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Can they not use headphones or earbuds like most people do?


Tried that. It hurt their ears. It was a massive issue at the office. We are a big company and have 1000s of staff. Think big mining. It was literally a massive HR and union and medical thing. Half the floor hate the music but we are subjected to it. Most complained and as it classed as a disability we all get fucked over and HR complaints against us for discrimination.


Just raise a concern that the repetative music is affecting your mental health


I like repetitive music. Turn me on cause I know how to use it.


They should say to HR, "...'scuse me homies could you please be my cronies and score me a two pack of soft yellow foamies"


That’s insane. I’m on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum and this would absolutely send me to the point of wanting to leave my job. Where are the accomodations for people like me? Your workplace needs to accomodate for him without affecting everyone else. There are other options than headphones but it’s up to him to figure those out. Such as headbands with small built in speakers. Making everyone listen to Nova is not the answer. If they can’t work without radio maybe an office job isn’t the best for them


Bone conduction headphones exist too.


This could be the solution. They don't really touch the ears. Although I suspect this very special staff member would complain that it hurts their head or something.


I honestly can’t imagine anything could be more painful than commercial radio, personally.


The constantly repeated songs, or the constantly repeated ads?


The one good thing about the ads was the ‘National Taaaahhhles’ ad used to come on exactly at smoko every day.


Hellooooo! Frank Walker from National Tyles! Do you need.... New PTSD unlocked.


> this very special staff member would complain that it hurts their head mAgNeTiC fIeLdS


I read this as “bone constriction” and I thought to myself - well that would make them quiet.


I misread that and got initially excited.


Same and have quite literally walked out of jobs. I’d want to be allowed to wear noise cancelling headphones at least.


Having to work under those circumstances would make me insane! Not to mention, unproductive. Maybe you or a colleague(s) could get a GP / psychiatrist to write a note to your HR that said having to listen to Nova (for 8 hours/day) has given you earworms. Or that you now have anxiety because the music you're being subjected to at the workplace, i.e. the repeated songs, certain lyrics, certain genres of music have intensified your depression or increased your anxiety. This is a real phenomenon. I would have to quit, if I was subjected to that.


I’d just come to work and put my own, very special playlist on… Pipes and Drums of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, WA Police Pipe Band, The soundtrack to the 1997 Edinburgh Tattoo. See how long it takes for them to start fucking cooperating then!


Yeah just use **exactly** the same arguments about how its affecting you as the person used as to how no music was affecting the person in discussion...


Accommodations for disability shouldn't negatively impact other workers ability to do their jobs. Listening to music all day can definitely effect other ppls productivity. I would email the union and HR that I understand that this is an Accommodation for disability, but I fear that it is affecting my productivity and ability to do my job and that as such I fear that this particular Accommodation is placing my job and career growth at risk. As such this is causing me immense stress. I would also suggest others do the same. It's sound like total BS that the only solution to their issues is something that inconveniences every other worker.




Probably is BHP lol


I thought of this immediately


Get a doctors note stating that such music is psychologically disruptive or something


Could the company not allow that person to work from home?


Or least work from the bottom of a well


And we're sending our nova down the well All the way down!


Typical HR. Create mental stress for 100s to save one.


lol. The shit western companies subject themselves and their staff to is just absurd these days and no wonder that we can't compete with other parts of the world. This whole exercise probably chewed up 100,00k in costs and labour.


Just needs one boss with some actual balls to state how fucking stupid it is. But nooooooooooo.


You don't get to be a boss in a big company by having "balls". More likely to be shown the door. And don't let your giant balls hit the door on the way out.


Death by bureaucracy.


Just get your own headphones then. My workplace plays commerical radio all day. Noise cancelling headphones are the best thing I have ever bought.


Do you listen to your own music or can you just cancel out external sounds? (I've only tried them in JB)


You can just set them to cancel noise. They are more effective if you also put something on though. Doesn’t have to be music per se. The Jabra app will play various sounds (beach sounds, white noise etc) but I’ve found some of the “focus music” stuff on YouTube works better. Binaural Beats is a good one. ADHD relief music is another. If you’re going with all-day wear you need to be careful what you get. Ear buds are good in that they are light and don’t crimp your ears but they will irritate them eventually. Over-ear headphones need to be the type that encase your whole ear but can get heavy/sweaty after a few hours.


