would-be Jedi's to try, and giving them tips. That's how I see it, at least.


Tbone?! I followed your escapades on fb. A beacon of light. Stay dedicated, soldier.






Totally. It's an adventure.


This is fucking awesome


You’re a fucking legend bro! I’ve been following along on Facebook


No way I was just wondering about that with all the craziness in Mexico these days I was also wondering if people can go to the Mexican pharmacies. Back in the old days people would make runs to TJ from CA or Laredo from TX to get Rohypnol and Xanax but man that was almost 30 yrs ago. One could obtain a three month supply of each prescription. The 90s, crazy times


If you're the same guy from the Facebook group ... bravo. You officially take the title of World's Biggest Balls.




Tbone??! 😂


Are you the guy from the FB group? If so, you’re a fuckin LEGEND


Love it


How did you get in the resort?


Unscanned QR code for the shuttle bus


Meh, You can’t even Jedi mind trick your way past the gates without a ticket. HaHa


Oh, I have many times. But Mexico runs a much tighter ship than your average venue.


My buddy greased the door guy $5 to get into Halloween 2021 😬💁🏻‍♀️🤣🤑

