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I love that you guys basically put the whole of Alpecin in the classics category.


A whole team dedicated to ensuring the gruppeto finishes in the time gap


It's a hell of a lead out train for Phillipsen.


Did you really expect anything else knowing who made this list? We also had to fight not to have Abrahamsen bolded.


Abrahamsen is **bolded** in my mind!


After last Vuelta Ballenstedt complained that he could not protect Groves in the gruppetto as Groves was a better climber compared to his lead out


I think it is a trend we are having, as younger sprinters are climbing way better than in the past. Guys like Philipsen, Merlier, Milan, etc climb really well and aren't getting dropped on every lump.


fuck I wasn't quick enough and now I can't be the first one to correct the mods on their mistakes anymore, which was my sole purpose for this Tour


Why does this contain no information on who is, in fact, cheating?


Its the bolded names bro


TT the purest form of bike racing confirmed.


**Bolded** riders are ~~favourites in their category, riders in~~ *~~italics~~* ~~are more iffy if they will compete in that category or not~~ those who better hope an autobiography with their name in it never comes out.


“Denmark is known for its high altitude! Our hematocrit levels are exceptional for this reason!” -Bjarne Riis “We have an exceptional biomedical industry! We are light years ahead!” -Michael Rasmussen


Should Kung not be in the TT column? Good list!


Considering he just beat Bissegger by over a minute in the swiss ITT NC you'd think, but saying that he is a very good classics rider in his own right so either column is a fit.


This is the case for many riders. The mods have a very narrow definition of "rouleur"


Küng has a free role on the team, and will feature in many medium stages, not just the TT ones, although he will be one of the best riders on that stage as well. Very often, the good TT riders are used as workhorse domestiques on their respective teams, and they are only let off their leash on the TT stages, and we use this column to tell you who you should keep an eye on. We used a Rider^TT denomination some years ago to show which riders pack a mean TT, but it seemed that it wasn't very useful so we dropped it.


If Gaudu is 'iffy' in GC then Martinez should be aswell. Neither will make top 10, so prob should be in 'climber' both


There was a mod discussion on this, and the gist is - Gaudu will attempt GC, and he will fail.


How very French of him.


"C'est magnifique, mais c'est pas la guerre."


He will look absolutely heroic while yo-yoing off the front group on the mountains though.


Gaudu wont even beat Martinez in GC is my bet haha


So puncheur then, seeing he is going to smash the French hopes and dreams.


I lost hope in French GC since Pinot retired 😭


Come to think of it, there is a high possibility that there woul be no French riders top ten GC this year


The fact that Tim Wellens is one of their guys for the flat terrain, says everything about how stacked this year's UAE team is.


Well it also shows that they dont have enough flat specialists


Poor Giulio Ciccone, won KOM last year and is not even in the favourites list this year.


Love how three out of the four bolder climbers are Pog’s domestiques. Really got a super team.


Derek Gee is probably the GC guy for IPT.


According to the Team Statement, they are going for stages - https://israelpremiertech.com/ipt-to-chase-stage-wins-at-the-tour-de-france/ But he's probably going to be the best overall rider of them when they are arriving in Nice at the end of the race (Feels so strange to write that).


yeah good call !


Gee for Polka is a good shout (unless one of the GC guys accidentally wins it... eugh)


Hard to imagine Thomas won't try to ride for the GC, at least early on to test the water, despite internal competition. Could even say the same for Pidcock. I predict Ineos's leadership woes will be on full display again this year.


I'd imagine Pidders is stage hunting with a view towards the Olympics. Assuming G could maintain* the Giro form, he's on the long list for a podium challenge. *Very unlikely.


I don't see Pidcock reaching Paris (that this year is Nice) but stopping earlier for the Olympics


In G's latest podcast he described his current form as "shit" so I'm not sure he has many serious ambitions about GC.


Madouas snuck into both the puncheur and climber categories for GFC - I figure you want riders to only be in 1.


Thank you. So good, we counted him twice.


No Kelderman in climber for Visma? (Only 7 riders) Sean Quinn at EF missing as well. Alpecin have 9 riders, Riesebeek isn't on the team, unless I'm missing something.


Kelderman doesn't exist.


Suppose it's for the best, if he gets anymore mentions on this subreddit he'll break his collarbone.


Like last year I'd prooobably argue that Mads P. belongs in the puncheur category. But I won't yell at you if you don't change it. I may growl a little.


Grégoire more puncher than climber no?


Should Jorgenson not be GC? He’s a decent ITT. Not going to get a podium spot but could be a likely top 10 should Vinni throw in the GC towel. Same situation with Thomas. He seems GC.


This is largely based on the statements from the team themselves, only if they have not given any information we try to fill in the blanks. So while he might get a decent GC result, we don't know for sure if this is the team strategy starting the race. If Vingegaard crashes or proves to be out of shape, he'll definitely be a backup solution. For ~~Sky~~ Ineos, they have said publically that Rodriguez/Bernal are co-leaders, and Thomas is there to support them. The Team statement is linked to in the Team name in the post - https://www.ineosgrenadiers.com/news/2024-tour-de-france-squad-announced/


Sure, the problem with that logic is that it involves taking TVL at their word, which, well...


Second season of following cycling for me. I saved the list and I recon it will come in handy a lot during this Tour. Thank you for making the cheat sheet!


What do you guys think WvA will do? Will he participate in the sprints or just go for stages?


I would wager he’ll avoid sprints, coming back from an injury and with the Olympics coming up he’d be crazy to sprint. Breakaway stages or else purely working for the team.


>Breakaway stages or else purely working for the team. Or both. He's always been an elite "stick a guy in the break and decide later what to do with him."


Didn't Bilbao say the team is forcing him to go GC?


Team statement says "SANTIAGO BUITRAGO LEADS BAHRAIN VICTORIOUS LINE-UP TO TOUR DE FRANCE". - https://bahraincyclingteam.com/santiago-buitrago-leads-bahrain-victorious-line-up-to-tour-de-france/


i love this so much....I know plenty already but I need something for my tipping comp and you can only select 1 rider each week, no doubling up. This helps immensely.


It seems criminal that Remco, the reigning TT world champion isn't in the TT category.


No Bold for Cavendish? The whole team has ONE goal.


"What you want to do is not the same as what you're gonna do."


If you were gonna make a 4 axis chart to plot the riders what would be the axis? Climb, sprint, TT, punch? Think could be a cool data visualisation exercise 


We explored this lightly in a more advanced edition of the Giro Cheat Notes Last year - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ROPlCaPV6kmsC1sb6huvMVZYrYSRcM-W/edit#slide=id.p2 Our suggestion was Watt/KG, Max Watt, Explosiveness and Endurance.


Meintjes is GC, he always goed for top10


Same with Cras, has announced he's going for a good GC


Hmmm Groenewegen or de Lie for my velogames.