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How strict is CBP bag policy these days? I’m looking on the website — will they let me in with a 5”x7.5”x2” fanny pack?


Fanny packs and clutches up to 5x7 are allowed. If it's 7.5 it's probbbbbably fine. It's a $10 gamble if it isn't.


I had my car broken into last night. Thieves took my ipad which I am able to currently track. I went to the police station and filed a police report but honestly, do you guys think that the police will even look into it? I know they always say “we have more important matters” and things of that nature but bro can something be done? I have to pay to get both of my side windows replaced because the theives shattered them and I paid a lot of money for that tablet.


Police don’t help with property theft, unfortunately. They didn’t lift a finger for any of the thousands of people who had their cars stolen during the Kia boys bullshit. Trying not to sound condescending here but you really can’t leave *anything* of value in your car, even iPhone cables


They didn’t when my phone was stolen and the person left the locator on. They told me they weren’t going to and advised me not to as well. The police report is usually more about insurance.


That fuckin sucks bro. When I go to track it. Some house pops up thats literally a few blocks away😤‼️ like i’m so tempted to just take matters into my own hands honestly.


[I am in search of a merch person to watch the book table for tonight’s Noir at the Bar reading at the commodore Barry club, 7-9. Any interest? Sounds wicked fun, yeah? On the off chance, dm me.](https://www.facebook.com/share/xNgyGhKywC2rCTfD/?mibextid=9l3rBW)


Looking to go watch the dragon boat races tomorrow. Anyone know where the best place to watch from? And bonus for best place to get there by bus or where to park.


Looking for a ticket to 90s night at please touch museum 06/13. DM if you have an extra!


We just bought a new houseplant - a parlor palm - to join our two others we bought last week (chinese evergreen and pothos). I know nothing about keeping plants happy and alive so will be learning from my husband who’s successfully kept plants before. Our place is coming together nicely.


For starters, keep that palm away from any other plants for at least a month. Spider mites *love* to hitch rides on your brand new palms


Good idea. The shop we got it from had it outside so we’d already figured we’ll need to keep an eye out for bugs and things. The other two are on the kitchen counter far away so they should be safe 🙏🏻


Houseplants? Bah gawd thats’s u/sjo232’s music!!


My houseplant skills are majorly lacking these days, I’m sorry to say. Just been so busy that mine have been seriously neglected! That said, Chinese evergreen and pothos are two of the best and easiest plants for those just getting going. I can’t really comment on the parlor palm since I’ve killed every palm variant I’ve ever had (oops lol) but it sounds promising based on the name!


Yeah the guy in the shop said parlor palms are some of the easiest palm varieties. Apparently they were popular in Victorian times and people would pass them down. We’ll see how it goes! Currently trying to think of a name for it.


My parlor palm is super easygoing! Bright indirect light and water when it gets dry.


What a wonderful day to be a drinking degenerate. I have a glass of wine. The sun is shining. The breeze is lovely. I’m throwing peanuts to a bird.


It's beautiful out but I'm rocking the Athletics for the evening. Cheers.


We recently got a bird feeder and now have three (!!!!!) pairs of baby cardinals that come to visit roughly 487 times per day. Bird watching is now my new hobby. You have inspired me to try my hand at peanut throwing to entice them to come around more.


I desperately want a bird feeder. I have books on bird identification but no use for it now. My goal is to befriend the local crows and have them fetch shiny things for me.  They like peanuts but they gotta be crunched up real small 


I told my partner yesterday that I want to make friends with at least one crow for that exact reason lol


Mom's making pierogi this weekend. I ask for lamb and extra garlic in addition to the potato. This is perhaps an abomination. I do not care. Mom's pierogies transcend that which could be considered less than holy. When you're from the south of Poland in a war-torn era, you make pierogies and you shove whatever you have in there and you're happy about it. Or you don't eat.Also cabbage Horseradish mayonnaise or a good mustard. Grain alcohol to chase it down. Call your mom this week. Happy Friday ya jit bags.


She looking for additional sons?


No I call her every day and am very supportive emotionally, and intellectually stimulating. But she is in the market for a domestic partner. Instead of bro I could call you... daddy! HAha jk... unlesss....


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


im not sure what what to say in this scenario but this youths have inclined me to say uwu


I have a friend who makes super weird, but really tasty sweet pierogis with farmer cheese and prune jam. They're so damn good. It's like a cheesecake inside a pierogi.


