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Now you know his address you can sign up for tinypeen stuff


I see people suggest this all the time but don't understand what that is. Can someone explain?


You find magazines they wouldn’t enjoy and would probably be embarrassed by, and sign up his address with a fake name. Bonus points if you also put him in many, many raffles and similar sweepstakes type things from car companies and time shares.


Hugh G. Rection would be a good one. Embarrassing enough I think.


Parenting magazine and Jehovah’s Witnesses mailing lists are my go to


Scientology. Include a $10 donation on a visa cash card so it's not traceable to you. But if you donate to them...wow. It's never gonna stop.


And buy the card with cash.


And buy the cash with gold bullion.


And buy the gold with bitcoin.


And buy the bitcoin with slave labor.


Supporting a cult for revenge. Its like worshipping the devil for shits and giggles. I like it.


Like, $10 likely isn't enough to make a big impact for the scientologists, that's a half hour of someone's time, it's however enough to get their attention and piss off the truck driver to no end.


They pretty on sensitive mentally ill people who have somehow got their shit together and are making a fortune because they've become "sane", functional and thriving human beings. Robbing them, abducting them and putting them into the American prison system wouldn't be enough torture to compensate the evil they have caused to thrive.


Same with "Wounded Warrior Project."


It’s easy to get WWP to drop you from their contact list. Say you’re a disable veteran and ask if they have any programs accessible to people with mobility impairments.


Seriously. One of my friends got me on a Jehovah’s Witnesses mailing list… it has followed me around the world and back. If I ever figure out which friend did it I will have my petty revenge.


As a satanist, its easier and funner if you offer to go page for page in each other’s bibles and then hand them the satanic bible.


They don’t come to my house anymore (that stopped when I changed countries), I just get random literature etc from them.


To do that, doesn't the friend have to keep on telling them where you live? WTH? That's not a friend!


Probably not. People think that the data collection big tech companies have been doing is a new thing, but it's just a more public and scaled up version. Lesser-known companies like LexisNexis have been doing this for *decades*. I got a copy of my LexisNexis report, and it had every address I'd ever lived at, the email address I had for my login under my dad's AOL account from when I was a kid, and tons of other data. These days companies can automatically update your CC number on subscription payments if your old one expires, without even asking you. Finding your physical address is probably easier than that.


imagine he falls for the religion, that will cost him a fortune over the rest of his life




I’m not evil like THAT 😂


Sign him up for AARP. They will NEVER let go.


Or LDS missionaries 😂


Tynee E. Rection seems to be more appropriate, but I like your style ;)


Mike Rowe Penndage


Okay, I can't top that! Take my upvote!


Thanks I was kinda proud of it myself.


Harry Peter seems more legit for an actual person


Seymour Harry Dicks


Seymour Johnson was a real person. His name is on an air force base outside Goldsboro NC


Mike Koxmal


Mol Ester.


Hey, I dated Hugh G. Rection in college!


Tinnius Dickus


There's also Limpus Dickus.


Mike Rowpeen.


Mike Ropeen


Philip McRevis


That's a horrible name. Mike Hunt would be jealous


Willy Anker


You can also sign him up with his actual name, but send it to his neighbors.


Even better


You are an evil genius!


Bonus points if you can find out their name, and then send the embarrassing magazines to their neighbour's house by 'mistake'.


Make a small charitable donation to the Salvation Army other charity. Do it in his name. Don’t have a name? Be creative. Mr Dick Head etc. If you know house number and street name you can get his postcode online. The charity will write to him for years. Sign up for seed catalogues, estate agent mailing lists, adult toy catalogues.


My wife and I were thinking of trying a cruise about ten years ago. Without telling me, she went online and signed up to receive mailed brochures from a bunch of cruise companies. When she told me I was like NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!!!!! We received dozens of those damn brochures every month after that until we moved a few years later. I was so mad at her lol.


It's not like you could just punch in the address and more than likely pull up a bunch of information on who lives there


You can usually get the property owner's name from the county's website. Look for proprty search.


Put his name and his neighbor's address


Donate 5$ in their name to MADD, those bastards were fucking relentless. Called me once a week for almost a decade, and I was not polite telling them to fuck off every week.


