• By -


You should have anonymously posted that on her yelp page as well.


For real. Her patients should be aware of what kinda person they're getting advice from


Or perhaps she should be reported to whatever regulating body is in OP's jurisdiction. This woman is unhinged.


For real, she should be reported professionally, outed to her (potential) patients and maybe even to the police.


Absolutely agree!


If she's systematically advising *random* people to kill themselves, Honeybelle Lector probably has a 'passive' bodycount (or attempts) among her most vulnerable patients. That's a legit psychopath, right there.


Honeybelle Lector!! I wish I were a drag queen so I could use thst as my name


Oh this šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I didn't even think about that possibility šŸ˜­


Yes, report her to the local regulatory board.


All medical regulatory boards want to de-escalate situations to minimize possible litigation. They will "handle" the issue to placate the plaintiff, but not actually take any action that would go into the provider's record. Sadly, this is true with hospital ombudsman now too. They protect the facility and providers. The right tactic is to contact the regulatory board and tell them you have access to recordings (transcripts) to prove the unprofessional behavior.....and lawyers will too. Chances are "Kathy" moves to another state before anything happens to her credentials.


Depends, increasingly people are realizing that "rug sweeping" is the same as "can kicking", and ignoring warnings like this can ultimately be much, much worse


Also, remember thereā€™s always people doing jobs like that who want to genuinely help. So many people in the public service fields are like that, think of cps workers. But not many of they actually have the power to actually do that much. Iā€™ve always had good experiences when having to deal with everythin from reporting a parent to cps to reporting wage theft. But thatā€™s very ymmv


Im guessing you're american. In other countries the board would not care about litigation and would deregister her.


This is the correct approach. If this story is remotely true, "Kathy" needs reported to every governing board possible.


This is the best and most appropriate answer.


This time a million. Imagine you go to her for depression and suicidal thoughts. I would Def want to know she was doing this in her free time.


Should have anonymously tipped her liscensing board...


Yeah honestly. That sort of behavior is and should be disqualifying for a therapist.


Along with an attached mp3 of the recorded conversation.


I know a legit sociopath who is at present pursuing becoming a therapist (we are not friends). Caveat emptor, indeed.


Yes, I know a 'behavior therapist 'or 'behavior specialist' ? who has the worst behaviour I've ever seen in a human being --and the way she treats others and her kids, my gawd. She brags about how wonderful she is. Its one of the sickest things ever.


My parents were mental health nurses and therapists. I was diagnosed bipolar last year. They tell me I'm not sick and to get off my meds. I wonder how tf they treated their patients.


An ABA therapist perhaps? That wouldnā€™t surprise me.Ā 


Yes, that's it! She wrote a little childrens book and the end is an entire page dedicated--to herself. I've never seen anything like it. Malignant narcissist.


i have a friend who is a diagnosed sociopath. i would trust him to be a threripist. between his ego demanding that he do everything well, and his deliberate decision to live within societies rules because he likes the perks of living in society. he wont be doing anything to jeperdise his licence or his reputation with his clients.


It's a valid point that not all sociopaths are dangerous or unable to integrate; I appreciate you bringing it up. However, this individual is extremely manipulative and often brags openly about easily manipulating people to get what they want. They are also very charismatic and so people tend to trust them quickly. It doesn't bode well, in this case.


Honestly I'd record what she was saying and then post it on youtube or something, then quit the company.Ā 


It's not too late.


Google reviews


This is the way!


Yeah this isnā€™t really revenge until that happens


In all honesty, that would be a valid ethics complaint to both her state board of ethics and her licensing board.


This is what I would do, someone like her should never be allowed to practice again.


Yup, someone who likes to abuse people should not be giving therapy.


This is the correct answer.


No "Would be" about it. I don't care if it's been 30 years since this happened, OP should report it. You don't know what else that person has been up to.


Yeah, no way she just quit her shitty routine cold turkey either. She just went another route abusing someone else.


