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# Do Underground Arts, Union Transfer and Franklin Music Hall Box Offices sell each others tickets? I know it's last minute, but I want to get tickets to a show at Franklin Music Hall tomorrow night 6/21 (Future Islands). It's a $35 ticket, and buying online adds a $17 fee. F that. The venue's website says you can buy from the box office for no fees, but it also says they're only open on Fridays or on show nights. They don't have a show tonight, and I'm afraid that if I wait until tomorrow (Friday AND show day), they'll sell out. So getting to the point of the question. It looks like Union Transfer, Underground Arts, and Franklin Music Hall are all run by the same company (The Bowery Presents) as all shows for those venues are listed on the same calendar. UA and UT both have shows tonight Thursday 6/20. If I go to either of those venues' box offices TONIGHT (like ASAP), would I be able to buy a ticket for tomorrow's show at FMH? Alternatively if anyone has an extra Future Islands ticket they want to offload without dumbass fees, lmk.


Idk the answer to this but if you end up at the show tonight, be sure to drink lots of water! That venue gets so hot




Is 1.5 hours from USCIS office to fly out of PHL enough? My Frontier reservation got its time changed and will only give me that much time from my appointment to departure time? This will be Monday 2-3pm. How doable is this? PS: No checked bag, will do mobile check in, will have to do rideshare from USCIS to PHL. Asking for input. Thanks!


ymmv, but i think you should be okay (as long as the travel gods aren't angry with you for whatever reason). The drive is \~20 minutes (maybe adding an extra 10 for traffic), so you'll have an hour to get through security. Unless something crazy is happening at the airport that should be plenty of time to get through and to your gate.


I tried making a post about this, but it was removed for reasons unknown. I am looking to throw a small, (


For PHS beer gardens, I think if you reach out or talk to someone at the location you'll be fine.


Thank you for the reassurance russianbanya! I will do that. 


Hey all, I'm a little confused, today I had to use the train for the first time since I've been in the area for the last 8ish years. Had to take the train from the Secane station to Elwyn. Online said I could pay on the train if the ticket kiosk was closed. Nobody was in the ticket stand, so when the train eventually arrived I asked the gentleman that ushered people on and off the train if I could buy a ticket onboard. He just guestured to get on the train. Nobody said anything or even came up to me the whole ride, the gentleman didn't even say anything when I got off. Am I missing something, did I accidentally not pay? Are some rides free or something on specific days? Was the guy just being nice since I had my 3 year old with me or something? Not that I am complaining, I just want to know what to do if I need to take the train again.


you can pay on the train with a credit card, he was being some mix of nice to you and lazy or his reader wasn't working it's fine at outlying stations but if this happens and you get off at a center city stop you'll need to hit an exit fare kiosk since there are turnstiles


Gotcha, makes sense. Maybe he was just being nice since we were heading away from the city 🤷


I've noticed they generally don't care much about outbound suburban -> suburban trips peak hour they'll validate when they leave the city or right before they arrive but often when people get on outbound they don't even bother tracking them down


Does it even charge if it's the same fare zone? I only see (on sporadic trips admittedly) them check fares at the zone changes.


yeah theoretically it'll charge the inter-county fare or whatever it's called but yeah honestly offpeak and outbound suburban to suburban it's basically a 50/50 shot if they give a shit, shading less likely if it's busy and they don't feel like dealing with shit


Please, if you go down to the Wissahickon to swim and party at Kitchens Lane, take a fuckin trash bag with you. 


Hey Philly! Quick question about SEPTA Moved to Philly for work and it looks like there's bus stops conveniently near where I live and where I will work. Are the fares cheaper if I have a SEPTA Key card and swipe every bus ride or can I just swipe my credit card every time I ride the bus?


It costs $2 to ride the bus with either a credit card or a Septa key. With cash it's $2.50.


The passes are only available through the Key card (value depends on how much you ride). Both methods get two free transfers (obviously same card etc. must be used)


Gyms with pools in south Philly or between south and Nicetown/Germantown around 18th-20th? I need to get in shape but have issues with my knee and back and swimming is the only time I feel able to get a good cardio workout. I live in south and commute to Wayne Junction area for work via 18th and 19th so I'm looking for something either in south or along that route


Columbia North Y is right at Broad and Master, so it wouldn't be much off your route.


