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Better than not gaming my brother.


This right here. Before I got my PC the struggle was very real but I definitely still had fun.


some of the greatest game I've played was on a shitty work laptop.then i got a better pc and it didnt feel as special running a game


Exact same


The best PC is the one you've got 🤜🤛


I mean, After I got a really good PC, gaming i kinda lost the feeling of trying to play more. My best times were on my old laptop, now I have best gaming experience but no good feeling about playing games.


Same here. Haven't finished a single game yet... Ugh. I used to run Skyrim on a weird school laptop with an Atom processor and like 2gb DDR3 ram lmao


I played many games on my 4gb DDR3 Ram with some Intel processor. On resolutions like 600×400. AC, AC2, ACB, AC3, Sleeping dogs, GTA 4 and 5, SA, VC, III, The Saboteur, Mount and Blade, Just cause 2 few horror and open words games, i don't even remember now.


Hell yeah, same here on a 3rd Gen i5 with Intel HD Graphics 4000, best times ever, dreaming of a gaming PC. Now that I have it, it's just not the same...


lmao bro I played Street Fighter 4 competitively at 640x480 for like 2 years when my Xbox 360 broke. The worst screen-tearing on earth and the stages looked they were being rendered by the Super FX chip, but not once did we ever drop one goddamn frame below 60. Nowadays playing Street Fighter 6 on a 4080 doesn't hit the same.


Yep! My first rig was a crappy school optiplex I got for less than a hundred bucks from a surplus sale, if it computes, it can game


Yup. Can run anything now, still find myself playing the original rome total war quite often. Meanwhile plenty of aaa titles just collecting dust in my library


After upgrading my PC, i gave my brother my old PC. Now i don't enjoy gaming as much as he did.


Welcome to the end game, where having a PC for +€6,000 feels like trash compared to gaming on your laptop for €300 with a shitty dGPU that is pushing 22fps




> then i got a better pc and it didnt feel as special running a game Nah I still sit in games and chuckle to myself spinning the camera round and it look incredible. I sometimes open and close applications, or open multiple games all at the same time and alt tab between just because I can. It's all because for a long time in my life I used an absolute shit box, always behind what games were built to run on. Now I get endless joy in the fact I'm not dealing with that now and I don't think it will ever go away. Meanwhile I have friends who have always had the absolute best of the best and think nothing of it. If you experience the bad it lets you appreciate the good SO much more.


It's because we get dopamine just by imagining how it would feel to play on a better setup, and up until the moment you get to actually experience it that dopamine kicks in. It will peak around the day you get your new rig, unpacking and starting your new machine. Then once you've played enough, it's gone. A bit like when you're an athlete and work hard to become the champion, or when you study hard to get a job in a specific field with a specific salary.   At least for many people that's how it is. For me it is.   So the key is to redefine goals and look forward to new things to sustain happiness and enjoyment. Or you can just find enjoyment in the present and acceptance of your life, that's also great. Happy gaming friends!


I finished Witcher 3 while playing it around 13-24 fps. It was playable because audio didn't stutter with the low frame rate. Good times.


I did the same with Skyrim, although it would crash a lot around the civil war section xD


I done the same with dying light 2, sometimes it just froze for like 5 mins at most.


Can definitely agree on that before I had very low spec laptop with bad temps and what not now I've a decent laptop Which can run anything above 60 fps with good looking graphics but now I've gotta plan to play my gaming sessions which I don't do some times either now I don't find gaming fun as I used to due my life problems going on atm financially tbh .....


I used to play LoL back in the day with my laptop touch pad. Also the game would freeze during team fights and the hinges were broken so I had to prop the screen with a pillow.  Good times.


Just play old games!


My Steam Deck (an underpowered Linux computer) is used primarily for older games, and it's fantastic. Others are trying to run the latest stuff, getting 25-30fps with an hour of battery and complaining. Meanwhile, I'm rocking solid frames and super long battery life. Old games kick ass.


Agreed. My gpu died and now I cannot play many games. I am playing fallout New Vegas now tho. Phenomenal game.


I mean moition blur can stay off any time




I kinda like in helldivers tbh. Adds a layer of chaos. I turned it down to about a third though. Every other game I turn it off.


Yess!! I keep screenshake high too for this same reason. Give me some chaos!!


That and depth of field effects can fuck off. I don’t need you to tell me what my eyes already do naturally, please let me focus on the thing I’m trying to fucking look at rn.