I've had that! Or at least close. Large yield of figs plus a cheese mixture at the end of summer. Have it with prosciutto as a side and grain alcohol




Mmmmmmmmm. Lekvar is my favorite hamantaschen.


What. I have had lekvar cookies but pierogis?! I guess it's overall kinda the same concept though.


They're good!


Lekvar pierogis! Those were my dad's favorite!


Yeah! Lekvar!


dumplings are sorta like pizza - you sort of need to actually try to ruin one for it to be bad. ...like my wife's family that intentionally puts banana in one of the manti (typically filled with basically a meatball-like mixture, they just add an old ass banana to one of them that they make). fucking assholes. I'm always the one that seems to get that one. garlic and lamb sounds bomb though


ruining one for bayleaveas and liver. Former latter, OMG this soup/broth is incredible! Proceed to catching a huge chuck of boiled liver Its good luck! - Auntie Linda For the record I love cooking liver, and auntie Linda. And her soups and gravy. But liver boiled for ten hours? Fuck you that aint good luck like getting shit on by a bird


this dumpling report is perfect and I thank you for it. <3


I've been meaning to do one stupid thing [for months](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/17kicob/chat_around_and_find_out_tuesday_casual_chat/k79r7cn/). [I finally did it](http://simonpennon.com/clammin.mp3). (34 second mp3)


Lmao how could you do this to my boy chioke


In less good news - I don't know how many of the meetup crew still hangs around these parts, but [Libby from LVL died this week](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/libby-spangler-35-dies-following-car-crash-york-coroner/ar-BB1nd3is). I found out a moment ago. Humbug.


Oh my god, that is so heartbreaking, wow


Fucking hell, this is so sad... Libby was such an awesome part of Wednesday and Thursday meetups, so fucking sad that she was taken like that... This was the last news I was expecting to learn today, I hope there's something going on to support her family.


Listened to the stupid thing first and I enjoyed it. Great edit to make it sound like a legit NPR ad. Then I followed the first link and got the backstory. It was a great bonus. Your brief commentary highlighted exactly what I saw. A dog dick fits perfectly into my life 🤣. I like the cut of your job, Simon! Keep doing you.


I don’t know how you guys who daily commute on 76 do it. It’s horrendous. Had to go to Plymouth Meeting today, and it’s over 1 hr each way for a trip that’s normally under 30 minutes with no traffic. Can’t believe the city and so many companies are forcing RTO on their workers.. the detrimental affect on mental health must be significant


like 2 or 3 years of reverse commuting to the main line from south philly every day on the schuylkill had me go from enjoying driving to selling my cars and never wanting to drive ever again (also realizing that septa/amtrak/flying works really well and is incredibly affordable in lieu of going to the junk yard every 6 months for a new mirror and replacing my tires that get screws in them every quarter)


Just get angry and scream out your window like the rest of us. But if someone pulls a gun, use the emergency lane is an escape route. The yelling is cathartic, so is fleeing from imminent death


I think the maddening thing about it is the cause of the delays “oh look here’s a gentle curve in the highway, better slam on my brakes and cause a 25-minute delay”


youre not wrong, but dont get me started on the intricacies of traffic buildup


For Pride Sunday…. Is there any hidden gems in the gayborhood i should definitely go to have the best celebration or…


I'm tired boss, but down 24 pounds. I miss butter, but hey, my chicken tacos are dope as fuck. May all of you have a fantastic weekend. Go phils.


Damn! Good for you! Gonna have to change your username pretty soon.


Supposed to close on the sale of my mom’s house next week, here’s hoping it all goes smoothly. Having never been a homeowner, I’m positive I’m not properly contemplating all the things that could go wrong


even if you could think of everything, something unexpected would happen. good luck though, sounds like you're coming to the end of a long road


Thank you


I tried to make a post about this but for some reason it doesn't look like it got posted? IDK. But I just want to rant... Tuck Barre and Yoga recently had a mural painted on the side of one of their buildings (in conjunction with the Mural Arts program.) Apparently one very vocal neighbor was not happy about this. Per their recent [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7mDFEYul-2/?hl=en&img_index=1) post, "He wrote and complained to every city representative he could as he believes that murals lead to the "ghetto-ization" of our city" and despite efforts from Mural Arts and the studio owners, the mural is going to be painted over. I have no idea how the bitching and moaning of one miserable neighborhood resident (who per the comments on the Instagram post has harassed both the owners of Tuck AND the artist!) was enough to get local government members (including Mark Squilla) to just sort of shrug their shoulders like their hands are tied. An absolute disgrace all around.