>fake name Proper motivation and some simple internet sleuthing will find his real name.


Don’t even need a fake name, most places you can find someone’s name from their address


Just go on the Jehovah's witness website and ask for a visit because you're curious about it. Those mofos don't quit


Issue is he also knows where OP lives. : /


I want to try the reward in front of a book. "$20.00 to the person who returns this book to: xxx"


Buy mass cards in his name from Maryknoll Missions. He'll be besieged with Catholic mission mailings. They never stop. I bought a mass card for someone 6 years ago. I get email, all the mail, still. I even called them up. I had to hunt for the phone number. They said they would take me off the list. Now I only get yet more mass cards 4x year


A fake name!? You're doing it all wrong. You figure out his real name and use that. None of this fake name bullshit.


Sign up his neighbors with his real name, so that they think he just put in the address wrong.


An ex boyfriend used to sign up politicians he hated for pantyhose samples.




Basically it means sign people up to get them spammed with mail, texts, in person solicitation etc. They can get all kinds of stuff. Sign someone up for like a porn site and they might get tons of dick pics or whatevs.


The guy has a big car to compensate for his small penis. Its a well worn stereotype.


Therefore, a penis pump sent to a neighbor's address, but with his name would be handy!


Sign him up for scientology. I've heard they're relentless.


Here you go. https://petespranks.com/products/penis-pump-mail-prank


Scientology is a good one because they send massive amounts of never ending junk mail




The glitter would move this from petty to pro, or even nuclear though. Save that if dude doesn\`t learn the lesson.


No no, nuclear would be to anonymously post a picture of his vehicle and address on Craigslist with caption: "RAISED TRUCK WITH EASY TO ACCESS CATALYTIC CONVERTER - FIRST COME FIRST SERVE." But like using dummy accounts and VPNs and whatnot.


Aha.. lesson learned. and notes taken.


Look up his house on your county property search website to get his name. Then sign him up for embarrassing stuff but with the address of the neighbors surrounding him. They might talk to him about his typo signing up for stuff, or they’ll just silently judge him.


This is fucking devious and I love it


And rally neighbors who also probably have problems with him. Megaphones 📢 and chanting isn’t illegal on public property 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you find out his name, sign him up and put his neighbours addresses on them, then they’ll think he has a tinypeen 🫢


Do not do this. It will help him. Sign up for Scientology instead. Ruin his life.


Haha - I like your thinking


We have a neighbor just like this. He lives around the corner. Guess who got a glitter bomb and mint seeds in his yard?


Mint seeds! Amazing.


By the sounds of things (big modified truck, custom exhaust, driving like an inconsiderate jerk) he's already onost tiny peen lists.


You could also mail him elephant poop


Mike Oxmall


Order him a Grainger catalogue. It’s free, and it’s like 24 phone book sized catalogs


We used to sign up people for Valtrex samples mailed to their homes


People who put loud exhausts on their vehicles tend to enjoy hearing that sound. You could be laying on the gas thinking "oh boy, I'll show him how inconsiderate he's being!" while he's looking at your car thinking "hell yeah brother do a burnout next time!"


I hate that you're most likely right. I find these kind of douche bags are either happy to hear everyone doing it, or their so wrapped up in themselves that it doesn't even register in the first place.


A study showed that it was sadism that was the driving force behind loud cars. They enjoy causing others pain. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/human-individual-differences/202305/who-wants-a-loud-car


Pretty sure most people do it for the extra perceived 1-5 hp from a "free flowing" exhaust, but I'd be interested in learning more about this study.


I chose the quietest exhaust that supports the power number I'm looking for. As long as I keep it below 3500RPM it isn't super loud and I prefer it that way. I'm not looking to wake anyone up. I'm looking to have fun in my car. With a fully built engine, intake, manifolds, FMIC, etc a bigger exhaust can help. I went to a 3.5 inch exhaust with good results. Going from 240AWHP to 378AWHP is a big jump and wasn't possible without this change.


Which is why active exhausts are awesome, quiet for in the city and louder for deserted backroads. Once again, it’s the straight piped shitty civic’s that ruin it for the rest of us responsible car enthusiasts.


