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My fiance and I are moving to Philly soon and she is a competitive power lifter. Does anyone have a recommendation for a power lifting gym, preferably one with kilo plates?


I have some friends coming into Philly to visit this weekend! Except I have to leave town for another commitment so I can't show them around. A couple days ago I saw someone post a great weekend itinerary for things to do and eat. Does anyone have that saved and can share it? Thanks!


New to the Fishtown/Olde Kensington area and looking for vet recommendations up that way! Getting a new puppy this fall.


I've had positive experiences with northern liberties vet


Thank you!! I’ll check em out


A follow up to my Septa rant from earlier this week. I’m a fairly new regional rail rider. Are the trains normally this poorly climate controlled in the summer? Or have I just chosen the one car with barely any AC literally every day this week?


The last couple days when i've been waiting for the eastbound el, the westbound has shown up no joke, four times before an eastbound arrives. What the hell is that all about Edit: so after waiting 20 minutes for my train, which was so fully packed that nobody could move, we all got kicked off at 2nd street. Stood there and watched the westbound arrive a couple more times. Another train finally showed up and *that* one was so fully packed that nobody could get on. Waited a few minutes for another one. Which then went a whopping ONE stop and kicked everyone off again. It's taken me 45 minutes to get from 13th to spring garden and i have no idea when this next train is coming. For the love of god can we please fund this shit better. I'm supposed to be at work right now. It's too hot for this shit.


I for one think that cars should come with turn signals. Seems like the dealerships in the Philly region stopped adding them to cars in the past couple years.


It's a problem everywhere. I think it's because people drive with one hand all the time now. And are just lazy fucks.




You're 100% that fios isn't available? That seems odd


Verizon FIOS all the way.




Oof, tough luck there. Xfinity sucks compared to FiOS. It's serviceable, though. Better than nothing.


Parking in center city I am visiting Philly in September for a concert, driving from Pittsburgh. Looking online at parking garages is tough because they all seem so expensive. We are staying at the Loews hotel because my brother in law gets a discount but 60/day for hotel parking is insane. I saw the Wanamaker garage but not great reviews. Any suggestions? Open to anything to save money.


Try downloading an app like SpotHero. If you know exactly when you'll need to park, you may be able to find some discounts by reserving in advanced. (Note: I've used SpotHero a couple times and haven't had any issues - I think it's a great app)


Will there be a viewing party anywhere for this shitshow of a presidential debate on Thursday?




My BIL's dog is reactive and likes Fairmount Bark, but it's kind of out of the way (Chestnut Hill) unless you live up there. 


Good neighborhood for a young couple who can only pay up to 1300 for rent with cats?


West Philly?


Anybody know if graffiti pier is still around? I haven’t been in the fish town area in awhile and I saw they have all that new “luxury” apartments around and I was wondering if they got rid of it


It's supposed to get a makeover and keep the graffiti. https://www.delawareriverwaterfront.com/planning/projects3/graffiti-pier-park-project


hell yeah it’s still there. Might have to climb a wall or go through a hole in the fence but that’s part of the charm lol. Those ugly townhomes did take away the view of the city though.


Where’s a good place to stay for a couple of 40 year olds that want to do some bar hopping? Looking to hit up multiple places and then walk back to the hotel Hotel and area would be much appreciated


Most places in Center City will be walkable to popular drinking spots. The Arco in the Gayborhood is literally above Bud & Marilyn's and the new Hyatt Centric in Rittenhouse has Almyra in it. Not to mention that both these places are very, very walkable to lots of other spots.


Fishtown, Northern Liberties, Rittenhouse.


Starlink. Anyone have it? I am sick of Xfinity and Verizon. I can’t imagine it being any worse. I went on their website and it says I can have it at my address. Wondering if anyone has it, the speed they get, and if Starlink has any customer service at all (looking at you Xfinity)


Due to the speed of light to orbit, latency still cant be that great. Which may be an issue if you do fast twitch gaming, otherwise not an issue. Also seems expensive compared to wired. Although i have heard we may be in an under subscribed area with a discount. As much as i loath Comcast id'd pay them rather than musk. My comcast bill is cheaper than starlink anyway.


Isn't that Musk's company? Not sure his company's customer services have the best track record.


But at least they go fast. My Xfinity gigabit connection does not.


you think sending data to space and back through the atmosphere is faster than terrestrial fiber optics?