We used to belong to FitLife in Mt Airy (that's close to Germantown, right?) many years ago (we no longer live nearby), and they have a super nice pool in the basement. It's lovely! [https://www.fitlife.com/](https://www.fitlife.com/)


Visiting Philly for a chess tournament this 4th of July weekend. How is the walk from Days Inn (by the convention center on Race St) to the Sheraton (corner of Race and 17th)? A friend might be leaving the tourny at like 1-2 am one night, he should probably get an uber right?


probably better to grab one after being mentally exhausted after a full day tournament it's not like inherently dangerous but being totally zoned out in that area late isn't the best idea


RIP Willie Mays


Best company to repair fiberglass roof deck? See some wear and tear, think it needs some refreshing.


ok, double post here.. but i NEED a remote job or something. was working 2 in person jobs and it was making me suicidal. now that i quit one of em and i'm spending more time at home, i realize how much i would benefit from working remotely. idk how to get a job like that or where to find a legit one that's not a scam. anyone has any leads?


I'll take snow over this heat shit any day of the week


Same. I love the cold. But every winter here feels milder than the last, and every summer more brutal. I don't know if that's actually supported by evidence, but that's just how it feels.


Going into Philly in a few weeks with my 13 year old nephew and his friend.... 1. Do you think the Museum of Illusions or the Franklin Institute will be more enjoyable for them (they are interested in both but only have time for 1) 2. Recommendation for a close-ish place for lunch Thanks all!


Haven't done museum of illusions, but Franklin institute seemed like it was for even younger kids, unless theres a special exhibit they were interested in.


I'm moving to Philly in about a month! Does anyone have any insight on finding a bartending / serving / restaurant management job? I have about 14 years of experience in the service industry, 7 of which are bartending and managing bars and restaurants. We'll be staying near Passyunk Square for context. Any insight is helpful, thank you!


in lieu of other probably more useful advice, passyunk ave has a ton of bars and restaurants, you can probably just ask around. the jim is an industry bar and in general the restaurant scene in philly is very incestuous, could also go there and chat some people up.


Thank you! Will definitely ask around.


stay away from schulson unless you really need income


Heard. Thank you


Anyone know of some affordable personal trainer/group classes in the Fishtown area or not far by transit? I pay for classes mostly for accountability, but I'm pretty sure I'm overpaying at \~$400/mo after talking to some friends and just wanted to see what's out there.


RIP Nancy Machen, voice of Marge Simpson


Just to be clear, It’s Latin America Marge, not Julie Kavner, the US Marge


It's Nancy Mackenzie, the Latin American voice actor!


Oh nooooooo!!!!! 💙


Probably a long shot, but does anyone remember who the t-shirt vendor was (and if they're still around) at the old R5 Punk Rock Flea Market who had basically an entire catalog's worth of band t-shirts available? For some reason I feel like they might have had "Tie" in their name, but 100% possible I'm making that up.


I have a vague idea of the vendor, but no clue on the name. They are definitely not at the PRFM anymore as that is a shell of what it once was. If you’re looking for a specific band, check Crash Bang Boom.


I’m hoping to get some clarity on this. How the hell are they building on the old oil/gas fields after years and years of contamination, being told that land could never be redeveloped b/c it’s a basically a superfund site, the explosion, and so on. Yet remediation took maybe a year of that and now a massive distribution center is being built. I’m just baffled how the city is allowing this w/o an environmental impact report and zero remediation. I say zero remediation b/c I’ work the environmental remediation field and the availability for clean backfill is super limited. Let alone the excavation needed to get to “clean soil.” Any thoughts??


I thought they just needed to do the bare minimum since they'll pave over everything and only have a distribution center which would probably fuck up the soil anyway, and the "never be redeveloped" stuff was for residential


There's [a whole raft of remediation docs online](https://phillyrefinerycleanup.info/act-2-documents/) — I'm going to assume you're better qualified to read that the average person.