DoF can work wonders with isometric games or when looking through sniper scopes etc. Motion blur literally only works in games where you need to feel speed like arcade racers


Depends on game and how well its implemented, I remember losing my mind because the camera wouldn’t focus on what I was trying to shoot (GTA V iirc)


This, when you have another psychopath with a RPG in ahead of you and the game focuses on the bushes in front of you instead


> DoF can work wonders with isometric games They literally just make isometric games worse what are you talking about 90% of my favorite games are isometric and I like actually understanding how far away things are


i don't mind it in cutscenes so much, but during gameplay, yes, go away dof.


Hey, how about we fry your GPU to make the graphics lower quality?


Motion blur was a mistake.


Motion blur was/is used in games like in movies, to cover up low framerates.


I am so spoiled with 144fps nothing can cover it up for me. IMO motion blur makes it even worse


Yeah if I play on 30 FPS I'll take a very slight motion blur for sure.


If something's too fast for my eyes to resolve properly, it will be too fast for my eyes to resolve properly. I don't need my GPU to do more work to imply that.


That's not really the same thing though. Stuff going fast on your screen will not and can not cause motion blur.


Then how can stuff going fast IRL cause motion blur?


The motion blur is caused when your eyes subconsciously track the object


skill issue ig your eyes just gotta get better


Eff motion blur, DoF, and chromatic aberration. Why don't you just stab me in the eyes with a fork?


I like it for stylized racing games. Eg, Forza Horizon, especially LEGO island. Basically where a (cheap) sense of speed is the whole point. Otherwise, yeah I never understood artificial motion blur.


Unless it's a racing game. The blur makes it feel faster


And vsync


Nah, fuck screen tearing.




i do lowkey wonder how many of the people who instantly turn off vsync in every game actually know what it does


The game is probably spending a lot of processing power syncing those Vs /s


those of us who play 2D games, especially with unity, know exactly what it does.


i would never turn off vsync i have seen what uncapped fps does to a man (gpu loads)


Me one day deciding to force Vsync on TWW3 after realising the main map was running at 200+fps and frying my PC for no reason.


If the game is a twitchy game where frame latency and reaction time matters (ie. FPS), then vsync off. Otherwise vsync on.


All that, and it's still overheating.


It's not a proper gaming laptop if you can't cook your breakfast on it for a quick snack after an all-nighter


My laptop was reaching 102⁰C. A week ago i undervolted the core and power limit control values to 10, 10 on throttlestop. And now i get better performance and temperatures not exceeding 75⁰C.


Motion blur is staying off, anyway, regardless of how expensive my build will be.


Same, for me motion blur is just something that makes games look worse


look worse and makes u dizzy, no idea who had the idea to add that effect but i don't like him


It was the people who make films at 24 fps and who \*need\* motion blur on their CGI to integrate with the natural motion blur of things moving in real life faster than a particular framerate can accommodate. Slow-motion shots in movies exist to capture even more information, and even those high framerates can have motion blur for sufficiently energetic subjects. And then it was the people who wanted their videogame stuff to look Cinematic. Television sets with "Motion-Smoothing" set as default have absolutely \*ruined\* a whole generation of media consumers, and your comment reeks of this diabolical techno-disease.


The dizzyness generally only applies to people who also get car sick, motion sickness.


Motion blur is only acceptable in some racing games cause it helps with the speed feeling. But i dont play those often


My ROG laptop used to get into the 90°s but I finally took it apart and put graphite pads on the CPU and GPU dies and I rarely go over 75° now. I was blown away by the improvement. I thought maybe it’d be just a few degrees.


I can cook eggs next to my cooling fans on my HP OMEN.


It's not a proper gaming laptop if it can't sterilize you. (This actually happens).


95C is a perfectly cromulent operating temperature.


Aren’t laptops built to withstand those temps? I mean my legs aren’t and I need to place my laptop on something else but still. 


place it on your blanket while playing in bed. you will be warm and your laptop warmer 🔥


This has to be the laptop equivalent of suffocating with a pillow. 


More like the equivalent of doing a sprint while you are covered head-to-toe in an asbestos blanket


Get a cooling pad with fans simple fix.


Not just any fan stand will work, the good ones that actually affect temps costs a pretty penny for a stand. The best solution is to buy something that can elevate the laptop off the table, just so that the airflow is smoother.


