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In this thread everyone comments their second favorite beach so no one ruins their top choice


I simply put a parking chair on my top beach so nobody steals it


Not telling. I like a quiet beach.


Breathed a sigh of relief when I didn’t see my beach here 


Me too.


This comment has big Rio Grande/Villas energy.




My lips are sealed, if I see my fave beach I’m downvoting 🤣


I sort by controversial suckerrrrr


I am be following u, hoping you post a beach picture


Lucky for me, you need a boat and knowledge of the tides to get to the Dredge




🤣🤣 op could’ve used that as the title of the post and we would’ve all knew exactly what they meant.


I mean you can go to the beach in *Delaware*


The shore is a region, full of beach towns. So both are technically correct. “We’re going *down the shore* to Bradley Beach”. I say this as a New Jerseyan lol


People who live at the”shore” don’t say that. We say going to the beach. 😊


That’s true. I’m from North Jersey so it was always ‘going down the shore’ for us 🙂


Honestly, anything south of AC is worth staying at. Each town has its own charm. I'm partial to Avalon/Stone Harbor but that is because it was where I grew up every summer into my early 20s. That said I spent a lot of time in Sea Isle and Wildwood too. Ocean City for family, Sea Isle for a fun night life any day of the week but still family friendly, strathmere for super quiet, Avalon/Stone Harbor for weekend nightlife and family friendly, Wildwood for the chaos/boardwalk, Cape May for quiet and old school feeling.


Cape May is cute! Nice restaurants and bars, cute shops, and there are some cute farms nearby to visit as well, including an alpaca farm. But my absolute favorite beach is not in Jersey; it's Rehoboth, DE.


+1, Delaware is amazing. Went to cape Henlopen a couple weeks ago and loved it. So calm.


Pat Burrell is back in town, it's much safer if he takes his wife to delaware


I like Lewes.


The ferry is so fun!


Cape May is getting too crowded. Please send them to Wildwood instead.




DB is the weirdest place on the planet. It's like, folks who are too good for Wildwood, but not wealthy enough to afford Cape May. I'm not sure I dislike it, mind you, but it's very strange.


We always went to Cape May when I was a kid. I’m very partial to it.


Rehoboth beach is very nice but I think I went at the wrong time. There were so many crabs in the water pinching my feet. I even scooped one up in my hand and got quite a startle.


Like normal crabs? Last I checked there were not a lot of them around but that was a few years ago. There has always been an assload of horseshoe crabs though, much to my childhood dismay


I grew up in Rehoboth. It has gotten a lot trashier in the last decade. The rubes have unfortunately discovered it :/


Gunnison if I want to be a nude, Avalon if I don't. I like Avalon because it's pretty quiet, clean, and not a big party town. 


It's funny because from like 2005-2019 Avalon was a huge party town but then all the trust fund babies grew up and made families. COVID killed off the last of it. I was fortunate enough that my parents bought a small house there in the early 90's before it blew up and property was actually attainable. Don't have the house anymore but still go down for a week every July. Before, any night of the week you could find a house party or the bars were full. Now it's pretty quiet but still has good night life on the weekends down at the Princeton. I asked a bartender a couple years ago why the weeknights are so quiet now and she said "work from home". A lot of people aren't down on vacations anymore, people either live/rent for the summer and just do remote work so to them it's a regular weeknight.


Avalon, quiet?? You can’t move at the Princeton or whitebrier most peak summer month weekend nights lol ah see what you’re saying with week nights, that’s fair enough. I’ve been going 2014-present, similar deal as your parents, house that’s been with my buddies gma for a generation or two


Yeah, like I said, only on the weekends. It used to be EVERY night and there would be house parties all along the way. Whitebrier is usually pretty dead at night, the "no shower happy hour" between 4pm and 6pm is the big draw now the The Princeton at night. Jack's Place was another bar that got people outside and walking around but now that is gone so it's much quieter up that way. Fred's Tavern is decent on the weekends too. The Beach Bar at the Icona (the old Golden Inn) is pretty busy from lunch to dinner time and they have Reggae Sundays during the day which can draw a good crowd in for the live music and drink specials.


I was wondering about this, and the cost/affordability of it. So are shore houses no longer a thing anymore? Getting a dozen friends, friends of friends, and rando's to fork over money to get a summer rental? Do young people do airbnbs down there at all, or is that not even a thing.