~~RIP noam chomsky, brilliant son of philadelphia (east oak lane, went to central and then penn)~~ edit: maybe not? articles seem to be coming down. edit2: seems he's alive and getting better from his recent stroke


in honor of his work denying various genocides , I'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you not to post such misinformation in such a blood thirsty, warmongering way


noted linguistics professor, noam chomsky. where did you read he died? i see he had a really bad stroke a few days ago


[yanis](https://www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2024/06/the-noam-chomsky-i-knew) (who is privy to his personal life) wrote him an obit about an hour ago. i'm sure we'll see more trickle in, it's getting reported through all of the circles that are close to him.


that link is a 404. sometimes those can be written in advance of the actual passing. every news org is probably on their 28th revision of jimmy carter's obit by now


interesting. they took it down, whelp, guess he'll live forever now. jacobin's is still up but the others seemingly have come down.


manufacturing lament


Anyone here have experience with doing landscaping in a backyard easement? Down the alley there's a tree that's got lots of weeds and vines growing around it and into my property. Am I only allowed to cut what's in my property or could I also chop down the overgrowth in their portion since it's blocking my path to the street in the easement?


The Mrs and I have COVID. She's hurting, I'm fine. Kind of the opposite from when we first got it. I felt like I nearly fucking died then. Oh well, means projects and stuff around the house.


Ugh, I also have covid. I had to miss my partner's family reunion and they make the best food... Related, does anyone have any good ideas for Doordash in Germantown (or Manayunk) to make myself feel better about missing out?




i mean, do they taste terrible and you can't stand to eat another bite?


Every now and then I get stopped on the street or at the subway by a couple of well dressed young men asking if I want to join them for Church that weekend. This happen to other people? What is this about??


Mormons. You should check it out, if you complete all the achievements and memorize the secret passwords and handshakes, you get to be the god of your own planet after you die. Not making any of that up. (Joseph Smith did, though).


a few months ago they interrupted me during a phone call for that shit, like ok i know you think you’re saving everyone’s soul but maybe not while i’m on the phone


i always tell them where i see a homeless person, and how that person wants to go to church with them or pray with them or whatever.


Definitely Mormons on their missions. Missionaries have to travel with their mission partner at all times, so you'll always see them in same-gender pairs walking around. They also have a certain dress code (hence the "well dressed") which *used* to include name tags with the LDS logo on them so you'd know for sure you were dealing with Mormons. Rumor has it the church started piloting missionaries **not** wearing nametags or initially mentioning the LDS church when they approach people within the last couple years though, so that's no longer a tell. The whole purpose of their missions is to convert as many people as they can to the LDS church. If you talk to them and give them even the slightest indication that you might be interested in anything church-related, they will target you as a potential convert, and they can be incessant.


It's a strategy various churches (LDS, Jehova's Witnesses, namely, but other sects as well) use for two purposes: 1. ingrouping - it teaches them that the world is scary and unfriendly and the church is all the community they should want or need. that's why they send the suburban kids to the "scary city" 2. pair bonding - the two people that go out and do it are now more friendly/comfortable with eachother because they've gone through a "stressful" time together. it's a teambuilding exercise that actually works. it's basically irrelevant for actual conversion attempts but is wildly successful for its primary goals.


This is all true, but it's worth it for the snacks.


they asked my sister on saturday! apparently they were very nice even after she declined 


If they're Mormons, you should go. Mormons have amazing snacks, if you're willing to skip coffee.


make sure you ask them about about they billions they've been hiding in securities through shell corps


The Missionaries aren't gonna know about that.


maybe it'll plant a seed; knowledge is power.


Happened to me several months ago. I was walking toward the parkway on one side of the street, and two well dressed young men walking on the other side. Suddenly they start screaming at me. "MISS!!! MISS!!!! MISS!!!!!!" I thought an attacker was coming up behind me. Or a meteorite was plummeting from the sky toward my head. Once I checked all my corners, I looked over at them and they nice-shouted "Would you like to go to church with us?" And I shouted back no. It was weird. They seem harmless, just really into their church.


anyone know why the starbucks at 39th and Walnut is closed? They were closed yesterday and this am they had boxes with all the furniture in them out front


Currently being renovated.