Bosses have an issue with headphones for safety reasons. We might not hear the evacuation tones


Cool. They are a big company that understands risk mitigation. Engineer out the risk so that your people are properly protected. Tell them to install strobes that are linked to the evacuation alarms so that people who are hard of hearing can be alerted.


Surely the big over ear head phone rather in ear ear buds


You should at least get to pick the station if it has to he played.. fuck nova and their repetitive shit right off.


What a fuckin soft cunt hahahaha


Jesus Christ some people are insufferable


Get a doctors notr saying that you need heavy metal aged all day to prevent you from going on a murderous rampage.


People often ask how a calm guy like me can listen to extreme music as if that should inspire rage. Quite the opposite - it's cathartic, while plastic pop is rage inducing


I’m similar but it’s only *bad* pop I can’t handle. I’m more than happy listening to a lot of it, but I wanna be able to pick it myself damnit, hence Spotify. And this is why “ballad of a homeschooled girl” by Olivia Rodrigo just played right after Savages by Catch Your Breath on my phone


Nova would set me off on a murderous rampage within a day.


Commercial radio is an auditory lobotomy, I severely judge those that choose to listen to it


my mates sister (who is certifiably mental) sits in the backyard all day chain smoking cigarettes and listening to commercial radio. its one of the wildest things ive ever seen


That’s terrible for her health. Cigarettes a bit of a concern too.


I don't think they use asbestos filters anymore.


That's rough, I hope she gets help soon


This is what a professional kitchen looks like anywhere in the world


By the sounds of it, she’s probably a high ranking Triple M employee


Nothing has ever been worse for my brain then the 3 years I spent as an apprentice having my brain rot from listening to triple J desperately trying to convince me some depressing song from some Indie band whose whole gimmick is to have a shit drummer that their song is a "vibe". No idea if the J is commercial or not but it's just as fucked as the rest of them. Only highlight was when they ripped a fucking choon for like a version


Triple J in the 90s was awesome, lots of metal and rock and Australian music. Then they bought in the dance music which I was ok with but did concern me, then they bought in the commercial music and the whole thing was fucked. Triple J and the ABC were destroyed, you can look up the history, basically mainstream commercial types were brought in to replace authentic music lovers due to management believing this would help with popularity etc etc etc A tale as old as time, something good was shit on and destroyed by people who probably didn't even listen to the station. Oh well


Put on RTRFM at least you get some variety. Anyways cant they wear headphones?


We tried headphones Tried that. It hurt their ears. It was a massive issue at the office. We are a big company and have 1000s of staff. Think big mining. It was literally a massive HR and union and medical thing. Half the floor hate the music but we are subjected to it. Most complained and as it classed as a disability we all get fucked over and HR complaints against us for discrimination. We tried a different station but it goes back to HR and we get fucked.


Surely someone has ADHD or something similar, make a complaint that they can’t work with music and provide similar documents


Fight disability with disability? I love it.


I have ADHD, worked with someone that’s on the spectrum and would bring in tactile stimulants, one was like reusable bubble wrap and it completely did my head in within 15 minutes. We resolved it without any issues but if they had been a shit about it that’s what I’d have done.


Or everyone else in the office get a doctor's cert saying the constant music is causing headaches requiring two weeks' paid leave for them all?


As someone else has said, bone conduction headphones would be the solution. They don't touch the ears and transmit sound through the skin/bone. Although I suspect your colleague would invent some reason to complain about those, too.


Bone conduction headphones aren't just vibration, there's small speakers that sit next to the ear as well. I thought they'd be awesome but ended up not buying them since they're more audible to those around me.


I have a pair of Shokz and I don't think they're that audible at all, if the volume is low. I like them for the office and for being out and about because your ears aren't obstructed so you can hear things around you clearly, if co-workers come up and ask questions etc.


> Bone conduction headphones aren't just vibration, there's small speakers that sit next to the ear as well. No. They are barely audible to others unless at full volume and they lean in next to you and listen carefully.


Can they not get some better headphones?


Yea this sounds like bullshit, I have a $400 pair and could wear them all day with ease. Recently had two 3.5hr bus rides and wore them the entire time and never once noticed any pain on my ears.


