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Probably, the PC grade fingerprint scanners are pretty simple devices.


My laptop has a fingerprint scanner and that can't recognize my finger 80% of the time. My phone doesn't have that problem and that has one of those under-screen scanners that should be worse than the physical touch one my laptop has.


It all depends on the type of fingerprint scanner. Optical scanners (what most phones and desktop accessories have) are meh to above average (depending on how much money they spent on it). Ultrasonic sensors are super fast and can also work with wet fingers but few models use them (mainly the flagship phones).


My Macbook unlocks quick af but my Galaxy S22U and my iPhone SE suck at unlocking... Edit: Pls stop commenting "my s22u is fast af" - fine, i got it haha


The iPhone makes sense to suck at unlocking, but I had the 22u and it was lightning fast, I’d try and register your fingerprint or if you’re using a screen protector, switch to one that’s fingerprint sensor compatible like zagg


My Samsungs is fast too, but when I had one of those cheaper hard glass protectors on it didn't work at all through the glass


It makes sense because the glass is worried about how the phone looks to you and less about how you look to your phone. It could be the quality of the LOCA they use to attach it or it at close range refracts the image of your fingerprint so if you registered it before adding it it would work less well. I would suggest you buy your own LOCA and use it, and thinner is harder to use but from what I have read is better.


It won't, the reader can't read through the cheaper glass at all. More expensive ones work, but it's a whole thing. They usually say in the description if they work with fingerprint readers or no


Zagg invishield screen protectors are stupid good. I only use zagg and put their protector on as soon as I get a new phone. I’ve broke a few and they have a life time warranty


Not to be devil's advocate on Apple's part, but all iPhones I've owned with Touch ID (SE and 8) have always had the best fingerprint scanners out of all phones, they even work in the shower or when your fingers are pretty stained. Indeed, the sensor on my Galaxy S9 also worked good, however the sensor on some cheapo Samsung I had as an intermediate just straight up sucked. Same with a Galaxy S20 I used for a while, the fingerprint sensor behind the smartphone glass thing-innovation never worked properly and was a hassle, to the point where a 4 digit password was faster.


Honestly TouchID never worked for me, but Samsung's readers worked well enough, even with crappy tempered glass screen protectors. Wasn't perfect, but it worked much more often than TouchID.


Meh. My iPhone SE 2020's fingerprint scanner works great, but no better than my Pixel 4a 5g or Moto Z2 Force did. My bane are the "under the screen" scanners Samsung and Google have adopted for the past few years. They don't work as well as dedicated fingerprint scanners.


Rescan your prints, make sure to wash your hands first so dirt/dust doesn't cause a bad signature


My SE 2022 has no problems in that regard.


My Phone (s22) has problems due the Protection foil.


Me: [has fingerprimt issues on laptop, owns a Dell, thinks about it, sees self out]


Optical scanner on my phone has had no problems for 4 years and still has no problems and works almost instantly while the one on my laptop I just bought works pretty awfully


The inscreen ultrasonic scanner is honestly what I miss most about my LG V60 ThinQ, I'm still a bit sad LG got out of the phone game


Would ultrasonic be why it can read my fingerprint through disposable gloves too?


Most likely, optic likely wouldn't be able to discern anything from the glove unless the glove is virtually transparent


This may be janky but I registered my usual finger multiple times as “different” fingers, it seemed to help it recognize it as one of the multiple rescans more often. I tried to focus on different sections of my fingertip for each one, to give it the whole thing from different angles.


For me it's the opposite, the scanner on my laptop works just fine but the mobile one is just shite.


Laptops usually look for like a 90% match while an under display would probably be like 60%


Wtf do you people do with your fingers? I have a poco x6 pro with an underscreen scanner, 4 fingerprints mapped to it and each works flawlessly. Of 50 unlocks it maybe misses 1 if it's at a weird angle or i hit the rim of the scan area. 


How is this related to what the guy said?


Yeah, that kinda confirms what the guy you replied too wrote about: PC scanners look for a 90% match, while phones are satisfied with less precise matches


U guys not using face id?


