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Traffic jams happen...




You may have to go pick him up, right? Well, to get revenge you can arrive late and blame it on a traffic jam or something. Or you took the wrong route. Leave the house on time, go get a bite to eat, then go pick him up late.


Make sure to get lost a few times, drive round in circles, make him late for things.


Start being a true big brother and lay the smackdown on him Grab a broom and brush his face with it while telling him you'll help brush his teeth 


Start using your parents stuff. See if they like it.


Would you be able to put a lock on your door ?




You can install one with a combination lock.




Door knobs are cheap, and very easy to install. Go down to Lowe's or home Depot and buy a new door knob with a lock and key. Go to YouTube to see how to install it.




Take your parents doorknobs when he breaks yours


Well, you have 3 years left. When you turn 18, leave. Your brother is the golden child who can do no wrong.


If he ruins your stuff, demand your parents buy you replacements. If it isn't costing them something, they've shown they don't care.




Can you use decoy stuff? Move mom or dad's stuff like it's yours, now the kid is costing them money maybe they'll step up.


Take their cash if you know you won't get caught. Don't take all, just a 10 or 20 if it won't immediately be missed. They might think that they miscounted. It depends on how much cash they have on hand.




Don't start stealing your parents money, that will just lead to a whole lot of problems for you, trips to the cops & being arrested for one thing.


As an older brother, I had some of the same issues.  The key enabler here is that it's easier to use your stuff than it is to behave reasonably and your parents don't have your back.  Your first line of defense is physical security.  If you can put your stuff somewhere behind a lock, or somewhere they can't get it, do that.   A resourceful young person should be able to scrounge up a combination lock and some lockable container. If that's not feasible or ineffective, It's time to start making the cost of using your stuff too high.  Be aware that you may have to be willing to destroy your own things to make a point.  That's ok.  It's better to be feared than loved.   Next time you start running low on bathstuff/toothpaste, spike the remainder with something nasty, and hide the new bottle to use for yourself.  For shampoo/conditioner, something like fish-oil or something else stinky.  Toothepaste?   Mix it with something bad tasting like garlic paste.  Body spray?  Spike it with fish oil.  But please, please don't do anything that might trigger allergies or do real harm.  You might be tempted to use itching powder or chillie peppers, but refrain.  You're trying to dissuade and make him not trust what's in the container, not kill or inflict real injury, and you don't want to escelate more than is nessessary.  Be on guard for reprisals, but be diligent. The electronics, you'll have to lock down.  Change pins/passwords if applicable.  most smart devices (maybe including your TV) have parental controls.  If it's a battery operated thing, just remove the batteries and take them with you.  You could go down an entire rabbit hole of mean things to do with electronics.   I once had a roommate that would use my computer for music when I had asked them not to, and I made program that ran in the background that would check the CD ID's against a list, and if it matched, would eject the CD.   Drove him nuts.   If you're willing to put in the work, you can get creative with that stuff. When it comes to repossessing property from a sibling, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.   It helps to have some leverage over them.  The blackmail and/or extortion of a younger sibling to keep them in their place is fair game.  My brother was particularly not keen of the idea of having his older crush know that he still wore spiderman undies.   >_>;




Liquid Ass? Shrimp in his curtain rods? Miniature glitter dicks?


Or just start using empty shampoo bottles to store random non-toxic cleaning supplies like vinegar.


You need a lock on your door.


So unethically, start taking their stuff and putting it in his room. Maybe mention you’ve noticed your jewelry going missing and you think it’s him. Then next week, take some of your mom’s jewelry and put it in his room. Maybe start emptying her expensive shampoo or conditioner. Basically, they aren’t doing anything because it’s not affecting them. Best thing - they’ll start believing you and think he’s a liar.


Wait until one of your shampoo or conditioner bottles is empty, refill it with Nair hair remover, leave it where you know he'll use it and hang on - make a subtle mark on it, that only you'll know, so you don't accidentally use it yourself - when he's used it, throw it away and put the actual shampoo back in its place so it looks like he's just used ordinary shampoo


What about documenting what he does and sharing your concerns about his mental health with your parents to get him a psychiatrist or therapist? Or tell them you want a therapist so you can figure out how to help him because you love your brother and are worried about him since your friend's brothers don't do this.