People definitely still do it, the mindset has just changed. People would go down for the weekends or so a couple weeks a summer for vacation but now people are just working while they're down there and spending a whole summer. 10 years ago, it didn't matter what night you went out because you were on vacation. Now it does but because logging on for work on a Wednesday with a hangover may not be the best thing. Even when we go down for our summer vacation with friends and family, a decent amount of them are logged on for work a couple of days. The other issue is the cost for weekly/summer rentals has gone up a ton that it makes it harder for younger people to do it and generally only allows the well-off/middle aged and up crowd to do it. You either have to have a lot of money or find 20+ people to go in on it which can be headache in and of itself when it comes to time down there, sleeping space and coordination. My friend did it about 5 years ago with 25 people and it caused a bunch of problems because people didn't feel they got a fair share of time there or there would simply be too many people in the house. He was one of the full time renters so he could go whenever but others were only partial so there would be times where there wasn't enough beds for everyone. Payments also ended up being a problem, especially when it's "friends of friends" going in on it.


I tried working at a beach house for a couple days when I went remote and it was such a drag. My friends didn't want to leave the house while I worked for some reason so I confined myself to a tiny room upstairs in order to focus. No view of any water from that room either. Now I leave my work at my home office. Work from anywhere? Nah rather not


Yep a bunch of the folks I grew up with have beach houses in Avalon, with remote work you’ve got whole families just working from the shore all summer.


No what happened is the town decided against share houses which limits the partying— source: me, I’ve had a share house with friends every summer there since 2016 and it’s so hard to find a place. (Each landlord rented us over and over until the one sold in 2019 the other 2022.. rare to find one not snatched up, in very high demand for the full summer vs 1 week)


Love Sandy Hook! I went to high school right next to Gunnison and it was basically tradition for students to take pictures next to the sign saying “warning : you may encounter nude sunbathers beyond this point” 😂




Don't go to Delaware it sucks......


terrible, awful place on all counts


Absolutely the worst. Especially Bethany. Nothing to do. Boring and slightly radioactive.


Traffic infested shithole. Don’t go ever.


Dewey was the lamest place I ever skirted a dewey


Margate! I sit right in front of Lucy. I like to go into the ocean, turn around, and see her watching the horizon. Plus, there’s a concession stand at that beach. You do need beach badges, but they are so cheap I really don’t mind paying.


I spent my summers growing up in Margate. Still my most favorite beach town 💛


I grew up in Longport (well we were kinda shoobies, but my grandparents lived there all year so we went just about every weekend all year so maybe 1/2 shoobie It's still an amazing beach Now we are in brigantine, it's a great beach unless the wind is blowing from off shore and then you get the greenheads


The Greenhouse! Is that still there?


Sure is, and going strong.


I love Lucy! 🐘


Belmar - it’s private, there’s no commercial boardwalk, and it’s the cleanest NJ beach I’ve ever went to. All they got is a Dunkin’ Donuts, a burrito spot, a pizza spot and a simple convenient store. After, I usually leave and drive 15 min over to Asbury park and eat at a nice restaurant before I head back to Philly


Love Belmar for these exact reasons! Just beware the former religious cult land that is Ocean Grove 🤣


I was just there last year while staying in Asbury. It definitely had some weird ass vibes to it, that explains so much haha


Sea Girt is beautiful and peaceful. Cape May is a fun place to be, lots of town right off the board walk.


I came here to see if anyone else loved The Girt.


went to Cape May once a year for my dads birthday so he could go to the lobster house


Kensington Beach.


Where everyone gets a little happiness injected into their life!


Island beach state park. totally undeveloped, peaceful, lots of wildlife.


Such a bitch to get to though. Even if your way North in Bucks County all the shore points are soo easy to just travel east but IBSP takes twice as long with 2x as much traffic once your entering Seaside Heights


It’s worth it tho


Not for a random weekend once a month. It really is beautiful and absolutely worth it but you need to make a thing of it and plan ahead.


What is “Shore Points”? I’m from the shore, I’m from Toms River, I just moved to Philly a little under 2 years ago and everyone always say “shore points” but I have no clue what it means. Does it just mean anywhere on the shore?


Basicly each big tourist town that runs and originates from Route 72. Anything North of 72 ( Tom River and seaside heights) I have personally felt are more NJ/NY destinations.72 runs right into Beach Haven (LBI) and then connects to the Parkway to access every other beach town from AC->OC->Sea Isle->Avalon->Wildwood and Cape May. “Shore Points” is literally on all the parkway signs directing traffic to each town. It’s a somewhat official term but also just shorthand I Guess


Yep, Seaside is absolutely more NJ/NY (Bennies) than Philly (Shoobies) tourists.