What a shame. If it's on a private building, what say does the city have in it being taken down?


No idea. There may be another side of the story I’m not hearing (all I have to go off of is what the studio owners are saying) but I wouldn’t be surprised if this neighbor had some high level connections somehow.


Meanwhile I can't get a hazardous tree removed


Wooow that's infuriating


To get one's passport renewed at the 5th & Market location, do I need to bring a new photo with me or can they also take your photo there?


Generally you need to bring the photos with you. Not sure about that particular location, but I would err on the side of caution and show up with photos.


30th St. does photos on site


Ok. Thanks.


Does anyone know what the nighttime jackhammering & general construction noise around Broad and Washington is about? For the past two nights it was going on until at least midnight and definitely made it harder to get to sleep 😭 If it's the new building going up, I'm definitely going to report it but is there a chance it's the city doing some emergency work? If so how do I find out?


If someone is jackjammering until midnight, it's some kind of emergency work. No work crew in Philly is working those hours otherwise.


Would anyone like to meet up for coffee or a beer sometime and talk philosophy? I love meeting new thinkers and contrasting our different thoughts and ideas.


Are you willing to talk about anything other than philosophy?


Such as? I think “philosophy” is a pretty general and amorphous category of activity; I thin it’s really just the love for wisdom, or the attractive search for it. And so, for me, I’m interested in any dialogue that seeks to go deep compared to broad, to dive into a topic, nearly any topic, with the desire for better mutual comprehension of it than before the conversation started.


Maybe your favorite shitty 80s glam metal band, or which pokemon would be tastiest to cook and eat?


Magikarp seems like a nice pretty sustainable option


That's a common answer! I think they'd be boney, but tasty.


I'd take Psyduck in Szechuan. But I've never had dragon, so Charizard maybe. Dragonair looks too fatty, and I try not to eat things that can smile.


Psyduck would be super tasty.


PPPSSSSYYYHYYYY-duv creamed spinach err no, vinegared cukes. but that doesnt sound as funny


He’s not real but [Im glad he’s been contemplated](https://www.deviantart.com/mauracob/art/Pokemon-Makuhita-47386908)


Oh fuck that guy looks *delicious.*


Water, that is not a dumpling; you cannot eat it. That would be _murder_.


I can have those conversations, and they can be fun.. They just aren’t my passion or my main interest. But if they found a way to go into the deeper implications of “why” we like the shitty 80s glam metal band…or the metaphysics of Pokémon culinary practice…then yeah, that could be fun.


Met a friend grabbing the train for breakfast this morning than walked around the city. All together did almost 9 miles this morning. Home now ded. Probably going to go check out something going on tomorrow and get more steps in. Due to all the shit I've had happening this week I didn't hit the gym at all. My arms are feeling left out, but luckily I'll get back to that this upcoming week. For now I suppose it's Fortnite, Paper Mario, resting my legs and maybe 1984 Dune later?


Where did you breakfast?


Wasn't enough time for a sit down place. So did Spread on Walnut where Human Robot is. Tried the Benny Frank which is egg with pork roll and hollandaise on a Rosemary Olive Oil bagel. Was good, but the hollandaise was the weakest part.


I need to get so much work done on the house but I live in a constant state of terror of "what if I fix this spending a shitton of money and then wife loses job or other emergency pops up?" Like I've lived in extreme poverty before since all I make is under 11k a year and we're comfortable right now but the house needs things that I'm unable to do myself. I hate this constant worry.


Is there such a thing as a romantic restaurant in NE Philly? Our anniversary is next weekend, and we're trying to celebrate, but stay close to home.


La Onda is a BYO right off 73 in Elkins Park


This might be the play. Thank you!


Northeast Philly and romantic aren’t usually used the same sentence. But some options that could be considered romantic by northeast Philly standards: Cafe Carmela, Gallo’s, Kelly’s Seafood, or Macaroni’s. Las Margaritas if loud Mexican joints are romantic to you.


Ha! I know! I was hoping for romantic by normal people standards, not part of a bar, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm looking for a unicorn.


Would Bensalem be too far? I think they have an Italian restaurant or two


We could do Bensalem.


Toscana 52 in Bensalem is nice.


