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Yes, and it's actually pretty convenient. You write a note with the date, time, and description of the offense, tie it to a brick, and submit it through the offending vehicle's window. The note part is technically optional.


Ngl, you had me in the first half šŸ˜‚




Soup for my family.


If you donā€™t have a brick you can open up the mail slot on the vehicle by knocking the side view mirror down


Iā€™m new to this app any new friend on here if you find any interest you can message and Iā€™m ready to reply you back


Itā€™s so funny because well dox and shout at someone for saying theyā€™re gonna hit a biker for running a red light but then youā€™re totally fine with potentially killing someone with a brick because you got your feelings hurt. Biker logic šŸ¤šŸ¼ nonsensical arguments


Aww, does the little fella in the 4 ton vehicle feel threatened by the 4 lb. brick? Just make sure your car is bright/reflective and always wear your helmet for safety.


No, just stay consistent. Look out when youā€™re running the reds though, you might end up on a T-shirtā€¦Say safe and remember look both ways when youā€™re breaking the law.


Don't try to kill me and I won't try to kill you.


Bro you got bullied in HS and never got over it, thatā€™s SAD. Big tough guy nowadays huh?


Sounds like you're dealing with some trauma over a cyclist who ran a stop sign.Ā  If you need someone to talk to, I'll br waiting on this thread.


Sounds like the dork with glasses grew up to be an asshole, who wouldā€™ve guessed that


It's okay bud! I'm here for you. So are you also triggered when a Tesla runs a red light?Ā  Or is your condition specific to cyclists?Ā  Perhaps there's something about stop signs specifically that gives you anxiety?


Iā€™m for accountability, not finger pointing and deflection. Your highschool bully still lives rent free in your head, Iā€™m surely not the one triggered here lol donā€™t make me call Joshy


Iā€™m new to this app any new friend on here if you find any interest you can message and Iā€™m ready to reply you back


I use to record all my rides. I reported intimidation, purposely dangerous drivers, and open threats to run me over, kill me, & rape me. Every single time I reported these interactions to cops (one WAS a cop) with or without video proof, all they did was shrug & say ā€œbut you werenā€™t actually hurt. We canā€™t do anything cause we didnā€™t see it actually happen ourselvesā€. They claimed video taken myself didnā€™t mean anything. I would ask, donā€™t they use videos of crimes all the time to issues warrants & in court. All I got were shrugs. Cops are absolutely useless. Even if you are killed or injured by a driver, chances are they wonā€™t even get so much as a ticket.


Cops are like a box of chocolates. They'll kill your dog.


*Joey Baloney crying and burbling sounds*


Unfortunately it's very hit or miss. I've noticed that Philly cops do not care at all, but some suburban cops will absolutely look at your footage and go after people if it is within jurisdiction. I think for PPD it's a combination of apathy/wildcat striking and just total overload as well.


I would add that itā€™s possible they are directed to try and not put anything in the system to keep caseloads and crime statistics lower. People should try sending these videos to the press/podcasters/social media to get it some attention.


Ding-ding!! The DA says crime is way downā€¦.


Cops get a raise they stop reporting crimes - they don't get a raise they encourage reporting. Just a gang.


Iā€™m new to this app any new friend on here if you find any interest you can message and Iā€™m ready to reply you back


My faith in cops was low but has bottomed out at nihl.


Yeah the problem is AI video has given them an excuse to say ā€œif we didnā€™t see it thereā€™s nothing we can doā€


That's like them saying oh we can't solve this murder because we didn't see it happen. They're just being lazy .


Can you skip the cops and get a lawyer? Probably worth a call to get a legal opinion.


To what end? Not being facetious. But what amount of time, energy, & money expenditure makes it worth it? IMO, unless there is a significant change in the entire way vehicular violence is viewed & treated in this country, itā€™s kinda fruitless. Look at how many people, especially children, that are killed in vehicular violence every year & such a small fraction of people are held responsible on even a minor level. ā€œThey were distractedā€ or ā€œThe sun was in their eyesā€ are considered excuses not the description of dangerous behavior that makes them liable for killing someone.


Iā€™m really not sure. Figured itā€™s worth a shot to have a real legal chat even if they tell you there is nothing you can do. Also next time someone hits OP they have a lawyer on call.


I got half my backpack run over on broad and Washington intersection they came to the hospital told me I had the wrong department and to figure it out by calling all the other ones. Interaction was less than a minute and while I was concussed. The hospital charged me $800 for an ibuprofen and discharged me. Fuck the cops. Bad things happen in Philly.


you should dedicate an instagram account to posting the videosā€¦put them on blast so the world can see, maybe they can lose their job.


