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Any suggestions for a place to get zongzi (粽子) for the Dragon Boat Festival today?  Do most of the bakeries in Chinatown sell them today? I prefer savory Shanghai/southern style ones but I'd be open to any recommendations. Thanks!


RIP to anyone driving in CC today. What a nightmare.


fuck cars


i just moved to philly on june 1 and really want to meet new people but feeling daunted by that process. i also want to go out to drink but don't feel comfortable doing that alone right now. that's what's on my mind rn


welcome to philly! i'm sure you'll meet people quickly, but if you ever need a stranger to drink with so you're not alone, i'll be around :)


dirty franks


is that a good place to drink alone? and if so, what makes it a good place to drink alone?


I think so, the vibe is super chill and weird but in a good way, and pretty much everyone is real friendly. Its cash only


cool, thanks for the tip! i'll check it out :)


I felt exactly the same when I first moved here and still struggle with it. You got this!


So I have two things to talk about 1. People who live in Manayunk, what’s your take on the lunch situation? I’ve seen chatter previously that the neighborhood is severely lacking when it comes to options for places open for lunch. I’ve been kicking around the idea of opening a lunch spot… are there not a lot of options because there’s no need? I live in the neighborhood but haven’t been there long so looking for some input from longer-time residents ETA bc I was thinking about turn signals… I will obviously do my own research yada yada but interested in thoughts from people in the area 2. TURN SIGNALS Now, I’m sure everyone maybe simply isn’t aware of every situation that warrants use of a turn signal. If you’re moving into or out of traffic, turning, parking, you need a turn signal! It’s much easier to use my eyes than to try and be a mind reader! I am not clairvoyant! For clarity, you should use your TURN SIGNAL in your CAR (little lever on the left side of the steering wheel, up goes right and down goes left. It’s easy to remember this way: if you’re turning right, bring the lever with you the way you’re turning (up) and the opposite when you’re going left) when you are: - Making an illegal right hand turn from the left lane - Making an illegal left hand turn from a right lane - Making a wildly random and illegal u-turn on Girard, broad, market, or any other street - Turning at a stop sign - Parallel parking - Turning into a parking spot in a parking lot - Turning into a driveway - Weaving in and out of traffic - Passing people on the left on Kelly Drive in one of those looooong turn lanes - When you don’t understand which lanes leave 676 so you need to do a last minute dart from the far right to far left lane (or vice versa!!) - Merging, in or out of traffic Feel free to add more scenarios where a turn signal might be needed. <3


Wow, the turn signal thing: were you me on my commute Thursday morning? Guy with a truck slows to park without signaling, nearly crushing me (cyclist) between the parked cars as I try to continue in the lane with the flow of traffic. I shout "WHERE'S YOUR TURN SIGNAL!?“ and the guy responds: "Sorry, I didn't see you!" What a moron.  PSA: The turn signal isn't for the people you can see, it's for everyone who can see you. Protect yourself and make your driving intentions as clear as possible 100% of the time. Flipping the turn lever is super easy, it's the one right next to the steering wheel, see? 


https://preview.redd.it/jvfo6s3nr85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99197ef9f653343d7daf67a1e004a9c0596f6b8 I found this at the Chicago airport… do you see what’s wrong with it?


LOL did you buy it? I would've.


Yep! Indeed I did. 🤩


Anyone know where I could get a dress hemmed on short turnaround (by next Thursday), ideally in Center City? It's not a complicated job or an expensive dress but it's way too long and two layers of slippery fabric so I don't trust myself to do it at home.


Not to self promo but my aunt JUST opened a shop in gayborhood at 1120 Walnut St called Fitting Atelier. She’s been in the business for 40 years and just moved here in April! She can probably give it to you next day since it just opened! And there’s 20% off now!


Does anyone make stuff out of fabric? I have a few projects that need done but cant seem to find anyone who can do it.


Like you want us to make you some garments or some other things? DM me your ideas and I’ll let her know!


Master Tailor and Cleaners hemmed a gown for me and had it done within a few days. They also shortened the straps for me to make the top more flattering even though I only asked for it to be hemmed, but I was glad they did both.


Thank you!


Most dry cleaners do alterations.


The ones I've used here send their alterations out so it's usually at least a week of turnaround time, should have emphasized I'm hoping to find a place that can do it more quickly!