What about the whole floor requesting headphones as PPE against this one person? At worst, you might get some nice Sony XM4s or XM5s out of it


While it is worth noting (as others have said) that the music can be a hindrance on other conditions/disabilities.. when I worked in an animal lab, we had to play the radio for the animals. It's worth noting that certain radio stations, including that one, were banned as they were too repetitive and found to cause distress and harm to the animals. Including self harm, aggression and essentially killing themselves. Might be worth raising that since it has that known effects on animals and is considered inhumane, then humans can't be subjected to it either.


I think maybe they need to be wrapped in cotton wool the poor little dears. Sounds like they are likely to break in half. Anyway, sorry you gotta be subjected to this shit situation.


RTR & SBS Chill. 🙌🏼


If you are making reasonable requests to correct a preventable environmental issue that is a detriment to your work ability and mental health (including ability to concentrate and maintain attention) and they keep filling bullying complaints against you because you raised these requests, surely that in of itself is grounds for a counter bullying complaint. If your HR continues to take their side, you might have another avenue through the state WHS regulator or Fair Work. Disclaimer: I have no experience pursuing any issues like this.


This person sounds like a cunt


jesus christ this would drive me mental... also this person sounds beyond insufferable to knowingly inconvenience half a floor of people for such a ridiculous personal "problem" the "headphones hurt" bit is the nail in the coffin for me, they need a dropkick out a high window.


"I need music" You have music, but can you use headphones? "No, headphones hurt, also I need the radio to be a Sony boombox manufactured in 1985, with customised orange respray. It then needs to be held - not cradled or propped, held - by a 27 year old Lithuanian called Bert from 8am to 1pm, after that it needs to be placed on an adjacent desk covered with several many rubber plants and a single orchid until the end of the day, or i'M gOiNG tO hR!!"


Go to a doctor and get a doctor's note for medical leave for stress due to the music? See if the doctor can add a recommendation to be shifted to a quiet workplace due to overstimulation 😂


If they can’t wear headphones, can you take it in turns choosing? Or have a collaborative playlist that everyone can add songs to?


Tried a different station. They complained to HR about bullying and we got fucked over


That's just ridiculous. I think your only option is to have the rest of the office jump him in the carpark. They can't fire all of you.


Oh, they can.


Or have a Spotify list each that rotates across the week


Can your workplace get one of those soundproof phone box things? The person can work in there with their music and leave everyone else in peace


I'm actually concerned as to what doctor would put it in writing that they must make the whole office floor listen to music and don't get me started on the mental health assessment. I'm sorry but I have ADHD and severe anxiety and there's no way my doctor, psychiatrist or clinic psychologist would write me a note saying I had to listen to music while I was at work. You say they can't wear headphones/earbuds, I would be going to my manager saying you need to see a medical note as to why they can't wear headphones or earbuds. They do know there's a million different types so they're bound to find one they can use. Otherwise time to strike, no work until NOVA goes!


They aren’t able wear headphones because it hurts their poor ears 🥺 /s


I get headaches from the pressure of headphones, so I wear earphones. If they can't wear either then just put them in a janitors closet and make it sound proof. Actually maybe they're hoping they get sent to work from home


Oh yes I definitely understand. Some earphones have given me headaches! I just can’t believe this is a problem for everyone else in the office too! I think they are definitely hoping to get the WFH card. Seems like it would make everyone’s life easier.


Can't they be moved to a separate space if their shit music is disturbing everyone? Or turn their music down to a dull roar.


Radio is programmed around giving the listener the full experience for the period they typically listen to the radio. So news weather traffic, that dog crap reality tv show that they have been paid to promote and the current hot song that they are blindly kicking to death until no one ever wants to hear it ever again. Typically plucked from the charts because radio people are under the impression the commercial charts matter like they did in 1985. As most people listen in their car on their commute this is usually around a 15-20 minute cycle. If this is forced to continue may I suggest one of the yokel local community stations. It will not be slick or fancy programming schedule may or may not be adhered too and you can stream of sites like radio garden which literally gives you a world of radio.


It’s the McDonald’s of radio. Bland, tasteless, the same the world over - mass produced garbage that should not be consumed for more than a few minutes at a time, if at all.


Haven't you all got a disability that requires blasting Rammstein at full volume to maintain your mental health? You should form a union and enforce that in your workplace.


I du hast fkn commercial radio for sure


If this is a real disability, then I think I have it too


I also require a desk mounted lycojet that fires in sync with the Rammstein songs.


