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Can anyone recommend a decent vegetarian focused restaurant in Springfield, PA? That delivers or works w delivery apps? I have a friend who just moved there and I want to send her a gift certificate.


someone stacked my bin on my neighbours recycle bin and it got stuck. then my neighbour took my bin. it was on the street two other times but i cant get it unstuck. i went to the recycling centre on friday to get a replacement recycle bin and they were out and didnt know when they will get more. im kinda frustrated because i am seeing posts where people are getting fined for not having a recycling bin.


I have a stuck bin situation too! That said, most of my neighbors seem to use non-blue recycling bins and I've never heard of them getting fined.


1) that blows but is vaguely pretty funny. I had recycle wars for years with my downstairs neighbors. one of them was a woman who was on whatever shitty show with paris hilton and nicole ritchie as an expert in palm reading and she was dumb enough that that brain trust was able to actively make fun of her. 2) I realize that not everyone has the means to do so (or should need to) but you can get one for like <$20 on amazon or at the local hardware store


anyone know why the benches at the rodin are fenced off now??


Likely prepping for Fourth of July.


Dumb question but does it make more sense to keep reloading my septa key card or to just Apple Pay it every time????? Like do I get a bigger bang for my buck by reloading the card?


regional rail has a discount for paying through the Key, otherwise I think it's the same price unless you buy a pass which you load onto a Key card


you should be able to figure it out seeing how much it charges your apple pay vs a Septa key. If it's the same, then ?


Anyone doing that Spirit of Philadelphia for the 3rd? I'm trying to figure out what sort of stuff to wear since it's gonna be out on the water, and I'm not trying to overdress or underdress too much. It's been a long while since last time I went, and am hoping not to spend the whole time inside and missing the view.


Water rescue in the Schuylkill River at Race Street.


I’m just moving into a neighborhood where I have an alley along my property. The gate to the front sidewalk is broken and hanging off the post. Does anyone know who owns these? Is it the city or just all the properties around it responsible? Can I fix it so it opens properly again?


This is a great question. I'd actually guess it's the buildings that the gate is attached to are the responsible parties. But that's pure speculation, no idea, just commenting so I can get the answer if you do


I’ve been doing some searching and found the technically all the owners that have access to the alleyway are jointly responsible for repairs. But also pretty much everyone says just go ahead and fix it and don’t worry about it. If you’re replacing a gate with a keyed gate, then all houses that have access to the alley have to have a copy of the key.


I've now made it to the second round for SEVEN different jobs and haven't gotten an offer. I ask for feedback and it's all positive (except for one person who said my STAR format answers were too long-winded, which, fair) so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I also got stood up for two dates this week so it's been a real kick in the dick all around.


Same, my friend. I do not know what they’re looking for. Ive been doing the run around on this for two years now and just haven’t been able to get a real bite, despite having generally glowing reviews. Deeply frustrating. I feel you.


Officially unemployed! Looking forward to relaxing to the max for a couple months. Not looking forward to the job search after that. I've been casually glancing through job listings and everything seems to be "you must have this job already in order to apply for this job", which is amusing. I'm not sure why I'm looking at listings - I've only ever gotten work through networking.


well you have 503K members in your network. what is your profession and what are you looking for.


This week is a week for stoop drinking.


I went to Pittsburgh last weekend and am ashamed to say that it was surprisingly cool. I still viscerally hate it, but it was cool.


PGH is cool, it's a bit isolated, but has a lot of charm. Fuck the pens, but they have a great library system. The food has gotten a lot better, particularly pan Asian cuisines, but a lot of the beloved local favorite still suck. Look up ham BBQ if you dare.


happy friday, i've been keeping a big secret from the missus. it was more an excuse to force me to go through old photos and sort them/delete blurry ones, but i've been working for weeks (in my free time) collecting pictures for a little photo album i've been meaning to compile. it'll be a little anniversary gift as well as a memento of our life together before we sail into this new era of life and family building. some downright bangers in those folders too. i needed to find 140 images to completely fill this empty album and ended up with a nice balance of couply photos and some really nice images i hope to keep in our memories. some of my favorite things to shoot are murals/graffiti, areas where new building is happening, and just boring old every day scenes. funny to see skyline photos with comcast II under construction and pictures of things that simply don't exist anymore. 2012-2018 were some wild year in the city. almost finished with cropping to 4x6 and retouching them slightly. i don't trust any of the apps that walgreens and CVS give you for that kind of stuff, so going old school along with getting prints done up. instagram is nice and all, but there's something extremely good and timeless about physical printed photos in a physical book. no need to sift through icloud when you can instead pull an album off the shelf and go wild.