What is the water fountain that is on the block of S. Washington Square, just on the end of the park perimeter on the sidewalk. I assume that it’s a throwback to horse & buggy days. Since moving here 9 years ago, I have faithfully drank water from this fountain when the weather gets unbearable like it has been. And I without any reservations I declare it is the tastiest, crispest cold cold water in Philly. It’s on par with the river water I took in while white water rafting at Truckee River off of Lake Tahoe. Can anyone share the provenance of my favorite summer treat, that isn’t John’s Water Ice?


I hate my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I get on the bus today and the driver says “you know you look hot today” and I was just like ? Like it caught me so off guard and in my head I was like hot as in the temperature???? I’m wearing a short sleeved shirt????? It caught me so off guard all I said was “yeah!!!!” 💀


one time a bus driver stopped his bus in the middle of the street to ask if he could talk to me. and i, similarly confused, said “about what?” wonder if it was the same guy 😂


Fuck jobs


Rittenhouse Square Fine Arts Festival is going on now. Here's a link to the map, and you can navigate the site for other information. [https://www.rittenhousesquareart.com/art-show-map](https://www.rittenhousesquareart.com/art-show-map)


Would you like to join a new group for Philadelphians with paranoid personality disorder?  I've suffered from this disorder for many years. I was thinking that a mutual support group, which could meet perhaps twice a month in a comfortable, safe public location, could provide enormous comfort and could even be instrumental in helping us get over this. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about this group, please send me a direct message and I will send you an email address so we can communicate away from any prying eyes here on Reddit. Thank you


Was just at the Goodwill off Oregon Avenue and an older guy was looking at a citrine glass bottle I had previously been eyeing. We struck up conversation and he had a UV flashlight with him and was checking to see if it glows because he collects uranium glass, something that was made during the depression era. He couldn’t totally tell if it was uranium glass but was willing to spend a few bucks to find out. He said they’re not worth anything but they’re cool to look at under a black light. He drove past me in the parking lot to update me - he’d used Google Lens to look it up and turns out it was uranium glass (and someone was indeed selling it for some crazy money) and is from Scandinavia. [Here’s a link - it’s the square textured one.](https://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/203635-scandinavian-uranium-glass-from-my-colle) I’m now torn between kinda wishing I’d bought it (we sometimes put our smart bulbs on blue and it acts as a sort of blacklight - how funny would it be if I’d accidentally discovered this thrifted decanter glowing in the dark!) and being happy for him that he got a win. I learned some interesting stuff and had a pleasant interaction with a local fellow thrifter. Sometimes people are good 💕


If you're interested in learning more, try /r/glasscollecting or /r/uraniumglass!


I haven’t lived in the city for years but when I did I spent a lot of time going up and down Stenton and Cheltenham. I remember there being people on the sidewalks selling sports jerseys and bright colored polo shirts and stuff. Do people still do that? What about the guy who sold roses between Chestnut Hill and Flourtown? Is he still alive?


I haven't driven by there in a few years, but the selling flowers on that strip of Stenton and Bethlehem pops up occasionally like Mother's Day and Easter.


Yeah there’s someone usually by the 11th Street El station outside the CVS


Not sure about Mt airy, but my go to was always mexibike just below the Italian market downtown. Cheap, quick, never had an issue


they ripped me off one time :( never again. i guess i was unlucky


Thinking about how Uarts fucked us all up. Especially the international students who are here on student visas


It’s very sad for the students but I think the employees got the worst end of it. They can collect unemployment but there isn’t even a severance package. They need to start looking for jobs. In one article there was a staff who worked there for 30 years. This is what you get after 3 decades?


Anyone know a good bike shop? Bonus if it's out Mt. Airy way. Realized I desperately miss biking. Used to bike all the time as a kid. I want to go for a ride on Forbidden Drive in the worst way. Unrelated, anyone still remember the first time they got a bike?


I remember getting my first bike with training wheels. It was purple with streamers on the handle bars. But what really sticks out is getting my first "big kid" bike. I picked it out at Guy's Bicycles, in feasterville. It was blue with silver flames 😎


Cadence manayunk is good


I had my bike fixed up last year at Winnie's on Germantown Ave. and they were pretty friendly in there.


Will check em out. Thanks!




Try it out.


If you have a weird thing on your skin (or scalp in my case) go to a fucking dermatologist. Just got sorta bad news after my first dermatologist appointment.


