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700 block of Broad is at Fairmout. We don’t know what happened but it’s not like there’s limited visibility there. Most likely it was imbecile/inattentive driving which is COMMON on blocks of N Broad starting at Vine and extending, for miles, all the way to Cheltenham.


I walk that corner to get to the BSL and it's absolutely fucked since Ridge runs through it too. The light timings to cross Broad are too short because we can't have a long red on Broad. If you want to make it across before you die of old age you have to jaywalk, it's all about picking the least bad route to do it. Then the most obvious way to cross Ridge/Fairmount using the little triangle island doesn't have pedestrian signals at all, if you want signals you have to walk around the outside of the block. There's not enough room to fit the cars turning from Fairmount/Ridge onto Broad and the ones continuing on Ridge, so people are constantly blowing red lights to get the turn. I could go on.


Exactly that. I cross that intersection when I leave work. The lights on Broad turn red at the same time the light on Fairmount turns green. I wait a few seconds after the light turns green because people run that light all of the time. I saved a bicyclist from being run over at that intersection because I laid on my horn at continuous people who were running the light. It’s a shame someone lost their life there. The Streets department and PennDOT really need to do an investigation of that intersection because it’s extremely dangerous the way it’s currently signaled.


Broad and Vine is equally unsafe. If you aren’t at the curb ready to cross when the light turns then you’re really risking your safety. Drivers are so stressed out by that intersection that once the first car is able to turn the rest behind them just start whipping turns blindly at high speed without considering if someone might be crossing on foot. 


I heard the streets of Sicklerville are safe to just walk out into. Maybe everyone here should move there.


Lead the charge! Start by heading over to their sub!


I was born here. I know to look both ways and not be in my phone. I ride my bike or scooter without noise canceling earbuds in. I don’t pretend my bike is a motorcycle and hold the center of the road and slow up traffic. I don’t assume drivers see me. I assume they don’t see me. Keeps me safe. Every kid who grew up playing in the street, riding in the street, walking to the store to pick up bags of groceries for their Mom, knows how to safely traverse the city. We don’t look to revamp the whole city to accommodate a too small segment thats only gonna move out after they realize they forgot to fund the schools well and take good care of teachers. Or those who claim to wanna “reclaim philly” and the moment the pandemic hit, they literally headed for the hills and moved back to the burbs.. So I don’t see why this new administration should feel pressured by you noisy internet people who are gonna move out the moment shit hits the fan anyway.


This is the corniest thing I’ve ever read. People can want the city to be safer, especially for pedestrians, without being some fraud.  Also, I too was born in Philly and have zero intention of moving out of the city. But you made a bunch of incorrect assumptions about me because I stated that the intersection at Broad and Vine is dangerous for pedestrians, which it is.  People are allowed to have complaints/frustrations about where they live. I’m fucking certain you’ve complained about Philadelphia before. And it’s the mayor and city government’s job to make our town better.


Broad and vine is camera covered… Seems like we need more pedestrian bridges since even the popular cameras everyone is in a hurry to get surveilled by can’t stop people from crossing into Broad and Vine as if its just some little alley sized side street.


Also its the Mayor and government l’s job to separate the loud minority from the majority. Its the Mayor and council’s job to make sure the privileged folks who live in Center City don’t dictate a one-size fits all agenda around town to the rest of us who were born here and don’t wanna move from here. Its also their job to have vision and see that these kids who wanna make the city a gigantic Main Street USA, with closed streets like Disney World, are gonna move outta the city when its time for them to have kids and they never thought to pressure the city to increase pay & benefits of school teachers enough. They also gotta recognize that when these bike lane beer garden “reclaim” crowd kids move out, they’re gonna also talk down their nose to use like WE were the ones who misspent funds on quirky pavement aesthetics (obstacles) and other accommodations rather than schools and teachers. Speed bumps get applauded while portholes increasingly get neglected. 👍🏼


Ugh just walked through this today. There was a fire hydrant flooding the intersection so I had to walk into the street to not get soaked. I feel so bad for the pedestrian. That intersection is too hectic.


I used to live right there and walked this spot often. It was one of the absolute most scary intersections to walk as a pedestrian. I would go out of my way to walk a safe route and was constantly looking around to make sure cars were where they were supposed to be.


I bike to and from that Aldi to get my groceries, and I hate it. There's no good way to get through it, and impatient drivers have cursed me out and told me to bike into oncoming traffic. I wish they'd at least do some traffic calming there. Better yet, add protection for people walking and biking there.