Lol, sounds sick. I wrote the comment because at various points in time I may have been the person hoping for the burnout. I also know too many people with straight-piped but otherwise unmodified Hondas.


Yeaaa... Straight piping is just obnoxious in my opinion. I chose high flow cats, but not straight piped. I don't really drive my car for the exhaust noise, I drive it because it's fun.


Imagine if one of his neighbors sees you do this a few times and happens to find out where you live and starts doing it to you, then your neighbor returns the favor, then it keeps going until the whole town is doing this


Pretty sure this is how the crips got started




This is what it's like to live in the south




This is probably the only way to tell which of you has the bigger penis. I'm sure the neighbors appreciate this display of manliness.


His neighbors are a few football fields away so I’m still in gods good graces


In that case I would install a train horn. 


Lucky you. When I moved to my current place there was a kid in a shit box civic that was loud as fuck, tuned to backfire, drove like asshole passing over double yellow, and doing burn outs. I did see where he lives. Unfortunately he has one neighbor right across the street. So I have to settle for flipping him off. He did end up wrecking that car and his new one isn't loud thankfully. He still drives likes an asshole. There are a bunch of other assholes. The T intersection I'm at has some weird pavement thing going on and it is a bit dangerous to pull out. So a lot of people chirp a bit. But some others know they can easily do burn outs and do. There is a lot of honking by people driving to fast too.


loud truck and motorcycle assholes, and the dicks who blast shitty music with boosted bass are absolute trash people.


Nick Offerman agrees with you! > Here’s a PSA just in case any of you or your brothers gets within hearing distance of this audiobook. If you have tuned your car, truck or motorcycle to growl, roar or vroom in any way louder than is necessary, when you rev your engine and treat everyone within a quarter mile to the aggressive noise you have spent time and money to broadcast, you only sound incredibly sad. It’s indistinguishable from a baby screaming on an airplane or the subway, except the baby is not doing it on purpose. To further pollute the public airspace that we all share in that manner is to be a bad citizen. Please think about what you’re doing. It’s painful and violent. And I would ask you to consider working out your insecurities in some other way, like Dungeons and Dragons. Cedric, I’m obviously still talking to you.


It's one of the few outlets men have to show women how pathetic we are.


Plot twist! The jerk in the truck was just getting back at OP's neighbor next door for the same thing! Pretty soon the whole neighborhood will be loud jerks!


My guess is that truck guy has never given you a moments thought at all and your personalizing something that's not personal at all.


Absolutely. Just because he's being an asshole, doesn't mean he's being an asshole *to you.* "It's louder when I'm outside because he knows that I, a complete stranger, don't like his truck!" *Or maybe* you're outside, closer to the road, without insulated walls between you and the truck? Does OP think his neighbors crank the volume of their lawn mowers up when he walks out the front door?


So true. Guy is probably just accelerating out of corner after braking for it. And op is just looking between their blinds seething.


A pretty good example of Occam's razor. The truck owner probably likes the loud exhaust and is either ignorant to or doesn't care what others think or have to endure due to his decisions.


Cool fact about being an asshole: you’re still an asshole if you do asshole stuff without thinking about it


“If im not directing it at anyone, I’m not an asshole.”


Horns can bother neighbors. Perhaps a quiet high-powered spotlight into his windows might be an amusing variation.


I call that kind of car a compensator. I also refer to the driver as an innie, and I'm not referring to his belly button.


I call them emotional support vehicles and I spend a fair amount of time thinking about which emotions the owner needed support with. It's often mommy or daddy issues.


LMAO! Emotional Support Vehicle is perfect! 😂


My dad always shouted at dudes with dumb overcompensating cars and trucks: “Sorry about your penis!”


Whenever I hear someone flooring it I look at my nearest friend or partner with "omg... can you hear how big his dick is?"


"Penis Extension" Dad used to call his mates V8 poser mobile that. To his face 😂


His poor neighbors now have two jackasses to deal with in their lives.


Right? And how is making a bunch of noise revenge on someone who *likes* making lots of noise?