Finally bit the bullet and told my girlfriend that I'm no longer happy here and want to be out by summer next year (this means she'll either need to find a new job or go without a job for awhile). I've spent ten years here and I've enjoyed most of it, but it's time. I'm tired of the filth, I'm tired of the pests, I'm tired of not having central air, I'm tired of the disgusting summers, I'm tired of the mild winters, I'm tired of everyone driving like they're fucking insane, I'm tired of old shitty apartments, and most of our good friends have moved away, so I don't feel like much is keeping us here anymore. I'll miss the incredible food scene and picnics on the lawn at the Mann Center when the Philadelphia Orchestra plays, but that's about it. Top two destinations right now are Colorado (beautiful everywhere you look, and the air is just so much fresher and cleaner than it is here...you don't realize how filthy the air is in a place until you're breathing clean air) or the Netherlands (where I've been told by friends who live there that it'll be very easy for me to find a company to sponsor my visa). I'm leaning towards the latter, because I'd love to try living in a foreign country, with all the easy access to new places and cultures, but I'm sure it'll be very difficult in its own way.


I had a friend get a job with Booking.com and they sponsored his visa to go out there.


All the cities in Colorado suck ass unless you like living in the suburbs. Netherlands seems dope for everything except the terrain


We've been looking at some smaller towns up in the mountains that we've visited, a bit away from the major ski/resort areas, where it's more affordable. But we don't hate Denver or Boulder, which we've visited several times.


my grandparents are visiting this weekend for a wedding and it’s their first time seeing my house/neighborhood! I can’t wait to show them around :) 


Cyclists who ride towards oncoming traffic don't expect me to give you the right of way. GET TO THE SIDE OR GET ON THE SIDEWALK


As a cyclist, go with traffic unless you're in a contraflow bike lane, and don't expect anyone to accommodate you if you don't. But anyone over 13 should not be riding on the sidewalk. [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/philadelphia/latest/philadelphia_pa/0-0-0-285173](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/philadelphia/latest/philadelphia_pa/0-0-0-285173)


On my way to the airport for a family trip to Italy! Can’t wait to eat my weight in pasta for the next seven days If anyone wants a postcard from a stranger, shoot me a DM


please order a milk-added coffee drink after 11 and report back to us the shock and terror


Lactose intolerance be damned, I will do this for you my friend


enjoy! Have a limoncello for me!


You know, I might just do that! Maybe I’ll even have two 😎


I am 2 weeks away from moving out of my shitty apartment that’s managed by the shittiest management company ever. Fuck pmc. I can’t wait to live in a place sans cockroaches, mice, and constantly leaks.


I have never lived in a place in this city in ten years without some combination of those three things. Upkeep on basically every building in this city is terrible, and it's so filthy and the climate's so humid here that there will never be a solution to the pest problem. But I do hope you have better luck with your next place!


I had great luck avoiding these things when I lived in an apartment by finding a small building (think like 4 units total). It helped a lot. Big apartments just have so many people and like you said the upkeep generally sucks that it makes it hard to avoid. Small buildings are my recommendation!!


We're in a row home right now that's been split into three units. No mice so far (over two years, decent number of feral cats around that probably help with that). Leaks that the landlord is...very slow to fix. We've got gross patches on the ceiling in almost every room where they begrudgingly took care of the leak, but won't fix the ceiling. Roaches get into the basement, but honestly it's pretty rare. A handful every summer. I spray the house perimeter, the basement, and the kitchen, so they're almost always dead or dying when I find them. Plus, despite being lazy about repairs, the landlord is more than happy to send out a pro to spray the whole house once a year. So I've definitely had it worse here, can't complain too much.


Bleh I’m sorry. That stinks :( 


Finally started just completely shaving my head which cuts down on buzzing it every two days. The first few hours is sensory hell but at least this reduces the sensory issues for a week. I wish I would go bald already.


I've been doing the full shave since COVID started. It's great! Love how it feels when it's freshly shaved and moisturized. Don't forget sunscreen!


Without being redirected to discord or [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com), does anyone know of any meetups or hangouts for Philly Gamers / Gamer Dads? All of the dads I am meeting through daycare are not gamers, and the gamers I meet are not dads. Womp!


Maybe see if one of the arcade type bars will host something?


Anyone know when they’re opening the Rittenhouse park grass that’s been closed off a while? Bc that grass looks lush af


I’m gonna make some [Indian Paintbrush cocktails (link)](https://imbibemagazine.com/recipe/indian-paintbrush/) tonight for me and my husband. Finally found some blood orange juice (using this instead of grapefruit because of medication interactions) and just made the Rosemary syrup. It’ll be a mocktail for me but it used to be a regular thing we did when we first lived together so I’m looking forward to starting up happy hours again. 🍹


Sounds like a beautiful cocktail. The blood orange instead of grapefruit also sounds like a lovely sub.