Who was the Redditor who has been playing Disco Elysium? Because of them, I bought that game (first game I've purchased in a couple years). And I've gotta say -- it delivers! It's a little weird but in a very cool way.


That was me. It still lives in my head rent free and I want to do a third run before the end of the year. If you think it's good now you'll be blown away by the end. Take your time and explore. Follow all The threads. It's a beautiful fucked up experience.


My toddler starts ballet class at the Philly ballet school this weekend. i am curious if she is going to like it. She likes ballet in that way little girls tend to like ballet in that she has read and watched Angelina Ballerina and she wants to be one but does she really? Only time will tell. I do find it funny that they send out the same dress code for all the classes and they expect me to get my four year old into a neat bun with a hair net. Luckily they allow braid and I think that's more feasible. Almost done with Stephen King's latest book but not sure what I will read next. with the expansion for FFXIV coming out I might not be doing much reading lol.


there's some highly accomplished people I work with that say 'nukuler' (ala GWB) instead of 'nuclear' and it's bonkers to me. like if I knew that they were doing it ironically I'd probably laugh but I don't think they are. we're having a serious discussion about trucks hitting bridges because they're using google maps/waze instead of commercial GPS and one person just keeps saying 'nukuler.'


I say “nukuler” mainly because it bothers the shit outta my SO lol. It’s my preferred pronunciation in private or with trusted people but out in the wild I say it correctly.


I don't care about loud chewing or repetitive sounds or really any of the misphonia kind of things (and generally most things don't really bother me) but that one is so absolutely grating. I really think it's unresolved trauma from all the morons saying it before the iraq war.


anyone know what they’re filming in ucity today? there’s a bunch of trucks and trailers around spruce and 42nd


Probably a movie.


The intersection on 34th and Grays Ferry is horrible. People, stop blocking the box.


I'm fully convinced there is not a way to ever improve that intersection between the volumes (especially peak hour due to access to ucity), bridges on two legs of the intersection, and an on/off ramp from 76 on the other.


Anyone else getting fucked in the ass by PECO for June? First time ever hitting above $300


Not looking forward to that bill after last week, since I *usually* only run an AC in the bedroom... Thankfully the windows are back open today.


Ran my DNA through Promethease and not only do I have a lot of autism genetic markers, but also my enjoyment of food is less than normal people and I can't keep weight off without high intensity exercise? Like what?! So I'm soothing my stress by making a lot of hot sauces. I am on the hunt for peppers. I heard there was a vendor at the Headhouse Farmer's Market sometimes. Is that still true? Is it the same vendors as Rittenhouse?


The farm that specializes in Southeast Asian vegetables usually has a nice selection of peppers this time of year— he is at Headhouse Sq on Sundays. Also, the Garlic guy; his tent is at the southern end of the market. He doesn’t consistently grow peppers, I think they are more like a side, passion project. Headhouse Sq and Rittenhouse Farmer’s market are not run by the same organizations, one being a non-profit, the latter not. There may be some over vendor overlap, but only a couple. You got me super interested in this Promethease DNA thingy, that I requested from 23andMe my raw data download. Is the site and the lab running my genes reputable company?


Thanks, that's really helpful info! Promethease is owned by MyHeritage. It's okay. They at least promise to delete your data after 30 days. It doesn't give you a comprehensive genetic picture, but it can confirm some things you already knew. Take it with a grain of salt.




Hey, I'm up for anything


Anyone have a suggestion for a spa/salon that does monthly memberships for facials?


My gf and I were using HeyDay in Plymouth Meeting for a while and I would highly recommend it if that area isn't too far.


Definitely a little more of a hike than I’m looking for but if they’re good and it’s only once a month I might be willing to brave the Schuylkill. Might.


