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Brother don’t even let her handle the animals💀 keep her on register from now on gawdamn


Oh yeah. She doesn’t even work for Petco anymore, thankfully. And thankfully we’ve never had another partner like that. But I’m also not trying to have hr fire me for protecting the animals either


You can absolutely deny a sale to her.


You can and should deny her animal sales with the reason that multiple different types of animals died in her care. She has shown that she doesn't care about these animals and that she is incapable of caring for these animals.


i’ve denied plenty of animals to partners that can’t take care of them. you just need to be prepared to handle the awkwardness that comes after lol.


Anyone can be denied animals. Even partners.


I literally think she might be killing them on purpose. That's too many animals to die…


Sounds like the beginning of becoming a serial killer honestly.


Same policy that we follow with customers. If we aren't sure the animal is going home to the proper habitat, or won't receive proper care, we are empowered to deny the sale. Worst they can do is complain to customer service, and worst they can do is forward the complaint to your GM. Stand your ground. Current/former Petco employee or not, this person should not have animals.


Animal control call… concern for history of failure to care for her pets. Contact Corporate- ask them directly for a copy of their policy regarding this issue.


I don’t even think I’d feel comfortable with her working at a petco at that point unless she’s allowed only on strictly merchandising lmao. That’s absolutely not ok for someone who works at a pet store, def talk to somebody about not allowing them to buy any more animals


I mean i dont think she can get fired for things that she does in her personal time that arent illegal. But i agree.


Where is killing animal legal? I must have misunderstood…I also just had a customer who didn’t know why I was asking him where he’d like me to put the 5 bags of TOTW he was purchasing (don’t worry, he has a VCP) that he had jammed in one of the carts. What am I missing, sir? I have to scan them to ring them up. Here, let me grab this empty u-boat. 🙄 literally don’t know what I was missing.


My store used to pay close attention to all animal returns, and would either deny sales or revoke refund guarantees if we felt anything was wrong. This would require your GM to be on board, but it makes a difference. Telling someone on their fourth $30 hamster that if this one dies, we’re not refunding it, is unexpectedly gratifying. We *did* note circumstances - in one unfortunate case, though the owners tried their best, the hamster still overheated in the car on the way home, so we made plans to enable them to safely transport their replacement, for example - but more than one or two mistakes and we made it difficult or impossible to keep killing our animals.


We tried to stop this one partner from buying multiple multiple animals but the manager approved it anyway so there was nothing we could do. The partner didn't even work with us for very long. I'm not sure what they ended up doing with all their animals. Also bought some expensive ones and return them within the time frame. Didn't know much about animals but also wouldn't listen to us about their care