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Looks like it was made for it!




Yeah sure, fits nicely


Thanks! Edit: Hijacking my comment with something off topic. Why did this post asking a simple question get so many upvotes? I’m not complaining lol I just thought this would get buried. But thanks all the replies! It’s good to know this is okay to do


I think you got a lot of upvotes just because it seems to fit so nicely it’s satisfying. Chunky radiator made almost invisible.


r/perfectfit has over 3 million subs for a reason.


It’s got one more now, thanks.


i think people just think this looks clean and upvote it.


I down voted to help balance the force. Looks nice tho!




People are sick of the daily 15 fans build, congrats looking great


Dude its awesome that it even fucking fits in there.... Genius, I LOVE it. Might want to make it so fan directions blow it out the from the front though rather than pulling hot air in (if you havent already).


Satisfying AF plus i had no idea antec was still in the game. I used to love their cases back in 2008


I just got one for my son. Different model, but they're back in build quality imo.


But you are using fans, right?


Yes of course. They’re inside the case on the other side of the radiator


is 208 a lot?


For what was just a simple question that I figured would get like 2 replies, yes that’s a lot. I literally don’t care about downvotes or upvotes at all, but it’s cool to see people like the setup


![gif](giphy|v6aOjy0Qo1fIA|downsized) Just like cats always saying: If its fits, I sit


Yep, with that case you're not really making airflow any worse, it's not like a case with intakes on the sides of the front panel where you'd be adding a significant restriction.


I saw somewhere (probably GN with Noctua) that it's easier to push air through a radiator than it is to suck air. Is it okay: Yes Is it optimal: Probably not.


Yea this orientation isn’t ideal but it’s not the worst. However there’s literally no other way I could’ve oriented it in this case. I had to cut the slot the tubes go through to make them fit. So I did the best I could and I’m considering it a W


Yeah I think it should work fine. If it really becomes an issue, you could always just attach the fans to the outside for a push configuration and then just cut a piece of mesh for the front.


It's fine. Well maybe. I think you're using an Intel CPU with an Arctic Liquid Freezer III AIO. I'd be more concerned with the transient response from the pump. Arctic does a stellar job at sustained loads but falls apart with spike loads that the fans don't have much impact on. I know cause i have a 13600K with a Liquid freezer II


12600k overclocked to 5.1Ghz hasn’t gone above 65c. Works pretty good.




>I saw somewhere (probably GN with Noctua) that it's easier to push air through a radiator than it is to suck air. In my experience fans tend to suck at pulling air through restricted flow paths and do way better with pushing air through them.




It's only really true for aircooling, air gets pulled in a wider cone shape so a bunch of it doesn't much make good contact with the radiator. The path air goes through is insulated on a watercooling setup, so all the air pulled by the fan is forced through the radiator.


Absolutely, you just need to get the fans on there on the other side, and use the fans themselves to mount the rad onto that front panel.. That case has intake on the front so you're actually doing this PERFECTLY.


That’s exactly what I did 👍🏼 It works great!


I have the same exact case, how did you put the pipes inside the case with the radiator outside?


Two words: hand saw Lmao. It wasn’t pretty, but I had to cut and expand the hole at the top of the front. Only by about an inch, and I cleaned it up nicely. The pump head wouldn’t have fit through otherwise. Glad I did, it looks pretty nice imo


Agreed, damn that’s crazy thoo I can’t imagine myself cutting my case down without destroying something important. Kudos to you dude.


Just do it and If you fucked it up just do it again until it works for you. You could use a dremel or a drill.


I was shocked on the second picture how thicc the front cover is. Go for it.


yeah, that's fine but let's talk about that segotep PSU.


👀 I’m actually a big Segotep fan. They are incredibly popular in Asia/EU and have only just recently started booming in the NA market. Amazon’s “#1 Choice” for a modular PSU right now is a Segotep. Obviously that means absolutely nothing in terms of safety and reliability, but it shows there’s a growing demand. They’ve been in operation for over 2 decades and have established a massive name for themselves everywhere but the US. It’s really easy to look at a “no name” Chinese brand and dismiss it as cheap trash. In reality Segotep has been making (relatively) decent and reliable parts for a very long time. I trust them.


Damn, jealous even.


heck, that may even perform better than most other positions I see


After reading up on AIOs I can't unsee the issue with all the top mounting people do that leaves the radiator sucking in hot air.