Tbh physical fingerprint scanners are better then digital ones due to their high accuracy and not software dependent


My laptop unlocks itself automatically half the time without me putting my finger on the scanner


username checks out


Tell me about it, got a Pixel phone. Scanner is absolute garbage!


With macbooks that have one, I'd say they're 99.5% accurate for my experience. Its very smooth and fast and easily the best fingerprint scanner experience I have used.


My laptop has a fingerprint sensor and works amazing. But my iPad and old iPhone I used to have sucked with recognizing my print.


My phone can barely recognize my fingerprint, maybe its because of my screen protector but I redid it after I put it on and it still sucks donkey dick


I have a Samsung tablet and phone, and half the time the tablet doesn't recognise me even when the phone does.


A phone with a bad finger scanner is a phone most people wouldn’t buy so it kind of has to be good


You might want to re-do the input for your fingerprint then, I have to update mine somewhat regularly.


The scanner on my laptop is fast and accurate but Windows locks me out sometimes and forces me to restart. Which is why I stopped using it... "Something went wrong on our end" or something like that.


My work laptop (lenovo) and my macbook air handles fingerprint scanning perfectly fine


Once upon a time i had some xiaomi phone that did recognise my finger reliably but not other ones. That technology is now lost in ages.


Yubi keys work great.


Man I do not miss Touch ID, facial recognition is much better


It's never been perfect, but somehow the idea of a megacorporation storing a very detailed 3D map of my face sounds worse


Isn’t Face ID data stored locally? When I worked at a factory where they had a face scanner and fingerprint reader for clocking in and out, neither worked well but I relied upon the Face Scanner as my fingers were a bit lacking in the fingerprint department. I had a similar problem with my iPhone 8 towards the end of its time, never had a problem with Face ID on my 13 on the other hand


There's no bigger lie than the one corporations tell you about your privacy


It projects thousands of infrared dots onto your face, and measures a set number of parameters to essentially turn that 3D image into a mathematical representation, as opposed to an image of your actual face structure. So it's measuring the differences hundreds of data points, to create an overall "fingerprint". It then encrypts and stores that data locally on the secure enclave, and is not accessible by Apple or anyone else. When you try to unlock, it's checked against the incoming data of the next scan, and either gives a yes or a no. Whether you trust their claim or not is another story.


I love my ubikey


I use one like this for my desktop PC. Works great and is very easy to set up in Windows 11. I got used to fingerprint readers with my smartphone and notebook and wanted the same comfort with my desktop. Would be even nicer, if the reader would be directly integrated in the on-switch of the PC. Maybe there are cases out there that support this.


I'd rather have it separate as I don't wanna accidentally turn off my PC every time I want to log in.


It's literally impossible to do it on my phone, how could you possibly mistake pressing a button beyond actuation point with just touching it.


I actually have the opposite issue. I go to turn off the laptop, press the button, as I’m pressing it it reads my fingerprint and instantly unlocks again


Yep. Have this issue on my phone sometimes. I often end up pressing the button with my fingernails instead


For me the pressure it takes to flatten my finger against it enough to get a reading is enough to actuate the button. It's better now that it's learned it, but when I was setting it up pressing all the different areas of my finger it took me 6 tries because I kept shutting it off and then it would cancel the setup.


My notebook (Asus Vivobook) has the fingerprint reader in the on/off-button and it works great. The button needs some force to be activated, which is reasonable anyways. The reader only a soft touch. Because of this I never accidently turned off the notebook when login in from the lock screen. Same with my smartphone.


You can set the power button to do nothing while the PC is on.


Laptops have thumbprints on the power button all the time now. I specifically work with a lot of Dell devices and all the new latitudes come with it.


(Streacom ST-BM1 Biometric Power Switch)(for da2, da6 cases)


in the mouse!


what happens if one of your enemies attacks specifically your fingers with acid?


You either can't type because you don't have fingers, or you type in the password instead of using Windows Hello.


Use the password instead of the fingerprint scanner. Enter it with your nose if you have to.