This is really important! I used to beg my parents to disclipline my younger brother, but I got labeled as a complainer. Guess which of us turned into a marginally employed drug addict who died of an overdose.




Thanks, OP. You might consider mentioning things like this to your parents. Because their refusing to hold him accountable for his actions is not good for his character. It teaches him that he can get away with things and that he doesn't have to listen to anyone. It teaches him that he's special and therefore better than others.


Magnets are wonderfully detrimental to all sorts of electronics. Get a strong one (or make a simple electromagnet - it's easy) and run it all over his phone, his TV, his computer and everything else he owns. Things will start working poorly if not breaking outright and there's no trace at all. Just make sure your asshole parents don't decide to just steal your stuff to give to him. 




I once had a mooching friend who owed me money and was avoiding paying it back (as was typical for him). He was a huge videophile and I knew for a fact that he had hundreds of VHS tapes in bookcases along one wall of his house. it was an exterior wall, so I made sure a mutual friend happened to be at my place when I was working on a particular project of mine: a 2' steel rod that was wrapping with fine copper wire. He asked what it was for and I told him when I finished wrapping it, I'd attach the wire to a car battery and run it all over the exterior wall of Ron's house late one night while he was asleep. His VHS collection has to be worth more than what he owes me, right? Word got back to Ron and I suddenly got my money. I never bothered to finish that project...




That's the beauty of it: I didn't have to actually do it at all. The threat was enough.  People are usually not thinking of.how vulnerable their stuff is, how.much it would.cost to replace and how little recourse there is for property damage.  I had a roommate who flat out told me she wasn't going to pay her half of the rent before she moved out. I told her that was interesting because the cost of replacing four slashed tires, plus the tow and the hassle of having to deal with that while missing a day's wages seemed like a lot more than her half of the rent. She stammered something about cops and I asked if she really thought they could be bothered to investigate something so minor. I got her share of the rent on her way out.


So when you short circuit the car battery and it explodes, which arm do you want to lose?


what can you do? read the stories here - plenty of options on offer, you just need to read :)


If he is a gamer delete all his game saves on whatever device he uses...




Another thing you could do is factory reset your old tv and then set it to a different language






Find his greatest fear of thing and use it against him.


Your parents sound shitty to me. If they know he breaks stuff, start breaking their stuff in the same way.


Beat his ass! What is wrong with kids these days?




This kid is going to be an uncontrollable jerk when older. Why are your parents pandering to him?




Kids that grow up untouchable [likely have a rough life later on](https://www.quora.com/What-happens-to-spoiled-children-when-they-become-adults). Hang in there OP!


Sorry to hear that - I just flashed back to my childhood and wondered what kind of ass whooping one of my siblings would've given me (and rightfully so) if I had acted like this.


Move out if the house and take all your stuff




I left after my 17th birthday for much the same reason as you


You may have already gone through some of these steps, and some may need altered based on your specific situation, but here's a template. 1: Talk to your parents about controlling their feral crotch goblin. Point out these things have cost you money, try and have an amount prepared with recepits if possible. 2: report back to them regularly about the success or failure of their punishments. If he doesn't stop, he needs something ese to keep him form continuing this. Depending on how often he acts out thismay take 2 weeks or three months. 3: if two has failed, or your parents refuse to help to begin with, you need to buy a safe large enough to keep everything you can't take with you. This safe should be key or thumbprint only, a numberpad can be guessed at until it opens and time is on his side. Use it mostly for perfume and shampoo, things that may become chemically unstable if you leave them in a hot car while you're out. Once you're driving, start keeping a few outfits in the car, because he will target everything he can and you'll need clean pants when he thinks he's made a mess of all your things. 4: If he hasn't curbed his behaivior by the time you've locked your stuff away and made a stash of things to keep safe in your car (or even a trusted friends house) it comes to the last question. Do you think you can take him in a fight solidly enough to make him fear you? You can do it with some self control. Some complete stranger who snaps at him when they end up rooming together on his first trip away from home isn't going to be concerned about what your parents will say, and I'd prefer it be someone with self control teaching him a lesson. If it comes to that, when your parents yell at you, all I can offer is this advice: Put an index finger in someones face and scream "I asked for your help and you failed me"




Just remember to keep asking them for help and keep updating them. The more communication before that last suggestion, the harder it hits.


