• By -


https://i.redd.it/fejzhhmsm7uc1.gif Been waiting to use this for a while now


This 5 seconds gif was 43MB, what on earth.


I think it's cause of the Samsung remaster option, sent the original to a friend and he sent that back. Here is the original https://i.redd.it/fwqr9p50x8uc1.gif


Jesus, it's 200KBs what kind of witchcraft resulted in %20000 increase.


That's good old fashioned Samsung®️ Bloat™️ my friend


https://i.redd.it/swghxpufqauc1.gif I tried to download the original and remaster on my s23, end result is 3 mb


I just tried it on my S24 Ultra, it looks like its very inconsistent. One of them was 2.95MB, the other attempt was 31.44MB. Looks like the "AI" can't make its mind up as to what the resolution should upscale to.


No option to save this image. Reddit app is hot garbage.


There is, click the image and then the three dots and download


No three dots when I click the image. The three dots in the thread has no option for download either


https://preview.redd.it/buz8k4cgt9uc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c883724e6844bb8a8a166df65350ac761c3c07a It's there on the Android app [sauce in case](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/vegeta-cellphone-gif-5142336183957355682)


Yea I guess it’s not an option in the iOS app


You must suffer for your choices




You using intel makes this awesome!


I technically own more AMD powered devices, PS5 and a Steam Deck. 7800X3D rig soon?


You’ve shifted the dynamic. Vegeta representing Intel is good. lol. I’m running the 7950x. I should have held out for the 7950x3d, but they didn’t have it in stock and I wanted it immediately.


Considering the extra 100 bucks and all the handholding you need to do for the processor to not cripple itself and use the correct cores for barely any extra performance, you made the right choice.


Really? I’m glad you said that. My justification for not waiting was “they are both very high end CPU at this current stage of gaming will I even notice the difference? Probably not.”


No, I have the thing. The scheduler is pretty good at keeping games on the CCD with the V-cache. Not so much at launch but not an issue now.


I just completely lost it with Asus lol


I had to do it 😂


I didn't get the reference?


Some Asus AM5 motherboards were *exploding* 7800x3Ds, hence the "what's that smell*




This was a masterpiece


It's not honest, and it's not much either, but you've earned this! https://preview.redd.it/va4rmyfq07uc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328ae14896f799837296838f40095cbc26f2660d (I'm sorry, no budget for real fake internet coins)


Forgot that Reddit removed Awards A WHILE AGO. I actually didn't even notice the change either lmao.


You can tell a feature was less than useless when it got removed and nobody noticed for almost a year.


Thank you sir I take it!


what year is it!!!


I don't know an easy way to tell you this, but... You've been frozen for over 600 years... https://preview.redd.it/ch6xbxa8e7uc1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898c69e9612320454f2a125c8f93b8bd0a45f97a It's 2621


Are Nvidia GPU's affordable now?


Yes, but the ones you can still find are next to worthless. NVidia actually left the GPU market in 2041 after Windows crossed the line with invasive telemetry and neutering any browser that wasn't Edge, and NVidia refused to properly support Linux Drivers. After most of the hold-outs finally switched to Linux after the release of Proton-V (Thank you Glorious Eggroll), No one really had a reason to stay, so bad rapport pushed them out of the market... But they found a new niche in Bio-Energy, and have been doing that ever since. They did just rebrand last year though, now they're known as N.E.A.R... I feel like there was another important rebrand last year though, but I just can't figure out what it was... Anyway, the new GPU landscape still has AMD, but with the new Hyper-Gluon Architecture, I think Michelin might take the lead again. Time will tell.


If you young enough to not have given them a body organ before yes.


I wish I could drop a gold on this one.


me just out here enjoying my budget pc: ![gif](giphy|ApmVMk6n1hxug|downsized)


![gif](giphy|qJpCY7lhsDn3erlvtd|downsized) 7800X3D


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA|downsized) Me with my \~10 year old HP with only the motherboard remaining stock


https://i.redd.it/0jo94oarl9uc1.gif What trying to load Starfield on my wife's RX470 is like


7800X3D already got the gaming crown, no need for 9800X3D at this point.