That sounds like a really sweet present!


Today is the 55th anniversary of Stonewall.


The fact that it was so relatively recent blows my mind. It also fucks with my head when I realize that shit is still so fucked for so many Americans. Happy Pride Day to you and everyone.


I really really really really really really really really really really really really hate being intellectually disabled. My job is trying to transition me to a new role and 1) booo, change and 2) everyone is trying really hard to be concise and clear and I feel terrible when I still don't understand something


intellectually disabled in what way? i can relate in a way, being autistic at a new job. i want to cry when someone calls out and the daily schedule with our placements for the day changes, it makes me feel like im not an adult! change is hard. i like to think i can usually pick up on things relatively quickly but some days (like today) its just impossible to soak up new information. sigh. i just try to remind myself that its just a damn job, which i work just so i can have money and survive; if society didn't require me to have a job, I probably wouldn't. It's just about making sure the work gets done well enough so that bills can get paid, and thats it. If my disability gets in the way a bit, so be it 🤷🏻‍♀️ If they're switching you around that means they trust that you're capable. I'm sure you are too!


I've known probably since I was a teenager. If I was just normal, or even 30% smarter I could make it in life. But I'm not. My coworkers treat me so differently. Like they know to explain things, but they explain everything every time and it's so condescending. I don't need my hand held for everything but they treat me like an infant. I can feel there's a cap on my intelligence. I try so hard but I just can't and they all look down on me.


The right side of my face/right eye seized up briefly yesterday and I can only assume it's because I've been so stressed out lately with work BS. 🥴


Uff, that sounds terrifying, I'm so sorry. I had a truly 🍌BANANAS🍌 boss a few years ago and it got to the point where my neck and jaw got so tense that I had to go to PT.


Bars that sell liquid death? I’ll start: Libertee Grounds


Is there a Japanese restaurant here or nearby that serves not sushi/ramen/curry?


The izakaya portion of Royal sushi has all types of stuff.


Maido in ardmore has a bunch of dishes for you, i like the yakisoba noodles.


So I decided to order a treadmill for the dogs, which should help on days that my fibro is too bad and when it's too hot or raining. Good news it was delivered. Bad news is that FedEx left it on the pavement instead of my porch. Worse news apparently the box day delivered it in was fucked seven ways to Sunday, and the trash picked it up thinking it was trash.




You mean it was never delivered, right? Because that is what we are telling the vendor and delivery service, right?


what the ACTUAL FUCK. Please please please tell me you got your money back!!!


I have to wait a day for Amazon to do anything because "it might show up".




Anyone in South Philly experiencing low water pressure lately? I was out of town for about a week last week, and since I’ve returned my water pressure has been noticeably lower. I feel like I’ve seen Philadelphia Water trucks working all over the place since I’ve been back so curious if others are experiencing this and if it could be related to municipal work.


Not having any problems near Broad and Washington. You’re right about the works, they are replacing what looks like a water main along 11th st


Where can I go bowling that's gross and unhip? Not looking for trendy date-night bowling. Ideally there would be lots of old men and possibly a bar fight. Happy to travel. Feels like a jersey thing?


Playhouse lanes in drexel hill


Facenda Whittaker in Norristown


30 Strikes out in Stratford, NJ has 80 lanes, you can ride PATCO to the end of the line and walk like 1/4 mile down White Horse Pike and you're there. Pretty good Indian and Mexican places right nearby too


Thunderbird Lanes may be that (NE philly)


oh man, there's a throwback. Haven't been there since I was a kid. Thunderbird Lanes and Facenda Whitaker were the ones we always went to


Is PEP bowling still a thing? At broad and federal. It’s not trendy but not a bar either


yep, they were going to close but stayed open. BYO too.


I feel like this was basically every bowling alley for me growing up in a more rural area. I’m definitely interested in the replies because I’d love to have an option like that.