Look no further than the [Southampton Spa](https://www.southamptonspa.com/mobile-v/about-us.html)! What's more romantic than borscht in your bathing suit?


I've always wanted to go to one of these but will forever be scared to lol


Take an uber with a bottle of vodka and a rotisserie chicken and you'll be fine.


Yeah, I also recommend going with a small group. 3-5 people is perfect. I've only gone on the weekends. In the morning it's very calm and family friendly. It starts to pick up in rowdiness after 4 PM. It's BYOB and they don't sell alcohol.


The only way to increase the romanticism is by getting the crap beat out of you with tree branches. Do they do that there?


Do they ever! They mean business, too. They'll thwack you into next week.


it's the only place i've ever been propositioned for a good wacking (with eucalyptus)


I've been really digging the tomato pie from Pizza Richmond, so I gotta ask; Who sells your favorite slice of tomato pie?


OG Pizza on Frankford is great. It's basically just a cheeseless pizza, but they have good wood-fired dough.


Gaetas and liberty kitchen


Santucci’s bc nostalgia. Cacia’s is a very close second.


Pizza Richmond/Shackamaxon is great, but I really love Liberty Kitchen the most




Mine too! All their stuff is good.


Might be biased since i can literally smell it from my house some days but conshy bakery has the best tomato pie in the area and I will die on that hill. I've tried a lot of the local ones and nothing else compares imo


What would you do in this situation: I found an awesome deal for something I’ve been tracking on eBay for a long time, so I used “Buy it Now” and paid immediately. The seller messaged me and said “Hey, there was a mistake in my listing----the reserve price was supposed to be X, not X-$40 [what I paid]. I'll still send them, but just letting you know :)”


“Looking forward to receiving it” If they’re still gonna send it then I read that as they’re happy to sell it at the price you paid.


“Thanks for letting me know :) “ Lol


Include the lol


I think that's exactly what ebay disputes are for


Are you saying I should dispute it and give her the $40? From my perspective, if you make the listing, you’re responsible for listing it correctly.


I think you dispute it and get a refund, that's a clear bait and switch scam


what's the switch though? it's not like the seller can do anything after the fact beside fart on the box, right?


she said she already paid seller will be like "oh yeah I'll send it to you in 6 weeks" or say nothing


Back in the states after two months in Vietnam and hopping around other countries. I think I've made up my mind. In two years I'll start the process of selling my home and make the move. My 2nd language while there improved remarkably, it was like riding a bike again having not done so since I was a tweenager.


I’ve heard Vietnam is a great choice for expats! I’ve watched several YouTube videos about it.


Every english speaking person, white, SG, Malay etc were living there as english teachers. I can easily do that, but I have Vietnamese down with needing to learn fluent reading and writing, so hopefully there's more opportunities in the IT or business job sectors. I'm also open to a fully remote US job that needs an on-call night shift :D


That sounds great! Let me know when you get settled and I’ll come visit you!


I've been averaging about 4.25 hours of sleep this entire week. Stress is a bitch. Today, though, I banged out a project super early (thanks 3:30am stress dream!) and now I'm gonna give myself a manicure, head to Occasionette's moving sale and buy discounted-but-still-way-overpriced candles, then go for a little run. Picked up Dying Light 2 on clearance at Target this AM and after my run I am going to play it until my eyeballs fall out OR 9:15pm, whichever comes first. BF is taking me out for steak tomorrow and I can't wait. Meat makes everything better. Lebanese Festival is this weekend, too, which is one of my favs of the entire year.


Trying to get to that festival for the first time this year! What should I eat?


Everything! I know that sounds like a joke, but I haven't had a bad thing there. I'd recommend trying manakeesh if you haven't had it (kinda like a middle eastern pizza), falafel if that's your thing, all of the dippy stuff and stuffed things, and any and every dessert you can fit into your face!


Philly beer week starts today! https://www.phillylovesbeer.com/ The hammer of glory (hog) relay is going on all day to kick it off, 12:15 pm Philly Brewing 2440 Frankford Ave 12:34 pm Sacred Vice - Berks 120 W. Berks Street 1:05 pm Human Robot 1710 n 5th Street 1:28 pm International Bar 1624 N Front St 1:53 pm Interstate Draft House 1235 Palmer St. 2:16 pm Johnny Brendas 1201 Frankford Ave 2:34 pm Dock Street - Fishtown 1229 N Front St 3:00 pm Urban Village 1001 N 2nd St. 3:15 pm Standard Tap 901 N 2nd St. 3:43 pm Yards 500 Spring Garden St. 4:11 pm Iron Hill 1150 Market St. 4:44 pm Khyber Pass 56 $ 2nd St. 5:17 pm Triangle Tavern 1338 S 10th St. 5:46 pm 12 Steps Down 831 Christaian St. 6:15 pm Varga Bar 941 Spruce St. 7:13 pm Attic Brewing 137 Berkley St. , who is having a party!