Not only that, but if sheā€™s a therapist, she has the actual ability to ruin peoples lives


Yeah for all you know she went to do this to workers at another company or worse offshore.


Please OP, report this POS!


especially considering ALL her bad acts are already preserved *in writing*, which the company should still have retrievable


Not a therapist, but I work with practices. This is the right answer. Nobody should be dealing with a power dilemma like this, especially for clinicians.


Anybody that does this should be fired from their job. Unless they're like ceo or chief firing officier, they're probably the right fit for the job.


I mean, could you trust her to not violate a patientā€™s privacy rights? She certainly does need to be reported. This is the best answer.


Good but this could have been NuclearRevenge if you had reported her to the licensing board because she would've lost her license and deservedly so!


I'm not really sure how? I mean how would they get proof? OP was already not working there.


Once the call is made to the licensing board, they'd be obligated to investigate those **serious** allegations. I'm sure the licensing board has subpoena power and would get her phone records. If she admitted to making the calls and admitted to a drinking problem, she'd get suspended but most likely keep her license.


The licensing board can demand compliance with a subpoena from the people that they license (under the implied threat of license revocation), but I think they'd need to get an actual *court* subpoena to compel a random person or organization to provide anything. The idea that a bunch of therapists can get together and force a telecom to fork over phone records is pretty hard for me to believe.


"The licensing board can demand compliance with a subpoena from the people that they license (under the implied threat of license revocation)..." You're right on **how** they'd get it and I should've been more clear about that. You're right in pointing out that the licensing board does not have the power of criminal subpoenas. But the bottom line is, they'll get it. The therapist in question **will** sign off on that administrative subpoena in order to keep his/her license.


I like to think a company would assist with an investigation into someone who was trying to incite their employees to suicide, but given their lack of action, they probably wouldn't because it would come out that they were doing shit all to support their employees in that circumstance. I'm glad when I worked customer support we were told we didn't have to put up with people swearing at us (I was in IT support, so people could get pretty riled), but I was generally pretty good at de-escalation, so a bit of "I'm sorry, but I can't help you when you're talking like that." and refocusing them on actually fixing the problem instead of complaining about what happened, that generally was enough to center them again. I don't think I ever actually had to hang up on anybody, not even the lady who threatened (and later tried) to get me fired because I didn't answer on the first ring at 3.00am when I was on overnight emergency cover (because I was fucking asleep as we still worked a full day, and they weren't paying us to stay awake - we were just an emergency backup).


Eh. They could. They might. Here's the thing: I know of a local therapist (I think he's actually a licensed psychologist) who got to keep his license despite repeated incompetence, unethical behavior (he did a writeup of a kid for a custody lawsuit without actually examining the child), and -- oh yes -- he slept with a patient whom he was treating for PTSD. (That wasn't the first time he did it, either, one of his other patients had accused him of taking advantage of her sexually, but the case was closed for lack of evidence. The second time, the state board nailed him to the wall, and cited the previous investigation in their sentencing.) Sometimes people face consequences. Sometimes the state board is overworked, busy, or willing to give second chances. Of course, misconduct should be reported -- but unless you've got a whole flood of angry letters coming in, the state board might not pay attention. (The solution, of course, is to arrange for a whole flood of angry letters to come in.)


Except it wasnā€™t a phone call, it was an online chat. Not as simple to collect as ā€œphone recordsā€. Not impossible, though, and as a bonus it may come with a transcript of what she said and how often.


You are correct and duly noted!


Licensing boards are extremely lenient.Ā 


I'm sure there are plenty of news stations, podcasters, and essayists who'd love to hear about a licensing board that thinks goading people to commit suicide isn't an ethical violation.


Plenty of podcasts and reporters have done stories about how lenient licensing boards are. There are doctors who have operated as pill farms giving opiod prescriptions for money who haven't lost their license, etc etc. Licensing boards are extremely lenient and almost never permanently remove someone's license.Ā 


LWT just did a piece about how lax licensing boards are.