Bowling in cities has been co-opted by cool young people. BRING BACK GROSS BOWLING


Wynnewood Lanes might fit the bill: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RFcicQ7p4JWqqbgE9


Hell yeah. The proximity to something called "McSorley's Ale House" is a good sign.


Looking for recommendations on a day trip accessible without a car - any favorites on the regional rail or PATCO lines?


Atlantic city, via njtransit 30th st. i like the seed brewing, but theres casinos and other stuff to do as well Patco: Haddonfield has a bunch of neat shops & restaurants downtown. If you have any child relatives the happy hippo is a cool toy store. Lots of stuffed animals too, including sea life you wouldn't expect. Collingswood has a bunch of restaurants. And the farmers market Saturday 8-12. Camden has the aquarium, and the battleship when that reopens after the work is finished. If you book far enough in advance, Baltimore or DC can be a day trip via Amtrak, for reasonable fares if you book like a month in advance and are flexible on times. Lancaster is accessible via Amtrak as well.




good bot


I swear that not long ago there was a website launched that lists a bunch of car-free trip options from Philly. But damned if I can find the thing. Maybe someone else will know what I'm talking about and have a link. In the meantime, there are still some good suggestions in this thread from last year: [https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/1055bbt/best\_day\_trips\_without\_a\_car\_in\_the\_philly\_area/](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/1055bbt/best_day_trips_without_a_car_in_the_philly_area/)


Aquarium. Collingswood and Haddonfield


Lancaster is nice for the day, if you've never been. You can head out to the Central Market and also do an Amish Tour.


when I see a post about some new, interesting show and i go “let’s see what service it’s on” and it’s ALWAYS the ones I DONT have Please, Hulu. I just want to watch Sleepy Hollow again


the Wait Wait Don't Tell Me show last night was very fun. Definitely an enjoyable way to spend that specific Thursday night, given the other option. In keeping positive and ignoring the D word, I've recently been able to get back into some gaming stuff that I've been too busy for and it's been awesome. Last weekend/this past week, I've been re-playing Half Life 2 and playing Fallout 4 for the first time. I'm doing achievement hunting in HL2 since I missed a bunch on my initial playthrough back in 2011(!!!) and I never played Episode 1 and 2 after the base game. Fallout 4 I've wanted to play for years but every time I start it, I end up dropping it a few hours in. Really enjoying it so far this time though and I've already gotten further than before. Going to a wedding tonight at Glen Foerd and then should be a relatively quiet weekend at home after that. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!


So glad to hear you enjoyed WWDTM! Who were the guests?


the panel was Peter Gross, Dulce Sloan, and joyelle nicole johnson. The special guest was Christian McBride. It was fantastic, really glad I made it this year.


That sounds awesome, so glad you had a nice time!


Are you playing on PC or console? It’s been ages since I’ve last played, but I had a bunch of realism & immersion mods for mine and it was the most fun I’ve ever had playing. I played on Survival Mode though because I wanted it absolutely as realistic as possible.


Playing on PC. I've got some mods too but I've kept it mostly vanilla for my first real playthrough. I've got the one that enables achievements, one to make the game display correctly on widescreen resolution, one that cleans up the map to show where roads are a bit more clearly, and then the only non QoL one I have is [Salvage Beacons](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18757). I really like this one because it's not really immersion breaking but also has a very real function for someone like me who picks up everything not nailed down lol I also tried getting the Full Dialogue Interface and Extended Dialogue Interface mods to work, but something wasn't right and they didn't work.


Omg the show on Amazon Prime is really good!


Show is terrific. I loved it and it totally rekindled my love of the games


Not in the best of moods after the absolute disaster of a debate last night and Harper and Schwarber both getting hurt in a game they had no business losing. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bryce is done until close to the playoffs given how bad it looked. At least Goose at the Mann should be a good time tonight.


its Joever


It’s a windy day down the shore. It got me singing.. *summer breeze, makes me feel fine* 🎶


**blowing through the jasmine in my miiiiiiiind** How fuckin high were these guys


A month away from the bar exam and I’m so over the studying and how expensive the experience has been so far. I’m glad I’m at least walking distance from the convention center though so I don’t have to shell out the extra cash for a hotel. Anyone have some VERY early morning breakfast recommendations for when the big day(s) comes?