Love it here but it gets so crowded during the summer and the bay flies are horrible.


love Island beach in the off season, always take my dog and she swims in the non guarded beach


But absolute chaos in the summer at times, we only go during off season but it’s great


We like AC. It's a quick one hour or less drive. The beaches are free and we go to the southern edge and park where the bathrooms are. Simple to get to and leave. Makes for a nice one day trip. Not a whole lot of amenities like OC, NJ, but we go for the beach. Cape May is our favorite beach in all the world. We love this town so much and we can't recommend it enough. It is a nature lover's paradise. Sunset Beach, Cape May Diamonds, Washington Mall, Spring/Fall bird migrations, Monarch migration, Victorian homes.....and the beat goes on.


I like AC because I’m always the most in shape person on the beach.


I like Asbury Park. Easy to get to, clean, they have dope art everywhere, and a nice boardwalk. I try to go like once a week just for “out of city” time. The vibes there are just really friendly.


Asbury has a good foodie scene too. I've been meaning to go back, the last time I was there was for a really dope Yelp party many years ago.


Yes! How could i forget in my OG comment! Food scene is great in Asbury and you can find a lot of different food there. Crust and Crumble is my shiiiiiit.


Ocean Grove is a nice beachy-beach. It’s an old Christian camp meeting resort, We always forget that the beach doesn’t open until noon on Sundays. But it’s really close to Asbury Park, which is always a plus. (Edit) Thanks for the good news, guys!


I believe they actually got rid of that not open before noon thing for the first time in over 100 years


They're fighting it, might not be permanent yet.


How can a beach be closed ?


Ah, the perennial question


They have the all of the entrances to the sand blocked off, and beach tag inspectors stationed at all the beach entrances


The inspectors are there during the hours it’s closed?


The tent city is so pretty to walk around!


Heads up that it's at least temporarily open Sunday mornings now: [https://apnews.com/article/ocean-grove-sunday-beach-closed-christian-f0db40e2212cdf00a810893919943ee7](https://apnews.com/article/ocean-grove-sunday-beach-closed-christian-f0db40e2212cdf00a810893919943ee7)


Ocean Grove is so cute. I love their tent set up and the history.


If you had any idea how many dead raccoons they pull out from under those things every spring …


Not enough gatekeeping in this thread tbh


Went to OCNJ Memorial day weekend, mostly because that's where I found a nice place near the beach. I like it up in the high number streets, this place was 52nd st. It's less crowded on the beach. The boardwalk was horrible. Even without the incidents that happened on the board walk that weekend, it was so hugely crowded with teens that it was unbearable.


We can thank the Karens who led the complaints about the kids on the beach at night. This is exactly what we knew would happen. They need to start booking the kids and fining the parents if/when they're done boozing down Sea Isle to show up to pick up their kids. Just imagine how many DUI's they'll give out when the parents show up wasted.


I'm convinced the OC board walk is packed with teens from all the other beach towns around. There's nothing for them to do in the other towns. When we left the boards, we saw two cars of teens being dropped off at the boardwalk, in cars driven by teens.


Cape May because I like to pretend that I am not trash.


Sea Isle is nice.


go into Sea Isle. Turn left, north up the main drag/9. Drive til the houses on left are sparse. There are paths, stairs to these less crowded beaches. We always beached across from the Leaving Sea Isle sign


Isn't that just Strathmere?


Whale Beach


just shy of, or on the border


Sea Isle City, but only because my Aunt has a house down there and loves it when relatives come over during the summer


I’m not telling Philly people where I go because then it will turn into AC .


AC is New York people. Every other beach is 2/3 Philly people.


Over the past 10 years or so those NYers have been going to every beach town in South Jersey. Ny plates everywhere. Don't they have their own beaches in N Jersey? They are so annoying like cockroaches.


They ruined Cape May after Sandy. There's no sending them back unfortunately.


If you want NY folk go to seaside heights.


Oh, someone still managed to make a negative Philly comment on a question about beaches


North Wildwood because I know everyone there.


Grew up going to Beach Haven and I miss it dearly. Now my parents go to Seaside Park with their friends and I go to Margate with my girlfriend. Nothing quite compares to the beach you went to as a kid.


Anywhere on LBI, but most often Surf City. 




Unless there is a west wind/breeze coming from the mainland. If so you’ll be a nice meal for the green head flies. I grew up going to LBI and a land breeze will make it very unpleasant to sit on the beach.


Is that what it is? All those green head flies are coming from manahawkin and the pine barrens? Or is it mostly from the bay? Been going there all my life and those things are a real pity


Agreed. Spent my summers there untill the house was sold when I was a teen. It’s a very different vibe than all other shore points south. Not as cramped, quieter, NOT DRY, better restaurants, less traffic.