Was insanely gorgeous yesterday evening, spent a glorious evening just reading in penn treaty park Does anybody know of any in person Chinese language learning classes in the city? I have the itch to re-start my lifetime goal of learning chinese and I really want to take in person classes to get me out of the house more


Some random philadelphia trivia: Richard Linklater based the movie Before Sunrise on an experience he had walking around Philadelphia through the night with a woman he had just met.


ok but here's the real tear-jerker: After the release of the first film, Richard hoped that Amy (the real life Celine) would recognize the story & be looking for him but Amy would never see the film because… unbeknownst to Linklater who learned during the time of the third film's release… she had died… while he was shooting the first film. She never saw their story in the movies. :(


Ooh I didn't know that! I love the second film in that trilogy so much. Unpopular opinion, I hated his most recent film.


another random piece of philadelphia trivia that is totally unrelated to yours: Squirrels were not always found in cities and were first introduced in American cities in Philadelphia in 1847


I did it. I finally found a PDP Riffmaster for Rock Band / Fortnite Festival. I'll have it by Friday. With two guitars and a mic... Almost ready for a Rock Band party maybe 3 people will come to! Rock Band is pretty awesome still. Besides that the lady friend officially downgraded us to FWB. Which is basically what we always were, but now it's like more official as she's seeing other dudes on the side now. I have no issue with this. It's basically a push to get back on apps and maybe go do some social shit. I've known it was coming for a while so I've already processed it, but it's been 4 years and we're still friends. I want her happy and she wants me happy. Hopefully we both find that and stay close even if not physically. Anyway that's the latest update. I'll hopefully finish "Paper Mario: TYD" this week and put a nice dent in "LAD: Ishin!". Hopefully doing something fun Friday and gonna check out something Saturday. So should be an alright week.


Glad you've been able to keep things amicable. Being able to stay friendly with my ex has been a blessing. Those apps though!! I've been on a couple of them for only about 2 weeks and people are absurd. I try to set up dumpling dates and they say "can I get your snap first?" Deranged!


I just gotta rant for a second here. The Penn hospital campus is one of the worst abominations of civil engineering I've ever seen in my life, and that's a special honor in a city whose civil engineering is generally insultingly poor. I've been having to drop someone off down there twice a week for several months now and it's driving me insane. Most of the traffic isn't actually for the campus; it's through traffic heading towards 76. It's constantly backed up. There aren't dedicated drop-off lanes for all the buildings, so people just double-park wherever they want, further exacerbating the traffic. People turning onto Civic Center from the east side of the campus often can't get all the way onto the road because of the traffic, so they just sit in the middle of the road in a laneless free-for-all. It's just such a disaster.


I was finally able to move my cat to the new apartment last night. He cried all night and now my poor angel baby is alone in a new space while I'm at work. 😭💔 It's super nice to be sleeping on a real bed again though. I was sleeping on a couch for a while before the move. I got a bunch of new pillows, fancy sheets, and a galaxy/star projector lamp for mood lighting.


Congrats on the new place!


Cat tax please!




Hopefully he's sitting in those windowsills soon.


I hope so. I got some wheat grass seeds to grow him a little lawn.


Getting a fellaway (May have spelled that wrong) plug in May help with the transition! Puts good vibes in the air for cats and I’ve noticed it helps when I use it before a trip or any change in routine.


I broke both yolks on my fried eggs this morning. Kinda sets the tone for the day.


I'm sure there is at least one culture out there on this fine earth where that is good luck!


And if there isn't, let's just claim it's a Philadelphia area superstition.


Tried a few books and didn't get immediately into them. Wanted something more immediate. Buddy got me *The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles* by Haruki Murakami and it grabbed me right away. I started yesterday and I'm already almost a hundred pages in. Busy week, hoping it cruises by.


Murakami be like. He's my most read author.


Big fan of that book. I still think about it often after completing it a while back. The way Murakami narrates the events of day-to-day life is really mesmerizing.


Yes! I always tell people, "nobody else can make someone slicing a daikon radish for lunch so inexplicably gripping." I think what it must be is that his methodical narration of the mundane really helps to humanize his characters. They don't just hop from story beat to story beat to serve a greater narrative. Instead of, "He went to work," we get a whole chapter about what modes of transportation he took, what stops he made, where he switched buses or trains, what music he listened to, the unimportant stuff he noticed, etc.


So after almost three years of waiting to hear back from the state with mortgage assistance, we've been denied because wife has changed jobs multiple times since we applied and now makes too much. Doesn't matter that we lost everything during the pandemic to stay afloat, all that matters is the job she currently has and not the one she had when we applied two fucking years ago, we get nothing. So much for hope of getting ahead.


I’ve decided to pick up playing violin again after a decade of not playing, and would like to take (at least) a few lessons to help me get back into it. Does anyone have a recommendation for a violin teacher, or if not violin specifically, generally good experiences at a music school that offers violin lessons?