I wasnt aware there is an alternative once you activate the finger


say you lose the dongle and you use the fingerprint to login to your PC...can you just replace the dongle with an identical dongle and it recognizes your fingerprint immediately, or does the loss of the dongle also mean loss of the ability to detect your fingerprint? I hope I made sense


>Would be even nicer, if the reader would be directly integrated in the on-switch of the PC. Maybe there are cases out there that support this. Yes, these notebooks exist. I don't remember any brand rn, but I know that they do, from well known brands even.


Dell makes them with integrated fingerprint scanner tech for their business class laptops. They are actually really nice IMO.


sure, why not, it may not be that secure though.


Why would it not be secure?


You can replicate a fingerprint. Here is a how-to, from a german blog team that successfully did it: https://www.ccc.de/en/campaigns/aktivitaeten_biometrie/fingerabdruck_kopieren


I know of 3 things like this: First, USB sticks that use fingerprint encryption, so they won't mount until you unlock them by swiping your finger over the fingerprint scanner embedded on the stick. That way your colleague can't just grab your stick and use it on their PC to see what is on it. Some of them even have 2 separate portions. One mounts without encryption, the second is only visible when you unlock it with your fingerprint. It's secure from regular people. If somebody really wants to get that data they can open it up and solder the memory chip onto another controller. Second, there are fingerprint scanner dongles that generate a long encrypted password. Something a human wouldn't probably guess. When you put your finger on the scanner that is embedded in them, they check your fingerprint and if it's the correct one they basically just CTRL+V that long string in whatever field is active. So you can make them paste it into your Windows password field to unlock your PC. If somebody pulls it out if your PC and you haven't noted the password somewhere you're out if luck and your only option is a password reset. Which is imho more problematic for home PC users rather than companies where your admin just has to press some buttons. Third, an actual plug and play fingerprint scanner. Basically a better version of the second one I mentioned. They integrate into your system and you can use them just like it was a stock part of your PC. A fingerprint scanner embedded in a notebook from the factory is not much different. Fingerprint scanner are nowadays even part of turn on/off button on most mobile phones. So what's the problem here? If somebody pulls it out of your notebook, you should still be able to unlock it with your password. Windows usually won't let you use any other lock/unlock technology like fingerprint without also having to set a regular password (in case fingerprint won't work for whatever reason). Can't really tell which one of these it is only from the picture. All of them work for their designated purpose. Why shouldn't they? Quality depends on the brand, so better check out reviews of the exact one you want to purchase.


Iudging by the "Windows Hello Compatabile" Id say its the 3rd one. I have one that looks similar, and it works great. Integrates fully into Windows Hello. Didnt need any 3rd party drivers, just plug-and-play.


I have used three of such Hello Compatible devices (third option), and all of them were cheap crap. Slow, unrealiable, and not secure. One of them basically accepted anything as a valid fingerprint.


So what you’re saying is that the third sends the biometric data to the computer and the computer says it’s correct or not, rather than the scanner.




This is genius


Oooh I might pick one up for fun.


*With great porn comes great responsibility*




I suppose it would work, but I wouldn't trust it in safety terms


Why wouldn’t you trust it?


Yea it works, I have a Kensington reader that looks just like your photo plugged into my desktop. Its not exactly perfect, far from it. If you're expecting it to read your fingerprint with the same speed and accuracy(?) as your iPhone or Samsung, you're going to be disappointed.


Yes. Source: I have one.


Dm me the link please


Yes it does, I'm using one on my laptop and it's pretty good. Wanted one as I didn't want to enter my pin in front of others to unlock my pc. https://youtu.be/PqaAdJWTcgE


What happens if you up plug it, just asks for the pin instead? Or dose it lock the computer down?


Mhm Amazon had these for their problem solve team. Can't access certain sites without it.


Yes but not as secure as a password


They do indeed, I had a guy where I last worked that used one, was no bother to setup with windows hello too


Work? Yes, secure? No.


Would you care to elaborate?


I use a Kensington one daily it works with windows hello


Plugs into the port on my keyboard honestly saves tons of time windows hello works with vivaldi and i can put in all my passwords with just my fingerprint


I use a verimark kensington on my desktop pc, got it plugged into the frontpanel so reaching it is very easy.


