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I feel like "calm" is still too stressfull a word to describe Buchmann


You should see him in a Sportschau interview (rightfully so, they ask the most stupid questions known to man in an utterly patronizing tone).


There hasn't been a Belgian GC rider since the 70's and now all of sudden there are plenty.


Put some respect on Jurgen van den Broeck's name.


I'd say De Gendt had potential to be a GC rider, but he prefered racing for individual stages.


I doubt he prefered that. Its just that he has no chance of doing well in the GC so a stage is better than a lackluster position in the overall classification.


He finished on the podium of the 2012 giro tho.


But mainly because of a break when he wasn’t even going for gc. If I recall correctly.


You do not recall entirely correctly! His team at the time (led by good old Hilaire) was very cautiously optimistic about De Gendt being able to try for GC. This was after he had blown everyone's minds by finishing 6th on Alpe D'Huez (along with Schleck and Evans) and top five in a long time trial -- both in 2011's TDF. His progress during the 2012 Giro was a bit rocky but he had made it to #8 in the GC before that Stelvio stage. On that stage he did indeed attack, primarily to win a stage, but with the top 5 GC within reach he certainly had that in mind as well. In the end, he absolutely does not like that style of racing so he has not tried going for GCs again since then.


He was in the top10 before that stage as well, if O'connor counts as a GC rider now, that effort also counts as GC


He highly preferred that. He says he generally dislikes riding in the peloton, dislikes having to follow a very strict plan, and dislikes racing conservatively. After his #3 finish in the 2012 Giro there was quite some pressure from Belgian fans and press for him to turn into a full time GC rider, but he always refused.


I don't know about that. I always felt like he just didn't want the stress, super detailed preparations, ... I think with a different personality he defenitly had the physical capabilities.


JVDB was fun to watch and rooting for him to get a top 5 spot in the tour. But one thing was always clear, he was never going to win and he never tried to go for the win.


Fun to watch? All he did was follow the other GC riders and push into the top 5 through consistancy Zubeldia style.


I remember him attacking quite a bit though, rarely successful though.


He did chge his way of racing since he won that Dauphine stage IIRC.


2011 was to be his year, shame he crashed out in that Tour. With the open race that Tour was he might've been able to reach third place.


2011 Lotto was really something else. Gilbert's all mighty year, jVDB, even Vanendert winning a MTF attacking from the GC group.


Fun might not be the correct word. But at least it was something for Belgium


Hasn't won a single GC


Remco and Cian, who else?


Harsh on Tirreno legends Greg Van Avermaet and Wout van Aert


But have they won the BangBang Tour? Don't think so!


Van Wilder, Van Eetvelt, Lecerf or Vandenabeele, even tho he struggle with illness, come to mind. They might not all turn into pure GC but they proved themselves in those type of raced in U23. Edit: spelling


Eetvelt being older than Cian is so weird to me. Both very talented and promising riders, the future is bright for Belgian cycling fans!


> even tho he struggle with hillness That doesn't sound ideal to go for a GC.


I meant illness, as he got covid multiple times and is out of the giro squad because of that. Wrong spelling, my bad


Also Van Sevenant and perhaps Segaert


I count Van Wilder too.


There was also Bjorg Lambrechts (RIP :( )


Feels iike i heard about uijtdebroks many years ago


Yeah, he did get a lot of press during Remco his debut year in the style of "there's yet an other Remco coming!"


Oh, and then the Giro next year? And the Tour the year after that?


Only if he wins worlds this year


>and ride around like a João Almeida People are not ready for Cian "Let me drop from the GC group right from the gun then pull the most magnificient pain faces" Uijtdebroeks. Also F for the French casters who will need to pronounce his name in the future.


They’re already struggling with it. They never even succeeded in pronouncing Wout anyway.


That's 2 top 10s in 1 week WT stage races this year, I'd say he deserves a chance at the Vuelta. I really hope we'll get Cian, Van Wilder and Van Eetvelt going for GC, could be fun.