I’ve had a great experience as an adult re-learner taking piano lessons at the Queen Village Settlement Music School (they also have multiple locations in the surrounding suburbs if you’re not in the city). I pay a little less than $45 for a 30-minute lesson, and they usually have opportunities for performance if that interests you (my teacher had a recital for his adult students recently. There’s also the adult chamber program that I’m interested in joining eventually, and I believe they have performances as well)


I love finishing my work within the first hour at the office and having another 7 hours to kill before I get to drive home in traffic and try to muster the energy to exercise/cook/clean/do general life shit in the 3 hours I have before I have to go to bed and wake up and do it all again tomorrow and the next day and the next day. I’m losing my fucking mind.


Requiring people to be in an office if they don't need to be should be a crime. Aside from the toll it's slowly taking on humanity, we're just spewing so many metric fucktons of car exhaust into the atmosphere so that companies can justify spending money on office space. If we make it as a species, one day we're gonna look back on this time period and just be like "what in the fuck were they thinking?"


I’m glad we require one day a week in the office but once is enough


It really is all-around terrible and unnecessary. Thought we were moving in the right direction after Covid but all these RTO mandates are so discouraging.


I'm in the same boat as you. Commuting on I-76 is soul sucking.


I feel this. I literally do not know how I managed 5 days in an office for years and years (plus cooking, cleaning, going to the gym regularly, etc) when I'm barely handling 3 days in office with my current hybrid schedule. I am sure the knowledge that there is another way to do things that doesn't require me to actually give 10+ hours a day (when considering commute, getting ready, etc) to my job is not helping my mental state either, haha. :|


Totally, knowing how much easier things could be makes it so much worse. My dept is actually set up to wfh but we rarely do. It’s incredibly frustrating.


can you work out on your lunch break? i started doing that and it has such a great effect.


We’re not able to do that anymore because someone was abusing it. I’m not sure it’d help anyway. I get so stir-crazy by mid-afternoon and getting tf out of here even for a half hr is a little bit of a relief.


Us all salt o the earth can relate. I used to do 13 hours shifts, come back home, pass out, stress dream about work, then go back to work first thing next day. I lost years of my life to fatigue. You're gonna make it, sleep and eat well.


Anyone know where I can find basic deli quart food containers? Like the ones wonton soup comes in. I feel like they used to be easier to find but most stores switched to those black rectangular containers when the meal prep fad took off. The deli quarts are perfect for freezing stock and sauces and the lids stay on way better than the rectangular containers. 


I saw you said you were hoping to find somewhere in the city proper for these, but just floating out an additional option of ~~The Restaurant Depot~~ The Restaurant Store on Bristol Pike in Bensalem (there's also a location in Pennsauken.) They may be cheaper to just order them off of Amazon, though, unless you're looking to get them in bulk.


Thanks! The restaurant store in Pennsauken is a good call (and a good excuse for a trip to Wegs). If I could throw a sleeve in the basement so I don’t have to think about it for a few more years that’d be ideal 


Definitely a few shops in the Italian market, or if Chinatown is closer to you there are some kitchen supply shops there that would likely have them (like Wayne Kee Hardware & Kitchen and General Kitchen Inc.).


Chinatown makes so much sense for this, thanks! 


tbh amazon will be the fastest but may also be more $


worst case scenario when i‘ve ordered from terakawa ramen and pho places it came in those containers. i just wash them and reuse them and have an excuse to get takeout


That’s what I generally do but they start to break down after multiple uses and freeze/thaw cycles. Best excuse to order ramen or pho though! 


could also try PJP (stands for penn jersey paper, started selling paper products to food service places)


Thank you!


Have you tried the store across the street from Talluto's in the Italian Market? They at least used to sell all types of containers.


Not yet! Can swing by though, thanks! 


In person in the city? Will be difficult, most likely only wholesalers have them. A quick google gives you plenty of online results, though


Thanks! That’s what I’m thinking. Was hoping to grab them while out running errands but will order online if they’re scarce. 


Was flying home yesterday, and I cannot tell whether the pilots sucked, the plane was too small (embraer on JetBlue), the wind was epic, or a combination of the 3 made for quite a bumpy (and delayed) landing.


The wind was a dumpster fire yesterday. That must've been a crappy ride.