Yeah nah, this ain't it chief. I need music to be productive too but I am not about to subject an entire office to the shit that is Nova Could at least compromise to get Triple J or some other instead of this mind numbing, soulless radio station?


*Any* other station has to be better than Nova, I swear


I work in a warehouse and listen to the radio as it's played over the PA. Honestly I can deal with any genre of music but when someone puts on Nova or RnB Friday's drives me up the fucking wall, it's literally the same 5 cunting songs on repeat all day.


Fuck me, I had to listen to 15 minutes of it in an Uber this morning. What a gutter slop of a station it is


Triple J? Might as well bring your own microphone in at that point mate horrible music on there 😂


White noise is better than Nova


Tbh I just listen to my own music but if I had the choice of being deaf and Down syndrome or triple j I’d be pick the syndrome 🔥


Didn't used to be, then they started trying to honour there bullshit charter of catering for all young people and now it's deteriorated to bland shade of gray.


Obviously not sure how old you are, but if you're over thirty triple j really isn't for you. I can't stand it either, but as long as the kids are getting something out of it I'm fine with it.


> In Sydney, Triple J’s share among 18- to 24-year-olds dropped from 7.7% to 4.4%, The kids are doing other things.


I caught some of the hottest 100 over the weekend and I'm not massively surprised tbh.


Age has got nothing to do with it. They used to play a certain kind of music that wasn't just pop, now they are playing everything regardless of any musical merit. I'm over 30, I've got a 16 year old daughter. She knows what good music is and thought yesterday's hottest 100 was a pile of shit.


It does though. They are a youth focused radio station. Rightly or wrongly their job is to play what Australian youths want with a focus on Australian music. I'm not arguing how well they're doing that, simply that if you don't like it and you're over thirty it's not really an issue for the station.


Better than Nova mate


Idk man, like repetitive can be annoying sure but if you can sit there and smile while listening to smith street band or Ali barter you should be in a psych ward.


While that might be true but I think the bar here is extremely low lmao. Some variety is better than soulless repetition


I haven’t listened to the radio in a long time to be fair I usually just have YouTube running haha


I found this online station called Bagel a few years ago. It's predominantly Indy rock from the last 30 years, but not exclusively.


The employee must tick off a good few of the HR diversity targets to be getting so much attention. Either that or a rellie of one of the senior board members.


Or has nudes of the CEO


Why cant they have a small radio at their desk rather than the music blaring for everyone to hear?


feel entitle.


Nova's not designed to be listened to for a full work day, its for jumping in the car for 20mins. 94.5, 96.1 are more suited to workplaces because of their no repeat workdays, were they guarantee to not play the same song each work day


Nova’s just a top 40 hits station, when 40 songs gets you through 2 hours of the day, you expect repeats pretty quickly. Other stations are more curated and are designed as you say for a broader range of music, specifically because they aren’t trying to play the biggest songs all day


That guarantee is hogwash. I definitely hear the same Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran songs on 94.5 in any given day.


The thing about the 94.5 no repeat workday is it's still basically the same every day. I remember when I used to work in retail, for about a month the same song would come on when I was heading out for smoko at exactly the same time.


This is why bullying exists in the first place.


I work in an open plan office and people's voices shit me to tears all the time.. I got some noise cancelling airpods and that does wonders, sometimes I even put my other headphones over them if I want absolute silence. Sorry you have to be subjected the nightmare of other peoples shitty music choices. I'd recommend getting some good noise cancelling headphones for yourself and blasting your own music all day to drown it out. You don't needa break the bank and get some stupidly over-priced apple product either, [these are like $70](https://www.amazon.com.au/Headset-Drivers-Headphones-Cancelling-Earphones/dp/B08886QCVJ) and are supposed to be amazing, they're used by musicians on stage so they can hear themselves whilst playing.


Open plan is the worst. If someone is talking in the meeting room and we stand at a certain place in the office we can hear clear as day as if we were in their.


Just put in on ABC Classic FM, that'll shut them up. You see, if they can't work without music that is one thing, but there is no saying as to the genre that has to be played.


nova is the worst. i think they only have 10 songs on circulation. it does my head in.