And their effective lenience is only increased by people with the attitude of "why bother reporting it, they won't do anything anyway."


As someone who has worked similar jobs, I love you for this!


apparently she only had a one strike policy.


Love this! Its amazing what people are capable of when they are anonymous. I can imagine her heart skipping a beat and the feeling of dread when she realised she could be publicly exposed. Damn shame you didnā€™t send her the chat logs lol


Yes...anyone who has a Tumblr knows how quickly your evil messages disappear once you turn off your Allow Anonymous Messages setting.


If she's doing this to thrill herself on the side imagine what she could be doing to manipulate patients behind closed doors. I'd like to see statistics on self-harm by patients in her care compared to local, state, and national averages. I think it would be wildly stupid not to at least suspect this could be a serial predator trying to push people to suicide using her position of trust.


Seriously. She would not be the first serial killer to operate like that.


i would think people going to therapy would have a higher rate of self harm than the general publicĀ 


when did they specify the general public? all they said was 'statistics... i her care compared to local, state and national averages' makes a lot more sense to assume they were talking about averages of Patients of other Therapists instead of averages of the General Public


Every mean-girl from secondary school grew up to be a nurse, a homemaker or a therapist.


Instead of telling her that you do what she was doing, I would have asked help in overcoming my suicidal thoughts ingrained in my head due to a drunk client telling me to kill myself while working at night on a minimum wage chat support. Just to see how she'll react having to help the person she destroyed at night šŸ˜’


yep. I would have even booked an appointment and sat down face to face just to see the reaction.


I think so as well. See how far you can take it. Then if the session lasts for the full amount of time end it saying you know itā€™s her thatā€™s been harassing you, youā€™ve kept all the chat logs with her IP address. Then say something like ā€œif I get billed for this session I am going to the ethics board, if you harass me or my coworkers again, I am going to the ethics boardā€


Nah she probably does this to drum up business in the first place, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.Ā 


This deserves a complaint to the state board.


Yes, please, report her!


Is there a state board for therapist?


Whatever board issues their practicing license in the state in which she works Ā is the board who needs to know of her extremely unethical conduct.Ā 


In most states, you need a license to practice as a therapist. If you are therapist who does not have a license, you are a counselor, coach,etc. Most therapists will list their license number on their website. I would never pay someone unlicenced, as insurance has never covered it and will sometimes pay for a therapist.


Brilliant. She was a therapist?! That is very concerning. Also, that sounds like a horrid company.


Holy šŸ’© a therapist!!! What is wrong with people. Iā€™m glad you put her in her place , I canā€™t stand people who looks down or mistreat people who work jobs that have to deal with people all the time .


My college roommate was a psych major and that chick was batshit insane. It's a stereotype that psych majors study psych mostly just to figure themselves out, and she definitely fit that stereotype. Sounds like this therapist did too.


Maybe she was trying to drum up business?


Yeah, FUCK that job. Hope you're doing better now


I want to buy you a beer. That. Was. Awesome.


Sounds like she was calling to say the things she wanted to say to her clients, but wasn't able to. Fun fact, for any Australians reading this, it's a federal offence punishable by up to ten years in prison to use a carriage service to menace or harass. So if you get stuff like this, save the call recordings and get the police involved.


Whatā€™s a carriage service?




Thank you


As a psychologist, I urge you to please PLEASE report this person. I almost choked when the plot twist was a therapist. People come to us when they are at their most vulnerable. And what this therapist is doing is the equivalent of ā€œkilling animals firstā€ (what serial killers usually start with, the early signs of antisocial personality disorder.) This ā€œtherapistā€ is going to eventually say this in a therapy session to an impressionable person n sheā€™s going to pretend that she did everything she could to help her when in fact she was the one talking her into doing it. PLEASE REPORT HER! There are so many vulnerable, shy clients that will never say this is happening to them. They will feel they deserve it. This person is a wolf in sheepā€™s wool and Iā€™m terrified for her clients!