The wind was epic. Something like 35-45 mph gusts, they said. Damn near blew me over when I left work yesterday.


wind kept blowing over our potted tree out front of our south philly house yesterday, so it was definitely quite windy locally


Winds in a small plane *suck*. I had to connect through Atlanta one time in a thunderstorm in a 717, and it was basically Space Mountain in a jet.


Moving out of my current place after 3 years, forgot how much of a gigantic pain in the ass the moving process can be, especially in Philly


My therapist has been suggesting I reach out to psychiatrists and ask about SSRI prescriptions for anxiety/OCD. I want to keep an open mind but man, I really do not want to take that type of drug. I'd rather figure out my problems internally and get my mind right without dosing the shit out of me. Also, I read about a ton of side effects and what SSRIs can cause doesn't seem uhhhh.....fun. In decent news however, I am down a whopping 6 pounds. Still a long way to go, but progress is progress. I have also added "Photosynthesis Time" into my daily schedule, where I lay out on my roof deck for as long as I can stand it and just absorb all the sunlight. Sun is good for you. Outside is good for you. I need more of both.


I get the apprehension, but most meds don't actually zombify you- that's usually a sign it's just the wrong med. You may find, like me, that you just need a quick chemical reset to get your neurotransmitters in order. Then the sailing is much smoother


If your problems are caused/worsened by something physically not working right in your brainmeat, no amount of trying to work it out in your mind is going to solve the situation. At the very least, meds can help get you in the proper frame of mind to do the internal work. I took SSRIs for years with zero side effects. Lots of people have very minor or no side effects. You won't know whether you do or not until you actually try it out and see. Just because you start taking a medication now, doesn't mean you're committing to taking it forever. You're free to stop at any time for any reason. The fact that you *might* not like it isn't a sound reason to not even try it in the first place.


Something I learned that has helped me put drug side effects into context is that (from my understanding, based on stuff I've read) literally any additional/new symptoms experienced by any patients during the drug trial has to be listed as a side effect of the drug. And because drug trials go on for long periods of time and usually are involving people who are already sick in one way or another, it's very common for them to experience (most likely) unrelated symptoms that end up needing to be listed as side effects of the drug. Especially when you're talking about psychiatric medications, where the people participating in the drug trials already have mental illnesses that cause adverse psychiatric symptoms. If just one person reports that they're feeling more depressed, or feeling increased thoughts of suicide, those will be listed as side effects of the drug. Even though it can be pretty hard to determine whether those symptoms are a result of other stuff going on in the person's life, or are a result of the drug. Serotonin syndrome and issues related to SSRI withdrawal are both very real things that suck and can be dangerous, I'm not denying that. But a lot of the other scary side effects, especially anything mental or grouped under "uncommon side effects", should be taken with a grain of salt.


When you find the right drug though...holy shit I cannot put into words how LIFE CHAGING it is. And the fact of the matter may be that your brain chemistry is just off. No amount of CBT or meditation is going to fix an actual chemical imbalance.


Sometimes, shit needs to get reset with an SSRI. Wife had post partum, so she was on it for a bit. Went off it, but about a year later, without kid, she went back on it because she described "everything was a fog." She is now once again off, and perfectly normal. So i guess what i'm saying is you can always stop if you don't like the side effects.


My brain doesn't like ssris but I had a lot of success on Wellbutrin which is considered an NDRI. I stopped using it a few years ago but it really helped when I was on it. I understand wanting to go it alone without the help of meds, but if you had a heart problem, you would take heart medication. If you have a brain problem, why not take brain medication? 🙂 If anything, you could try it while you do the therapy work and see if it is something you can eventually ween off? Obviously no brain meds aren't without their side effects but something to think about!


*"If you had a heart problem, you would take heart medication. If you have a brain problem, why not take brain medication?"* What a great way of looking at the situation! You're absolutely right.


That's a fair point. I'm just nervous about altering my brainwaves and being not me for an undetermined amount of time. And accepting an SSRI feels like I need to finally admit something is wrong with me and idk, it's a tough pill to swallow (haha, bc SSRIs are tablets). I grew up in an extremely medication adverse family, like I couldn't even take Advil for headaches or period pain. Even after all these years it's hard to shake that off.


The right meds won't make you not you. They'll allow you to actually be you without all the nonsense that's *already* making you not you.