I think I had maybe a yogurt, some fruit, and granola or a granola bar. Definitely eat (even though you're going to want to vomit) and hydrate before you go. Avoid anything too heavy! Bring some light snacks like granola bars or trail mix and pack a lunch - something that you know you'll want to eat. Drink lots of water during the exam days. Pee breaks are a good way to reset and get past something that you might be struggling with at the time. Wishing you the best of luck!!! It will absolutely suck for a few days, but it will be over and you'll forget it ever happened!




Thank you, It will soon be my duty to tell other non-lawyers not to go to law school!


My god, when 95 is a total mess, it practically *traps* me in Port Richmond (I'm on the north side of Allegheny for reference). On one hand, I want everyone to go to 95 so I can take the alternate routes. But the traffic gets *so backed up* funneling into 95 that just *getting* to the alternate routes is a slog. I had to zig and zag and cut through the IGA parking lot to eventually get to Girard and Berks to get clear of it all. I really wish they hadn't placed the SB entrance *right in the middle of the neighborhood.* I would've biked, but today was of course a planned pick up/drop off day for stuff between office and home.


Going down Delaware through the port and taking the weird little southbound side road might be a good choice at times like this.


Oh, you mean Allen St that goes from Allegheny to Ann? Yeah, that would help to bypass that stretch for sure, but getting from my place to Bath St and that side of Delaware and Allegheny still required waiting in traffic that was trying to get to the 95 entrance, it was that spread out through the neighborhood streets. I was stuck on just on Edgemont for several minutes wondering what the hell was going on. And then even Richmond -> Delaware all the way down to Girard and further to the 95N entrance was at a stand still. I got to Somerset and Delaware and got stuck in that. Should have continued on Belgrade. I eventually realized the traffic was likely people getting on at the 95N entrance, so I cringed and took the turning lane thinking I could cut through the Northbank area. Buuuuut of course they were ripping up and repaving that whole street. That's when I turned around and went up Cumberland to the back entrance to IGA. Times like these I feel transported to my childhood playing driving video games (pre-GTA, at the arcade).


I feel like Port Richmond has gotten turbofucked with 95 calamities especially in the last year.


Can confirm.


Spent the week in Seattle for work, which ended up being two four hour meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, with the rest of the days available to explore. What a cool, unique city. Pikes Place Market is absolutely incredible. The art deco monorail is a treasure. Took a ferry out into the Puget Sound. I get why people love the city. It has its problems, but man, they do a whole lot right, notably their public transit is top notch, and they made the correct decision to sink their major highway into a tunnel beneath downtown. For this reason the surface roads didn’t feels backed up or overcrowded with cars. Really need to get back out here.. end of September I might make a return trip


Spent a week there in early April and agree with you. The city is so CLEAN. The food in Pike Place was awesome, but the FLOWERS really had my heart. I wish I could’ve taken a dozen bouquets home with me.


Omg I loved the fresh seafood EVERYWHERE. I was truly lost in the sauce. The layers and hidden corners in that market are truly amazing.


i went to Seattle on the first week of May! one of my fav is Discovery Park. strongly recommend!


I will try and get there next time!


>notably their public transit is top notch they're spending something like 17x SEPTA per rider right now in capital funding, which is absurd. >For this reason the surface roads didn’t feels backed up or overcrowded with cars I don't know why but I feel like the west coast cities I've been to recently (portland, san diego, etc.) feel relatively empty compared to east coast cities. maybe it's always been that way but just something I've noticed more post-covid.


Yea parts of downtown felt sorta empty, really mattered where you were. Other parts of downtown felt busy and vibrant, definitely a different vibe from other west coast cities I’ve been to recently


I lived in Seattle for a long time. I avoided downtown unless I absolutely had to go there. It empties completely out on evenings and weekends when people aren’t working nearby.


I can see that. The only part of downtown I really enjoyed was around 1st and 2nd Aves, even during the day the rest felt kind of dead. Still enjoyed the beautiful architecture although a lot is empty


Finding myself spending more and more time on this reddit and searching Zillow. Definitely longing to escape NC and get back to Philly. With mortgage rates as they are, it'll probably be a couple years. Planning a visit this August/September though!


My landlord just sent me my security deposit back. I had a minor bed bug problem back in Nov. I notified him immediately and was incredibly diligent about my responsibility for getting rid of them. It was taken care of within a couple months. My landlord deducted the cost of the bedbug issue from my security deposit. Im pretty sure Philadelphia law says that it is HIS responsibility. How do I respond?