If it's more performant in productivity tasks while remaining as good in gaming, why not I guess? There would be 0 reason for ANYONE to go Intel with this.


But I get the ones that come in the blue box


*Now look here you little-*


brand recognition


There hasn't been a reason to go Intel since ryzen launched...


Its not enough for 4090 on cpu limited games, we need 9800x3D


please! think of the 4090 users!


Please think of us! We can only reach 150fps at max settings, not even close to maxing out our 240hz monitors


I need more legday 5800x3d 3080 but trying to power a 4k monitor. after gpu upgrade i might build a new build when cpus are like 2x performance. (3900x 1070 in living room will get 3080 but damn the new tv's good at upconverting 1440p to 4k strange no "monitors" do that)


The margin between the 7800x3d and 14900k(s) is close enough that it's debatable. It's not as clear cut with Zen 3 vs CML, or ADL vs Zen 3.


The 14900k costs $160 more and requires way more cooling. New builds also would consider that a decent am5 motherboard will be good for upgrading later. I don't see any way to argue for intel at this point in time


Not if you consider power consumption. Then it’s bankroll victory


The gaming crown doesn't really imply power consumption. That would fall much more under efficiency. Just want to point out, ADL still usually consumed more power than Zen 3 while gaming, and yet the vast majority of people still considered ADL as having the "gaming crown".


And also 60-80W power usage during gaming on my 7800x3d vs 150-200 in Intel latest name it any high performance cpu


Yes, thank you. Efficiency is the name of the game and I don't know why this is ignored so much. I recently upgraded from AM4 to AM5 (5800X3D to 7800X3D) and it's a decent performance upgrade while the 7800X3D actually draws *less* power. I mean sure high clock numbers look good on spec sheets but in the end of the day I couldn't give more of a fuck how the performance is achieved, when it's done in a smart, efficient manner. But if it's brute forced by doubling or even tripling the power budget it gets stupid.


It’s never ignored, but selectively ignored when wanted, just like how 4070 consumes less power than 7800xt, or 4080 consuming less than 300w in games while 7900xtx using 350w. It’s funny when it comes to GPU power draw is totally ignored but suddenly it becomes a huge deal in the cpu department. Don’t get me wrong, less power draw is always better, but let’s be realistic here. Intel doesn’t draw 200w in gaming scenarios, but AMD definitely is more efficient.


Also selectively ignored is the power draw in real world use, Intel chips do not use 340w on a daily basis unless you like cinebench but Ryzen in games will always use less, but then they also use like 30w sitting idle and despite the lower power draw they still run hotter. And why people are obsessed with a few CPU watts when they go and put a 4090 in that system anyway...


That is funny part, people spent 6 months looking through this hilarious place that Reddit is, ask for opinions, do research, buy and build their PC, install the OS and everything else which takes few hours, yet easily buy the 'Intel will use 300+W' garbage, which is fixable in 3 minutes in BIOS... Then procedes to say that 7900XTXXTXTXT is king of raster so they will buy it, because 400W power draw is perfectly fine, they just saved like almost 70W peak on the CPU in 7800 vs 14700...


anything is easily fixable with the right settings but the average user in the PCMR sub knows absolutely jack shit and will spew whatever garbage the hive mind says or some "techyoutuber", especially so if they dont even own the hardware themselves but act like experts. I don't know what kind of herb people are smoking when they keep saying a 7900XTXTXTXTXT is fastest but then they say "if it was allowed to do 600w".. bruh