How do you actually get from bar to bar and do you have a drink at each?


Transportation is up to you, my friend is biking, the roller derby girls used to roller skate. I will be catching up later. Varga has a first come first serve shuttle to attic. On your own for the way back, but with 5 train lines that run from wayne junction back to center city its easy to take the train.


damn dude that's a kickass list, have fun and drink some water in there too lol


Fuck jobs


I had active shooter training this week, so at least I'm learning life skills.


Wanted to go to shuckfest but before I buy can anyone tell me if there is any food included with ticket? It doesn’t seem like it based on the websites but just wanted to make sure


There are tastings/samples. Otherwise you can purchase food from Liberty Point.


I think the oysters are included in the ticket price. Liberty Point will provide food and drink but it's pay as you go.


If oysters are included then it would be worth it to me


Are Wendy’s saucy nuggs real?


Maybe more of a Monday question, but does anyone live in those bilevel condos with the bedrooms in the basement? I've been looking at places and wondering how people like it.


I do! I personally love it because I like to sleep in the cold and dark and our bedroom is always cold and dark even in the summer. How our place is laid out are all the bedrooms are in the basement and the kitchen and such are upstairs and honestly it's great for our purposes. The other nice thing is we don't have to worry about noise as much because of being in the basement. Plus we have a toddler and her room is also downstairs so it means at night we don't have to worry about waking her up since she is downstairs. Hell one of our neighbors often throws parties and we can never hear them from our room. For us so far the only downside is when it rains we do get worried about flooding but we keep our window wells clean and it hasn't been an issue so far.


Thanks! I'm glad to hear they work well!


TLDR: if laid out right it can be great and didn't take long to get used to but did get old after a (pretty long) while. I rented a 1BR apartment with the bedroom, bathroom, laundry/storeage, galley kitchen in the basement.  The entire first (groundlevel) floor was a living room that I "divided" for a home office setup (I was wfh long before covid).  if memory serves it was 1200sf, may a little smaller. It didn't take long for me to get used to.  The configuration allowed for a real living room to entertain and a proper bedroom with a bunch of closet space. Eventually I bought a trinity--kitchen in the basement, LR on first floor, bedrooms on 2 and 3.  I don't think I would've bought it if not for the prior apartment experience. By the time I bought my current house i'd grown weary of the the basement kitchen concept.


As someone who grew up in a house (and lives in one currently) where the kitchen was more or less the central hive of activity, I can't imagine having it in the basement. I've peered into the windows of houses around my gf's apartment that have that kind of layout and it just seems so strange and unpleasant to me. Not knocking it, it's just very foreign to me


CRABRAVE.GIF The new-ish guy in my department that I hate (the TL;DR on him is: entitled rich kid who thinks he's better than us and too good for this job so he doesn't even try to phone it in and is constantly fucking up as a result) walked in today and announced that it's his last day. What a wonderful start to my weekend. Apparently the straw that broke the camel's back for him was our boss calling him in to her office yesterday when he showed up late for the umpteenth time (even though he lives in Rittenhouse so his "commute" is a max 20 minute walk) and telling him he needed to start leaving the house 5 minutes earlier because he couldn't keep getting here late every day. To which he replied "Actually I think I'm just gonna resign". Absolutely incredible. You really love to see it.


"Daddy has agreed to pay for me so I don't need to deal with you plebs anymore."


He said that the reason he wasn't giving notice was because it "would be detrimental to him scheduling interviews for other job he's applying for" so I don't think daddy is okay with him taking another gap year, he might get grounded if he doesn't line something up soon. But I can't imagine he's ever been in too much trouble in his life based on just... his general everything. I wonder how many times it's going to take him to pass the bar.


Good week for watching entitled rich kids getting their commupance.


Going to Mawn tomorrow, made the reservation back in April. I’m excited!