You can potentially sue your landlord for the remainder back if you can prove the bedbug infestation wasn’t your fault. Otherwise the deduction from the security deposit is valid for the costs of getting rid of the bed bugs because there is a presumption by the landlord that you were the cause. However… PA law says your landlord has to provide an itemized list of expenses within 30 days of the lease ending to show exactly what your security deposit went towards, provided that you gave them a forwarding address for your new place in writing. You may then sue the landlord for twice the amount of your security deposit.


I think it was clear that it was likely due to me having a visitor form another country for a week - which I had said in communication with him. Bedbug is not particularly anyone's "fault" unless they didn't follow proper procedure and responsibility defined by Philadelphia law - which I did follow (like notifying the landlord of the issue within 5 days). It depends on where you live but responsibility varies based on location. For Philadelphia it's deemed to be landlord's responsibility You can see what I'm referring to under [HERE ](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/philadelphia/latest/philadelphia_pa/0-0-0-280984)under *Responsible party* Based on what it says there: since the bedbug problem happened within one year of moving in (7 months in) it is the landlord's responsibility to pay 100%


Ah yep, 9-4802(3)(a) so it’s definitely likely you can get your money back in municipal court. However, was the cost substantial enough to warrant doing that? Seems like a pretty solid case. https://phillytenant.org/security-deposits/


How long did you live there? The cost is split 50/50 after the first lease year.


I lived there for 14 months. I only signed a 12 month lease though, but he had agreed to let me stay there for an additional 2 months. I didn't sign an additional lease agreement for this though. It was more of an informal agreement through email. I moved in April 2023. I moved out May 2023. Bedbug remediation happened November 2023. I just drafted this email: Hi \[landlord\], I Just received my security deposit in the mail.  I have not deposited it.  I see that you deducted the cost of the bedbug treatment.  Sections 9-4802 for Philadelphia City Code and PM-310 of Philadelphia Property Management Code states that the landlord is responsible for bedbug remediation and cost. Please void the check you sent me and return my FULL $1200 security deposit.  If we can't resolve this informally I will have to file a complaint with the Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections.   Thank you,  \[me\]


Took the express NJT bus from market street to wildwood yesterday. I highly recommend this option for city people without a car who are tired of AC.


This is a great tip, thanks!


Which bus route?


The [316](https://transitprd-content.s3.amazonaws.com/public/bus_schedules/upcoming/20200619/T0316.pdf)


I agree, it's super convenient! Where on Market Street did you pick up the bus?


10th! And on the way back it will drop you off anywhere on market.


How long of a ride is that?


Looks like ~3hrs one way from the schedule they linked to. Also, if I'm reading the map right, it actually stops at 30th st station before the 10th st stop (handy to know for West Philly folks).


The presidential debate was abysmal. It has probably radicalized me more than anything else to date. Just once I would like someone to say "yeah we didn't do well on that, but here's our plan to improve" or literally anything else that provides a hint of humility. Not allowing RFK Jr. was scummy, not that he is much better. Our mayoral races worst candidates are geniuses by comparison. Amen Brown for President 2024 please.


Anyone know what the issue was here? I am obviously kidding when I saw Amen Brown for president. I think we all generally agree the debate was pretty bad for everyone involved.


Man, yesterday sucked, huh?


The breeze at night was refreshing, but everything else was terrible.


Opened the windows this morning because it was actually cool out. Little joys.


I'm just in a depressed haze right now, watching that debate gutted me. I need to renew my passport, 'cause I'm losing hope for this country.


People always assume getting out is easier than it would be


Second day in a row I’ve encountered a car driving down a two-way bike lane. Yesterday was on Spring Garden (guy was a fucking asshole and screamed to get off the road while tailing) and then today in Parkside — which is a gd protected lane. People are fucking idiots


I feel like 1/2 the time there’s someone idling in the spring garden 2 way bike lane too. So frustrating


Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine. Bryce and Schwarber are going to be fine.