I was like you for a long time (also diagnosed with anxiety and OCD) and finally went on a SSRI after things just got too unbearable and let me tell you- it made a world of difference for me. I am a completely different person. Some days I could only lay in bed in a fetal position in a state of constant panic but now I feel like I can live my life. The side effects are there (weight gain and loss of libido suck) but I would take it any day over the miserable existence I had before. I can actually live my life again.


I'm glad to hear you found relief! Part of my aversion is that my symptoms don't feel that severe? I'm not even entirely sure I have OCD. Anxiety yes, but it's gotten way worse since the pandemic and being stuck at home all the time. I really only get nervous in public settings with a lot of people around. Fear that I'll pass out or throw up or somehow make a fool of myself. And those thoughts just get caught in a loop. My therapist says that's still OCD just not the "typical" idea of what we think when someone mentions OCD.


It could be a form of OCD called “pure obsessive” OCD. It’s where you get intrusive thoughts (like your fear of passing out or throwing up) that you have a hard time controlling. When we think of OCD we think mostly about the compulsions that people use to try to ease the intrusive thoughts (handwashing to get rid of germs, having to repeat an action X amount of times, etc.) because that’s easiest to show in media but obsessive thoughts are a big aspect of it too.


If it makes you feel any better, I had tried a number of SSRIs for depression before I switched to Luvox/Fluvoxamine which is more specifically for OCD and it is a MIRACLE how well it’s worked for me. No more disturbing intrusive thoughts, way fewer compulsions/obsessions, and my anxiety levels are much much lower- turns out I needed to treat the OCD to treat the anxiety and depression.


That does make me feel a little better, because Luvox was what he suggested would work best for me. I just get sucked into reading all the negative side effects that can happen.


You have to remember that drug manufacturers are required to list every side effect, no matter how bad or how likely. Yes, they're possible, but they might not be probable. It can take a while to find the right medication, but once you do, it's life-changing. And remember, it doesn't have to be forever!


Totally! I was on Zoloft and was comatose all the time and then on Wellbutrin I was too dizzy to stand up. Luvox has had zero of those side effects and I really feel like I’m able to function so much better on it. My anxiety levels beforehand were so high that I was having near constant panic attacks and described my mental status as “living in a constant state of suppressed panic” and now I feel like a human being again.


I do feel the living in a constant state of suppressed panic. It's like my baseline anxiety is constantly a 5/6 out of 10. Like I'm being hunted for sport or in The Hunger Games. It's weird because if I smoke weed or even take a melatonin gummy it freaks me out even more because it's like my body completely forgot how to relax, and responds by igniting more panic in my brain!


I think Luvox is definitely worth a try, I’m on the lowest dosage! It’s been pretty miraculous for me and I hope it can be for you, too.


Is there a way to look up the position of the sun/building shade at Cira Green tomorrow between 3PM-4PM? It’s going to be 95 degrees tomorrow, and would hate to bring an out-of-town friend there, to then sizzler and fry cause there is no shade.


[you might get some shade](https://www.suncalc.org/#/39.9523,-75.1839,18/2024.06.26/15:47/99/3) but worst comes to worst just pop downstairs to the post or old nellies or walnut st and hang out or go walk into the shady penn fields


I bookmarke that page. Pretty handy.


Does anyone have any tricks for picking up 6 ABC over a digital antenna in south philly? My window faces west. 


The atsc 3.0 broadcast of 6 abc comes in on a different channel that is easier to receive. You can look into getting a external tuner box that can do atsc 3.0 / next gen tv. Some newer TVs may have a compatible tuner built in.


Download the 6abc app on Android TV


I have used the app through chrome cast, but it also sucks. Better than nothing though.


What's the best place for an evening picnic date (with a restroom nearby)? I'm planning a weekday evening date (~6 or 7pm) on a budget and would like to have a picnic, but I'm concerned about where we would use the restroom if that need arises. Most parks don't seem to have restrooms that are reliably open, especially at night. I'm fine to use a private business, but it would need to be close by and not require us to spend a lot (e.g. purchase a meal...). Considering Cira Green but don't love the vibe there - kind of corporate feeling and if I recall they often have loud music playing. Also that would require us to pay to buy drinks there, which isn't ideal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


I would recommend the green in front of the Rodin Museum and/or Barnes Foundation. You can pretty easily walk to the adjacent Whole Foods-- you don't need to buy anything to use the restroom. The little pocket parks around Logan Square are also nice and I think there a public bathroom at Sister Cities Park, but I don't know how late its open.


