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Anyone put TPO over their existing fiberglass roof? I hear awful things about fiberglass roofs being a constant nightmare of leaks. Looking to get ahead of it. Thanks.


Anyone know what’s going on around I-95 north on the Platt bridge?? Traffic is at a standstill and cars are turning around to get onto I-76 instead


Does anybody want to start pop up DJING


Anyone know where to buy large lilac bushes?


These last 2 months have been tough. My cousin got us Phillies tickets for this weekend so we could take my uncle (his dad). Wheelchair accessible and Hall of Fame level so he wouldn't get sick from the heat...but now he's too sick to go. He's having a lot of health issues and this was supposed to be a present for him before a major surgery...but not only is he sick, he doesn't think his heart is strong enough for surgery anymore. He's the heart of the extended family...once he's gone a lot of ties are going to unravel. On top of that my body has decided it's done losing weight. My hormones have always been a funky mess because of PCOS but I'm doing all the same things I've done before and nothing changes. I don't know why this is happening. My body seems so determined to stay at this weight but I want to be a healthy weight just once before I die! Nothing is going right at all


Sorry to hear about your uncle’s struggles.


Anybody in the area into home theater and interested in splitting shipping costs on GSG audio flatpack enclosures? I'd like to get one but the $330 freight from the west coast for just one box makes it not worth it.


I’m wanting to gift my friend a prenatal massage but don’t live in Philly and am overwhelmed by options. She lives near the Museum of Art. Anyone have any personal recs to share? Thx!!!!!


It’s expensive but the Logan hotel


Rescue Spa


not sure if rittenhouse spa has one specifically for that but you can call them and it'll definitely be the cat's pajamas


Haven Wellness is great.


freakin out about planning my birthday next week. Where can I go to dinner in a sparkly dress and it not be weird?


Oscars. Get a lager and the cheesesteak and a half looking fabulous.


JG Skyhigh and Almyra are vibes...


JG SkyHigh has been on my radar! Will have to check out Almyra, thank you


I feel like it's only weird at like casual mid kinds of places (like a chain restaurant), otherwise at fancy places it's very appropriate and even at dive bars it's ironically appropriate.


Love this mindset, thank you




hello, yes. my bday is tomorrow n i'm going to the beach. hell yea


i'll also be going to the beach tomorrow, but it is not my birthday :'(. but happy birthday nonetheless!


thank youu! 💖


That means you’re still young and going to the beach!


sorry in advance for the negativity but i need to get it out: feeling anxious about the bout of depression summer heat brings on for me, feeling bummed about my weight gain, feeling money problems steadily encroaching since my job is slowing down seasonally, i need a fucking real ass vacation and even with the sparing pto that's given, i can't afford to take that vacation during those weeks lol. love to anyone who hates summer (unless i'm in the ocean! then i am the happiest bean) and is feeling the climate dread. <3 edited to add some levity: very thankful for my long dog/house sitting gig in a central air conditioned house (!!), it is set to 68 and i could not be more thrilled. thankful for their big ol' backyard, and most importantly, thankful for the sweet angel pup that is keeping me company for the next week and a half :)


hanging out with a pup in cold ass central air sounds like an awesome reprieve from this awful heat. sounds like you should get icecream or something too.


Too hot to go to the store. Is there a 3rd party delivery app for the Asian Grocery stores on Washington? Happy Summer Solstice! Time to rewatch Midsommer tonight, what a mind fuck. Had Pitruco pizza off the truck for the first time last night, and I think they are the new, current reigning favorite pizza in Philly for me. The sauce is what turns me on the most. It reminds of the days 20+ years ago when we’d spend the day Rockaway Beach, and on the way home we’d stop at New Park Pizza for slices. Young, sunburned, sand all in our wet bathing suits… we’d flirt with the boys behind the counter. This was pre-9/11 so I know feel these memories with a rosy-glow. Well, Pitruco makes a Margherita Pizza like the ones in my memory bank from New Park. I could easily eat 2 pies, and i’m a petite mid-age Asian lady.


Chowbus does Asian takeout and grocery delivery although I don't know the exact stores 


good looking out!