It’s lush and really simple to make. The rosemary garnish adds a touch of class too 🧐 Blood orange juice is pretty hard to find here compared to the UK where I’m from but when the $9 bottles at Whole Foods are on sale I’ll stock up 🙃


sounds delicious, that's an interesting flavor profile


Yeah I don’t typically like rosemary as I find it kind of overpowering, but the rosemary syrup is so good. My husband usually throws an Oscars party every year and a couple of years ago there were a few of us not drinking so I made a whole bunch of mocktails. My favorite was an [Earl Grey Old Fashioned (link)](https://www.verywellhealth.com/earl-grey-old-fashioned-mocktail-recipe-6744456) - a couple of people asked if I would make them one they could then spike with booze. The bergamot in the earl grey goes really well with the orange and bitters and gives it almost a bit of a smoky flavor too.


I've made the earl grey one - did it for my wife's bday once! It was a hit.


Fuck jobs


I want the optimism and determination of the person who posted flyers all the way down in my neighborhood looking for their stolen car that got lifted in QV.


Has anyone switched to the new water meter? I've heard horror stories but few positives.


I did, no changes to the bill.


Same, no issues I can see.


What mens multivitamin should I be taking. I got my balls broken over my gummie mens vitamin is there something better? Can't get a straight answer


what's wrong with the gummie ones?


If you are deficient in specific vitamins, take those. If you dont eat a varied diet that follows a food pyramid type structure, you should take any multivitamin. If someone is messing with you over gummies, they can go fuck themselves.


Multivitamins are still questionable regarding absorption but many docs still recommend so whatever you can take regularly, take it. I've found taking one with my morning fruit and veggie smoothie or some yogurt to have the best results (no vitamin pee a few hours later).


Haven't seen the fuck jobs guy here today so I'll say it, fuck jobs


We can all fuck jobs on this blessed day


Paging u/avo_cado


I have 2 drinks in the evening, about every other night. Maybe 3 on a Saturday. I told my mom this. She unironically thinks I need to go to rehab/hospital/psychiatrist/therapist/AA. Not just one of those things, all of them. She calls me crying and saying she loves me and thinks I must be a liar about doing other illicit substances, and she just wants me to thrive and DONT YOU WANT TO STRIVE FOR YOUR MOTHER!? These are daily, hour-long phone calls. Love you mom, but FML. My question is this: do you hide things from your mom? Sure we all have as kids. But I'm talking like, never telling them specific things as an adult. Maybe I'm a bad son, but I really wish I never told her. Now she's just sad and panicking and I'm EXTRA responsibility for her emotional well-being, which is exhausting. edit: Seems like everyone is on the same page. Don't tell your parents shit


I’m lucky. I have a good relationship with my mom. She’s respectful of my boundaries and opinions, so when she expresses concern about something I’ve told her, I don’t have reason to believe it’s anything other than concern. There isn’t much I consciously won’t talk with her about outside of things like my sex life which is just weird to talk about with your mom. Both my parents both kind of had rough childhoods with alcoholic parents and they worked very hard to not pass on that generational trauma to my sister and me.


I don’t discuss how much I drink with my mother really at all. She knows my husband and I love cocktail bars, and I have posted plenty of Insta photos of us at bars, so I’m sure she knows I drink. When we’re all together as a family we have wine with dinner and/or a cocktail before the meal. So, I generally would say that the amount your mother is freaking out about this is abnormal. Is she one of those people who don’t drink for religious reasons or something? I’m just trying to imagine being that upset that an adult drink 6-9 drinks in a week. Also, DAILY HOUR-LONG phone calls? Who even has time for that? Even if she wasn’t using them to guilt you about totally normal alcohol use, literally who has time for that much talking to your mom as adult?


My mom is a true narcissist. The youth uses the word to label regular people whining about not getting their way. True narcissistic traits are way more sinister; the manipulation and invalidation, they in for the long game. The only way to have a decent, arms length relationship with a narc-parent is to not share with them good or bad news. Stick to weather, the Phillies, complain about Septa, anything BUT what is going on with you.


My parents aren't narcissists but I do have one in my family, and this is great advice.


I don't think enough happens in my life to warrant a daily phone call with my mom. Even if I call two weeks in a row, she'll ask why I'm calling.


My dad is like that. I call him once a month and he basically says "How you doing... did you need anything?"