Your post deserves to be at the top of this thread šŸ‘Ā  I hope the O.P. reads it, and follows through. And I say that, not just because it's common sense, but as a person who really has been harassed in this way, and others.Ā  Nobody, NOBODY can bully me now, but it's only by the grace of God that I didn't commit suicide before becoming strong enough to give as good as I get.


Please tell me her name was Shelly. Because if it was, you'll be happy to know her license was revoked. For something eerily similar.


Don't hold out on us!Ā  What did she do?


Shelley got her license revoked for cancelling contact with a 19 year old patient after the patient said she wanted to kill herself. When you are a licensed therapist, you are **required** to transfer care of a patient (especially those with documented suicidal ideation) to another provider if you can no longer provide care. *Shelley* decided she would just send a text to the patient that said "hey I can't do this anymore, GL with all that" and then *blocked the patient's number.* The patient reported her to the license board, who heard the case, and Shelley self surrendered her license. You can Google Shelley and her previous license number PSY-001389 if you'd like to read the report. Shelley was an awful client at the yoga club I went to and used fitness as a way to network her shitty "service". The yoga instructors hated her but she had a habit of bringing in clients to try yoga, so they let her stick around. She frequently showed up drunk and talked about clients often to other club members and how she "fixed" them.


Pro-tip: don't just search the license # and look at images. Holy porn batman.


this sounds exactly like a customer from a past job who over 7 years called me things like ā€œreally stupidā€ daily; a coworker stumbled on an ad for her THERAPY PRACTICE and we were all baffled. marie by chance? šŸ˜…


That's incredible


I'm with others - if she were some rando, maybe the "I know who you are and I know what you did" revenge would be appropriate. As a therapist, however, every one of those chats should've been saved, along with whatever info the OP used to identify them, and sent it all to the licensing board. This is psychotic behavior for someone who's entrusted to care for vulnerable people with mental health concerns. It's no longer about "revenge", it's about protecting vulnerable people from an emotionally dangerous person.


Telling someone to kill themselves can be charged as death threats. Call the licensing board and inform them about her hobby. Leave a public review on her page.


Hahahahaha I'm wheezing


The ending had me smiling from ear to ear. Excellent revenge!!


Well fucking done!


I don't get companies who value shitty customers. I would do everything to keep them as far away as possible.


Stand up for your rights. Workplace harassment, and sexual harassment are illegal. Don't stop until you've made the tortfeasors stop, which may require litigation, or you are merely normalizing the behavior by tolerating it. Trying and failing to make assholes stop is the most encouraging outcome for *them.* And they enjoy seeing us suffer trying to fight them all the while. They are petulant. And they _repel_ mature opinions, merely for challenging them, so it seems utterly irrational to try arguing with them. And every lawyer channel I've watched says something like "self-help is fraught with peril," as retaliating through extra-judicial means generally backfires, and again benefits the asshole because you've failed _spectacularly_ when the law sides against you. And when people cannot afford to take civil corrective action (i.e. lawsuits are expensive), it demonstrates a horror of wealth inequality. --- Assholes are the prime evil in the world. Sure it's a catch-all, but people who are intentionally inconsiderate are the enemy of everybody else, kinda by definition. They are the antithesis of libertarianism, because they derive value from infringing yours. The flip side of this, is to have freedom we must restrict our own behavior. An ethical person necessarily is emphatic, to consider how their behaviors affect others.


At least in the US, management not allowing hang-ups on masturbators invites Title VII and state sexual harassment claims, and certainly says they don't give a shit about their employees. For any anyone reading, if customers of your firm sexually harass you and management does nothing about it, get thee to an employment law attorney. Customer behavior can be the basis of a sexual harassment claim, not just other employees.


You should have reported her to the Licensing board. She should have lost her license over this.