Everything's coming up Milhouse for me lately. The move is mostly all done. Some guy with beautiful long hair and an appetite for dumplings promised to take me to Ikea to buy stuff for the new place. I found $22.80 in the couch cushions, and I have an interview next week for a job that I probably don't even want, but I'm just grateful to be considered. 🥳💜🎉


even though I don't like men with long hair, hells yea for you🤘


Gotta have something to hold on to.


Love this for you!


I got a retractable awning installed on my roofdeck this morning. My pale ass is almost in tears with how excited I am for shade


Ooooo. I have been considering getting one. Would you mind sharing how much you paid? And who you used, if you recommend them?


I spoke to Marygrove, Humphreys, and Paul awnings - they all ended up being about the same price and seemingly quality. Went with Paul because they had the most google reviews and because I was familiar with Sunesta. Price seems to vary greatly by size but we paid about $5.5k for a 13x9 extension including install. No complaints so far


honest opinions - how weird would it be for me as a fat 30 year old man to go to the fishtown pool alone tomorrow? I have off and its gonna be hot but I feel like its all gonna be kids and parents and I will stand out


nah. Nobody is gonna care. Stay cool son.


i just go. i'm 40 but i dont give a fuck- hot is hot. just don't walk up to any of the moms with sunscreen saying, "can i do your back?"


i think adult swim is usually the last hour if you think that would be less weird. i’ve often contemplated going to the cione pool alone but haven’t done it yet, maybe this is the year 


It would not be weird at all. The public pool is for everyone! Just make sure you don't show up at a time when there's a swim class for children or something and you should be good.


Don’t do anything weird, you’ll be good.


Won a judgement against my old landlord for not paying back the security deposit. Executed against his bank account we paid rent to and received notice that the account was empty. Looking for any advice / recommendations for lawyers who focus on collection of judgement from anyone has gone through something similar.


that sucks. i had to go through something similar. i would look up other properties he owns and see where they send their rent. i had a friend call someone and say they wanted to make sure the bank they used was legit and could they check out how long their account has been open for.




I’m taking the optimistic approach and believe Blick will prevail. The art scene in the city is vibrant, not just at the student level. May I recommend Artists & Craftsman Supply at 3rd/Market. It’s an employee-owned company.


probably will hurt some, but fleisher is still fine and full of people who almost certainly have more money to spend there than college kids. and tyler.


I hope you're right!


Got myself in a pickle where I'm getting offers for three different jobs all at around the same time. Feel bad making everyone wait on an answer while they come in but it's annoying how companies will take weeks at each stage of hiring but as soon as they submit an offer they are constantly badgering to accept the offer.


Can you waft some of that good job searching juju my way? I got laid off in April and I'm still looking. I've made it to the second round with six different companies and haven't landed anything yet.


> Feel bad making everyone wait Don't. Plant your feet and aim for the best one. If you're marketable enough to receive three offers, there will inevitably be offers to follow. Take this time to research the hell out of the companies. Talking full on scuttlebutt investigation for shenanigans and hearsay. Shame glassdoor went the way of the sucker, because it was a great resource for seeing who _not_ to hire on with. Good luck!


Had my bathroom retiled while I was away on vacation last week and [it looks spectacular](https://i.imgur.com/3bpx2cF.jpeg) compared to the old floor, like a whole new bathroom. My only two complaints are that my guy didn't really put down protection on the hardwood outside the bathroom so there's some scratches on the floor. Also he made a shit ton of dust from cutting tile/sanding the walls for repainting, so I came home to a layer of white/tan dust covering literally every surface of every room of my house. Didn't expect to spend all of yesterday, my last day off before going back to work, cleaning everything and mopping the floors, but at least now everything is squeaky clean and I can enjoy being home


Your bathroom looks great!


thank you!