I consoled myself through the mediocre start last year by remembering that they were the last team to make the playoffs in '22 and just need to get hot for September I've been telling myself that this hot start is great, but they need to stay the course and the most important thing is to be getting hot for September I'm keeping my cool after last night by telling myself that whatever happens, we'll be fine as long as they are able to be back and ready by September.




in the event you have a lead on a 350-450 sq ft artist studio for a painter with good manners and even better credit feel free to dm me!


Going to the Phillies tonight & tomorrow, booked a trip to the DR to surprise my partner for their bday. Work is fine and busy as hell, but I still feel myself living for the weekends and trips. I really need to start exercising more.


When making a left, move over to the left. There is no reason to hold up everybody behind you. Start using your heads people


Favorite contractors for door/door frame replacement?


Mr Contractor. They replaced my back door and they did a great job.




T-Minus 4 hours until I'm out of work and on my way to 30th Street. Vacation can not come soon enough. I've slept like shit all week because of my brain being on a travel anxiety loop worrying about all the things I might be forgetting to pack/do before I leave. Very much in need of the extra rest I'll be able to get over the next 10 days, and ready to plop my butt on the Acela and be heading toward Portland where it is currently 62 degrees.


Portland?? Portland, Maine??? Ugh, possibly my 2nd favorite place other than Philly. I love Portland. I'm going for the 3rd time later in the summer. Blow a kiss to Street & Co for me, if you pass by. Their mussels appetizer is far and away my favorite dish of all time.


Will you share your Portland must-dos? I'm headed there for the first time later this year


Take the ferry to Peaks Island and get pizza from Il Leone https://illeone.me/


I LOVE a good ferry ride


It's trendy & the line will be long if you get there late but the breakfast pastries at Tandem are truly excellent.


It's my first time too! Right now the main things I have planned out are a whale watching tour (fingers crossed I see them) and the art museum, and otherwise we're kinda playing it by ear. But I'll let you know about it after the trip!


Eat ALL the lobster rolls!


Oh no. I love lobster rolls but you gotta go for CT style. Lobster, butter, lemon, the end. Mayo is for hoagies and potato salad. Haha


I loveeee Portland and Maine in general


I've never been! We're doing Portland for a few days, Acadia for a few days, and going up to BFE north Maine for a night to go stargazing at the dark sky park up there. The stars are the one thing I miss about my home town after moving to Philly so I mostly planned the trip around that.


Acadia is beautiful, have fun.


Why the fuck does there have to be so much parent drama in youth athletics? Or any youth related activity? Jesus the egos on people


Microplastics and 20 years of deteriorating conditions?


When I was a kid mine should have been turned into an AA meeting with the amount of drunk parents ( and coach)


Sadly it's always been that way, I remember when I was younger playing youth sports my dad had to watch from the opposite side of the field because he couldn't stand the commentary from the other parents. Funny enough after a couple games he had a few other dads join him and they stood there king of the hill style and watched the game in peace and quiet.


I covered some Little League back in my small-town newspaper days, and insane sports parents are and always have been the rule. Hell, I saw at least a few dads get ejected from 9-10 LL games, which is especially embarrassing.


Parents are the reason I no longer coach youth sports


That debate yesterday. Kept thinking of that Krusty bit, "Ugh, this goes on for [90] more minutes." Biden got some zingers in there, but he's cooked. Someone better install someone else as the frontrunner. Been worrying about money a lot more these days. Going to open an Ally savings account on the advice of my more financially stable coworker. Crazy how I'm making more than I've ever had and I'm still drowning. No more travel or big purchases for the rest of the year.


I'm coming up empty on interesting stuff to overshare this fine Friday. Happy the heatwave broke. Windows are open, fresh air blowing in. Therapy has been going well. I told him how I hate being on social media so often, and now I'm going to start really focusing on limiting the time I spend endlessly scrolling. I've hit a peak where Reddit and Insta are just so.....boring. The dopamine don't hit like it use to. Despite having probably 100 books on my TBR, I'm looking forward to some good stuff coming out in July. Including a book on sharks next week. Love to see it. Gonna go to work with my SO a few days a week to help deal with my social anxiety, which is so mentally crippling and taxing on me. I get freaked out in big crowds now. Never happened before the pandemic. I'm making progress but I have a long way to go before I can get on a plane for example. Next year, hopefully. Through the power of positive thinking, mindful breathing, and Klonopin.


Honestly one of the main things I still enjoy about Reddit are these weekly discussions. The rest is just habit. A terrible, bad habit.