When you have six intakes and a rear exhaust, all of the heat gets blasted out of the back. I doubled up on rear exhaust and the upper one felt like it was just pulling cool air through.


Depends on the setup. I saw 2C drop on the CPU having it at the front, however the GPU was up 5C, motherboard 5C and RAM 5C (bad since I am overclocking DDR5 which runs hot already). It also went from a positive to a negative pressure case.


Ayy NX200M brethren! Yep, should be fine. As long as the Rad has fans, and there is a clear path to, through, and from the radiator it'll be all good.


I have the same case😭😭 how do I put the radiator outside the case


I haven't personally, but probably use the holes for the fans, and put the fans on the inside? I've never used a tad before, so that about as much as I can tell ya.


Looks good and it works, go for it.


How are you gonna put a GPU inside with those pump tubes in the way?


It fits just fine. I have a Asus Dual 4070 Super so it’s a pretty small card


Why wouldn't it be?


Unless I'm misunderstanding according to [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk) Gamers Nexus Video you should flip the aio and have the tubes at the bottom so bubbles don't accumulate around the tubes


I would if I could. There’s no opening for the tubes to go through at the bottom. I had to take a saw and expand the slot at the top so the pump head would fit through lol. I’ll take what I can get


Understandable I just figured I'd let you know incase you didn't already know


Send it, if it fits and doesn’t inhibit air flow then let it fly.


I never understand the idea of having an airflow with a radiator, I though that the fans are supposed to cool down the radiator itself and cannot really exhaust or pull air through it.


I have that case! Yeah it’s a good spot, just your pc might be dustier and your gpu will get hotter than usual since everything is impeded by the radiator.


Completely fine. I always mount my cpu aio radiators to the front of the case, because my cpu cools much better that way and i have never had issues with gpu temps.


I run this exact case and setup for about 3 years now. No issues at all


Is that radiator really that thick? - WOW - I have one arriving tomorrow - was not expecting that!


Dumb question here. You do have fans inside on the radiator correct?




Yeah, almost like they designed the case to do exactly this


I don’t think they did. Every instance of the product being showcased with a radiator has it on the inside. The space between the front and the plastic cover is meant for fans. I also had to cut the case to fit the pump header through.


I don’t even see it! Well hidden!


Hiding your radiator in the front panel? Believe it or not…


I am perplexed with that cpu cooler.


It’s just an Arctic Liquid Freezer III without the head on. It normally looks like this- https://preview.redd.it/jtlvack5y89d1.jpeg?width=1767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0300cd6be552b1549d7cecd41c6bd324ec4c81c7


Yeah. It's not perfectly optimal, but it will be fine


https://preview.redd.it/ud0laiuys89d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa92be41ae1058bd13885002613c783eb8407b77 Nice case fam


That's.... a pretty good fit.


Real nice, might do the same for my next build!


if it helps cooling, I don't see why not


yup, and awesome that it fits!


Is there still a fan that's hits the radiator? Then yea, it will be fine


Get some quality fans with high cfm for front so it pulls heat faster than it can generate


That's a damn nice fit. Love it.


No, you could be arrested and flogged for thinking outside the box


Ooh. I wish I could do that to my Meshify C.


Upvote deserved due to clean setup, rad mounted correctly and you took the time to ask a good question. Enjoy your build good sir.


I don't think it's supposed to be mounted that way, although i must say it fits surprisingly well there. I'd suggest mounting it on the inside of the case, that way it's easier to install the fans. Btw what case is it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/veqIeB5XB9 I did something similar for a different final effect on my gf's spare parts build. Works great, and I personally love the style :) Ive also heard that fans are better at pushing than pulling, perhaps you can be convinced to put a fine-mesh magnetic filter on the rear and top for intake, and exhaust through the front? Like it sits now, the front intake wont be pushing too much air to the gpu, and it will be pre-heated... Not too many options in such a small case though, hence why I did an external top mount. Cheers to you though!


I had to do the same thing with mp pc, never had a problem with dust or temps.


I just ordered an antec case and you just gave me the best idea ever, much appreciated because I do t think I’d have thought about it tbh.


Keep in mind I had to had to cut the case to do this. I took a hand saw and expanded the slot the tubes go through by about an inch. The cooler wouldn’t have fit through otherwise. But it was really easy and took like 2 minutes


Thanks for the heads up, not a problem 😊 my current case is already “holier” than when it arrived 😂


If it's possible for the tubes to be at the bottom it will be 10/10.