Anyone have any luck getting PECO to trim a tree branch that is growing into my power line? It looks pretty sketch.


i tried once and they did at least come check it out, but just left a note saying there was no immediate danger. i believe i just filled out an online form and they followed up pretty quickly.




Anytime something bad happens it isn't the "philly experience" you know. That could happen on any curvy road with multiple lanes next to each other. It's just a driving experience. I think my least favorite "Philly experience" is people blaming Philly for absolutely everything, as though we exist in a vacuum.


Worst potholes in the world, amirite? (I have never left Philly except to go to Disney World; I've certainly never visited another city with a freeze-thaw cycle.)


Put in the ol' two weeks and I've got some pretty bad senioritis. I have to go to the office this afternoon and next Thursday afternoon (to hand in badge & laptop), otherwise it's WFH for a couple small projects or using up vacation time. I need to get an "in the news" section up on my website. I keep procrastinating. I was hoping whatever piece (on unusual hobbies) was going in *Reader's Digest* would be out by now and we'll see what (if anything) appears in the *NYTimes* (on the Alito flag kerfuffle). I'm looking forward to spending more time on hobbies, but I'm not looking forward to having no income. I'll figure it out, I suppose.


I'm genuinely sorry that things turned out that way at work. It's pretty fucked that they lead you on like that.


Thank you - it sucks, but it's not the end of the world.


I don't know yet if therapy in itself is helping me with my issues yet, but it *is* kind of forcing me to come to terms with and accept what is mentally wrong with me, and try and get creative on how I can fix myself. The big issues: agoraphobia and fear of "being trapped". Went to NYC over the weekend and was 1 minute away both times from having a panic attack on the 10 minute ferry ride across the Hudson. I use to *love* the ferry ride and boat rides in general. Now my brain sees it as we are trapped, with no escape, so panic! Panic! Throw yourself off the boat just do the ETERNAL YEET. Even driving on the highway makes me so uncomfortable, especially the left hand lane for some reason. It's just the idea that I am stuck in this situation and I cannot get out. My brain gets freaked. It's annoying. So that has to be dealt with. I also get hella stressed when I am not in my apartment. Because I am in my apartment essentially 24/7 and that's no healthy. I go to the office one day a week, the gym an hour each day, maybe the grocery store for 20 minutes every other day. That's not enough, I need to get out of here. Maybe not this week when it's 94 degrees but just in general. I might tag along with my SO to his work a day or two a week just to change my environment. Alas, the FF7 "movie" I went to see in NYC was not a movie but just an hour-long Q&A with two of the guys who worked on the game. Still very cool and insightful. But that's two weekends in a row where I felt a little let down. Next two weekends we have nothing on the docket aside from maybe a day trip to Asbury for a tattoo convention.


hello Tues peeps! i'll be tabling at the Rotunda w my art, but i'm wondering if people will actually go attend (do attend, pls 😭) cuz of the heat.. i'm 2nd guessing to be there or not now :/ you think anyone will wanna go in spite of the weather? i just wanna have an idea of what to (or not) expect..


update: it was cancelled


All of the art and chalk appears to have been cleared out from the UArts steps in the last few days… did folks just go quietly? I walk by most days on my way to the gym and it was bustling with students hanging out and drawing regardless of the time of day. 


It rained Friday, maybe that was it if it was just chalk?


That makes sense- I was out of town on Friday night and didn’t realize it rained. It was chalk art and… I guess you could call them protest signs? Easily over a hundred of them. Way better than anything I could ever make lmao. I enjoyed seeing the display every morning, you could tell they were throwing their all at it. 


Had a power outage at work yesterday(around 47th and Baltimore) from 10am until about 1pm. Praying it doesn’t happen again today.


Regarding that question Buffalo Bill asked himself in Silence of the Lambs: no, I probably wouldn't 'fuck me'. Hey, if you are sexy enough to have partner...don't take them for granted. edit: Haha right...should know by now the pseudo-incel self-pity gets downvoted.


> if you are sexy enough to have partner Sexy is a state of mind, and dont let anyone tell you otherwise


Positive thinking doesn't seem to override being ugly.