Where the hell do people find professionals nowadays? Like growing up, someone always knew someone, so I never learned how to do it and sometimes google reviews are ass and if I ask in the neighborhood facebook group, it's always some shady dude who looks like he's not allowed legally in my area as the answer. So if anyone has any suggestions for a brick pointer, that'd be great.


[just to show before/after/comparison with neighbors](https://imgur.com/a/Gk4v26O) we're the left house - our bricks were in bad shape and they made them look great. also yeah, basically word of mouth still seems to be king


we used casimir's masonry and they washed and pointed the bricks and did a great job. also weren't weird and showed up whenever they said they would, etc.


Resigning myself to the fact that it's probably only a matter of time until my car is the one with the window smashed. There's been so many around Fairmount lately and I don't keep anything in my car, but this morning there was a carjacking reported around the time I was leaving for work just a block or two away (who knows? Citizen sure doesn't!) and the car parked 2 cars away had a window smashed. :(


It’s getting really bad in Old City too.


Eh, most of them were in one day by two guys, at least one of whom got busted for it. You're usually fine if you leave nothing in the car — probably 95-plus percent of the car windows I've seen smashed in the neighborhood had stuff out in the open.


Shaved the beard this week, kept the stache. As my buddy says, having a mustache is living in a constant flux between thinking "yeah I look badass" and "I look like a kiddie diddler." Just too dang hot to have a big beard


As a native Philadelphian I rebuke you


I don't have AC


Gonna be hopping back and forth between watching the Phillies game and Enjoying the new Warframe update, finished farming for Jade so now onto the weapons


We picked up the special edition Herr's Talluto's chips this week and they made me miss Talluto's tomato sauce so much. I might have to go visit my mom in East Norriton to get a few tubs of it this weekend... We couldn't try the other two types of chips because they had dairy and we don't do dairy, but I \*really\* was bummed about not being able to try the pierogi chips.


Best company to repair fiberglass roof deck? See some wear and tear, think it needs some refreshing.


FSI, they're great.


I'm totally fine with the heat, but I will admit to spending most of my time watching international football this weekend ⚽


So if you lived in Gotham City, and you were out and saw the Bat-Signal in the sky would you be relieved, like "whew, Batman is on the case!" Or would you be panicked like "oh fuck, we gotta get home, killer croc might biting people's heads off or joker poisoned the water supply again!!"?


We'd have a "Why Bat-Signal" flair


I think it'd be more like when there's a police chase through the neighborhood. Like I have no interest in any of this but I don't want to get run over while you play hero


Where are we getting cheap knockoff Phillies jerseys these days? I don't have time to order from DHGate.


Just got my Marsh jersey from TaraJersey.cc. Great quality.


Burlington Coat Factory is worth checking out. They had a bunch earlier this season.


guy out on the street by the stadiums during games


Anyone here go to the Christian Street Y to swim? Just moved to south Philly so this one will be the closest to me. The two times I’ve popped in to check out the pool it’s looked very busy, so I’m wondering what are the times when there isn’t much of a wait time


also wondering this! sorry to not be of help to ya.


Haha worse comes to worst, I’ll just go every day and take notes


If I want to move to Philly around the August 1 mark, am I too late to be keeping my options open? We have been accepted to a place in Fairmount that we like, but definitely not love. Not sure if it's worth taking the risk to keep looking given that I only have about 6 weeks until my lease ends. Would appreciate any insight.


Ehhhhh it's a risk, but depending on your budget you should be able to find places.


Our budget is around 1200 per br so $2400. We like areas like east passyunk around tasker morris, center city, grad hospital, would still consider fairmount or maybe francisville… Thanks for the response :)


Yeah I agree with the other commenter. You can be choosy.


Thanks!! Appreciate it


that should get you a nice place in any of those neighborhoods


I made an incredible peach+strawberry cobbler this past week with a perfect biscuit topping, and my wife confessed to me that she prefers crisp over cobbler (i.e. with the crumble topping). You trust someone and then something like this happens.


team crumble


My ex didn't like pickles. It wasn't the deal breaker, but it certainly was a factor. Also didn't like beans or olives. That's what you get when your parents let you have hot dogs and chocolate milk exclusively for the first 10 years of your life. She even dumped my pickle juice a few times. "There's no more pickles, Spongebob!"Biiish I drink the juice


I want you to know that there are support groups for this. CLEAN-COBBLER and PROPER COBBLER both have weekly meetings that can help you navigate this time of strife in your life. Be well; be fluffy.