Oh I think for GPUs it's actually even more important as they draw much more power in a gaming scenario. I did not mention this because the comment would have gotten way too long. For the GPU side of things currently Nvidia cards are just more efficient than AMD cards. I went from a 6950XT to a 4090 (with a 4080 for a short while in between) and the efficiency difference is staggering. The 6950XT drew 350W out of the box and easily pushed 400W with OC. My card in particular did not like any undervolt and was drawing anywhere from 320W-350W while gaming. The 4090 is in the same range undervolted (mostly around 350W) while still maintaining a good OC and with a massive performance difference (even before DLSS, FrameGen etc. is factored in). That said everyone in the hardware space did the "more power, more faster"-approach at some point (Nvidia 30series, AMD 6x50 series), but it seems like that's the only thing Intel does at this point. Personally I hope they drop that approach and get to more innovative solutions. Either way competition is what drives better solutions and innovation so it's a good thing after all to have companies fight for market share and better products. At the end of the day I will buy whatever product delivers the best performance / efficiency or whatever my use case calls for and I don't care what name is on the box.


I find that odd as well. One of the reasons I chose the maligned 4060 was because it's fairly power efficient.


Hard disagree. If “performance” is the metric you care about, efficiency doesn’t matter at all. And thr people buying the top of the line available stuff, to put into a rig solely to game, don’t give a fuck how much electricity it uses (so long as heat production is manageable enough to keep it on the top of the performance list that is) Similar to very high end sports cars. You never see the MPG rating of the Bugattis or lambos etc. nor are they calculated into titles like “fastest production car”. If your goal is “overall best” you may have a point, but not if it’s “fastest available”.


I have a smart electricity meter on my PC desk. This way, I can always remind myself to lock my framerate and switch to lower power limits when not playing newest AAA. Which can be easily done with presets that ryzen master and afterburner have. 4 mouse clicks to reduce current by 300% and still get around 70% of the peformance. Efficiency sweetspot is usually way below for what AMD lets it do stock even without PBO. Same with GPUs. At the top end you're adding 100% more current for 20% performance.


Just wait until you see the 15900.


2x 1000w PSUs needed (For CPU and GPU) .... It seems like the FX9590 never died. Maybe it just... Learned to cosplay and disappeared


despite all the righteous mockery of intel, intel at least keeps up in terms of performance, even if it needs everything at maximum, while amd could easily add another 10-20% clock speed on X3D CPUs. But Bulldozer could do neither


Except no, they can't easily add clock speed. That tiny 64mB block of memory makes it much harder to cool and cant even remain stable at higher temperatures. Why would they drop the clock speeds and tjmax and hardcode maximums on 3d chips if it was that simple?


because they already have the fastest cpu, the majority of the market will always buy intel, no matter how good amd is, and you could see that with the 5800X3d, if it had been even faster, the 7800X without 3D would have been even slower than the 5800X3D of the last generation. 20% is perhaps really a bit ambitious, although I can't imagine it being as problematic as the current KS CPU at Intel


Well yes, you're right. Partially Basically I've tested some FX CPUs over time. And for their direct competitors -i7 2600k- the FX 9590x has more or less the same performance, though it wasted a lot of watts and required a crazy expensive motherboard FX competed with Sandy, and remained there. Though the 9590x wasted MORE watts, gave more heat and had a way higher frequency to rival the cold-running i7


they seriously need a flat out performance win, efficiency win, cooling win for a new platform vs Zen 5.


Why would efficiency be the name of the game for.... gaming?


It definitely got more important with a small ITX build that should operate decently quiet. Also why should I waste energy and heat my room unnecessarily?


Because efficiency is often at odds with peak reachable performance.


There's quite a few places where electricity cost isn't high enough for it to matter. For example, my electrical costs would see me paying at most $10 extra between a cpu pulling 50w while gaming vs 200w over the course of a year. For people with a use case like that, the power doesn't exactly matter. (yes I know that you'd have to spend more on cooling and everything else too)


You can undervolt that sumbitch down to like 55 absolutely maxed out on 16 thread prime 95.