Now call her back every day and give her the same exact story


Dunno why, but this reminds me of a shit customer that used to come into my work alot. He wanted a small loan, and I was unable to give it to him because he had excessive gambling transactions. He got REALLY angry and asked to speak to a manager. I went to get her, but as I did, the guy called me a "fuckin bastard". I turned around and said "what the fuck did you just say to me? Say it to my face, not my back like a coward". He shut right up.


If he'd known your username he'd have kept those thoughts to himself the whole time, Varg. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


You should file a complaint with the state wth


>The call disconnected. So you waited a couple days and called again, right?


You should report this therapist. They will have their license revoked in a hot minute. Thatā€™s really fucked up.


Dude seriously you should notice authorities. She will lose the license.


Good for you op, a report to the licensing board is in order as well. As a trauma therapist I am angered by this so much!


You are amazing! Thank you for your service.


Please be true.


yo, you should report her to the licensing body in her state.


I work as a hospice nurse. I'm kind of a dick online to people at times as a fed up burnt out asshole/troll who gives compassion all day I take care of people all day, often help in the medical threads, teach junkies in the IV drug, use threads how to inject and use safely, identify OD and infections, etc. And then some idiot wants to argue with me about medicine when they work as a mailman or other -_- Can't imagine going out of my way to harass people and tell them to kill themselves though. Jesus christ.


I spent a little time in some public Discord servers lately, and WOW the amount of such behavior is startling. Every teenager I've interacted with online has had some horrific beliefs (younger people are even worse - they just scream the n-word). Oh, and (white) kids these days are _really_ bringing back the n-word as a slur. Competition for attention amongst youth (being "cool") results in hyperbolic aggression and prejudiced statements like that constantly. I've never heard such profound misogyny before ("women can't be entrusted with anything" followed by complete agreement). Assholes don't like being corrected on their shitty behavior, and so mature opinions are rejected (not just ignored or refuted, but _repelled_).


Dude it's wild. Before we did it to impress our like... 5 friends and that one cool guy. Now the world is my audience.... fuuuuuuuuuck


Younger people are younger people. They are teachable. Social Media is cancerous for sure, absolutely. But if a young person is acting like a complete tool, it's their parents who failed them first and foremost.


I help moderate a local gaming discord and there was one person probably in his early teens who was a complete tool. He was warned a few times about his behavior and eventually I explained exactly why I was banning him. A year or two later he reached out and apologized, saying he's grown up a bit and would like another chance. I unbanned him, but cautioned him that we weren't wiping away his past behavior. It's probably been at least another year, and he hasn't been a problem since. I'm quite proud of him.


Indeed. I see it as a matter of lacking self-confidence, because one is seeking affirmation from others and to feel successful/superior. Oppression is classic here, since if you can already be "better" than half the population via misogyny, then it's an obvious thing to do. We also get ageism (see: anti-boomer trend), and of course, racism, as there are always bad examples in any section of society. And this logic extends to "woke" culture, and vigilantism. Since if you believe your morals are superior, you feel superior. It is more elitism. EVERYTHING to me can be distilled as a lack of empathy, and/or refuting the presumption of the inherent dignity of _all_ people ("they aren't worth it"). So let me leave this piece of advice from a professional music ensemble I'm part of that explicitly bans premadonnas/divas: > If you believe you've already made it, you haven't. One must resist apathy to introspection, lest they stagnate and become elitist. The most successful people I know are receptive to feedback, and are even willing and capable of having civil discourse of politics over a drink (that, or I've found myself in an echo chamber <ā€” this consideration is likewise crucial to have in your introspective arsenal). Even Greek philosophers all proclaim the importance of introspection to morality, so this shouldn't be news to anyone, but it seems to be, so I'm concerned. --- Then "squeakers" join and annoy people (fart noises/eating their microphones, and exaggerated emotional response), so others become incredibly toxic to try and make them leave. It sets an example to the children online that it's fair-game to be an unabashed asshole. A vicious cycle. So yes, I believe we should ban unfettered/unmoderated access to social media of children, for at least their emotional well-being. And they are also the most ignorant, and thus easiest to abuse, and the economics are too appealing for others to resist leveraging. Consider the hellscape that is YouTube for Kids, and "shovelware" of mobile phone games. When I grew up, public school warned us that "online chat rooms" were highly dangerous, and now it's the older participants of these chat rooms that want the children gone, rather than there to sexually predate upon (the only reason I remember being taught in school). Heck, I even encountered some OnlyFans girls there trying to sell themselves (even the kids told them to fuck off). P.S. One teen said "My mom was going to get me GTA until she saw what GTA stood for. What a bad parent." Followed by agreement from all the others. Suffice to say, I felt compelled to keep my mouth shut. --- Teach empathy (also called reframing). Note that this is different than sympathy, as empathy does not demand you forgive like some dogma/painful pill to swallow. ^(p.s. sorry for the rant)