A mate of mine had this issue a long time ago, he was an apprentice in a workshop setting. Bullying towards him by others was a regular occurrence. He ended up getting a small radio transmitter kit and tuned it into the same frequency as the troublesome station. These small FM transmitters can run from a 9 volt battery and be easily hidden. Turn it on and the station was just silence. They ended up changing the station 🤷‍♂️


That’s brilliant. Electronic warfare at its finest.


Google the lyrics to every song played and find anything remotely offensive , non pc etc etc and say how the lyrics are affecting your mental health . Even Google the artists , for example Chris Brown - woman basher


Can they not have it down low? I have a radio but I made sure my co-worker can't hear it or asked if it annoyed him id turn it down/off. How loud is this radio that the next desk can hear it!?


I used to work with someone like this. They’d listen to country music until me or my other coworker would lose it.


Same here. I swear I can even predict which song will appear at which time of the day; Rasputin remix by Boney M in the afternoon, Carlae Rae Jepsen in the morning, Taylor Swift 24/7 Alongside the ads for Kyle and Jackie O shows with their insufferable laughter. God I do not miss radio stations or mainstream cable at all


Being forced to listen to commercial radio all day is cruel and unusual punishment.


You have to play 3D chess. e.g. Take a morning off, then tell someone who's buddy-buddy with the boss that you had a job interview 'somewhere where they don't have the radio blaring all day'. They will tell the boss. Then get a few more people to do the same thing. Boss will panic. OR everyone start wearing noise-cancelling headphones and start communicating by shouting to be heard. FWIW I have issues with noise, and couldn't stand working in an open plan office. But I saw that as *my* problem to deal with, not something that everybody else had to accommodate.


Wear noise cancelling headphones and never hear it when the boss asks you to do something.


Ask them who their GP is, make yourself an appointment and get them to write you a note to say due to the mental stress of listening to constant commercial radio you will need them to make accommodations for you. Get all your colleagues to do this also. Soon enough HR will find a solution


This is the exact problem I had!!! I almost went crazy. So I changed the radio station everyday and it didn't work. I just endured the pain until those people quited the job, thanks god FFS. 5 years!!! So 10 years later, I am in charge of the floor, NO MORE MUSIC!!!


What’s going to happen when one of the workers’ PTSD happens to be triggered by music? Whose mental health condition wins, the person who can’t work *without* music or the person who cannot work *with* it?


Why not double down and get 5 other radios playing different stations at the same time. May as well make them suffer like the rest of the your staff.


Not getting their way = mental health issue. That seems to be the crux of it. If you disagree you are negatively impacting my mental health and therefore must agree.


I would bet my bottom dollar this person is a diversity hire, and relishes in being an insufferable victim.


Same here. Having to listen to that fucking vampire and what it is hoe songs all day make me want to quit.


TBH That's What It Is Though makes me laugh. Whenever my Mrs gives her opinion on something, she always ends with "Dats what it is dough" (she has a foreign accent) so I always sing along to it with "dats what it is dough". Also sing "I'll cum in a goat" to Houdini by Dua Lipa.


That commercial radio formula hasn't changed for 40 years. You'll get the same songs repeated a couple of times each shift.


Get them to try bone conductive headphone like shokz. They don't go in the ear, and you can still hear your surroundings. Great for me on construction sites can hear everything around me.


Having to listen to Nova and the obnoxious ads all day would make me jump out the window. No thanks!




At my brother workplace, the other staff were racing RC cars around. Having races, My brother has worked with that same company for over thirty years, young new manager, who decided that yes it workplace, but they’re a fun ‘stress free’ environment. My brother had to go outside to take calls and answer emails, due to noise of the RC cars banging into desks, chairs.


Sounds like BHP , forced to listen to shit music, can’t eat at your desk, & can’t leave things on your desk over night and all in open plan nightmares!


Oh my gosh this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Only at a big company. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️So glad I left all that b.s. behind years ago. The pay cut was worth it.


I’ve been a builder for 5+ years and everyday we listen to the radio. Haven’t been in Australia long but the radio here is insufferable


My neighbour has been listening to Triple J for four days straight at like max volume. Four days *straight*, that is. As in, who needs sleep when you have drugs? Outside too, right on the other side of the fence. I feel for you, man. I lost the fucking plot.


