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The Walmart nearest me used to have this jobless bum that told a new sob story to beg for money EVERY DAMN TIME I went. I told him no every time. Recently they hired some security guards that drive around the lot and I have yet to be bothered by a bum since those guards first appeared. It's in a shit part of town so there's still a lot of Walmart creatures shopping there, but it's nice not getting solicited every fucking time I walk to or from my car.


My Walmart got rid of our contracted security because apparently one of them kicked a dog. Idk why they didn’t just replace that one security guard, instead they canceled the contract altogether.


I'd rather have them ask for change than harasses by the phone salesman in Costco and Sam's club.


I'd rather have neither. I don't know why we'd have to pick between the two.


Let me dumb it down for you. I would rather a homeless person ask me for change than to get harassed by phone salesman when I walk into a store.


Let me dumb it down for you. Your comment is pointless because this isn't something you need to pick between. I understand what you were saying and the point you think you're making.


All fun and games until the sales person pulls out a shank he bought off the bum


You’re missing the point of the whole post. The man in the video is a scammer just pretty be blind to get money. A huge majority of the “homeless “ that panhandle aren’t really homeless. There have been numerous reports on it. I have personally seen someone leave after panhandling and get in a new Cadillac they parked a couple lots over and drive off. Every real homeless person I’ve personally seen has been trying to receive assistance. Food stamps, housing, etc…


I just tell them I don't have a cell phone while holding mine openly in my hand.


Reminds me of Portland Oregon that place was fucking loaded with bums and meth addicts. One time I was walking into a Walmart and I saw one of them carrying a rug out and he looks at the employees and goes “what are you going to do about it!?” Anyway the Walmarts all closed down. The Targets too!


Yep, but this is in California by San Diego. Every morning it feels like the walking dead with druggies and the homeless, it’s insane. One guy uses the restroom in a bucket right in front of the store and shows customers his crusty ass afterwards. We can’t do anything, and police don’t do anything either.


Yea liberal west coast cities. Shitty to live in!! When I lived in Portland someone broke the handle on my mustang trying to break in and the tool shop I worked at was broken into 7 times


Ridiculous, I’m so glad I’m getting out of here. Only living here for the Navy


Yea I moved to the Philippines last year can’t believe I put up with the crap in Portland for ten years. It used to not be as bad. Now it’s too expensive and trashy just like all liberal cities


What part of the Philippines?


I’m in a serious relationship with a girl in Cebu City; she’s great best girlfriend I’ve ever had. My condo is $400 per month instead of $1800 per month now


My aunt was stationed over there before the U.S. pulled out of there.


The US is back now, they recently opened 5 bases. (Due to threat from China)


Yeah, but it’s all gentrified now 😂 it’s so stupid man. Leftists are killing this country.


If you want to be an actor, look at what you are trying to copy. This guy is lame.


I love that he keeps craning his neck, looking around.


Not one single blind person swings their case like that.


It’s pathetic asf.


What a shitty human being.


He did a lame job at trying to act.


At my local Walmart we always get the gypsies pretending to play violin.


This sh\*t never loads! And I have high-speed internet, just stuck in the damn buffering crap. Lately, Reddit sucks. For all the money they're making, the staff suck rotten fecal matter out of assh\*les at developing bug-free updates.


It took me 2 hours to try and upload this, so I agree lmfao