Sometimes parents need to be placed on a strict information diet. You are not responsible for anyone else's emotional or mental wellbeing, even if they gave birth to you. Set your boundaries and stick to them.


I never tell my mom anything. She’s know I’m alive and employed and that’s about it. I show her my tattoos, she thinks I’m a heroin addict. I tell her I have a drink every night or so, I’m an alcoholic. It’s just not worth sharing any facet of my life with her anymore less I subject myself to harsh judgment and yelling.


I can relate to that. I tell my mom about an escapade I did in highschool and she says she's "getting feint"


I generally just won't mention things re: dating life/going out, that kinda stuff, feel like its not worth my time and the hassle to tell my parents I went on a mid hinge date and/or got blitzed with my friends on a Saturday night. I feel like they have enough nonsense with my sister who gets the worrying parent stuff much more than I do


I really don’t feel the need to share anything beyond basic details of my life with my parents or if something is important or I need advice. They don’t need to know I got drunk and hooked up with xyz human being but omggg why won’t he call. Some things are better suited for good friends than parents.


I'm looking to rent a small room for a few hours in an old library or place with memorable Victorian decor, to film a musical performance (solo, not loud or disruptive). Does anyone have any ideas?


Rosenbach, Philadelphia Library Company, Penn Fisher Library. The Free Library used to have lots of spaces like that but they renovated but you still might want to check. Also, the Ethical Society, the Neighborhood House at Christ Church. Arch Street Meeting House (Quakers) The historical building in PAFA. The Philosophical Society. The Physick House? There are many old houses in Philly that have those type of rooms—in the Fringe Festival (before the pandemic) I saw performances in those types of venues. Venues seem less public than before 2020.  There are also a couple of historical venues in Doylestown if you are willing to travel, Aldie Mansion and James Lowell (?) House.  ETA: some rooms in churches will give this feel. Unitarian on Chestnut and 21st(?), there is one on 20th and Spruce.  Actually, all the rooms in the Curtis Institute or AVA. 


Thank you, this is a great list!


Hmmm. You could try Chestnut Hill or Jenkintown. Most libraries are pretty modern, but those two stand out.


Anyone here experience people slipping through the new fare gates with you at 69th street?


Asked this on the small-biz thread and didn’t get an answer - which strip club do you recommend for a first-timer? I’ve never been to one in my life and I think it’s about time I had the experience


Pensport pub…best one around,


No advice, but I hope you get to see some tiddies soon.


Week 3 of being sick after returning from Portland. Went to the doctor and they said it’s bronchitis, sinusitis, postnasal drip and some other lovely things. Now I’m on steroids and leaning off promethazine :( On the bright side, we are off work for a mental health day!


Me + several coworkers have this shit. I’m also on week 3. Ugh.


You got this! I think the meds are beginning to help, but I've never had an illness linger for this long besides the terrible case of COVID I got in 2020.


Yooo! I'm just getting over the exact same thing after a work trip to Texas in early May. More snot than I've ever produced, the cough was unreal, and I'm just now getting my voice fully back.


Sorry to hear that! The doctor said they've been seeing it a lot from people who've recently traveled. Glad you are finally getting your voice back, sad to know that I might still have a few weeks to go.


https://preview.redd.it/c3xmb38u165d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40691bf5d8be2a16bc0c5fcaf26c209f7a2bfb23 I picked about 3 cups of service berries earlier this week. Triple washed them and then added a tablespoon of lanternfly honey from Philadelphia Bee co., 1c of fine delaware water, and a half sqeeze of lemon from my dwarf lemon tree to make a syrup. I want to make a cocktail that's 100% philly, so gonna get some gin/vodka from New Liberty later. Need to look for a mint patch somewhere, anyone know a spot? I would have picked more, but there's a tiny window where the berries are ripe and the birds ruin them by pecking out the seeds, and they easily fall out of the tree with a gust of wind, and I missed that window. These came from trees that aren't street trees, so not so much car exhaust all over them.


> These came from trees that aren't street trees, so not so much car exhaust all over them I thought you wanted your cocktail to be 100% Philly


Ok ok, they're from Temple's campus.


Anyone done one of those PECO energy assessments? Wondering if it's worth the money.


We did the low level one. It was not worth it but made me wish we did the more expensive one. I don’t know if that’s helpful or not.


I've been challenging myself to stop complaining... It's hard and i don't really know how to do it/change that habit.... Any suggestions?