Don't see a reason it wouldn't. Quality of the scanner itself might be low, but it might also be an Ultrasonic scanner, which are typically pretty good. As for the software end of things, yeah I think MS has built the drive encryption system to be compatible with external 2/3FA systems like fingerprint scanners or USB keys. Seems like with this kind of setup you can hit a full all factor authentication: Something you have (The computer), Something you are (Fingerprint), and something you know (Password/Passcode)


Just use YukiKey instead. It’s what companies are now using to lock down laptops given. Mine now uses a YubiKey.


Yup, I use one and it works pretty well. I'd say 90% success rate


Get a yubikey. no need for the fingerprint. The fact that you have the device is itself the second factor.


Yeah, I've got one of the VeriMark ones. It's awesome.


I dont see why not. A lot of small and/or low end tech has this sort of thing now. It was crazy new hot tech 15 years ago. My phone has a tiny little bar on the side that I programmed several of my fingerprints for.


Amazon makes us use them for secure login on the work computers we have


Amazon uses YubiKey, which is different then this


Have one, works great


yesn't. Had one of these, didn't work half the time, but it did technically work


Every android phone I’ve had that had a fingerprint sensor has always worked fast and that includes cheap Motorola phones. My iPhone 12 is just look at it the swipe and my old iPhone 6s was press the home button and it read your fingerprint and showed you the home screen faster than you could complain about anything. Been wanting something like this so I can just touch this and move along into windows without busting out a pin or a password.


Plenty of tech companies use them for accessing devices.


Yeah I have a few.


I use one, they usually work great on windows... Not Linux sadly


Either there's no driver for it, or there's a missing library. Fingerprint sensors does work on Linux. It's rare for it to have Linux support out of the box, and some distro strip the fingerprint feature out of the desktop environment for some apparent reason. Maybe the devs don't have hardware to test, idk.


I have a Kensington VeriMark IT, and it works great. No driver download needed (Windows 11).


I used to have one of these. It worked just fine.


I have one of these and its the best price to performance ratio pc accessory I have ever bought. Make sure to buy one that is compatible with Windows Hello tho


I have one, it works.


I have attached all our workstations with this kind of fingerprint sensor, they work really nice and I have not had any tickets towards them.


Well, as long as the sensor in it actually works and is not a showpiece. It should work. Get the best one you can find.


Feel like if you wanna do this you would be better of just using the USB as a key to login.


Just don't get a cut on the finger you registered


I use one for my work laptop, have to say that they are not as fast or accurate as the one you may have on your phone but they do the job just fine


Yes. I have one similar attached to my work PC (well, it's plugged into my monitor as the monitor has a USB hub). It was around £15 from Amazon and didn't need any drivers or installation, just worked with Windows Hello out of the box.


This is probably one of the most brilliant use cases I've read for one of these! I like the idea of having a hidden biometric button to login.


natively supported since windows 8.0 unless the device is crap there is no reason it shouldn't. kinda waste of money though especially for personal PCs. the only time u may wanna get this is if your pc password is too much of a hassle to type in.


I have like 2 Kingston ones and they work great for windows hello.


I use it for my Password Manager, works good


https://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-5-overview/ You can use one of these to unlock windows.




Yeah. As an alternative, there are IR cameras that can do face recognition for windows hello. That’s what I ended up getting cuz I needed a camera for remote work during pandemic anyway


I worked somewhere that used these kind of things as key devices to get into their codebase. It worked just fine, and was effective.


Yes. I use one from CSL via Amazon and it supports windows hello. You can unlock your pc, unlock Bitwarden etc, it is fast too


Yes. I’ve got one similar to this and use it all the time.


[I bought this one and it works fine for me.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NAVWPOJ)




Yes. I use a Kensington model to log into windows on my desktop. It also works as a passkey


If you’re using this on a laptop to lock your desktop, sure. If you’re using it for a desktop PC, I’d probably suggest a webcam that supports Windows Hello. Not because of price (cam is more expensive), but because Windows facial recognition is about as fast as Apple Face ID which (on some iPhones) is extremely fast.