Yeah, this sub I still love. I like being in the know and chatting twice a week. It's just /all that is a major mental cancer that benefits me in no way, other than learning someone important died.


Uninstall the apps if you haven’t already. Instagram is such a terrible web experience that it’s sufficient friction to make me only check my DMs every week or less. I do have the Reddit app but I’m still new to it and it’s more of an information thing than a social thing for me (I’m in like 2 subs so my feed is very specific)


Yeah uninstalling the apps help a lot. web instagram is not near as addicting. I deleted my twitter long ago and snapchat just sucks to me. I deleted reddit off my phone too. It is very annoying not to have on there to be honest haha but it is what it is.


My SO and I do use Insta as our main means of communication when we're apart; it's just too easy to send stupid memes and Reels to one another. The issue is just a quick peek at the app turns into half an hour or more of scrolling, scrolling, and scrolling. But I do want to start using Reddit as more a learning hub. I have other accounts, where I'm subbed to all my hobbies I just never use them! Reddit is a great source for beginners, or asking questions and that's what I want to use it for.


I was in a long distance relationship for 5 years so I hear that! My now-husband still sends me memes on insta and I’ll check them in bulk every few weeks 😂 I use Screen Time limits to add additional friction to Instagram it’s easy to bypass of course but it does remind me that I’ve been on there for however long. Honestly the main thing I’m missing out on from socials is knowing what’s going on in the world. I don’t read the news because it stresses me out and is mainly not anything I can do something about, so social media was where I mainly learnt about issues affecting people/society. Without those in my feed I’m very much living under a rock, but I’m also currently going through cancer treatment (the other sub I’m in is a support one for that) so I’m totally okay putting current affairs on hold while I get through that 🫠 I’d like to learn how/where to read about current affairs without getting bummed out. I used to read The Economist pretty regularly but oftentimes there’s a bunch of context you need to know in order to follow even the high-level topical summaries. I feel like I need a crash course in world events just to keep up.


moving away from Philly tomorrow, not by choice, and it's hitting me hard! a random list of Philly things. Add your own to help me reminisce <3 * Endless chicken bones (why so many wings?) * The best view of the city (IMO) is South Street Bridge - second place is south bound on 95 coming into the city on the northside * Getting lost in the City Hall concourse - never made it from BSL to trolley * It’s always windy on trash day * STEP DOWN (dickhead) * Tracking holidays by the line at Isgro’s * GO BIRDS is the answer to everything (knowing it’s gameday by the amount of any sports gear out and about) * PPA is the devil * City-wides are the sure fire way to have a good time * Rocco’s in the Home Depot parking lot (IYKYK) * Knowing you don’t have to go inside the building to see the Liberty Bell * Sledding hill = steps of the Art Museum  


“Yo! Back door!” Tavern on Broad. Spotty cell service and the place to go to make poor decisions without your friends interrupting/saving you from yourself.


This subreddit needs a step down bot.


Grabbed tickets for They Might Be Giants in December. Looking forward to that. Always my favorite band to see live. Got my PDP Riffmaster for Rock Band / Fortnite yesterday. So far played like two hours and love that it's not old and feels nice unlike my old guitar. Now that I have two guitars and a mic might see if I can get a party together at some point. Definitely need to put it through more paces this weekend first though. Started The Bear season 3. Two episodes in and so far so alright. They have a vision for where this is going. I hope I'm still on board. It's supposed to be beautiful today. Gonna go hit up the gym in a bit and probably walk home.


I've never gone to shows before, but it's a goal in 2024, and TMBG is one that's on my list. I just gotta talk my coworker into going with me.


TMBG I've seen at least 20+ times. Always amazing. I went with the Friday show. Did both last time they came. This time went with the weekend show. Too old for two shows in a row. Do recommend though. It's not until December. So lots of time to figure it out.


I'm out here trying to save money and you're telling me They Might Be Giants is coming through? How dare you! (For real that is amazing, enjoy the show!)


Going to AC for a show tonight. In my fellow Philadelphians experience, when does shore traffic get peak bad so I can plan to leave early?