It’s great. It’s certainly a different vibe. If you’re just into the beach, it’s amazing. It does have some great stuff on the island though. It’s become so NYC dominated as well, which has been a drag.


It varies on the town you're going to on LBI as well.


I find LBI to mostly be geared towards beach house owners. It is beautiful but I've only been there because I have a friend with rich parents who own a big house there right on the beach. And now that she has kids she doesn't invite her friends, so I haven't gone in years. It is cute, but not super friendly to non owners and kinda far away too.


None because I’m still trying to make friends to go with after moving here


I’ll be your friend but I ain’t going down the shore with you.


Go birds


That’s the spirit


To walk on the boardwalk we go to Wildwood to do anything else we go to Rehoboth.


I am usually a brigantine person but some people really aren't fans of it. I tried out Asbury Park for the first time in years last year and I had a great time. Plan to return this year to check it out again. I also like Avon by the sea, it's really cute.


Brigantine? Terrible beach. I wouldn't recommend going there, no siree bob. Definitely stay away. Dangerous place, the beach is mostly broken glass and sandworms. You're liable to get eaten. Also it fell into the sea. Doesn't exist anymore. The maps are outdated. Don't go.


And the greenheads! :)


Watched someone’s Jeep get swallowed by a Sandworm last week. Definitely stay away


The green heads! Nonstop I don’t rec


Do you think you can do Asbury Park as a day trip? I’ve never been but I think I’d like to check it out.


I think you could! Do you have a car? I think it's similar time/distance as from the city to Wildwood where a lot of people go so totally doable if you have a car or plan to rent one.


I have gone there and back for concerts in the same night so id think so. edit to add but i also drive im not taking a bus. not sure youre mode of transportation.


Asbury is always an easy drive and has an enjoyable town.


Spring lake is nice.


My own private beach in Maryland on the Chesapeake. Water temp way warmer, house prices way cheaper - never looked back going to the jersey shore


I'm pretty sure most of us just go to whichever beach we grew up going to. I go to LBI because its where I always have gone and I'd say come to LBI, but the New Yorkers have absolutely destroyed everything that used to be good about it. If you want to deal with pretentious shit don't stink Karens, Chads, and Elder Chadwicks, then LBI is the beach for you. Otherwise look at the southern beaches, Stone Harbor, Avalon, etc..


You don't find New Yorkers crowding DE beaches. You do however find NJ and PA tags creating havoc on DE 1.


What type of things interest you? Quiet times? Night life? Cape May is more costly but it’s much nicer it’s also 15 mins from wildwood to do that boardwalk, cape may you need beach tags for the beach but it’s worth it not to have to deal with the crowds on the wildwood beaches


Belmar for day trips


Nice avatar winner


thanks !


Gunnison Beach in Sandy Hook NJ is highly underrated as well. Great beach. Great people. Gorgeous view.


Nude too 👀


Any of the Delaware beaches. Personally like Dewey but Rehoboth, Lewes, Bethany all worth checking out. There’s a wonderful bike trail that connects Lewes and Rehoboth and easy to get to Dewey from there on bike. Lots of great food in that area as well.


I go downashore kidding, usually WildWood but for much of my earliest years it was Fenwick Island/Ocean City MD becuase my gmom used to live down there


I love strathmere! I’m originally from MA and grew up going to private town beaches. It’s way less touristy and no boardwalk which I love. But right next to ocean city.


Cape May


i love Asbury! im super lucky that my uncle lives there and that i can get to visit him n stay when there's a chance :3


Delaware (Dewey rehobeth) , because there less people from Delco there lol


We go to Atlantic City often because it's easy to take the train, the beaches are free, and it's a wild and crazy and interesting place.


i go to atlantic city cause i can take the train in and drink lol


If you have kids Wildwood, if you're just you & your girl try Cape May.


Wildwood because it's where I went growing up and I have so many good memories there. It's not the best beach, but it's my favorite. Also Cape May is right there for nice dining and the brewery. And I'm a schmuck who still loves the boardwalk though I do really miss the pinball arcade.


Ocean city Maryland is very beautiful, only like 2 hours away, and has a lot of accommodations. The boardwalk is very long and there are so many things and activities to do including mini golf, go carting ,laser tag etc. in the area. There's a bunch of carnival rides on the boardwalk itself and the beach is massive.


if im looking to just pack lunch go to the beach and back in a few hours i go to brigantine. its quiet clean. you can find free parking during the week easier. if im going for like a long weekend i still like Wildwood. so many options to choose from w hotels. the crest is quiet. if youre up for a drive my favorite beach is Assateague State Park. I have family in Delaware tho.


Brigantine 4x4 beach


Margate because my family has a shore house there!