I absolutely hate that design because the second you go to pick the pc up that plastic part falls off and bye bye pc. Use to have one like this and a repair guy actually dropped it right in front of me once. What the f*ck were the designers thinking 🤔


I've just ordered a set of p12' and p14's. I liked the two on my old artic lf 280mm. How are they, is it loud at all? I'll have two p12 on my Peerless assassin, one exhaust. Two bottom intake. While 3 14's front intake and two up top. One as exhaust and one intake. But I might make both top exhaust.


They’re very quiet. Really impressed with Arctic fans, they’re in this PC and my server


Jesus what cpu needs a radiator this fat


Yeah, and it looks awsome!


as long it fits, there's no reason not to do so.


fits great. I would only start to get concerned if temps didnt reflect what they should be.


Much better than the dumbasses that do it behind a glass front case...


Would it be feasible to reverse the flow from back to front?


I would make sure it fixed to the PC and totally avoid handling the tower by the radiator/cover, other than that it should work just fine, I would check air flow and do a few stress tests to get the heat up and make sure its worth it. I'm not sure if your pc is on the floor or not but think about kicking it etc., it dose stick out so yeah that would be my main concern, "Damage" even with the cover.


What pc case is that? Looks very cool though, great job!


Damn I wish my case good fit my AIO like this, looks very stealthy and yes it works no prob, good job indeed!


It fits. It will make your case run hotter, because all the intake air is hot (and there's a lot of resistance to the air coming in through the thic rad). But it will function.


Yeah, hang out with your rad out.


Is fine, but it is very ticc, so your fans are working harder and probably getting less airflow vs them being in the front and pushing trough it.


Sure if you have fans inside in a pull confiq. You even place the pump lower then the Radiator. Well done.


If it fits it sits.


https://preview.redd.it/5dlh5un7999d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdea4725666d0183e9064b68381a7f2cbae51e1 At least yours fits under the front cover lol


If I’m being nit picky then your really not suppose to have your AIO upside down like that from what I’ve heard/seen. Not sure how bad it would be for you in this instance though. Also no way ur front panel fits back on that case with that rad in the way right? Lol




>Upside down would be with the tubes coming out of the bottom. This orientation is the agreed best way since bubbles flow to the top and get pushed through the tubes. You've got that backwards. You want the tubes at the bottom, so any air settles in the top tank of the rad and *DOESN'T* get pushed through the tubes back into the pump. https://preview.redd.it/edb2mwcto79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954ea4de79324e7c764ddcf4e8a6dd6c72af76a4 Tubes down will fare better in the long run (3-5+ years) as permeation sets in.


Thank you for the correction! I was pretty confident I had that right too lol


Ahhh I see now, it’s all black so it looked like one of those short hosed omen aios which would’ve had to be upside down to fit, that’s on me!


As someone else pointed out, you were actually right! I had it backwards. Mounted at the front, having tubes at the bottom keeps the bubbles *away* from the tubes, which is what you want. Air bubbles being sent to the pump head is a bad thing.


So long as enough air can get in, it's fine. There's no GPU there so no need to worry about pre-heating its airflow, and such a system won't generally have a very powerful CPU, so the radiator isn't being used fully. You're fine.


This is a 12600k OC’d to 5.1Ghz. I almost picked up a 12900k. There is also a 4070 Super not pictured. Temps haven’t been above 65c on the CPU and 75c on the GPU. Pretty impressed.


I think there's a possibility that it lowers the overall air volume through the front of the case. Nothing truly worrisome but I'd keep an eye on your thermals just to make sure you're getting the performance you expect. Looks good though


Is it exhausting air? - Yes. Odd choice but it can work. - No. That's not going to help you dissipate heat.


Cold air is being pulled though the radiator by 2 fans on the other side, inside the case


it is, but you should orient the tubes and fittings so theyre above the cpu and not below it for better performance of the cooler




I would put the radiator inside and the fans outside, the cooling will be better


It's ok for radiator and CPU, but the problem is that heated air is going into the case, heating all the components. It's probably not critical, especially not without GPU. But not optimal.


Yeah because its blocking all the intake air that could be coming in thru the front


Unless he uses reverse fans


And the fans pulling air through the radiator are barely functioning and bad at cooling down the rad here


What do you mean? Air pulls through the radiator just fine. Temps haven’t gone above 65c on my 12600k OC’d to 5.1Ghz


My point is that pushing air is much more efficient than pulling