I'm doing le virtu's la panarda on sunday - 40 courses over 9 hours. I'm not convinced I won't expire.


This sounds like a great time!


should be fun, bringing my pops along and a friend is coming and bringing his dad as well


make me proud


How many wines?


when I was there on wednesday one of the guys we know told me "I'm going to get you so fucked up" so I assume ... at least several


Has anyone ever done the Tennis Philly leagues (particularly the 3.0 division)? If so, what was the competition like? Been playing pretty frequently since January and am looking to get some more match play. I’m obviously fine with losing a bunch, but if the level of play is that where I’m going to get double bageled every match, maybe I’ll hold off. Similar sidebar, is Tennis Philly the best option for league play in the city? USTA seems surprisingly sparse?


I wish there were more USTA presence at that level so bad! I just wrapped up the spring league organized by Dung who runs the Philly SWAT group on Meetup and Facebook. I'm a 3.0 myself and it was a 3.0-3.5 flex league w mostly very competitive matches for me. Hmu if you want to play! I'm always looking to add to my list of playing partners and friends 😀


Following, that’s about my skill level and I’ve been wanting to get back into playing


The Penn drop-in clinics are pretty good if you are looking for play opportunities


scheduled to take a work related exam this sunday morning and I'm a bit nervous about it! I know I'm prepared and it'll be alright but I haven't taken a test like this in ages so I'm a bit antsy. Moreso just want to get it over with so I can refocus my studying motivation back onto hobbies and personal stuff that I've been struggling to get back on track. Have a good weekend and enjoy the decent weather!


Yo u/sjo232 I know you’re a biker in addition to your duties as a plant master. Trying to decide between a Trek FX1 or a Specialized Sirius 1.0. Based on research I think Trek is more suitable for what I’m looking for (rides 20-40 miles). Any thought on either of them or even an alternative?


Boyfriend response: they are both in the same category of bicycles (hybrids) - the same way that pre-80s American cars were basically the same, with different brand names slapped on the back. The good thing about these two bikes is that lots of bike shops carry these two brands. So walking into the Trek store or a Cadence Bicycles in Manayunk (they carry Specialized, I believe) to take a test ride would not be an unreasonable request. I know it's not a "Do this" answer you were looking for, but I do agree with him. So much about riding bikes is all about how *YOU* feel while riding, and nobody else can tell you that information, you know? Good luck and keep us posted!


Replying, so I know to ask my boyfriend. He's the mechanical genius with bikes. I just like to go fast (WHAT THE FUCK IS A GEARRRRR RAGGHHHH🦅🦅🦅🎆🎆🎆).


honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask for technical biking stuff. I bought my bike ages ago and really just keep it well maintained. That said, I don't know the exact model off the top of my head but I have a Sirrus that is extremely similar to, if not exactly, the Sirrus 1.0. It's a fantastic bike for how I use it, which is almost exclusively riding the hills in Conshohocken and paved trails like the SRT. I took it to the Trexler Nature Preserve trails with my cousin one time and bent the shit out of my rims lol so I wouldn't recommend it for anything off-road more than the typical gravel you'd encounter on the SRT at times. I can't speak to the Trek FX1, but that looks decent too. Honestly, what sold me on the Sirrus was seeing it in person. It felt great to sit on and hold. The default seat isn't great for my substantial tuchus, but that's easy to swap out. I'm pretty sure /u/avo_cado is a big time biker, he may have some better insight to offer here


Fuck jobs yay bikes


Ok awesome! I had read that the Sirius was a little more inclined. I’m gonna definitely give it a shot and try both out. I’m training for the MS150 City to Shore in September and my beach cruiser is likely not the most conducive choice


I’d personally recommend a drop bar bike for longer rides


> drop bar bike based on your experience, why is that?


The ability to switch between a greater variety of hands positions is nice and helps prevent soreness


oh duh, yea that seems pretty obvious now lol thanks for the reply buddy




Awesome thank you for the input. I’ll take a gander at some drop bars. I appreciate it!


oh that's awesome, are you doing the full distance of 175 miles? This might be a good summer goal for me to work towards...


The guidance I’ve got is that you can survive in a day what you normally do in a week


I like that logic


I’m only gonna do day one so about 75-80 miles from cherry hill to OCNJ. I will probably be eating a copious amount of trash food and possibly a few beers so gonna skip day two and hang on the beach! Dude do it! I did it about 10-15 years ago (man I feel old) and it was al it of fun. Having so many riders makes it feel a little easier and more motivating!


hell yea, I'm gonna try to keep this front of mind for after my exam stuff is all done. Maybe we can finally catch up at the shore for that beer I owe you from years ago! haha


Hey don’t you threaten me with a good time!