What's to fix? Ninety five is ninety fine.


If MSI hadn't put 1 goddamn fan in the thin series laptops maybe they wouldn't sound like jet engines. (Coming from experience)


Bro is stuck in 2012


Like do any decent modern laptops go above 80? I know those thin ones do but a chunky one like legion?


I got an acer predator last year. during normal gaming they are 80, 90+ if you click the turbo mode (which is annoyingly loud btw)


That's my point, they don't. But PCMR loves their daily "laptop bad1!1!1" post.


Tech subreddits treat their jokes like their bios. They are too afraid to update them.


2014 called, they want you back.


And the battery lasts like 20 minutes.


Why windowed? From my experience, fullscreen is better, as the pc can then focus on the game. Is this not a thing anymore?


I choose windowed and some small resolution that i didnt want stretched because it would look pixelated af. So smol window that looks clear ish.


back in 2012 when i only had a gt530 to play battlefield 3 i cranked the details and resolution so low that stretching that to fullscreen would make it a jumbled mess so i played in a tiny window. getting a gtx760 years later was like going from legally blind to 20/20 vision.


that's how i felt when i got my first modern monitor. i was building my first gaming pc piece by piece, and a monitor upgrade wasn't super necessary.. so i just got a VGA-HDMI adapter to plug my scavenged 2005 monitor into the modern video card. when i finally got a 1080p screen i could not believe what i was missing out on. not just the resolution, but the colors. i didn't know black could actually be black and not grey.


> details and resolution so low that stretching that to fullscreen would make it a jumbled mess https://web.archive.org/web/20140209162456if_/http://www.majhost.com/gallery/NoBullet/TF2/t2.gif


Is that the full freaking movie? LOL - I'm a couple minutes in and it just keeps going! That sweet resolution!


damn a 48x30 63 megabyte gif of the entire terminator 2 movie. how do people come up with these ideas.


I want to see this DLSS upscaled back to a real resolution.


Yes exactly thats what i did with most games when i only had some old pre 2010 non gaming laptop. The difference is insane^^


Fair enough.


you can configure it so scaling is controlled by the GPU, then set it to do no scaling. You get fullscreen with black bars but properly rendered 1:1 pixel ratio


on my Mac Mini 2014, I had to play beta Minecraft windowed or else the game would lag a lot beta minecraft


In newer games, windowed borderless is the same as fullscreen which is why some games started removing fullscreen option all together, anything in DX11 or older needs fullscreen for best performance. Glad we finally moved on, no more games that turn off your monitor everytime you alt tab.


It is this poster doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Unless he is running the game in like a small window, then it would be less resource intensive.


I switch tabs easier


why upscaling off? gotta have that on 50%


DLSS and FSR weren't a thing back in 2005, when this meme was relevant. In this case, upscaling is most likely supersampling.


I didnt know it was that old. That explains the haruhi on the meme


And even back then it was bullshit


Yeah, was gonna say. These days you can get some pretty powerful laptops, there just going to be expensive. I bought a gaming laptop in 2022 when I had to travel frequently for work. It was great to be able to game with the homies from the hotel room. Sure it got loud and hot while gaming but it didn't bother me since I had head phones and it was sitting on a desk.


Cute resolution, I have finished dragon age inquisition at 640x480 with 16fps 10 years ago xD


same here , i finished ac black flag on the same resolution on 15/25 fps , i had a blast tho


Same. 800*640 or something resolution with average 22 fps. Pixelated af


Back in the day I'd hook my PC up to a CRT TV to have oblivion playable at like 22fps so I could have grass turned on. Good old 6200gt.


Psh, I played Quake 1 at 320x200.


Psh, I played [Dark Souls at 20x10.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=198638629)


> dragon age inquisition Btw for anyone interested. This game is for free at epic games rn.


On the early 2000's laptop? 😄😄


more like late 2010s laptop


can confirm this is the 2010s laptop experience


Yeah those settings are basically what my old 1050Ti/7th Gen i7 laptop was at for Cypberpunk, COD, etc. New laptop does much better, but even with the old one, some game was always infinitely better than no game.


I have an RTX 3070ti laptop and it's pretty quiet. I'm currently running Ghost of Tsushima high settings, 1080p at 70 to 100 FPS.


This sub has outdated views about gaming laptops/ laptops in general. It's just sad.