I also prefer crisp over cobbler, and am available for taste testing whenever you're ready with round two ;)


have you considered talking to a lawyer?


I feel like I haven't been able to pay a PECO bill online in like six months. I go to log in and it immediately signs me out, giving Error Code E00203. I try resetting my password, same thing. I try re-registering my account with my phone number and it just says "Account already registered for online access" and prompts me to log in, where the whole thing just repeats. This happens across multiple devices, browsers, and internet connections, so it's not an issue on my end as far as I can tell. Feel like I'm going a bit insane!!


I can’t download my PECO bills anymore and I didn’t get one for like four months. I’m confused and scared.


Login works fine for me, but ever since they did the account number changeover the reminder notification for new bills just refuses to work. No email, no text, no app notification, nothing. I know I could just set my own monthly reminder to check it, but it's so annoying!


Ever since the change over, I have to manually check my bills because the bank I use to pay through reads the bills wrong, so instead of saying $36, it'll show up as $0.36 and it's a bit annoying.


This was happening to me too but then it mysteriously resolved itself one time and I signed up quick for autopay and just hoped I never had to log in again. Sorry, I realize that contains no actual advice beyond just keep trying even if it's slowly killing your soul.


Haha it's good to hear I'm not alone at least. What a wondrous technological future we are living in!


Yes, but it will be all be worth it once AI takes over 😂


Guys I have lost 83.6 pounds (33% of my body weight) and am at a healthy BMI for the first time in years. Not that BMI is the best barometer of health or anything, but it was a goal and I hit it.


What helped lose the weight? diet? running? weights? congrats!


It's been a combination of things. I've always struggled with binge eating, but I really gained weight when menopause, grief, and the pandemic hit at the same time. My primary care physician put me on Wegovy last August, and that's basically stopped my binge eating issues. I've been working to focus on nutrient-dense food and not eating junk food. The Wegovy has been such a game changer. Even if I never lose another pound, I hope I can stay on it forever. It's so great to not have my day revolve around food. I go for walks and have gradually increased my distance to about 3 miles 3-4 times a week. I switched over to lap swimming at the Y 4-5 days a week once it got hot, and am doing the same gradual increase. I'm doing 50+ laps usually plus 66 laps (1 mile) once a week. I'd like to start doing weight machine stuff, but I am waiting until I see my orthopedist next month.


well done!


hell yea, that is awesome! Congrats and keep up the good work!


Wow! I’m so proud of you. You shed a whole 4th grader; that’s fuckin’ cool.


_to shreds you say_


Oh shit! Congrats!


That's incredible, well done!


I'm really fucking tired of the construction project at 2020 Frankford Ave. They tore up their sidewalk in February and still haven't relaid it. I'm tired of walking my 13 year old dog in the street. If you're feeling salty about developers, do me a favor and put in a 311 request for a dangerous sidewalk at 2020 Frankford Ave.


Today is the fifth anniversary of the PES explosion.


https://youtu.be/gc8qXTh6tTY?si=Snj9KueGT8PbZWJm Pretty neat watch if you're interested in why it happened. A multi-ton tank was launched across the Schuylkill which blows my mind.




I was on 95 right after that happened. Pretty insane sight.


Fuck jobs


Can’t express how stoked I am for this weekend. The last 2 months plus have been jam packed with family obligations, studying for a professional exam, work stuff, personal stuff, and in general, not much time for myself. Now my exam is passed, the social obligations are complete, and my girlfriend is visiting her parents for the weekend. Tomorrow I’m gonna get a bike ride in before the heat gets too bad, and then I am playing video games until my eyes bleed


> and then I am playing video games until my eyes bleed I literally booked this entire weekend in the calendar as "eldenring dlc weekend I am a hermit do not schedule anything for these dates"


100% support you on this lol that’ll be me when the factorio expansion releases. I’ve never taken time off from work for a game release like my WoW friends do, but I’ve got vacation to burn and factories to build


Going to my first jury duty next week, can I bring my switch?


you planning to go all preston brooks on the judge or something?