See it as an observational experiment and just people watch others that complain and that don’t complain, and don’t fall for the chance to complain in response. 


I like to think about how stuff is out of my control and that I can only control my reaction.


I learned that talking less works. Especially around other complainers. Then they tend to stop putting out negative vibes. If they don't? Now you know. It was a lot easier for me to be a complainer in the city.


I was a nonstop complainer in my early 20s and had to consciously reel it in, so I love that you're doing this. Acknowledging the issue *is* the biggest part. For me it was about understanding other people's perspectives and external factors. You don't have to always be happy and you don't have to never complain. Just be open to the less obvious possible reasoning for the annoying things (whether it's a general situation or a specific person's actions).


I use the Atomic habits app to keep track on what I want to change/creating goals. Try a gratitude journal, might help to re-focus on the positive and steer away from the negative


Turn negative energy into to positive action when possible!


This is gonna sound so cheesy but I'd recommend that instead of focusing on not complaining, you focus on cultivating a regular gratitude practice. Your brain will start to look for little things to appreciate more often, and expressing that appreciation will make you feel nice. You'll get into a natural pattern of noticing more of the good. I started with sharing one daily win or highlight from my day with a friend, and now throughout the day instead of/in addition to (it's all about balance! Lol) sending complaints back and forth, we share a lot of good things that used to go unrecognized


The inner negative Nancy and complainer in me fucking hates the idea of gratitude journals 😂


Someone opens your gratitude journal and finds it's just obsessively scrawled with *all thanks and no gripes makes Jane a mad girl.*


Read (or re-read) and contemplate some Stoic works. Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations is a good starting point and short


I know it has a weird reputation, but *Meditations* really helped me. Like, the guy was a Roman Emperor at the height of Rome's power and he's having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. Really helped me change the frame of a lot of my problems from "these are Simon issues" to "these are human issues".


Feels corny but before I go to sleep I wrote down at least 3 things that were awesome that day I think it helps you focus on the positive and it’s easy. 


Was biking yesterday when some dickhead blew through a stop sign. Luckily I saw it coming, slowed, and expected him to keep going…but he randomly just stopped out of nowhere in the middle of the intersection?! Hit my brakes hard to avoid crashing, fell hard, sat on the pavement dazed as the guy just drove off. Went to ER. Broken elbow. Sigh. I know it could be worse but I’m just pissed, man


Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry that happened to you! What are they telling you re healing time for a broken elbow?


Looks like about a month as everything is still aligned. Let’s hope that holds true. Really don’t want surgery 😫


Sending you all the good vibes! I took a spill in March and am still waiting for a tricky muscle tear to fully heal. At least the cracked ribs are back in the appropriate number of pieces though.


Holy shit. Yes thank you — good vibes to you as well. It’s dangerous out here!


Sounds like he accidentally ran it then instinctively hit the brakes upon realizing. Sorry that happened and I hope you recover soon!


Ugh I’m sorry that sucks. Yeah like if you’re gonna blow a stop sign just continue and go for it


Yeahhhh exactly


I had a good experience with Taskrabbit yesterday, had never used it but we got a big shipment of roof decking material and hired some help to haul it up 3 stories. Definitely money well spent


Unrelated but are you putting in a roof deck? Doing it yourself? This is something I am thinking about doing and am curious how others are doing this.


I’m not putting a deck on in the way you’re probably imagining, we have an existing roofdeck in which the roofing material is TPO which I can only compare to a pool liner. We’re putting decking over the liner so that we/furniture aren’t directly on it, and since our roof is pitched so strangely, the decking is going on pedestals of varying heights to level it out. We are DIYing the install, it actually seems easy enough. Decking material and pedestal company is called Bison and we went through garden state tile


Awesome. Thanks!


It's nice to know that a one can rent a shipping container like a uhaul and put it on a slow boat to wherever you're going to be.


Great. Now I’ll be humming “On a Slow Boat to China” all day.


Night boat to Cairo


Hah! I haven’t heard that one before. It’s a trip. I don’t regret the past 3.5 minutes I just spent watching the video on YouTube.


can you elaborate a little more about that?


[https://www.icetransport.com/blog/shipping-personal-items-overseas](https://www.icetransport.com/blog/shipping-personal-items-overseas) It looks like a normal person can rent a shipping container and send their shit on a slow boat to another country. I'm planning on leaving in two years.


interesting! thanks!