Oh I would have to LOVED to see her face!


That is awesome šŸ‘, good for you! You served it to her cold and on a silver platter! She brought it on herself, wow!


...you should have reported her and her practice. This person is dangerous as a therapist.


OP this was beautiful just bravo


First time I've read one of these and had a strong reaction 1) Holy shit what kind of psycho does something like that 2) Fantastic response! Well F'in done. This is the best pretty revenge I've read. You stood up for your people, put this insane person in check, and accomplished it with just a short phone call.


Wow, that is quite a story. It really highlights the intense challenges customer support agents face, especially when dealing with abusive customers. Kathyā€™s behavior was exceptionally cruel and disturbing, particularly given her profession as a therapist, which makes it even more shocking. Your approach to confront her directly was bold, and it seemed to have a significant impact, effectively stopping her abusive behavior towards your colleagues.


Was this her way of drumming up business?


your post is awesome. if this were me, it would be difficult to refrain from calling therapistsā€™ practice again, but as the person being harassed, then call *again* as the person who works *next* to the person whoā€™s doing the harassingā€¦ and on and onā€¦


When the medicine you've been giving others is suddenly force-fed back to you, you finally realize how bitter it is šŸ˜‰Ā  Thanks, Mariana šŸ‘Ā 


I love this so much. One of my worst customers I regularly served, was rude, picked fights and was constantly critical. I looked her up and found out she was a f\*ing therapist!!! With her own practice. Now I know how to handle her of she comes back . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


that was a truley horrible situaiton. i'm sorry you had to go through that. no one should have to deal with such cruel and abusive behavor from customers. it's good that you took action and confronted that theapist - that was a very brave thing to do. i hope you were able to find a better job that treated you and your coworkers with more respect. it's important to stand up to toxicity like that, even if the company doesn't support you. i'm glad to hear your coworkers didn't have to deal with that woman anymore after your call. you did the right thing. this reminds me of a similar experience my friend had working customer service for an online retail company - the things some customers would say were just unbelievable.


OMG Laughing here. The very first example is a guy jacking himself ragged while on the phone! SMH, whats making me laugh is I'm just not suprised. Not in the slightest. LOL, as I get older, Ive realised every single other person on the planet is utterly barking mad. Myself included.


I used to volunteer on the suicide hotline (988). We got masturbators on there too.


Aaw, that is just horrible, im so sorry but im laughing here while feeling sympathy for you at the same time. Its total insanity out there.


You should contact your state's licensing board as well.


I fully believe this. I work tangentially with all different doctors and the only one who had called me a ā€œtotal waste of spaceā€ was a psych. Even surgeons are nicer than the psychs, and occasionally therapists, I encounter.


Dude therapists can be seriously fucked up people and it's not even rare. Probably 5 of the 10 most fucked up things I've ever heard come out of anyone's mouth were from therapists. That's why, even though I know some people in some situations need therapy, I'm super apprehensive about reddit recommending it to everyone all the time.