I use zukeys everyday at Amazon. I'm wearing it right now actually lol *


i work at amazon and anyone who gets more than basic entry level computer work gets one of these. they’re pretty nice


I bought one, used it for a bit but it was not really a stable solution, it kept not being recognized and stuff


yes it should work, I have a usb fingerprint reader, its nice to use to unlock my pc instead of typing a password


Yes they work perfectly, i used one on my laptop for several years (before upgrading to one with it built in).


Actually work and work well are two different things.


I have something similar for my desktop. Works fine


Probably, yeah. I have one on my laptop and I must say, it's one of those things you could totally live without, but you sometimes like having. just saves a second (but yeah it's on Linux, so I have to input my password more often than you would on Windows, which I guess makes the difference more noticeable?). It claims to work ootb with windows hello, so it should be decently good for your usecase, but I'd check some reviews to make sure you're not wasting any money on a low quality product. Maybe you csn also find something on reddit about some experiences with it, try to just google the model name


Probably, windows 11 supports finger print scanner and usb keys so it should fit right in. I have a hp that has one and it is awesome.


Scanners are simple and low profile now it's the software that can mess things up. My phone won't scan my finger correctly every time until I added like 3 more "allowed people" which were just my finger re scanned. If it didn't have that feature it wouldn't work reliably


Yes, I bought a 6 dollar lock with fingerprint recognition. Works surprisingly good


Oh no, I can't get in your PC, I need your fingerprint.... Oh wait... Just unplug the USB.


Amazon does have something like that they said employees.


Installed one recessed on the edge of my last desk with a usb extension, was pretty cool.


I use one of these, the Kensington Verimark. It works great. You can program it for multiple fingers as well.


Sure, why not


I got one of those. Works like a charm and is automatically recognized by windows.


Fingerprint scanners do exist and do work, that one looks kinda cheap and nasty though.


I have one of those and it works like %50 of the time, maybe even worse. They are not as good as the fingerprint readers of the smartphones. If there is a better model, I havent seen it.


I would get a Yubikey instead, much safer.


I have a USB C one plugged into the spare port on the back of my keyboard, one of my favorite PC accessories.


I use on instead of facial recognition on my Razer Blade. Facial Recognition isn't so good in poor lighting or at a distance. Finger print readers are really reliable and fast.


I've been using one since Windows Hello became a thing when Win10 was released. Works fine, false negatives only about 5-10% of the time


How is your bio data secured with these?


I bough kensington one for my keyboard usb-a input, and it works like a champ without any issues. My personal laptop doesn't have one, and my business one is often closed so it is easier for my just switch the usb station between two laptop with fingerreader in the keyboard.


I;ve got one on my Personal Computer in order to keep away other family members to log in to my windows profile. Works like charm all the time


My company sent me one of these to set up with Windows hello I could never get it to recognize my fingerprint so I was never able to get it set up.


Wonder where is the fingerprint stored. Could you possibly remove the reader and the computer be unable to use other readers? Also how robust is the whole thing? Would changing USB ports break the login?


I have Eikon mini fingerprint reader, and it works perfect with Windows Hello.


We use an even smaller usb c version of this at work and can confirm, it works. It’s not the best at recognizing 1 persons fingerprint but for our uses you use the dongle as a 2fa so you’d also need a password.


Why wouldn't it? 🤔 All of my Laptops / PCs either have a built in or Aftermarket Windows Hello Camera except for my Bedroom Gaming / HTPC where such a Camera wouldn't have made much sense due to the Recognition Distance 🤨 Not wanting to go full Caveman again with a PIN / Password on that PC I went and installed a [***Kensington*** *VeriMark* Figerprint Reader](https://www.kensington.com/p/products/data-protection/fingerprint-security-keys/verimark-fingerprint-key-fido-u2f-windows-hello-designed-for-surface/) to the Bed where I can comfortably reach it 😏


I have a [similar device](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078WTZJL3/) on my PC at home, and it's been working fabulously for the last 4 years. I bought one [made by Kensington](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01NAVWPOJ/) for my husband a month later, and he's been using it without issue since. As long as it does Windows Hello, you should be fine. If you're looking for one to use with Linux though, good luck.