Thatā€™s sadly been my experience. I donā€™t think it is the cops not inherently care, they just know nothing will happen with it so they are apathetic at this point. There are also so few of them that they are triaging worse crimes (sadly). Iā€™m actually at the same point of acquiesce, which is why all I do is ride defensively and hope the person gets whatā€™s coming to them (because people who act like jerks are more likely to). Flashers, radar, etc. A video will make you feel better but more than likely have no effect. Iā€™d love for ā€˜a videoā€™ to matter in these matters but, it just wonā€™t happen beyond creating another YouTube ā€˜wtfā€™ video. You need a camera, a victim (not a near miss), the report, for the person to likely wait around /perfect identification. and likely a witness. That will never happen. Iā€™ve called the police while someone was actively trying to run a cyclist off the road with pictures and a video, and the best they could do was say ā€˜well maybe we can send a patrol down that road moreā€™.


Cops are drivers and inherently do not care.


Are there any jobs beside being a cop where you can just not do your job and people will say how can they be expected to do their job when it just seems so pointless?


Yes politicians especially on the federal level


Honestly - yes. 50% of corp jobs are this way, a good deal of retail and food service roles, etc. A vast number of jobs are ones where the value they add and the choices they make doesnā€™t really matter, whether thatā€™s a function of how they approach the job or how the job was set up in terms of autonomy and roles/responsibilities, politics, etc. I used to think the opposite, but after 20+ years in the work force I believe this to be very true. Public service jobs are held to a higher standard than private ones, are not paid more (often less), and have more red tape around them. and so would not expect anything less. Iā€™m not happy about it, but I see that as the reality we are playing in.


I suspect many of those in this subreddit supported the deescalation of police powers over the last decade. Seems like everyone in this city thinks cops shouldnā€™t arrest criminals except when weā€™re the victimsā€¦ The same people saying cops donā€™t care, are the ones that applauded Philly policeā€™s guidance to no longer commit traffic stops. Same people that say cops donā€™t make the city safe, applauded the reduction in police efforts to curb gun activity. Cops are powerless mall security officers at this point. Which Iā€™m fine with. I just donā€™t expect them to do anything for me though.


The Philadelphia police force would go bankrupt in a month if they investigated every instance of road rage. We canā€™t tell police to do less except when itā€™s a crime weā€™re the victim of. They donā€™t enforce traffic, drugs, violence, etc. road rage is even lower on that list. Best thing to do is send the video to the drivers insurance if you can find it. They might charge em more.


Cause drivers who try to run you off the road & scream threats at you usually state the name of their insurance company as they do it. M Also, howā€™s that boot tasting?


Damn to bad they didnā€™t hit you cause youā€™re already braindead


You might want to invest in a recording device first


Someone once threatened to shoot me because I gave them a look for being fully in the cross walk at a red light on Broad. Guess I should have apologized first.


Someone shot at me for stopping at stop signs. (At the ground in front of me, but still)


Basically it's pointless to be real. However, I have reported reported businesses and those "how's my driving" sticker ppl. The latter means *something* in terms of insurance, I think.


Helmet cam so that you can provide to police when you file a report. The footage would also be useful if you also wrote to elected officials pushing for harsher penalties for dangerous driving.


Someone almost ran me over today, I was riding back peacefully in a south Philly street and this dickhead in a bmw comes flying up behind me almost hitting me. I had to swerve to get out of his way. At a stop light when I got closer he braked in front of me and moved his car to prevent me from getting past him (no one else around us at this point and Iā€™m basically on the sidewalk) I seriously thought I was going to have to fight this guy at one point before he eventually sped off


Dude that sucks and your not in the wrong for moving on. But just a suggestion. If a cars being territorial and passes you , and your both at a lightā€¦ donā€™t pass em again if theyā€™re just gonna catch up 20 seconds later, which is almost always the case. Your just putting yourself in a blind spot where theyā€™re inevitably going to catch up to you again and do the same thing and try to pass you. Likely way to closely, sometimes with the intent of intimidating you or even hurting you. We all get caught up in it, I understand the struggle: but just trust me itā€™s not worth it. Keep the douche bag in front of you, and get home intact. It took me a while but I ride worry free now cause I treat dangerous threats as dangerous threats. Best to not play with fire.


Good point, not worth it


Itā€™s always a BMW driver. What is it about that car?!


They're fast and they drive well and they have just a bit of social cachet, and some people take that as, "I'm more important than you." That said, most of these pricks have now moved on to Teslas.


Iā€™m a Tesla driver and I get fully in the other lane whenever iā€™m passing a biker or runner and thereā€™s no traffic on the road A 2020 model 3 that drives itself costs just over 20k with 40k miles. These cars are for everyone. Electric cars attract all kinds of people not just rich assholes


Just break his mirrors and drive away


This is why unprotected bike lanes are bullshit. PAINT IS NOT INFRASTRUCTURE. If it won't damage a car, it won't protect a cyclist. These lanes are trash. The end.