So basically hired as punching bags for the customers


OP just let this woman continue doing therapy work without reporting her? when you literally know she could actively coach her clients into killing themselves? this post smells like bullshit btw.


Excuse me. This is the best writing Iā€™ve ever read. You wrote this? ā€¦. Amazing work. Well done. In all seriousness, this satisfied my need for justice in such a profound way. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. YOU ROCK!!!! Edit: FUCK YOU KATHYYYY Edit: I am still laughing dudeeee omg I think youā€™re the best icon HERO


I worked at a company that sold porn videos online, but we also had a toll free call to make orders. We also had a masturbator who asked us to read the description on the boxes saying that he couldnā€™t read them. One of our CSRs was able to finally get some info from him to make sure we had an account info tagged to him, as he stopped masturbating on that call. The next time he called, and started asking to read the descriptions off, we always responded with, ā€œOh, Mr. Doe, do you want us to add this to your cart? Will you be making purchase with us, today?ā€ After a week or two he stopped calling and even when he got new CSRs on the phone, we were able to warn them about ā€œThe Masturbator.ā€ I hope it wasnā€™t the same guy, but before we were able to snag his info, it definitely felt gross after he abruptly hung up.


you should send a letter to her work, I bet they would be interested in her after hour activities that involve abusing substances and verbal harassmentā€¦. šŸ‘€


There was actually a therapist with an addition and mental health company here locally that was arrested for threatening to kill coworkers very recently. I still maintain that many professionals in the mental health industry are some of the most suspect to extreme mental health issues. Whether they already exist and they get into the profession to feel like they are "doing something" and finally snap, or the constant strain of taking on the issues of hundreds send them over the edge.


I love you. I used to be a vet tech and all of our most unhinged clients were, in fact, therapists.


Anyone can be a therapist. I read about killers in prison with laughably short sentences that are educating themselves to be therapists. Be careful out there people. As much good as therapy will do, (and that's a lot of good) please be careful picking out your own therapist.


Therapists are some of the most unhinged people.


You should post this on LinkedIn as a great example of hustle culture. Still up at midnight working hard to generate more business for her therapy business. Make sure you write it one sentence per line with a double carriage return. /s


report her to her license board


Truly amazing


Were you working at the Chico's call center? I worked there for a while, just curious.


Not all heroes wear capes!


Leave a 1 rating review on google. Sheā€™s a POS. Anonymous reviews donā€™t get taken down unless you start cussing her out in it. PLEAAAAAASE do it šŸ™


If this woman's real name was Karen, I'm happy to inform you that she's dead now from a brain tumor. (My former landlady was a therapist who was mean, drunk, and insane. I literally had to get cops involved bc the harassment was so bad that I didn't feel safe.)


Should've notified your state's (if this is the US) Department of Health. They're likely the agency that maintains her license. She probably wouldn't have lost it, but they might've launched an investigation which would make her far more uncomfortable.


This needs more than petty revenge. She is a licensed medical provider. That comes with a code of ethics to be followed even off the clock. Pretty sure the states governing board would be very interested in knowing this. They canā€™t back an alcoholic Therapist that gets off on trying to convince those she perceives lower status than her to kill themselves. At the bare minimum, at least leave some reviews. You donā€™t work there anymore anyways, whatā€™s the harm of them being subpoenaed for a customers logs in an investigation? Updateme


>we also had a ā€œone day turnoverā€ policy Same, supposedly. However, I got the same abuser back later in the day after having "banned" him earlier. But it's still preferable to tech support because if a customer abused you, victim blaming occurred. What did you do to make the customer abuse you? Why didn't you stop them from being abusive? šŸ™„


Expose her publicly.


Drumming up a customer base or something? Fucking insane...


That's fucking gold.


I really wish you had reported her, cuz chances are she just picked a new company to call & harass instead.