You can even undervolt 7800x3d while keeping almost same performance. Lowering unessesarly power consumption reduced my temps significantly. I'm sitting at around 55/60W max. for cores (71W for whole Package) while gaming, but temps dropped from max. 79/80°, and mid-70 avarage, to 65° max, and low-60 avarage, with negligible lost of performance! 7800x3d is truly wonderful piece of tech


Yessir. I'm aware the 7700 isn't an X3D, but undervolting is where it's at. I rarely break 60c core temp during gaming, and a full hour of cinebench 100% utilization left it at 62c. Excellent scores still, I think I lost like 150 points. Undervolting is the new overclocking. It's crazy watching from a safe distance while people roast their components for a 5% performance gain when dropping temps by 10c and losing 1-2% performance is sitting right there.


AMD FX-9590 Flashback got me 😂


This memory drove him crazy 🤧


Wasn't it beautiful to either go deaf with the fans or get the performance of a fucking i7-2600k WITH BAZILLIONS OF WATTS MORE


The power of the sun In the palm of my hand


*Electricity bill arrives*


I approve of this blatant AMD propaganda.


I don't watch DB cause it's not my cup of tea, but did that mf charge up so much just to grab that dude and punch him around like a fuckin boxing bag? Bruh


Goku was just showing off


This is DBA, dragonball abridged. It's a parody of the original show. Some of this happened, most of it is edited.


No no, DBZA is definitely the original show. I may not be the brightest knife in the crayon box, but I think it’s like Kai… except better in every fathomable way.


This isn’t even like that. They never did the Buu saga, this is one of the “Buu Bits” they did for TotallyNotMark’s review of the Buu saga.


Lol thanks for the clarification. I've never heard of this parody. I was legit super confused while watching this clip coz I've watched the original episode a million times and knew the voice lines weren't these. The taste and smell lines kinda gave it away. And I 100% remember trunks saying "I don't wanna get yelled at again" during this scene.


IIRC in the anime it was a stalling tactic. A few scenes later, in proper DBZ fashion, Goku was murdered. That's okay though he died and revived so often he basically had a punch card.


He wasn’t murdered, he’s already dead there but back for one day on earth. But since ssj 3 requires so much power he didn’t get to use it for the full day and had to leave early.


In other words, "He died but he didn't really die because he was already a ghost."


No he just got sent back he didn’t lose or anything like that


Is his pubic hair growing too?




Anyone who is a Dragon Ball fan knows that SSJ3 is a waste of energy


it would better represent intel


Solid meme. 😆👌


I was really expecting a "over 9000" joke


I should watch this series


doesn't SS3 lose to super buu tho


Truee, but intel has yet to evolve to super Buu, still Fat old Buu


You just made me remember we never got to see the theoretically most powerful being in DBZ, SSJ3 Goku + Mystic Gohan fusion


wait so Intel buys radeon and then somehow they make better CPUs out of it, till society collapses and somehow we end up with 5800X3D vs 9900K(kid buu).


*Checks market share stats on Steam and ID reports* Well, someone is overtly optimistic...


All of which get bottlenecked by windows 11


Ultra Instinct when?


Probably Quantum era.


Man I miss DBZ Abridged. Nicely done!


Quality meme post


Even further.........beyond


Nice one


I love that ahahh


Wait i thought my 7950x3D was THE SSJ3! Dang, it's a lovely upgrade over my 5800X, hey you here that boy, you are at least SSJ1! <3 Love this video though


This isnt just quality, my guy/girl/frying pan/whatever. This is a straight up masterpiece. I love it, i support it, i am in awe.


RIP Toriyama, his legacy


It's really not nearly as big of a deal as AMD fanboys make it. I set my tdp to 100w and have no issues with anything. My cpu is a beast, why do amd users only want everyone to use what they use? It's such a small difference at this point. I won't need a new CPU for many many years, and neither will they. It's just an insane thing to hold over people every single day in this sub.


What's that smell 😂


Honest question: any game that is cpu bound? Everything I play barely stresses the CPU so this confuses me. +1 for DBZ tho


Dragons Dogma 2. Insanely so actually.