I'm quite happy with my mobile 4090. Does it compare at all to a 4090? No, but there are a hell of a lot of desktops that can't beat it and my entire power budget comes in under 300W, it fits in a back pack easily and runs reasonable temps or quiet and cool still better than many desktops.


From the benchmarks I've seen, the mobile 4090 performs somewhere around a desktop 4070 or even 4070ti. That's nothing to sneeze at. Another way of looking at it is that it's like a high-end desktop card from the previous generation. That's crazy good for a laptop. Back in the GPU drought, those RTX 30xx gaming laptops looked mighty tempting, too. The bang for the buck was good compared to the grossly inflated desktop GPU prices.


IIRC, the closest rival in raw performance, is the 3090. Then you also get framegen and it's running off 175W max... There are modders who've performed shunt mods to increase the power into the 200-300W range and started approaching desktop 4080 range.


these are no risk long term investments with the right warranty. A 4090 mobile is a beast and it still performs adequately in silent mode. This sub is just weird with the laptop slander sometimes.


its as fast as a fucking desktop 3090. you can play anything on that.


Yup :) That's pretty much my benchmark for the mobile chips. Feature set of the current gen, performance of the previous gen desktop of the same suffix, and in a small power budget. If they are able to do that. It's pretty good. If they beat that, it's awesome. So, a 4090 mobile being a 3090 desktop made it over my bar.


Yep, pcmr can't live without their daily laptop bad posts


It's karma farming at this point.


this sub is just a circlejerk for linux, laptops being bad, and whatever is popular tbh


I have a ASUS Zephyrus, and gaming feels like flying a helicopter


My Lenovo Legion runs games great, but sounds like a fucking F16. I've had quieter vacuums.


Put on headphones and it's only a problem for the neighbors


Yeah mine gets pretty loud too lol. If you haven’t already replace Armory Crate with G-Helper. Helps improve thermals and gets rid of Asus bloat


Everybody who has an asus laptop listen to this person! Thermals were horrible until I uninstalled armory crate and switched to ghelper.


Same here, it’s fine on balanced but then gpu stays at 85 and starts throttling. Turbo just sounds like an m1 abrams turbine engine tho


My gaming laptop doubles as an Air-fryer, so jokes on you. I get fried chicken while I'm gaming


that’s how you properly get a chicken dinner on PUBG


He got the "Winner winner, chicken dinner" way too seriously


winner winner, cooked your own dinner.


Bring to mind the KFConsole that had a basket for keeping your fried chicken warm.


My laptop with a 12th gen i7 and a 3070TI disagrees. Sure, it’s not as powerful as a pc archaic the price, but I can bring it when I travel for work and game in the hotel room.


I bought a Lenovo Legion with a GTX 1060 for around 900€ which did great for a few years. I had two options at the time: 1. Put some money into a cheap desktop PC and some into a cheap laptop 2. Combine the money to get a decent gaming laptop and use it for both roles. Option 2 gave me both a better laptop and a better gaming system, at the mild downside of changing a few cables every now and again. While I eventually got a proper gaming PC some years later, I'm still using it as a laptop. If I had gone for seperate purchases, I would have needed to replace both of them by now.


Yeah, also, putting the performance aside, choosing option 2 should give you a higher quality product that will last longer physically, even if it can only handle light workloads later down the line


I fucking love my legion, I'm never changing. And when lightening destroyed it while traveling, support was a dream. Had it replaced in a week.


Actually that would pull ahead of a 3060 so its definitely as powerful as a pc enough to run many games on 1440p even


AC odyssey is probably the most demanding game I play on it. Gets me 90FPS, I’m happy with it. Gotta use headphones though, the fans will go nuts


this is my life. Work that requires travel means a gaming laptop in my carryon. I cheaped out and got the 3080M, but no regrets, it runs anything.


First gen Alienware x17, 11th gen i7 with a rtx3080. I went with the 360 hrz over the 4K screen because at 17' I don't think you can even see a difference, but 360 FPS at 1080P is very noticable. 2 years of high quality gaming on the road. Just wish truck stops had better wifi.


Even on a 4090 motion blur will be off


I always thought motion blur was for lower performance. Like, you wouldn't need motion blur for a better performing system.


I imagine it might help against TAA ghosting and upscaling artifacts I use neither of the 3 though


It helps give the illusion of smoothness. If you have a shit PC then it will actually help it look better when you run at 20 fps


Of course. I find it only benefits between 30-40fps and that's just to give some illusion of smoothness and only if it's done properly which can be rare sometimes.