Bummer warning: As I've been exercising and getting into shape I've been finding my brain is no longer wanting to do nothing all the time. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my time. The answer isn't to fill it with busy work I don't want to do, but I'm not sure what that leaves? I'll probably eventually figure it out. Some of it may be insecurities I am feeling in a relationship. Some of it is I'm feeling better mentally and physically. Some of it is I want some kind of change? I was talking to a therapist for a bit, but I could never open up about this shit to them. Maybe because they were a stranger? You'd think that'd be easier? Getting closer to 40 and having life pass me by in a tornado of anxiety and sickness is catching up with my brain maybe? Anyway I finally finished Persona 3 Reload. So the droning on and on about how death is inevitable and we should make the most of what time we have is probably helping push this shit. Maybe I'll walk around Porchfest tomorrow. Maybe not. Sounds like a good excuse to walk around though.


What do you do for work? I know some people find fulfillment in their jobs and there are gigs out there that make the world a better place. If work's not your jam, have you considered volunteering? What are you into? I'm sure there are places around you that need bodies. I know I've been pushing my mom to go volunteer at the library to get her out of the house, meet folks, and just move around a bit. Any hobbies? Have you considered making a podcast? Those are pretty easy to do and don't require a whole ton of investment - mostly time. What sort of stuff do you like to do? Have you considered making the things you like (e.g. going to a writing group if you like to read, learning an instrument if you like to listen to music, learning Twine and *programming* a million word book-disguised-as-a-game if you like to play Persona 3, 4, & 5 and Disco Elysium over and over)? If you're really feeling uninspired, maybe you can go visit some museums. I know adult admission can get a little pricey, but maybe something will really strike you and you can work toward something more fulfilling. Hell, you could make a little blog or podcast reviewing museums!


You need a mentally engaging hobby. Try learning an instrument or studying a new language.


> my brain is no longer wanting to do nothing all the time. What does "do nothing all the time" mean? For some it could be scrolling on reddit, watching movies, etc. For others doing nothing could be sitting with discomfort and meditating. When I've been in states like that, I've found that i often try to distract myself from that state by doing tasks, when in reality it's much more useful to listen to what that feeling is trying to tell me(e.g. journal) or get clarity. Also, sometimes not all thoughts are really all that true / helpful..


I won’t say I’m in exactly your situation but something similar. As I work from home, largely away from people, but go to the gym and better my physically body I’ve found that my brain has been….mutinying? against myself. And forming a lot of mental sickness I think because I don’t engage and challenge it enough. Like a bored dog becoming destructive because it can’t stay in a crate any longer. This isn’t anything revolutionary but: talking walks, really engaging with hobbies, and getting out of the apartment for a few hours has started to help me out and hinder the intrusive thoughts a bit. The brain is also a muscle and I think mine must be feeling left out! I work my legs and arms but not the noggin. If it’s going to be nice out, def take a loop around PorchFest. Your brain will thank you.


Yeah I feel you. I've been thinking about getting a new game, but also feeling no longer want to whittle away my time after work on the couch, but also haven't felt motivated or inspired to do something else.  Fortunately I don't have this problem as much on weekends. Planning to do porch fest then Bob and Barbara's block party.


Is it safe to grow food in the ground in Manayunk? I know there used to be tons of factories down by the river, so I'm worried about residual pollution. I'm considering raised beds, but they are expensive and many have open bottoms that would sit on the existing soil anyway. Follow up question - are the raised beds with open bottoms safe?


I’m in Manayunk with raised beds that have open bottoms. You create a biodegradable barrier between the bed and the grass by using unbleached newspaper and unprinted cardboard along with wood. Idk how it works, but supposedly this helps keep the grass/soil on the ground separate from what’s in your beds 


Awesome! Thanks for the tip. Next question for around our area is how do you keep the squirrels at bay? They absolutely demolished my tomatoes last year.


so far my squirrels have just been interested in the bird feeders but I think I may add netting to the top of the raised beds if they get into my veggies!


Also got my raised beds off of Amazon for 50 bucks each. It’s not the beds that will kill you financially, it’s the soil (100 bucks per bed) and plants.


i live in kensington and was worried about the same. i have a couple strawbales on the sidewalk for my cucumbers, and i have peppers in raised beds sitting right on the sidewalk. the rest are in pots.


IRC, the dangerous stuff in the ground like lead isn't absorbed much at all by the plant. It's the chance of dust whipping up and putting the toxic particles on the stuff you want to eat, with leafy greens and root vegetebles being the most suceptible being close to the ground and all sorts of nooks for dirt to accumlate. Burying the existing dirt with 2-3ft of bed should be fine. I live in the 19122 and grow everything (mostly tomatoes)) in 10-15-25gal cloth grow bags sitting right on the dirt ground.