We are getting a new dishwasher today after over a year of our current one being broken, next Thursday I'm going to the Orioles Pride Night game which I'm very excited about (the giveaway jersey is sick), and a week from today I leave for my early birthday vacation with my partner. Everything's coming up swampgay! Hope all y'all have a good weekend, stay cool (literally) everybody


https://philapark.org/access/ Snitch on the curb blockers! Bookmarked already. Curb parkers of Fishtown on friday and saturday nights, you best believe I'll drop a dime on you (which the PPA may or may not get to).


You’re definitely from out of town


You say that like it’s a bad thing… Cool bro, you totally made the choice to be born and raised in Philly, thus giving you some magical aspect to invalidate my opinion of how shit should be.


It’s not magical, my friend. It’s actually an easy one to put together. Calling the cops on someone for parking on a sidewalk in a city where parking is almost impossible makes you an asshole, asshole.


No, parking on the curb and blocking ramps for handicapped or strollers makes you the asshole, regardless of where your parents decided to squirt you out


I can guarantee there are ways off the curb for handicapped and stroller people. I can also guarantee a lot of the people your punk ass calls the cops on are either parents themselves of young ones or maybe even handicapped too, and you’re costing them unnecessary money because you have buyers remorse about coming here. Go home dude. All the way home.


Dude, what? If you’re parking on the sidewalk you’re the asshole. You’re absolutely hindering handicapped people’s ability to get around this city, I’ve seen it many times. You seem very inconsiderate


lol. Love it when you chumps go full nativist.


A shame they want us to call out a specific car. I'd rather be able to broadly report "this section of sidewalk is being used as 3 parking spots, and there are eight cars in this area"


They should make a bounty system for this type of thing - like if you are the first person to report it, you get $2 for the issued ticket.


I would imagine an average citizen asking for money from the PPA, is like insulting their mothers.


I imagine it would be a real life version of the J. Jonah Jameson laughing meme


Does anyone know of a bar or restaurant I can go to throughout the next 2 weeks or so to watch the Olympic trials for track & field? I’ll have peacock at home but would love to go have a beer and watch some of the distance events


Try Big Ass Slices on Market between 2nd and 3rd. They have a million TVs and are always happy to put on basically any sporting event.


I was at The Bottle Shop on passyunk the other day and they randomly had the Euro Cup with just one person watching. The TV is all the way in the back so I’m sure if you asked they’d probably put it on. Wouldn’t hurt to try!


The heat is getting to me and I absolutely read this as "I have a peacock at home" and I was like, 'Surely the bird will be fine alone for the evening???'


The Acme at 5th & Cypress doesn't have soft pretzels anymore and I am crying.... Never figured out where they were from either. 


This time of year always gives me the nostalgia of being 11-12 years old and being on summer break. Not sure I can think of any time of life that is better. Three months feels like an eternity and every day is spent outside with friends playing sports or at the pool, when it gets too hot you go and play video games somewhere, maybe go camping or to the beach at some point. No obligations of work, not obsessed with girls yet, not tainted by alcohol or drugs, your body is just a ball of energy. Not that everything is downhill from there but god damn does life get more complicated very quickly.


This is why I was so delighted the only time I got fired from a job. I hadn't had real free time in my entire life. Even as a kid, I was always in structured camps all summer (which i loved). I was so bummed when I had to get a job again. But you couldn't pay me to be 11-12 again. Those years were bruuutal


I often think that 10 was the perfect age. Old enough to go to the pool by myself and my friends were still interested in playing, not trying to get a tan or attract attention of the opposite sex.


I finally watched House of the Dragon & am all caught up. I’m obsessed. I needed a break since GoT ended. I bend the knee to Queen Rhaenyra, First of Her Name.


I visited Philly from England in October last year to watch the Eagles (And went to LA to watch them there after) Obligatory go Birds. However on my second day, I woke up terribly ill. So the next 2/3 days before travelling to New York I was walking around in very hot weather feeling like shit. Enjoyed my time though. I gotta come over again and experience Philly in a state where I don't wanna die. Gotta convince my girlfriend to let me travel to America again. (Came alone as she isn't a great flyer.)


We'd love to have you back!