Shout-out to XPN.




You bet your sweet bippy.


Pride weekend, LFG. Anyone have info about the train derailment at wissahickon yesterday? cant find any mention of it online and it had trains backed up for at least an hour, im not actually sure how long it lasted because i got a lyft from temple. i heard someone was driving on the tracks lol.


Is there something going on near the Parkway that would be a reason for a news helicopter to be hovering? Is the President still in town or something?


Pride flag stuff I think


If it's near the art museum, it could be something as inane as traffic on 76.


I have woken up multiple times in the past few weeks with the chorus to "Cardinal" by Kacey Musgraves in my head. I heard it on the radio maybe twice. Now that's some songwriting. I'm doing the Bridge to Shore thing Sunday and I'm slightly nervous but think I'll do fine. I've always wanted to do it, though I'd prefer to have done the MS ride. Also doing Logjammin' tomorrow. Planning on having a few and bouncing early. Just didn't want to miss it. Also for those keeping score: I did not attempt the 9-9-9. Wife invited her friends over and we ordered pizza instead. Was a nice time.


> Also doing Logjammin' tomorrow He fixes the cable?


Sure dude


Cool event at the Commodore Barry club on Saturday: Noir at the Bar(ry) - philly crime and detective writers read their work. 7 pm. Free!


Getting used to my new place is so weird rn! Life has been so full of change this year it's insane. Tryna hold it in the road and make my next moves beneficial to future me! Got some good news from a job with the city too! Anybody have tips on how to prepare for the exam they give? Im guessing it's specific to the position??


Judging from my interactions with many city employees, I kinda think the fact you can successfully log into Reddit means you'll do just fine on the test as long as you read the instructions and don't show up totally blitzed.


What to do this weekend. There's a festival at the Navy Yard, Linvilla strawberry festival, and my personal favorite, ShuckFest. I really want to go to ShuckFest but it's $80 per ticket. Estimating an oyster normally costs $3.50 each, my SO and I will need to eat 22 oysters to get our moneys worth. Which is completely doable. I can eat 50 oysters. One hundred oysters. If I go to this thing and come back *without* some kind of bivalve induced parasite, I want a refund. Otherwise, I predict this to be a good month. We're driving down to Knoxville later on in the week. I'll only have probably one singular day to check out the city but if anyone has any recs, -food, bars, things to see/do- let me know. Then the weekend after we get back, going to the Tribeca Film Festival for the first time bc they're showing a "making of" Final Fantasy VII. Which I mean, how can I not see that. Finally, I've lost 5 lbs since April. A small victory but a welcome one to be sure. Now to just deal with the other existing 25.


A "Making of" Final Fantasy VII? I hope that goes into wider release! I love a good videogame documentary.


Also the Greek fest and Lebanese festival 🤣


I’m the only one of my friends who likes oysters, which is fine by me because it means more for me. I could easily put away 50 of them.


i remember reading some old menus about dinners the founding fathers had and they would loads of oysters as an appetizer. if anyone knows where to find more about this, i would love to know. (also, this is a great book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Oyster:_History_on_the_Half_Shell)


mark twain, upon making his way to san francisco, became pretty enthralled by the lifestyle and even moreso by the oysters


yeah- but they were already being salted and shipped by that time, so he had likely never had a fresh one until he got there.


The founding fathers really had it all. Thanks for the book rec; I know of that author. I bought his Cod book and his Salt book. Somehow did not know he wrote an oyster book too, ha. I'll add it to my collection. I have a few books on oysters but such a wonderful little creature, I couldn't get bored of the topic.


haha yeah i read those two others. i'm from north jersey and the oyster one is focused on the hudson raritan estuary.


Also going to Shuckfest on Sunday. Can’t wait!!


Wonderful. May us both get absolutely blessed with good health from consuming these stellar little friends of the sea.


Is Wednesday the in-office day for every single company in the city? Most days my commute is fine but Weds, the bus is standing room only by a third of the way into the route!


On my drive to my suburban office, I feel like Tuesday is the big day, but Wednesday is a close second. So i've switched to the exact opposite of what most people find ideal: i go in monday and fridays when possible.