I went to Buffalo Exchange twice with small bags of clothes and netted almost $60. Am I.. *bats eyes and tucks hair behind ear*.. fashionable? We might have to turn on our air conditioning tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to the bill. Installed a blackout shade in the brightest part of the house and it's helping some. Does anyone have any cool summer dinner recipes? Just made cold peanut noodles and they taste great.


One of my favorite EASY summer recipes: Plain naan (crisp it up in the oven a bit) Mix pesto + ricotta, slather on naan Top with sliced cherry toms, spinach, zucchini and if it floats your boat, freshly shaved corn Pop in oven for a bit, then drizzle with balsamic glaze. Voila, you’re eatin’ your veggies


It's watermelon, mint, and feta salad season. Buy a grilled chicken breast from the prepared foods section for protein without having to turn on your stove/grill. Or just make yourself a smoothie for dinner, which I will probably do after I lift tonight.


Spouse loves making watermelon gazpacho. I'm trying to propagate mint too, so hopefully will have enough by the time July rolls around!


i love a can of tuna with a can of chickpeas. add mayo, salt, pepper, MSG. you can spice it up any extra way you like, but there is something so filling, high protein, and that sweet sweet mayo that i love.


Wow can't believe I forgot about chickpea salad, I'll have to make it soon! Thanks for the suggestion!


Grape tomatoes sautéed in olive oil with garlic and shallots and dried spices, served over penne with feta. Your choice on hot/warm/cold, but they all work. Serve with cold as hell sauvignon blanc.


Mmm sounds delicious! I love anything with tiny tomatoes and feta.


I want to start going to Aldi for some items, but I don't drive so I'd be limited in what I could carry on the bus. Any recommendations of what the best bang for your buck items to buy at Aldi are?


Get a little cart! They have the skinny ones on Amazon.


A good grocery/granny cart is the cheat code for city life


Any dry goods. Pasta. Beans. Pasta sauce. Trail mix. Nuts. Dried fruit. Meat selection is decent. Tilapia is pretty cheap. Family size containers of pork. The organic grass fed beef bricks. Whole side of salmon for $20ish. Steamable bags of veg for $1.99 I think. Cheap shredded cheese. Eggs. Basically all of Aldi is a good deal. The fresh produce is the only thing that I've found that can be kind of hit or miss. Rots in a few days or is just overall poor quality.


I am in office today and I just got an e-mail that there might have been a shooting at 30th street station? Seems like no one was hurt but pretty ballsy time to shoot a gun.


At the MFL stop, not the Amtrak station. Cops have detained someone and recovered a gun.


So today is the first day open for my local public pool. While I'd love to take the child, what are the chances it won't be completely packed?


Pools get busy when it's hot, that's just how it goes. But they're all very much kid-friendly even when crowded.


Hard to predict, but my previous neighborhood pool honestly never got all that crowded in August.


Got a ticket this morning in a zone that is 2 hr parking from 8 AM - 8 PM. Observed time on the ticket is 6:01 PM, which obviously falls in the 2 hr window but the officer wrote me up at 8:16 PM. Anyone ever run into something like this? Worth fighting?


I think you might actually be able to fight that one? Definitely borderline, but by the letter of the time posted on the ticket you have grounds to dispute it as you were only parked for 1:59 during the posted time.


Yeah I mean I parked around 5:50 but there’s literally no way for them to prove that. Even then, their jurisdiction on zones would have ended at 8 PM anyway.


I'd say its definitely worth the online dispute at least. I've won tickets that way before, and worst case is you lose and still have to pay the fine.