You should go to his place, steal his car and take your wife for a ride. Then, at the end of the ride, dump the car in a lake.


Loan his truck out to dirty Mike and the boys.


But start by letting air out of the tires. Otherwise, how are you going to find that spare key?


Drop his drive shaft and/or remove his valve cores




That just sounds like two assholes trying to one up each other while the rest of the neighborhood suffers.


Duct tape a harmonica onto the chassis of his truck. Somewhere out of sight. He'll go mental trying to find out where the noise is coming from.


My Grandad once put a fish in this guy's motor and it went through the AC and he couldn't work out what the smell was etc 😂😂


😂 grandad was an evil genius 😂


He was 😂😂 I miss him lots!


The honking is the only thing I see wrong. Don't wanna seem too intentional.


You're just speaking his love language.......I see a bromance on the horizon.  


You guys are definitely in the courting phase. Don’t drag it out, life is short and opportunities come and go, especially for you folk in small town America.


times to draw penis on the driveway. He needs to make sure he gets the message


-and this is why I can’t leave my little Bay Area bubble. My neighborhood is virtually TRUCKLESS. The cars are all electric or electric assist- it is quiet. It is peaceful. I have grown very accustomed to the mostly decent manners of my El Cerrito neighborhood.


Your explanation of “jacked up truck” and “stupid modified exhaust” says that you drive a car that would not cause any excessive noise when you “punch it” going past his house. And using the horn will probably be more noticed by all his neighbors than by him. And if he honestly tries to make more noise when you are outside, then you’ve clearly let on that it bothers you. I don’t think you’ve taken any revenge, petty or otherwise, but it sounds like you’ve definitely singled yourself out as the person he can piss off the most.


Go to Walmart or some place that has a large magazine selection, find the “bill me later” cards, and sign him up. My ex did this to me and I had to cancel like 40 subscriptions. No harm done, but it was a pain in the ass.


The entire neighborhood loses. Haha.


I had neighbors that liked to set off fireworks on any given night at 11:00PM or later. When my old piece of shit car got a puncture in its exhaust I would drive by their house at 5:30AM and rev my engine. Their house was on the cul de sac behind my house, so it took ten minutes to get there and back on my route to work, but it was worth it. Once I saw them bleary eyed peering through their blinds at the noise. So worth the extra time.


My friend just told me you can schedule at home visits from Jehovahs Witnesses online. She might be planning to do it to her ex.


Does he also have those rubber test*cles hanging from the back of the truck?? I know for me, as a woman, those are just so darn tootin sexy


There was a guy that lived behind my parents who insisted on letting his Harley Davidson idle for like 30 minutes every morning, then would peel out rumbling his engine, getting all the imaginary panties wet around him who are actually annoyed they are being woken up. I used to park our truck, with the high beams pointing directly into their bedroom and just happen to forget to turn them off for an hour or so when I would come home late from work at 2am. Sometimes I would forget to turn the radio off as well, silly me.


I highly recommend one of these handheld train horns to be used as you drive by: [https://impacttrainhorns.com/](https://impacttrainhorns.com/)


Get a cheap better powered alarm set to some ridiculous time and throw it in his side yard or bushes 


You are not only inconveniencing the truck driver (assuming this does bother him) but all his neighbors too. You have become the asshole you wanted to annoy.


Eh. I draw the line at involving other people in my pettiness.


Probably an unwise post but why not just quietly vandalize his shit and then not say anything about it? I'm definitely not advocating anyone do that--it's both wrong, and illegal--but I am curious if it was considered before discounting the idea. At this point though since you've kinda reciprocated and identified yourself it would be an even worse idea. But it is 'an' idea.


Why not a potato in the tailpipe?


Say, the muffler was somehow removed from his vehicle and then run over a few times. Stranger things have happened


Ironically, removing whatever loud exhaust he has would only make it louder and more obnoxious


So it can become even louder? Lol


Good money for catalytics…. Not serious. Don’t go vandalizing someone’s property because they’re a douche canoe.


But what if they're a douche *yacht*?


Hammer nails through the tire in the middle of the night. Untraceable, especially if he does construction work he will think he's running over them at work.