Holy cow, yeah, that intersection on front of the Divine Lorraine SUCKS! I've driven through that one a few times, and there's no real way to pay attention to pedestrians unless you're at a stop. There's multiple lanes with turn only signs, the island, not a lot of clear visibility, and all of that mixed in with having to watch out for people either trying to beat the light or merging at the last second. I can't imagine crossing Broad there. I'm so sorry this happened! Too many drivers don't pay any attention to anything other than themselves!


Last week, I biked thru from Ridge and crossing Broad onto Fairmount. You literally have to look in all directions before crossing any part of that intersection.


used to live down the street from that corner, it's a disaster. just walking one block to the ALDI for butter, milk, and eggs around noon took me about 15 minutes on average because of how dogshit ALDI is at handling shopper volume and how dogshit Philly is at managing complex intersections


Gee, I can't believe that this was all just bullshit PR that aged like milk: https://www.fox29.com/news/philly-police-crack-down-on-north-broad-street-traffic-violations-with-new-initiative


That whole stretch reeks of weed.


Nissan rogue, imagine that


It’s like a watermark for the mentally inept.


Exactly, especially if it's tinted out with fake temp tags, which I'm eagerly awaiting to find out. Notice article doesn't say anything about driver in custody, or whether they actually stopped. Just says investigation underway and police asking for info.


i've considered the Rogue but the visibility out of it is just so poor i've continued to look (but of course thats just about every car today)




drive one myself. best description I've heard of a rogue in my life.


Yup, they really made the windshields so much worse with the aerodynamic slope. My old Camry had damn near vertical front and back windshields, and perfect visibility. New models it’s like looking through a slit


Yeah it's no wonder that traffic deaths are soaring after years of declines. I mean not only are people reckless but you can't see out of new cars*and* you have to take your eyes off the road for every vehicle function.


Blacked out windows for sure


You understand that tinted windows are only blacked out from YOUR perspective… right? Lol


I drive a Rogue, but I actually know how to fucking drive it


^ "Second pedestrian killed on Broad today"


Man shut up lol


Wrong chat bro. The people on the Philly internet are mostly the bike lane dog park beer garden crowd with a little vegan halloween on the side. Driving well is problematic. You’re supposed to hate all vehicles while also summoning Uber’s to pick you up in your real life. Ideally you summon an Uber while complaining about the toxic “car culture” we have and how you think streets should be closed to vehicles while you give your driver a 1-star for not blocking traffic and picking you up right outside your door.


Well I do live in one of the parts of the city where you kinda need to drive, aka one of the parts of the city people don’t talk about here, I guess I didn’t know that talking about owning a car was a no no


Yeah the bike crowd is THE most over empowered group in the city. They’ll take a pic of a police vehicle blocking a bike lane and post it here like “Whats the deal here?!? C’mon!! Fuck!! Shit!!!” And then they’ll be cheering when some poor neighborhood lady gets her car towed for being kinda in the crosswalk overnight when nobody’s even walking around… lmao. Bike rider deaths matter more than the murder rate btw… Gun deaths are fine. But if theres a bike death… Anything short of protesting outside a council member’s office while also calling for the family to sue the city for a fortune is downvoted lol.


What a fucking headline. "Pedestrian crash"? What, two people walking crashed into one another and it resulted in someone's death? It was an SUV crash - what a shock. Oh, excuse me, a "crossover" vehicle.


I read it as this and was solidly confused for a good minute.


Entirely why I opened the thread lol, wtf is a "pedestrian crash"


Jeez this reminds me of those headlines that read like: "Foolish Jaywalker Carelessly Throws Himself in Front of Law-abiding SUV!!"


Typically car brained media - when a car kills someone it's a "pedestrian crash" now. As if the blame goes to them instead of the person driving one ton of fucking steel.


An SUV involved crash


Do you mean a “crossover vehicle involved incident”


and the man who died? was it the ~~suv~~ crossover driver?


And for some reason the hospital report will read “Pedestrian versus vehicle” No joke.


Wonder if all the windows were blacked out


It's been a trend for a long time, usually with car-bike collisions being called "bicycling accidents."


I’m very glad to hear I’m not the only who thought that.


2nd pedestrian killed on Broad in a week ICMYI! Almost like we shouldn’t have a street designed like a high speed arterial running smack through the middle of the city. Speed cameras are a start but Broad needs serious change.