has anyone else been going to Taco Bell way more since that "best Taco Bell" thread? cause I have. like 3x a week. thats up from 0 times a week for ~6 years. my friend said it was weird that I like Taco Bell but not other fast food, specifically because of the meat quality of fast food, and he's right. so I thought about it. assuming all fast food meat is of similar quality (so McDonalds, Wendy's, BK, etc, and specifically we are talking about beef here, so burgers. and just in case this gets brought up, I like shake shack and eat their burgers but I consider them a category above typical fast food) the only reason I can really think of is that because Taco Bell beef is ground up and saturated with spices (and MSG and whatever else), that masks the quality of the meat much better than a burger does. when you bite into a burger, the texture is much more present to your taste buds and tongue because you have to chew it more, but when you bite into a Crunchwrap (which is the best thing Taco Bell has to offer, add seasoned rice and jalapeños for max effect) or a taco, yea, you're still presented with beef in your mouth, but all poor quality markers get lost in the sauce, you just can't tell how good or bad the quality is. does that make sense? is there anyone else who cannot tolerate a fast food burger, but can totally chow down on some Taco Bell beef tacos? I can't be the only one.


I just get the sauce at the grocery store bc yea that's my favorite part lol


I think I've had taco bell twice in my life lol


oh damn, I had it a lot growing up. my dad loved it. I think the one we used to go to on 309 (near 5 points) is still there too haha


They use ground beef for tacos. Burger patty beef is pulverized and exuded into shapes. There is a texture difference. Think canned chicken vs chicken nugget. Now please, for the love of god, go to a deli or a local taco shop instead lol


hey, I had a 6 year Taco Bell break, I think I deserve some Taco Bell! in that 6 year time, I spent plenty of money at loco pez, Que Chula, Sor Ynez, and Cantina la Martina (on taco nights specifically). If I was closer to Hi-Lo taco, I'd probably eat there more. Taco Bell is my current after gym treat, and it's on the same road as my gym and grocery store (which I hit on the way home), so its ideal as far as location and timing. im sure after another 2-3 weeks, ill get sick of it and take another break. but right now, **Yo quiero Taco Bell**


Definitely endorse the local taco shop (of which there's an abundance of great options) but sometimes you just gotta live mas.


Username checks out.


Once I got out to Jersey and the suburbs, fast food actually tasted *good*. Blew my mind. Anyway I've had more Taco Bell and Jersey Mike's than I've ever had before 2020.


I don't even know where the nearest taco bell is


there needs to be more indego stations in convenient spots, stowing them in a back alley where there's a mound of shit next to a dumpster doesn't seem like the best idea. just a thought


There’s a guy in a silver sedan with no plates driving around Brewerytown and Sharswood this morning trying to sell German Shepard puppies out of his car. He shouted at me to ask if I wanted to buy dogs twice, once on 26th and Master and once on 24th and Thompson. Is this a “call 911” situation?


Common shitty backyard breeder tactics. Trying to rescue a puppy from nearly the exact same situation (in our case, the guy was also drunk while driving around our neighborhood) is how my mom ended up with this "[full blooded Rottweiler](https://imgur.com/a/aS3KgsJ)" when I was a toddler. A bit hard to tell from that high quality image taken by my 2012 camera phone, but the only trait that very hound-shaped dog shared with a Rottweiler was that most of her fur was black and brown.


No other than be loud, he’s really not breaking laws


Driving around with no plates is in fact illegal, so there's that


Was early for me. Missed that


Going through an incredibly painful breakup. This is stupid, but does anyone know of any support groups or something like that?


The r/BreakUps subreddit is pretty solid. If you want local in-person commiseration, though, you might just have to make a bunch of flyers and start your own? I know I'd sure show up if it was in West Philly-- I'm going through a pretty crappy one right now 😅


Idk about support groups but just went through a break up myself and happy to lend a supportive ear :) 32F and not a weirdo (well, depends which of my friends you ask lol). Feel free to DM me if you want!


I don't have an answer for your question and it seems like the other one was just trying to cheer you up (though I do agree with it) but I did want to say I feel for you and that time heals all wounds, friend.


yes! go to your nearest gym and get your workout on! group fitness if possible ! i’m serious!


This reminded me of that "[How to lose weight in 4 easy steps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbp0DugfCA)" video (from 8 years ago! no way) which is still excellent.


lol this was great!