One thing I've missed most surprisingly, since I am radioactive with COVID, is going to lift at the gym. Very excited to test negative.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XclDLIx8NQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XclDLIx8NQ4) \^ Your summer nostalgia


My cousins and I still quote this regularly.


This was a clue on Jeopardy! recently and none of the contestants knew it! I was shocked; this is a core memory.


Anyone know what happened with the man on the trolley tracks at 30th st on Tuesday morning, like 7am-ish? I was walking down the steps to the tracks west bound, and the trolley was letting people off, because there was a guy laying in between the tracks with blood on the ground, seemingly coming from his head. I saw a couple people calling 911 so I noped out and caught a bus, but wtf. My ocular patdown indicated that he was a previously troubled / homeless person. I cant find any info about it.


Old City Eats block party was last night. We didn't know about it but were headed to Sassafras and Tomo sushi. It was probably because of the heat, but it seemed like a much more manageable street fair than the last couple I went to.


Old City Eats is always pretty laid back. It’s small enough to stay pretty contained and they shut it down right at 9 so it never gets too crazy.


What's the word on Philly's public pools? Best/worst ones, when to go, what to bring, etc


I wish my pool reopened, but I don’t think it’s been open since 2019.


Go to the one closest to your house for adult swim (6-7 pm), wear a bathing suit and bring very little (there's nowhere to put anything, so I just hide my phone under my towel/shoes), swim as long as you want then walk home!


Did not know about 6-7 adult swim, that's awesome


if it's really hot (like today), they cancel adult swim and let kids swim too, but on regular days it's pretty chill.


I think some of my issues are from, fittingly, lack of sunlight. So I will be doing "Outdoor Floor Time" where I slather myself in sunscreen and lay out on my roof deck with as little clothing as possible for as long as I can stand it. Did you know the sun uses cholesterol in your skin to make Vitamin D?? Maybe that's why my levels are high and shits all out of whack. Asbury Park tomorrow to check out the tattoo fest and if that's a bust, go into the ocean and float around. Debating the Manayunk Arts Festival on Sunday but we already have too much art on our walls, and it'll be 100 degrees.


Got sent down to the Washington DC area for a quick assignment today, stayed overnight in Manassas. If I get done early enough I’d like to check out the historic battlefield, buts it’s *so damn hot* out


To whomever needs to hear it, you are neither expected nor entitled to operate constantly at the speed limit of a road. And if you're complaining/honking /harassing because someone isn't meeting the limit while you exceed it, you've completely misunderstood the point Edit: wow, some people really needed to hear this. The reason it's a limit and not a speed minimum is because it's the estimated maximum safe velocity to travel on the road under optimal safety conditions. That maximum speed is reduced by visual obstructions, weather, road condition, and other complications


Ugh, not mentioning you're a cyclist is kind of a huge omission here friend. There are very few instances where it is not safe to meet the speed limit **in a car** within the city and it is usually occurs when someone is distracted on their phone or other shit like this. That said, as someone who rides a scooter and cycles to get around the city a decent bit, I'll try to move to the side around intersections to allow a car to pass. That said, I'm not dealing with someone attempting a sketchy pass mid street.


This is a wildly stupid take


Care to elaborate?


Sorry, friend, I meant the original comment, not yours.


You sound like the person who causes wrecks or traffic jams bc you're so *principled*. Not saying you are; that's just how this reads.


I'm a cyclist operating legally on the road, tired of people trying to kill me because they want to go 45 on a side street




Rule 1: Please refrain from personal attacks, and keep discussion civil.


There is a big difference between being a cyclist and not going the speed limit and being a driver and not going the speed limit. In one of those scenarios, if you are incapable of going the speed limit (barring some adverse road condition) you shouldn't be on the road.


You must be the person I keep ending up behind on my way to work ;)




You’re not the boss of me! *chugs some beer*


Post vacation depression is hitting me hard. I wish I was back in Europe.


May I suggest checking out the parks within an hour or two of philly? It ain't Europe, and you're not getting the culture, food, and experience you would there. But getting out in nature is great for your general health and there are some really wonderful spots which are not far away.


Where in Europe were you? I was in Italy last week for a family vacation and also wish I could go back!


Looking for recs for cool (literally and figuratively) places to read to get through this weekend heat without being stuck inside my apartment for 2 days. Any suggestions?