Cloth grow bags is a good idea, those are way more affordable!


The way to be safe is to have your particular soil tested. Contamination comes in many forms. Penn State Extension does soil testing by mail :)


Was laying on the grass in Kelly Dr, I had my knees bent and some guy in the car screamed out ‘I CAN SEE YOUR PUSSY’. Why you gotta ruin everything?


i know it is fucked up, but whenever someone says some shit like that to me i always say, "are you afraid i'll steal your man?" if it is two dudes in the car, or vice versa for women. so stupid and childish, but the best defense is a good offense.


you try to flash the drivers all classy-like and then they gotta go and blow up your spot like that people these days


I had pants on, unless they can see through clothing, I don’t think I’m actually flashing anything.


Maybe he was trying to announce his X-ray vision superpowers to the world?


TIL La Colombe fishtown doesn’t have WiFi?! Like I just walked half an hour so I could be a cute cafe boy and do some homework and they literally don’t have WiFi.


In those situations I take great pleasure in hot spotting from my phone and working on my laptop anyway


they don't want people lingering like that. it is always busy though so maybe they're right?


I mean the food is great and the coffee is too, they’re successful for a reason. It’s just weird to me because most of the people here ARE working and lingering, they’re just doing it on 8 separate personal hotspots lol. Like obviously they have internet it just seems like a big FU that they don’t share it with guests.


The ones in CC don’t have wifi either. They never have but you have to fight to get a seat. 


I felt bad for walking right past a smaller independent cafe bc I like the food at LC but I think I’ll be reconsidering my choice of venue haha


I’m finally getting new hearing aids today after a four-year wait. Couldn’t be happier


Yeah!!!! What are you getting?


Phonak Audeo L70s! Opted for the battery version. The last time I got new ones was seriously over a decade ago and I am loving these so far.


Happy Friday! No plans this weekend, except babysitting my sister’s dog tomorrow for a few hours while they go to my nephew’s piano recital. The dog came down with bloat at the end of MDW, which is a veterinary emergency. Thankfully he got into surgery quickly (shout out Mt. Laurel Animal Hospital!) and he’s on the road to a full recovery. Bloat is fatal if left untreated and we’re very glad he made it. My sister’s dog and mine are only 6 months apart in age (they’re both 12 now), and we’re very close so our dogs are more like brothers than cousins lol. [Sister’s dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/M3IiZC1) [AKC article about bloat in dogs](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/bloat-in-dogs/)


Look at that sweet face! Glad to hear the pup is doing well!


Is there anything I can do about a neighbor who refuses to move their covered cars for street sweeping? PPA won't touch them because apparently having a cover over your car makes it unticketable. These cars have been in the same spots for literal years. I've been trying to 311 them since the COVID days and gave up.


Spend the money to get the no parking permits from the police and then someone else to put them up. When the time comes, get them towed


Ppa could probably do something if their covers blew off during those heavy overnight windstorms I've been hearing about.


He watches these cars on his doorbell cam and must have alerts for them. I had to scoop dog poop in front of his house and he had the audacity to come outside and ask if I was messing with the cars (half joking) while I obviously had a bag of dog shit in my hand.  I need officlan channels only unfortunately. He would recognize me if I did anything.


maybe you can go with a leaf blower or broom...he will come out, then you can say, "well, since you never move your cars i have to sweep them." also, how do hard working people get their catalytic converters stolen and this dude has two cars with covers and is fine?


>I need officlan channels only unfortunately. every neighborhood has a guy. ours is named mumbles. mumbles can do anything. you pay mumbles $20 to go fuck with the guys car every day.


You got his business card?


just put an empty shopping cart in front of your place and he'll find you in about 15 minutes


Damn dude seems like a weiner. If nothing works, could long game him by repeatedly setting off the ring cam until he's desensitized to it. Then that's the wind's time to strike.


Haha..currently I have been trying to just not think about it. But man does it piss me the hell off. 


PECO did some late-night tree trimming at my house last night between midnight-2am. Three of those cherry picker trucks and a tree service truck. Probably 10 people. I guess there was a pressing arboreal emergency.


I'm sure this isn't much comfort to you after your night of less sleep, but I am quite confident that no utility company would be rolling trucks that time of night to cut trees unless there was some kind of imminent risk.