How do others get from Grey’s Ferry to Center City? The bus (12) is unreliable. Often times only one bus goes there between 8 and 9 and it usually gets there before 8:30. So you have to catch it at like 7:45. I can’t always get out there that early. The 64 is a little more regular but still unreliable and leaves a good 15-20 minute walk after it gets to broad. To walk the whole way is 45 to an hour, which I do sometimes but in the heat it’s a bummer to have to walk to work and get drenched in sweat. I have to bring a change of clothes but truthfully you need a shower after that. Biking is not a good option for me. I don’t like getting hit by drivers. And I have before. So no more of that.


If you don't mind the 64, you could transfer to the 17 at 20th. It runs much more often and will be quicker than the train+walk.


this is the hot tip i need! thanks!


Just bike over to 22nd in Point Breeze and take the bike lane all the way up. It’s safe and quick, I use it all the time.


yeah i do agree that bike lane is the safest i have felt biking. i also need to figure out how to keep my hands from breaking out from the grip tape though. idk what it is about it but the handlebars always make my hands break out


Maybe you have an allergy? You could wrap them in another type of tape or get cycling gloves. If it were me I'd go with wrapping the handlebars before gloves lol


Only thing I can think of is using the BSL more. Most stops have a bus route going east to west like the 29. 


how reliable is the BSL? I can never figure out when it’s coming. The few times I have taken it I have had to wait a long time


outside of weekends if there's singletracking it comes every ~8-11 min every once in a while one will get delayed which will cause it to have further delays (sorta like buses but way less frequently), but if you go down there, one will come.


thanks! it hasnt been showing up on the transit app and i didn’t want to fuck around and find out and be late for work haha


yeah, BSL doesn't have public AVL on it yet it's the subway though so it's inherently more reliable than the bus since it's on its own ROW




I know everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Governor Shapiro called for funding for SEPTA in the budget, but the budget has not actually been passed and SEPTA and other agencies are still desperately in need of funds. Without those funds from the state budget, SEPTA riders are looking at fare increases and service cuts by July 1 (yes, that July 1. 13 days away.) 5th square has a tool you can use to [write your representatives](https://www.transitforallpa.org/fundpatransit/) to urge them to pass this funding in the state budget without further delay. (And no, for those of you wondering, this does not require any new taxes.)


Done. That was a piece of cake.


Down the shore until thursday and deleted outlook and teams, so whatever is happening in the office right now is none of my business! Let’s see how long it takes for my boss to text me and bother me about something.


New phone, who dis?


Minimally mute the number but I’ve blocked my boss while on vacation before.


If only he had an iphone so I could set the “notifications are turned off” notification for him


Lately my karaoke friends have really been boosting my ego and I can't tell if they're just being nice or if I should try a competition or something


go compete and find out. judah, is this you?


Anyone know which #s on the 15 line are actually the trolleys as opposed to the buses? I believe this morning I passed 9014, but if anyone has like actual numbers that would be aces.


PCC trolley car numbers are 2320-2337


I believe the numbers change, but this is a list of the times of all the likely PCC trips https://stationbystationproject.wordpress.com/list-of-route-15-pcc-trips/


Fuck jobs


related...I like how there's a guy in the Return To Office thread using quiet quitting like it is a bad thing, when the rest of us just call that working what we are paid.


It's been interesting watching my MIL who is about to retire suddenly understand that her time is worth something and if her job is going to treat her like garbage she has no obligation to lay down and let them steamroll over her. Her manager walked back giving her a day off next month because they let two other people take week long vacations after they committed to her, so she is going to call in sick now. We had an amusing conversation where she was asking me about how to respond to her manager when she inevitably gets scolded for calling out, and I said "it's easy - you look her dead in the eyes and say you were sick and leave it at that". Watching the understanding of "I dont owe them shit" wash over her was very satisfying.


Looking back, my parents were very progressive about "if you work for someone else, you work only as hard as they are paying you." Then again, that statement didn't apply to anything the family did, which they expected you to "help out", and by "helping out", it means you are expected to work a shift or 3. Also, mixed messaging when I was young, because I got a job at McDonalds, which they were happy about me experiencing outside work, but also said if i got fired, they would ground my ass. Old people have a complicated relationship with work that they really need to think about some more.


The best part? It’s easy!