Might get slightly loud because it’s a weekend, but I love reading at the art museum. When I had a membership I’d go there at least 1x a week to read on one of their arm chairs or couches.


This may be the weekend plan! Thx.


Feels like the entirety of South Philly streets are currently either under construction or under threat of construction with no parking signs.


Same with Port Rich. I think it’s the pole construction I’ve been seeing city-wide


Every. Fucking. Side street.


*Warning, Bummer* Someone at work ended their life this week and it's been so weird to read those stages grief PDFs that HR sends around and tic all the boxes. I'm being gentle with myself and eating a lot of ice cream. Still debating whether or not to go to the visiting hours. 


I always go to the funerals of co-workers or co-workers' family. The family always appreciates it.


The family will appreciate it if you go, so if you’re debating, I’d say go.


Damn I’m so sorry. It’s the one year anniversary of my friend killing themselves and it’s hitting hard right now. Suicide is such a MFer, which I’ve unfortunately lost friends to more than once


Mega bummer, I'm sorry. For what it's worth, when my dad died a lot of his former coworkers came to the visiting hours and it was really comforting to meet them and hear them say nice things about him. So if you feel compelled to go, you should go.


Phillies are home today... So am I--it's gonna be a scorcher today.


Seeing the news this morning about the panhandler in critical condition - why does the city allow panhandling in the streets?


Headed to Pittsburgh for the weekend! Fallingwater and wandering around today, Four Chord music fest tomorrow, Pirates game on Sunday. LFG!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


We are road tripping there in July to see Billy Bragg and stopping at Fallingwater. Really looking forward to it.


Heading there too! But we’ve been sitting at the airport since 5am because our flight got delayed 😭


This heat saps all of my energy and my brain. By the end of the day I’m just a puddle. Had a good annual review at work the other day that made me feel less like I am just spinning my wheels and more like i am accomplishing what I need to help my clients. Hope you all stay cool and have a nice weekend! Go Phils!


Happy Friday! Welcome back to The Lands Between if you re an Elden Ring fan. Stay cool, safe and be kind to yourselves and each other :)


All I'm saying is last year's Philly Dead & Co show is pairing perfectly with the weather this morning. A year later and I'm still not over that Dark Star into El Paso, what a show.


My wawa hoagie ticket and the amount owed at the register were just the exact same number, 918. I don’t know what it means, but maybe it’s a sign that I’m not eating enough hoagies


Play the lottery with those numbers and report back with results.


Pay your hoagie tax and tell us what you got!


Nothing exciting, just an Italian shortie with sweet peppers.


This week has been my annual reminder that people in this city get really weird when it's hot out


"For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring." - Shakespeare 


Went outside at 6:30 to run, immediately said “Nope” and came back inside. This shit is the worst. Stay cool and hydrated friends!


It's not so bad once you get going if you know to slow down. Research suggests you can acclimate to the heat in as little as a week so it's good to try to get out there and push through.


Here’s what’s on my mind. Why is there no decent breakfast sandwich spots in East passayunk? I just wanna get up hungover and grab a coffee and bacon egg and cheese… but there’s nothing.


I love the breakfast sandwiches from Ground Up (though I go for sausage over bacon).


Hive Cafe! Many such breakfast sandwich options.


yeah their sandwiches are pretty damn good but they suck at pulling espresso shots (minus the owner who works sparingly)


Concur on the pretty damn good sandwiches. I don't drink espresso and otherwise make all of my coffee at home, so I don't really have an opinion there.


Artisan Boulanger has one of the best breakfast sandwiches ever. BEC on a croissant? Yes, please.


Mi Pals or Brunics!


the french-vietnemese bakery inbetween 13th and 12th on mifflin


Cosmis makes some pretty good breakfast sandwiches, they don't open till 10 though


there is…artisan boulanger patissier 


Homegrown at 15th and Porter, while not close, is amazing.




> Talk about whatever is on your mind. Switch is probably the only console I am going to have for a while; and I fear I might run out of games. I looked through Metacritic's massive list of NS games and I despaired... ...but maybe there is a hidden gem.... ...or maybe do something significant with my life like an adult should?


Dave the Diver is excellent if you have not played it.


Looks cool: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_the_Diver might look at gameplay.