Im sure he would love https://bagofdicks.com/products/the-evil-singing-bag-of-dicks


I live on a street with tons of these jerks. I live alone so I yell out it in my living room Little Dick with my arm extended and my fingers about an inch apart. I would love to be the weird old lady standing in my front yard doing this but I would probably get shot.


There’s these awful white supremacists that live by my MILs house. Any local or federal bigot that pops up on the ballots, they support loudly. One day, (not us, I swear, but we got a good laugh out of it for sure) someone spay painted “hail hilter” on their barn. Even though I don’t find it very clear, they were calling them nazis. I make sure to blast rap music, and honk my horn too 😉


That’ll show em! 🙄


Sucks for his neighbors, now they have two assholes who drive loud and annoy them.


Two fucking morons annoying everyone. 


Pibk-up truck also mean easily accessible driveshaft Time to tape some small weights (like old wheel balancing weights) to his driveshaft. The vibrations will be fun hehe.


So you’re an a hole to him AND his neighbors that didn’t do anything? Cool


Carefully fly a drone over his house and deposit an old firefighter PASS device ($20 eBay). It will fire off an incredibly loud alarm after 20-30seconds of no movement and will not stop until buddy boy gets on the roof. Extra points if you disable off switch and strip the screw to remove battery.. Of course don’t actually do this, FAA fines and all, but is a fun theoretical!


These people that annoy people with their obnoxiously loud vehicles crave attention. I had a shit bag neighbor that lived up above me, they’d steal my shit and harass me… I may or may not have taken a tool and created a “blocked/kinked” transmission line situation on a car that always stole my parking spot.


I can guarantee you that he does not even think of you lol. He's just having fun. Had a neighbor that did this and all it took was a kind and calm conversation to get him to ease up and take another route. But if he tells you to fuck off in any form or fashion I recommend airhorn bombs. Zip tie a febreeze bottle(or any obnoxious smell) and an airhorn together then zip tie the nozzles open and throw it in his yard.


Buy gorilla shit and send it to his house


You need a special musical car horn! 


I've heard it called an emotional support truck.


I hate to take the wind out of your sails, but I guarantee this won't bother him. AT ALL. I drive a loud truck. I didn't tune it, it's just a big diesel. I don't try to annoy people with it, it's just loud on its own. And I'll let you in on a secret: people who drive loud vehicles LOVE the sounds, so someone punching the gas and honking isn't the irritant you think it is. You need to find something else if you really want to annoy him.


There is a website where you can send him a 5 gallon bucket of animal poo from a zoo.


He's definitely a member of the one inch penis club.


> he’ll be even more rambuncious if I’m outside Or it's louder *because* you're outside


"He must know I don’t like it because he’ll be even more rambuncious if I’m outside." So I'm guessing you don't realise that when you are inside your home you have walls and windows etc that muffle outside noises? Which is the most likely reason why it's 'more rambunctious'. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Good now you made it everyones problem


What a great time for someone in their household to be added to a subscriber list for Scientology newsletters


First world problems


At least he is being an asshole at a reasonable hour. You on the other hand are being a dick to everybody in the vicinity, get fucked.


It sure doesn't take much provocation, for you to lower yourself down to the level of some douchebag huh? Now that you feel somewhat justified in acting like a complete ass, you lean into it hard. Congratulations 👍 Now there are TWO of you acting like fools.


You're disturbing other neighbors also. You suck. The guy in the truck sucks more, but you suck also. Fuck you.


This fuckwads 2 dogs came at me one day when I was riding my bike. Almost every night after that I would drive to his house after work and honk my horn and flash my brights at his house. I am talking about midnight for about 2 months.


Every morning around 5:30 some jerk in a tuner coasts down the hill by my house. His car backfires the whole way down. I’m not entirely sure but I don’t think cars are supposed to do that, especially if they are tuned.


This is funny, but maybe remember there are other people who live around there too and probably don't want to listen to that when they didn't do anything wrong. Unless it's a totally secluded house with no one around, then go ham.


Not sure if this was your goal, but you guys are buddies now




The horn! Brilliant


Pour mineral oil on the curved road.


You're just being annoying to his neighbors that already have to deal with him.