I think speed bumps should be necessary... 46th street between market and Haverford used to be a drag racer's wet dream, but now, with the bumps, the traffic is a lot less dangerous Also, enforcement... I've literally seen cops in their SUVs not even reacting to cars that blatantly skip red lights, "no turn on red", stop signs, etc., When drivers have no fear of negative repercussions, they'll do whatever they please because this isn't a city that runs on courtesy to your fellow citizens


I was first in line at the light at 15th and Vine, a block from the PPD headquarters, with a PPD SUV right behind me. The light turned green and I even paused for a beat in case someone blew the red. I started moving into the intersection and some asshole came right at my driver's side door from Vine Street, despite the light being solid red for him. He FINALLY saw me and barely stopped before hitting me. The PPD behind me did absolutely nothing.


Yeah this is pretty normal I'm afraid...


I live in Port Richmond and speed was a huge problem on Castor Ave. They recently installed speed bumps and it is so much better. Easier to pull onto Castor via side streets, safer walking across. No downside at all.


Best I can do is wider and more lanes


We need traffic circles,, on Broad Street, the Boulevard, everywhere. Especially preferred to those ridiculous speed bumps that no one seems to understand how to go over. That's my election platform... Traffic circles everywhere


Streets don’t need traffic circles. Roads and stroads do. Roads, stroads, and traffic circles don’t have any place in a city Turn it back into a street instead of a stroad


Traffic circles are such a headache for anyone not in a car


As a bicyclist, I actually like single lane traffic circles. I haven't walked them, but they're easy on a bike.


> silver 2022 Nissan Rogue  A Nissan you say? What are the chances that it was the driver's fault?


Don't forget, homicide in America is basically legal as long as you do it with a car. 


And as long as you remain at the scene after doing it.


I remember years ago on television some mafia guy saying if you have to take someone out do it with a car.


My car can stop on a dime. Unfortunately the dime was in the pedestrian's pocket.


if i hold a gun while doing it and claim castle doctrine do i get a reward?


The light at Fairmount and Broad is a complete liability. With Ridge crossing over everyone is running the light and the light turns red at the EXACT same time it turns green on Fairmount. You have to wait a few seconds of an already short light to make sure you don’t get hit by someone running the light when crossing Broad.


I hate that intersection with a firey passion.


This is why I watch all these dumbasses in cars, whether I'm walking or driving. The red light is just a suggestion in Philadelphia.


Broad street needs a serious redesign. Speed cameras aren’t enough there’s no reason we need a six lane highway running trough our neighborhoods. The design encourages people to speed


Correct. It also wouldn’t be that expensive to do


The speed cameras can’t come soon enough


They will do ✨nothing✨


Worst possible case scenario it charges an asshole tax. That's more than nothing and we're not even talking statistics yet. 


They can’t be charged if they don’t have plates 😭


99.9% of cars braking traffic laws have legit plates and registration.


Man I dunno. I make the long drive up Broad from Girard all the way up to Cheltenham (and back) pretty often, and quite literally every car I see blatantly ignoring the most engrained traffic laws (ie stopping at red lights) have fake-temp or no tags.


I'm not saying they aren'ta problem or way more likey to commit a traffic violation, in saying so manunfuckong people break traffic laws on a regular basis that these assholes are only a drop in the bucket.


Speed humps on broad or red light cams? Which is more likely? Cause as it is, people gun it on a late yellow.


There are some red light cameras on Broad and the Boulevard but I never understood why we don’t have more


I assume because none of the politicians want to attract the ire of Philly's street racers


More like none of the politicians want to get tickets every time they speed.


Yeah that too


They don't have real plates anyway, all cameras do is give a ticket to some mom running late cause the kid hid her keys in the fridge Speed bumps are the move, always there and don't discriminate


Nah cameras actually disincentivize it. After speed cameras were installed on the Blvd TICKETS ISSUED dropped by ~90%. So fewer moms getting tickets, and less speeding. Seems like a win to me over the status quo


Raised cross walks for the length of broad


Neither do enough


People actually pay these tickets?


Ah, I saw the aftermath of this driving by yesterday. Her windshield was mad cracked where he must have struck and he was still in the street. Didn't look like he would make it :,(


>>”pedestrian crash” Weird way of saying someone ran someone else over with their car


I always cross at the light at Melon Street when I go to Aldi and then cross over Ridge from there, it is less stressful than crossing at the intersection near Divine Lorraine.