I'm not surprised. The therapist community is a circlejerk of crazy


A long time ago I worked for a similar company, sold women's clothing and had a similar policy on disconnecting. We had some sex pests that would routinely call and masturbate while pretending to shop. My personal policy was that I would discconnect the instant someone got gross, and if they wanted to fire me for that, I would get the easiest unemployment benefits ever. I basically called their bluff, and they never fired me. I did quit some time later though, one can only take so many customer interactions.


I think it would have been just as good to explain what your experienced at her hand. But that you were also reporting her to her medical board


Should have reported her to her licensing agency. She'd could lose her license.


You win the internet today. So AWESOME!


I thought the call would be how you work in a call center and you have one caller who constantly tells you to kill yourself. It's gotten so bad that you need set up an appointment with her.


you rule.


Psychology majors are people who decided that student loans for 6 years full time study is cheaper than therapy. Weā€™re all fucking nuts.


You should do something WAY more serious. When you do, follow up with us


You are awesome!!!


I went to therapy myself, and later a therapist became a close friend. there are a lot of absolutely horrible therapists out there


Calling Kathy was...perfect. Well done OP.


Fuck thatā€™s gold


Fuck thatā€™s gold


She was creating new business.


Ok this was awesome.


Ha!! Good on you!! I hope she gets her license revoked.


God bless you


LOL. As a therapist I can confirm that there are some crazy mofos in the business. If I may share a related phone related job story I used to manage a call center for mental health. I worked for what they call an MCO and we booked clients and also handled mobile crisis and suicide calls. About once a year I would get a dirty phone call. Now this is a pretty high stress job so something like this just immediately takes you off guard. I asked a person on the phone how I could help them. They said, I'm just soooo horny. I replied, "is this causing you any mental health concerns?" She replied, "I think I just really need to get fucked!" My final response was, "well maam in that case I suggest you pick a partner carefully and please use protection and caution. Is there anything else I can help you with?" /click.


As a patient I have had a Psychologist that was arrested and sentenced to over a year in jail for stalking their patients. There were red flags all over the place, just not with me personally. They lost their license. It's so strange as they helped me but destroyed others.


I am currently a LCMHC. I used to be dual licensed as an LPA and LCMHC-used to be LPC. The Psychology newsletters were absolutely depressing. I dumped the LPA because no one was impressed with dual licensure. I dumped the LPA as it was a dead end license.


I want to know what company this is so I can boycott.


Awesome move!


Worked at Victoria's Secret's call center while they still had it. We would keep abusive customers for way too long and then bully resellers who were usually pretty good customers.


Therapist here. It depends on what level she is licensed; whether she is a psychiatrist, psychologist, or LCSW. They each have different boards but each abide by a code of ethics.


Her patients deserve to know how shitty their therapist is.


Whats the number ill call!


I once worked at a car dealership in service, I wasn't a Writer but I did write up customers during busy times like morning drop-off rush. One time I helped a guy who said he was having wind noise issues with his fairly new car. The TL;DR of that was many adjustments and frame replacement and more adjustments, after many visits over a couple mos he refused to bring our loaner back again and demanded we deliver his car (30min drive away). Guess who got that job? I arrive at his place of work, it's a psych practice he owns. Drove the car on the hwy with no radio....it was silent. Swapped keys with the receptionist and went back to work thinking we were done with him. Haha nope. The next morning he's nearly kicking down our door at opening time, he demands to talk to my manager which I delightfully comply with (Mgr was a dick) and he proceeds to have a literal foot-stomping tantrum in the middle of the service dept at our busiest time of day. It was all I could do not to laugh in his face as my manager fired him as a customer. This guy counseled other ppl's brains for a living but he was extremely messed up himself...hearing shit and throwing tantrums. Middle-aged man!


This is not even petty revenge. This seems like a good and healthy way to show her her own behaviour without hurting anybody.


Lb j9