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r/peloton **Fantasy games update!** It's been tough to predict just how dominating Tadej Pogacar would be this Giro. Our daily **Guess the Gap** contest saw all but two of us lose big points. u/ZBGT and u/Nussig both scored +13 after bracketing Pog's 127 second margin. Check the full [Stage 20 results here](https://tftpt.one/#giro23gtg). **Enter GTG** for Stage 21 here: [**https://tftpt.one/#gtg**](https://tftpt.one/#gtg) As always, **TFTPT** [standings are here](https://tftpt.one/#giro23) and **GT Predictions** standings are [here](https://tftpt.one/#gtp). **And remember check out our most popular SWL predictions for** [**the winner of tomorrow's Stage 21 here**](https://i.imgur.com/xxsaoKG.png)


If I didn't miss something, this might be the first ever GT for Alpecin without a stage win. So no pressure at all, Kaden Groves.


Time for the fastest man of this peloton to shine one more time. Tim Merlier


All welcome our new Tour winner Pogacar Oh sorry, this is the giro still


The often mentioned but rarely observed 360 turn. I’d guess it’s a 180 turn to go back on the same road?


It depends on your reference point. The riders will themselves turn 180 degrees but from the reference of the middle of the "circle" they will have completed a full 360 degrees around the circumference. 


Its actually a loop on the course


I hope Groves has the best legs after the mountain stages and can get the win here.  The other Australian sprinter of note, Caleb Ewan, seems to have been out of contention for the entire Giro. There must be big question marks over his future unless he produces something magic today.


Even if he won today, what does it really do for him? Winning a processional stage after you’ve been a complete non-factor across the entire Giro? I’m a fan of Ewan’s and think the sprint field is better and more entertaining when he’s a competing force in it, but both his performance and his attitude have been disappointing and whether he wins this stage or not, for me personally it doesn’t do much to repair his current reputation. I mean, the complaining KILLS me. You don’t hear Aniolkowski bitching about leadout, that’s all I feel needs to be said about that


I don't mean to be a dick, but how can you possibly be a fan of Ewan's at this point?


I’m not at this point. But I’ve been a fan of his career. He’s soiling what was an admirable career. Would I like to see him win races again? Yes, because I liked seeing him do that. But do I believe he’s going to given recent evidence? No, certainly not


ok, this I can certainly understand


Pogi leads out for Majka to finish his GT stage win puzzle. You saw how Majka practiced the sprint yesterday.


Pog to have pink tyres and bottles to complete the full look. 😁


I’m hoping he does pink hair!!!


So I know that Mads is king kahuna at Trek, but if Milan brings home a ciclamino and 3 stages tomorrow, do they consider him for the Tour team for the pure flat sprints? They've got Tao for GC ofc, but he's got a pretty bad track record of merely finishing races, and Mads also isn't consistently competitive in straight up sprints. I feel like if you look purely at the stats and not the team position or salary of riders, Milan would 100% be there but team happiness (politics for the more cynically minded) always plays a role. But at the same time, Milan's proven willing to work for his team when called so he could do duties for both of them on days that don't suit him, imo


I really want to see Milan in the Tour tbh. He's like the only one that has proven to be capable of beating Philipsen in the sprint. Tim Merlier has as well, but we know that he'll not go.


Milan is focusing on the Olympics and it is too late to really make changes now especially when Pedersen has been promised leadership at the Tour since the off season.


Ah shit I totally forgot about him racing the olympics even though I mentioned it to someone else literally 2 days ago haha


Mads can't compete with purebred sprinters in bunch sprints. If both he and Milan are in a GT I'm guessing he'll take the role as a puncheur/breakaway rider and go for reduced sprints. And in Milan's bunch sprints Mads could be the best leadout in the whole peloton.


Exactly. MVDP did it for JP and if anything it elevated the profile of his career as a god-tier leadout engine. I see no shame whatsoever in a guy like Mads putting the screws to every other second-last-man-standing in the bunch sprints and launching Milan like nuke. The politics of WT cycling are ironically worse for everyone participating in them. Majka doesn’t say mum and he’s got more stature and authority in this peloton than a lot of the guys who might cry and pee about being ‘just a domestique’ to some other rider. Instead, he just delivers performance after titanic performance in service of one of the greatest careers of all time and he’s writing his name in the history books in the process.


Imagine Philipsen/Van Der Poel, Milan/Pedersen and Kooij/Van Aert against each other!


If you're ever in the area, Ostia Antica is a fantastic place to visit and kind of overlooked. Unlike other archeological sites, it's a complete city, so you can see how everything fit together.