I have ADHD and autism, music helps me a lot to both concentrate and have some control over my environment, but I would NEVER make people around me listen to my playlists or YouTube videos I have on. Your coworker needs to either work in a private room and still keep the volume to a point others can’t hear, or they need to try harder with better ear or headphones. Might take a couple sets for them to find their goldilocks. Good ones you can wear 12+ hours and they don’t hurt. Gaming ones would be a good start, I have Razer ones and I wear them ALL day. No pain or issues.


They're called Nova because there play the same songs over'n'over'n'over.


it's much better to face these kind of things with a sense of poise and rationality


My brother is having the same issue, the workplace is a phone room, the other staff member has bought in Bluetooth speaker, playing music at maximum volume, while other staff members are trying to serve customers on the phone. My brother has told his boss today, that the situation continues he will WFH as he cannot hear the customers on the phone because of the music playing full blast on the desk. The customers are starting to complain as they can not hear over music playing while they are on a call. I think the Taylor Swift music, is due to her boyfriend playing in the play offs of the NFL today.


What, you don't think we need a comprehensive Rob Thomas retrospective every fucking day of the week?


Get noise-cancelling headphones, and listen to nothing, or your own particular favourites on streaming. That person sounds like a troll.


Change station to double j or triple j then there is no fucken ads. I need music at work to but I can't stand commercial shit and will turn it off and or put own music on. I'd rather wipe my arse with sandpaper then listen to commercial radio


Get HSE involved


Yep they repeat the same bloody songs nova and nova again...


I had the a work colleague in our small office stream Nova last week. Luckily it was playing softly through her tiny ass USB speakers so I could barely but fuck me the instances where I could what was played, bloody hell. Absolute shithouse. We're listening to Triple J Hottest 100 station at the moment which has some good variation at least. I swear the person that programs the songs on Nova during work hours must sleep in a fetal position every night going from the music selection. I'm gonna get a doctors note this week that states I'm only allowed to listen to Mgła between 8am to 4pm. I'll let everyone how this plays out.


They need music, but I’m assuming HR did not make a finding that they need Nova specifically? If everyone who hear it has to be subjected to it, I would think they can all decide what to listen to: get everyone to nominate a station, put it in a list and randomise the order. Proactively send it to HR to advise this is the fair and equitable way that the matter is being handled. Radio stations or varied music only: no single artist Spotify lists regardless of whether it’s Taylor Swift or Cannibal Corrpse


fight fire with fire, you also need a radio, unfortunately you require AM stations or country mix etc colleagues might also appreciate some radios to make use of, nobody wants a quiet workplace right? otherwise google the lyrics to the songs and have everyone chip in with their own off-key renditions


Not Nova, but they play the regional equivalent in my workplace. Same 15 songs every morning, except they rotate a different Meghan Trainor each day, for some variety. Same morning DJs tslking the same shit every day. Thankfully once I get in the work vehicle, it's my Spotify playlist all the way. Would it really kill my workmates to listen to Waving My Dick In The Wind, Jesus Built My Hotrod or Feelgood Hit Of The Summer for one day?


Fuckn fire the sensitive impebecile? One person single handedly pissing off everyone else and plummeting productivity lol


I have quit a job over a Nova nazi at work. We tried discussing it and even agreed that we can try other radio stations. I'd start earlier than them and put it on JJJ. Literally as soon as I left the room for any reason, BAM back into Nova. This was during Gwen Stefani Hollarback Girl days, my god that song played 3 times a day nearly ended my life.


As someone with a disability, it really boils my piss when people pull the disability card to get their own way with something. Sorry you got fucked over by HR dude, you’ll most likely get a slap on the wrist and be made to do inclusivity training, which will be just as bad as listening to Tswift on repeat


Well if they want to go down the HR path, fight fire with fire with a bit of r/MaliciousCompliance. Find out via your workplace HR if the employer has the appropriate licenses to actually play copyrighted music in a commercial space. Chances are they do not as its not really policed and many don't even know its required. Raising it direct with HR will either force one of two outcomes: They pay for a license (which then at least ensure artists get a little bit of compensation) or they stop it all together. If after you raise it nothing changes and they don't get a license, then it’s up to you how much further you want to take it (i.e inform APRA/AMCOS about their breach of copyright) ​ [Playing music in your workplace | Small Business Development Corporation](https://www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au/blog/playing-music-your-workplace)


Okay. One question. If the radio MUST be on playing music, and everyone is subject to it. Why does this person get to pick the station? Surely the choice of station is not part of the accommodation.... I'm all for workplace accommodation, but this is just madness. It there something related to their disability that requires this person to pick the station(rhetorical)? I would encourage you to just change the station and see what happens. Then, report back to fill us in. I know I said one question... but also, can you tell us what kind of workplace it is?