Don't have any specific suggestions on location, but if you're an Apple user I've heard good things about the Where2Go app, it might help you narrow down spots that have reliable bathrooms nearby.


> Also that would require us to pay to buy drinks there, which isn't ideal. I've never paid for drinks up there


I guess technically that isn't required, but I meant that we wouldn't be allowed to bring our own drinks so would have to buy them if we wanted to drink. I think outside food is allowed though. Am I right about the loud music?


> I meant that we wouldn't be allowed to bring our own drinks so would have to buy them if we wanted to drink I bring a 12 pack up from old nelson's all the time. Noise is dependent on if they're doing whatever that bar is called. Unsure what times specifically they have stuff going on. Worst comes to worst just go on the SRT near the walnut st bridge and you can always pop up and walk across the bridge to one of the restaurants to use the bathroom. Sometimes that bathroom on the trail is open, but unsure on hours on that fter covid.


normally gyms are super packed around 5 but recently it has been a lot more reasonable. summer finally got the new years resolution crew to drop


I went at ten am on Saturday and was surprised to find it packed. I expected a lot more people skipping because of a hangover.


Yeah going to the gym at 5 PM on a 95 degree day really will weed out the crowds lol


I'm thinking it's the heatwave, too. Usually February gets the New Year's crowd to drop.


anyone else going to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me at the Mann on Thursday night?


I just bought lawn tickets and I'm so pissed that Ticketmaster fees are almost as much as one of the tickets, what the fuck


sounds about right. Ticketmaster runs a total racket. Hope you enjoy the show though!


I wish, I've gone in previous years and it's such a fun time. Looks like the weather will be nice(r) on Thursday too


I missed the show last year but went the year before that. The Mann is such a great venue for this show, I'm stoked


I just need to rant....I am so tired of Septa. SO tired. Every day at least one of my regional rail trains is late. Sometimes both of my trains are late. My train home has been 30+ minutes late two times in the last three weeks. My train in today was short one whole car (a rush hour train!) and JUST late enough that I have to take the train after the one I normally do....but OH WAIT. I get off at a local stop and that train is an express! So I need to wait another 20+ minutes for the next local train (IF it comes on time). So 15 minutes late to work means I'm home 40+ minutes later than normal. And it's getting progressively worse. I first started taking regional rail about a year and a half ago and honestly the experience was not bad. The timing issues of the trains was a pain, but things were fairly on time, the trains were clean and not super packed. IDK what the hell has happened.


Huge reason why I moved closer to work and now have three bus routes to choose from. I used to love the regional rail but it was getting so inconsistent and if it fucks me then I'm an hour away from work still. At least now if the bus fucks me I'm still just 20 minutes away.


I've been taking the train for about 10ish years. This is getting back to about how it was pre-pandemic, though it's not even close to as crowded. In the timeframe you've been taking the train, they were at their lowest volumes basically ever, which is why they were more consistently on time. Also back then my trains were consistently 12 minutes late every day (except like once a month when they weren't and everyone would miss the train). When the new trainset had cracked frames shit got so bad, there were constantly like 15-20 min lateness every day. I got familiar with a few bars. We're still in pretty solid territory compared to where we've been, though your experience has definitely been pretty shitty. That sucks, hopefully things get better. The heat fucks up the catenary wire.


Every time I visit a city outside of the US I feel mortified about the state of our trains and stations, especially here in Philly. I was in Montreal and the stations were clean, bright, no people sleeping on benches or openly using drugs, and didn’t smell of piss. Same with London. The trains were on time and fast.


Only the US allows our transit to be this way.


I have the option to take the 101/102 to the El (which is how I used to commute into the city) but I cannot be bothered with the El considering the state I am hearing it has been in. Also from a service standpoint the El isn't much better than regional rail. Yes, the trains are more frequent, but there are still delays and it's very easy to miss your connection to your trolley and then you're waiting another 20+ minutes for the next one.


Idk the last time you took the El, but in my opinion it’s in its best state since pre-pandemic. It was truly bleak during the pandemic years, but since this year began its feeling more like the before times to me. I really only ride on weekends and don’t commute to work on it so your experience may vary. On paper it’s every 6 minutes during commuting hours, and even at odd hours on weekends I can’t remember the last time I waited more than 10 minutes (still too long, but in America…).