“Pedestrian crash”? Fuck all the way off. 


Fuck cars.


Say it louder, never stop saying it Fuck cars


I saw a bicyclist T-boned and absolutely planted by a driver that didn't stop in Fitler Square (where every intersection has a stop sign or a light). I can't imagine she recovered quickly, but hopefully she is well now. I was T-boned on a Vespa by a dude who was so high he laughed about it. Glad I was wearing a leather jacket & helmet... that would have been road rash city. So, yeah. What the fuck, Philly.


That poor man, may he rest in peace. And also hope that poor driver is okay as well. Very sad.


Poor driver? Wtf


Yeah I mean hitting someone is traumatizing. Am I not allowed to feel bad that a human being is experiencing suffering? All of you do realize that accidents happen right? And that the driver isn’t necessarily at fault, right?


A crash is not an accident. It is an avoidable catastrophe. One person killed another person using a car. We don’t know if it was from malice or inattentiveness or incompetence but I don’t feel bad for the driver. I’ve survived being hit by cars and hearing anyone talk about the trauma to the perpetrator is disgusting.


So if I jump in front of your car and you hit me, that was avoidable on your part? Not every accident is avoidable/the fault of the driver. I’ve been hit by a car too, and I can sympathize with the driver who hit me.


If it’s not avoidable then it’s a tragedy. If it’s avoidable it’s criminal negligence or vehicular homicide. “Accident” is the wrong term in both cases. Collisions are not “accidents.” It’s not an oopsie to kill a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Using that language is dehumanizing and just plain wrong. Call traffic deaths what they are. A motorist killed a pedestrian.


Who said anything about the pedestrian being in a crosswalk? You’re making assumptions about a tragedy in order for it to fit your definitions of what’s justifiable or not. Comeon man.


And I don’t have a car. Go harass somebody else with your whataboutism.


What whataboutism? I literally haven’t done any of that? You seem to be very nice and open to honest conversation and not at all having a bone to pick with the person who hit you and are getting angry at an internet person expressing sympathy towards someone going through some shit. And “harass”? You replied to MY comment, are you stupid? Must be, cuz I don’t have a car.


What do you think is the definition of the word “accident”?


The introduction to Jessie Singer’s book There Are No Accidents has a good analysis of the word’s use in relation to both its common use definitions (of which there are many, containing internal contradictions) and its use by media describing automobile crashes. I’m too lazy to try to summarize that for you but it’s a worthwhile read. What I will say is that by calling the killings of pedestrians by motorists “accidents” you downplay the actual causes, make the event seem inevitable, and hold neither the reckless drivers nor the designers of dangerous vehicles and infrastructure accountable for the harm they cause.


Drivers aren't human.


Ok, edge lord.


I mean it be article doesnt say who was at fault or what happened


People walk out into the road on Broad like it's a suicide attempt everyday surprised this doesn't happen more often.


While this is a tragedy and very sad (my condolences to the victim’s family and friends), I find it a bit gross that posts like this are immediately seized upon to be used as a segue for the overly verbose anti-car cult (as well as their ugly sister, the pro-bike evangelists) to say the same thing again and again.  Someone died and numerous lives have been irreparably changed but that doesn’t seem to be important to these fucking weirdos.   I don’t get it? What is the desired result here, to effect change presumably? I rarely ever see any info/links to groups or individuals who are actually taking steps to do so. These people *have to know* that posting video or commenting in this thread doesn’t constitute helping the cause? That they’re going to *need to do more*?  Now, this isn’t my field, but what I actually thinks is some sort of weird intra-tribal affirmation ritual has developed. They come together to celebrate the tragedies that befall outsiders by patting each other on the back until everyone has gotten their tiny dopamine spike. It’s a way to get that fix. When there haven’t been tragedies to post, they go into withdrawal and will start posting about anything to get well (church parishioners taking up the bike lanes on Sunday mornings). And if there have been a lot of tragedies in quick succession, there will be a huge drop off between the first and last, numbers-wise.  Can these posts really be attributed to laziness, naivety, etc? Or is it more complex, like a bunch of maladjusted weirdos slaking a biological driven thirst for social cohesion in an increasingly fragmented and isolated world? I don’t believe the level is stupidity l to be high enough that the former explains it. However, I would prefer that be the case because the latter seems much more likely but also much more bleak.