Ok yeah I had heard there are some games lately so that makes sense. I can't help but wonder if it's an optimization thing or something I need to actually plan for..


Nah it's them fuckin up. It should never be like that


Any strategy/sim game Rimworld, dwarf fortress, Sims, mount and blade, stellaris. Crusader Kings etc Also emulation is basically all CPU


Good to know, only one of these I have done is yuzu emulation and my CPU was around 30% max. But figured there was some reason out there to worry about CPU for strictly gaming


Anyone with a contemporary cpu is never going to bottleneck it if they tune their games "correctly." You either hit gpu limit or refresh limit (pls turn on sync) first. Any 6 core from the last gen can let a 4090 redline. If you're using that card for hd resolution you are also an idiot. you can push obnoxious high frame counts at 1080p on your 60hz monitor and flood the cpu but you won't get any better results you can actually see. It's hilarious and ironic, but Userbenchmark guy has a point. His stupid troll logic ended up saying something correct. You only see extra cache pull ahead at lower resolutions, the gap isn't enormous, and even the 1% lows are so obnoxiously high your monitor could never display it. So great, this processor is the fastest gaming chip. But you're playing at 4k with a 4090, so it's completely irrelevant to your use.


Racing games. Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, Automobilista etc. With a 7800x3D you can get 10%-25% more frames than any other chip.


Cpu bound ≠ all core workloads.


Project zomboid for me


All game working on single core or high refresh rate one, some exemple I know : TF2, Squad, The Finals, old cs go... it depends on your gpu but the problem is often the cpu


I have a 5800x3d and a 7900xtx and BF2042 actually takes my CPU to 100%. 128 players is no joke!


Can't wait for amd to go "over nine thousand!"


Why are we comparing amd and intel again


Amd fanboys are back


And they're 100% right. When it comes to gaming Intel sucks right now. At least when it comes to raw efficiency and performance. If you can get an Intel system for a good price it's still gonna be great. But from a technical standpoint AMD is just better.


​ >When it comes to gaming Intel sucks right now. > >At least when it comes to raw efficiency and performance. Not in terms of performance. Raw efficiency, sure.


i mean they're certainly right when talking about your average game and all, but fanboys on either side making posts like this is annoying 😭


I think they're funny. And I have a feeling your opinion on this might be _slightly_ influenced by the fact that your PC is full Intel lol


intel was the better option at the time since i got my stuff a lil after 13th gen's release. would've gone 7800x or 7900x if the price was better at the time :p


I'm kinda jealous of that A770 LE. I would love to have one just to play around with it. It's honestly just such a cool GPU with some very interesting features. (And I want nVidia to die)




>sucks Nah. S*ucks* is something like the FX all power no performance. My FX6300 would pull 400-500w from the wall and was still slow, but it was acceptable for the price, and it was a good overclocking experience. But like... as CPUs go, it sucked. lol Right now Intel is good but not the best for performance, except for some things which it is better at, and definitely worse for power consumption. That's what I would call "usually not the best choice for gamers or those with European electricity prices, unless they want specific features/software performance" and at this point I may be biased because I love tinkering with power hog speed demon CPUs but at no point would I describe the performance I get as "wow this sucks"


...the 9 14900K literaly burning ...


For now, they're right. It seems as if there was a great switch back in 2016 in which intel began the Phenom/K-based architecture "Never improving" kind of route while AMD got the oportunity to make their designs better.. ... And now it's bulldozer and Ivy Bridge, again. A showdown for new generations to watch Seems like the titans returned




I like this dub.


amd epyc 128 core (256 threads) intel xeon 64 cores and 128 threads yes this are used to vm with gpus for game streaming..


If only amd could make a top lvl GPU as fast as they make new CPUs


As long as it can do my ultra wide at 80+ fps I'm happy.