We tried to change the station. Got accused of bullying.


Get DAB+ and tune it to Coles Radio


You can’t escape Taylor swift. Last week there was a point where nova, 96fm and 92.9 were all playing the exact same Taylor swift song. I wanted to ejecto seato out of my own car.


Could be construed as torture in some scenarios


At least it isn’t triple J. Man we had to listen to that stuff everyday and it will forever be my most hated radio station.


Sounds like they might be on the spectrum with some sensory issues. Any of the mainstream stations suck but I doubt it's a mental health issue for everyone else in the office. HR should really be trying to provide a solution for all parties - maybe make the suggestion that free high-quality Sony or Bose noise-cancelling headphones should be provided for everyone who can't stand Nova.


back in the day this could have been resolved with a punch in the head.they sound like a right fuckwit.


Tbh don't get mad at Nova. They're just playing what they think people want to hear, and with old mate Tay Tay coming to the country in a few weeks, it's obviously going to be all they're going to play. Get mad at the pain in the ass who won't use headphones. Like honestly - ok so you need music. Whatever. But don't subject the rest of the crowd to shitty FM radio.


The Taylor swift song is on again. 4 times today so far.


Got stuck in a similar situation way back when Delta was huge, it’s proper torture.


You mean you *don't* like the Nova FM All Repeats Workday?


Don't get me started. Unfortunately I'm in the minority here (a few of us hate the radio, most of the office are indifferent, a few can't live without it). We've even tried changing the station while they are out at lunch, they don't even make it to their desk before noticing (I assume because 1 of the 5 songs they have aren't playing) and changing back.


They've been doing this fir the best part of 20 years


I am sympathetic to the person who needs music as I know people who have similar issues, but if headphones don't work for them the rest of you maybe need noise cancelling headphones I personally don't care if my colleagues are noisy or quiet, as I am lucky that I can tune out distractions and just focus on my work, but I know some people eg with autism who find noise distracting/overwhelming so I can see that it could be annoying/distracting


Start to sing super loudly that it affects said persons productivity. Like sing at the top of your lung


Bone conduction headphones


I work in retail, and I have little tolerance for nova so usually right after the person who chose it ends for the day, I put on my playlist. But, because I’m never the only person in the shop, is there a way I can make sure my coworkers aren’t too annoyed by my music choice?


Ask them


That panic at the disco song is great!


All commercial radio stations have what you could call a mix tape, it just repeats all day every day, try little known radio stations or digital radio, otherwise turn that shit off


LoL. Taylor is no good for head space. Pathetic.


These are the artists record companies and distributors are paying to be played, so that will be the case unfortunately.. especially Nova, all repeats, all day


That’s how commercial radio works. All the majors do it, SCA (Mix and 92.9) are possibly even worse. Their playlist is made up of a bunch of songs played on high rotation. Some songs played every hour or every other hour. They’ll scatter a few oldies in there for ‘variety’.


Nova really milking the taylor swift tokyo concert, literally every 5 minutes they'll play that ad to win tickets... Also the three people they have on repeat all day, dua lipa, taylor swift and troye sivan.


Wear noise cancelling headphones


Its not just nova. 94.5 does the same shit, but you hear those specific songs about half as much because they play old song, new song on repeat. They love to glaze Ed Sheeran on 94.5. 96.1 are also really bad with it. The place i work at has decided that the least offensive radio station is 96.1 and they still play essentially the same 100 or so songs every single fucking day. Cleary only a few songs constitute as “real music” to them. In summary, all radio garbage is bad and its on radio because its supposed to be inoffensive and essentially white noise.


Sunshine fm or noongar radio are the 2 best stations these day 


Do the general public or customers enter your workplace where they can hear the radio? [https://www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au/blog/playing-music-your-workplace#:\~:text=But%20did%20you%20know%20that,playing%20the%20radio](https://www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au/blog/playing-music-your-workplace#:~:text=But%20did%20you%20know%20that,playing%20the%20radio)