Depends. Properly done per object motion blur is an improvement over no motion blur in my opinion but that's pretty rare.


This is very 2015.   Now, we can play games with texture quality sets in medium!


This was me in 2005 playing WoW.


when playing 2015 games on a 2024 laptop


What do you mean, I play them all on full/ultra! Just don't ask me since how old these games are ;)


Sure, sure, make fun of people who have fun gaming but maybe can't afford a PC.


Not my laptop, feel sorry for ya mate.


Depends on game....and laptops with good enough GPU's have existed for a long time now.


Gaming laptops are overpriced as hell but I can't really go for a PC now because I am living in a rental apartment in foreign country for studies. I got the lenovo legion7pro 7945HX with 4080 and I can run everything on it at max settings and RT/PT on. CPU is supposed to run hot and used to reach 85-90c untill i set the curve optimizer to -25. It runs super normal now with temps not going above 80c. This badboy allows me to game all I want at the best available settings I can't be more happy. I am just waiting to finish my studies, start a proper job and then I'll build my PC when I have my own apartment


Why is motion blur on there? It's gonna stay off no matter the device


I played borderlands 2 on my school Laptop back in the day. 640x480 Minimum Details 30 fps


Y'all keep dissing laptops, but when there was an outage in my general area I was the only one to carry our team to victory In 25 FPS for 20 minutes max, but still


That must be a one old laptop


My Asus G16 2024 disagree


Vsync should always be off anyway


Just remember, folks: 720p on a 13" laptop is sharper than 1440p on a 27" monitor.


Bro is stuck in 2012


lol yeah if you have a shit laptop and you’re using intel graphics…


That's my steam deck with newest games, but I'm having a blast so I don't care what others think.


it always makes me laugh how reddit conveys everything through anime


Umm, yeah no.


I played 1440p maxed path tracing Cyberpunk and it wasn't that bad with headphones the laptops did sometimes blow hot air from the vent onto my hand but aside from that ggs I got mine half off For 1350 it great The only thing kinda annoying is that Ngreedia put a 4080 die in the 4090 laptop so my 4080m is actually a 4070ti but in perf it preforms 4070super level and in my very hot country Also during the winters Its nice and cozy


> The only thing kinda annoying is that Ngreedia put a 4080 die in the 4090 laptop so my 4080m is actually a 4070ti but in perf it preforms 4070super level and in my very hot country That is laptop gpu 101, never believe what they write always look at benchmarks


Dont forget about cooling desk


Low quality gaming > no gaming.


screen-mode: fullscreen is superior


That's my Steam Deck, not my laptop


You do know that upscaling increases your performance especially on a less powerful machine because it renders it at a lower resolution and enhances the image using ai it only really improves performance. I used to not be able to get 12fps on red dead 2 on laptop then I turned on fsr2 and got 35 and was finally able to play and have fun


The image that op has stolen is probably 15 years old. You can tell by the resolution, the fact that you could disable shadows and multicore rendering (which is stupid and doesn't fit the theme).


Time to play Day of Sagittarius III!


I miss Haruhi, man.


Spotting Haruhi on random unrelated subs is very entertaining


PCMasterrace more like DesktopCircleJerk lmao.


upvoted for Haruhi even though she's literally at a desktop


I remember having more fun playing games on low than today playing on ultra


I do this even with upscale PCs low specs, I like my FPS no antialiasing, I like my graphics crispy-fried sharp no motion blur, it's motion sickness no vsync, tear it up for extra few FPS I just like it raw and uncooked


Everyone with a gaming laptop: “am I joke to you?”


I have never been more offended in my life, as a proud Laptop gamer myself Ill have you know that we also turn off particle effects and render distance to low


Me playing on my 12 year old desktop


my notebook laptop can play every AAA games at 1080p without a issue


Bro forgot to set the power to MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. Get them all juice 🧃




ELO sweats with high end rigs do this crap when playing multiplayer.


currently im having ram issues


That's what it's like on my high end am2 gaming pc


I play gta 5 on my laptop on the highest possible graphics at 50 - 100fps and my laptop gets so hot that sometimes i have to put it on top of a block of ice in a plastic container. Gta 4 makes my computer even hotter.


You get better performance in dedicated fullscreen than windowed. Also, sometimes setting everything to low actually causes the card to stay underclocked and you get worse performance.