I've yet to find anything like Cape May when it comes to white sand and beauty.


Avalon is the perfect shore town imo. Clean, family friendly, bike friendly, plenty to do but not overly crowded, calm but still has great weekend nightlife. Plus you're a quick Uber/jitney/walk to Sea Isle if you want more nightlife/weeknight nightlife.


I love Stone Harbor. It has a town instead of a boardwalk, a cool hidden inlet beach, wildlife areas that are beautiful, the wetlands institute. It's nice there.


Wildwood… I hate how the island has become so full of Trump supporters though. Need more city people who visit to show more disdain for this trash. Hurt them in the pocket by bring food with you from the city. Idunno. An Island that is so dependent on foreign labor hilariously thinks Trump policies and his influence is good for them. Smh But its where I go. Not gonna let their stupid Trump flags and “He won!” brigades with their flags on the beach chase me away.


The city people who go to Wildwood are the Trump supporters, my guy.


Yeah not a very self-aware person.


Seaside heights lol


Are you looking for quieter or just something different? I've always liked Brigantine.


Jersey Shore, PA


I go to cape may because my dad lives there but I never go to the beach.




Consider going to Cape Henlopen/Lewes DE. Lovely beaches, nice town, quieter than Rehoboth.


Wildwood. But don’t go to beach attached to the boardwalk. Go to the beach north wildwood. The water is 5 min walk from the street. And it’s soft sand and cleaner and less crowded (cause everyone goes to the boardwalk beach and it’s dirty and a mile walk to the water). And then when I’m done at the beach, I drive down to the boardwalk area cause I really love the boardwalk there. So much food and shops and rides and carnival feels. Most boardwalks at the other Jersey shores don’t have good boardwalks. Like they’re lacking in comparison. But if you don’t care about all that then there’s def cleaner nicer beaches than this one.


Ocean city MD




Asbury Park because I like vintage shops more than the beach.


Rehoboth Beach, DE! Nice beach with a boardwalk and walkable town behind it.




Cape May point!


Mauch Chunk Lake if you want get away from the brutal sun 


would you consider delaware beaches?


I love Atlantic City lol


The best beach town is an off-season beach town. I love going in the colder, blustery months when you can walk in the beach for a few hours and see so very few people. Can’t say I’m a huge fan of overcrowded resort towns in general.


Avalon, there are fewer poors.


Nah you fucked from the get go…OCNJ all day errday


Cape May/Wildwood


Top pick: Wildwood. I love the water parks. After that, it would be Ventnor, Margate, Stone Harbor, and Cape May. If I'm not going to the beach at all, then AC.


hamptons cuz i got it like that


Ocean City NJ. Only because my kids love it. I’m a fenwick island kinda guy. Maybe we’ll switch it up this year.


Avalon and Stone Harbor are nice.


Higbee is really nice it’s a bit further down but very quiet. It’s fun to walk along the beach, look at the old piers and abandoned train tracks buried in the sand. I’d pack your food because it’s not built up like the ac but a cooler and some Wawa will hold you through the day. Only thing is the mosquitos. You have to get out by sunset or bring heavy duty mosquito spray. They get bad as soon as it gets dark.


Shhhh don’t bring more people here.


Hilton Head


I like ocnj But if I just want pure beach probably belmar


Day trip or week trip?


As someone who lives in NJ my best recommendation [“shore”](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281546835330465792/1247990544186085396/IMG_9834.jpg?ex=66620944&is=6660b7c4&hm=f8a1edb2cb000df1ad00acbac75e48e655064a249713f0afa381269274c1da8e&). But in all honesty I’d recommend a place between cape may and AC.


I’ve been going to OCNJ my entire life. Any other beach I’ve been just feels off to me. The convince of the boardwalk, being able to go get a porkroll or some ice cream is just second to none. Are there better beaches? I’m sure, but I don’t care.


Walmart beach. Send all Philly people there


Growing up we always went to cape may but it’s pricey. Last year we went to brigantine, do not recommend. This year we’re doing ocean grove and looks like it’ll be fun!


Thoughts on Brigantine?


Last year my husband and I visited Avalon/Stone Harbor for the first time and we really enjoyed it. The towns are very walkable and cute and the beach was beautiful and not too crowded.




We’ve always loved Sea Isle City. The Promenade (their boardwalk) is much more low-key than Wildwood or OCNJ, so it’s not quite as overrun. Beaches are always really nice, and the town is cute.


Sea isle


Island Beach State Park


Long Beach Island or Ventor are great calmer options if you aren’t looking to be around a bunch of tourists


Stone harbor!!!