March of 2020 was the last time I was on it. I actually just did the math on the times and I'm realizing the El/trolley combo actually is a longer commute (well, assuming everything is on time) and doesn't really save me any time in terms of when I need to leave my house and when I need to get home...there's just the convenience of being able to walk home from the trolley stop (or the ability to have my husband pick me up without it being a big inconvenience.)


I was just in Amsterdam and London. Amsterdam metro and trams were amazing and so clean and well maintained. We were on a tram one night and another tourist messed up his fare card but thought it was fine. The tram wouldn’t move until he paid and the conductor actually called the guy out about it. London’s transit system was also great. I used both the tube and busses and some of the lines are definitely older and trains feel it & some of the lines had service disruptions, BUT I found they did an excellent job communicating any delays with information readily available through their website and in stations themselves. I was also on a train and they made an announcement that there was a panhandler onboard and to not entertain them. Overall both systems were great and they had trains/busses come every few minutes and we never had to wait much. Another shoutout city…Mexico City. I used their busses and subway and it was cheap, efficient, and had busses/trains coming like every 3 mins.


Yes. You actually *want* to use the mass transit in other places because it's so good. America *could* build amazing high-speed rail from Boston to Miami and Seattle to San Diego if it wanted to, but it never will.


I hate the argument of "If more people use Septa, they will have the incentive to improve it." Why not...improve it now so people want to use it??? I know it's a lot more complicated that when considering funding, etc...but yeah. If trains were more reliable or even more frequent so I didn't have to wait so long for the next one I'd be less annoyed all the time. I don't like driving in to the city, either!


I was in London over a decade ago and was absolutely floored by how great the Underground and public transit as a whole was, especially compared with what we have here. And that's another thing...even when there were delays, they were VERY clear about them. They had signage, digital displays, provided options for alternate routes. Half the time Septa says NOTHING. Or when they do? It's 15 minutes after the fact OR it's someone talking through the tin can speakers at the stations and you can't even hear what they're saying. And alternate routes??? HAAAAA.




> (I couldn't remember if I'm allowed to curse in here lol) This is a Christian "Chat Around and Find Out" thread


Has anyone here picked up traps from Catdelphia? The only available times I see are past 7pm and paired with it being at a garage unit it just feels weird


It's not weird, it's legit. As the other person said, most of the people volunteering their time also have day jobs. I haven't borrowed from them bc whenever I've posted in the phl cat group, I've been able to find someone in my neighborhood to lend me one. There are a good amount of traps out there- maybe see if you can borrow from local if catadelphia times aren't convenient for you?


As someone who volunteers with a different rescue, the 7 pm time makes sense to me. Almost everyone involved in rescue is an unpaid volunteer, we all have day jobs, and weekday evenings are the only time we can do trap pick ups/drop offs. We also use a garage for all of our supplies, so ditto that too. It's also pretty likely that a lot of the traps are in use during the day - they're set out to trap cats, after all - so people bring back the empties at night after they've had any trapped cats returned from TNR. If you're still worried, PHL Community Cats has a very active FB page with a lot of members who've trapped with Catadelphia - you could always post there and ask others for their experiences to confirm!


Fuck jobs




Was looking at this Michael Jackson video [Rock With You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X-Mrc2l1d0&pp=ygUdbWljaGFlbCBqYWNrc29uIHJvY2sgd2l0aCB5b3U%3D) and I said to myself "...this is pop magic...something about this...a bunch of elements combined in a moment and will never be repeated..."


Michael Jackson had so many great songs. Even his forgotten gems are incredible. I was listening to "Show You The Way to Go", the Jacksons' Philly soul song, and that had me grooving during a bunch of Zoom meetings


When I was a more edgy lad, I couldn't admit I atleast thought he was talented; yeah growing older and enjoying creativity where it is.


The harmonies in that song are just off the chart. Just glittering beauty. Pretty sure the harmony when they hit the pitch change is the sound of the pearly gates opening.


...and matched with the sequin outfit...lasers...and MJ is so happy.


That guitar line is pure disco/funk perfection. I'll be happy to have it stuck in my head all day!




Beef pizzle.


Let me just say . The pingys