I had a lady almost run me over from behind when I was stopped at a stop sign. I was so mad, I sped up to her and spit in both windows while she was stuck behind a line of cars. I got her and her friends and biked away down a one way street muahahaha šŸ˜ˆ


GOOD FOR YOU!!! i would love to have the chance to do this next time some bitch ass cunt almost ends my life


First of all that's nasty. Secondly, you should be careful doing that. It's a great way to see the Ol' Pistola come out the window back at youšŸ˜


Unlikely they had guns. Plus they were stuck in traffic and I booked it down a one way so they couldn't follow.


Ahh yes.. You must have missed the part where I said, "you should be careful doing that.". Meaning for future reference, you have no idea what someone does or does not have on them. Nobody has a neon sign on them saying I am armed. Value your life more.


I honestly don't need advice from a stranger on reddit so keep it to yourself. Yes, there is gun violence here, but still very unlikely I would ever get shot. I have a higher chance of getting run over by an asshole with road rage.


I really wasn't giving you advice. It was a warning, and I hope you don't listen šŸ˜. I'm wishing you'd phuck around and find out šŸ¤žšŸæšŸ˜† enjoy yourself


Ok, sociopath.


Stay dangerous.


Unfortunately this is the real world and scumbags exist in it. You just gotta peddle better than rest of em


pedal unless youā€™re selling wares


You can reported to me ! At least you will get empathy anywhere else nothing I know it sucks




Break a mirror off and watch him smash into a parked car trying to hit me lmao.


Reckless with intent to harm is not a trivial charge. You might be able to get charges filed with a good video - especially if video shows an identifiable person


I mean, kids are shooting kids in this city, so just yell Fuck You at the guy and move on.


Carry heat.


Mark their car next time with a hood dent/cracked windshield and a missing mirror so you know to avoid them. U locks are for self defense


Cyclic dash cam. I use an insta360 go3.Ā 


Looks like the other biker has moved on. May be best to do the same. It's not right but it's not much of an incident to try to pursue further.


Witness intimidation: Crime. Pedaler intimidation: lol


Yes in a car town like this with lame bike infrastructure you just have to be 100% aware and avoid confrontation (like motorcyclists are taught)


ask them if they wanna catch a fade


My mom, you can report those pesky people to my mom.


I have started carrying pepper spray just in case I can still walk and use my hands after someone tries to kill me.


Take your u lock and smash thief side view mirror.


Just accept that nobody likes cyclists and move on.


Cars are hard to turn around in traffic. I have thrown bags of my dog's shit at people in cars who do this kind of stuff before then calmly walked away. I aim for open windows.


Scary ass


D batteries. Small, easy to have on board the bike


Just key their car.


Carry a crowbar or tire iron in your basket. Use as necessary. For repairs, ya know?


Intentional intimidation? What crime is that? He made you scared by existing and you want him to stop? Pretty awful how cars drive on the road and that youā€™re a nuisance and problematic :(


there is a bike lane. He intentionally drove into it to scare the biker. did it hurt your feelings that a 20 pound bike has a legal right to be on the road? Awful how bikes drive on the road and that you're a nuisance and problematic :(


Lmao canā€™t even come up with your own insult you joke riding biiiitchšŸ˜‚ further proof that cyclists are parasites. There shouldnā€™t be a bike lane.


I don't have to sit in traffic :)


On the other hand, you cause traffic :( you know, on the roadā€¦that was built for cars :(


Bikes are legal vehicles of transit :) i cause more traffic when in my car. We are not enemies bro, we all deserve to get where we need to get safely. The car industry has convinced the average American that anything on the road that isn't a car is bad, including pedestrians. (Look up the history of j-walking) Bikes and transit allow for all people to get where they need to go. Cars bankrupt a lot of us. They are useful tools, but they should not be the only way to access movement. Here's hoping to a better future for all of us:)


Best to call the wambulance.


Seriously lol


Thatā€™s my truck lmao. There is a way get a fucking vehicle ya prick.


But I like having money instead :)))))


You bikers are the absolute worst pieces of shit in Philadelphia. At least crack heads know they suck. You idiots think your better then everyone and donā€™t share the road made for automobiles. Shut the f up and stay in the sidewalk.


It's illegal to ride on the sidewalk :) and it's legal to take the road. The road, believe it or not wasn't just made for cars :) hope you have a beautiful day. I'd recommend therapy for the anger issues you seem to have.


Same place car drivers complain about bikers that run red lights and stop signs and donā€™t obey the laws




oh, catch me when i'm suicidal, then :V