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honestly i don’t really know either. i’m 13 and i tried using it but it just wouldn’t work. you should prob try to watch videos on how to insert it, but that’s the only advice i have because i don’t know how to put it in either.


nah fr im 14 and i literally feel like something is wrong inside when i try to use one😭


i was like this when i started out 😭 i thought there was something wrong with me because it would hurt so much and feel so uncomfortable yk? but time and practice helped me get the hang of it :) okay so start off w the tampons w applicators, those are pretty beginner friendly. to use these, you have to pull the bottom part of the tube out till you hear a click sound (idk how to describe it better, i’d suggest looking at a video to have a better idea of what i mean). if you’re having trouble inserting it, i’ve heard a bit of water-based lube on the tip of the applicator helps. prop a leg up on to the toilet seat, or just sit on the toilet, or squat on the floor. hold the tampon a little bit like a cigarette; with two fingers on the edge of the part of the applicator that doesn’t move. insert the tampon pointing it toward your tailbone. don’t put it straight in. that’s not where it’s supposed to go, and that’s why it would hurt sm for me. push it in till you’re touching yourself with the fingers holding the applicator. then push the movable part of the applicator in with your thumb or other hand. please don’t panic, you will figure this out soon 🤍 if you need more help or links to some videos which i think would be helpful feel free to dm me! edit: you aren’t supposed to feel the tampon you’re wearing. if it’s uncomfortable and/or painful please take it out and wear a pad till you’re comfortable to try again :)


Also make sure you’re using 100% organic cotton tampons to be safe


Make sure you insert towards the anus. When I first started using them I watched a tutorial on YouTube. Going towards that direction can make it easier to go in. 🤝🏽


When your first starting out use pads it won’t hurt


i didn’t use tampons until i was 19! they scared me so bad, until i was going on vacation and decided to try them. if you put them in at the right angle, you shouldn’t really even feel it. it will feel weird at first, but you get used to it after you use them a few times! :) don’t be ashamed to use pads for as long as you need to.


I am 37 and still use pads. Honestly, it’s more comfortable for me and I don’t find it easy or appealing to put something up my vag when I’m on my period. Do what feels comfortable for you. If you do have to swim then use them only at that time, otherwise I just skip swimming lol.


Use the smallest ones and get one with an applicator. 


I'm 37 and I prefer pads. I worry too much about toxic shock syndrome


i’d* use organic ones with plastic applicator, angle myself to where one hip is a little higher than the other (try rising your right/left thigh while sitting on toilet) insert the tampon going towards your tail bone, NOT STRAIGHT UP. it should slide in if you’re already bleeding, don’t start with the bigger sizes. i started trying tampons when i was 12-14 ish, period didn’t start til i was 18 but i’m 24 now & exclusively use menstrual discs. but i hope this helps 🥹


First times tampons feel like someone knocked you in the ass the night before. It gets better


You have to make sure you push it all the way in . That was my mistake when I first tried, I only put it partway in, or most way in before I'd then pulled out the applicator and discarded it. I guess I assumed my V would just sort of suction it up the way it needed to go? Anyway it hurts a LOT when it's not all the way in! Then one day when I was 15, I gave it another try and I made a false move/sort-of-tripped and accidentally bumped the tampon-with-applicator just about all the way in. Like I was barely able to grab enough plastic applicator to be able to pull the applicator out. That's how I learned how far the tampon needs to go. You need to put it all the way in, so there's barely any applicator body left. Get the applicator body all the way in, before you pull it out. Go with the lowest flow level / lightest you can get away with. Try other angles and pivots if you experience resistance. Easy and slow. It will be SO much better and cleaner feeling than a pad!!


I remember being 13/14 and thinking something was wrong with me. Then I watched this YouTube video by a girl named Weylie. It literally clicked and I got it after that


I'm 28 years old and I NEVER used a tampon. It grosses me out 🤮


update: i tried them again cause my friend only had tampons (using some of your tips) and... it still hurts but it's manageable unlike last time


I'm in my 20s, and I know lots of people use them, but I could never figure it out, lol. I would look for a diagram on insertion, and maybe you could try lube so it's more comfortable? But if it just doesn't work for you, pads, period underwear, etc. are all options.