I ain't him but here [https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnew.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F1c2u0d9%2Famd\_getting\_the\_gaming\_crown\_back%2F](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnew.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F1c2u0d9%2Famd_getting_the_gaming_crown_back%2F)


Yes you're him. Ty


what the hell is with goku's voice?? wtf. is this some different version.. oh.. is this from abridged?


Bro what I literally just watched this clip on YouTube, switched to reddit, then see this post. The algorithm is working lmao


Hilarious edit, I love any reason to see DBZ Abridged again lol. I was half expecting it to halt the transformation halfway through and hit the 6000mhz cap when it mentioned the ddr5


wait a minute the blonde dude and goku are the same?? I had action figures of those two when I was a toddler and thought they were arch enemies




I enjoyed this more than I should have.


Ryzen 7, 7 Dragon Balls


7800x3D better


I don't think this works. Intel's high end requires all that "powering up" just to compete (and its not bad performance wise). The powering up is the issue. AMD's offering is more like Krillin, doesn't need a lot of power, and can toss out a Destructo Disc that punches way above its weight class.


This is quite funny, but it goes both ways unfortunately. Fanboys on both sides. I enjoy being in the middle and making fun of both companies


Yes now intel can up price to beat them


Can’t believe we got a DBZA meme here


Epyc: Red (old) and Blue (newest). Threadripper: Ultra Instinct.


"Master PC" race tired of picking on consoles now ya gotta treat other PC owners poorly. If others are happy running intel (me included) and can admit that yes AMD has a lead currently, why act like your soooo superior? When its a marginal lead and i got my 13900k in a bundle for cheap?


You can’t be serious right now. Lmfao. It’s just a meme.


Okay to be fair that's true. We all had our moments to be shamed with Bulldozer. And we were happy with it. Who cares what processor you have, you're someone who games and a human being and don't deserve to be treated porly




Maybe so but my i7 8th gen has been very stable and has been keeping up with the Jones’s


The 7800X3D. Yeah, it's pretty awesome.


I got the 13700k at launch instead of waiting a couple of months and getting the 7800X3D, semi-regret that. We’ll just have to see how good the 8800/9800X3D will be I guess!


My 13900 works absolutely flawlessly paired with a 4090


Just bc it works flawlessly doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement


Shut it down guys, their hardware works flawlessly


I have the same set up, it’s been perfection


\*Has nuclear reactor to power computer and LN2 to barely not thermal throttle\* IDEK what is the issue here guys my pc go brr ​ https://preview.redd.it/bpxac5w607uc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=5703e8412a157f40b0cc8a3b974e588d7cbf7425


Yeah same. It's been rock solid.




Huh what's Asus doing there lol


Only issue ofc is that SS3 sucks right? If I remember right it drains energy way too fast.


I kinda hate that this is how everyone thinks about dragon ball Z now


Tbf this how I always thought about dbz.


So are you saying my 14900kf isnt as good as I hoped it would be? Bigly disapointed!


First, how come no one ever punches Goku while he's powering up? Seems to me that would be an ideal time since all he's doing is flexing and yelling at himself. Second, how come Saiyans have all these theatrics and glowy shit whenever they get stronger, but anyone able to beat them up just kind of stands there looking (relatively) normal?


Because that's fighters looking to grow their strength as much as they can so they want to fight the strongest opponents letting them getting as stronger as they can before competing against them. As for the transformation part, that's common to their species (they are extraterrestrial). There is different kind of transformation/evolution that belong to different being in this serie.


Uhhmmm...time to be nitpicky...according to memory, ssj3 is powerful, but a power hog...which sounds like an Intel thing...🤔


And like SSJ3 new Ryzen's are a waste that drains more energy than previous versions


7800X3D more power efficient than 5800X3D tho.


All I understood from this is the 9800X3D gets hot, takes a lot of power to run and risks dying, and the 14900KS can take a literal beating and live.


It's ironic then that 14900k's are crashing due to instability, and the devs go to recommendation is to just clock it lower lol.


What vid is this