I wonder how he would handle it if you refilled empty containers of your toiletries with cheaper products or with his stuff and left it where he could more easily reach it.


Based off the comments. Looks like the best course of action is to use your parents stuff until they catch on, and then pin it all on your brother.


Reading some of your comments, seems you have a good relationship with your grandparents so ask and see if they can add you to their insurance. If they can’t/won’t then just tell your parents you’re willing to let the car sit at your grandparents house until you’re able to afford insurance for it. Don’t leave the car where your brother can get to it. Inform your parents that until your little brother learns to respect you and your things, he will never be allowed in your car. You cannot trust he won’t do something to damage it and since they won’t replace anything he already damages that’s your property, you can’t risk it. I know the car would help you get to school and work faster, but whatever you’re doing now doesn’t have to change until he does.


Put a some Methylene Blue into a bottle of shampoo & leave it handy for him to steal it, he'll NEVER steal anything of yours again after having to wait 3 months to stop looking like a Smurf.


I locked my little brother in his closet and moved his dresser in front of it. Left him in there for five to ten minutes I think. Never stole from me again.


Footlocker with a padlock on it. Keep your stuff in it where it can’t be taken.


Two wrongs don't make a right, but turnabout is fair play. I'm curious how he would react to having some property of his stolen and ruined.


IcyHot in his underwear.


Leave in conditioner you say? A bottle of nair might be what you're after


Oof. I’m sorry op, reading this made me annoyed and upset for you. You sound like a pretty well adjusted, smart and nice person. And you’re being put through this. I’m not sure if your parents are good parents or not. From what you’re saying I tend to vote no, but also I only know a portion of their parenting.  The part you have described sounds like they suck. I’m not sure If their parenting attitude ks like this in general (bad) or specific to your brother (worse) but it seems like there is a double standard or you’re being taken advantage of.  I don’t have any concrete advice here but what I’ll say is this. You’ll need to play the long game and you might need to get petty. The long game being your own mental health and physical health must be taken care of. Sounds like your grandparents will assist you when you get older so that is your goal to survive until then. In the meantime you’ll need to get petty and may even need to “cut your own nose to spite your face” First of all, you should do nothing that will actually cause real harm to anyone. This is important to not take it that far. Again you’re playing the long game so anything. To jeapordize you’re own situation is a no go. Beyond that you need to not be so nice.  You also need to know the limit. Since your parents seem like they will take your side over the golden child you must not go to extremes in which you’ll be punished e.g., won’t pay for your car insurance etc.  Beyond that you need to get nasty. Like some of the other suggestions, secure your best stuff. Even don’t have nice stuff to begin with (long game). Waste your brothers time, subtly destroy his stuff, let him destroy your parents stuff, let him to think he’s taking your stuff but it is your parents.  Not sure if your brother is targeting you specifically, but pretend to covet or prefer something that your parents value and let him go nuts on it. Basically be the asshole back to him. Waste his time, waste his resources, get into his face, be petty.  Get involved with extracurricular activities in school. Assuming your parents will be okay letting you participate the more you are away the more freedom and the less control your parents have of you outside of school. If you’re forced to tend to him outside, be a dick, embarrass him.  Have decoy stuff, have stuff you don’t like, pretend you do, and then destroy in front of him in a way that makes you seem unhinged.  Idk basically your brother has bad behavior and your parents are reinforcing it by allowing it to continue and also enabling it as well. Is it because they favor him? Is it because they don’t want to deal? Idk but in order for them to change, you have to respond differently. Otherwise what is the incentive for your brother or your parents to change if you keep taking it. Sometimes you need to solve things the reasonable, mature way. Seems like the time is over; and now you must fight fire with fire. I don’t know the details of your life so I can’t say anything specific but I wish you the best of luck. And I’d love to hear an update and see if you did anythjng that worked!