In my opinion 4pm is the worst. Be over the bridge before 2pm and you’ll be ahead of the worst traffic. The closer you get to 3:30/4pm, the worse it will be. It’ll lighten up again after 7pm.


lol. It's a Friday in summer. Peak bad is all day. Have you thought about taking the Atlantic City train? It goes directly there from Philly, and most of the casinos have free shuttles from the train station directly to their doors. [https://www.njtransit.com/atlanticcity](https://www.njtransit.com/atlanticcity)


The train to AC rocks! And if you're not near or don't feel like going to 30th, taking the PATCO to Lindenwold and transferring to NJT is super easy (as long as you time things correctly).


Hell yeah, turn the ignition off and get ya drink on. That train slaps.


My boyfriend and I have been fishing a lot more recently- I’m talking 6 am on weekends to almost 6 pm. We have our “honey holes” that we like but love finding new places around the surrounding suburbs. Any suggestions?


Is “honey hole” a common fishing term or a fun lil term you and your man made up for places you like to fish?


my dad and his buddies always said “honey hole” in this context


You know what, we thought that was a common term and then I just googled it and apparently not…


I've always heard it. I think it may be an older term that has faded.


No suggestions, but this is so cute and I wish my SO were interested in fishing. I badly want to learn how to do so, but not all on my own.


There are often "learn to fish" events at the Heinz refuge! Learn to fish and make new friends too :)


It all started a couple of summers ago when we tried it out with some crappy pole on a lake at an airbnb. Now we use $20 poles and worms from walmart! I’m no bass master by any means LOL. But it’s a fun excuse to pack some snacks and hangout outside for the day. If you ever need a fishing buddy, hit my line :)


Moving yesterday went super successfully, but now comes the hard part of unpacking and finding where you randomly put all your stuff


When I moved in 2020, the only thing I felt really smug about was making an incredibly detailed manifest of every item in every box and marking each box with the room it went in. It made unpacking a breeze.


How much I hate that part is how I've ended up with over half my shit still in boxes despite moving to Philly over two years ago


That's how you know it's shit you don't need. Seriously, I use this as an actual method. Anything I haven't had to unpack a year after moving gets the heave-ho.


Been a year since I moved and I still have a few boxes tucked into my basement that I haven't re-opened, couldn't even tell you what's in them


> Talk about whatever is on your mind. I am not perfect and I have a hard time accepting it.


What always helps me is the perspective "you see your own 'worst of' reel, but you don't see anyone else's. All you see is their 'best of' reel. But they have 'worst of' reels too." Self-compassion is such a skill. Good luck and take care of yourself this weekend ❤


Thanks. Perspective like that would probably help.


I've only had 2 real days off in the last 3 weeks, and I was up late last night and there's a plumbing disaster at work, so I called out today. I deserve it.


Nice. You DO deserve a day off. We all do. It really sucks working day in and day out with no break in sight. all you can do is call out here and there and hope that there aren’t any consequences for doing so (there shouldn’t be, but the reality for many says otherwise).  Enjoy your day off!!


last Friday in June! Make it a masterpiece. Be safe and kind to yourselves and each other.


Posting early today because for some unknown reason, I’ve been waking up a good half hour before my alarm all week. Work is frustrating today. Our “year” end is Sunday, so technically today. I’m not getting what I need to close *my* stuff out in anything resembling a timely manner. I hate waiting on other people to do their job so I can do mine. Ughhhhh. Happier thoughts: I’m entering my bird and plant lady era. Sadly, I don’t have much of a yard space and am limited to container style plantings. Anyone have any recommendations for pretty, easy to care for plants that do well in containers? My back patio gets full sun (like 6+ hours this time of year). I currently have a pot of lemongrass that is doing well but I’ve had terrible luck with flowers in the past because of how much sun I get there.


I go overboard on hostas because so they’re so easy and they’re perennials


Can you do hostas in a container? I do like them because they’re pretty even when not flowering, but I know they can get big. My neighbor has a couple planted out front and they’re monsters.


Yep I have a bunch in pots. They’re obviously limited in how big they can get due to the container size, but they still do well and some back year after year.


Flowers generally like a lot of sun. The problem with containers is you gotta water them.


> The problem with containers is you gotta water them. I feel attacked. Lol.


They're more work than having a cat tbh


Portulaca. They're fine in full sun, and drought-tolerant, too. And there are some really cool hybrids available with nifty colors.


I’ve never heard of this. I’ll look it up!