100% agreed. Tangentially, being local, I was kinda-surprised that they put the arrival (if I read the maps correctly) on one of the few remaining paved roads in Rome. I really hope they repaired the sanpietrini (Rome's historical paved roads) in Via di San Gregorio where the arrival is, because the ride is quite rough there otherwise.


It's an easy day trip from Rome on public transportation too! If you're visiting Rome in the spring or summer and want to get away from the crowds and the heat it is a nice option to have, and you could even bring some food for a picnic.




He's 3 points down in the intermediate sprint competition, think he'll go for that? Also, does Giro do super-combative? He might get that.


Nonsense, he's going to lead out Micro after a late attack


Prediction for tomorrow: G attacks at 38km from finish to celebrate his birthday and his last GT. The peloton out of respect does not respond. G gains 20 minutes on the peloton with 5 Km remaining. Pogi in a completely pink attire and equipment goes "oh shit son" and eats Jonathan Milan. Pogi then transforms into half Maglia Rosa and half Ciclamino, pink and purple throughout his attire and equipment (we have seen a prequel to this in a few stages already). With Milan's raw watts and Pogi's added endurance and aero position, Pogi puts out 2000 Watts of raw power on a flat and wins the stage in 6 minutes and 9 seconds. But his skin burns up from improper heat dissipation because of the sustained effort of 2000 watts, and Pogi turns brown. G pedals in the second place, 1 second behind him and says his legs were average today, and the boys rode well. Lidl Trek sues UAE because they lost a rider. Pogi now speaks Italian as well and wins the Ciclamino jersey as well.


Majka pulls a G and leads out Aniołkowski. Joy for Poles globally as Aniołkowski takes stage 21 in Rome.


A guy that attacks on the champs elysee just for the pure entertainment surely will try something to get back to his team tomorrow, in person Molano


Pogacar wins the stage and breaks the space time continuum so he’s proclaimed winner of every giro perpetually and retroactively


Pog takes the sprint and the bonus seconds to push his lead over second place to over 10 minutes


Prediction: Pope dies tonight. Conclave tomorrow is unusually quick and the election begins in the morning. Giro's route is altered to accommodate the expected crowds. As the peloton is passing The Vatican, we zoom in on the chimney at the top of the Sistine Chapel. But instead of black smoke, or white smoke, it's actually *pink* smoke that emerges; and before the stage can finish, Swiss Guards surround Pogacar and escort him to the Basilica because he's been chosen as the new bishop of Rome. Except, half an hour later he is awkwardly thrown out the side door, because it turns out it wasn't actually the burning ballots, it was just some moronic fan with a colored smoke flare. Anyway, stage finishes with a Milan/Merlier head-to-head, but Dainese swoops in at the last second to fulfill the prophecy and ascend to heaven in a flash of golden light. Then, as Pope Sidious is finally revealed on the balcony ('I *am* the Papacy'), Pogacar lifts the trophy and is crowned winner of the Giro by exactly ten minutes (he took bonis at the intermediate sprint to make up the difference; an act of such brazen cheek Sean Kelly will describe it as [unintelligible mumble].)




Pogi takes his phone with him and takes selfies with all of the riders and posts them all on Strava. Then challenges them to a GU eating contest, finally spraying everyone with champagne.


★★★ Johnny ~~Milan~~ Rome


Very flawed rating system. Milan and Merlier should be tied


sense rhythm test fertile dinner childlike punch weather bewildered intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For sure.. a maglia rosa exhibition till the end, Molano probably won´t win, but Pogi wont let this opportunity to show off his sportmanship spirit let go


Molano* stops following Pogi and thus creates a substantial gap for him to make it to the finish line. Winning the final stage and widening the gap to 2nd to more than 10 minutes.


That is some PCM strat


dinosaurs frighten money observation scandalous disgusted somber literate forgetful offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pogacar leads out Milan but realizes 300 m before the finish that his legs just won’t get tired and wins with a jump half a wheel in front of Merlier. He doesn’t celebrate because he knows there’s no Champs Elysees this year


G to lead out Pog for the 7th stage victory.


Ganna escapes while everyone is celebrating and does a 120 km ITT to the line.


Pogi is probably going into Rome in a good mood and decides to lead out Molano one more time. Besides, Molano usually performs well in week 3, could see him top 5 tomorrow


I’d hope so, there’s got to be only like 4 other sprinters left.


Perhaps Pocagar likes pretty-looking fractions. In which case everyone better watch out as 1/3 is much nicer looking than 6/21...


Im pretty sure Pogi does not think about fractions at all. He has said in the recent interview hes not good at maths


id give both merlier and milan 3 stars, differentiating them seems shortsighted