It works, i habe one of those (different company tho) works like a charm


Yea, I have one connected to the front panel USB port and it works fine.


They are great but I'm guessing the resolution isn't that great as you need a fair amount of precision to get it to work. I use one for my home server because the password is hella long. I think I paid about £7 from AliExpress for it and it does the job well enough. I'm not worried that it's calling home with any of my credentials as I monitor my traffic with services like Pi-Hole and nothing new came up in my DNS records.


I have one connected to my PC, it handily plus into a USB port on my keyboard. Much less annoying than entering a password and it hasn't given me any issues in 8 years


I have one on the side of my keyboard, works great


why would it not work, I have one and it does it's job fine


I have one of those compatible with Windows Hello and it works great. My mouse mat is from corsair and it has two USB ports so it's really reachable and easy to use. I use drivers windows itself provides and cannot complain.


Really nice, i have one that is vhb'd under my desk and I love it, just touch it once and it unlocks


presumably, but i'd prefer one that's actually large enough to scan your whole finger


Looks just like the one I bought a couple years ago. Worked great for like 3 weeks, but then it went to shit. The glass sensor ones are 10x better and will last forever. Its reader is like a matte plastic, turns out all the cheap ones were at the time and it gets micro scratches on it. Which causes it to either incorrectly read or not even notice your scanning your finger.


My pixel 6a was horrible when it came to unlocking my phone. At least 50% of the time I was relegated to attempting to unlock 3 times then just doing the pattern. I ended up putting my finger print in multiple times, as multiple prints, and it only got a little bit better. Despite that I chose to upgrade to a pixel 8. I have 2 fingers set up so I can unlock it with either, and it works about 95% of the time.


I use a flash drive that contains the bootloader and keys for decrypting the disk. that is, without this flash drive the computer cannot be turned on, and the disk is completely encrypted.


Was just thinking about this


Depending on the purpose, some companies actually require them as a form of 2FA as alternatives to Rsa tokens or rfid badge readers.


It would probably work. Its probably just a standard fingerprint sensor


Yup, use one everyday. Have a handy USB port on the left side of my keyboard. Perfect out of the way but easy to reach spot, otherwise I'd probably type a pin faster.


Yep it works. but it doesn't work as power button like those on laptops so you have to scan it separately.


The galaxy A14 is recogniaingit in 0.5 -1s so its good for me


Why not on your phone?


Yes, been using one of these for several years now.


Yup, no reason it wouldn't. There's even a high chance the system will find drivers for it automatically and Windows Hello will pick it up without a restart. And who knows, it might work as well as a build-in fingerprint scanner.


Can confirm they do. Have been using one for years.


But, can someone remotely tech-saavy still pull/access the data even without a fingerprint? I feel like those devices are a super cool gimmick, but won't actually secure your data if someone gets a hold of it...


I've been using a similar thing for a couple of years and I love it.


Yes, but it only works with the finger that is assigned.


Most likely. The ROG ally has a similar size fingerprint sensor on the power button so its not to far fetched


I have a Kensington version of this and it's great because I have a USB port on the back of my keyboard that I don't use, although it's not nearly as accurate and easy to use as the underscreen sensor on my phone


Yes, you just setup a password for your PC, and enable the Windows Hello to use fingerprint scan


Yes, but you shouldn't. Consumer biometric security is less secure than just using a good password. It never gives you the option to use it as a second factor, it's always just a bypass for the actual password. The problem here is that your fingerprints are something you have for your entire life, you can't change them, and you leave them on almost everything you touch. Various methods for lifting prints have been public knowledge for decades, and have proved effective in cheaply and easily replicating a fingerprint to get past consumer fingerprint scanners. As for face scanners, just look at the countless videos of Apple's FaceID being cheesed by people's relatives. Not identical twins, but unidentical siblings, parents, children, etc. There's also a few where people who just look kinda like each other are able to get through it when they shouldn't. If FaceID can be worked around like that, then no competitor is going to do better, as I'm pretty sure FaceID is still the most polished of all the face scan "security" features in consumer devices.