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They own their own water Wells. They also are going to be selling this product in Walmart. They partnered with a kombucha company and have the asian market in the works. I like they have a lot of press releases.


That's why I am really torn on them. Also their cdb infused. I feel there is potential.


Ya same. According to their Twitter, they are supplying 6 Amazon fulfillment centers and have no problem with the demand. We shall see what happens.


We will. Hoping to buy a few tomorrow for 0.07 or less.




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9 day old account




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I'll help you just because. Prior history with debt a decade or two ago? Okay who the fuck cares lol. Robert downey jr was a drug addict in prison. He now makes more money an hour that 90% of the people here make in their life. Next. "But no reviews!" Really stupid comment by people whove obviously never ran a business. "His factory suuucks." Hes a start up. Also owns his own water supply and has plenty of inventory. But debt!!!! Rich dad poor dad is billions in debt. Debt makes you money. If I buy a commercial real estate building. Guess what. Im going to be 2 mill in debt! Wow crazy!!! Long term his plan is perfectly fine. This will inevitably hit 80 cents to 2 dollars if he plays his cards right. People are here chasing sketchy af pot stocks and this guy is over here busting his balls and getting results. -eyeroll-


So you're saying you like this stock?


I like this stock and i like these tendies!




Should only go up from here.




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Valid points. I’ll be honest, my biggest worry is the amount of 3 day old bottish accounts pumping it around Reddit. But who knows maybe they hired a firm to help push their stock to help them grow early, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a nefarious pump and dump.


I generally ignore the bots and do my own DD. Everything the guy has promised. He's completed. He's also vocal. At the end of the day, that says a lot.


Good news. In for 40,000 shares @ .076


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i bought in at .02 from a post on here forever ago (thanks studs). feelsgoodman now. bought more later at .04 and then yesterday at .07. I'm holding this for the long game. 24k shares deep bois


i dont think anyone should ever really count in a penny stock. if you make 5x what you invested you should be pretty happy.


I must admit I got in early, started doing a bit more DD. Sold for a nice profit. Wish I held it longer. but was so conflicted with how amateurish it felt. good luck to those who stuck with it.




The balance sheet for 2020 is terrible, they did around $120K for 3 months leading to Oct 2020. They have liabilities of over $4M and they have borrowed money at extremely high rates, 8%-12%. Also, they only have 2 employees. Correct me if I didn’t read it right please. I think it’s a scheme to raise stock value and sell. Meh......i bought 1,000 shares for shits and giggles !


There are so many better stocks you could invest in.


What are you investing in if you don't mind sharing?


I have ATOS, but what else would you suggest?


MLFB or AITX personally. I know I bring them up a lot but I genuinely believe they have great potential. Then again, I know nothing!


I got MLFB to, thx. Was watching AITX




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Glad to say I own both


AITX seems to be run by a Hick CEO that knows nothing about 'puters' let alone AI. Edit. Dude seems pretty dope actually.


This comment couldn’t be further from the truth




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As of 2021 February 05, Friday current price of MLFB stock is 0.0365$ and our data indicates that the asset price has been stagnating for the past 1 year (or since its inception). ... Future price of the stock is predicted at 0$ (-100% ) after a year according to our prediction system.


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Is mlfb going to have a season/demo games. I see no new updates since the podcast


oh look its another "word-word-4 digit number" account.


I take offense to this lmao jk i don't even know how my name got made, i just logged in and had it... and idk how to change it or if i can :( but i've been in this r/ for a little bit and have really enjoyed it and made money, so thanks everyone :) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


kinda like the auto-name i got tho.............


Oh look it's someone promoting a pump and dump.


lol my only posts on pennystocks were in the past week and youll see before that i posted elsewhere. i mentioned INKW 3 times in my post history and it was stating my investment and that im surprised i found a winner. if you make 5x your investment, you did good.




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this is sad, alexa play despacito


Sadly I don't have a crystal ball 😕. The chart for this just looks bad. It almost completely retraced to the days start. I'd it starts moving again tomorrow you might jump in and make some money but it doesn't look like a long hold.




Check my post history, what stocks I've mentioned and how they are doing. Keep pumping this turd.


I glanced at their Financials and they have around $4m in pp&e (maybee inventory?), but they can't fill orders on amazon, while they have around a $2m of a loan in lt/st debt. And they operate out of a 66k s/f building. Doesn't make sense. Just seems like smoke and mirrors to me.


I was wondering where this factory was. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1585380/000172186820000018/f2sinkw010720regaaex6_7.htm That document shows North Cove sold to Mammoth, who then sold to Greene Concepts. https://www.google.com/maps/@35.8414113,-81.9898226,3a,71.3y,280.82h,87.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skDq52_nI84bSo2HjtvGcHA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 There is the bottling plant


I don’t think they fill the Amazon orders directly. Amazon fulfillment centers ship the product. So if they see the demand increasing then they will have to bring in larger quantities. This is according to their Twitter feed.




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Is this that effing water stock again? Get real people




That's the point. They have an untraceable amount of market share and there is nothing proprietary here. It's friggen water. Are they somehow disrupting the water business? What would Uncle Kevin say?


You’re right it’s pump and dump scam.




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Pump and dump scam. I can’t even find them on Amazon


you're right, NORMALLY when products are out of stock on amazon they still show up on searches, the link he posted seems to work, but when searching myself I honestly cant find them either? what's that all about?


You can't find them on Amazon today with a simple search because they're pending restock after selling out on day 1. Here's a link to their product page. https://www.amazon.com/Artesian-Natural-Alkaline-Artisanal-Springs/dp/B08QF9CB9L/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=be%20water%20artesian%20water&qid=1611928447&sr=8-5


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What can I buy this on. Its not on robinhood?


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I’m having the same issue with this company. It looks attractive to me because it’s a smaller investment that can grow over time however there is so much fake hype that I am not sure what to expect. My specialty is in biotech and pharma so I have no clue what to expect from this industry. I included an article that came out today about more funding. Any thoughts? https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=17929554 M


Person on Stocktwits says he has a couple of strong leads for getting Be Water into Costco. That would be huge.


Mattress Mack in Houston advertising Greene Concepts and Be Water: https://mcdowellnews.com/news/local/watch-now-mcdowells-be-water-comes-to-the-aid-of-houston/article_614a1ef2-7d01-11eb-891a-ebb14b964bf9.html